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The Grey Dog Players Present: All Star Wrestling

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Fantastic show fool! Absolutely loving the effort you guys are putting into this and the results speak for themselves! You and Zeel are both legends in my eyes, well done sirs, well done!


Your Rock Promo was cool, brother, they can't all be long winded rambles!


I don't think we have said anything offensive regarding Lashley, guys, just telling a story.


Considering you say it was hard to write real world, I think you did a wonderful job!


Is it just me, but when a show goes up, do you start booking the next show in your head...even though you're not writing it?!

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Fantastic show fool! Absolutely loving the effort you guys are putting into this and the results speak for themselves! You and Zeel are both legends in my eyes, well done sirs, well done!


Legend? Me? Nah, come on, Total Control's the first diary I've done, and it was just posted a few months ago.

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ooc: Happy Holidays everyone.





In Front Of 15,000 New England Wrestling Fans




Your Announcers For Tonight: Vince McMahon & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan


Vince McMahon: Good evening here ladies and gentlemen. Hello. I'm Vince McMahon here on the announcer's table and here my partner, Bobby Heenan himself!!

Bobby Heenan: It's Bobby "The Brain" Heenan to you McMahon.

Vince McMahon: I don't see why I would address you as "The Brain" Bobby.

Bobby Heenan: Well you should Vinnie.

Vince McMahon: Last week we got a word from General Manager Stephanie McMahon about the number one contender of the All Star World Heavyweight Championship and it was none other than Andre the Giant.

Bobby Heenan: There isn't anyone that can beat The Rock in this industry instead Andre.

Vince McMahon: I'm sure that The Rock can pull off the win don't ya think?

Bobby Heenan: Oh please McMahon!!





The familiar catchphrase burst out to the whole arena as most of the ASW fans are screaming in joy and excitement with the arrival of Booker T. The crowd goes wild as he comes out to the ramp. He does some crowd work and promotes himself with the fans. He enters the ring with a smile then climbs the corners. As his music starts to fade, he grabs a mic and starts to speak. The crowd goes for cheers of joy for the superstar when he started speaking.


Booker T: Now can I have a moment of silence.


The crowd slowly goes silent.


Bobby Heenan: What does this guy have to say now?

Vince McMahon: Oh will let you let him speak.


Booker T shows a graceful smile.


Booker T: I think I still hear that Jeff Hardy is still suspended for his actions on the numbah' one contendas' match on last time on ASW Superstars! Jeff Hardy!! You don't know who ya messed with man. You don't know what you were thinking when you decided to interfere in my match didn't ya? Well let me tell you what I think now you punk ass sucka. Now before you would've done that little interference of yours last week, you should have thought what would be coming for you. Because now that you made your choice, you're punk ass is dead meat. I'm sure that you thought of that didn't you? Jeff, you are a one crazy man I'll give you credit for that but I'll also tell you that your decisions gets you to no where. You've cost me a title shot at the ASW World Heavyweight Championship and you've cost me the chance to beat Jericho. You brought this to yourself Jeff and you are going to pay the consequences my friend.


He got some pop out of those words he spoke.


Booker T: So you crazy psycho, if you are in the building, you get yourself out here so we can have a little talk about this situation sucka!!!!


There is no one coming out of the entrance ramp.


Bobby Heenan: How in the world is he going to show up? He's suspended!! Unless you did something McMahon.

Vince McMahon: Me? Nah.


But instead, we go to the titantron and we see the blue screen hit a futuristic sound. Then the numbers shows on the screen counting down from







Chris Jericho comes out of the entrance ramp as the crowd gives him some major heat. He turns on his back and flexes like he use to. Then when he turned around, he started walking down the ramp. Some fans on the side showed signs such as "Y2Suck" and "Lionwimp". He ignores the signs and just headed for the ring. He enters the ring and looked at Booker T with a stare. Then as his music faded, he looked onto the crowd and said:


Chris Jericho: Welcome To ALL JERICHO WRESTLING!!!!!


Major heat for Jericho. He responded with a smile.


Booker T: What are you doing here Jericho?


Heenan on the commentary speaks.


Bobby Heenan: Yeah Jericho what are you doing here?


Jericho looked at Booker in the eye. Then turned around again.


Jericho: What am I doing here? What am I doing here Booker T? Well first of all, what the hell are you doing here? What are you doing with that mic, spitting it with stupid words that comes out of your mouth. You see Booker T, you make all of these people wanna save their lives because you are drowning them with your awful spit. These people needs a savior and that is none other than me, Chris Jericho.


More major crowd heat for Jericho as they didn't really like him faking a good face and getting a pop from it.


Jericho: Oh alright you morons. And you right there on the fifth row, shut your mouth!!! Now Booker, Booker, do you think that you are the only one who got screwed out of that number one contender's match last week here on ASW Superstars? Do you think that you are the only one? Well sir you are not the only one because Jeff Hardy cost me a shot at the Rock's title too!!!

Booker T: I would've beaten you anyways.

Jericho: Do you know what I'm good at Booker? I'm good for pulling upsets on guys like you. I'm best at doing the unexpected and if Jeff Hardy wasn't there just to cost me the contender's match, it would've been me who is the contender instead of that filthy giant you call Andre.

Bobby Heenan: Jericho, go to hell.

Jericho: And oh yeah, don't also forget the fact that Jeff Hardy hits me with a chair last week too!! So I'll tell you what Booker. Why don't you get out of my ring and let me take care of business with Jeff here.

Booker T: Nah man. How bout you get out of my ring before I kick your punk ass right in front of these fans.


The crowd goes wild!!


Jericho: Well how bout I just.........






A huge mix of reactions are being given right now as Shawn Michaels comes out to the entrance ramp. Some fans really didn't give a damn but most of them cheered for the Heartbreak Kid. He struts to the ring like he always does. A crazy crowd cheers for the Heartbreak Kid as he enters the ring. With a mic, he quickly interrupts the argument between Jericho and Booker.


Shawn Michaels: First of all, its All Star Wrestling, not All Jericho Wrestling. Second of all, why are you two talking about contendership matches when its clear that Andre is the contender and I'm the next in line!!

Jericho: Michaels, you have no business here whatsoever so wherever you came from go back or I'll give a big Y2J beating here!!!

Shawn Michaels: Now you see Jericho, here is why people hate you. You are just too much of a pain in the butt you see. You come out here to either brag about yourself or complain about anything that revolves around you. Now you don't know anything about championships Jericho. And neither do you Booker. You two don't know how to get that belt and you'll never find a way to get it. I know how I won it but my ways are too advance for your IQ's to handle. So why don't you just put all this number one contender's match aside and get back to being regular wrestlers on this show.

Booker T: Now who do you think you are HBK. Just because you are a former World Champion, it doesn't mean that you can just brag about it.

Shawn Michaels: Oh yeah? Booker, do you even know why Jeff Hardy did what he had to do last week on Superstars? Do you know why he did such thing? Do you know why he hit with a Twist of Fate? Because he's looking for a way to eliminate the competition and once he had done that, he'll become the number one contender.

Jericho: Hold on a minute Shawn. Hold on a minute. You realize that you are just another regular wrestler here too? You are a former World Champion Michaels and don't tell yourself what to do moron. These people here doesn't have to hear you speak and if you are talking about being next in line for a title shot, well let me just tell you that you'll have to fight me first to be next in line pal!

