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March 2010, week 3


I was debating what to do with Rita. She had only come here because Jimmy came here... and SWF hadn't offered to hire her on. It felt cruel to cut her loose... so I gave her to Jake Idol, since Jakki wasn't doing it for him. … okay, that didn't sound nearly as dirty in my head when I thought it... We'd see how they went together, maybe give Rita a few more paychecks before she left. Who knew, maybe we'd get lucky.



CZCW Onslaught: #11


We open with Mikey James defeating Matt Sparrow, which is quite a good match and should start the crowd off hot. We then follow that up with The Shoot Club defeating Rich & Famous, which... doesn't. And leads to Jake Idol attacking Jackpot Jordan after the match, blaming him for the loss. As usual, the crowd doesn't like storylines during the show... but I felt it had to be done. The 'recovery' match has Jeremiah Moose defeating California Love Maachine, which did about as well as expected. Or maybe slightly less than. We then try to salvage Rayne Man and get him some momentum by putting him in a handicap match against PnP, which he wins... but was horrible.


Once again, maybe our last two matches can save the show. First we have Frankie Perez defeating Donnie J with a quick rollup after twelve minutes; that gets a good response and gives them something to do while Mikey builds up the momentum to challenge me for the title. The main event is Snap Dragon defending the Xtreme Title against Masked Cougar; I'm counting on the two of them to know each other well enough to put on a huge match, and... they don't. They save the show from being a bomb... but they aren't able to finish it with a bang.


(Show rating: D, 1,000 tickets. Match of the night: Mikey James vs Matt Sparrow. Trash of the Night: Rayne Man vs PnP)



On the next Welcome: The Month Of Hell ends with a bang.

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March 2010, week 4


“Oh, come ON!” The two men in the office refused to meet my eyes. “Look... I'm happy for you. Really, I am. But we just lost Remy and Jimmy... I need you two.” All I got were muttered apologies. “Okay, okay... fine. Geddoutahere. I'll plan out another farewell show.”


Dammit. Damn you, TCW... damn you, Frankie... damn you, Mikey...



CZCW Onslaught #12


We start the month with a dual-farewell-show, and we end it the same way. Joy. Out opening match is an Xtreme Title match, with Snap Dragon fighting to retain his title over Al Coleman in a pretty dang good match. We follow that up with a Tag Title match between Insanity Inc. and Going Coastal that, surprisingly for a match where one side is Moose and CLM, manages to keep pace with the opener and be pretty dang good. Then, a cooldown match between Jackpot and Idol, which was... okay, it sucked.


The sub-main event has Donnie get his win back over Frankie in an okay-but-too-long match, and the main saw me retain the Zone Title against Mikey James, and it's not gloating to say we stole the show. If this hadn't been a farewell show, I'd've been quite happy with the results. As is, well...


(Show rating: D+, 1,000 tickets. Match of the night: Fox/James. Trash of the night: Idol/Jackpot)



On the next Welcome: Yet more newcomers join the Zone. Who steps up to replace our two latest leaving main eventers?

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April 2010, week 1


The say God doesn't close a door without opening a window. Well... he opened a beautiful bay window for me this week. For the second month in a row, AAA had put on a better show than we had... well, that was about to change. I signed two new Zoners. One was the somewhat popular American Elemental, who would fit in well here. The other... well, let's just say I know what the main event of this week's show was going to be.


But, some roster moves were needed. Insane Machine got the nod to join me, Donnie, and the Mystery Signing in the main event; Cougar moved up to take his place in the upper-midcard; God help me, Jackpot Jordan moved into the midcard, and American Elemental joined our jobber contingent.


Not the way I wanted Rich & Famous to get into the midcard... but you work with what you've got.



CZCW Onslaught #14


Everyone backstage was happy. I thought it was due to the new signing; turns out, Air Attack Weasel won a loaded beer truck in a radio contest and had it brought to the show. I told him to save a keg for me for after the show.


The show opens with Snap Dragon defending the Xtreme Title against American Elemental. I figured, Am El had the skills to hang with the midcard, he just wasn't known enough in the Zone... but it turns out, he and Dragon just didn't work well. The match wasn't -bad-... but it should've been better. After that, Rayne Man over Al Coleman bit the big one... seriously, Rayne just isn't fitting in here like I was hoping he would. We'd have to try being more aggressive with him. To get the crowd pumped up again, we do a rematch of last week's Tag Title match, only this time CLM retreives the belts and Going Coastal are our new champions. Yes, I just put gold on Jeremiah Moose. I just realized how desperate I am. Next up, Donnie J squashes Paranoia, and Paranoia is finally not in the worst match of the night!


