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ESE Total Disaster

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Well after reading some great diaries in this forum I desited to try one myself:D.


Now I´m not particularty creative person so don´t expect anythink spesial, but hopefully this is at least readable. Also my english isn´t all that great so I´m sure there will be lot of wrong words and spelling mistakes in this one.


Now I wanted to start company from scratch so I started my own promotion and based it in Scandinavia. I edited my company stats so that I had 0 popularity, prestige and money from the start.


I choose ESE (Eternal Studios Entertaiment) as my company name simple because it had a logo and unique title belts (tag title + king of Network title) and was one of the fem that didn´t have any indication on U.S.A or Canada. (I believe this logo and titles was made for some other database so if it´s not ok for me to use them please let me know.)


production settings:

key feature: mainstream

medium: Traditional

low: comedy, hardcore, daredevil


Well now that I have scared everyone away (except one person who fall asleep during introdution:D) I might as well start this one.

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Here is my starting roster and what I though of them at that time.


Roster January 2008




Beast Bantom


Heel, Bully

Bantom is a top heel in ESE, who has decent rumbling and mic skills. He´s Technical and Flying skills are quite bad but otherwise he is quite good wrestler in ESE:s standards.



Cannonball Logan

age: 25

Heel, Cartoon Joker

Logan is a decent wrestler who has most skills on D+ range (technical and rumble are E+ and E-). He don’t have much star quality tough. Not likely to get a big push until tag team division is formed.



Ian Vinsible

age: 25

Face, Old School Face

Vinsible is pretty similar to his tag partner Cannonball Logan and won´t be pushed before we have a tag division.



Wonder boy

age: 27

Face, Comic Book Hero

Wonder boy is my top face for now. His technical and rumble skills are F but other skills are C- so he should to quite well in ESE. His gimmick might be too difficult and subtle for mainstream audience but really with that name how could I not try that.





Arthur T.Turtle

age: 25

Face, Blue Collar

Turtle is one of the more promising wrestlers in ESE. He has very good mic skills and decent all around wrestling skills. Only bad think about Turtle is that he´s selling ability is quite low. He is probably getting some push since he should be solid worker for a long time.



Davey London

age: 21

Heel, Arrogant heel

London seems to be somewhat talented wrestler (most skills are either C or D range), though he isn´t likely to get much push until tag team division is built, since he is needed there.



Fortius Minimus

age: 29

Heel, Evil Doer

Minimus is just a jobber who isn´t likely to get any kind of push. He´s skills are in E range, but he has a B- in selling.



Jay B

age: 25

Face, Syrfer Dude

Good quality wrestler that has most skills in C or D range. Aren´t really known outside UK, which hurts him. Should probably be pushed but won´t happen yet, simply because I want to push too many faces. Will chance as a heel at some point and probably get a push that he deserves.



Wolfgang Klose

age: 36

Heel, Hockey Fan

Klose is way past his prime and will probably retire after year or two. Jobber for upper mid/main event faces. I will probably pair him with Minion since Minion´s gimmick need some boss type and Klose is probably best fit for now.





Davey Celtic

age: 21

Face, Dancing fool

Celtic has most of his skills in D range. He isn´t likely to get much a push until tag division is formed (He will likely turn to heel at that point).



Jeff Amazon

age: 22

Face, Fan´s Own

Jeff is the only face jobber in a current roster so he isn´t going to win much. He´s probably my worst wrestler since he not very skilled and cannot sell as well as Minion or Fortius.






age: 29

Heel; Acolyte

Pretty much completely worthless except the fact that he can sell moves. Going do bee a punching back and a henchman for some upper tier heel (likely to Klose (unless they have bad chemistry) since no one else doesn’t fit). Game actually recommended that he is better as manager but I think I need him as a wrestler right now.





Salty Larry



ESE:s announcer.



Mike Peterson

age: 37


Peterson does double work as a road agent and color commentator.



Humbhrey Woolsey

age: 42


Head referee of ESE.


I forgot the say in my last post that I´m currently halfway in 2009 with this save so I can quarantee this diary will go at least to June 2009 in game time.

Also I´m still learning to play this game so if anyone have any comments on my writing/booking/signings/tips etc. feel free to share them with me:)


Next first ever ESE show.

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March week 2 Saturday


Road to Glory (small 1h)


1 vs. 1 King of Network Tournament quarter finals.

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6990/jayb.jpg

Cannonball Logan vs. Jay B


This was a back and forth match that goes outside of the ring a few times. Neither guy cannot get much advantage, but Logan eventually hits a low blow on Jay B outside the ring and heads back to ring. Referee didn´t see that low blow and counts Jay B out.

WINNER: Cannonball Logan by count out E





http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg taunts http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6990/jayb.jpg and boost that he will win this tourney E




1 vs. 1 King of Network Tournament quarter finals

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg vs. http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg

Fortius Minimus vs. Ian Vinsible


Minimus is very slow to get in the ring. When Minimus finally gets in the ring he bails out almost immediately when Vinsible tries to attack him. This continues a little while until Vinsible frustrates and takes the fight outside of the ring. Once these two get into wrestling they managed to make a decent fight. Vinsible claims a decisive win in the end of this match.

WINNER: Ian Vinsible by pinfall F+





http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg Goes in a office looking angry and questions why he isn´t in a tournament.


Mystery man (Yeah, guess I forgot to tell I use the Grant avatar as my player character, he will play as a authority figure until I have enough money to actually hire someone for that position) who stays in darkness tells Klose that he has to prove himself first. “Proof myself? I need to proof myself when someone like Turtle gets a shot? I´m going to show that I deserve that shot” Klose shouts and storms out from the room. F


1 vs. 1 King of Network Tournament quarter finals

http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg

Wonder boy vs. Davey London


London dominates early but become too arrogant in a progress and starts run his mouth with the crowd. That gives Wonder boy the opening and he turns the tables with some crash or burn moves. This fight suffered a little since Wonder boy and London didn´t seem to be in a same page.

WINNER: Wonder boy by pinfall. E



1 vs. 1 King of Network Tournament quarter finals[/b]

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg

Beast Bantom vs. Arthur T.Turtle


Pretty even match with Bantoms lightly ahead but he is not able to take a full control in this match. Eventually Beast gets frustrated and gets a chair outside a ring, but referee stops him.

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg makes a run in and hit Turtle with a hockey stick, but referee doesn’t see it since he´s still busy telling Beast not to bring chair into ring. Klose gets outside and Beast Bantom rolls back in the ring and makes a pin. Referee seems to wonder how Turtle is lying there when no one should have been in the ring to hit him but since he didn´t saw anything he have no choice than make the three count.

WINNER: Beast Bantom by pinfall (with interference by Klose) E+





http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg Continues his assault against http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg with his hockey stick until officials come out and take Klose out of the ring. F



Show rating E

Thoughs: I skipped January and February in order to get some money and desite to start with tournament that determinates first ever King of Network champion (I stole this tournament format from Foolink´s NEO and can I be a booker diaries. Too bad I couldn´t steal his booking skills too:p)

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April week 2 Saturday

ESE Fight for Pride(small 1h)


1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg vs. http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/9597/jeffamazon.jpg

Beast Bantom vs. Jeff Amazon


Bantom makes a short work on Amazon who only gets some token offence.