Booker T: Nah dawg. You two have to go through me to get a title shot!!

Shawn Michaels: Well why don't we just settle this now shall we?


As Shawn Michaels says his last words, he uses his mic as a weapon and hits Jericho in the head with it. A brawl soon started and all hell was loose. HBK started hitting punches on both Jericho and Booker. But Jericho hits a couple of kicks to balance the competition. As they continue to kill each other, a familiar music hits.


I"m All Grown Up




Stephanie McMahon steps out of the entrance ramp and she stays there. She looks at the three men in the ring who stopped brawling and paid attention to what Stephanie had to say.


Stephanie McMahon: Well boys it seems that all of you are fighting for one common thing and that is a title shot at the ASW World Championship. I'll tell you what though. I'm looking for a big match at the next event, ASW Fall Out. A really big match that would get all of these fans to buy the pay per view and see what we have to offer for them. So I have a surprise for the three of you. If you wanted to be the next in line for an ASW World title shot, you should had just asked. But you made it harder for yourselves. You actually had to argue of who got screwed on Superstars, what does it feel like to be a champion and those sorts of things. So at ASW Fall Out, there will be a Fatal Four Way Number One Contender's match!!! And those participants will be The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Booker T.....


She takes a short pause.


Stephanie McMahon: And he's been reinstated and set to come back tonight, the fourth participant he is none other than JEFF HARDY!!!!!


A fell of shock is seen through the faces of the ASW wrestlers.


Stephanie McMahon: I hope this solve the problem. So boys, if you want a shot, you gotta win at Fall Out. Oh and one more thing. Just to give a little preview to what could happen at Fall Out this Sunday, there will also be a tag team match. Booker, you'll team with Jeff Hardy against your opponents Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels!!!! Good luck tonight gentlemen.


"I'm All Grown Up" hits on the titantron as Stephanie McMahon goes back to her office. Jericho, Booker T, and Michaels look at each other, ready to tear each other once more. But the sad part, we are going on a commercial break.


Rating: B-



Vince McMahon: What a great segment to start out Superstars ladies and gentlemen!

Bobby Heenan: Yeah your daughter's finally doing better than his old man did back in his past.

Vince McMahon: I got nothing to say to that. Can Hardy and Booker can co-exist together? And can also Y2J and HBK co-exist too?

Bobby Heenan: Hah, they can't co-exist. That was a mistake making that tag match.


http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/th_DLoBrown.jpg vs. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/RonSimmons.jpg


D'Lo Brown vs. Ron Simmons


This opening contest was openly favored to both competitors. Ron Simmons took D'Lo Brown on into a wrestling adventure of his life. The crowd was happy with it at least. Simmons got a lot of crowd pop through the match and that's what made it seem to go on longer. Simmons was looking like a star on this match and it sure made a use. D'Lo Brown tried to put the match mostly on his favor but it wasn't his night tonight when Simmons destroys him with a Powerslam.


Winner: Ron Simmons

Rating: C


Bobby Heenan: What a fluke!!!

Vince McMahon: Come on now Heenan. He won that match fair and square.

Bobby Heenan: Well it doesn't look like he won it fair.

Vince McMahon: Let's go backstage with the Million Dollar Inc.




And yes we will. The cameras sets their lens backstage where we see the members of the Million Dollar Inc. Ted Dibiase and Mike Rotundo are in front of the camera while behind them is Andre the Giant himself.


Ted DiBiase: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Money full of bags this man is. Look at him Rock. Look at the man that you will face at ASW Fall Out. He's none other than Andre the Giant. Rocky boy, you think that being the World Champion means that you get to live the good life. If you thought that being the World Champion would get you into being the most successful wrestler in this country, you are damn wrong. Even though the people from the gutters worship your bad skills of wrestling, you still get them to cheer you. But the high society is different. You have to be one of the top dogs to get cheered by the high society. Rocky boy, you can't capture the hearts of people like me with your stupid catchphrases and looks. Rocky, the high society is different. You might have the people behind you my friend but you see I got one man that will destroy you. I got one man here bigger than life. And he's a bigger star. A bigger name. He's Andre The Giant and at Fall Out, there will be a new king in the house. There will be a new champion and that champ will be Andre. All the money has been put on this man and I'm sure that he won't fail the Million Dollar Inc. I've put loads of money on this man just to kick your butt out of the ring and make you look like a weakling. It's all gonna happen on Fall Out Rocky. It's all gonna happen there!!


He takes a moment then speaks once more.


Ted DiBiase: But tonight Rocky boy, I'll give you a warmer up match. Just for you I've got the permission from general manager Stephanie McMahon to put you in a match against one of the members of the Million Dollar Inc. And this man will keep the beatings warm for Andre later. So your opponent tonight is none other than Mr. Mike Rotundo!!!


Mike had some very shocked look on his face as he hears his name.


Ted DiBiase: So Rocky boy, I'm sure that you and Mike won't disappoint this crowd. But at Fall Out, I'm sure that you are going to be a disappointed with the result. What do you think Andre?


Andre had a smile.


Andre: Rock, the clock is ticking. I've shown my strength. I've shown what I could do to beat you Rock. You have not shown anything that can beat Rock. Just admit it. The ASW World Championship will be mine Rocky. It will be at the hands of the Million Dollar Inc. At Fall Out, I will pin you one two three and there will be a new champion. The odds are against you now Rocky. Because at Fall Out, that gold will be mine.


All of the Million Dollar Inc. shared a laugh before their time was over. Ted DiBiase is confident with his clients as he had the loudest laught. The camera comes to fade moving onto the next segment.


Rating: B


Vince McMahon: Well money sure does buy Andre a shot.

Bobby Heenan: Of course McMahon what do you think?

Vince McMahon: That...

Bobby Heenan: It doesn't matter what you think McMahon. That's Andre the Giant right there!!!


http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/Afa.jpghttp://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/Sika.jpg vs. http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/th_BrianJames.jpghttp://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/th_BillyGunn.jpghttp://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/th_StacyKeibler.jpg


Wild Samoans vs. The New Age Outlaws




Before the match even started, Stephanie McMahon appears on the titantron at her office.


Stephanie McMahon: New Age Outlaws, for the past two weeks you have been bugging the ASW Tag Team Champions for quite some time now. So I'll tell you what. This match will be now a number one contender's match for the tag team championship. You want the shots at those tag titles, then here is your chance and if you win, you'll face them at Fall Out. Good luck gentlemen.


Then the match started. An epic confrontations of two great tag teams. The Wild Samoans were dominating throughout the match. Stacy Keibler is doing great cheerleading work for the Outlaws. The Wild Samoans was about to win when Road Dogg was nearly unconscious. But......




The Million Dollar Inc. Ted DiBiase and Mike Rotundo appear on the ringside and with DiBiase distracting the ref, Mike Rotundo interferes in the match when he gives Afa a flying clothesline and gives Sika the same. He tried lifting Afa and gave him a standing Samoan Drop. Then he puts Road Dogg's hand on top of the grounded Afa. The Million Dollar Inc. gets out of the ring as the ref goes for the three count. The interference that the Million Dollar Inc. did just costed the Wild Samoans the number one contender match.


Winners: The New Age Outlaws

Rating C


Vince McMahon: Come on now!!! The Wild Samoans should have that win.

