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Just saw ninja turtles and it's not bad I still like the originals better but it was definitely not as bad as some critics are making it out to be.


Agreed. It's an abomination of it's source material directed at 5 year olds. Just like it ALWAYS was. This incarnation is no better or worse than the late 80s cartoon or the live action films of the 90s. It's literally just as terrible as all of those.


That said, I love the turtles :-) Because I was 5 when they were at their boom.

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Fun movie, but yeah, I'm hearing all of these reports that it's amazing and truly special, and I don't quite see that. Probably my second favorite Marvel movie though. Took me a while to warm to Batista's performance. Very stilted, but once I realised that was the point, I dug it.


Completely agree about Batista, I warmed up to him a lot throughout the course of the movie. I thought the movie was great and definitely a breath of fresh air in the Marvel franchise.

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  • 3 months later...

So I watched a movie last night that was really good. So good that I felt I needed to bump this thread.


If you have Netflix, you should check out the movie Stretch. it has Patrick Wilson as a limo driver. It's so dang good. We had a little get together at our house last night and it had everyone laughing almost to the point of tears.

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So I watched a movie last night that was really good. So good that I felt I needed to bump this thread.


If you have Netflix, you should check out the movie Stretch. it has Patrick Wilson as a limo driver. It's so dang good. We had a little get together at our house last night and it had everyone laughing almost to the point of tears.


Just watched it yesterday as well :D

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this is not a new release, but by the gods, i love Apocalypto


i dropped my boy off to school and the little girl was asleep, so on it went, i have watched it many times, but was a while since i had last seen it


also watched Stake Land, i thought i was going to hate it, but it was really enjoyable, not much talking except the main characters narration and it really suited it

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  • 2 months later...

So I watched X-Men: Days of Future Past last week and apparently I'm in the minority of people who hated it. The entire 70's part of the film requires both Mystique and Magneto to never think about the consequences their actions would have on their fellow mutants. That lack of concern made more sense in X 1 and 2 because the Brotherhood was actually established enough to protect their people. I don't know how the same guy got Magneto's characterization so right in two other films, but not this one. Oh, right, Singer wanted to make sure that he raped every aspect of First Class that didn't tie directly back to his movies. Liked the supporting cast of First Class? Pretty much all of them are dead, save for the ones from Singer's movies and Havok (for obvious reasons). Wanted to see the Brotherhood members do more than stand in the background for half the movie? Too bad, they're dead too. This is all dumped on you in the first fifteen minutes by the way.


Then we come to James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender's interpretations of the Charles and Erik. You know, the ones that made First Class so good? Well, Xavier spends most of the film as a useless, emo shithead for reasons quickly vomited out by Beast (show, don't tell, guys!) and Fassbender pretty much just does his best Ian McKellen impression. Once again, Bryan Singer doesn't respect anything that doesn't have absolute reverence for his films. Though worst performance would have to go to Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. I found her to be one of the weaker aspects of First Class, but here, all of the flaws are front and center. She spends the entire movie accusing Charles of trying to "control" her, something he even acknowledges! Did I miss something? When the hell did he do that? He was protective of her before, but I don't recall him acting anything like a control freak. And, I'm not quite sure how, but Miss Lawrence (and the screenwriters) actually managed to make me have no sympathy for someone trying to avenge the deaths of her friends. In a way, that's actually kind of impressive. Jackman, of course, turns in a good job as Wolverine, but he's not exactly a complex character to begin with. I would venture to guess that even a talentless oaf like Channing Tatum (who I just can't wait to see ruin my favorite mutant next year!) could pull off a decent Wolverine.


Like I said at the start, the entire movies runs on idiots. It requires idiots to not understand what a public murder of a prominent scientist would do, it requires idiots to just meander around in front of tons of cameras and not try to destroy them or something (Hey, Mr. 'Neto, film is sensitive to magnets!) and it requires idiots to not just say, "Hey Logan, chop Mystique's head off at the first opportunity!".


Best of all, despite his very clear hatred of First Class, not one bit of this movie makes any sense without having seen it. Throughout this entire movie he tries to pull together this snarl of a knot in order to tie his movies and one practically unrelated film together.