WINNER: Beast Bantom by pinfall E




http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg hypes he´s match against http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg later on tonight and says that even if Logan is a respectable opponent he is going to win and claim the title for himself. E-



2 vs. 2

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/238/miniona.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6990/jayb.jpg

Wolfgang Klose & Minion vs. Davey Celtic & Jay B


Klose and Celtic started this match and Klose takes control after hitting thumb on Celtic´s eye. Klose tags Minion in and Minion continues to attack Celtic. Suddenly Celtic hits a drop kick out of nowhere and is able to tag Jay B in. Jay B hits both Minion and Klose down and pins Minion for a three count. Match suffered because Klose and Minion had absolutely no chemistry with each others (great there goes the plan to pair Minion with Klose)

WINNER: Davey Celtic & Jay B by pinfall F+





After the tag match http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg tries to attack http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg but Klose throwshttp://img704.imageshack.us/img704/238/miniona.jpg on Turtle´s way and runs. Turtle takes Minion down. F (I but Klose and Turtle on wrong places so it was actually Klose who attacked and leveled Minion :p guess I just ignore that and pretend it happened as I intended. )





http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg stays in the ring and demands a match against Klose. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/3360/mikepeterson.jpg get´s a call and after the call he tells Turtle that match against Klose isn´t possible tonight but that Turtle gets to fight against another person. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg music starts to play and Peterson informs Turtle that Minimus is his opponent and that the fight starts now.


(Match request E+ + match announcement F )


1 vs. 1


http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Fortius Minimus


Minimus is slow to get in a ring again but when he finally stats fighting he gets the upper hand with some heel tactics. Eventually Turtle is able to turn the tables and pick up a win.

WINNER: Arthur T.Turtle by pinfall E-



1 vs. 1 King of Network Tournament semi-finals:


http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg vs. http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg

Cannonball Logan vs. Wonder boy


Back and worth match were Wonder boy are able to pick a victory after a hard fought fight. Match suffered because Logan and Wonder boy didn´t work well together (Wonder Boy now has two bad chemistries in two matches.)

WINNER: Wonder boy by pinfall E-


Shows rating: E-

Notes: Both last show and this got not enough storylines warning (I had 1 prior 1st show and made a second before this show) since I didn´t knew that I had to run at least three storylines.

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June week 2 Saturday

ESE Dungeon of Doom (small 1h) Yeah, I know this name was used by a stable of monster heels in WCW (I think) but I like this name and think it fits well as a event name :)



1 vs. 1

http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg

Wonder Boy vs. Fortius Minimus


Minimus comes slowly in the ring and bails back outside after first sign of danger. Eventually W-Boy gets frustrated and Minimus is able to trick W-Boy and takes control with thumb in the eye. Eventually Wonder Boy regroups and takes control of the match and makes a clean pin.

WINNER: Wonder Boy by pin fall E





http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg comes in a ring and challenges http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg in a match. Klose comes in and says that Turtle have to beat http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/238/miniona.jpg in singles match before he can have a match against him.

(Turtles challenge E+ , Klose turns challenge down. F)


1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/238/miniona.jpg

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Minion


Quick match where Turtle is in control. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg makes an interference that gives Minion the upper hand for a moment but Turtle is eventually able to get control back and he puts Minion away shortly after that to claim a victory.

WINNER: Arthur T.Turtle by pinfall E-






http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg attacks http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/238/miniona.jpg after the match screaming how worthless piece of c*** Minion is. F-





http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg comes in the ring and starts telling how great he is. Then London start bashing his former partner http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg saying that Celtic dragged him down and that he´s much better wrestler than Celtic. Celtic comes out and challenge London do a match. London first dismiss the idea saying that he got nothing to prove and has bigger fish to fry but eventually accepts when Celtic questions his bravery. E-



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg

Davey London vs. Davey Celtic


London dominates most of this match but once the fight spreads to outside of the ring Celtic gets some offence off his own and manages to get back in the ring just before referee makes the ten count. Thus Celtic gets a count out victory. London seems very frustrated by this outcome while Celtic is dancing in the ring enjoying his victory.

WINNER: Davey Celtic by count out E-



1 vs. 1 King of Network Tournament semi-finals:

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg vs.http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg

Beast Bantom vs. Ian Vinsible


Even match where neither side isn´t able to take control of the match. Bantom eventually used his power to win the match after Vinsible misses a crash or burn move. This match was good in ESE:s standards and it looked like these two have a good chemistry with each others.

WINNER: Beast Bantom by pin fall D-


show rating: E+

Good chemistry between two main eventers was a nice plus and makes up with that W-Boy´s bad chemistry with Logan and London.

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July week 2 Saturday

ESE King of the Studio (small 1h)




http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg is hyping his match against http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg E




1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Wolfgang Klose


Quite even match where neither side aren´t able to gain much control. Eventually Klose gets angry and hit Turtle with a hockey stick that he had brought to the ringside. Referee saw that and disqualifies Klose. Match was better than expected since these two seemed to have good chemistry with each others.

WINNER: Arthur T.Turtle by DQ. E+






http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg is showed walking in backstage suddenly http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg attack Celtic from behind and strike him down screaming that Celtic got lucky last week and stole a win that should have been his. F






http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg says he going to destroy http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg tonight and claim the King of Network title to himself. E+




1 vs 1 Number 1 condenter for King of Network title

http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg

Ian Vinsible vs. Cannonball Logan


Logan gains early control of this match with thumb in the eye, but eventually Vinsible is able to fight back and this becomes an even match where control changes from one wrestler to another all the time. Vinsible is eventually able to pick a clean win and gets a title shot opportunity.

WINNER: Ian Vinsible by pinfall E-




1 vs. 1 Tournament finals for King of Network title


http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg

Wonder Boy vs. Beast Bantom


Another close match that could have gone either way. Bantom bringing a chair in the ring after referee was knocked down. However Bantom realizes that referee starts to recover so he slams chair against the ring, toss chair to Wonder Boy and lays down. Predictably referee sees chair on Wonder Boys hand and that Bantom is laying on the ground so he disqualifies Wonder Boy thus giving the title to Beast Bantom. Wonder Boy tries to protest but referee stays in his decision, while Bantom makes a quick exit with his new belt.

WINNER: Beast Bantom via DQ after cheating E+


Show rating: E

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Roster Moves:


When choosing the original roster I put minimum overness to F- and maximum to E- thinking that it will show every guy that has less than E- overness in Europe. However I found out later that there where punch of guys who I didn´t see (my guess is that F- minimum overness shows anyone with more than 0% overness) with those settings thus missing some guys that I would have signed. I decited to add two of those guys in my roster mainly just because I liked them but also to give little diversity to my roster.


New signings:






age: 21

Face, Fan´s own.

Yeah he´s not the best possible guy but he is one of my favorites so I had to sign him. Will likely be just a jobber at least for now.





Glen Ward

age: 24

Heel, ****y Youth.

Not sure why the game thinks he should be lower on the card than Stardust, Amazon or Minimus since he seems to be more talented than those but I go with what the game recommends me to do. (0% popularity is likely a one reasons but Stardust should have that too and Amazon has F- as well). Ward will likely eventually see some push to put him up in the ranks but at the start he´s just another jobber.

