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August 2012, week 1


Randy didn't spend long as a non-champion; a few days later, he won the PSW title. I suddenly don't feel so self-confidence; sure, Randy and I can hit a B- match... but Randy can have a B- match with Jim freakin' Force... maybe I'm not as good as I thought.


So, I got to talking with Barrera. It struck me that, in all my time training the kids at the Resort, I never really got to know them personally. Turns out, he's a nice guy.



CZCW Onslaught #125


Our pre-show tonight has Notorious defeat Eddie and Frankie. The match is horrid, nobody cares about it, but I give them a win.


Our actual show opens with one heck of a match between Los Rudos and Los Luchas; Los Rudos get a surprise win when Demon Seed gets a pinfall over Fire Fly, and the result is a match that almost, but not quite, steals the show. After that, James Prudence defeating Jake Idol is a huge letdown, something that's only average – and from those two, we expect better. Things take a turn for the worse when A-Game gets a fluke win over Nigel Svenson; as much as we like Nigel, if he's leaving, we need to use him to put over some of our lower-card guys. Even if it gives us bad matches like this.


The crowd is glad to get a return to good matches, as we put on a four-way match: Giant Brody, Jackpot Jordan, Kashmir Singh, and... Randy Bumfhole. Guess who wins. Yeah, Randy. We drop down to another average match as Moose & Weasel defeat P-n-P for the tag titles, and the get some filler with California Love Machine defeating Brendan Idol.


We get a very good match out of Pheonix and Dragon; this time around, Dragon gets the pinfall to build up a bit more momentum before we try to catch lightning in a bottle again. And in the main event, I defend the Zone Title against Donnie J; I win, of course, but we get a damn good match out of it. Sadly, we're at the point where a B- isn't really awe-inspiring anymore...


(Show rating: C+, 3,203 tickets sold. Match of the Night: Main event. Trash of the Night: A-Game/Svenson.)



On the next Welcome: Looks like a 50-50 shot of a C+ show raising our popularity. We need to find more B- matches to put on... two in a row at the end of the night should give us the boost we need...

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August 2012, week 2


Slow week. We discussed getting a show on TV, but National Pride didn't want us. And there was no point in going with Los Desportes Hoy.



CZCW Onslaught #126


Your pre-show match sees Notorious get a win over Ant-Man and Frankie-Boy. It's not as bad as their last match; I gotta hope they'll keep improving. If they can just learn to fly...


We open with the Xtreme Title, El Mitico retaining over California Love Machine. It's a good match, and I think the crowd's starting to really get behind him. Prudence gets a win over Kashmir in an above-average match; I hate to say it, but I think Donnie got the talent from that pair. We get a surprisingly good Tag Title match between Moose & Weasel, Los Rudos, and P-n-P. Los Rudos pick up the win and the titles, and it's a very good match.


After that, we get a bit of a letdown as Jake Idol gets an upset over Ultimate Phoenix in a simply average match. The match we -expected- to be just average winds up being really good, as A-Game and Fire Fly defeat Jackpot Jordan and Nigel Svenson. Color us surprised. We then get a breather as Giant Brody squashes Brendan Idol, and it's the worst match of the card.


For our main events, Randy Bumfhole gets a victory over Donnie J in one of those “If there was a ladder involved, it woulda been awesome” matches, and then I defend the CZCW Title against Snap Dragon. We're looking to top our past triumphs... and we do it. There's matches that steal the show, and there's matches that steal the year. This one was one of those year-stealing ones. How good was it? Well...


(Show rating: B-. 3,522 tickets sold. Match of the night: Fox/Dragon. Trash of the night: Brody/Idol.)



On the next Welcome: Another match-of-the-year contender is always nice, and our best show ever is great. How do we top that?

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August 2012, week 3


Dammit. We just gave them the tag team titles, and Demon Seed goes and cracks his tailbone. Well, maybe Panda Mask can carry the team... hooboy.


Bruce the Giant retired. Wow. Never thought I'd see the day...


And, we've added a new signee that we think has potential. And we just how to introduce him.



