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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I have no idea who THEY! might be, but if I remember correctly, THEM! were giant mutated ants, so THEY! might be giant mutated spiders.


It's a thought.




The second I heard about Canadians trying to splice spider DNA with goat DNA I knew it was only a matter of time before we either had giant spiders or some weird goat-spider hybrid make its way to America. Though coming to Florida first is a bot of a shock.


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Remember when Jay Lethal and the Pope were the break out babyfaces of TNA this year and looked like they were both going to be certified main event babyfaces by the end of the year?


Neither does TNA.


Pope is thrown into some storyline for purposes I'm still not sure of and Jay Lethal who by the way was feuding with Ric Flair a few months back isn't on the biggest pay per view of the year.

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Remember when Jay Lethal and the Pope were the break out babyfaces of TNA this year and looked like they were both going to be certified main event babyfaces by the end of the year?


Neither does TNA.


Pope is thrown into some storyline for purposes I'm still not sure of and Jay Lethal who by the way was feuding with Ric Flair a few months back isn't on the biggest pay per view of the year.


Ehm he is on the ppv they just didn't promote it at all. Which is almost as bad.

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Oh I see now I didn't see his name on the card my apologies. No offense to Doug Williams but going from Ric Flair, AJ Styles to Doug Williams is sort of a let down. Oh well maybe this was their plan for Lethal all along. Completely re invent him so he can wrestle on un promoted ppv matches. Is it fair to assume that given his card placement and promotion time that he's viewed on the same level as Ink Inc, OJ and other such people?
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Oh I see now I didn't see his name on the card my apologies. No offense to Doug Williams but going from Ric Flair, AJ Styles to Doug Williams is sort of a let down. Oh well maybe this was their plan for Lethal all along. Completely re invent him so he can wrestle on un promoted ppv matches. Is it fair to assume that given his card placement and promotion time that he's viewed on the same level as Ink Inc, OJ and other such people?


Just above as he gets more ReAction segments and stuff. BTW that whole Lethal push was originally slated for Pope till he got injured. And yeah it's dumb of TNA not to fully capitalize and do the EV2 and Deception thing as higher priorities. Or just instead of talking about his house in Jersey on Impact, move that to ReAction and have him do a short promo??? It's not that hard TNA seriously. I know it's harder then most people think but some of the stuff just grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Also no need to apologize. It happens.

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Glad to see you agree Hyde that Lethal could be a legit upper mid card to main event status right now if that feud with Flair goes differently.


The EV2 taking overtaking Lethal's feud with Fortune was dumb. Pope getting injured took some of his momentum away but none the less I don't think this is the right storyline for him at all. Same could be said for Joe but over the last four years they always find a way to screw Joe's push up so I've given up hope that they can ever properly book Joe as a main eventer.

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I didn't agree moving him into the X Division. In my eyes if your feuding with Ric Flair you need to be set for big things. Lethal had everything he needed to be a main eventer. I would have agreed if putting him the X Division was a way of legitimizing it again and then have someone take it off of him in a few months and allow him to move up the card but it didn't work like that.
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That was not a five star match lol.


There was zero psychology in the match a guy was german suplexed from the top rope and was still standing.


GREAT high spots match but zero selling outside of Sabin.


Awesome opening match, great match but not five stars.


Plus they won on a CROSSBODY after all of those high flying moves? Come on thats kinda lame.

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