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August Saturday week 2

ESE Fall to Hell (small 1h)

NOTE Beast Bantom had a schedule class and thus wasn´t available for this show. :(





http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg says that Bantom stole the title from him, but that he is going to rise again and get a another shot for that title and that rise starts today when he is going to beat http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg . E-




1 vs. 1

http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg

Wonder Boy vs. Fortius Minimus


Pretty similar match than their last match with Minimus slowing things down and generally trying to avoid Wonder Boy until he gets upper hand with usual heel tactics. This match gets a surprise ending when Minimus suddenly takes a brass knuckle from his pants and hit Wonder Boy with it when the referee isn´t watching (this particular referee seems to be blind considering how much he has already missed) and claims a victory.

WINNER: Fortius Minimus by pin fall after cheating. E-





http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg says that thinks between him and http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg are far from over and challenges Klose to a hardcore match in next show. E+



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg vs. http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/9597/jeffamazon.jpg

Davey London vs. Jeff Amazon



Filler match that suffered even more than expected since these two had bad chemistry. London picked a win as expected.

WINNER: Davey London by pinfall F+




2 vs. 2

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6748/stardust.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4193/glenward.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/238/miniona.jpg

Arthur T.Turtle & Stardust vs. Glen Ward & Minion


Ward and Minion got an early advantage against Stardust and kept Turtle out from the fight. Eventually Stardust is able to make the tag and then Turtle comes in and clears a ring. Fight continues little longer with Turtle and Stardust in control and in the end Turtle takes the win for he´s team when he pins Minion to the three count.

WINNER: Arthur T.Turtle & Stardust by pinfall E-




After the match http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg attacks http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg and beat him down. F- (Yes this is in wrong place, but I accidentally but it here in game so I desited to put it here for this diary too to show that I still make lot of mistakes with this game:o)


2 vs. 2

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg & http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg vs. http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6990/jayb.jpg

Wolfgang Klose & Cannonball Logan vs. Ian Vinsible & Jay B


Another standard tag team match where Jay B and Vinsible take early control but Klose and Logan are able to reverse control for themselves. Vinsible and Jay B comes back and match continues as a quite even match where neither team seems to gain any advantage. Jay B and Vinsible collect a victory after Jay B pins Klose while Logan and Vinsible fought outside the ring. (Bantom should have been on Klose´s place and Bantom & Logan would have picked up the victory in that case.)


WINNERS Ian Vinsible & Jay B by pinfall F+ (Ouch didn´t expected that bad rating and there wasn´t any bad chemistrys either.)


Shows rating E- (Well guess that’s good enough after bad main event + Bandom´s absence + badly placed angle. At least this comedy of errors show increased our popularity :p)

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October week 2 Saturday


ESE Eye of the Storm (small 1h)



1 vs. 1

http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4193/glenward.jpg

Wonder Boy vs. Glen Ward


Basic fight where Wonder Boy dominates most of the match and eventually put Ward out with his finisher. This match was basically there to give Wonder Boy a win after his two losses (he whined after both losses).

WINNER: Wonder Boy by pinfall E





After match http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg attacks http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg from behind and beats him down F+



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6748/stardust.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg

Stardust vs. Fortius Minimus


Even fight where Minimus uses heel tactics while Stardust trusts he´s fight flying offence. Match ends when Minimus cheats his way to victory by hitting low blow while referee again found something more interesting to follow than the match.

WINNER: Fortius Minimus by pinfall after cheating. E-





http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg hypes his match against http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg saying that he will completely destroy Vinsible tonight. E



1 vs. 1

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg

Cannonball Logan vs. Davey Celtic

This match ends prematurely when http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg makes an interference and hit Celtic down while ref is looking elsewhere.

WINNER: Cannonball Logan by pinfall after London makes an interference. E-


1 vs. 1 Hardcore match

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Wolfgang Klose


Basic hardcore match where both guess try to hit each other with as many objects as possible. Match ended with Turtle making a dominant finish when he hits Klose with a chair and then delivers his finishing move.

WINNER: Arthur T.Turtle by pinfall F+ (Ouch, guess that hardcore match isn´t exactly good fit with this promotion considering that these two had an E+ match before)


1 vs. 1 for a King of Network title


http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg

Ian Vinsible vs. Beast Bantom


Even fight that lasted about 15 minutes with neither guy able to take control. In the end Bantom gets frustrated and hit Vinsible with the chair that causes Vinsible win via DQ.

WINNER Ian Vinsible by DQ D-




Show rating E+ Nice rating despite that bad hardcore match thanks to that D- main event. I don´t seem to have any idea how to get guys over though. Bantom lost popularity after this match (E- -> F+) even though I have given him 4 victories (against top faces like Wonderboy, Vinsible and Turtle) before this + the title belt and made him lose by DQ in this one.

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November Monday week 2

ESE Blood moon (small 1h)



4 way for a King of Network title shot later tonight

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6990/jayb.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg

Davey Celtic vs. Jay B vs. Wolfgang Klose vs. Davey London


Quite normal four way match with everyone getting some time to shine and hit their finishers. In the end it was Jay B who took the victory after pinning Klose while Celtic and London are too busy hitting each others.

WINNER: Jay B by pinfall E-





http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg shows up and start telling how he will clean this promotion from cheaters and says that Minimus is first to feel his righteous wrath. W-Boy continues to tell how Minimus cheated his way to win against both himself and Stardust and reminds that Minimus attacked him last month without any reason. W-Boy then challenges Minimus to a match. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg comes out and decleres that he won´t accept the challenge since he got nothing to prove and says that W-Boy has to earn a shot against him. W-Boy says that he will overcome any obstacles in order to defead Minimus. Minimus declares that first W-Boy had to beat Minion tonight.

(Challenge E + Minimus reject challence F )


1 vs. 1

http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/238/miniona.jpg

Wonder Boy vs. Minion


As everyone predicted (well everyone except Minimus apparently:p) Wonder Boy had no problem defeating Minion in this one.

WINNER: Wonder Boy by pinfall E-



http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg goes to the office and demands http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5553/thegrandavatar.jpg a rematch against Bantom. Mystery man says he consider it but that Vinsible has to show that he deserves a rematch. Vinsible don´t take it too kindly but says that he will prove that he proves to be worthy on that title shot. E



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4193/glenward.jpg vs. http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/9597/jeffamazon.jpg

Glen Ward vs. Jeff Amazon


Standard match from two undercard jobbers that saw Ward getting the win over that job boy Amazon. Match suffered a little since it took too long (little under 7 minutes) luckily these two had a good chemistry so the grade was acceptable consider who I had in this one.

WINNER: Glen Ward by pinfall F+



1 vs 1 for a King of Network title


http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6990/jayb.jpg

Beast Bantom vs. Jay B


This was a good match but it was quite clear from the start that Jay B isn´t taking the win here especially after that 4-way match. Jay B got some early offence and then Bantom took control and beat Jay B down for a three count.

WINNER: Beast Bantom by pinfall E+




http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg attacks http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg after the match is over and beat him down. F+


Show rating: E

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December week 2 Saturday

December Showdown (small 1H)



1 vs. 1

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6748/stardust.jpg

Cannonball Logan vs. Stardust


Standard singles match where Logan looked pretty strong after using basic heel tactics to get upper hand. Logan eventually puts Stardust away without much trouble. This match suffered because both guy seemed to have an off night.