Bobby Heenan: What can I say? Ted DiBiase is rich in many things.

Vince McMahon: Would you shut up!?!?!

Bobby Heenan: You can't make me.

Vince McMahon: Well then. It seems that the New Age Outlaws are going to battle the champions at Fall Out.

Bobby Heenan: Let me see those guys pull out a win. HA!

Vince McMahon: Well ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned for more as we go on commercial break only here at ASW Superstars!!!



Vince McMahon: And welcome back wrestling fans.

Bobby Heenan: Yeah welcome back.

Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen as commercials were going on, it has been stated by general manager Stephanie McMahon that at Fall Out, the Wild Samoans will be going on against the Million Dollar Inc. Ted DiBiase and Mike Rotundo.

Bobby Heenan: Now that's gonna put a lot of fans on their seats!


http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/th_BobbyLashley.jpg vs. http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/BuffBagwell.jpg


Bobby Lashley vs. Buff Bagwell


It was interesting to see this match at some point. Given so, the fans gave some positive cheers for Buff Bagwell. No clue why but he's got the Stuff sometimes. Bobby Lashley's role being a tough badass was played to perfection. It wasn't as badass as a rule breaking Austin but he was starting to become a threat. And even as a champ, he'll be a big threat on the World title some day. This match went pretty bad though as they didn't pull out one of those solid efforts that our midcarders do. Still a fair match, Lashley ended up giving Bagwell a devastating Spear. No wonder he's our Intercontinental Champ.


Winner: Bobby Lashley

Rating D+




Post Match: Bobby Lashley goes on the announcer's table and asks for a mic. With the thousands of fans still cheering for more, he goes to the center of the ring and points at the ramp.


Bobby Lashley: Buddy Rogers!!! Last time on ASW Coast to Coast, you dared to interfere my match against Kennedy. But its not only that. You also cost me that match. Do you really want a title shot that bad? I'm not terrified with what you could do Mr. Nature Boy. In fact you should be terrified with my skills. You should be terrified what I just did to Buff Bagwell right now. You should be afraid of what I could do to you. So you know what, you are on Rogers!!! You are damn on!!! It doesn't matter if the match is under your conditions. I'll make sure I'll still retain this title. And I'll also make sure that you'll regret everything that you have done just to get this title shot. So Rogers, I'll see your butt at Fall Out!!!!


His music hits as he does one more poise for the fans. He exits the ring as the crowd goes wild on him.


Rating: C


Bobby Heenan: How pathetic this guy is.

Vince McMahon: I'll sure be looking forward to their match.

Bobby Heenan: Pass.




The fans who had attended ASW Superstars are screaming in joy and excitement as we go backstage and we see none other than the ASW World Heavyweight Champion, he is the one and only The Rock. He looks on the camera and gives out a smile. On his wrestling gear, he starts to speak while on air.


The Rock: Ted DiBiase, do you think The Rock gives a crap about you putting me in a match? Do you think that Mike Rotundo can beat me here tonight? Well let me tell you something here Ted DiBiase. First of all.....


He takes a pause. Then he looks up at the sky and say:




Millions of fans cheer for the Rock.


The Rock: Now it seems that Ted DiBiase has put me in a match with Mike Rotundo. And The Rock was just watching you three stooges on the television telling how you are all going to kick The Rock's butt. Well The Rock has one thing to say and that is you three stooges better go back to the circus you came from because The Rock will send you back there one by one. Starting by you Mike Rotundo. Then you Andre The Midget. And after The Rock takes care those two I'll send you back to the circus too Million Dollar Wimp. You think that The Rock is intimidated by Andre The Giant? Million Dollar Wimp you gotta think that The Rock is the People's Champion and (with the fans) the millions!!!!!! The millions of Rock's fans are going to pay to see The Rock kick Andre's candy ass!!!!! When The Rock is done with Andre, The Rock will be sure that you'll go bankrupt Ted DiBiase. So at Fall Out, The People's Champ will be there to give a hell of an Andre candy ass whooping!!! IF YA SMEEELLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE ROCK...........IS.........COOKING!!!!!!!!


His music hits as the camera fades on him.


Rating: A


Bobby Heenan: Ain't that sweet of you Rock?

Vince McMahon: Million Dollar Wimp? That's something you don't here everyday?

Bobby Heenan: The Rock just doesn't have a higher IQ as I do McMahon.


http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/th_ShawnMichaels2.jpghttp://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/th_ChrisJericho.jpg vs. http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/th_BookerT.jpghttp://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/RWL_Com/JeffHardy.jpg


Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho vs. Booker T & Jeff Hardy


An interesting match this was. A clash of many different styles. From Booker T's all out brawling and flashy style of wrestling to Jeff Hardy's daredevil approach of wrestling and their opponents who approach wrestling almost the same way. It was interesting to see these wrestlers team since they are getting on each others nerves each minute they are on that ring. There were some time Chris Jericho wasn't even paying attention and it almost caused them the match. HBK however was going hot hitting Sweet Chin Music after Sweet Chin Music. Booker T & Jeff Hardy stopped it though when they decided to work together as a force. With that, they were going to win the match. That's not until Jeff Hardy was hit with a low blow from behind by Jericho. Then Booker T was hit with a Sweet Chin Music. Jericho locked the Walls of Jericho on Hardy. He was about to tap that's not until HBK hits Jericho with the Sweet Chin Music. Jericho goes down. Hardy gets up but HBK hits another Sweet Chin Music. Michaels went for the pin and got the win for his team. Post match he just left the ring looking on the three men he just Sweet Chin Musiced.


Winners: Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho

Rating: B-


Vince McMahon: What a bad display by Shawn Michaels!

Bobby Heenan: Bad display? What are you eating McMahon? That could be a very smart thing to do.

Vince McMahon: He showed no mercy to Jericho, Hardy and Booker.

Bobby Heenan: I think we all know who's gonna be going for that World Championship after Andre wins it from The Rock!!!


And with that, we go to a short commercial break.



http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/th_TheRock.jpg vs. http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/th_MikeRotundo.jpg


The Rock vs. Mike Rotundo


This match turned out to be one of Mike Rotundo's best matches. Literally. These two men showed one hell of a match, something we've never seen on ASW. As far as history shows, there has been no stuck up midcarder that could pull out a match such a high quality. Rotundo and Rocky had a fabulous chemistry going on when they are opponents and this pleased the fans. And it didn't matter whether Mike Rotundo was going to lose because he's getting cheered some how for his wrestling skills. Rotundo was controlling the match after hitting a violent flying clothesline following a devastating Samoan Drop. But The Rock some how got back on track and the tides completely turned on Rotundo. Then there The Rock hits the Rock Bottom. Now that there is a grounded body on the mat, The Rock takes off his sweat band and as the crowd saw the sequence, The Rock hits the People's Elbow!!! The Rock covers Rotundo. One.....Two......Three!!!!!


Winner: The Rock

Rating B+


Bobby Heenan: What a fluke!!!!

Vince McMahon: And The Rock comes out with another win!!!

Bobby Heenan: Oh he can't wait till Fall Out. Here he comes McMahon.