Two matches to go. First, a triple-threat M match... Marc Speed, Matt Sparrow, and Masked Cougar. These three put on a good match that'll be hard to follow, ending with Speedball forcing Sparrow to tap out. Finally... the main event. I head out, hang the Zone title fron the top of a ladder, and head down to await my challenger. As the Pit Snakes play their own special version of his theme, a “DAVE” chant starts up in the crowd. Out comes Bryan F'in Holmes, and we proceed to have... a damn good match. At least, that's what they tell me. In the ring, it felt like everything was going wrong... this guy wasn't used to the Zone, and I wasn't used to his style, and... yeah. But I guess it was still a good match... and, although it's not how I envisioned it three months ago, I'm lying on the mat as I see someone else take the Zone Title from above the ring.


(Show rating: D+, 1,000 tickets. Match of the night: Fox/Holmes. Trash of the night: Rayne/Coleman.)



On the next Welcome: Bryan Holmes is taking the Zone by storm. Who'll line up to be his first challenger?

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April 2010, week 2


Yeah, to be honest, I was surprised he was willing to join us. But he hadn't worked in a few months, and we offered more than the Canadian indies did. And really, what better place for a hell of a performer who couldn't work the mic than the place where they don't want people working the mic, just working the ring?


In a way, that's what makes us unique in the U.S.... but it's always been a bit of a stalling point. For me, at least. Guys like Frankie, Remmy, Moe... they get to go up there because they go to Japan or work another indy, and they get to show they can talk as well as wrestle. I... I don't. I stay here. And now I'll always stay here. I've... given up, I guess. At least it's a steady paycheck.



CZCW Onslaught #14


We open with what I hope will be a crowd-pleaser, a four-way ladder match for the Xtreme Contendership. Weasel, Coleman, Flash, and Moose. Somehow, it fails to be the match we hope it to be. Not horrible, but not good either, with Weasel winning. Our next match is the one that should have opened... and I'm in it, of course. Me and American Elemental tear the house down – like I said, the guy's got skills, he's just not known around here. We'll change that. I've got to start giving him wins over some of the midcard.


Our filler match is PnP vs Rich & Famous for a tag title shot. That... yeah, goes about as bad as one would expect.


The sub-main should be better... a tag match, Donnie and Cougar against Machine and Rayne. And... it somehow manages to be... again, not bad, but... y'know... it should have been so much better. Our hopes rest on the main event, Bryan Holmes against Marc Speed, and it's every bit as good as my match... possibly better, as the crowd's more into it. All in all, a good ending to a should-have-been-better show.


(Show rating: D+, 1,000 tickets. Match of the night: Holmes/Speed. Trash of the night: PnP/Rich & Famous)



On the next Welcome: The Birdman Speaketh.

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April 2010, week 3




Hello there, my Fine Feathered Friends! Did a little bird tell you something interesting this week? Well, the big bird is gonna tell you something now... the rumors are true! This Tuesday, yours truly will be taking it to Byran F'in Holmes for the CZCW Title!


(Fox Mask's Note: Well, why not?)



CZCW Onslaught #15


The great Holmes/Sparrow card opens with Snap Dragon defending his Xtreme Title against Air Attack Weasel, and it's a much better match than Id' expected... not awesome, but still pretty good. We follow that up with Masked Cougar facing Ant-Man and toying with his prey for a while before defeating him. Next up, Going Coastal defending the tag titles against Rich & Famous, and somehow, it doesn't suck. The undercard wraps up with American Elemental defeating Al Coleman, and Coleman doesn't seem happy about it.


The main event festivities begin with my attempt to drag a good match out of Rayne Man... and pardon my ego, but I succeeded. Yay, me! I can almost officially have a good match with just about anyone now. And then, the main event, Bryan F'in Holmes vs Matt 'The Birdman' Sparrow... and holy crap if it's not the best match we've had since I started booking. Holmes retains... but Sparrow just showed he could easily be main event material.


(Show rating: C-, 1,000 tickets. Match of the night: Holmes/Sparrow. Trash of the Night: Cougar/Ant-Man. New Zone records for best show and best match.)



On the next Welcome: Can we manage to follow that? Probably not. But, what the heck... let's see what we can do.