WINNER: Cannonball Logan by pinfall E-





http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg shows up and challenges Minimus to a match saying that he overcome the obstacle that Minimus put on his way. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg comes to the ring and says that even though Wonder Boy defeated Minion it dosn´t mean that he can face him, but that if Wonder Boy want to fight there is one guy who is willing to make an impression and defeat Wonder Boy and that guy is Jeff Amazon! Wonder boy says that he have no argue with Amazon but that he is wiling to face him if that is what it takes to clean ESE from Minimus. (Yes Amazon is a face but I though that he would take a chance to face W-Boy and rise on the ladders (if he wins) even if he kinda helps Minimus by doing so.)


(Challenge E- + challege turned down F)



1 vs. 1

http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg vs. http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/9597/jeffamazon.jpg

Wonder Boy vs. Jeff Amazon


As face versus face match this probably wasn´t the most interesting fight. W-Boy and Amazon shake hands before they start to show mutual respect. The match itself is similar to most matches with Amazon with W-Boy on offence and Amazon taking punishment and getting only a token offence. Like in last shows fight W-Boy had absolutely no difficulty to take the win. Amazon and Wonder Boy didn´t seem to have much chemistry together. (I don´t really like using talent trades but in this particular feud it would propably had made a lot of sense to bring someone outside the company to fight W-Boy as Minimus hired gun rather than using jobbers that aren´t really a thread to Wonder Boy.)

WINNER: Wonder Boy by pinfall F+





http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg hypes his up and coming three way match against Bantom and Vinsible saying that even though he have though opponents this is his chance to become the King of Network champion. E



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg

Davey Celtic vs, Davey London


These two finally have another singles match after months of run-ins and backstage attacks. Celtic took an early advantage but eventually thinks evened out. It looked like neither could gather enough steam to get a win but then London makes a low blow while the ref wasn´t looking and took the victory.

WINNER: Davey London by pinfall after cheating F+



3 way for the King of Network title


http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg

Ian Vinsible vs. Beast Bantom vs Arthur T.Turtle


This match did go back and forth for a long time and it seemed that these guys were evenly matched. Eventually Vinsible was able to hit Turtle with his finisher after Bantom was dropped from the ring and it looked like he is going to get the title but then Bantom grabs judges leg and stop his three count. Vinsible notices this and goes against Bantom when Bantom gets back to the ring. However Bantom is able to throw Vinsible out of the ring and then pin Turtle who is still out.

WINNER: Beast Bantom by pinfall D-


Show rating: E

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Well the first year is in the pack and frankly it was a disappointment. I couldn´t push anyone I tried (actually all three guys that I tried to push(Bantom, W-Boy and Turtle) had their popularity dropped.) to push and I still have F- (4,6%) popularity in Scandinavia. Seems like a cannot grown to small size this year unless I got better results and since my guys aren´t any more over than before is not all that likely to happen.


When I was reading Tigerkinney´s Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (I advice anyone to read it if you already hadn´t do so:)) one thing that I really liked was he´s end of the year roster review so I decited to try one myself.


Roster January 2009




Beast Bantom


Heel, Bully

record 6 - 0 - 1

Well Bantom is still the top heel in my organization and I consider him my best worker too. He and Vinsible were the only ones able to product D- matches thanks to their good chemistry. I tried to push Bantom as much as I could but in the end his popularity stayed in E- and actually falled below it after his DQ loss to Vinsible. (That last three way match put him back to E-, but at the cost of both Vinsible´s and Turtle´s popularity.) Still he is going to stay the top heel for some time and probably will hold the title for some time. His gimmick wasn´t really great either since I just didn´t really use it, and some other gimmick (monster, manbeast etc.) would probably be better for him since I just don´t see how title holder could be a cowardly bully espesially when he is one of the biggest guys in my roster.




Cannonball Logan

age: 26

Heel, Cartoon Joker

record 3 - 0 - 3

Logan kind of flouted around never going anywhere. He wasn´t part in any storylines and didn’t get any wins against fellow main eventers. Like Bantom his gimmick wasn´t any factor but that is particularly because he wasn´t in story lines. I try to find some use for him this year, but he is likely to fall to upper midcard at some point. Logan´s popularity stayed in F+ for the whole year.




Ian Vinsible

age: 26

Face, Old School Face

record 4 - 0 - 2

Vinsible got a small push when I decided to give the championship belt to Bantom (I had decided that Logan or Vinsible will be the first challenger to the belt depending whoever I give the belt to Bantom or W-Boy). He got a E- popularity in Scandinavia after his first match with Bhantom (Witch he lost by the way) but he was dropped back to F+ after his loss in a three way battle in December. Non-the-less he is close to E- popularity (just like my two big names Bhantom and Wonder Boy) so he will stay close to the main event scene for some time and hopefully he get back that E- popularity at the start of the season. Basicly Vinsible was one of the fem wrestlers in the roster that had a successful year and he is likely to get a bigger push than what I originally planned thanks to that popularity raise that he got during the season. (Then again seeing how unsuccessful I was with my pushes this year he would probably do better without me pushing him :p)




Wonder boy

age: 28

Face, Comic Book Hero

record 6 - 0 - 2

Wonder boy is still my top face for now, but he was hurt with those bad chemistry notes with three different wrestlers (I got only 5 bad chemistry notes total so W-Boy had more than half of those) plus the fact that he isn’t really willing to job anyone. Even worse two of those three bad chemistry notes was with my 2nd and 3rd best heels (Logan and London). Those bad chemistry notes where the reason why I choose Bantom as my first champion instead of W-Boy. Wonder Boys popularity also took a hit after his lost to Bantom (that following loss to Minimus didn´t help either especially since I dropped Minimus to midcard just before that loss :rolleyes:) but he got back to E- range in December. Still he got a feud with Minimus and I actually somewhat used his gimmick (In fact that superhero + Minimus evil doer gimmicks where the very reason why I picked them to feud those gimmicks just seemed to fit naturally within the storyline.) W-Boy is likely to get into a title picture this year once current storylines are over.






Arthur T.Turtle

age: 26

Face, Blue Collar

record:5 - 0 - 2

Well here is another guy who I tried to push but who actually lost popularity (his popularity dropped from F+ to F in December after his lost to Bantom in a three way match). Turtle didn´t actually got any big wins though since he lost to Bantom and didn´t have any matches against London or Logan or any face, witch might explain why his popularity didn´t rise. Turtle has best mic skills from my roster and is a decent performer, his match average rating was E witch is tied second best average rating from my roster (Only Bantom had higher (E+), Vinsible had E and everyone else had E- except Amazon who had F+) so he is still considered 3rd best face and future main eventer (or upper mid if I ever manage to get bigger and hire some more talented and popular wreslers). His gimmick wasn´t all that importand but then again other than W-Boy and Minimus case I didn´t really got much use with any gimmicks.




Davey London

age: 22

Heel, Arrogant heel

record: 2 - 0 -3

Well I said that London isn´t likely to get much of a push and he certainly didn´t with only 5 matches and 2 wins (against Amazon and Celtic). Still his popularity raised to F in Scandinavia in December and he got into a storyline with Celtic when I needed a 3rd one. I consider him as my 3rd best hell and that isn´t likely to chance until I bring more guys or turn someone else to heel.




Jay B

age: 26

Face, Surfer Dude

record: 3 - 0 -2

Jay B was another of those guys who just flouted around though I frankly didn´t except him to have more wins that losses after end of this year. Jay B will likely have a similar year in 2009 than he had 2008. I still consider him one of my core wrestlers and hopefully his popularity will continue to rise (his popularity raised from F- to F in March and stayed there for the rest of the season).