CZCW Onslaught #127


Before the show begins, we announce that, as has only happened once before. El Mitico is 'cashing in' his Xtreme Title for a shot at the CZCW Title. So the Xtreme Title is up for grabs tonight. The crowd's reaction is much better than I'd imagined; maybe the crowd is behind him more than I thought.


Our opening match is Notorious defeating Ant-Man and Nigel Svenson; it's Nigel's last match in the Zone (until we can convince Cliff to forget the whole 'charisma' thing), and it's... not -that- bad. We follow it up with a six-man ladder match for the Xtreme Title. A-Game, Jonnie Perez, Paradigm, California Love Machine, Amazing Fire Fly, and... the winner, and our newest signee, Tigre Salvaje Jr. It's a decent little match, and should start our new guy off on a good foot.


The Tag Titles are up next; Demon Seed is hurting, so Panda Mask works most of the match against the new Rich & Famous. Surprisingly, the champs retain, and the match never really drops below average quality. We then get a huge increase in quality as Randy Bumdhole comes out to defeat Air Attack Weasel in Weasel's best match ever. Giant Brody then squashes Jake Idol, and it seems the 'Brody Squashes Are Fun' crowd isn't attending anymore as it goes over horribly.


Kashmir Singh then takes on Jeremiah Moose and gives Moose his biggest (and best) singles win of his career. For main events, we have Phoenix & Dragon take on The Uneasy Alliance, with Prudence getting the win over Dragon in our first tag-team show-stealing match that we can remember. Finally, I face El Mitico, and we've got a buge task ahead of us in living up to that last match. Which we almost, but not quite, live up to. I retain, but Mitico, as the cliché goes, looks good out there.


(Show rating: C+, 3,630 tickets sold. Match of the night: Donnie/Jimmy vs Dragon/Phoenix. Trash of the Night: Brody/Idol.)



On the next Welcome: Wow. C+ shows aren't helping our popularity anymore. That's... not good.

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August 2012, week 4


We were about to fire Brendan Idol for being useless... and then we remembered, he was tag partners with Jordan. Getting rid of him meant having to use Jordan in singles matches. Bleh. So, we cancelled the termination and gave him a bonus to cheer him up.



CZCW Onslaught #128


We open with another Notorious victory, this time over Ant-Man and Elliot Thomas. It's not good, but I'm running heavy on tag matches tonight and needed to fill up space. Tigre defends the Xtreme Title for the first time against CLM; his first singles match is much better than most first matches in the Zone. Giant Brody squashes Amazing Fire Fly, who bumps like a maniac and turns it into an entertaining match. Then, for a breather, the new Rich & Famous defeat Kashmir Singh and A-Game in a fairly standard match.


Things pick up a bit as Moose & Weasel take on Mitico and Jake Idol; Mitico gets the victory, but it's the match of the night so far. Los Rudos defend the tag titles against P-n-P, and it's a decent enough match even with Demon Seed injured. We get an Uneasy Alliance / Phoenix & Dragon rematch; it's not quite as good as last week, but still the best of the night so far; this time, Phoenix gets the victory. And then, I defend the CZCW Title against Randy Bumfhole. If this doesn't put up a heck of a match, nothing will... and damned if it isn't a heck of a match. I retain (which Randy doesn't like at all – he feels he should never lose in a company this size), but we just upped our real match-of-the-year candidate list to three...


(Show rating: B-, 3,494 tickets sold. Match of the night: Main event. Trash of the Night: Opener.)



On the next Welcome: A look at finances, and we settle on a huge timeline.

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September 2012, week 1


When I started booking the Zone, we had a hundred thousand dollars in the bank.


The last two months? We made seventy-two thousand and eighty thousand.


Yeah. We're doing damn well. At this rate, with a little luck, we'll hit a million in the bank by the end of the year. Not bad for three years of business. After talking it over, Cliff and I decided. Four more months of building people up... and 2013 would be the year we make a solid push for Cult status. Either starting in the Midsouth or somewhere on the east coast, if we could find a way to balance the huge expenses of breaking into a new area, then we'd be all set. Lots of big ifs. We'd see if those plans survived the next four months.