And he does come. Andre The Giant comes down walking on the ramp as The Rock doesn't notice him. Being busy at posing for the crowd, Andre The Giant hits the ring and when The Rock saw him, he got a taste of his medicine when Andre hits him with the Headbutt. The Rock goes down. Andre had a smile on his face and he goes celebrating in the center of the ring.


But The Rock had his way to take him down.


He gets back on his knees and started to go for his head with a flurry of punches. Then he runs to the ropes. Andre was going to hit him with a standing clothesline but The Rock dodges and hits Andre in the knee. He keeps his target there. And within a matter of minutes, Andre was falling.


With the crowds on their feet, The Rock hits the Rock Bottom on Andre. And as they cheer, The Rock's music hits on the speakers.


Vince McMahon: And The Rock impresses the millions!!

Bobby Heenan: The Rock might have been lucky tonight but rest assure Vinnie that we will have a new champion after Fall Out!!

Vince McMahon: That's it for our show. We head to Coast to Coast and then our big event, ASW Fall Out. I'm Vince McMahon and here is my partner Bobby Heenan.

Bobby Heenan: That's The Brain to you McMahon.

Vince McMahon: Alright. So long and have a good night!!!


Rating: A*


Overall Show Rating: B

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Show Notes


* With almost every promo I kinda had fun writing with. I had to get into how the each character talks on a promo so there is that.


* The post match could had gotten more detail into it.


*Click on the commercial breaks. I figured since that the mod is a mixture of the old time and new time, I added one old school commercial. :)


* And Happy Holidays everyone. I hope you enjoyed the show.

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Show Notes


* With almost every promo I kinda had fun writing with. I had to get into how the each character talks on a promo so there is that.


* The post match could had gotten more detail into it.


*Click on the commercial breaks. I figured since that the mod is a mixture of the old time and new time, I added one old school commercial. :)


* And Happy Holidays everyone. I hope you enjoyed the show.


Great show Mystery! I like how you sidestepped the Jeff Hardy promo as well. :D


Mind pming me the file. Even though I don't have a show till the next month, I still like to keep tabs on the rest of the in game stuff.

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Hey, that's what I, as a diary writer, do. Swoop in out of nowhere and make everyone else look lazy and dickless.


But seriously..it's funny you mentioned ASW's identity, I'm starting to get curious as to what the modmaker had in mind when making the company. I mean, McMahon and Heenan at the booth definately gives the commentary a "Golden Age" feel, but with it's upper tier now consistining mainly of guys like Jericho, Rock, Booker, HBK, Jeff Hardy, Ken Shamrock and the like, all give the roster kind of an Attitude feel. (And then there's the fact that the NAO are relevant, dead giveaway there..)


The product label only defines it as "McMahon Entertainment", which really isn't that indicative as to what era it leans on..perhaps it's supposed to be a mix of all four WWF/E eras? (Golden, New, Attitude and Current) I guess that's pretty much what I went with..I mean, it's hard to do a Rocky promo without putting a little Attitude in it, know what I mean? :p


Tommy made this mod, and I know he is especially fond of the Attitude era, or at least if his other mods are to be any consideration as to what he likes.


He was going for a "DOTT" kind of feel as well, but to be totally honest, and completely objective, I think the title says it all... War of the Immortals was a mod created to give you a feel for whatever era you like, to include the golden age (although NOT too golden, as most the really older guys are in as road agents, etc), the Attitude Era, Today's wrestling (many, many worker's from modern times as well), and for the mod to be "FUN", and I do mean to emphasize "FUN".


I was one of the people fortunate enough to help him out, and one of the biggest things for him was to create a mod that just about anyone from any era would actually appreciate. I think he did an incredible job, considering the extent of the goal. At a time when everyone was asking for a mod similar to this, he went the extra mile to make sure that not only was it what the people were asking for, but that it would have something in it for just about everyone.


After reading quite a bit of this diary, I'd also like to tip my hat off to the writers, as it's very entertaining and I feel that you captured the "Grandness" of the mod.


No matter what you think or don't think the Mod Maker had in mind, just realise if your having fun with it, that's the main thing, and was the main thing he desired to fullfill.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! Just caught up with whats going on in here, sorry I've not been around much at all lately! Congratulations on an amazing show Mystery, I'm really loving all the time and effort being put into this...I'd vote it in every category in the DOTY if I could!


The commercial breaks were great, the promo's were inspired and I seriously think we should all get together and open our own indie fed, what dya reckon?!?!?!?

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Wow! Just caught up with whats going on in here, sorry I've not been around much at all lately! Congratulations on an amazing show Mystery, I'm really loving all the time and effort being put into this...I'd vote it in every category in the DOTY if I could!


The commercial breaks were great, the promo's were inspired and I seriously think we should all get together and open our own indie fed, what dya reckon?!?!?!?


Thanks for the comment on the show Boomking. It's nice to see you around again.


I wonder if Imac still up for it.

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We start with a highlights package from Superstars, including the return of Jeff Hardy and the show-ending confrontation between The Rock and Andre The Giant. After the usual opening video, we cut to the arena and head to the announce desk to hear from Vince McMahon...


Vince: Welcome everyone to another episode of ASW Coast to Coast! I’m Vince McMahon, and what a main event we have for you tonight. The All-Star World Heavyweight Champion The Rock teams up with the All-Star Intercontinental Champion Bobby Lashley to take on Andre The Giant and ‘Nature Boy’ Buddy Rogers! Now those of you who are regular viewers of the show may have noticed that conspicuous by his absence is my broadcast partner Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan. Well, folks, The Brian is in the ring right now set for a very special interview. Take it Bobby...


The camera cuts to the ring to see Bobby Heenan stood with a microphone, a shower of boos greeting him...


Heenan: Alright you ham-and-eggers, you people are in for a treat right here. Last week, that imbecile Bobby Lashley accepted Buddy Rogers’ challenge for an All-Star Intercontinental Championship match at ASW Decimation. But you see Lashley... we both know you can’t handle the Nature Boy! So right now Lashley... I want you to come out here to this ring so I can look you dead in the eye and tell you... you’ll never be good enough!


A shocked hush falls over the crowd, many of them surprised at the audacity of Heenan to call out the Intercontinental Champion. Of course it doesn’t take long for Bobby Lashley to emerge, the Intercontinental Champion looking all business as he confidently makes his way down to the ring and stands opposite Heenan, who of course has more to say...


Heenan: Lashley... you heard what I said. I know that somewhere in that big ol’ thick head of yours there’s a pea-sized brain, but just incase you didn’t understand me, I’ll say it again. Lashley... you may have that All-Star Intercontinental Championship around your waist... but it won’t be for long. You see, at Decimation, you’re gon-


Having heard enough, Lashley snatches the microphone from Heenan’s hand...


Lashley: You know something Heenan? I’ve heard enough. For weeks now you’ve been running me down on commentary. You think Buddy Rogers is better than me? Then you tell him... to prove it! I have always defended this belt with honour against any challenger, and Buddy Rogers is no different. He wants this match on his terms? You tell him he can have it!


Lashley rather forcibly returns the microphone to Heenan and turns to leave the ring, but The Brian isn’t done...


Heenan: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a second there humanoid. You know what Lashley? You’re stupider than I thought. I mean, you must have a screw loose up there to even dare challenge ‘Nature Boy’ Buddy Rogers to any kind of match he wants! I mean, he could beat you at amateur wrestling, he could beat you in a street fight, he’d beat you in a cage match... he’d beat you at anything! Hell, he’d even beat you at eating chicken and watermelon!