Wolfgang Klose

age: 37

Heel, Hockey Fan

record: 0 - 0 - 5

Klose didn´t have much of a season as his win/loss record will tell (I was actually shocked that he didn´t have any wins since I like to give at least one win to both guys who are feuding against each others ). However Klose actually had a feud with Turtle and those two had a good chemistry with each others that somewhat helps Klose to keep his job even though he is way past his prime. Klose continues to be a jobber and won´t get any push because of his age and low skills. Klose´s popularity have been F for the whole time.




Fortius Minimus

age: 30

Heel, Evil Doer

record: 2 - 0 - 3

Minimus is still considered as a jobber despite the fact that he got a huge win against Wonder boy (I gave him that win purely to set up that feud between them since I like to give at least one win to both sides). Minimus actually gained popularity (F to F+) because of that win over W-boy and that’s why he got back his upper midcard spot that he lost to the Celtic earlier in 2008. Minimus feud with Wonder boy will continue in 2009 but I have no idea what I will to with him after that.







age: 22

Face, Fan´s own.

record: 1 - 0 - 2

Stardust was signed as a jobber and that what he was during his first three matches in company. He is totally unknown guy in Europe + he isn´t all that talented so he isn´t likely to be anything else in ESE even though I like him. Still the fact that he is one of my favorites will at least ensure that he has a job for the foreseeable future.




Jeff Amazon

age: 23

Face, Fan´s Own

record: 0 - 0 - 4

Amazon was only face that I classified as a jobber at the start of the 2008 and he won´t rise any further on the ladders (especially since he has the worst average match rating in my organization). Amazon is likely to keep his job for this year though unless I sign another face jobber.



Davey Celtic

age: 22

Face, Dancing fool

record 2 - 0 - 3

Celtic was one of those fem guys that actually seemed to go forward in 2008. Celtics popularity rised to F in April and stayed there for the rest of the season. He also got an upper midcard spot during 2008 but lost it again thanks to that popularity boost that Minimus got after beating W-Boy. I hope that Celtic is able to claim that upper midcard spot again this season and hopefully stay there at least until ESE gets bigger.






age: 30

Heel; Acolyte

record: 0 - 0 - 4

Minion is basically heel version of Amazon in that he is a jobber who gets crushed by pretty much everyone in the roster. I pretty much hate him too so there´s no way that he gets any kind of win ever and only reason why I keep him is the fact that he has good selling ability (+ that I tend to automatically re-sign everyone in the roster ). However when I start to think that chances are needed Minion is one of the first guys to leave. Special mention should go to his gimmick (I didn´t really use any gimmicks at all but most of them at least fit somewhat of that basic face/heel acts that I´m using) that makes absolutely no sense since he don´t have a boss/master (I meant to make him Klose´s underling but that bad tag chemistry destroyed that). Only reason why that gimmick hasn´t been chanced is the fact that I´m lazy (well that plus the fact that Minion can´t handle all that many gimmicks in the first place).




Glen Ward

age: 25

Heel, ****y Youth.

record: 1 - 0 - 2

Another late addition who absolutely no one knows in Scandinavia. Frankly I feel that Ward should be higher on the ladder since he seems better to me that Amazon or Stardust and both of those have same popularity (pretty much none since it´s F-). I hope that Ward will claim midcard spot during 2009, but he is still going to be jobber at least until he gets more popularity (Ward might get some push in the future since I see him being better than Klose or Minimus, but more likely there will be new signings that go before him so I predict him being a midcarder/lower midcarder in ESE for quite a long time).



Larry, Peterson and Woolsey have all done a good job so far and are likely to keep they jobs for a long time since I don´t really care who has those non-wrestling jobs as long as there isn´t any negative notes for their performance.

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I desited to try to make predictions in this diary mainly to see who you guys would put over. I presume this isn´t the best possible moment to try these with TEW 2010 coming and all but hopefully I get a prediction every now and then:) (Speaking of TEW 2010 I don´t plan to buy it at least yet so this diary will continue even after 2010 has come out).


I also wanted these pretictions to mean somethink so who ever has most right guesses in the end of the year can choose a single wrestler that I should hire to ESE (assuming that that particular wrestler can work in Europe and doesn´t ask too much money) or one guy in the current roster that I should fire from my company. I don´t really know how much time writers usually give between pretictions and actual show, but I plan to give at least 24h to post pretictions before I post the following show.




January Friday week 2

ESE Eternal War


ESE will start year in ESE Eternal war and so far we have three confirmed matches for the first show of the year. Ian Vinsible who is trying to get Bantom into a title match is facing his former tag partner Cannonball Logan in tonights main event. Also Wonder Boy & Davey Celtic will team up against Fortius Minimus & Davey London in a heated tag match where fireforks will surely fly when these rivals clash with each others. Third confirmed match of the night is Wolfgang Klose vs. Stardust. Will Klose finally be able to take a victory or is Stardust able to make a small upset by defeading this veteran wrestler.



Wolfgang Klose vs. Stardust


Davey Celtic & Wonder Boy vs. Fortius Minimus & Davey London


Ian Vinsible vs. Cannonball Logan

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January Friday week 2

ESE Eternal War (small 1H)



1 vs. 1

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6748/stardust.jpg

Wolfgang Klose vs. Stardust


Standard singles match where Stardust took early control with his high flying offence but eventually he made one crash or burn move too many and Klose was able to take control and put Stardust away. (This match was there to give Klose a win since he have started to whine about a his number of losses and rightfully so considering that he has zero wins and 5 losses even though he is an uppermidcarder, so the win was justified here)

WINNER: Wolfgang Klose by pinfall F+




http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg comes in the ring and challenges Bantom to 1 on 1 title match saying that he got screwed in their first encounter and deserves a singles match. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg comes from backstage and says he cannot accept the request since he had already chose his next number 1 contender. He then reveals that he is going to defend his title against Jeff Amazon tonight and if Vinsible wants another shot he need to go back to the line and wait his turn. Vinsible looks frustrated but doesn´t say anything even though announcers question what Amazon has possible done that could earn him a title shot.

(Challenge E + Bantom refuses challenge E)



1 vs. 1 for the King of Studios title


http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg vs. http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/9597/jeffamazon.jpg

Beast Bantom vs. Jeff Amazon


This is totally one sided match with Beast taking his time and mocking his opponent who doesn´t really stand any chance.

WINNER: Beast Bantom by pinfall E-



2 vs. 2

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg & http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg

Davey Celtic & Wonder Boy vs. Fortius Minimus & Davey London


This was a little different tag match than normally mainly because Minimus clearly avoided Wonder Boy as much as he could. Every time that Wonder Boy tagged in Fortius instantly tagged out and refused to tag in as long as W-boy was in ring. Wonder Boy ended this match when he took London down and gestured Minimus to come in ring. Minimus decided to make tactical retreat instead and hopped down from the ring side and headed back. Wonder Boy seemed frustrated but decided to pin London and take the win for hes team. This match suffered a little since Wonder Boy and Celtic didn´t work well as a team. (Sigh, that’s 4th bad chemistry note for W-Boy at least it wasn´t important since I didn´t plan to pair Celtic & W-Boy together.)

