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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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The Masked Avatar vs. Captain USA

Handicap Match: The Hillbillys vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Mystery Team (Gauge and Keith)

Extra Point For Mystery Team Guess:

Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

Non Title: Enygma vs. Andre Jones

Tyson Baine, T-Rex and Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota

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It's freaking awesome :D


A true USPW fan has to understand it :p


I got it, does that make me a true USPW fan? :p And angeldelayette, this just keeps getting better and better!


The Masked Avatar vs. Captain USA

USA to get a bit of momentum before getting dominated in the next couple of weeks.

Handicap Match: The Hillbillys vs. Bruce The Giant

Bruce domination. Simple.

The Towers of Power defend vs. Mystery Team

Too soon to lose the titles, but the new team will give a good showing.

Extra Point For Mystery Team Guess:

Consensus seems to be Nation of Filth and I'm not going to disagree.

Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

Give the challengers some momentum.

Non Title: Enygma vs. Andre Jones

Enygma is far superior to Jones, even when Bruce comes crashing in.

Tyson Baine, T-Rex and Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota

In a risky move, I'm going for a draw - no feud enders tonight.


My Less Witty Than Normal Fan Sign Fun: "If we don't see Gorgon soon - we riot!" and "The Force is Fueling Up The Rocket Ship!"

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[...It wasn't a complete surprise when Sam came to me on Monday and told me to work quickly on getting a deal done with AAA. In fact, I had already begun putting feelers out to Anne Stardust to see if she would be interested in making a deal. Those had come back very positive as she would love the opportunity to book Alicia and book Belle again. It had been almost a talent trade with AAA these past couple of years since we had released Nadia Snow and Stephanie Wade and they turned up in AAA and we got talent like Belle Bryden and USPW Women's Champion Raven Robinson...]


[...Speaking of titles, I had begun looking at the title histories for each title that we have right now. I wanted to see just when each current Champion won their title again:


Peter Valentine has had his National Title since August of last year but the title was also brought back specifically for him.


Andre Jones has only held his since December of last year but the Television title is also one that can change hands on any given night given that it should be defended at almost every television show.


Raven won her Women's Title in September of last year but so far I've only given her one defense this year.


The Towers, of course, won their titles last month and we are working on building them up in the eyes of the fans.


Then there is our World Champion Enygma, who has held his title since June of last year, our longest reigning Champion right now. But he is the Champion for a reason...]


[...On Tuesday, I received papers from Anne Stardust that she had already signed putting together our working agreement with AAA. I didn't plan to utilize this until around next month though...]

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 February 2010

Location: Perry Hall (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 2,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 1.21

I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


Pre Show: In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Steve Flash defeated Dean Waldorf in 6:05 by pinfall with a Flash Bang...C-


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Giant Redwood defeated Java in 1:34 by pinfall with a Standing Splash...E+


Pre Show: Sara Marie York comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C


Pre Show: Darryl Devine cuts a backstage promo...D+






[The show begins backstage again this week with James Justice and Chris Caulfield nose-to-nose...]


James Justice

"Dude, I hope that you watched the tape last week and saw that I didn't hit you with that chair."


Chris Caulfield

"No, I didn't watch the tape from last week, James. And, you know what, it doesn't matter, does it? We have a match that we need to get ready for tonight. But I took a beating for you at the end of the night last week. Don't expect it to happen again."


James Justice

"You're right, Chris. We do have a match that we need to focus on this week. Ninja, get in here."




[James reaches over and grabs Ota by the mask, yanking him in closer. Ota just looks at him through ice cold eyes...]


James Justice

"That's right, Ota. Tonight, the three of us are gonna go out there and do what we do best."


[Ota stares even harder at James...]


James Justice

"Hey, that's my line!"


[Chris just looks between the two of them and shakes his head and we head out to the ring for our opening bout.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpg

The Masked Avatar vs. Captain USA


[The main focus of this match was the in-ring action though it did have an average crowd. Captain USA had the fans chanting USA throughout the match and he went back and forth with his masked adversary. Avatar used some cheating holds to gain control and Peter Valentine came down to the ring. USA started to make his comeback but got distracted by Valentine being at ringside. As Avatar distracted the official, Valentine hit USA with the American flag pole at ringside and Avatar rolled him up: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Masked Avatar (Via Pinfall @ 6:28)

Match Rating: D+




[Peter Valentine entered the ring following the match and the crowd booed as he broke the flag pole in half over his knee! He picked up Captain USA and dropped him with the Heart Breaker and then laid the USA flag across him as officials came out to break things up.]






[The big video screen lit up to show Carl Batch in front of his group at the interview area. Batch is chewing on a cigar and slides it from his mouth to talk...]


Carl Batch

"Listen up for a moment, will you. Tonight what is going to happen inside this very ring and is what has been happening for the past few nights. My Titans here are gonna dominate and Bryan Holmes is going to outwrestle everyone inside that ring and that includes you Chris Caulfield. The Hardcore American? Just see how hardcore you can be against these two big bulls behind me. And you wanna take it to the mat? Holmes will be right there to show you what it means to be a true mat wrestler, just like at Red, White And Blue. Now, let's go and get ready."


[Carl turns and leads his men off as we head to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AlTheHillbilly.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg

Handicap Match

The Hillbillys vs. Bruce The Giant


[Can you say a squash match? I sure can and that's what we had here! As The Hillbillys came down to the ring, they paused and laughed at a sign being held in the audience: 'GET READY TO MARRY YOUR COUSIN AND DRINK SOME MOONSHINE BECAUSE HERE COMES THE HILLBILLYS!' But can either of them read? Both Hillbillys remained in the ring for the duration of the bout but neither of them could get Bruce The Giant off his feet! Bruce hit Al with the Giant Choke Slam first and then hit Pete with a Giant Choke Slam on TOP of Al! Bruce put his foot on top of both of them and the number one contender walked away with the victory.]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 1:43)

Match Rating: D+






[inside the ring, ringside announcer Danny Jillefski entered as the podiums were set up for the debate tonight...]