CZCW Onslaught #129


In your pre-show match, Frankie-Boy faces Elliot Thomas; total throw-away jobber match, I know, but it's just to break the ring in. I've noticed it gets stiff for the first match of the night. Our real opener is a three-way between Paradigm, CLM, and Kashmir; Kashmir wins, but it's definitely an above-average match. Rich & Famous defeat Notorious, and that one sucks, but you can see Notorious learning as they go.


We have a surprising “My god, that sucked” match as Tiger Savaje defends the Xtreme Title against A-Game. I... don't know what happened here, but my god, these two... I don't know. They just failed to... do anything. We make up for it with a long bout between Snap Dragon and El Mitico, that ends with Mitico getting in a surprise rollup; this match is leaps and bounds over the one before it.


The Tag Titles are up next, and Los Rudos faces Ant-Man and Fire Fly. The champs retain with a mixture of shenanigans and teammates-who-don't-know-each-other spots. Maybe we'll make that their gimmick – they'll only face teams who've never teamed together before. Average stuff, but it'll get better when Demon Seed isn't working hurt. We hope. Giant Brody gets to squash Jonnie Perez next, and Brody's starting to look better – I wonder if I haven't overdone his push with this whole 'squash' thing.


For our main events, we have a rare six-man match as Randy Bumfhole joins the Uneasy Alliance to face Moose & Weasel & Phoenix; Randy gets the win, but all involved look good. This may be Jeremiah Moose's best match ever. Finally, I defend the Zone Title against Jake Idol; it's not the blow-away match I know I can pull off with others, but it's still a good little match. I retain, of course... Idol's good, but needs a little more experience before he's good for the title.


(Show rating: C, 3,439 tickets sold. Match of the Night: Six-Man. Trash of the Night: Xtreme Title.)



On the next Welcome: Our new Xtreme Champion needs to redeem himself, and fast...

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September 2012, week 2


Wow. Kashmir sprained his ankle in that opening match. He said he should be good to go by our next show, but you know how those things can be... you'll be feeling it for weeks later.


In somewhat more happy news, we have our first entrant into the Hall of Immortals in quite some time: Bruce the Giant has gotten in, at the age of 41. I... well, I'll be nowhere near that at the age of 41. I'll be lucky if the people who make those decisions know I exist.


This week also marks the first major change in the 'face of the Zone' since I started booking; we now have a three-man announce team. I noticed, while reviewing the tapes, that for our really good matches... all three of them... that our announcing left something to be desired. So, enter Steve Smith as our new announcer, letting Cliff slip into more of a hybrid announcer/color man, with The Guru as solid color. Part of me wanted to dump Guru to save money, but a) he was a long-time Zoner and b) Dylan liked him and threatened to leave if I did.



CZCW Onslaught #130


No pre-show tonight, we get right into things with Snap Dragon and Jake Idol vs Kashmir Singh and Giant Brody. May I say, there's nothing scarier than seeing “Giant Brody is improving in Flying Skills.” I swear, if the man actually gets -good- at it... anyway, Dragon and Idol get the victory here, and it's a good match for an opener. We then get right into “If this is this early in the show, what's the main event?” as Randy Bumfhole gets a hard-fought win over El Mitico. We then give folks a chance to use the bathroom as A-Game defeats Barrera. And yeah, it sucks. You can tell Demon Seed is feeling better as Los Rudos defend the tag titles against Rich & Famous; they retain, but this is a much better match than we've been getting from the champs lately.


The Xtreme Title is next, and Tigre makes a case for keeping his as champion with a match against California Love Machine; it's only average, but it's far better than last week's abomination. Then, a random tag match gives Ant-Man and Fire Fly (aka The New Colony) a win over P-n-P in a decent bout.


