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strange events/deaths/other events 2010

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Okay, this is getting weird...



Just went into the PM time for what will be my fifth show with PSW:


And for the third time, a worker has taken another under his wing as a protege. In ALL of my playing, this has only happened once (Demon Anger taking Devastating Don under his wing in FCW).


And now, with PSW, it's happened three times.


Sgt. Bubba Lee West with Nelson Callum

Johnny Martin with Greg Gauge

Robert Oxford with Matthew Keith



I mean, I was fritzing earlier because I failed to know that Nathan Coleman is a complete jerkface and he knocked my locker room morale down back into the 70s... but sheesh, if this keeps up everyone will love each other in the my locker room!

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According to Wikipedia. . .


Perverting the course of justice, in English, Canadian (see article 139 of Canadian Criminal Code), and Irish law, is a criminal offense in which someone prevents justice from being served on himself or on another party. It is a common law offense carrying a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.


Perverting the course of justice can be any of three acts:


* Fabricating or disposing of evidence

* Intimidating or threatening a witness or juror

* Intimidating or threatening a judge


WC, have you ever heard of the term "aiding and abetting"? That's perverting the course of justice. In the US, that terminology isn't commonly used. We have "aiding and abetting" and "accessory after the fact", "menacing" and "judicial tampering" (to a lesser extent) and things like that. But they all fall under the same basic category.


Okay, thanks everybody. I hadn't heard of that term being used for those things before.

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In my current game


SWF just rebounded back to Global after a 1 year stay at Cult.

In order to secure there new position, they quickly went out and signed several new wrestlers.


Masked Cougar

Fox Mask

Ernie Turner

The Silencer


Julius Moor

Devastating Don

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In Puerto Rico, Shawn Gonzalez (64 pop,) is complaining about losing to Puerto Rican Power (96 Pop)



Heh. Something similar happened to me. Champagne Lover was constantly whining about losing to guys with more popularity than him. Always. So two weeks before I was going to have him and El Mitico Jr. end Vessey's and Valentine's over a year reign as the tag team champions.. Champagne walks out. Awesome :D But he should have done it AFTER I gave him the title reign with Mitico.

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Dang Written Deals, what with the stealing CGC's champions and all. :p


Who are the champions at the time if I may ask?


In March 2012..


CGC World holder is Steve Frehley, who won it in October. TCW signed him to a written deal.


CGC Canadian holder is Joey Poison (second reign) and got signed to written by NOTPBW.


CGC Tag Team holders are Poison & Monton, but Monton didn't get signed because he's frickin' 50 years old and nobody wants him.

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In March 2012..


CGC World holder is Steve Frehley, who won it in October. TCW signed him to a written deal.


CGC Canadian holder is Joey Poison (second reign) and got signed to written by NOTPBW.


CGC Tag Team holders are Poison & Monton, but Monton didn't get signed because he's frickin' 50 years old and nobody wants him.


Dang, TCW, what with the signing of the Stevester. Yeah, CGC definitely got screwed on that one.

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Dang, TCW, what with the signing of the Stevester. Yeah, CGC definitely got screwed on that one.


And their new champions as of the start of April:


CGC World - Ricky DeColt (2)

He could actually be a better replacement to hold the championship


CGC Canadian - Grimm Quibble

Okay this is horrible. No way he is going to be a better champion than Poison :p


CGC Tag Team - Gargantuan and Destiny

'Nuff said?

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And their new champions as of the start of April:


CGC World - Ricky DeColt (2)

He could actually be a better replacement to hold the championship


CGC Canadian - Grimm Quibble

Okay this is horrible. No way he is going to be a better champion than Poison :p


CGC Tag Team - Gargantuan and Destiny

'Nuff said?


Ricky's a good champ, and he has the name value. Quibble though? Really :p. Must be banking on some Puma skill from him :rolleyes:, and umm, Gargantuan + Destiny? The hell is fate? :D

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