Danny Jillefski

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! The United States has seen many epic debates over the years but tonight just might very well be the one that trumps them all. Without further adue, let's bring out the first side of this debate. He is from Parts Unknown, introducing The Force!"




[The Force stepped out from the back to a good crowd ovation. He started walking down the aisle, pausing to point toward a sign: 'The Force is Fueling Up The Rocket Ship!'. Then he got his legs going up and down and ran the rest of the way to the ring! He slid inside and leaned against the podium exhausted...]


Danny Jillefski

"Welcome The Force. Now here is your opponent, accompanied to the ring, as always, by his bottle of Coca Cola, we have Anger!"




[...The crowd booed Anger as he came out, clutching the Coca Cola. He also paused at a fan sign, reading it: 'Anger destroyed my old sign, so I made this one to Spite him!' He began moving his eyes quickly as though he suspected someone to come out of the woodwork. When no one came, he wiped his brow with the bottle of Coca Cola and walked down to the ring, sliding inside. He can be seen having conversations with the bottle as he stands there...]


Danny Jillefski

"Alright, The Force, you won the coin toss backstage, so you get to begin. You have two minutes..."


The Force

"Listen to me, Forcemaniacs! I know that you have all heard the call that is the mighty power known within the universe as the force! Last night as I was sitting upon my throne in parts unknown I had a vision. I had a vision that an epic battle is to take place soon that will pit the mighty power of my Forcemaniacs against the relentless ability of this puny bottle of Coca Cola. During that vision, there were many battles. There were bottles flowing back and forth and my Forcemaniacs were beaten down to within an inch of their lives. But this inch grew. This inch grew back within the power because of The Force. In this vision, I loaded inside my rocket ship and I carried myself and this fake warrior up high into the stratosphere. I carried him beyond the place where you can even buy my merchandise. I carried him to the highest mountain within the highest place within the solar system. It is there that we did battle upon the astral plane and my Forcemaniacs proved powerful enough to defeat him..."


Danny Jillefski (interrupting)

"Alright, The Force, your time is up. Anger, it is your turn."



"What this man who claims to be the force does not know is that there is nothing more powerful than the might of Coca Cola. It is the real thing. And if I may I would like to sing a song that encompasses this:


I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.

I'd like to buy the world a coke and keep it company.

That's the real thing!"


The Force

"Mortal, you have no idea of the forces you are messing with."



"Join me, Force. Join me in my revolution."


[The Force shakes his head but appears to be affected somehow by Anger! He throws over the podium and moves to attack Anger, clotheslining him down. The Force looks toward the bottle of Coca Cola lying on the mat.]


The Force

"NO! Shut up! Shut up!"


[The Force slides out of the ring covering his ears and running to the back. The Force pauses at a sign being held by a fan: 'The power of the Coke will destroy The Force!!' He shakes his head vehemently and takes off. Anger lies on the mat with a contented smile on his face and Danny moves to help him up and hands him the Coca Cola.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CameronVessey.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaseyValentine_alt1.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

Open Challenge Match

The Towers of Power defend vs. C-V-2


[The team that ended up answering the open challenge was Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine, C-V-2, out of MAW. They paused at a fan sign, pointed and shrugged, giving an autograph on it: 'If Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith don't face The Towers of Power, I will cry!' The match itself was extremely short and a show of domination for The Towers of Power, specifically Danny Rushmore looking very dominant. It was Rushmore that scored the pinfall on Casey Valentine following the Atomic Boot.]


Winners: The Towers of Power (Via Pinfall @ 2:13)

Match Rating: D






[The big video screen quickly lights up as everyone is informed of an attack going on backstage. James Justice is shown lying on the ground getting kicked by Tyson Baine and T-Rex! Carl Batch directs traffic here and Baine lifts Justice by the throat, hitting the Hades Bomb on the floor! Justice is down and out on the floor backstage. Batch calls off his troops and they walk away, having accomplished what they set out to accomplish.]






[in another area backstage, Giant Redwood is shown. He hasn't been seen much on television this year but he is talking to someone off-camera.]


Giant Redwood

"You really think I can still make a comeback at my age? That I can still be USPW World Champion again? If you can make it happen, I will give you anything you want..."


[The person walks on camera...]




[...It's Queen Emily! She pats Redwood on the chest.]


Queen Emily

"I know you will, Redwood. And, believe me, I will take it."


[Queen Emily tosses her head back in laughter and we head to a locker room...]






[backstage in the locker room, Sam and Alicia Strong are standing by...]


Sam Strong

"You might not have gotten the win against Belle, Alicia, but you can prove that you're the better woman. It starts tonight and will end at Red, White And Blue."


Alicia Strong

"I will make you proud of me not only tonight but on pay-per-view, Dad. I will prove myself and that I am worthy of the Strong name."


[A hug between father and daughter leads us to the ring.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BelleBryden.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CherryBomb.jpg

Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb


[A definite fine women's matchup here. The four women all showed their skills with advantages throughout the bout. The beginning of the match focused briefly on a sign: 'If we don't see Gorgon soon - we riot!' Raven showed why she is the Women's Champion but the real domination went to Alicia. She was working on making her father proud and she went a long way toward doing that tonight. Alicia hit Cherry Bomb with an Angel Driver and got the three count for the win for her team.]


Winners: Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong (Via Pinfall @ 5:47)

Match Rating: D+






[The big video screen lit up to show Nicky Champion standing within the interview area. He runs his fingers through his hair for a moment...]