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April 2010, week 4


I don't know which is worse... knowing it took an outsider like Holmes to pull off that good a match, or the fact it was Sparrow's request to book himself into the main event instead of me doing it on my own. I need to show I can book just as well... and signing Machine to another nine months should give me the chance to do so.



CZCW Onslaught #16


As is customary lately, we open with the Xtreme Title, Snap Dragon defending against Jeremiah Moose. Yeah... what was I thinking? Dragon retains, and manages to keep Moose from sucking. However, CLM can't keep Rayne Man from sucking. Rayne gets the win, but it's not a pretty one. But, at least it's a better match than Coleman over Paranoia. We begin to salvage things somewhat with American Elemental over American Flash, and the crowd seems to have stopped giving Flash a hard time.


Looks like we're relying on the main events to to save the show. I hold up my end of things, putting Insane Machine over to prep him for a run at Holmes. And in the main event, Holmes vs Donnie J. It's... not as good as last week, but still a damn good match to finish off the show with Holmes retaining.


(Show rating: D+, 1,000 tickets sold. Match of the night: Holmes/Donnie J. Trash of the Night: Coleman/Paranoia.)



On the next Welcome: I know in my heart that Machine/Holmes will be money. But who'll get the win?

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<p>May 2010, week 1</p><p> </p><p>

I was begining to get a complex about AAA. We just put on our best show in quite some time, and they -still- beat us... with a C show! Joanne Rodriguez, that traitor, put on the match of the night... why did Cliff ever let her leave? Maybe I can convince her to come back...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

CZCW Onslaught #17</p><p> </p><p>

As per tradition, we open with Snap Dragon defending the Xtreme Title. This time, however, we have a new champion in the form of California Love Machine, and as expected we get a good match; as not expected, it's easily good enough to main event. We're expecting good things from CLM, even if most of our undercard is low on momentum. Next up is a dissapointment as American Flash defeats Air Attack Weasel in a pretty bad match, and PnP losing to the Shoot Club doesn't do much better – even Speedball and Coleman can't drag a good match out of these two. Next up, Rayne Man actually turns in a decent performance – jobbing to American Elemental and a flash rollup. Rayne's not happy about having to job to the jobber, but if all goes according to plan, Am El won't be a jobber for long. </p><p> </p><p>

For the good part of the evening, we start with Donnie J defeating Masked Cougar in quite a good match; not quite on the level of the opener, but still good. Then, our boffo-socko main event of myself and Bryan Holmes vs Insane Machine and Matt Sparrow. How can this miss? Well... we found a way, as we managed to only turn in an average match, which is a severe disapointment for me.</p><p> </p><p>

(Show rating: D, 1,000 tickets. Match of the night: Dragon/CLM. Trash of the night: Flash/Weasel.)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

On the next Welcome: Well, crap... maybe Holmes/Machine won't be the great match we think it will be...</p>

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May 2010, week 2


American Elemental started doing double-duty with World Level Wrestling. This wouldn't be a problem for us; their touring show ran Wednesday and Friday, so we didn't have to worry about a conflict there. But it reminded us that the man isn't as 'locked in' as some of our people. He was moving up the card; they bought him as a lower-midcarder now. Another month or two and we bet we could have him ready for the main event. Maybe.


Oddly enough, Paranoia had started hanging on CLM's every word... some of the boys were saying he was going to try to emulate his in-ring style. This... was going to interesting to watch.



CZCW Onslaught #18


We switched things up this week, opening with me defeating Rayne Man. It wasn't quite as good as our last meeting, but was decent enough for an opening bout. Rayne's attitude is starting to affect his work. We follow that up with a Tag Team Title match, which sees Going Coastal lose their titles to the Shoot Club. With CLM having the Xtreme Title, we figure the Shoot Club will make for better champions. It's one of the better matches Going Coastal has had lately. Next up, Masked Cougar facing Air Attack Weasel, and we get proof that Weasel is capable of having a good match. With a little polish, it could be great.


Up next, an Xtreme Title match, with CLM defending against American Elemental. Elemental fails in this bid, but he and CLM tear the house down in a main event-quality match. We follow that with Matt Sparrow attempting to lay his claim to the main event by defeating Donnie J, and then our main event: Bryan Holmes defending against Insane Machine.


My fears of this match? Completely unfounded. We have our new record for Best Zone Match Ever. Holmes retains – but we could easily re-run this match again.


(Show rating: C, 1,000 tickets. Match of the night: Holmes/Machine. Trash of the night: Nothing.)



On the next Welcome: Take that, AAA! A good show, top to bottom. Let's see if we can beat that...

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