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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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JRsBBQ @JoeyStyles my on air bickering days w/ Cole ended Mon Nite. I'm tapping w/ my end of unnecessary psycho babble. I'll focus on the talent.


Please let this be true. Cole is fine enough as a straight PBP guy, but he makes a terrible heel. The idea of a heel PBP guy is bad enough, but with Cole's nonsensical and disruptive comments, it just turns the whole booth, no matter who he's with, into a complete train wreck. Hopefully a legend like JR can re-focus and do his best to try and navigate around that wreck.

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I think it's far too soon for another "who's in charge?" story, so I'm not too keen on Punk winning. But it would be a disaster if he loses clean. So to me, I guess, the only thing that makes sense is Triple H winning via some sort of shenanigans. And I hope and pray those shenanigans involve a dramatic heel turn, ideally by Cena, but I'd accept a Triple H heel turn at this point. If Punk doesn't come out of NoC with a more appropriate foe than Kevin Nash or a face Triple H, I'm going to be incredibly disappointed.
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I think it's far too soon for another "who's in charge?" story, so I'm not too keen on Punk winning. But it would be a disaster if he loses clean. So to me, I guess, the only thing that makes sense is Triple H winning via some sort of shenanigans. And I hope and pray those shenanigans involve a dramatic heel turn, ideally by Cena, but I'd accept a Triple H heel turn at this point. If Punk doesn't come out of NoC with a more appropriate foe than Kevin Nash or a face Triple H, I'm going to be incredibly disappointed.


I presume Nash costs Punk the match to set up Punk vs. Nash in a manner which may or may not set up Triple H going heel.

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I presume Nash costs Punk the match to set up Punk vs. Nash in a manner which may or may not set up Triple H going heel.


If Nash interferes and Trips doesn't turn heel, that's pretty much my worst-case scenario (other than Punk losing clean, of course, but that won't happen). I just don't see Punk regaining his momentum working a program against just Nash.

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The interesting thing will be "Who is in charge after CM Punk wins?"


That's what doesn't make sense to me, is why Punk wasn't more specific with his stipulation. If you're in Punk's shoes wouldn't you say "If you lose, I want so-and-so to run the company because he's a better leader." Just seems like in a realistic scenario where if HHH gets fired, then Stephanie, Vince, or John would step up into the role. Those three are probably worse than HHH.

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That's what doesn't make sense to me, is why Punk wasn't more specific with his stipulation. If you're in Punk's shoes wouldn't you say "If you lose, I want so-and-so to run the company because he's a better leader." Just seems like in a realistic scenario where if HHH gets fired, then Stephanie, Vince, or John would step up into the role. Those three are probably worse than HHH.


This, coupled with the fact that Triple H just took over makes it painfully obvious that Punk's getting screwed and Triple H is turning heel. Punk vs. HHH = Austin vs. McMahon, only better because Trips can go in the ring.

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This, coupled with the fact that Triple H just took over makes it painfully obvious that Punk's getting screwed and Triple H is turning heel. Punk vs. HHH = Austin vs. McMahon, only better because Trips can go in the ring.


And two months ago I think it would have been safe to say with how white-hot the Punk/Cena feud was, it was painfully obvious there'd be no way they'd rush that feud to an unsatisfying conclusion before completely moving on, but look what happened.


With how insanely great WWE creative has been at times lately and how unbelievably bad they've also been, I don't think anything can be painfully obvious at this point.

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And two months ago I think it would have been safe to say with how white-hot the Punk/Cena feud was, it was painfully obvious there'd be no way they'd rush that feud to an unsatisfying conclusion before completely moving on, but look what happened.

And with many examples of this, it really is baffling that some people still cling to the "Wait and see where it goes" mantra.

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And with many examples of this, it really is baffling that some people still cling to the "Wait and see where it goes" mantra.