Nicky Champion

"In just a few days, I will be putting my hair on the line against a man I beat last month: Jack Griffith. Jack, you talk about the younger generation here. You say that none of us can lace your boots. But last month you found out that I can do more than that when I pinned you in the middle of the ring. This Saturday night live and only on pay-per-view, it's going to be no different. Well, I take that back, you are going to look different. You are going to look into the heart and eyes of a Champion and come out as a loser and you are going to walk away from Red, White And Blue with less hair than you came in there with."


[Nicky runs his fingers through his hair again and we cut away to another interview area...]






[This interview set is taken up by the USPW World Television Champion Andre Jones...]


Andre Jones

"Yeah, listen to the melodic sounds of the voice of the best athlete in USPW. I am your official USPW World Television Champion but I am also looking to add more gold to my collection. Enygma, you and I go one on one tonight in a non title match because you're too afraid to put your title on the line against me. Well, that's alright, because after I win tonight there is no way that you cannot put that title up for grabs in a match with Andre Jones. Tonight, I solve the mystery wrapped in a riddle tied up in an Enygma."


[Andre turns and walks off and we head to the ring.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg

Non Title

Enygma vs. Andre Jones


[uSPW World Heavyweight Champion Enygma made his usual entrance from the rafters, starting with standing beside a fan's sign: 'Riddle me this, Enygma!'. Enygma began his march down to the ring as Andre Jones watched from inside the ring. Enygma leaped the railing and stepped inside, getting checked by referee Baby Jamie. The match started off with some basic wrestling moves, each man countering the other's moves until three straight stalemates occured. Andre Jones poked a finger in the eyehole of the mask of Enygma, gaining the advantage and body slamming the USPW World Champion to the mat. He bounced off the ropes and hit a big elbow drop, making the cover: 1 -- Kickout! Jones got back to his feet and continued an assault on Enygma...]


[...Jones had tossed Enygma outside the ring and worked him over out there, including putting him on his shoulder and running him head-first into the ringpost! He tossed Enygma back in the ring and joined him inside there, setting him up for the Blast From The Past! But Enygma was able to block it! Enygma rose up and clotheslined down Jones! He got on top and threw punches on the Television Champion! Jones fought back and pulled himself to the feet, only to get swept to the mat. Enygma grabbed the leg -- Enygma Variation! He got his finisher locked on out of nowhere and Andre Jones had no choice but to tap out.]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 9:31)

Match Rating: C+


[The crowd cheered for the win by Enygma and Enygma released the hold. He turned to look toward the ramp and saw the number one contender coming down toward the ring...]




[bruce The Giant came rumbling down toward the ring but the locker room spilled forth to keep these two apart! Even Sam Strong came out to make sure that these two didn't get their hands on each other before the pay-per-view.]







[The big video screen lit up to show both sides of the equation in our main event tonight. But James Justice is not there with Caulfield and Ota??!! Will he be healed enough for the match tonight?]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BryanHolmes.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg



Tyson Baine, T-Rex and Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota


[The crowd was stunned as this became more of a three-on-two bout rather than the three on three bout that was advertised. The Hades Bomb by Tyson Baine earlier in the night on Justice seems to have kept the former USPW World Champion from joining his partners. Caulfield and Ota took the advantage early and quickly, keeping all three members of Carl Batch's group on their toes. It took Bryan Holmes and his wrestling to bring Chris Caulfield to the mat and he began his role as the face-in-peril...]


[...Baine, T-Rex and Holmes each took turns beating down Caulfied, including double-teams on him. Ota reached for the tag during the match but Caulfield could never quite reach him. Tyson Baine had Caulfield in a front facelock and Caulfield was trying to push toward the other side. Baine fought to keep his hold and the crowd got behind Caulfield! T-Rex stepped inside the ring, distracting the official right before Caulfield made the tag. Ota entered the ring, hitting Baine with a knife edge chop! Referee Eugene Williams turned around and told Ota that he had to get back! The referee did NOT see the tag! With the referee holding Ota back, Caulfield was double-teamed by Baine and T-Rex with a double power bomb! Caulfield laid out on the mat and Baine made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- broken up by Ota! Baine shoved Ota out of the ring! Baine looked down at Caulfield for a moment and then the crowd popped huge as James Justice came out from the back! He was covered in bandages and limping but he headed down to the ring...]


[...Justice slid into the ring and clotheslined down Tyson Baine! He threw wild punches to Holmes and T-Rex as well! The crowd was unglued but referee Eugene Williams pulled Justice back and told him to get in the corner! Caulfield pulled himself toward his feet in the corner. Baine charged him and Caulfield moved out of the way! Baine hit chest-first in the corner and Caulfield crawled toward his corner. The crowd cheered for the Hardcore American and he tagged in Fumihiro Ota! The crowd cheered for Ota as he came in and threw chops at Baine and then at T-Rex! Holmes stared down Ota for a moment and Ota turned, picking up Baine and bringing him back in the corner. Ota tagged in Chris Caulfield and Caulfield kicked Baine in the gut, pulling him in for a Piledriver -- low blow by Baine! Baine moved over and tagged in Bryan Holmes. Holmes slid into the ring and grabbed Caulfield away from his corner, hooking him in a full nelson -- FINAL IMPACT! He didn't bridge this time but he did make a cover: 1 -- 2 -- feet on the ropes -- 3!]


Winners: Tyson Baine, T-Rex and Bryan Holmes (Via Pinfall @ 10:39)

Match Rating: C-


[...Justice and Ota entered the ring -- spear by T-Rex on Justice! Ota gets clotheslined over the top rope to the floor by Tyson Baine! Baine grabs Justice -- HADES BOMB! T-Rex grabs Caulfield -- EXTINCTION! The crowd boos as Bryan Holmes, T-Rex and Tyson Baine all stand in the ring with Carl Batch. The camera focused in on the carnage, showing James Justice and Chris Caulfield lying on the mat and then Fumihiro Ota lying outside the ring. Above Ota was a sign, reading: 'Two Dudes and a Ninja!' Will this be the way things end up in just a few days at USPW Red, White And Blue? Tune in to find out! We'll see you there!]