WINNER: Davey Celtic & Wonder Boy by pinfall E-



1 vs 1

http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg

Ian Vinsible vs. Cannonball Logan


This is a pretty fast based match with two highflyers who know each others well from their tag team times. Neither men seem to got much advantage until Logan jumps from the turnbuckle but misses Vinsible. Vinsible use this to his advantage and quickly puts Logan away with his finisher to claim a victory from this match.

WINNER: Ian Vinsible by pinfall E




http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg attacks http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg after the match and totally destroys him, yelling that Vinsible won´t take his title. F+


Show rating: E

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March week 2 Saturday

ESE Road to Glory


After Bantom´s attack on Vinsible in last show, ESE managment have decited to give Vinsible a shot for the King of Studios title. Can Vinsible get his hand of the title now that he have the elusive champion in one on one match or will Bantom´s strenght be enough to keep the title? Former tag partners London and Celtic are having a another 1 vs. 1 match against each other. Both have one win on their earlier encounters so this is the rubber match between these two. Also in the show Fortius Minimus will face Arthur T.Turtle and Cannonball Logan & Glen Ward will team up against Jeff Amazon & Jay B.




for the King of Network title

Beast Bantom vs. Ian Vinsible


Arthur T.Turtle vs. Fortius Minimus


Davey Celtic vs. Davey London


Cannonball Logan & Glen Ward vs. Jeff Amazon & Jay B

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March week 2 Saturday

ESE Road to Glory (small 1h)



2 vs. 2

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4193/glenward.jpg vs. http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/9597/jeffamazon.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6990/jayb.jpg

Cannonball Logan & Glen Ward vs. Jeff Amazon & Jay B


A standard tag match where Ward and Logan are able to isolate Amazon from a start but somehow Amazon is always able to beat the three count and finally he is able to tag Jay B in. Jay B clears the ring and hits a power move on Logan who seems to be out cold after the hit. Jay B & Amazon then make quick tags to keep themselves fresh while Ward has no one to tag with since Logan is still in down on canvas. It seems like Amazon and Jay B are taking the victory until Logan suddenly gets up drops Jay B off the apron and nails Amazon down. Ward then makes an academic pin while Logan makes sure that Jay B isn´t getting a chance to break the pin. Both Jay B and Logan was off their game witch no doubt hurt this match.

WINNERS: Cannonball Logan & Glen Ward by pinfall F+





http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg comes in a ring saying that he is tired to chasing Minimus all the time and demands that Minimus will finally face him tonight. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg comes in saying that he is tired of having to tell W-Boy that W-Boy is not a worthy opponent to him. He then continues that he has proposed a solution to the management and that they have accepted his proposition, so if W-Boy wants to face him he has to face Minion and Glen Ward in a handicap match on next show. If W-boy loses he has to leave the company but if he wins he will get his match against him. Wonder Boy quickly accepts the stipulation saying that he is willing to take any risks in order to clean ESE for cheaters and evil doers. Peterson questions W-Boys choice to risk his career just to get a shot against Minimus while Larry tries to sell W-Boy as a hero who is willing to risk his own career in order to fight the evil.

(Challenge E+ + refused challenge F+) (Fortius had problems because of language barrier, don´t remember seeing that before (this is 3r time that I made this same promo pair) but maybe I just wasn´t paying attention?)





http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg says that he has finally got his rematch against http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg and that he won´t fail this time. E-



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg

Davey Celtic vs. Davey London


Celtic seems to be all fired up and takes early control off the match. However after he puts London down he starts playing with the crowd by making some dance moves. This gets London enough time to recover and he low blows Celtic. London then starts mocking Celtic and poses the crowd who don´t sound very happy for what they just saw. Eventually London makes an arrogant pin but Celtic is able to get his shoulder up. Celtic is able to take back the control of the match and it seems that London´s arrogance is costing him a win here but then he hits a dropkick out of nowhere and hits his finisher on Celtic. This time London makes a real pin and Celtic isn´t able to beat the three count.

WINNER: Davey London by pinfall F+



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Fortius Minimus


Minimus takes his time coming in the ring and once he finally gets there he bails out almost immediately. This continues for a sometime until Turtle finally gets frustrated and starts chasing Minimus around the ring. Minimus capitalize this by getting into ring and attacking Turtle when he follows him. Minimus hold the upper hand for some time but eventually Turtle starts fighting back and gets the control. Then Minimus hit thumb in Turtles eye and takes control again. However Turtle is again able to take control puts Minimus down before he can use any more heel tactics.

WINNER: Arthur T.Turtle by pinfall E



http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg hypes his match against http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg saying that he is going to destroy Vinsible tonight. E-



1 vs. 1 for the King of Network title


http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg vs. http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg

Beast Bantom vs. Ian Vinsible


Even brawl where neither man is able to take much control. The ring cannot contain these two and the fight spreads outside the ring and also ends there when neither man doesn´t hear referee´s ten count. Referee has no other choice that call a double count out, thus leaving the question who is better wrestler still unanswered.

WINNER: None (double count out) D-


Shows rating: E+ (This seems to be the best that I can do with this roster so I´m happy with it)

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April week 2 Saturday

ESE Fight for Pride


After last month draw in the title match ESE managment has decited to give Ian Vinsible an opportunity to get a rematch in ESE Dungeon of Doom that is hold in June. However Vinsible´s job isn´t going to be easy since he have to win Bantom in a tag match in order to get his rematch. Vinsible have informed that he will team up with Turtle while Bantom has chosen Davey London for his partner. Wonder Boy is having a hard time tonight when he will face Minion and Glen Ward in a hanticap match. If Wonder Boy loses his career in ESE is going to be over but if he wins he is going to get a match against Minimus in Dungeon of Dooom. Minimus is also in action and he will face Stardust while Klose and Amazon are also going against each others.




1 vs. 2 if Wonder Boy loses he has to leave the company

Wonder Boy vs. Glen Ward & Minion


Jeff Amazon vs. Wolfgang Klose


Fortius Minimus vs. Stardust


2 vs. 2 If Vinsible wins he gets another shot for king of Network title

Ian Vinsible & Arthur T.Turtle vs. Beast Bantom & Davey London

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April week 2 Saturday

ESE Fight for Pride(small 1h)




http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg hypes their upcoming tag match against http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg saying that this is their chance to prove themselves. E-


1 vs. 2 if Wonder Boy loses he has to leave the company

http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4193/glenward.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/238/miniona.jpg

Wonder Boy vs. Glen Ward & Minion


Wonder Boy goes straight against Minion from the start but Ward hits him from backside and the duo takes control. It seems that every time when W-Boy is able to make some offence against one of his opponents the other one will hit him from backside and the beating will continue. Wonder Boy takes a lot of punishment but Ward and Minion just can´t get him down for a three count. Then finally W-Boy gets a shot when Ward climbs on turnbuckle and misses his attack when W-Boy rolls away. Wonder Boy hits Minion out of the ring and seems to get ready to finish the match when http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg runs in with a chair while referee is checking Minions condition. Minimus misses W-Boy with his chair attack and the chair hits Ward instead. Wonder Boy quickly hits Minimus and the chair out of the ring and pins Ward and the ref gets back to ring to make a three count.

WINNER: Wonder Boy by pinfall E-



1 vs. 1

http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/9597/jeffamazon.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg

Jeff Amazon vs. Wolfgang Klose


Klose dominates most of this short match and puts Amazon away without much trouble.

