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Why won't any TV Station take a "B" show?!

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I've tried loads of them from Enormous to Tiny and not one of them will take my B show despite the fact I pull killer ratings and I'm a global promotion. Some of these stations should be happy just to have talks with me.


What defines if a network will consider a B show or not?

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No, what Nedew means is that you can only get a 'B' show on the same network as your 'A' show.


So if your 'A' show is on NBC, then only they will consider your 'B' show proposal.


I believe there is a work around, though. Propose another 'A' show to the network you want your 'B' show on, and then in the TV Schedule part of your promotion screen, change it to a 'B' show (if the network will allow it). The drawback is that if you turn it into a 'B' show, the network can later block you from turning it back into an 'A' show.


Hope that helps.

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