Post Show: Alicia Strong comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C

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We only had one person to have a perfect score this week of 6/6! Congratulations bgbuff!




1. jhd1=44 Wins

2. BHK1978=43 Wins

3. Lexa90=42 Wins

4. TheStroke7=39 Wins

5. Kainlock=37 Wins

6. Wrestling Century=35 Wins

7. critical-23=32 Wins

8. FlameSnoopy=30 Wins

9. bgbuff=28 Wins

10. BYU 14=24 Wins

11. xopher316=21 Wins

12. KingOfKings=14 Wins

supershot=14 Wins

14. mad5226=13 Wins

Bolton=13 Wins

16. Boltinho=12 Wins

17. Jaded=8 Wins

18. PoisonedSuperman=6 Wins

19. trypio=5 Wins

20. Gigas=4 Wins

Eisen-verse=4 Wins

SWF Fan=4 Wins

TakerNGN74=4 Wins

ECW 2.0=4 Wins

25. Huntman=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Saturday Week 4 February 2010


The Titans vs. James Justice and Fumihiro Ota

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Captain USA

Anger vs. The Force

Hair Versus Hair Match: Jack Griffith vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match: Enygma defends vs. Bruce The Giant


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The Masked Avatar vs. Captain USA

Handicap Match: The Hillbillys vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Mystery Team

Extra Point For Mystery Team Guess:

Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

Non Title: Enygma vs. Andre Jones

Tyson Baine, T-Rex and Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota


The Masked Avatar vs. Captain USA

Handicap Match: The Hillbillys vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Mystery Team

Extra Point For Mystery Team Guess:

Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

Non Title: Enygma vs. Andre Jones

Tyson Baine, T-Rex and Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota


The Masked Avatar vs. Captain USA

Handicap Match: The Hillbillys vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Mystery Team

Extra Point For Mystery Team Guess: I would like to say LAnd Mass/The Big Problem, But I won't... I agree with BHK and I also go with The Nation of Filth.

Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

Non Title: Enygma vs. Andre Jones

Tyson Baine, T-Rex and Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota


Fan Sign: The power of the Coke will destroy The Force!!


The Masked Avatar vs. Captain USA

Handicap Match: The Hillbillys vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Mystery Team

Extra Point For Mystery Team Guess: Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith

Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

Non Title: Enygma vs. Andre Jones

Tyson Baine, T-Rex and Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota



If Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith don't face The Towers of Power, I will cry!

Two Dudes and a Ninja!


The Masked Avatar vs. Captain USA

Handicap Match: The Hillbillys vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Mystery Team (Gauge and Keith)

Extra Point For Mystery Team Guess:

Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

Non Title: Enygma vs. Andre Jones

Tyson Baine, T-Rex and Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice, Chris Caulfield and Fumihiro Ota


Thanks a lot for the predictions! They are definitely appreciated.


In the history of the United States we have had Kennedy/Nixon and Lincoln/Douglas debates. However, neither one of them will be as epic as Anger/Force debate!


I hope that the debate lived up to the hype!



Anger destroyed my old sign, so I made this one to Spite him.

Riddle me this, Enygma!


Absolutely love the Spite sign. Very creative!


I got it, does that make me a true USPW fan? :p And angeldelayette, this just keeps getting better and better!


Thanks a lot for the comment! I am glad you're really enjoying this. A little over a month and you will win the prediction contest. I am running them three months at a time. So at the end of March whoever is on top gets the prize. And thanks, also, for your work on the alts. Those are always appreciated!

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The Titans vs. James Justice and Fumihiro Ota

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Captain USA

Anger vs. The Force

Hair Versus Hair Match: Jack Griffith vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match: Enygma defends vs. Bruce The Giant



Can The Force overcome a mixture of soda and Anger?

Nicky Champion won't look like a champion any more without his hair!

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The Titans vs. James Justice and Fumihiro Ota

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Captain USA

Anger vs. The Force

Hair Versus Hair Match: Jack Griffith vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match: Enygma defends vs. Bruce The Giant

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The Titans vs. James Justice and Fumihiro Ota

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Captain USA

Anger vs. The Force

Hair Versus Hair Match: Jack Griffith vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match: Enygma defends vs. Bruce The Giant


Fan signs: The Force shall have a Smile:) Enygma: Hero of millions, Death of the Giant!

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The Titans vs. James Justice and Fumihiro Ota

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Captain USA

Anger vs. The Force

Hair Versus Hair Match: Jack Griffith vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match: Enygma defends vs. Bruce The Giant


Fun signs:

Vote for Eisaku Hoshino in 2012!

Shave your head!

Oh no, there goes Tokyo! Go go T-Rex!


Keep up the good work Angel.

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The Titans vs. James Justice and Fumihiro Ota

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Captain USA

Anger vs. The Force

Hair Versus Hair Match: Jack Griffith vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match: Enygma defends vs. Bruce The Giant

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Once again, awesome stuff. I'm on the edge of my seat reading this diary angeldelayette! I agree with BHK, that debate was a phenominal piece of diary writing - really really enjoyed reading that bit.


This bit in particular made me laugh...

[The Force stepped out from the back to a good crowd ovation. He started walking down the aisle, pausing to point toward a sign: 'The Force is Fueling Up The Rocket Ship!'. Then he got his legs going up and down and ra the rest of the way to the ring! He slid inside and leaned against the podium exhausted...]


Classic, and I can picture it happening too!