We move into main events, as Moose & Weasel face The Uneasy Alliance. Surprisingly, Moose and Weasel get the win when Donnie and Jimmy return to arguing and begin fighting each other. Yeah, we were running out of reasons why they wouldn't just hold onto the tag titles with an iron grip. After that, I take on Ultimate Phoenix for the Zone Title. I really wanted a blow-away match, and I'm only sure of four people I could get one from: Randy, Donnie, Dragon, and Phoenix. I believe I've run through all of those now... crud. Now what'm I gonna do?


(Show rating: B-, 3,357 tickets. Match of the Night: Main event. Trash of the Night: A-Game/Barrera.)



On the next Welcome: Okay, Tigre wins one or two more weeks to prove he can put on good matches. Now, we need an opponent who'll make him look good, but without overpowering him...

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September 2012, week 3


Another slow week... let's take a look at the world's top ten promotions, shall we?


At #10, STOBPW, at Cult status. Also at Cult, #9, CGC. #8 gives us our first National promotion, WLW. At #7, GCG, and at #6, PGHW. The second half starts with #5, BHOTWG, and a surprising #4 is USPW; this means a Cult promotion is more important than all the National promotions. The top three are all Global; at #3, NOTBPW. #2 is TCW, and #1 is SWF (I know, shocking).


For the record, we are #13 out of 36. Not a bad place to be, and only 5SSW was higher ranked as a Regional. We fully expect to be beating them by the end of the year.



CZCW Onslaught #131


Tonight's theme is Triangle Matches. We start with a Triangle Xtreme Match between Tiger, A-Game, and CLM. Tiger retains, but it's a decent enough match for an opener. We'll have to see if Tiger can hold his own in a singles match now. We then get... a strangely poor match between Rich & Famous and P-n-P than ends with a surprise Paradigm roll-up for the win, but the match itself is... bad. How bad? Giant Brody squashing our jobber Elliot gets a better reaction.


Time to crank up the quality. Jake Idol gets a win over Air Attack Weasel. A couple years ago, this would be a main event quality match. Then, shocking the hell out of me, we get a great match between El Mitico and Jeremiah Moose, this time with Moose going over clean – mark your calendars, folks, Moose just put on a C+ match. We get a bit of a breather with a triangle Tag Title match between Los Rudos, The Colony, and Notorious; it's above-average with the champs retaining, and Notorious doing as little as possible while still being in the match. Then, the trash of the night as Kashmir defeats Frankie-Boy, and not only does Frankie-Boy look bad out there, these two have zero chemistry. Sigh.


For main events, two great-on-paper matches. First, a triangle match between Donnie, Jimmy, and Dragon; Dragon wins as the former partners begin to focus more and more on each other. The match is good, but not great. Finally, I defend the Zone Title against Phoenix and Randy; I retain, but we continue to live up to our new standard of great main events.


(Show rating: B-, 3,901 tickets sold. Match of the Night: Main event. Trash of the Night: Singh/Fernandez.)



On the next Welcome: That's a new record for tickets sold; the Zone continues to grow at a great pace. Is it worth bringing in one more 'big' name?

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September 2012, week 4


Slow week. Except for the resigning of a recent 'old friend'. What can I say... if I drop the title, it'll be at the last show of the year. So I need someone to keep my attention for the next few weeks, at least.



CZCW Onslaught #132


Lots of longer matches tonight. So, the pre-show is a three-way tag between Notorious, Brendan & Elliot, and CLM & Ant-Man. Notorious get the win, and the result is a... well, below-average match.


Your opening match is Tiger defending the Xtreme Title against Fire Fly. This gives us a great match as Tiger retains, and he might just hold it for a while longer at this rate. It also gives us a bit of a letdown when Phoenix and Dragon defeat Jordan and Singh in a simply 'decent' match. Then, in a surprise possibly-show-stealing match, Randy Bumfhole defeats Jake Idol... which leads to dissapointement as James Prudence defeats Donnie J.


Things get better again as Giant Brody looks to squash El Mitico, but Mitico gets a sneaky rollup to steal a victory. Things stay good as Los Rudos defeat P-n-P to retain the tag titles, and I'm impressed with how far these two teams have come.


