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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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am I the only one that thinks its a bit racist to team up Hernandez with Chavo simply based on race? surely they could team him with someone with similar in ring ability, or one that fills in the blanks rather than the stereotypical stuff


Meh wrestling. It's more how they present them imho. Mexicools and Cryme Tyme vs Hernandez/Homicide LAX is a big difference to me. And its not like Chavo wouldn't make a good partner for Hernandez much like Williams was for Magnus he can help him get his basics down better etc.

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i just think its a bad call personally. I like Chavo better as a heel, I'd say team him with someone you wouldn't really expect, Doug Williams comes to mind idk why. or maybe some guys higher up the card like The Pope and give the tag team division some new contenders.


on a side note, im on TNA's website and they still have Flair and Morgan on their roster page.. I thought they were gone?


Well none of the three (you forgot Velvet) have been officially released by TNA with a press statement. And TNA is notoriously bad at keeping that roster page up to date. You can pretty much bank on Flair and Velvet though but Morgan could be that he re upped and they are doing worked shoot for the aces and eights thing but also unlikely.

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on a side note, im on TNA's website and they still have Flair and Morgan on their roster page.. I thought they were gone?


Morgan's under contract, he just doesn't have any dates left to fulfill, so he's running the clock out. Flair's far murkier. Some say he's gone, others say he's still with the company but is pretty much ducking them.

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Another solid show with a great opener and some good wrestling and lots of storyline advancement and some insider jokes and loop hole addressing. Execution of some of the angles left somewhat to be desired but overall a solid show. Liked how Aces while still mentioned where not as overbearing thus giving more room for ppv build and other stuff as well. PPV is looking like a stacked card.


Aries vs Roode - World Title Rematch


AJ vs Joe vs Daniels vs Angle - Ladder Match


Storm vs Hardy vs Ray vs E - Tables Match


Anderson vs RVD vs Magnus vs Pope - Falls Count Anywhere


King vs Ion - X Division title match


Tessmacher vs Madison - Ko title match


SuperMexWarriors ( Hernandez and Chavo) vs Dixie Dicks ( Kash and Gunner) - Prolly no1 tag contender match.



I would leave the card ad that so that the 5 "big" matches can get plenty of time. But wouldn't be averse to Ryan vs Snow or a TV title match or KO Tag match.

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I am actually enjoying the Aces and Eights story line. I just hope it isn't Hogan some how. I read people who think Jeff Jarrett possibly. I could see that happening. I never did mind Jeff Jarrett. He isn't the superstar that people think he is but I could see him fitting into this role nicely. I would love to see a Horsemen/Evolution stable of Jarrett, Ken Anderson, and two new comers Chris Master and Luke Gallows. They would give the team the muscle. If we aren't bringing in any new I would make it Jarrett, Anderson, Matt Morgan, and someone else from X-division like Doug Williams possibly.
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Well if they are going for eight people I am leaning on: Roode ( total swerve that would make total sense for once), Jarrett, Morgan, Masters, Jay Bradly, Wes Brisco, Petey Williams, Allissa Flash.


But it changes every day what I am thinking lol. Although some names do tend to pop up a lot. I am pretty sold on Roode atm though.

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Did anyone notice that AJ was sleeping in every picture that Bad Actress was showing off? Seems obv to me they are going to reveal she drugged him and had sex with him while he was passed out.




Seems like the obvious way out. I just wish they'd go there already, and get her the f' off my tv.

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Dude that PPV is shaping up to be an awesome show. Angle vs AJ vs Daniels vs Joe is going to be match of the night with Aries vs Roode right behind it. I like how these BFG Hardcore Justice series matches are being set up to be VERY important. 20 points will be huge for any of the winners. I would love to see Joe come out on top even though I dont see him winning the BFG series. The reason I dont see that happening is because Aries already beat Joe clean and I think TNA would go for a different pairing for the Bound For Glory main event (that is saying, of course, if Aries holds on to the Title). I am just very happy with how TNA has been shaping up lately. While not everything is doing great (the tag team division and KO division are not as robust as they use to be), things are following a concise and clear story and the action in the ring is some of the best in the industry right now. Plus I am so glad that they pulled the trigger on Aries and put the World Title on him. He just has that "IT" factor (pun intended) that makes him the perfect choice for World Champ.
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AJ vs Joe vs Daniels vs Angle - Ladder Match


i don't like the addition of Angle and Joe here. Ladder matches should have lighter guys in them, unless Angle and Joe are going to do all kinds of technical stuff on the ladder. I just think this would be a little better without those two in it. maybe finally end Styles and Daniels' feud

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After watching Impact, it seems pretty obvious Wes Brisco is one of Aces & Eights. I do hope it is newer guys (ala Nexus) wanting to make names for themselves, but with an established star behind the group. I also hope some revelations are made soon because there is only so long you can hold someones attention with "masked" attackers before people start to tire of it. Maybe a few more weeks and then one of them is unmasked or something - but not revealing who is behind their attacks for a while yet. Keep them as a group, helping each other - I can smell T-shirt sales in the future! Just a black one with those cards on it and something on the back (a quote like nWo's "4-Life" schtick) would look prety cool. I do think this could be one of the better storylines for TNA if executed properly.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Teh_Showtime" data-cite="Teh_Showtime" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>There are rumors that one of the guys are Luke Gallows/the former Festus<p> </p><p> I'd be intrigued by him being in a high profile spot.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'd be pretty psyched. Gallows is like only 28 or 29, and I'm a major fan of him since his Festus days. If he comes in with a good gimmick, a good look and a right push, I can definitely see him as a future main eventer and a replacement for Matt Morgan.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'd be pretty psyched. Gallows is like only 28 or 29, and I'm a major fan of him since his Festus days. If he comes in with a good gimmick, a good look and a right push, I can definitely see him as a future main eventer and a replacement for Matt Morgan.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Knew he had something interesting during the Festus days, but I took a real liking to Gallows when he joined Punk. I don't see him being one of the main guys in this thing though. If anything, he's going to be the muscle for a while, and any real push for him would come from breaking away from the group.</p>
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I have two very contrasting experiences with meeting Festus/Gallows.


The first time was when he was still doing Festus. He stayed in character until he got to me. I asked politely if I could get a picture with him, and he stared at me, and said no and then walked away and got in his car. He was flat out rude. I try to be as polite as possible, hell James Storm and my brother made fun of me because I'm so polite, but Festus for some reason just did not want to get his picture taken with me. Then again, he was dealing with a ton of annoying, rude little kids. So by the time my friends and I got to him, he was probably just tired of people.


Fast forward until this year when him, Cliff Compton, and Colt Cabana are touring and doing the Wrestling Road Diaries 2, I go see them at a local promotion(Absolute Intense Wrestling). I mainly went for Cliff Compton and Colt, but I decided to try talking to Gallows again. This time, he was incredibly nice. It was right after he pulled his groin, so he was on crutches. I brought up the story of him being rude and walking away when I asked for a picture and the way he made it sound, he wasn't thrilled with being stuck with the Festus gimmick and it just kinda started to wear on him. He apologized profusely and I was able to get my picture with him.


The guy is fairly talented, so I'd love for him to be involved with Aces & Eights.


Also, off topic, but Kurt Angle & Jeff Jarrett teamed up in AAA managed by Karen Jarrett recently. That cracks me up.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Angle vs AJ vs Daniels vs Joe</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I usually hate four ways, but jesus christ, are they just trying to see how much talent they can cram into one match? While they're at it, throw in Aries and Roode, and put a cage over them.</p>
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