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strange events/deaths/other events 2010

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I'm confused. If you've signed someone to a written deal, he has to end all his other PPA contracts before joining your roster. Is that what you mean?


Whereas WWE are all on Written deals, so you would only be able to sign them when their contracts expire


No, it basically went like this (for anyone on a written that was expiring):


*poach WWE worker, worker just quietly leaves WWE when the week runs out, no big flashy news story*


as opposed to


*poach TNA worker, TNA immediately fires them, causing a big news article*

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I got that between Ryan Death and Ripper LeStat. I assumed it meant *eating* pigeons. ¬_¬


Also, Miss Mexico just changed style and announced her retirement on the same day. I'm sure the fans will remember her retirement match as a regular wrestler and forget the previous fifteen years she spent as an entertainer. ¬_¬


Plus, who needs non-agression pacts with the SWF? James Prudence, my only star of note, just ripped Eric Eisen a new one on national radio, so they strongly dislike each other now. Saves me a worry...

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Hahaha :D Nathan Coleman made a fart in lockerroom in my GCG game and I decided to fire him (I was going to before that). This came up:


"What? You're firing me over.. A FART? What the hell!?" :D




"Isei Deushi and SUKI have really bonded backstage, having discovered a shared love of Swedish cinema"

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Not sure that this strange, but it's certainly unusual. Dan Stone retired in my NYCW game, leaving NOTBPW to...Dan Jr., which is the first time I've ever seen that happen. What's more, Dan's choice for the new booker was Barry Kingman- not a bad choice given he's B booking and exactly the right sort for the company, but again not something I've ever seen.
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Hahaha :D Nathan Coleman made a fart in lockerroom in my GCG game and I decided to fire him (I was going to before that). This came up:


"What? You're firing me over.. A FART? What the hell!?" :D




"Isei Deushi and SUKI have really bonded backstage, having discovered a shared love of Swedish cinema"


i get the locker room fart thing alot i tend just to take no action stop them complaing also jake roberts always seems to die in my games

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That Nemesis story is simply fantastic. Mr. Ryland, you are a genius.


As for the Silence, I'm not sure what he starts at for Brawling. But high Brawling is a fairly rare stat. I believe only two workers start at B+ (Cornell and McFly) and just a handful at B. So even if he is only B-, he could be in the top 20-25 workers in the world in that regard. Which would make that story possible. Or maybe he has improved...

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