WINNER: Wolfgang Klose by pinfall F



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6748/stardust.jpg

Fortius Minimus vs. Stardust

Minimus takes his time to come in a ring and finally Stardust gets irritated and comes outside in order to get Minimus. Minimus quickly rolls back to ring and hits Stardust when he follows him. Minimus then takes control using typical heel moves every time that Stardust tries to wrestle control back. Eventually Stardust manages to get some offence but then just when it started to look like Stardust might win Minimus hits the referee and http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4193/glenward.jpg runs in and attacks Stardust. After hitting Stardust out Ward rolls of the ring while Minimus wakes the ref and makes a pin for a three count.

WINNER: Fortius Minimus by pinfall after interference F+





http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4193/glenward.jpg continues his attacks against http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6748/stardust.jpg while Salty Larry wonders why on earth Ward wants to attack Stardust. Peterson comments that this is the best way for Ward to make an impact, while Larry says that winning a match would actually work better. F- (Not a surprise considering that both of these guys have zero overness in Europe. This angle was there to get the story going not to make good grates)


2 vs. 2 If Vinsible wins he gets another shot for King of Network title

http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg

Ian Vinsible & Arthur T.Turtle vs. Beast Bantom & Davey London


Bantom and Turtle starts this match and Bantom quickly takes control after hitting thumb to the eye. However London gets a little too ****y after he is tagged in and Turtle manages to make the tag to Vinsible who hits both London and Bantom down. Eventually London manages to low blow Vinsible and the control moves back to the heels. Match continues to be a back and forth match with both sides giving all that they got. Finally thinks heat up enough and all four men get in the ring on same time. Turtle manages to dropkick Bantom out of the ring and jumps over the rope to take both Bantom and himself out. Vinsible is then able to take London down and scores a huge victory for his team.

WINNERS: Ian Vinsible & Arthur T.Turtle by pinfall E-



Shows rating E- (Ouch I knew that it wouldn´t get E+ rating but I was hoping an E since I thought that the main event would have got at least E rating)

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June week 2 Saturday

ESE Dungeon of Doom


This months main event is King of Network title match between the champion Beast Bantom and number 1 contenter Ian Vinsible. ESE managment wants to see a clean win this time so they have added a stipulation that belt will chainge hands with count out or DQ finish. Managment have also confirmed that this is also Vinsible´s last chance for a while. Is Vinsible able to take the title or will Bantom continue his title run? Another feud is also nearing it conclusion when Wonder Boy is finally able to get elusive Minimus in one on one match. Is Wonder Boy finally able to get revenge on his loss in Fall to Hell or will Minimus find a way out again? Glen Ward is also schedulet to be in show so we might found out why he attacked Stardust last month. There will also be a tag team action when Jay B & Arthur T.Turtle face Cannonball Logan & Wolfgang Klose.




Fortius Minimus vs. Wonder boy


Jay B & Arthur T.Turtle vs. Cannonball Logan & Wolfgang Klose


1 vs. 1 for the King of Studios title. Title change hands with DQ or count out finish

Beast Bantom vs. Ian Vinsible

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June week 2 Saturday

ESE Dungeon of Doom (small 1h)



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/7380/fortiusminimus.jpg vs. http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg

Fortius Minimus vs. Wonder boy


Minimus comes first but he leaves the ring instantly when Wonder Boy gets there. W-Boy isn´t going to chaise Minimus around the ring this time so he slides under the robe feet’s first and catch Minimus by surprise these two fight outside a little until Wonder Boy throws Minimus back to ring when referee gets to eight in his ten count. Wonder Boy continues punishing Minimus in ring until Minimus turns the tide with low blow. Minimus tries to take Wonder Boy out as quickly as possible but W-Boy fights on and eventually takes back control of the match. Minimus gets enough and leaves the ring and tries to go to backstage but Wonder Boy isn´t accepting count out victory so he catches Minimus on the ramp and throws him back to ring barely avoiding the ten count. Wonder Boy is then able to take Minimus out and finally gets pin against Minimus.

WINNER: Wonder boy by pinfall E





http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg hypes his match against Bantom saying that he finally gets a fair chance since title will change hands in DQ or count out victories. Vinsible also admits that this is his last chance for the title and if he doesn´t win he has to go back to the line and won´t get a new shot for awhile. E-





http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4193/glenward.jpg comes out and says that peoples had question why he attacked Stardust last month. Ward then says that even though he don´t have to explain himself to losers (witch pretty much means anyone other than Ward himself) he is still going to do so. He then starts whining that Stardust is considered to be higher on the card even though he (Ward) is much more talented than some freak with a golden mask. Ward then challenges Stardust to a match so that he can so how much better he is than Stardust http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6748/stardust.jpg has heard enough and comes to the ring and accepts the challenge. E-


1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4193/glenward.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6748/stardust.jpg

Glen Ward vs. Stardust


Stardust takes early control on this match clearly wanting to prove that he deserves the spot he have. After a little while Ward turns the tables and begins his own offence. Every time that Stardust tries to make a comeback Ward will stop it sometimes by illegal means but the ref doesn´t see those (as usual). Ward seems to have the fight in the back but then his ****iness takes the better of him and he starts running his mouth to the guys on ring side turning his back to Stardust who is down and seemingly out. Stardust recovers and makes a quick roll off on Ward who isn´t able to kick out in time. Stardust goes to the back celebrating his victory while Ward stands in ring looking very angry and frustrated. This match was little better than expected because Ward and Stardust seemed to have good chemistry. (Better be lucky than good I guess)

WINNER: Stardust by pinfall E-




http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg hypes his match against Vinsible saying that it doesn´t matter how many changes Vinsible gets he isn´t going to steal his title from him. E-



2 vs. 2

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6990/jayb.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg & http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg

Jay B & Arthur T.Turtle vs. Cannonball Logan & Wolfgang Klose


Jay B and Logan start this match and Jay B takes the early control. Logan soon gets enough and tags Klose in who isn´t doing much better against Jay B. Eventually thinks even out and both sides make short tags to keep themselves fresh. Eventually Logan and Klose double teams Jay B after tag and are thus able to take control and isolate Jay B from his partner. Klose is able to hit Jay B down and pins him but Turtle is able to safe his team. Klose doesn´t like that and tries to hit Turtle who is able to evade attack and send Klose over the top robe, which gives Jay B enough time to recover and tag his partner in. Turtle hits Logan of the apron and then takes Klose down after he comes back to the ring. Turtle makes the pin and Jay B makes sure that Logan isn´t able to help Klose. (For some reason Logan didn´t whine about the outcome in this match like I expected him to do since he´s only main eventer from this group)

WINNERS: Jay B & Arthur T.Turtle by pinfall E-



1 vs. 1 for the King of Network title Title change hand with DQ or count out finish


http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg vs. http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5267/ianvincible.jpg

Beast Bantom vs. Ian Vinsible


Another close and eventful encounter by these two. Like their earlier bouts this is also a back and forth match where neither are able to take full control of the match. Eventually Vinsible misses with his crash or burn move and Bandom capitalizes Vinsible´s mistake and uses his power to slam Vinsible down with quite a force and claims a clean win over his worthy opponent.