Really, huh.. cause I recall when Punk first announced he was gonna leave with the WWE championship, and it was assured he would be quitting, people implored that WWE would be idiots if they didn't keep Punk strapped to them. Cue to two weeks after MITB, Punk returns and people bitch that he was brought back too soon. There's so many other storylines out there which this applies to.


And earlier on you bring up the Christian/Orton example, Christian ending up as a glorified jobber to Orton over the summer. Because that's a bad thing all of a sudden? Many people on the roster would sweat tears to be that 'glorified jobber' if it meant main-eventing your brand over the course of the whole summer. Right now Christian's much higher than he used to be preceding that whole angle. He rode Orton's coattails and made profit off it with his talent.


The wait and see mantra works. Just not all the time. But for now I'd rather go by that every now and then than persecuting weekly shows and judging what "should make sense" and what "should happen" afterwards, when we have no clue of 1/10th of the storyline they're concocting. Not to say they'll deliver every time, or even most of the time.. but I just don't want to jump the gun all that much anymore. I.E saying what the perfect world would entail when the storyline's not even over. That's just me though, I know many feel comfortable doing what they're doing and I respect that.

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And earlier on you bring up the Christian/Orton example, Christian ending up as a glorified jobber to Orton over the summer. Because that's a bad thing all of a sudden?


When the WWE has two legitimate stars, yes, that's a bad thing. They should be creating new stars. And using some of their most talented workers as glorified jobbers for one of their two stars before shuffling them back off to the midcard isn't the way to create stars.

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When the WWE has two legitimate stars, yes, that's a bad thing. They should be creating new stars. And using some of their most talented workers as glorified jobbers for one of their two stars before shuffling them back off to the midcard isn't the way to create stars.


Define "legitimate stars". Being the WWE or World Heavyweight Champion isn't the only thing that makes you a legitimate star. CM Punk became a true superstar, on par with Cena and Orton, simply by cutting a couple of promos. At the very least, you need to add him. The Miz is up there, as well, with all of his promotional work, and Zack Ryder (yeah, I said it) is one of the most over WWE employees right now.


Depending on the criteria you're using for a "legitimate star," there is either Cena, or a group of 5 or more.

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By legitimate I mean guys that have main event level heat right now, guys that can legitimately carry a main event program. That's Cena and Orton right now. That's it.


Punk is close, and I'd say for about a month there he was at that level. But pretty much everything since MitB has killed his momentum and knocked him down a step.


I think the WWE has a lot of potential stars. Punk, Del Rio, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Miz, Christian, even Dolph Ziggler in my opinion. But those guys aren't going to ever reach Cena or Orton's level if the best opportunity they get is to be Cena or Orton's foe du jour.

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By legitimate I mean guys that have main event level heat right now, guys that can legitimately carry a main event program. That's Cena and Orton right now. That's it.


Punk is close, and I'd say for about a month there he was at that level. But pretty much everything since MitB has killed his momentum and knocked him down a step.


I think the WWE has a lot of potential stars. Punk, Del Rio, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Miz, Christian, even Dolph Ziggler in my opinion. But those guys aren't going to ever reach Cena or Orton's level if the best opportunity they get is to be Cena or Orton's foe du jour.


I respectfully disagree. Punk is being featured in the main program right now. So far hes got the best of Cena on a number of occasions. and going into a match with the "COO". IMO hes definitely in that list.

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I respectfully disagree. Punk is being featured in the main program right now. So far hes got the best of Cena on a number of occasions. and going into a match with the "COO". IMO hes definitely in that list.


Punk has two tainted wins over Cena and one tainted loss. And now he's in a main program that is almost universally being criticized, and it's a program that's not given him a good opponent to draw heat off of yet. As a result, he's losing his momentum and the reactions he's getting from crowds have been going down. Seriously, in their encounter two weeks ago, HHH got the crowd to pop louder in support of Vince McMahon than Punk was able to get for anything.


Punk's certainly the closest the WWE has to Cena and Orton, but he's not quite there yet, and the past month has done him no favors.

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