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SHaynes23 Real World Cuts (KYKY)

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I messed around with some new backgrounds, but I got most people responding that they wanted to stay with KYKY, so I'm gonna start pumping out real world cuts for TEW. I plan on doing current wrestlers, and their alter egos if they have used them recently. I'm trying to stay away from dated pictures where the worker couldn't look like what they do in that picture anymore. I'm going to try to update this very often. I got ECW done in only a couple of hours, so I should be able to do a large number pretty quickly. Here's the first batch, look for more soon:














And wow, the profanity filter wouldn't let me post it named Yoshi Tatsu so I had to throw an underscore in there. Got a good laugh there.

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I'm planning on only doing KYKY. If somebody wants to try cutting them to that background be my guest, I just ask you post them in a different thread, I'm trying to keep this one to my KYKY pictures. Here's a small batch I did this morning.





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