Oh no you didn’t...


A furious Lashley turns to Heenan, grabbing him by the jacket... and hoisting Heenan up into the air! Lashley has Heenan up for a gorilla press slam... only for Buddy Rogers to appear out of nowhere, clipping Lashley at the knee, causing Heenan to fall to mat. Rogers now goes to work attacking Lashley’s knee, stomping away on it... and then locking on the figure four grapevine! Rogers wrenches back, causing Lashley to cry out in pain. As this is going on, Heenan picks up the mic...


Heenan: How dare you Lashley! How dare you put your hands on me! You see what happens when you put your hands on me?! Lashley... allow me to speak on behalf of the next All-Star Intercontinental Champion. At Decimation... you will defend your title... in a submission match!


Rogers finally releases his grip on Lashley’s knee, leaving the champion laid out in agony as we cut to commercial...



Afa vs. Ted DiBiase


The bad blood has been escalating between the Wild Samoans and Money Inc. Over the recent weeks, and it continued here tonight, as Afa and DiBiase square off in out opening contest. Of course Sika and Mike Roundo are at ringside, and consequently this match was riddled with interference. Rotundo in particular took every chance he could take to get involved, catching Afa with a series of cheap shots while the ref was distracted. Eventually Money. Inc would use the interference to their advantage, as just as Afa was about to go for a Samoan drop, Rotundo went around to the other side of the ring to pick a fight with Sika. With the ref distracted by the commotion at ringside, DiBiase raked the eyes and then nailed Afa with a briefcase shot to pick up a cheap victory and further increase the bad feeling between these two teams.

Ted DiBiase beat Afa (B-)


After the match we go backstage, where Trish Stratus is on interviewing duties...


Trish: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the Heartbreak Kid... Shawn Michaels! Shawn, tonight you face Jeff Hardy one-on-one. With the number one contenders match at Decimation just over a week away, is tonight your chance to prove to everybody that you’re the man to watch in that match?


Michaels: Listen sweet cheeks, you know who you’re talking to here? You’re talking to the showstopper! You’re talking to the very best this business has offer. I don’t need to prove anything to those morons out there, and I don’t need to prove anything to Booker T, Chris Jericho or Jeff Hardy. Jeff, I’ll be honest with ya junior... you’re just not in my league. I’ll show you tonight, and then I’ll show everybody else at Decimation that I am the showstopper, I am the number one contender and that I will be the next All-Star World Heavyweight Champion, and you can bank on that toots!



The British Bulldogs vs. Ken Shamrock and Ivan Putski


The All-Star Tag Team Champions are in action next, as the Bulldogs take on two members of the Heenan Family in Shamrock and Putski. Despite Shamrock’s best efforts, he and Putski are no match for the champions, so it comes as no surprise when Davey Boy Smith nails the running powerslam on Putski to grab a deserved 3 count.


The British Bulldogs beat Ken Shamrock and Ivan Putski (D+)


After the match, the Bulldogs are handed their titles and celebrate with the fans... until the number one contenders to their crowns, The New Age Outlaws appear. Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and of course Stacy Kiebler step out past the entrance, microphone in hand...


Dogg: Cut the music! The d-o-double-g and the Willy-Nilly are out here, because we got a lil’ something-something to say to you boys. Now, we know you ain’t from around these parts, so we gonna talk real slow so you can understand. But first... ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Stacy Kiebler proudly brings to you, the future... All-Star Tag Team Champions of the World... the Road Dogg Jesse James... the Bad Ass Billy Gunn... the New... Age... Outlaws!


Gunn: And if you two English fools in the ring ain’t down with, you can stick a straw in a pile of bulldog crap and suck it!


Dogg: Now, we got a lil’ business to attend to. Last Wednesday night, Davey Boy... you beat me in that very ring. But you got lucky. At Decimation, there will be no mistakes from the d-o-double-g. Now... we want to talk to you two about them there tag titles. You see, me and Billy... you know we want them belts. And you know we’re gonna get ‘em.


Gunn: But you don’t know how we’re gonna do it.


Dogg: That’s right. See, ever since the rumours that somehow Money Inc. Interfered to “help” us become the number one contenders, well we and Billy... we’ve been gettin’ a lot of bad press. And we don’t like it. So here’s what we’re saying to you Bulldogs. We’re challenging you two chumps to kick it old school, doggy style with us in a no disqualifications match come Decimation.


Gunn: But of course, if you’re not up to the challenge then...


In the ring, the fighting champions seem in agreement that they accept the challenge, with both Davey Boy and Dynamite nodding their heads in the direction of the Outlaws...


Dogg: Alright. Then we have a deal. We’ll see ya at Superstars Bulldogs.


It’s a strange moment as all four men seem happy at the outcome of this little incident. The Outlaws have the type of match they wanted, but the Bulldogs love a good fight, and at Decimation that’s exactly what we’re gonna get!


We now backstage to the trainer’s room, where we see medical personnel working on Bobby Lashley’s knee, icing it and applying strapping to it. ASW General Manager Stephanie McMahon enters the room, concerned that one of the components of her main event may not be able to go tonight...


Steph: So... will he make it? Can he compete tonight?


Trainer: I don’t think so Ms. McMahon. I mean he’s in a lot of-


Lashley: Hey! I’ll make it!


Trainer: Uh... I really don’t think that’s-


Lashley: I don’t care what you think! I’ll make it!


Steph: Listen Lashley, it’s more important to me that you make it to Decimation. I think you oughta sit this one out tonight.


Lashley: Not a chance! I want Rogers and I want him tonight!


Steph: Then you leave me no choice. Lashley, I forbid you to take part in the tag team main event tonight. The Rock will either need to find a new partner or take on Andre and Buddy Rogers in a handicap match.


Lashley: You can’t do that!


Steph: Lashley... I’m doing this for your own good. Don’t go out there tonight.



John Morrison vs. The Boogeyman


Certainly a strange match up, with the flamboyant Morrison taking on the bizarre Boogeyman. Boogey of course does his thing, trying to freak Morrison out with his bag o’ worms, but in the end it’s Morrison who prevails, connecting with starship pain to grab himself a clean victory.


John Morrison beat The Boogeyman (D)


When we return from commercial...




The young, confident and brash Mr. Kennedy makes his way down to the ring. The ring is already set up like a talk show. That’s right, it’s the debut of the Open Mic!!


Kennedy: Welcome everybody to the first ever edition of the Open Mic! I am of course your host, Ken Kennedy, the fastest rising star in professional wrestling history! But, you know... there’s something that’s got me really pissed off. And that is that at this point, when Decimation rolls around... I’ve got nothing to do. I know huh? Shocking isn’t it? I mean how I can be left off the card for Decimation is just beyond me. But you know... it kinda got me thinking. Maybe I need to do something shocking to get more attention around here. Maybe I need I need to express myself a little better. So that’s why I’ve started the Open Mic. This is my forum to tell each and every one of you exactly what is on my mind. And right now, Im-


Of course there is the inevitable interruption, but it’s a surprise when Buff Bagwell makes his way down to the ring. Kennedy mockingly scratches his head as Buff grabs a mic...


Buff: Easy Kenny, easy. Now, I know you’re wondering why I’m out here. And the reason is real simple... I’m too sweet!!