The Titans vs. James Justice and Fumihiro Ota

Going for a DQ finish. Whilst the Titans are probably the stronger team, I think Ota and Justice need a win right about now.

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Captain USA

It's Valentine's title, and the Captain can't take that away from him.

Anger vs. The Force

In a dream world where this match main events The Supreme Challenge it would go on for half an hour and end in a draw. But unfortunately, it isn't going to.

Hair Versus Hair Match: Jack Griffith vs. Nicky Champion

I think a hairless Champion could be quite interesting, plus the bald alt I made of Nicky was better than my Griffith alt :p

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Alicia could easily win this one but I'd like Belle to win, hence the pick. Belle pins Raven.

Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield

Right, not sure about this one. Holmes won dirty last time, wins dirty this time around, things get personal. Or Caulfield wins and I'm wrong.

USPW World Title Match: Enygma defends vs. Bruce The Giant

Bruce is an obvious choice and this may be my downfall but I think Enygma will hold on a bit longer which will extend the feud a bit further. For that reason I think Enygma will win by DQ. No title changing hands here.


I can see my prediction win tailing off in week 3 of March and BHK nicking it :mad::D


Super PPV Fun Sign Fan: "I've seen the light and it was The FORCE!" and "Freddie Datsun promised to fix my fence - I'm still waiting!"

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Agreed on the debate, love the way you capture the "Warrior" essence with Force. :)


The Titans vs. James Justice and Fumihiro Ota

Via some sort of debauchery


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Captain USA

Anger vs. The Force

Thou shalt not "anger" the Forceamaniacs!!


Hair Versus Hair Match: Jack Griffith vs. Nicky Champion

Because Champion deserves it :)


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Alicia has never let me down


Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield

I know he should not win here, but that's why I am picking him.


USPW World Title Match: Enygma defends vs. Bruce The Giant

Tough call here, The Giant is rolling, but I think Enygma pulls it out with a miracle finish, though a draw would not surprise me either.

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Over 6,000 views already! Congratulations angeldelayette!




Gongratz my friend, you deserve this :)


Congratulations! Here, you deserve a smiley face! :D Seriously though, congrats. That is a huge accomplishment.


Thanks a lot. Couldn't have done it without you guys! And I genuinely mean that. I appreciate the fan base that has grown from this diary. I just finished the complete writeup for the pay-per-view card, including installing the fun fan signs. So the card will definitely be up tonight.

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Saturday Week 4 February 2010

Location: Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 8,342

Overall Rating: C

PPV Buyrate: .88

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.




[The show begins with a video hyping the matches that will be live here on USPW Red, White And Blue all leading to Enygma defending the USPW World Title against Bruce The Giant. Just in case you didn't know who was wrestling here tonight...]






[Then we cut inside the Wisconsin Gardens and the crowd were on their feet mugging for the camera! Spotlights moved through the crowd and then the attention turned to the two announcers for tonight's event: Danny Jillefski and Sam Strong!]


Danny Jillefski

"Good evening everyone and welcome to USPW Red, White And Blue! I'm Danny Jillefski alongside Sam Strong. Sam, tonight we have a lot of great matches but everyone is focused on the main event match."


Sam Strong

"That's right, Danny. Enygma defends his USPW World Title against Bruce The Giant. It should be a great match where the better man will come out on top."


Danny Jillefski

"And that will be Bruce. Bank on it. But before we go to the opening match, let's take you backstage earlier this evening."


[The focus turned to the big video screen, which lit up...]






[On the big video screen was the locker room where James Justice was talking to Fumihiro Ota...]


James Justice

"Ota, tonight we have two of the toughest dudes in USPW. We got the Jurassic Dude and the Baine Dude. I am going to need your help tonight. I know I will get it, right?"


[Ota looks at him, moving his eyes slightly back and forth and bows...]


James Justice

"I knew you wouldn't let me down. Tonight, Justice is served!"


[Justice turns and moves to exit the locker room with Ota trailing after him...]




[The big video screen flashed to a video with the history between these four men in our next match. It's gonna be The Titans against James Justice and Fumihiro Ota...]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FumihiroOta.jpg

The Titans vs. James Justice and Fumihiro Ota


[What a match to open the show with! This one had both great heat and great wrestling action involved within it. Justice and Ota took the advantage within the opening few minutes until T-Rex caught Justice with a big clothesline! T-Rex dragged Justice over to his corner and used frequent tags with Tyson Baine to keep Justice on the mat. T-Rex and Baine used some advice from Carl Batch throughout the bout, showing great chemistry with their manager. Within a few minutes, T-Rex dropped Justice with the Extinction. He made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- broken up by Ota! Ota kept this match going! T-Rex pulled the fallen Justice up and then lifted him onto the top turnbuckle. He set him up for a superplex -- Justice turned in midair! He fell on top of The Jurassic Power: 1 -- 2 -- kickout. The camera panned around the arena for a moment and picked up a sign: 'Oh no, there goes Tokyo! Go go T-Rex!']


[...Justice began crawling toward his corner after the kickout, wanting and needing to tag in Ota. T-Rex tagged in Baine and Baine came running but Ota got tagged in! Ota hit Baine with a knife-edge chop and a forearm shot for T-Rex! Ota backed up -- superkick to Baine! Ota moved to the corner and climbed up top. He tagged Justice in -- frog splash! The move connects as Justice climbs back in the ring! He looked at Baine and bounced off the ropes -- SSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAAA -- Spear by T-Rex! Justice was caught off-guard! T-Rex gets up and sends Ota over the top rope with a clothesline! Baine grabs Justice -- Hades Bomb! Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Titans (Via Pinfall @ 7:38)

Match Rating: C-


[The crowd booed as Baine got to his feet and Carl Batch climbed inside the ring. He pointed toward Justice and Baine grabbed him up -- another Hades Bomb! Batch lights up a victory cigar and then stubs it on the cheek of Justice! Justice yelled out in pain, covering his cheek as Batch just smiles. He's 1 for 1 so far tonight...]


