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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Clearly a work, he's going to come back as Bryan Danielson. Saying "winds of change" (Barrett's, and by extension the whole faction's, slogan) on his new Twitter locks it up for me. I don't know who Donna Goldsmith and Michelle Wilson are, but they appear to have been worked.


(Edit) Update: tried to find his release on WWE.com...and it's not listed on their news page. It's still on the website, you can get there with the link, but there's no mention of it on the real news page (the page that mentions releases, like Carlito and Tony Atlas recently) as far as I can tell.

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Well that would certainly make it more likely that he's still on the payroll, though the fact that he was recently in one of the WWE's best angles in years suggested that as well. Though as Colt Cabana will tell you, it wouldn't be the first time they hired a talented wrestler then canned him for not good reason.


Though apparently they've decided not to do anything with the angle on Smackdown, aside from replaying it.

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Clearly a work, he's going to come back as Bryan Danielson. Saying "winds of change" (Barrett's, and by extension the whole faction's, slogan) on his new Twitter locks it up for me. I don't know who Donna Goldsmith and Michelle Wilson are, but they appear to have been worked.


(Edit) Update: tried to find his release on WWE.com...and it's not listed on their news page. It's still on the website, you can get there with the link, but there's no mention of it on the real news page (the page that mentions releases, like Carlito and Tony Atlas recently) as far as I can tell.


Yes it is. Under 'WWE News' "Daniel Bryan Released: 3 Hours 46 Minutes Ago", and no, it didn't get added later on.


But the release itself really sounds like a work, seems pretty obvious at first. Then you actually think if WWE would be that stupid..

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I'm assuming it's a work, but if it is legit, only thing I could see as a possible reason is that choking thing on ring announcer Justin Roberts - I've heard a person or two say that Roberts was overacting there, but it looked to me like Danielson was really choking the Holy Hotdogs out of him. Danielson could be used to working a stiffer style after all.


Other than, I can't think of any possible reason other than maybe Raw Ignorance, and TBH, I doubt the above scenario is the case - just thinking up possibilities.


Pretty sure it's a work.




PS: I think we can call that the "Justin Roberts Getting Choked Emoticon" now.

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I'm assuming it's a work, but if it is legit, only thing I could see as a possible reason is that choking thing on ring announcer Justin Roberts - I've heard a person or two say that Roberts was overacting there, but it looked to me like Danielson was really choking the Holy Hotdogs out of him. Danielson could be used to working a stiffer style after all.


Other than, I can't think of any possible reason other than maybe Raw Ignorance, and TBH, I doubt the above scenario is the case - just thinking up possibilities.


Pretty sure it's a work.




PS: I think we can call that the "Justin Roberts Getting Choked Emoticon" now.

this could be it as justin roberts was replaced on nXt this week maby bryan really hurt they guy i mean look at this




thats brutal

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this could be it as justin roberts was replaced on nXt this week maby bryan really hurt they guy i mean look at this




thats brutal


I feel three shades of guilty about the emoticon line of mine above - just trying to inject some levity into what I thought was kind of a negative post, not trying to make fun of any injuries the guy might have.


But yeah, that choke looked HORRIFIC.


And if it is just a storyline, then it seems suspect that Danielson alone was released. That just doesn't compute for me. Seems like if it was a storyline, wouldn't all of them, (except for Barrett of course), be getting that?

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the thing thats pissing me off is the lack of clear information


Well mellow out there, TMZ. In case of firings, information is even lucky to arrive as much as a week later.


hes also not the stereotypical wwe "big guy"


That boat's sailed a long time ago, for the record. The only big guyson top really are WWE's prime main-eventers and to an extent, Swagger/Sheamus.


I could think this is a work due to the timing but I wouldn't rule out it being legit either. The sad fact is while this angle has been huge so that a release seems shady, every single one of those rookies are expendable at the moment. They're no-names trying to make a name for themselves, cut them down to 7 and not many will notice. Well.. we and they will, but it certainly wouldn't be an equation modifier or anything.


I hope it's not the case though. He certainly grew on me.

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And if it is just a storyline, then it seems suspect that Danielson alone was released. That just doesn't compute for me. Seems like if it was a storyline, wouldn't all of them, (except for Barrett of course), be getting that?

Well, if they're trying to work everyone, then releasing all 7 of the others at the same time would be a dead giveaway. Danielson obviously has a far larger Net following than anyone else in the group, so if they had to pick one person to do this with and create a buzz on the Interwebs, he was the no-brainer choice.

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From Meltzer:


The people who needed to know were told that Bryan Danielson was fired for choking ring announcer Justin Roberts with his tie during the angle on Monday night. That shot was edited from replays of the show. It's not known why this would lead to someone getting fired and from all accounts, Danielson was described as the type of person you want a dressing room filled with.

The choking with a tie was described as being too violent for what is allowed on WWE television.


It WAS edited off of replays; I noticed that on Smackdown tonight. Perhaps this truly is legit.

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Found this posted. Not sure if its legit...


Former WWE star Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson, the name we'll have to get used to calling him by again) was released today as punishment for going beyond the company's PG standards and practices during the NXT invasion angle on Monday, according to sources within the company. The belief among those I spoke to is that when Danielson choked Justin Roberts with his tie, he broke a company protocol that was put in place after the Benoit tragedy that talents were not to use ropes or objects to choke opponents.

I am told that the final decision was made earlier today and Danielson was informed shortly before the company publicly announced it. For those who are thinking this is an angle, I am told by everyone I have spoken to that it is not, although I want to point out a number of wrestlers in the company do believe it is a work.


For those who are wondering why the company is giving Danielson such a harsh punishment, well a former company executive is running for office, although how much of a cause and effect is there is anyone's guess. It's certainly a viable theory, since the company has been very gun shy about going outside of their PG rating.


There's no word as to whether Danielson was aware of the protocol at the time of the angle, although the Roberts choking was one of the elements that made the end of Raw so memorable. It's interesting to note that at least on the company's Youtube.com channel, the incident, including the choke, are still available for viewing.


The loss of Danielson will immediately change the future of the WWE NXT angle since he was considered the most versatile and well rounded performer of the group and would have been extremely important in carry the brunt of the in-ring work load.


The release of Danielson does put him in an amazing position on the independent scene. How many top flight stars get signed, leave, and get released right after laying out the WWE champion?


We'll have more on this as it develops.



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I agree with you guys, if they legit fired Danielson I've lost all interest in this angle and WWE programming once again. Danielson was going to be the guy who had to carry the wrestling end of this angle after all being easily the most talented of the season 1 NXT guys. Without him all you have are some rookies and FCW guys, not exactly something that builds confidence in the success of this angle.


If it's a work however, Vince is brilliant for generating all this free publicity and I won't hesitate to say so.

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