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Opinion Required - running a game as IFL

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Well, there's obviously no in-game facility to do a team-based MMA concept like the IFL or M-1 Challenge, so you'd have to spreadsheet it up.


If it were me, I'd hire all the fighters I needed for my first 'season', then keep a record of the teams in a speadsheet.


Then it's just a case of naming each event "IFC: Razorclaws vs Sheepfarmers" (or whatever ridiculous names they used :p) and go from there.


The IFL had two 'team vs team' things on each show, so thats ten fights, one in each weight class per team match-up. Then just keep a record of the winners and tourney brackets in your speadsheet and run your league like that.


Of course the big problem your going to have is making sure that all twenty fighters you need for each show are A) Ready to fight when you need them and B) Not poached from you by bigger orgs. That said, I guess injuries etc are a realistic part of what the IFL had to contend with.


Good luck!

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this is true - but if you had the right roster mix then in theory someone shifting camps just creates new fights? Not sure about that might be wrong


I think what I'll do is just use the name, logo that kinda thing and go with a simpler format. If this thread can come up with a way of doing it then i'll run that game but for now I'll go with a de-teamified IFL I think

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Maybe IFL with a twist - countries instead of camps or teams


actually - you can't obviously set up teams but you could do countries and that's easy to keep track of who is in what team


for example - Team GB, Team Russia, Team Canada, Team USA, Team Japan, Team Brazil, Team Holland, Team Germany


1 Series is a tournament in each weight class so if you have 5 weight divisions a series is 5 tournaments.


8 teams - 8 man tournament - 1 from each team.


means each country has 1 fighter in each weight catergory


Each team has a "coach" a very good reputation, experienced fighter who fight each other in openweight super fights


For example the coaches could be:


Team GB - Ian Freedman

Team USA - Ken Shamrock

Team Brazil - one of the Gracie's

Team Canada - Gary "Big Daddy" Goodridge (I know I know but he fights out of Canada)

Team Holland - Bas Rutten

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thanks for the help - found my solution via this thread


I'm gonna give this a go with how I said in an earlier posts


the teams are - Team USA, Team Canada, Team GB, Team Japan, Team Russia, Team Europe, Team Korea & Team Brazil


and the TUF style coaches who are the "Elite Team Captains" and who will face on in super fights are:


USA: Ken Shamrock (with Don Frye as his stand in for fights till he's available to fight)

Canada: Carlos Newton

GB: ian Freedman

Brazil: Royce Gracie

Russia: Fedor's brother (lets be honest thats what he is)

Europe: Semmy Schilt

Korea: Hong Man Choi

Japan: Bobby Ologun


Might do this as a dynasty. Now to create the teams in game

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah my bad on the spelling of his name a typo that I honestly did not spot.


and while Ologun was born in Nigeria he is very much respected and admired in Japan and I didn't see a problem having him captain Team Japan but I take the point and you're right it should have been someone else. Team Japan kinda got there ass kicked and he didn't really help the matter.


Gonna try it again but with refined rules and concept.

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