A look of sheer disgust crosses Kennedy’s face, but Bagwell presses on...


Buff: Nah, nah, I’m just kiddin’ Kenny. You wanna know why I’m out here? I’m out here because I heard what you had to say... and you’re absolutely right. You see Kenny, I’m not on that card either. You... me... not on pay-per-view. I mean... let’s face it... Decimation is gonna suck without us on the card! I mean, it’s gonna be the worse buyrate this company ever had!


A brief smile crosses Kennedy’s face, with him now agreeing to what Buff has to say...


Kennedy: Huh. God... you know... I never thought about it like that. Yeah... you’re right. You’re absolutely right. Without me on the card... Decimation is gonna suck!


Buff: Without me too-


Kennedy: Yeah, yeah whatever. So uh... is that all you came out to here to say Buff?


Buff: Not I got some more. Infact, I got a great idea! How about... you and me... we go to Decimation... and we make a splash baby! We make an impact! We work together to make a huge statement! We-


Kennedy: Alright, alright, I get it. Jesus. So... you and me... at Decimation... making a statement the whole world is gonna hear?


Buff: You got it baby!!


Kennedy: Yeah... yeah alright Bagwell. You got yourself a deal.


A ring of boos hits out from the crowd as the two young heels shake hands. But what does this new found understanding mean for ASW? What are Kennedy and Bagwell gonna get up to at Decimation? How will Batman get out of this one? Join us next week to find out!



D’lo Brown vs. Honky Tonk Man


Not really much to say about this one. Neither man has done much lately here in ASW, but with them meeting tonight, maybe there’s a chance for one of them to slowly start to inch up the card. Anyway, the wily veteran Honky Tonk would take this one, hitting a lil’ shake, rattle and roll for the 3 count. No guitars were harmed in the production of this match.


Honky Tonk Man beat D’lo Brown (D+)


Again we go backstage, where Trish Stratus is ready to do some interviewing...


Trish: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... he is the All-Star World Heavyweight Champion... The Rock! And Rock, tonight you were meant to team up with Bobby Lashley to face Andre The Giant and Buddy Rogers, but with Stephanie McMahon declaring Lashley unable to compete tonight, you either have to find a new part-


Trish stops dead in her tracks as The Rock raises a hand to her face and sniffs in the air...


The Rock Finally... The Rock... has come back... to Albany! And The Rock, the great one, the people’s champion, he comes back, and that no good piece of monkey crap Buddy Rogers takes a cheap shot at Bobby Lashley, and now The Rock is going into a handicap match. Well to you Andre, The Rock says “bring it”! To you Buddy Rogers, The Rock says “bring it”! Because when you go two... on one... with the great one... The Rock is gonna take his right hand... shine it up real nice with a little French polish... and stick it straight up... your candy asses!


Trish: So Rock, does this mean you’ll be facing Andre and Rogers alone?


The Rock: What? Who are you to interrupt The Rock like that? I mean, The Rock has this interview thing down to a fine art. You don’t interrupt The Rock when he’s on a roll! Damn girl! I mean The Rock is- did you just look at the people’s strudel?


Trish: What?! No! I would never-


The Rock: Did... you... look... at the people’s... strudel?


Trish: No, I’m trying to ask you about-


The Rock: *sighs* Trish, Trish, Trishy, Trish, Trish! It’s OK to look at the people’s strudel. Many a woman has been mesmerised by the people’s strudel. Stephanie McMahon? Couldn’t take her eyes off it. Stacy Kiebler? Kept trying to touch it. Hell, even The Boogeyman was impressed. He knew it weren’t no worm he has staring at! So Trish... did you look at the people’s strudel?


Trish: Well... I just peaked at it for a second and-


The Rock: What... in the blue hell... are you doing?! You don’t stare at the people’s strudel during an interview! Now you just stand there, hold that microphone, now you’re roll and shut your mouth. As for you Andre, and for you Buddy... you two jabronis are gonna find out that it doesn’t matter if you’re a nature boy, it doesn’t matter if you’re 7-feet tall... The Rock is gonna take both your monkey asses down to the corner of Know Your Role Boulevard and Jabroni Drive and check you in to the Smackdown Hotel! If ya smeeeeeeeeell-lalalalalalalalalalalala-low! What The Rock...


Is cooking...


The Rock: Is...cooking!


We cut back to the arena and head to the announce desk...


Vince: Well there you have it Brain, it appears that The Rock is gonna go it alone here tonight and take on Andre The Giant and Buddy Rogers in a handicap match.

Heenan: Then he’s the only person stupider than Bobby Lashley!

Vince: You’re unbelievable you know that?

Heenan: What did I say?

Vince: You were partly to blame for Lashley suffering injury at the hands of Buddy Rogers earlier tonight.

Heenan: He put his hands on me! He put his hands on me of all people. I had to be very careful that I didn’t raise my voice and use some foul language at him after what he did to me. He deserved every second that Buddy Rogers had him locked in the figure four.

Vince: Are you kiddin’ me! Lashley was-


5... 4... 3... 2... 1...


That’s right. Here comes Chris Jericho...


Vince: What is the meaning of this? It’s supposed to be Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels one-on-one here, yet Chris Jericho is coming out here.

Heenan: Well it’s obvious Jericho is coming out here for a little scouting mission on two of his opponents at Decimation.

Vince: Scouting mission? If I know Chris Jericho he’s out here to cause trouble.

Heenan: God what you got against Jericho? Does he owe ya money or something?


Jeff Hardy vs. Shawn Michaels


Eventually we get Hardy and Michaels out and the match kicks off, with Jericho joining McMahon and Heenan on commentary. The match is very evenly balanced, with both men flying around the ring, taking chances and looking to build momentum ahead of Decimation. Michaels looks to slow things down by targeting Hardy’s knee, but Jeff battles back, connecting with a twist of fate and climbing to the top rope for a swanton bomb... only for Jericho to drop his headset and jump up on the apron! The distraction sees Hardy turn his attention to Jericho, dropkicking him to the floor instead of attacking Michaels. As the referee admonishes Jericho, a commotion is heard as Booker T sprints down to the ring, heading straight for Jericho! With Booker and Jericho brawling at ringside, all hell has broken loose... and that’s all the invitation Michaels needs to take advantage. With Hardy watching Booker and Jericho brawl up the ramp, HBK waits for Jeff to turn... and then takes his head off with sweet chin music! Hardy slumps to the mat, and Michaels covers him for a tainted win, but all important momentum with the number one contenders four way just over a week away.


Shawn Michaels beat Jeff Hardy (B-)


Backstage, Andre The Giant and Buddy Rogers are walking the corridors for their match, but they’re not alone as Andre’s fellow Heenan Family members Ken Shamrock and Ivan Putski look like they’re also making their way to the ring. Suddenly Stephanie McMahon steps into the shot, stopping the four men in their tracks...[/b]


Steph: Shamrock... Putski... I don’t know where you two think you’re going, but you’re not going down to that ring tonight.


Shamrock: What?!


Steph: You heard me. It’s bad enough Lashley’s not gonna be out there tonight, and I’m not letting anyone interfere in this match. Infact, if any member of the Heenan Family gets involved in that match tonight... then they’ll be suspended indefinitely. Andre... Buddy... you better get down to that ring... alone.