[...EMTs came out to the ring to help James Justice. They slid him onto a stretcher from the ring while Justice cried out in pain. The EMTs took him to the back and into an ambulance to drive away...]






[The big video screen flashed to within a gym area. It showed a broad back and someone doing some bench presses. The amount of weights is impressive. After several reps, the man raises up from the bench and shows that it is indeed Des Davids. He is coming back soon to USPW!]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/PeterValentine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpg


USPW National Title Match

Peter Valentine defends vs. Captain USA


[Even though this was a National title match, the crowd really didn't seem to be getting into it. The best that could be brought up was the 'USA' chant during the beginning and toward the middle. There was also a rash of signs being held up within the match. Two of them in particular being: 'Vote for Eisaku Hoshino in 2012!' and 'Freddie Datsun promised to fix my fence - I'm still waiting!'. The match was dominated mostly by Peter Valentine, proving his worth as the National Champion. Valentine dropped USA with a Heart Breaker and made the pinfall to get the win.]


Winner: Peter Valentine (Via Pinfall @ 6:13)

Match Rating: D-


[Following the sound of the bell, Valentine got up and kicked at the shoulder of Captain USA! The crowd booed and Valentine made a motion that he is going to take the mask of Captain USA! The crowd really booed as Valentine stepped in but then a cheer erupted from the crowd...]




[...Katie Cameron was bringing forth Steve Flash from the back! Flash ran down to the ring and slid inside! He ducked a punch from Valentine and dropped with an atomic drop! Flash grabbed him and tossed him over the top rope. He made sure the mask was re-placed again on Captain USA and stared down Peter Valentine from the ring.]






[The focus turns to the announcers as Steve Flash and Katie Cameron help Captain USA...]


Danny Jillefski

"What a night of action it's been so far here tonight, Sam. But we need to talk about what happened to James Justice earlier in the evening."


Sam Strong

"Yes, Danny, James was stretchered out and taken to a local hospital within an ambulance after that horrendous attack by Tyson Baine and T-Rex. Hopefully we will have an update on his condition throughout the night. If not, we will have full details on USPW American Wrestling next week."


[And it's time to head back to the ring...]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DemonAnger.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce.jpg

Anger vs. The Force


[As Anger made his way down to the ring with Shane Sneer and Coca Cola bottle behind him, he paused reading a sign and shaking his head. The sign: 'Can The Force overcome a mixture of soda and Anger?' Definitely the worst match on the card so far and after that Peter Valentine/Captain USA match that is saying something. The Force wore himself out running to the ring but luckily the match was fairly short. Anger came out with not only Shane Sneer but the Coca Cola bottle. During the bout, The Force kicked the bottle of Coca Cola sending it into Shane Sneer's face and spilling some on a sign behind Sneer: 'I've seen the light and it was The FORCE!' He turned and hooked Anger, dropping him with the Full Force and getting the three count. As The Force made that pinfall, the cameras zoomed in on a sign behind him: 'The Force shall have a Smile :)]


Winner: The Force (Via Pinfall @ 4:55)

Match Rating: E+






[A video hyped the feud between Jack Griffith and Nicky Champion. Tonight is about the hair versus hair though. One of these two men will walk away from the ring bald!]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackGriffith.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion.jpg

Hair Versus Hair Match

Jack Griffith vs. Nicky Champion


[Neither of these men wanted to lose their hair so that was a big incentive going into this match. When Nicky made his entrance, he paused at a sign and held it up in promotion for this match: 'Shave your head!' Nicky started in control of Griffith, locking him up in an armbar and holding it until Griffith could get back to his feet. Griffith yanked Champion down by the hair but Champion popped back up and kicked Griffith in the gut -- DDT! Champion made an early cover: 1 -- 2 -- SHOULDER UP! Griffith came so very close to losing early. Griffith rolled out of the ring to catch a break for a few moments, breaking the count a few times as he ran his fingers through his hair outside the ring...]


[...A few minutes later, Griffith was in control in the ring and then tossed Champion outside the ring. Griffith joined him on the floor and ran him into the guardrail! The crowd booed Southern Justice as he picked up Champion and press-slammed him throat-first onto the top of the guardrail! Griffith tossed Champion back in the ring and joined him inside. Griffith got his arms around the waist of Champion from behind but Champion threw elbows to break the hold! Champion turned around and hit a forearm shot. He sent Griffith to the ropes and Griffith came back with a high knee to the face. Griffith grabbed Champion -- Jack-in-The-Box! He connected with his finisher and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- FOOT ON THE ROPES! Champion somehow got that left foot up! Griffith grabs the leg and makes another cover: 1 -- 2 -- SHOULDER UP! Griffith growls and gets up, shoving the referee! Referee Robbie Sanchez points to his shirt and tells Griffith he could disqualify him! Griffith moves back to Champion and sends him off into the ropes. Champion ducks a clothesline! Griffith turns -- Hawkeye Hammer! Nicky Champion hit his finisher and he makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 6:51)

Match Rating: C-


[The crowd explodes as the match is over and Nicky Champion has won the right to shave Jack Griffith bald! Nicky is handed the electric razor by the referee. He walks over to Griffith, raising it up to cheers from the crowd -- LOW BLOW BY GRIFFITH! Southern Justice dropped Nicky Champion to his knees with that low blow! Griffith shoves the referee down and grabs the razor! He pins Nicky Champion down with his body and begins shaving the head of Nicky Champion! This isn't right! He gets nearly the entire length shaved off as several wrestlers come down to stop this. Griffith exits the ring quickly but the damage has most certainly been done! As Griffith moves through the crowd, he stops at a sign to quickly autograph it. The sign reads: 'Nicky Champion won't look like a champion any more without his hair!' Meanwhile in the ring Nicky Champion is seething with anger...]








