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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Recap of that part:


Dixie says that there was a talent who they were pursuing a few years ago who they pursued hard. There was a call from that person recently that they might be interested in coming to TNA, but she says that they appreciate that person thinking about them, but she doesn’t think they need him at this time. It is interesting to go from it being important to have ‘bigger’ stars, but now she wouldn’t trade anyone on the roster.



full recap:





then i'd say its either yet another older guy i.e. goldberg or another ex wwe midcarder. if she dont want benjamin then thats surpising i think he fit well in with the x-div guys and some of there high spot based match's, plus him and aj imo could be a great match

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Dixie says that there was a talent who they were pursuing a few years ago who they pursued hard. There was a call from that person recently that they might be interested in coming to TNA, but she says that they appreciate that person thinking about them, but she doesn’t think they need him at this time. It is interesting to go from it being important to have ‘bigger’ stars, but now she wouldn’t trade anyone on the roster.



I don't care how anyone spins it, if that's their response, then there's literally no way on god's green earth it's Jericho because there's no way on god's green earth TNA would tell him 'thanks but no thanks'.


That's crap.


It might actually be someone like Haas.


Because TNA would have to be out of their mind to turn down someone like Chris who is literally a bigger star than anyone they've brought in except Angle, Hogan, or Flair.


Also..she says it's a 'bigger name' not a 'big star' and with Dixie's track record of what she thinks is 'a name' that could be anyone from Mickie James to the midget that used to show up in WCW.

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then i'd say its either yet another older guy i.e. goldberg or another ex wwe midcarder. if she dont want benjamin then thats surpising i think he fit well in with the x-div guys and some of there high spot based match's, plus him and aj imo could be a great match


They wouldn't say not to Goldberg. he's not some 'older guy'


He was legitimately one of the biggest stars in the industry and would actually be a decent attraction in the short term.

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They wouldn't say not to Goldberg. he's not some 'older guy'


He was legitimately one of the biggest stars in the industry and would actually be a decent attraction in the short term.


yh good point but do tna need another guy who hasnt wrestled full-time in years. is he still in shape to be able to put on a decent match?

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yh good point but do tna need another guy who hasnt wrestled full-time in years. is he still in shape to be able to put on a decent match?


Who cares? He wasn't much of a worker to begin with.


Seriously...on buy rates and merchandise alone, he'd pay for himself 5 times over. Throw in whatever small ratings bump you get and the fact Bill has TV shows, shows up in movies, and is a regular at UFC events, and he'd be totally worth it.

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Who cares? He wasn't much of a worker to begin with.


Seriously...on buy rates and merchandise alone, he'd pay for himself 5 times over. Throw in whatever small ratings bump you get and the fact Bill has TV shows, shows up in movies, and is a regular at UFC events, and he'd be totally worth it.


yh it was a dumb name to think of tbh. my bad. so then its no him then

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Depends on his price. I for one feel he is not worth the risk as Goldberg only works if you book him as Goldberg. Didn't we have this discussion a while back when he had that interview with a journalist who falsely claimed Hogan said he had been in talks with him which Goldberg then denied.


We did. And I still think you'd be wrong, especially if Bill ended a short run by putting over one of the young 'monster' on the roster like Joe or Morgan.

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I agree its got to be Haas, Mickie James, someone like that.


Its someone that hasn't been employed with the WWE for atleast a few months and maybe longer.


And who really knows for all we know its Dixie being for lack of a better term not honest. Maybe there is no "name" that she's said no thanks to. Maybe she's using that as a reason that people like Mickie James don't want to be in the company. Dixie can say "remember my tweet about a name that we said no thanks to...." and leave it at that. I'm not saying she's doing that but its possible.


I for one am interesting in this TNA changing even forever. I'm guessing the forever change is them going live every week. Thats the only thing I can think of that would be a big change compared to what their doing now that seems even the least bit credible and wouldn't be just a "really, you waited six months to tell us that" kind of thing. It would make sense as you don't want to announce it too early given that the network may change their mind, and its something that would have been negotiated months ago.