Then, the main events. In what can only be called a stunning letdown, Air Attack Weasel loses to the returning Teddy Powell, and only manage an above-average match. After that, it's a bit hard to recover the crowd, but I try as I retain the Zone Title against Jeremiah Moose; it's possibly our best match ever, but it's still below the level of the last few main events.


(Show rating: C, 4,116 tickets sold. Match of the Night: Randy/Jake. Trash of the Night: None.)



On the next Welcome: Hrm. Well, Teddy's back, but he's not performing as expected... maybe we should give him a contendership match before we do a program with me. Which means, I need something to do next week...

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October 2012, week 1


Well, that was definitely a new record for attendance. Unfortunately, we also have a new record for lack-of-news. It gives us time to re-write our plans a half-dozen times before we get what we go with.



CZCW Onslaught #133


In the pre-show, Jonnie Perez defeats Frankie-Boy in... an almost average match. Good for them.


The show itself begins with Tiger defending against Paradigm; it's an average match, but given that it's between Paradigm and a still-relative newcomer, we'll take it. Tiger retains, but what the heck... he can keep the title for a while longer. After that, Moose & Weasel defeat Kashmir and A-Game in an above-average bout, and we get a really good six-man that sees Donnie, Jake, and Mitico defeat James, Jackpot, and Dragon.


Giant Brody squashes Notorious and Elliot Thomas, in what will be the trash of the night. The tag Team Titles are up for grabs as Los Rudos defend against The Colony; Los Rudos retain, and it's official, I'm a miracle worker: Panda Mask is getting over. For a bit of a breather, CLM defeats Brendan Idol, and even that isn't that bad.


Our first match pits Randy Bumfhole against Ultimate Phoenix; it's the expected blow-away affair, and we're somewhat worried it'll spoil the final match... which is myself, Teddy Powell, the CZCW Title, and a ladder. It's not the super match we were expecting, but it's just as good as Bumfhole/Phoenix, and a fitting end to the night as I retain.


(Show rating: B-, 4,115 tickets sold. Match of the night: Main events. Trash of the night: Brody's handicap match.)



On the next Welcome: Looks like another slow night coming up; we'll have to give you some filler of some sort. Sounds like a good week to do a 'where are they now?' style thing.

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This is a great diary! I've been reading it and i found it one of the best, if not the best on this forum. So, i decided to make a tribute version called Goodbye. As i still don't have my new laptop, i decided to use TEW05. It is not an imitation attempt, just a tribute. Hope you like it. Keep up the amazing work!
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Heh. Actually, 'Goodbye to the Coastal Zone' was my Wrestling Spirit diary that saw Fox Mask have an amazing popularity gain and working upper-midcard for SWF inside a year...


Didn't knew that. This is the first of your diaries that i read. And boy, i had no idea what i was missing! I already posted my first show. Hope you like it, and sorry about the title, i had no idea. Anyway, keep up the good work because this diary is awesome. (Must be the 1000th time that this word pops up here! :D )

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October 2012, week 2


And now, a short look at Zone Alumni.


SWF: Citizen X has been working sporadicly, thirteen times this year only. He has a single win, in a six-man tag match. Matt Sparrow has as many wins as Citizen X has matches... and twenty-one losses. This year alone, he has lost North American title matches to Enforcer Roberts six times. Remmy Skye is jobbing just as bad, with a record of 8-24 this year. Valiant is 9-9, and has not defended the SWF Tag Titles since June. We're... pretty sure the company's forgotten they exist.


TCW: Art Reed has done okay for himself at 8-7. He's cemented a spot in the midcard. Flying Jimmy Foxx, however, is 0-for-16, including five All Action Title losses. Frankie 'Kill Switch' Perez is working on a regular basis and going about 50-50, and Insane Machine is a definate jobber at 1-13; his sole win comes over Fumihiro Ota. Mikey James is our big success story, 30-21 and All Action champion since April.