[The big video screen lights up to show the backstage area where a worried Giant Redwood is pacing back and forth with Queen Emily standing nearby...]


Giant Redwood

"Here is another pay-per-view and I don't have a match, Queen Emily."


Queen Emily

"You can't expect any miracles from me, Redwood. You have to go out there and prove why you deserve a spot on the show. You need to step out there and take this promotion by storm like everyone knows you can."


Giant Redwood

"Take the promotion by storm. Hmmmm..."


[We are left with Redwood in thought as we head to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BelleBryden.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg


USPW Women's Title Match

Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong


[Our next encounter was the USPW Women's Title match between three very tough competitors. It is one fall only so the first woman to score a pinfall, submission, DQ or countout wins the match. All three women were in the ring at the same time and Raven and Alicia went right after Belle to start things off. Bryden was sent out of the ring with a double clothesline and Alicia turned on Raven, kicking her in the gut! Alicia hooked Raven -- double underhook suplex! Alicia made the cover: 1 -- kickout! Alicia continued her attack on the Women's Champion. She bodyslammed her and then made another cover: 1 -- 2 -- broken up by Belle Bryden! Where did she come from...]


[...Belle grabbed Alicia by the hair and spun her around to the mat face-first! Belle grabbed Raven and set her up near the turnbuckles and then went up top! Belle leaped from the top turnbuckle -- Splash! She connected and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- broken up by Alicia Strong! Belle looked up in anger and went after Alicia! She managed to hook Alicia Strong in a bear hug and rammed her against the turnbuckles! Belle smacked Alicia across the face and then rammed her shoulder into the gut. Belle backed up and then hit the Dish of the Day! Alicia fell to the mat! Belle turned around and walked right into a Night Faller from Raven Robinson! Raven made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A successful defense for the Women's Champion!]


Winner: Raven Robinson (Via Pinfall @ 6:16)

Match Rating: C-






[The big video screen lit up to show the interview area backstage where Bryan Holmes is standing by with his manager Carl Batch...]


Carl Batch

"Tonight has already started off wonderfully, Bryan. We took out that no good dude James Justice. He's done and off in the hospital. Now, it is your turn. It is your time to take out the so-called Hardcore American. Show him that his hardcore tactics cannot defeated wrestling know-how in this match. I want to light one more victory cigar tonight and put it out on Chris Caulfield's face."


[Holmes just stared straight ahead, intent and focused...]




[The big video screen shifted to a scene of Chris Caulfield taping his wrists. Chris looks up toward the camera with that same focused look...]


Chris Caulfield

"In order to say that you're the best, you have to beat the best. I came up short against the man who is getting the World Title shot tonight. I came up short because of the man I am facing tonight. Bryan Holmes, you attacked me from behind when I had the opportunity to earn a title shot. You pinned me just a few days ago using your feet on the ropes. Tonight, I begin to extract my revenge. Tonight, I begin on my quest to prove that I am the best here in USPW. It starts with you, Bryan. Tonight, I am going to end your career."


[Chris stares into the camera and then we head to the ring.]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BryanHolmes.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield


[Holmes came out to the ring with Carl Batch first and then they were joined by Chris Caulfield. The two men stared at each other from opposite corners of the ring, both of them looking as intense as ever. The referee for this match is Baby Jamie and he calls for the bell as Batch drops off the apron to the floor. The two men meet in the center of the ring and begin jawwing to one another. Caulfield slaps Holmes! Holmes throws a punch in retaliation and things break down early in this match! But Holmes doesn't want to get into a brawl with the Hardcore American! Caulfield took down Holmes with a solid punch and then grabbed him by the head, running his head into the turnbuckle! The crowd cheered as Caulfield went up and started throwing punches! He got to six before Holmes began walking forward and dropped Caulfield in a spinebuster-like move! Holmes dropped a quick elbow and then another! He picked up Caulfield and tossed him out of the ring! The referee pulled Holmes back, giving Carl Batch the opportunity he needed. Batch took off his shoe and smacked Caulfield with it across the head! Caulfield fell to the floor as the referee turned around. Baby Jamie started the ten count...]


[...Several minutes later and Holmes still has the advantage but he has Caulfield back in the ring. Holmes hooks an old-style bow and arrow submission hold on Caulfield but Chris won't give up! Holmes releases the hold after a minute and throws some punches to the upper back and shoulders of Caulfield. He hooks Caulfield in a Full Nelson but Caulfield manages to grab the ropes and stop the Final Impact. Holmes releases but throws another forearm shot. He whips Caulfield into the ropes -- Caulfield ducks a clothesline! He comes back on the other side -- Sleeper by Caulfield! Holmes' eyes go wide as he struggles with his arms but Caulfield has the hold cinched in tight! Holmes twists in the hold and brings Caulfield down with a back suplex. Both men lie on the mat...]


[...After a short period of time and distraction from Carl Batch to stop the count, both men get to their feet and begin to slug it out again in the center of the ring! Caulfield gets the better of this exchange yet again and ducks a punch thrown by Holmes! He sends Holmes to the mat with an atomic drop and then clothesline to the back of the head. Caulfield makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd is standing here in the arena! Caulfield picks up Holmes and sets him up for the Danger Drop -- Carl Batch gets on the apron! Caulfield sees him and walks over, grabbing the manager and lifting him up! Caulfield brings an arm back but it's grabbed by Bryan Holmes! Holmes hooks in a Full Nelson -- Caulfield twists out and gets behind Holmes -- Danger Drop! Caulfield hit his finisher! He knocks Batch off the apron and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Wow, what a win!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 16:08)

Match Rating: C







[As Caulfield celebrates, the big video screen lights up and shows how Bruce The Giant beat him in the Last Man Standing match and then everything else leading up to the main event here tonight and that main event match is next!]


Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg


USPW World Title Match

Enygma defends vs. Bruce The Giant


[bruce The Giant comes rumbling down to the ring alone as always, stepping over the top rope. Then the lights dim and spotlights begin moving all around the arena. They finally focus in on the USPW World Champion standing within the crowd and beside a sign as always: 'Enygma: Hero of millions, Death of the Giant!' He begins making his way through the audience, stepping over the guard rail and into the ring. He holds up the USPW World Title to cheers from the crowd! Referee Eugene Williams takes the belt and holds it up. That is what it's all about tonight. Bruce stares at the belt in want and need. Enygma stares at the man who is looking to take this belt from him. The belt is sent out of the ring and the referee signals for the bell. The two men begin to circle each other, letting the crowd see the noticable size difference between the two. But who wouldn't look small up against the 7'4" Bruce The Giant? Enygma steps forward to the challenger and Bruce shoves him down to the mat! Enygma falls near the corner and gets back up quickly. He charges Bruce throwing forearm shots to Bruce's chest! He dodges a grab by Bruce and sends a dropkick to the knee! Enygma bounces off the ropes and throws a shoulder into Bruce's knee! Bruce grabs for Enygma but Enygma is much quicker. Enygma climbs the turnbuckles quickly and leaps -- Bruce catches him! Bruce swings Enygma around and drops him with a side slam...]


[...The next few minutes was spent with Bruce in control and beating down the much smaller Enygma. Bruce lifted Enygma into the air with a military press and slammed him over the top rope to the floor below! Bruce looked down at the USPW World Champion with a look of contempt. Bruce stepped back from the ropes and watched as referee Eugene Williams began the count. As Williams got to six, Bruce grabbed him and lifted him up, carrying him over to the opposite turnbuckle! He set him down there and shook his head. Enygma managed to make it back in the ring during this exchange and he went right back after Bruce's knee and suddenly his knee buckled! Bruce fell, clutching his leg and grimacing in pain! Enygma tugged the referee off the turnbuckle and went up top! The crowd got on their feet as Enygma leaped -- frog splash! Enygma hit the frog splash on Bruce! He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Somehow Bruce The Giant kicked out! Enygma got up and kicked at the knee of Bruce The Giant! Enygma grabbed the knee and turned Bruce around onto his back! He is going for the Enygma Variation! Bruce grabs the ropes quickly, forcing Enygma to back off...]


[...Enygma bounced off the ropes -- rolling thunder to the knee! Enygma looked to the crowd, getting the cheers! He grabs the knee of Bruce The Giant and begins tugging him toward the center of the ring. Enygma focuses in on the ankle and hooks in the Enygma Variation! The crowd explodes and gets on their feet as Bruce's face shows the pain he is in! Enygma could break the ankle of Bruce The Giant here! Bruce refuses to give in to the pain! Bruce raises his hand, shaking his head. He begins tugging Enygma toward the ropes using his good leg and his arm. Bruce moves closer and closer to the ropes but can he get there? Bruce raises his hand, grimmacing in pain. He reaches out -- and gets the bottom rope! His size definitely helped him there but he managed to make it to the ropes and Enygma was forced to break the hold...]


[...Enygma got to his feet and threw in a couple of stomps to the leg of Bruce The Giant. Enygma bounced off the ropes but he was caught in a sudden clothesline by Bruce! Bruce shot up like he was shot out of a cannon! Bruce favors that injured leg as he looks down at Enygma for a moment. He reaches down and wraps his fingers around the throat of Enygma, raising him high in the air, using the ropes so he doesn't lose his balance. He turns -- Giant Choke Slam! The move connects and Bruce makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 9:37)

Match Rating: C


[The crowd here is stunned as Bruce The Giant has just won the USPW World Title! Referee Eugene Williams hands him the belt as he pulls to his feet and leans into the corner. He looks down at the belt and releases a victory roar, raising it up to a loud amount of boos from the crowd! That's all the time we have for you here tonight! Make sure you tune in for USPW American Wrestling this Wednesday night!]

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No one scored a perfect score on this pay-per-view event. Wrestling Century had the high score with 5/7! Congratulations Wrestling Century!




1. jhd1=46 Wins

2. BHK1978=45 Wins

3. Lexa90=44 Wins

4. Wrestling Century=40 Wins

5. TheStroke7=39 Wins

6. Kainlock=37 Wins

7. critical-23=32 Wins

bgbuff=32 Wins

9. FlameSnoopy=30 Wins

10. BYU 14=26 Wins

11. xopher316=25 Wins

12. KingOfKings=14 Wins

supershot=14 Wins

14. mad5226=13 Wins

Bolton=13 Wins

16. Boltinho=12 Wins

17. Jaded=8 Wins

18. ECW 2.0=7 Wins

19. PoisonedSuperman=6 Wins

20. trypio=5 Wins

21. Gigas=4 Wins

Eisen-verse=4 Wins

SWF Fan=4 Wins

TakerNGN74=4 Wins

25. Huntman=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


We are headed into the final month of this prediction contest! I hope everyone has enjoyed it so far.


And a special thank you to FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


For winning the prediction contest at the pay-per-view, Wrestling Century gets this great Jim Force t-shirt as made by Phantom Stranger.



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Wednesday Week 1 March 2010


Freddie Datsun vs. Bryan Holmes

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Riley McManus

Brendan Idol vs. Giant Redwood

Sara Marie York vs. Belle Bryden

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. ???

No Extra Point this time but if you wanna guess the identity of ???, feel free:

Chris Caulfield vs. Fumihiro Ota

Nicky Champion vs. Tyson Baine


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