WINNER: Beast Bantom by pinfall E+ (I guess that booking penalty for repeating this match too many times kicked in this time)



Shows rating: E (little disappointed here since I expected E+ even with that booking penalty, but at least I finally got F importance in Scandinavia.)

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Roster moves

New signings:





age: 27

Heel; Thief

Well Rave and his partner Trance aren´t exactly best possible signings consider that they ask 200$ per appearance and no one have heard them in Europe so they low in the card. These signings were more for the future since I wanted them in my future tag division and since they have F- popularity in Europe I want to built them a little so that they can be an useful members in the future. Rave don´t have many heel gimmicks that he could use well so I had to settle with Thief gimmick witch probably won´t mean much since they aren´t likely to go in feuds anytime soon.





age: 28

Heel; Thief

Trance has a good selling ability (B-) and basically currently takes Minions spot of the roster although he is lot more talented and will get some wins and has a future at least in tag division.



guys leaving:




age: 30

Heel; Acolyte

record: 0 - 0 - 5

I really hate Minion so it´s not a surprise that he´s first guy leaving from my company. He was actually useful member for the roster since he had good selling ability and was so low in the card that he was willing to work for anyone. However I don´t want too many guys in my roster so someone had to go and I didn´t have any idea how to use him other than giving easy wins to others. The fact that game success him as a manager rather than wrestler didn´t help him either.

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July week 2 Saturday

ESE King of the Studio


Davey Celtic is teaming up with Jay B in this months main event and they will face Cannonball Logan and Davey London in a match that have high stakes since winning team is getting a King of Studios title shot in next months Fall to Hell. New tag team will also debut in two singles match when Trance and Rave collectively known as the Party Animals gets their first taste of action in ESE. Rave faces Arthur T.Turtle while Trance tries to get a debut win against Wonder Boy. Also in the action this month is Wolfgang Klose who will face Stardust.



Rave vs. Arthur T.Turtle


Stardust vs. Wolfgang Klose


Wonder Boy vs. Trance


2 vs. 2 Winning team gets a title shot in next show

Jay B & Davey Celtic vs. Cannonball Logan & Davey London

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July week 2 Saturday

ESE King of the Studio (small 1h)





http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg comes in a ring and declares that now that he has done with Minimus he is going to target Bantom and his title. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8971/beastbantoma.jpg comes out and argues that W-Boy hasn´t done anythink to earn a title shot. Wonder Boy answers that he will prove that he deserves a shot just like he worked to get a shot against Minimus and that the end result will be the same since the good guys always win in the end. Bantom laughs at this saying that defeating Minimus is hardly an acccoplisment and that if W-Boy by some miracle gets a title shot he will be destroyed just like anyone else from the roster.

(Challenge E + refused challenge E)



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/1783/ravealt1.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/344/arthurtturtle.jpg

Rave vs. Arthur T.Turtle


Debut match for one half of Party Animals, Rave. Turtle takes control early but then http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8901/trancexx.jpg interference the match and hits Turtle from behind giving Rave enough time to take control of the match. When Turtle starts fighting back Trance hops on the apron and distract Turtle again so that Rave can hit him down from behind. However referee did see it this time and bans Trance from the ringside. Rave tries to argue with the referee about Trance´s ban but that just give Turtle enough time to recover. When Rave stops arguing with the referee and turns to face Turtle again he walks straight to Turtle´s sublex. Turtle then climbs to the top turnbuckle and dives right on Rave to put him down for good.

WINNER: Arthur T.Turtle by pinfall E (didn´t expect this to get this good grade)



1 vs. 1

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6748/stardust.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3844/wolfgangklose.jpg

Stardust vs. Wolfgang Klose


Klose tooks the early control with punches and fem sublexes, but eventually Stardust gets to use his own high flying offence and briefly takes control of the match. Klose manages to fight back but then http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4193/glenward.jpg interferences and attacks Stardust screaming that Stardust get lucky last month. Referee has now choice than give stardust a DQ win. Klose doesn´t seem happy about the outcome and hits Ward down and then leaves the ring leaving both Ward and Stardust lying in the ring.

WINNER: Stardust by DQ, after Glen Ward attacks Stardust F+





http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6990/jayb.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg hype their tag match against Cannonball Logan & Davey London saying that they are going to prove themselves tonight and take that title shot opportunity. Both of these guys seem to be laid back, goofy and relaxed showing that they aren´t taking thinks too seriously. Celtic also talks about going into bar after the match but Jay B says that he will go surfing instead. F+



1 vs. 1

http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/1734/wonderboy.jpg vs. http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8901/trancexx.jpg

Wonder Boy vs. Trance


Trance other half of the party animals has quite a similar match than Rave had earlier. W-Boy takes early control but interferences so that Trance can take the control for a while. Eventually W-Boy takes back control and is able to hit Trance down but Rave pulls referee out of the ring before he can make a three count. W-Boy jumps over the robe to put Rave down and then heads back to ring and put Trance down again and makes the pin for a three count. Wonder Boy was of his game tonight but luckily W-Boy and Trance had a good chemistry with each others.

WINNER: Wonder Boy by pinfall E



2 vs. 2 Winning team gets a title shot in next show

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6990/jayb.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5871/daveyceltic.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/262/cannonballlogan.jpg & http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6590/daveylondon.jpg

Jay B & Davey Celtic vs. Cannonball Logan & Davey London


Logan and London seemed intense from the start while Jay B and Celtic seemed more relaxed and seemed to just have a good time with Celtic even making some dance moves at the start. Logan however was less than impressed on Celtic´s dance show and hit him from behind to start the match. Logan and London had early control making quick tags to keep themselves fresh while isolating Celtic from his partner. Eventually Celtic manages to make the tag after London poses for the crowd a little too long. Jay B has the usual hot tag cleaning the ring until London manages to low blow him. London tries to pin Jay B bit Celtic broke the pin. Logan attacks Celtic and soon all four men are brawling in the ring. Jay B manages to throw logan out of the ring while London manages to do the same on Celtic leaving the two legal man in ring. London takes little too much time running his mouth to Celtic and when he turn back to the ring Jay B kicks his light out and makes the three count. Celtic got a time to heal note after this match (not sure how much I can affect his fatigue since he works in 21CW who has TV show once a week + PPV. At least 21CW dropped London so only Celtic is going to be fatigued)

WINNERS: Jay B & Davey Celtic by pinfall E-



Shows rating: E-

Didn´t really expect anything else since I knew that tag match wasn´t going to be all that great. Was surprised that both Rave and Trance had E:s in their debut matches since both are completely unknown in Europe. Guess that pairing them with Turtle and W-Boy was a good idea. I forgot to change my storylines (I was going to start two new ones in this show) so my storylines didn´t advance here at all (except Ward vs. Stardust).

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August Friday week 2

ESE Fall to Hell


In this months main event we see Beast Bantom putting his title on the line against last month tag team winners Celtic and Jay B. Can Celtic and Jay B work together in order to get the title away from Bantom or is Bantom able to survive another challenge? There is also another three way match in this months show where Wolfgang Klose, Stardust and Glen Ward will face each others. Rumors say that both Klose and Stardust have requested this match after Ward´s interference in last show. In third confirmed match Wonder Boy will face Davey London in his quest for number 1 contender spot.



Davey London vs. Wonder Boy


Stardust vs. Wolfgang Klose vs. Glen Ward


Three way for the King of Network title

Jay B vs. Davey Celtic vs. Beast Bantom

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