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TEW10 Render Thread

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I had my first proper play around with textures (T-shirt and tattoos), transparency maps (T-shirt) and lights this afternoon and came up with this...




...I'll be the first to admit my lighting isn't the greatest but, in general, I'm pleased with the outcome. I realise her face is basically the default V4 but I spent so long working on the rest of the image that I couldn't be bothered, which is also the excuse I'm using for the somethings-not-quite-there-yet facial expression :p


And no, I'm not Glenn Charpantier - he just made the background. :D

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about 400, I kept about 200 as I've been trying to get them all done with M4 and alot of them were done with M3 and Apollo.


Awesome work. :)


Can't imagine the discipline/work of doing 400 for one project. I've probably only done 500ish renders total and they've been for like 7 different projects (communityverse/cverse/mma/leisure stuff/etc.) across like four years, but nothing constant across time like that. 130 or so is the most I've done for one project (communityverse) and I feel like I've been working on it forever.


Do you save you .daz files of workers? I save all of mine now just because I keep wanting to re-light stuff when I stumble upon something better that works and it's preferable to trashing all of my work.

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I've been working on this mod since TEW 2004, I didnt know how to render back then so alot of that time has been spent since 05, I had more than that with M3, but I lost about 500 Renders when my PC got stolen from my house. Everytime a new game comes out I just dont import the characters, I remake them so its taken me longer due to that and lack of time to really work on it nowadays
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I've been working on this mod since TEW 2004, I didnt know how to render back then so alot of that time has been spent since 05, I had more than that with M3, but I lost about 500 Renders when my PC got stolen from my house. Everytime a new game comes out I just dont import the characters, I remake them so its taken me longer due to that and lack of time to really work on it nowadays


Allow me to suggest a different tactic. I'm not sure what your mod looks like, but you really should think about importing them. Sure, you get better each year at rendering, and can make them look better, but a bit of common sense should pre-vail here. To me what your doing is the same as someone trying to make a completely up to date real world mod, while making the mod, instead of starting at a specific time, and then updating the mod after you've bassically finished it.


Your probably never going to complete the mod, if you start all over each time with your renders. Now... don't get me wrong, it's your mod, and you can do what you want with it. I just wanted to point out that WMMA3 is released, and probably within' a few months, we're going to see a start on a new TEW.... Adam seems to be working his butt off these last few years, and it seems as though he is still unsatisfied/believes he can make even better games. In other words, I don't see him stopping for another decade at the very least.... As he is young, intelligent, and actually likes the games he makes.


With how things are going, your going to be back to sqare one in three or four months (or at the release, however you do it), doing the render's all over again.


EDIT: OY! I see you were talking about the models... The same thing applies though, as Daz3d is probably going to keep going as his program increases (Actually, there is alot of room for improvement within' the same program/with the way he can add more features to the basic program)... Meaning I believe his Millenium character's will be churning out till at least a 10th version... So same thing I was saying about the games. Perhaps use the older render's for older people, but USE them. There was alot of great work done with older 3d models.

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I've been working on this mod since TEW 2004, I didnt know how to render back then so alot of that time has been spent since 05, I had more than that with M3, but I lost about 500 Renders when my PC got stolen from my house. Everytime a new game comes out I just dont import the characters, I remake them so its taken me longer due to that and lack of time to really work on it nowadays


I'd really be interested in seeing all your renders Trell.


I myself have a little over 700 renders in my folder for my mod (though that number is thrown off a bit by alts for some of the characters). Not to mention I usually don't worry about the full body render, just the head and shoulders for the most part.

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Going to post some stuff with Daz models, and some using different models.. There is alot of stuff out there.





























Some done with high definition textures, some with plain textures... hardly nothing more then just a color pallet withought much else done to it.


My point though (for Trell), is that you can run with some of those, by simply realising when you tone it down for use in a mod, with a 150x150 head, you can take out the problems with arms and such (as in some of those up there), by not showing them. The realisation that the huge textures used for Michael 4 (for example) aren't going to look any better when scaled down, then the Michael 3 textures.


I'm not one of the best Render's on here or anything like that (I don't have the patience to be). I've been playing around with it for years though, probably as long as anyone else. What I haven't done is used PSP or Photoshop as much as some, to take away flaws and such. I do create my own texture's quite a bit, and I do create new clothing and stuff like that. Just to give a little background as to where I'm coming from.


IF you were worried about them ending up on one of those cool sights that people show off their work (such as Daz forums), I would understand the desire to keep things as up to date as possible. In fact, I also understand keeping them up to date with the Render threads like this one....


However, I think it's unrealistic to think you can build a whole mod with your own render's, and keep your 3d models up to date. I would suggest doing the same thing as other's suggest about mod making.. Instead of trying to make it current models, just get it done. Then start re-doing your older 3d render's with newer one's after you release it.


I'd like to point out, that my main goal here is to play your mod, so I might be a little over-dramatic on this issue.

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The many faces of Sha, and one of Renae:













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I had my first proper play around with textures (T-shirt and tattoos), transparency maps (T-shirt) and lights this afternoon and came up with this...




...I'll be the first to admit my lighting isn't the greatest but, in general, I'm pleased with the outcome. I realise her face is basically the default V4 but I spent so long working on the rest of the image that I couldn't be bothered, which is also the excuse I'm using for the somethings-not-quite-there-yet facial expression :p


And no, I'm not Glenn Charpantier - he just made the background. :D


That's it. I hang up my rendering boots. I'm no longer required.

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That's it. I hang up my rendering boots. I'm no longer required.


Pssh, you still have four renders for our mod and about 66 million for the ComVerse to do :p


Seriously though, thanks for the compliment. Now get to it :D


I know I've said it before, but I'm going to say it again. I absolutely LOVE (and steal/use in personal games) the render's all you guys have been doing. The talent increases overnight, it seems to me. I wish I had the amount of patience required to put forth the effort you guys do.

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All my render's are free (in any way you want to use them) of course. That's just how I roll (if anyone can use them).



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Matrix-Like Debbie:






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Something I've been playing around with, for the Ager's part of TEW:






I've been wanting to remember to do that with everything for now on, so as to throw a bit of realistic aging into the shuffle.

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Another one, I don't think I've posted. A Beach Babe:





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And some more (apologies if any are reposts):










Take the easy way out with clothes... Maybe someone can get creative and do some Photoshop on them? I don't know, but can be used by anyone. Some models might not be DAZ, definately some won't be the M4 or V4, but some of them are. I would have to get into the program to know for sure which model I used. My problem is that I have tons of stuff in different runtime's, including DAZ. I can figure it out though, as I have a way to find the exact things I used for each render if I want to go back and do other poses or use different clothing.

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Well, I'm down to the last two that I don't think I've ever posted before. This is kind of the format I want to go with in the future, to be able to use ager's and the like in TEW (of course, anyone can use however they want... with all render's past or future that I make and post). As I said, I don't do any post work, so sorry for that. I'm just not patient enough for one thing, and I wouldn't get half the render's done if I did take the time, as I don't have enough time to work on them (I have a hard time doing render's when any family member's are around...


Part of it comes from my wife asking questions all the time : "Want me to dress like that? Is that what you like?" I try to explain that these are just character's, and yes, I'm trying to make them interesting to me, but no.. I don't want you to change anything about yourself. I even went so far as to make a render of her, and even with that she had different questions... Just bassically, I can't concentrate with family, especially my wife, around).







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And my last one for now. I'll wait till I have a few more before I post anymore again. I at least will know exactly where I left off after this:)







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