The Rock v Andre The Giant and Buddy Rogers


Well, here it is. The main event. And the odds are quite literally stacked against the champion. Rocky goes it alone, and in the early goings he and Rogers put on quite a show, the two exchanging in a series of fluid chain wrestling that sees them both entertain the crowd. Sadly it wasn’t to last, as some dastardly tactics from Rogers sees his side gain the advantage... and here comes Andre. Naturally the pace of match grinds to a near standstill as Andre methodically goes to work, pummelling Rock with huge rights and massive headbutts. Rogers does his share of damage too, as he begins to target The Rock’s ribs, aiming knees and elbows and applying several submission holds to wear the champion down. Just when it looks like Rocky is done for, he mounts a recovery, teeing off with stinging rights and going for the rock bottom on Rogers... but the recovery is brief, as Rogers pushes Rock off the ropes... right into a double clothesline! Both men go down, and the referee starts a 10 count, when a commotion is heard from the crowd... it’s Bobby Lashley! He can barely walk, but Lashley is making his way down to the ring! Lashley staggers up onto the apron, extends his hand... and gets a tag from The Rock! Lashley limps into the ring, but he catches Rogers with a string of rights and lefts, before turning on the power for a gorilla press slam. Andre tries to interfere, but Rock is there to cut him off, nailing right after right before going for an Irish whip... reversal... DDT! A DDT plants Andre, and that leaves Lashley to go after Rogers... and lock him into an ankle lock submission! Lashley twists and torques on Rogers’ foot, and soon the Nature Boy is forced to tap out!


The Rock and Bobby Lashley beat Andre The Giant and Buddy Rogers (B)


Vince: What a victory for The Rock and Bobby Lashley!

Heenan: What is that ham-and-egger Lashley doing out here?! He’s disobeyed a direct order from Stephanie McMahon! He was forbidden from coming out here and getting involved in this match!

Vince: Aw c’mon Heenan. He was scheduled to compete in this match until-

Heenan: He was told for his own good not to get involved! He disobeyed Stephanie McMahon, and he should be punished for it!

Vince: Well it remains to be seen if that will happen. But for all us here on Coast-to-Coast, goodnight everybody!


Overall: C+

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Post show notes:


First show I've written in 6 months. I was very rusty. :(


I continued the Bobby Heenan is a racist angle from previous shows. Again I hope no-one was offended. :o


I added a few stipulations for the pay-per-view. I think a few stips will help the card and the particular matches I applied them too.


Speaking of the pay-per-view, previous shows had mentioned we were heading for Fall Out. The game data says we're heading for Decimation. If I've got that wrong then say so and I'll edit the show accordingly.


I had fun writing it! Sorry for the delay, it was Christmas after all. :)

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Post show notes:


First show I've written in 6 months. I was very rusty. :(


I continued the Bobby Heenan is a racist angle from previous shows. Again I hope no-one was offended. :o


I added a few stipulations for the pay-per-view. I think a few stips will help the card and the particular matches I applied them too.


Speaking of the pay-per-view, previous shows had mentioned we were heading for Fall Out. The game data says we're heading for Decimation. If I've got that wrong then say so and I'll edit the show accordingly.


I had fun writing it! Sorry for the delay, it was Christmas after all. :)


Great show Imac. It's good to have you back. Was a fun of your WWE diary and I think its just pure genius.


And its cool with the delay. I had to deadline myself on the X-mas eve so it won't be delayed so yeah.

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Fine show indeed, iMac.


Yeah, we should definately figure out which PPV we're building too. Myself, I had no clue when writing my show, which was the main reason why I didn't mention it.. :p


Note: There is no default pay-per-view for the month we start in, so we just picked something to move.


Nice to see you liked my idea for the Submission match build, by the way. Don't know if I agree with having Rogers be the first to tap out, though..sorta takes away the whole "Can he do it?" aspect of the feud. Like a couple years ago, when Cena and Khali were feuding, and the question was "Can Cena lift Khali?", which was answered a few weeks beforehand with Cena getting him up in F-U position..kinda defeats the purpose, y'know? :p

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Well that was another mighty fine show sir. Your ring rustiness was none evident in my eyes. I think we are continuing to build really well towards the PPV. Speaking of which, I added a PPV called Decimation at the end of october in the data I sent out...is it not showing up?



Nice to see you liked my idea for the Submission match build, by the way. Don't know if I agree with having Rogers be the first to tap out, though..sorta takes away the whole "Can he do it?" aspect of the feud. Like a couple years ago, when Cena and Khali were feuding, and the question was "Can Cena lift Khali?", which was answered a few weeks beforehand with Cena getting him up in F-U position..kinda defeats the purpose, y'know?


I can see where you're coming from Zeel, I probably wouldnt have had a submission happen quite so soon, but I think Bobby needed to look like a badass straight away with the beating he suffered earlier and all the racial abuse he's endured over the weeks! I quite like the set up actually because now it turns the attention back onto the challenger. He's got the match he wanted, but will it backfire in his face?

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Well that was another mighty fine show sir. Your ring rustiness was none evident in my eyes. I think we are continuing to build really well towards the PPV. Speaking of which, I added a PPV called Decimation at the end of october in the data I sent out...is it not showing up?


Ah, I see. Didn't actually download that.. :p



I can see where you're coming from Zeel, I probably wouldnt have had a submission happen quite so soon, but I think Bobby needed to look like a badass straight away with the beating he suffered earlier and all the racial abuse he's endured over the weeks! I quite like the set up actually because now it turns the attention back onto the challenger. He's got the match he wanted, but will it backfire in his face?


It's not that he made someone tap, it's that he made Buddy Rogers tap. The point of the angle when I was coming up with it, was that Rogers would challenge him to a submission match, thinking that the type of match was completely in his favor, and would put Lashley at a huge disadvantage. But throughout the build, Lashley would send a message to Rogers by taking on some solid midcard heels, and making them tap out. After each match, Rogers would get more and more worried that his plan isn't so foolproof, but still maintains that Lashley could never make him tap..but now he's already done that, so wondering if he could would be a moot point.


But ah well, I suppose I should've specified that more than I did. Not how I would've done it, but there's no harm done, still a fine show.

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It's not that he made someone tap, it's that he made Buddy Rogers tap. The point of the angle when I was coming up with it, was that Rogers would challenge him to a submission match, thinking that the type of match was completely in his favor, and would put Lashley at a huge disadvantage. But throughout the build, Lashley would send a message to Rogers by taking on some solid midcard heels, and making them tap out. After each match, Rogers would get more and more worried that his plan isn't so foolproof, but still maintains that Lashley could never make him tap..but now he's already done that, so wondering if he could would be a moot point.


But ah well, I suppose I should've specified that more than I did. Not how I would've done it, but there's no harm done, still a fine show.


You see, I think you're worrying about this too much. The whole point of this diary is that you can only progress a story for a week, and if someone has a different view they take it in a different way. That is the point. Personally, as an outsider looking in, I saw nothing wrong with Lashley getting the submission over Rogers. Now, after all the weeks abuse and tormenting and boasting, Rogers looks a little stupid and needs to prove his point against Lashley. So now it is personal rather than plucky underdog versus arrogant heel. So I think it works really well if people carry on with this direction.


