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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Yeah my money would be on Mickie James she's about the only "big" star and I use that term loosely that it could be.


Goldberg is all but a lock for a HOF induction in the WWE this year and even talk of a match not too mention he's got three television shows on the air right now.


Jericho's certainly not coming to TNA


and the only other star that they could have "tried to get" is Mickie.


BTW when are the WGTT's 90 day no compete clause up? I'm shocked they haven't showed up in TNA and what about Helms with Hardy, Moore both there I figured he'd be there in no time bloated roster or not

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Most likely I think it is Mickie James.

Seems an easy bet.


Nah as I don't think they would have pursued her to such a level before and it sounded like it was someone who had not been in TNA before and would ad a big name. James is neither a big name and she is a TNA original. Benjamin is a safer bet if it's not Jericho imho. Remember the period she is talking about is probably the one before or around Angle's début. With the loss of Kong and Kim you would think they would be more interested bringing in James now then they where before.

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Oh and yeah Nash drew like a mofo. Hardy might claim to drawing similar numbers but not for the same longevity and is more a merch seller then ticket buy draw. RVD is a draw but also not on the same level as Nash. Thing is I don't think RVD meant any disrespect by his comments just that he and Hardy where stars and maybe some of the TNA originals where not or where past their prime. It really depends on the way you interpret his statement.


Again thanks big kev for all the memories and work but your time has passed.

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All I have to say is... Why does TNA hype their surprises? Doesn't that build up high expectations only to risk the chance of let down? Wouldn't it be better to bring people in by surprise so that the fans get excited? Then they tell their friends, "OMG did you watch Impact? Kurt Angle showed up to an open challenge." Something along those lines instead of hyping something for weeks and weeks on end.
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To get people to tune in? But I get your point either hype what is going to happen exactly or keep it a total surprise. Still Dixie said it would be a change not a surprise so not a signing.


My bet is touring (partly) and or live (partly).


On the talent that contacted them I still think Jericho as TNA would let him do his television and music stuff but would make it possible for him to still wrestle.

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On the talent that contacted them I still think Jericho as TNA would let him do his television and music stuff but would make it possible for him to still wrestle.


Then you must be high. If Jericho is leaving to pursue music and TV, why in gods name would he wrestle part time for TNA? It's beneath him. The E would put him on more TVs and actually help any career he has outside of the ring.


TNA would not.


If he can work as a part timer for WWE he helps himself.If he leaves for a while, he still maintains a connection with a company that would be worth far more than what TNA could pay him to burn that bridge. Another run...another DVD set..a HOF induction...


he's gonna throw all that away because of the convenience of working 2 days out of the month??? That's ridiculous.


For someone who has NOTHING but wrestling to fall back on, maybe. But Jericho has shown himself capable to find work regardless, so stepping down to work for a glorified indy company makes no sense.

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To get people to tune in? But I get your point either hype what is going to happen exactly or keep it a total surprise. Still Dixie said it would be a change not a surprise so not a signing.


My bet is touring (partly) and or live (partly).


On the talent that contacted them I still think Jericho as TNA would let him do his television and music stuff but would make it possible for him to still wrestle.


Can TNA afford to pay Y2J? I don't see how they are making any money right now. Obviously I don't know where all their income is coming from or what peoples salaries are.

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Then you must be high. If Jericho is leaving to pursue music and TV, why in gods name would he wrestle part time for TNA? It's beneath him. The E would put him on more TVs and actually help any career he has outside of the ring.


TNA would not.


If he can work as a part timer for WWE he helps himself.If he leaves for a while, he still maintains a connection with a company that would be worth far more than what TNA could pay him to burn that bridge. Another run...another DVD set..a HOF induction...


he's gonna throw all that away because of the convenience of working 2 days out of the month??? That's ridiculous.


For someone who has NOTHING but wrestling to fall back on, maybe. But Jericho has shown himself capable to find work regardless, so stepping down to work for a glorified indy company makes no sense.


Don't forget that the E has a tendency to want to control everything their talent does. Plus they are very very reluctant to give people a lighter schedule.




On the burning bridge I don't think that would be the case as other name stars like Hardy and Christian went to TNA and came back no problem.


I do get all your points though but please remember TNA was contacted to see what the options where. It's not like they are already in negotiations etc. Maybe Jericho just wants to find out what TNA could offer.


If it's not Jericho it is probably Benjamin imho.

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To be fair on nash about his wwf title run in 1995 i really dont think anyone at that time would have pulled in mega money for any company at the time. I mean who could have really made money at summer slam when MABLE! is the challenger and when they put him agaist bret buy where better but not by much mainly due to wrestling as a whole being on a low point in terms of fans watching as a whole. HBK's run didnt do much better after he won at maina in the iron man match. but wwf product at the time was one of the main reason's wwf buy rates and and ratings where in the toilet. And wcw wherent excatly doing much better even with hulk, savage, flair, sting, ect. and it wasnt untill hall and nash jumped ship that wcw took off as the number 1 company in the us so to say nash never drew money is not right.


but i do think it time for nash to step back even as a nash fan, but i think he could still be a good addition to any roster as he can cut an good promo and i enjoyed his role with joe a few years back, hell he make a better colour commentator then what vince has at them moment and his friendship with hunter means a open door back there so i dont think this will be the last we see of big kev

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Can TNA afford to pay Y2J? I don't see how they are making any money right now. Obviously I don't know where all their income is coming from or what peoples salaries are.


Their situation is probably not as dire as some parts of the IWC point out but how well they are actually operating I do not know.

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Don't forget that the E has a tendency to want to control everything their talent does. Plus they are very very reluctant to give people a lighter schedule.




On the burning bridge I don't think that would be the case as other name stars like Hardy and Christian went to TNA and came back no problem.


I do get all your points though but please remember TNA was contacted to see what the options where. It's not like they are already in negotiations etc. Maybe Jericho just wants to find out what TNA could offer.


If it's not Jericho it is probably Benjamin imho.


It's not Jericho. That's a pipe dream. If Jericho contacted TNA it was a ploy to get leverage and even that I don't believe because Chris has options that are better than wrestling for TNA would be.

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To watch:




Recap of that part:


Dixie says that there was a talent who they were pursuing a few years ago who they pursued hard. There was a call from that person recently that they might be interested in coming to TNA, but she says that they appreciate that person thinking about them, but she doesn’t think they need him at this time. It is interesting to go from it being important to have ‘bigger’ stars, but now she wouldn’t trade anyone on the roster.



full recap:




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Where did he say this.


He's talked about it quite a bit but here's a recent interview:




BEING brutally honest, Chris Jericho has nothing left to achieve in pro-wrestling.


World championships in singles and tag wrestling, thousands of high class matches on many continents, jobbing to Rey Mysterio in China last week... only the inevitable Hall of Fame seat is absent.


With his WWE contract up in a month or two, the multifaceted legend is switching his attention to music once again with feisty rock merchants Fozzy for the biggest UK swing of his career in October.


FT caught up with Jericho for an exclusive chat this week, and he’s not sweating over his wrestling career – he has no need, he tells me.

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