Let's see, something good to end on...Quicksilver was entertaining and McAvoy and Fassbender do the best they could with the crap they were given.


tl;dr, Bryan Singer thinks he's awesome and hates First Class because his awesome presence wasn't required for it to be good, but still requires you to have seen the film he hates in order to understand his idiot plot of a film. And I clearly expected too much out of a "dumb" action movie that's about 75% talking, exposition and talking about exposition.


Bonus complaint: !SPOILERS!How in the blue hell does Wolverine preventing the death of Trask revive Cyclops and Jean!? For that matter, what the hell did Mystique disguising herself as Stryker at the end even mean? Does Logan not have adamantium bones anymore? Did she spend decades as Stryker in order to give a man who hates her BAE unbreakable metal bones?

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Has anyone seen Automata? It's fairly decent, but there is one thing bothering the hell out of me and I can't seem to find any answers online. It'll be in white below just to avoid spoiling it for anyone interested...


Jacq only had one nuclear battery and he gives it to the police in the desert. He kills one of the cops and the other speeds away with the battery in hand. It's even show that the cop has it in the city. However, later in the film, Jacq gives a nuclear battery that he seemingly pulled out of nowhere to give to the robots. I am at a loss for this. Anyone catch something I didn't on where he got the second one? I know he found one in the wall of the building and there was the one that was with the robot who set it self on fire, but wasn't one of them kept by the police? I'm baffled by this more than I should be, but it's bugging me.

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I ended up seeing John Wick tonight and thought it was incredible. The Korean vengeance and Chinese kung/gun fu influences were really noticeable and as a huge fan of those, I really appreciated them being mixed into one very refreshing movie. The John Woo influence was very clear, and that's always a good thing when done properly. Just everything about the movie was so good. Easily the best movie Keanu Reeves has ever done. I know that's not saying much considering his movies are usually stinkers, but man it's just good and I can't recommend it enough.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't you mean the Rule 34 Twilight fanfic?


EDIT: On the subject of it, it is letting me see the new Spongebob movie a week earlier. Because, for some reason Viacom is worried about competition between Spongebob and 50 Shades.


They are marketed to similar audiences after all :D

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Yeah, as I doubt many males will be there from here, I'll be watching it as soon as I can...:D


Well I already have my internet [sEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT] (honestly not sure if I'd get yelled at for using the "P" word), so why would I shell out $10 for a ticket and probably $20-25 for a small popcorn when I can watch the proper, poorly acted variant for free at home? Much less tell people I enjoyed the first High School Musi-er, I mean, tell people that I watched it. :p


They are marketed to similar audiences after all :D


That...completely explains my desires to be dominated by a handsome man. NO WAIT! I LIKE WOMEN!

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Well I already have my internet [sEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT] (honestly not sure if I'd get yelled at for using the "P" word), so why would I shell out $10 for a ticket and probably $20-25 for a small popcorn when I can watch the proper, poorly acted variant for free at home? Much less tell people I enjoyed the first High School Musi-er, I mean, tell people that I watched it. :p


Meh liked some of the songs but the plot wasn't for me. The fact that they had so much opposition towards performing in the play from their friends just seemed weird. I knew people in highschool who where in 2-3 different organizations/teams without trouble and that's was a south side school in San Antonio.


Just slowly ended up not liking any of the characters. Except Zeke. Zeke is cool.

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Meh liked some of the songs but the plot wasn't for me. The fact that they had so much opposition towards performing in the play from their friends just seemed weird. I knew people in highschool who where in 2-3 different organizations/teams without trouble and that's was a south side school in San Antonio.


Just slowly ended up not liking any of the characters. Except Zeke. Zeke is cool.


Of course Zeke was cool, he was the only person in the movie who had more personality than a cardboard cut-out. I got most of my enjoyment from just how paint by numbers the film was and how, unlike most movies like it, seemed to revel in its own simplicity.

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Not at all.


Twilight was marketed toward teen girls (the series actually started off as a bedtime story for her daughter) where the other movie is geared toward adult females over 18. And generally older.


it was a joke...bout bob



]EDIT: On the subject of it, it is letting me see the new Spongebob movie a week earlier. Because, for some reason Viacom is worried about competition between Spongebob and 50 Shades.
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Not at all.


Twilight was marketed toward teen girls (the series actually started off as a bedtime story for her daughter) where the other movie is geared toward adult females over 18. And generally older.


50 Shades of Grey did start out as a Twilight fan fiction though :p

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  • 1 month later...

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