Other Majors: American Elemental has turned out a few A-matches wwith GCG. Plague I sjobbing in BHOTWG. Bryan Holmes is dominating GCG, although he lost the Heavyweight Title to Takayuki 2000. KC Glenn has likewise been tearing up GCG, and is their Openweight Champion. Owen Love is in NOTBPW, where the Can-Am Blondes are feuding with the DeColts.


Al Coleman, Antix, Jebediah, Paranoia, Rob Reynolds, and American Flash are all unemployed.



CZCW Onslaught #134


Your opening match tonight is the Xtreme Title match, with Tigre Salvaje retaining over Ant-Man. It's pretty average – but given what Ant-Man's been doing lately, that's good enough for us. We follow it up with a good Tag Title match between Los Rudos and P-n-P. This time around, Jonnie Perez claims the belts for his team, freeing up the now-momentum-ful Los Rudos for other purposes. Then, El Mitico take son Air Attack Weasel – it's not as good as we'd hoped, but Mitico still gets it done.


We take a breather with a three-way tag match between Notorious, Rich & Famous, and Singh & A-Game. The winners are the team that -isn't- a regular team, and the crowd dislikes this very much. Things get better again as Jeremiah Moose and Jake Idol turn out a decent, but not quite good, match with Idol winning. And then another breather tag between Amazing Fire Fly and his jobber, Elliot Thomas against California Love Machine and his jobber, Frankie-Boy Fernandez. Fly and Thomas win, and the match is definitely below average; the jobbers aren't ready for prime time yet.


For main events, first, I defend the Zone Title against Giant Brody; I win, of course, and while it's not on the same level as previous title defenses, it's still a good match. Finally, a six-man tag with the winning team moving on to a triangle match to determine the #1 Contender next week. Donnie, Phoenix, and Dragon face Jimmy, Randy, and Powell. 'Team Heel' wins, even though we don't really do faces and heels... one team is obviously 'pro-Zone' and the other isn't, so... next week it's Jimmy vs Randy vs Teddy in a matchy match...


(Show rating: B-, 4,029 tickets sold. Match of the Night: Main event. Trash of the Night: Three-way tag.)



On the next Welcome: Hwo long will these record crowds last? Well, we're hoping that triple-threat match next week keeps them showing up...

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October 2012, week 3


We think we might be coming down with something. For a moment, we considered hiring out BSC's big names as managers and scheduling shows opposite them.


Or maybe we just need a date.



CZCW Onslaught #135


Tonight's pre-show sees Notorious lose to Singh and Weasel. It doesn't suck as hard as it usually does; the big guys may be learning.


Our opening match is for the Tag Titles, with P-n-P wasting no time in defending against... The Colony. Fire Fly? Good. Ant-Man? Well... he did better than usual last week, and he keeps it up this week as the match is a good one all around... if a bit spotty. The champs retain, but Ant-Man is doing his damndest to make sure he gets a new contract when he's up. Then, Tiger defends the Xtreme Title against Panda Mask... and the match isn't that good. Do we blame Tiger, or do we blame Panda? Or maybe it's the fact they just don't click...


We start kicking into the higher-card portion of the show as Snap Dragon defeats Jeremiah Moose in a good match – Moose is in rare form since we brought him into singles uppercard competition, and I'm glad to see it. Giant Brody gets to dominate, and then lose to, Donnie J in an average bout, and then Mitico and Phoenix try to steal the show with a great matchup that sees Mitico get the victory.


Demon Seed defeats Jackpot Jordan in an average matchup for a breather, and then we hit the main events. First, I retain the Zone Title over Jake Idol; it's not as good as the last two times we met, but still decent enough. Then, the advertised triple-threat match between James, Randy, and Teddy. We go with Teddy for the win, hoping his second match with me goes better than the last one... and if it does, we'll consider doing it a third time. If not... well, I think I've got plans ready.


(Show rating: B-. Match of the Night: Main event. Trash of the Night: Tiger/Panda.)



On the next Welcome: Fox Mas vs Teddy Powell, Part 2. Seriously. It's only Part 2. We never met in singles matches before now, despite him being around back during Onslaught 45 through 72.

