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Workers Going to Jail

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This is possibly the most annoying thing ever, in a funny way but still god damn annoying. In my old Montreal Aftermath game as WCW a few months in Lex Luger (one of my top stars) was jailed for murder for many years. In my current game Glen Jacobs or Kane has just been jailed for a year for breaking and entering, this is especially annoying because he was a main eventer and in a hot feud with Triple H that was going to soon end at The Bash.


What workers of yours have been sentenced to jail in your games?

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This is possibly the most annoying thing ever, in a funny way but still god damn annoying. In my old Montreal Aftermath game as WCW a few months in Lex Luger (one of my top stars) was jailed for murder for many years. In my current game Glen Jacobs or Kane has just been jailed for a year for breaking and entering, this is especially annoying because he was a main eventer and in a hot feud with Triple H that was going to soon end at The Bash.


What workers of yours have been sentenced to jail in your games?


i gave chris masters a huge push to the main event and he got jailed for breaking and entering:mad:

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/nod. Lex Luger I could see, didn't he get charged with assault on an airplane or something?


I didn't even know Glen Jacobs had a criminal record, time to hit the Smoking Gun!


edit: Nothing on record for Glen Jacobs, Lex Luger was picked up for drugs and battery but that's it. I'm curious what the editor says their % in law problems is.

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<p>I actually had a created character (Draeko Borgir) go to jail for murder once, sentenced to like fifteen or seventeen years. He was a user created character,with very low law problems, but high in the drugs area. At the time of his sentencing, he was my ME Title holder, and had been for six months or so. I had intended to have him hold the belt awhile longer, but obviously that wasn't in the works.</p><p> </p><p>

It actually turned out to be a good thing. I held a tournament for the Vacated title. Used the tournament to bring up a midcarder, and he ended up carrying the company for a long time.</p><p> </p><p>

Oddly, when Draeko got out of prison, he was still interested in the biz, but wouldn't sign with me. I think he ended up in Japan somewhere, and won a few major titles before retiring.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="praguepride" data-cite="praguepride" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25345" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>/nod. Lex Luger I could see, didn't he get charged with assault on an airplane or something?<p> </p><p> I didn't even know Glen Jacobs had a criminal record, time to hit the Smoking Gun!</p><p> </p><p> edit: Nothing on record for Glen Jacobs, Lex Luger was picked up for drugs and battery but that's it. I'm curious what the editor says their % in law problems is.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I just checked Glen Jacobs' law problems, he has 0%... Must've just been really bad luck for me.</p>
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