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TEW10 Render Thread

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I def dont show anyone up around here. I'm always envious of the originality that everyone brings out in their renders. I'm good at setting up lighting and i'm handy in photoshop for postwork but I lack imagination and drive that others show to make original and distinct characters.


When in doubt, steal. I 'came up with' most of my characters by copying celebrities, or weird pictures I found on the internet, or my childhood toys. Basically whenever I saw something cool, I'd try to recreate it in DAZ. I'd fail, sure, but 66% of the time I'd end up with something interesting.

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When in doubt, steal. I 'came up with' most of my characters by copying celebrities, or weird pictures I found on the internet, or my childhood toys. Basically whenever I saw something cool, I'd try to recreate it in DAZ. I'd fail, sure, but 66% of the time I'd end up with something interesting.


Yeah this. I'm not so great with DAZ, so I just try my best to copy off celebrities and then change things up a bit with the preset sliders. Hell, one of my guys is based off Vladimir Putin! (without the saggy moobs)


Plus, I reckon the cross-eyed guy is pretty damn original. :D

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That gladiator render gave me an idea...




This is only a quick attempt at it based on an old belt I pieced together with GIMP, but I think the idea has potential. Still have a few kinks to work out, with the lighting and textures (white edges), but kinda cool, eh?

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How do I get these saved for my game?


Is there a link where these renders are finished for TEW? There are several that I would like to use in my 1 Player game.


No, you have to put them on the background and save them as jpegs yourself if you want to use them. I don't think most mind if you use them for personal games, but you have to do the legwork yourself. There are some websites or GIMP that you can use for free.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, so I took 4 months off from the board to take care of some personal problems, but I'm back and I can safely say that the "Old" Trell is back. I mean from the rendering days not last time I was here, which means no more explosions :)



Ok, so here is my first render in almost 3 months, and it goes to my mod that I've been trying to plug away at. Hope it is still up to the standards of the other Renderers :)




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