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October 2012, week 4


So, a minor roster reshuffle, given how many cross-push wins there've been lately.


Your new main event is made up of: Myself, Donnie, Jimmy, Phoenix, Randy, and... Brody? The man got over, fast.


The uppercard is Jordan, Jake Idol, Dragon, Moose, Weasel, and Powell. The midcard is Mitico, Perez, CLM, Paradigm, Tiger, Kashmir, Demon Seed, and Brendan Idol... oh, and a visitor.


Lowercards are Ant-Man, A-Game, Panda, and Fire Fly. The jobber corps remain the same.


Thoughts on seeing this: Wow, Brody rode a rocket to the main event. Mitico, Dragon and Powell fell hard. A-Game had been doing so well... and Tiger probably doesn't deserve his rise, but Paradigm certainly does.



CZCW Onslaught #136


The opening match has Tiger Savaje defend the Xtreme Title yet again... but this time, his opponent is a surprise. It's MAW's Jay Chord! The buzz lifts the crowd, and their reactions boost this to an above-average match... and a shock ending, as MAW now commands the Xtreme Title! What can follow that? The Tag Titles, with P-n-P defending against Rich & Famous, and the champs retaining despite the seemingly-always-over Jackpot Jordan in a good match.


Things get even better with a four-way match between Phoenix, Idol, Prudence, and Donnie; Donnie gets the victory, and the crowd's wondering what we're saving for the main events. CLM gets a win over Kashmir Singh and Panda Mask in an average outing, and then Moose & Weasel get a win over The Colony. Could they be returning to the tag ranks? Who knows, but the match is decent.


And we move on to something that could have been a main event, with... Giant Brody looking to squash El Mitico. Mitico has other plans, and the plucky luchador gets the victory over the giant somehow, the crowd eating it up. As a breather, Demon Seed defeats A-Game, and the match... well, sucks.


The real main events begin, with Randy Bumfhole getting a win over Snap Dragon in a match to rival Brody/Mitico, and then I defend the Zone Title against Teddy Powell again. This time, the match lives up to my expectations. I retain, but Powell just justified my hiring him back.


(Show rating: C+, 4,222 tickets sold. Match of the Night: main event. Trash of the Night: Demon/A-Game.)



On the next Welcome: Jay Chord makes his first Xtreme Defense, and we do a Triangle Tournament for the #1 Contendership!

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November 2012, week 1


Slow week. But at least we know what we're doing ahead of time for the next show – doesn't happen too often. And with two months to go before the end of the year, we've got some strange semblance of where we're going to be for 2013.


So we know something's going to cause problems with that... but it can't possibly be too bad. We made more money last month than we had in the bank when I started this job. That ain't half bad.



CZCW Onslaught #137


We open with the Triangle Tournament. The first round is Giant Brody vs El Mitico vs James Prudence. It's a decent match, with the underdog El Mitico getting the upset victory. The second qualifier has Randy Bumfhole win out over Teddy Powell and Jake Idol in a good bout, and the final qualifier has Dragon, Phoenix, and Donnie in a great match that has Phoenix become the final competitor for the #1 Contendership.


To give the crowd (and contestants) a break, we move into the Xtreme Title match, with Jay losing the title back to Tiger in... well, it's a huge let-down for the crowd, let's leave it at that. The Tag Titles are next, with P-n-P defending against Rich & Famous, Los Rudos, and The Colony. Somehow, against all that talent, the champs manage to retain in a quite fun match. Then, just for filler, we get the age-old battle of Moose vs Machine, with Moose winning – and it's still a good match. If these two could have been performing this well last year...


The main events begin with me retaining the Zone Title over Air Attack Weasel. We have our usual good-but-not-great match, which is good enough for tonight. Finally, we have the finals of the Triangle Tournament: Mitico, Bumfhole, Phoenix. It's a great match, not the blow-away we were hoping for, but still good. The underdog Mitico comtinues to surprise, pulling off his second upset of the night to become the #1 Contender.