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Thing with golberg is what do you do with him? If ,and that is a big if, TNA signs him he probably will be on a light schedule. In order to be an attraction he needs to be Goldberg eg a very dominant wrestler. And then he needs to lose to someone. Once that is done you need to a) follow up on the one that won and b) either release him or build him up again. Also age is a big factor in that he doesn't have any long term value and while Goldberg is still a big name TNA now has enough big names from the past and if Jeff comes back present as well. So for a short run with him beating other old guys and then having a high profile loss to say Morgan, sure why not depending on the cost. Otherwise don't bother.


Quote from me looked it up with the search function. We actually agree on Goldberg Peter just I added that it depended on the cost and the booking.

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just watch and all i can think after that is that's is a guy who only been midcard else where. if tna want viewers then y2j ect.., would be a must signing. take your pick from the ex wwe midcard guys is all i say from that.


Yeah just re-watched it a couple of times and My mind has changed more towards Benjamin then Jericho. Still not wholly ruling out that that is who she meant or intended to mean (eg spinning) but Benjamin seems a lot more likely. I just connected: wanted desperately, recently contacted, big star. And thought Jericho!


Kinda blocked the no thanks comment or heard it wrong. As Jericho would be a no brainer YES!


Still IF and that is a big if he ever signs with TNA within 3 years I will remember this Peter hehe.

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Is it a coincidence that a new company was suppose to open in Florida around October of this year but was delayed until Jan (4th?) 2011? What if "they" was this new company...name-change? Now financially backed by Spike TV, Panda Energy, and Wilpon?


Don't think so because why get a new talent relations and manager guy or sign guys like Waltman and Vader.

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id pay to see goldberg vs angle


that's what I meant, not Hogan vs Angle.


Is it a coincidence that a new company was suppose to open in Florida around October of this year but was delayed until Jan (4th?) 2011? What if "they" was this new company...name-change? Now financially backed by Spike TV, Panda Energy, and Wilpon?


Yeah its a coincidence


Still IF and that is a big if he ever signs with TNA within 3 years I will remember this Peter hehe.


Yeah...that's fair. TNA would have to grow a bit in order for Jericho to be a realistic signing. Never say never...but if Chris really walks away from the E in a few months, it won't be to head to TNA.


In 2014...maybe..who knows?

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I agree its got to be Haas, Mickie James, someone like that.


Its someone that hasn't been employed with the WWE for atleast a few months and maybe longer.


And who really knows for all we know its Dixie being for lack of a better term not honest. Maybe there is no "name" that she's said no thanks to. Maybe she's using that as a reason that people like Mickie James don't want to be in the company. Dixie can say "remember my tweet about a name that we said no thanks to...." and leave it at that. I'm not saying she's doing that but its possible.


I for one am interesting in this TNA changing even forever. I'm guessing the forever change is them going live every week. Thats the only thing I can think of that would be a big change compared to what their doing now that seems even the least bit credible and wouldn't be just a "really, you waited six months to tell us that" kind of thing. It would make sense as you don't want to announce it too early given that the network may change their mind, and its something that would have been negotiated months ago.


Aye either that or going on tour.

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Yeah I don't see how this would help them at all by going that route. Why become a "new" company. You would be throwing away whatever little value the name TNA has for something brand new.


In pro wrestling today its not individual but brands that sell. As much as I hate to say it TNA is more of a "brand" at this point especially with Hogan and Bischoff doing the media rounds than some new upstart thing.


Really its not like Panda needs partners. I don't know how much money their willing to sink into this thing but their a billion dollar company and if they truly wanted to they could spent ten times what their spending on TNA. At this point the only thing you could use more money for is more marketing and TNA hasn't shown me they know what to do with the marketing budget they have.

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they only way i could see brock doing anything with tna is if heyman is put in charge other then that i dont see him walking away from ufc while he still is the top man in the heavyweight div.


heymen being the one behind abyss and using him to destroy his own creations (the ecw crew) would be intresting but unlikely.


im surpised no has said shane-o yet. hell of away to piss daddy off lol

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