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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Well that was what was rumored at the time the short part is the main part.


BTW one of my Q's and Bischoff's answer made headlines on PWI and 411! I was the one who asked if the ppv buyrates where up. There was more to the Q but still Yeay! lolz.



I think the more interesting answer was what would of happened if WCW had been the one buying WWF. Not say Bischoff would of followed through with his answer but he definately had a good answer.



I also find it interesting that Bischoff would take John Cena, Randy Orton, and Chris Jericho from WWE if he had the chance. Even though he claims Jericho can't Main Event.

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I also find it interesting that Bischoff would take John Cena, Randy Orton, and Chris Jericho from WWE if he had the chance. Even though he claims Jericho can't Main Event.


To be fair though, it's not as if the WWE has ever treated Jericho as a bonafide, franchise level, let him run with the ball, main eventer either.


He's treated FAR better than he ever was in WCW, but his character is more of a storytelling device for the top faces to play off of and a transitional champion.


Never quite gotten that Triple H/Rock/Cena treatment though..

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I think the more interesting answer was what would of happened if WCW had been the one buying WWF. Not say Bischoff would of followed through with his answer but he definately had a good answer.



I also find it interesting that Bischoff would take John Cena, Randy Orton, and Chris Jericho from WWE if he had the chance. Even though he claims Jericho can't Main Event.


Man one of the biggest mistakes on the net atm. He said that at that time Jericho couldn't main event. It was taken out of context and changed into could never is not main event. The rest of the interview they put him over as a great talent.

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You're right about this particular misquote, but Eric in general comes off as a self satisfied prick who refuses to admit a single mistake any time he talks about the WCW/nWo era.


I mean..when he's asked about 'losing' the Monday Night Wars he inevitably comes back with some variation of 'Turner/Time Warner lost the war' or 'if it hadn't been for corporate policy' or 'there were decision made that were out of my hands' yada yada yada


So I've completely stopped caring about his perspective on things from that time period.


He had a big hand in taking the hottest, most popular, most talent laden wrestling company in the history of the industry and running it straight to sh*t. So he loses all crediblity by blaming that failure on AOL?Time Warner.

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Yeah I asked about Monty too and got the standard we have a great roster at this time and need to focus on them answer. Totally agree with that statement as they do need to prune the roster before bringing others in. RVD is the only must sign though.


And yeah EB does tend to put too much blame on others, but the whole Time Warner and after that AOL merger really did hurt them in a lot of ways.

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The problem I have with him is he likes to talk as much as possible and all of his answers are right (when talking about that time) but of course his answers are right, its all in hind sight! As an example from today when asked about if WCW would have bought WWE he says how he would have kept them going for feuds and business, of course he is going to say that b/c it is the popular answer! He probably would have buried people to smite Vince.
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Well so far on his facebook he has been pretty straight shooting and not pulling punches I really like it. I am just wondering where all the Schaivone, Bagwell, insert random jobber/midcarder WCW talent fans are coming from?


I know every talent that has ever been on tv has probably got at least one fan but still.

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Pretty sure he retired, thats why he left WWE. But I loved him, he was one of the people that made TNA different, he was super charismatic and The poooounce was a cool finisher, it was like an uber spear. Alot of what made TNA is gone which makes me sad :(


From TEW terms, they came off as DAVE compared to SWF, now they are a Sports entertainment TCW that gets the people SWF doesnt want to negotiate with.


edit after Hyde: I mean retired as in doesnt do it full time.

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Yeah it was the name, I dont know about knock someone out but I thought it looked like it could actually crack a rib compared to a normal spear, youre coming off the ropes, hes coming off the ropes, when a normal spear is just someone running from 10 feet away from a standing start.


Also loved how Abyss got to use both his finshers more back then as he seemed to always do it into tacks (seems like theyre just not bringing the black hole slam back as devastating) of course the canadian destroyer, and AJ did a lot more of his flash moves back then, like Sabans finisher as well and this may just be b/c I zone out during MCMG but i havent seen him do it in awhile.

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And yeah EB does tend to put too much blame on others, but the whole Time Warner and after that AOL merger really did hurt them in a lot of ways.


How? I mean..yes there were corporate considerations that may have changed the product, but I find it hard to believe that AOL/TW had anything to do with driving the nWo into the ground, botching Sting/Hogan at Starcade, wasting Bret, wasting Goldberg, burying the midcard talent, burying Flair and the Horsemen, incomprehensible booking, etc.


All those things had more to do with WCW's failure than anything Time Warner did.

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How? I mean..yes there were corporate considerations that may have changed the product, but I find it hard to believe that AOL/TW had anything to do with driving the nWo into the ground, botching Sting/Hogan at Starcade, wasting Bret, wasting Goldberg, burying the midcard talent, burying Flair and the Horsemen, incomprehensible booking, etc.


All those things had more to do with WCW's failure than anything Time Warner did.


Let's not get into the whole decline of WCW and how and why thing as there are so many factors involved in that its a whole separate thread and yes EB was a major factor in it.

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What is WPW? I want to see that match.


World Pro Wrestling. it's in august i believe. Read it on 411.


And monty brown frickin' owns. that promo was kinda funny, though a little off at times. But the 'pounce' was awesome.


i wanna see Monty vs Raven again!

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Monty left because his sister died and he wanted to take care of her kids or something like that right? So it seems not only was he entertaining but an actually good person too.


He left WWE because his sister died. I think he left TNA because his contract was up and WWE put in an offer.

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How? I mean..yes there were corporate considerations that may have changed the product, but I find it hard to believe that AOL/TW had anything to do with driving the nWo into the ground, botching Sting/Hogan at Starcade, wasting Bret, wasting Goldberg, burying the midcard talent, burying Flair and the Horsemen, incomprehensible booking, etc.


All those things had more to do with WCW's failure than anything Time Warner did.


WCW reached the absolute high that it did thanks largely to EB, but the downfall was largely down to him and his arrogance as well as WWE's much improved product - the bullet that killed WCW though from a creative standpoint was the departure of EB and the hiring of Vince Russo as head booker as that's when ratings really began to tank and talent really got wasted. Really when you think about it the only good to come out of WCW was their rise to the top, but once they got there from the position they were in at around 1997-1999 they just pissed it all away through poor booking essentially, starting with the nWo mismanagement. Though I imagine it's difficult to book a product when your top stars have total creative control over their character, and some have crazy ever rising contracts which they didn't deserve.

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