(Show rating: B-, 4,025 tickets sold. Match of the Night: Main event. Trash of the Night: Tiger/Chord.)



On the next Welcome: And with that, Jay is gone. Stupid creative control... I wanted him to drop the title to someone else, but nooooo....

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November 2012, week 2


A quick look backstage: We have four negative influences: Air Attack Weasel, Brendan Idol, Donnie J, and Snap Dragon. Our positive influences are... Fire Fly, CLM, Brody, Perez, Kashmir, Paradigm, Bumfhole, Steve Smith, The Guru, Phoenix, and myself.


Yeah. We've got a great backstage environment.


Anyway, some minor roster changes; Powell's up to the main event; Brody is down to the uppercard. Weasel is down to the midcard, Mitico is up to the uppercard. Which... well, one of those is exactly what we wanted, two are unfortunate, one is too little, too late...



CZCW Onslaught #138


Your pre-show has Elliot Thomas face Frankie-Boy. The crowd somehow manages to not care. I know, with such a long-awaited dream match...


The actual opening match sees Tiger Savaje finally drop the Xtreme Title... again... to Amazing Fire Fly, in an above-average match... which is, sadly, one of Tiger's better matches. We follow it up with Los Rudos losing against Snap Dragon and Ultimate Phoenix; strangely, it's only as good as the previous match. So... hrm. Odd.


Things get a bit better as Tag Teams Collide! The Uneasy Alliance and the original Rich & Famous as Donnie J and Jake Idol face James Prudence and Jackpot Jordan. Somewhat surprisingly, it's Jackpot who gets the pinfall. Then, the show takes a nosedive as P-n-P retain the Tag titles over Notorious... who still aren't ready for prime time, but are getting better. Then, Giant Brody gets an average squash over Jeremiah Moose.


We get a six-way between... well, everyone who wasn't scheduled elsewhere on the show. A-Game, Ant-Man, Weasel, Brendan, Singh, and CLM. A-Game gets the win here, and the match is... well, slightly above average. Then, our main events. Randy Bumfhole defeats Teddy Powell in a good match (Hey, for once, a main event pairing with bad chemistry that I'm not part of!), and then I defend the CZCW Title against El Mitico... and, after a long match, I watch our newest champion put the belt around his waist.


(Show rating: C+, 4,668 tickets sold. Match of the Night: main event. Trash of the Night: Tag Titles.)



On the next Welcome: That's right. We put the title on El Mitico. Now, am I planning on keeping it on him until the end of the year? You'll have to keep reading to find out...

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November 2012, week 3


Not only do we have a new champion, we have a new signee. However, they won't be available for a few weeks... they've got a few prior commitments to finish up. But it's enough to make me consider redoing our plans...



CZCW Onslaught #139


We do something a little different tonight; we open with a ten-man Mayhem match. If you don't see them on the rest of the show, they were here. A-Game got the win, and for having so many lowcarders, it's above average. That should be a good warmup.


Next up, Randy Bumfhole over James Prudence, and it's a decent enough match. A random five-man match between Brody, Jake, Jackpot, Moose, and Dragon. Idol gets the win, and the match is barely above average. Then, Donnie J defeats Teddy Powell, and it's another good enough match.


I get a win over Panda Mask, and it's... well, above average. Then, the Tag Titles are up as P-n-P takes on a slightly different Los Rudos, as Demon Seed teams up with Tiger Savaje – yes, Los Rudos are expanding. And Tiger Savaje has his best match yet.


For our main events, Amazing Fire Fly defends his Xtreme Title against Kashmir Singh, and it's the best match of the night so far, until we move on to the Zone Title match. El Mitico vs ultimate Phoenix, and Mitico continues his underdog winning streak... and HOLY *CENSORED* *CENSORED* *CENSORED* *CENSORED*!!!!!!!!!!!


(Show rating: B, 4,365 tickets sold. Match of the Night... Match of the Year... Match of the Zone... El Mitico over Ultimate Phoenix. Bee-freakin-plus...)



On the next Welcome: The Luchadores have taken over the Zone!

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