I've loved the last few shows, guys, I think it's been great. It is interesting because you can tell there are slightly different takes on it from eac person, but each person is making it work. So I'm really enjoying it. Well done everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Buff Bagwell defeated Ernest Miller - D-


The Iron Shiek defeated Ron Simmons - C


ASW Superstars

Tri State (Medium)

Rock, HBK and Jericho hype tonights Main Event, and upcoming PPV. - B+


The Road Dogg and Billy Gunn prank poor Dynamite Kid - D

D'Lo Brown vs. John Morrison


Continuing the fun for all (except maybe Dynamite Kid) start to our show, out comes D'Lo Brown. Some head shaking and fist pumping gets the crowd behind him, in an odd sort of way. Next out is John Morrison to a fairly flat response. He struts around a bit, before flirting with a ringside lady and sliding into the ring at his leisure.


The bell rings and Morrison lazily blocks a few of D'Lo's punches while sneaking looks at the lady. Morrison lands a few offensive moves of his own, and turns to wink at the lady, but D'Lo clotheslines him out of his boots.


Morrison never truly recovers from this and spends the rest of the match playing catch up.


D'Lo Brown defeated John Morrison in 5:51 by pinfall with a Low Down.



Davey Boy Smith vs. Ken Shamrock


Davey Boy Smith did indeed look distract by the lack of a partner here to help him. While he still talked down to Shamrock, who showed no reaction.


The match started with Smith taking out every bit of fustrastion on the stoic Shamrock. However, after a small distraction by Heenan, Shamrock was able to get the upper hand and control the matchup on the ground. For nearly five minutes, Shamrock stretched and tortured Smith, until Smith was able to power out and get the upper hand.


After a series of forearms that knocked down the Heenan Family member, Davey Boy looked to be in control. That's when the Road Dogg and Billy Gunn ran down the aisle and began to beat down there rival. Shamrock was able to get up in the commotion and lock in the ankle lock. Smith struggled for a while, but eventually tapped out.


Ken Shamrock defeated Davey Boy Smith in 5:53 by submission. During the match we also saw 'Road Dogg' Jesse James run in and attack British Bulldog, and Billy Gunn also attack British Bulldog.




The Rock holds a bikini contest - C


Buddy Rogers vs. The Boogeyman


Squash match. Boogey got in some of his wierd offense, but Rogers was able to squash almost all attempts that Boogey put forward. The submission was almost a technicality.


Buddy Rogers defeated The Boogeyman in 7:35 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.



Buddy Rogers cuts a promo on Lashley - B-


Bobby Lashley vs. Steven Regel


Another test of Bobby Lashley's technical ability. If he was distracted by Rogers' rant, he showed nothing of it as he went to work on Regal. Regal got a few of his signature moves in there as Lashely tried to overpower Regal and Regal was able to counter. Lashley was able to duck a punch and use an armdrag into an armbar to get the submission victory.


Bobby Lashley defeated Steven Regal in 7:43 by submission.



Lashley falls victim to the Greco-Roman Chair Shot post match thanks to Buddy Rogers! - C+


DiBiase likes this kid, Kennedy, and pays him a lot of money to help 'kick start his career' - C

Ken Kennedy and Ted DiBiase vs. The Wild Samoans


Afa and Kennedy start in the ring, with Afa taking it to the young kid. After a few wild shots miss, Kennedy is able to start striking back, even forcing a tag to Sika.


The fresh Sika is able to work Kennedy over a little, but once again just as things looked really bad, Kennedy countered out. After beating Sika a bit as well, Kennedy hit the Mic Check. Instead of getting the pin for himself, he tagged in DiBiase and attacked Afa while DiBiase locked in an arrogant Million Dollar Dream.


Ken Kennedy and Ted DiBiase defeated The Wild Samoans in 7:57 when Ted DiBiase defeated Sika by submission with a Million Dollar Dream.




Andre the Giant, Chris Jericho and Shawn Micheals vs. Booker T, Jeff Hardy and The Rock


Chris Jericho starts in the ring versus Booker T. Booker takes the early advantage, slowing Jericho down with some solid brawling. Jericho is able to use a few underhanded tactics in order to drop Booker and go for the Walls, but Booker always fought back. Eventually, Booker hit the Book End...


...however before he could go for the pin, the Rock had gone for a microphone.


"No no no no no NO! Booker T, don't you ever, and the Rock means e~ever steal the Rock's move again!"


Jericho slowly crawls to his corner as Rock and Booker argue, and tags in HBK. Booker turns ... STRAIT INTO SWEET CHIN MUSIC!






NO! The Rock breaks up the count. One right hand. Two right hands. The Rock reels back ... three right hands, and HBK is down. Rock drags Micheals up, looks at Booker, and executes a picture perfect Rock Bottom.


From there the referee really losses control of the match. Jeff Hardy climbs to the top rope and Swanton's right onto Shawn Micheals! As Hardy gets to his feet, the Rock positions himself at the head of the downed Shawn Micheals. Slowly, teasingly, he removes an arm band and throws it to the crowd. He turns ... right into a boot to the gut.




Hardy rolls out of the ring as Jericho, Micheals, Booker and Rock are down. Micheals stirs first, running to his corner to tag in Andre, who looked almost bored during the entire fight. He walks over to Rock, lifts him over his head, and tosses him out of the ring. Next he strides over to Booker T, who is stirring...




Jericho rolls out of the ring, and Booker pops back up ... a second sweet chin music! Andre just puts his giant foor on the chest of the downed Booker T.








Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and Andre The Giant defeated The Rock, Jeff Hardy and Booker T in 11:40 when Andre The Giant defeated Booker T by pinfall. During the match we also had Jeff Hardy turn on The Rock.




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  • Gross. I am really out of practice.
  • Sorry for the time it took.
  • I'll go back and flesh out the promos later.
  • Hardy's turn isn't a full turn, more of a statement, but of course it could be a full turn with a few things if that is desired.
  • I send the data to BoomKing, yes?
  • I didn't forget about the Buff-Kennedy team I just threw a wrench in it. Will Buff be jealous? Will Kennedy choose DiBiase over Bagwell?

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I always get giddy when I see an update to this! Another excellent show in the series.


I loved the main event, just an epic cluster the likes of which we rarely see nowadays. Loved Hardy's half turn on The Rock...I think we have done a great job of making him an unpredictable, rebelious character. I liked the fact that Bobby and Buddy both won by submission tonight, and the aftermath, with Rogers hitting Lashley with the chair, adds another dimension in their fued in my opinion. Dibiase and Kennedy are an interesting pairing, but what does IRS think of it...?


So yeah, pass the data onto me please, unless there are any other writers out there who fancy a shot at the next show???

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I always get giddy when I see an update to this! Another excellent show in the series.


I loved the main event, just an epic cluster the likes of which we rarely see nowadays. Loved Hardy's half turn on The Rock...I think we have done a great job of making him an unpredictable, rebelious character. I liked the fact that Bobby and Buddy both won by submission tonight, and the aftermath, with Rogers hitting Lashley with the chair, adds another dimension in their fued in my opinion. Dibiase and Kennedy are an interesting pairing, but what does IRS think of it...?


So yeah, pass the data onto me please, unless there are any other writers out there who fancy a shot at the next show???


All right, I'll have to do that after work. Almost 50 hours this week @.@.

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