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Restoring The Honour- TCW

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Normally bookers of any kind have a long and emotive journey that they have travelled to reach the point where they are at. Not with me. It seemed to just fall on my lap. Maybe I am the exception that proves the rule. Having only recently just turned 25, I cannot claim to be a veteran of any sort. But hey, I must be doing something right. Not too long ago I was working on the indy scene, and without sounding like too much of a braggart, I wasn't half bad. Accolades were thrown around, almost to the extent that I began to believe in my own hype. "The next big thing", "Rookie of the Year", "Indy Standout", were just a few of the titles that I was being tentatively labelled with. Then the world of professional wrestling as I knew it came crashing down around me.


On the 23 June 2009, I severely tore my hamstring and consequently had to withdraw from my wrestling capacity. How could this happen? I had shown so much promise. Only to be sidelined by an injury that could have been avoided. I couldn't let my promoters down that had relied on me for so long, I continued to go to the shows, mingled backstage, helped in any way shape or form I could. However, I couldn't prevent things turning for the worse that Saturday evening in July.


"What do you mean you can't make it?"


"I'm sorry, I really am, but my hands are tied."


"But you're the booker for God's sake!"


"I know, I know, but I can't make it to the show. You are going to have to tell boss for me."


"Are you insane?"


"He likes you kid, it will sound better coming from you."




"Anyway, I gotta go. Sorry." (Dialling tone)



Oh this isn't good, this isn't good at all. Slowly I walked to the intimidating office of "The Boss", preparing myself to be torn limb from limb. Clearing my throat I tentatively knocked.





"It's me boss......I have some bad news."


"You better come in then Jack."


"Ummmm, I'm not quite sure how to tell you this but......"


I could feel his eyes glaring at me, like a lion does before pouncing on his prey.


"Well.....spit it out kid I haven't got all day!"


The gruffness in his voice indicating a long relationship with cigars and hard liquor.


"Stevie can't make it. He said something about a family emergency."


The tension was palpable. It was like watching a volcano before it erupts. The bosses cold stare now giving way to a look of anger and hatred.


"That son of a b****. The only crisis that Stevie has had to deal with is where he is going to get his next supply of nose candy from. He has been progressively getting worse. You know what, I have had enough with his antics, he's gone. I will call him next week. He wasn't courteous to call me so why the hell should I do any differently for him."


"But what about the show? We start in 5 hours."


"I'm aware of this kid."


A long pause gave me chance to think about Stevie. Yes he had his problems. It's not that people haven't tried to help him, but he is now at the stage where he can only help himself. I was snapped out of the thought by Boss banging his boulder like fist onto the table.


"I have an idea."


"What is it boss?"


"I have been hearing you in the back talking to the boys. You are quite creative are you not."


"Ummmm......well I..."


(interrupting) "Now is not the time to be modest son."


"I have a few ideas, yeah."


A quizzical look was now plastered on his face. There was a momentary pause before I heard


"Well, tonight you get to show what you can do."




"You are booking the show kid!"


"Ummm, well, OK. But I haven't had any experience."


"You have been in this locker room for how long now?"


"3 years."


"Well right now that will have to do. I don't expect any miracles but I don't want to see the crowd leaving half way through the show. If you can manage that, you have done a good first job. Now, your first order of business, go tell the boys what they need to do tonight."


Leaving the room I felt a sense of euphoria. I have control! That feeling was soon replaced by trepidation when I entered the locker room. I could tell by their faces they knew something was up

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8 Hours Later


As the show came to an end, a sense of relief swept over me. I had done as I was asked. Everybody had stayed through the entire show. Not only that, they seemed to really get into the action as well. There were a few hairy moments though when one of our younger rookies accidently caught Billy Jack Shearer full force right on the bridge of the nose, causing an eruption of blood. Fortunately, Billy being the seasoned veteran that he is continued on with the match as scheduled to the relief of not only myself but his alarmed opponent. I was truly touched when Shearer came to me after his match and said that he thought I was doing a good job. At first I thought he was being sarcastic, but the look in his eyes told me that he meant what he was saying. All that was left to do was to report back to the boss.


"I gotta admit kid, you did a good job."


"Thank you sir."


(With a dismissive wave) "Please, enough of this formal talk."


"I have to say that I was nervous when the show started."


"You and me both! But the crowd ate it up. In fact I would like to offer you the job full time."


"Well thanks. But without sounding ungrateful, what about my wrestling?"


"Kid you were a good wrestler. Scratch that a great wrestler, but I see potential in you as a booker. And who knows, maybe down the road you can make your way back into the ring, but right now you are in no condition to wrestle."


After a second or two, mulling over the decision I came to a conclusion.


"OK. I accept."


"Excellent! Now if you don't mind kid, I gotta make some calls."


"Yes si......I mean..... I will leave you to it."


Almost over the period of 8 hours I had changed. Starting like a little kid outside of the headmasters office waiting to be disciplined to feeling like a somebody. I had seen a side of boss which few had ever seen. Kindness and dare I say it, warmth. But I cannot dwell on what had just transpired. I must focus on the future of this company. Hell, I am the booker after all.

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December 2009


After another show that I was in charge of culminated, I prepared to head home. Having grown in confidence over the last few months I now felt that I had began to hit my stride creatively. Stories seemed to come in my imagination almost continuously. This was a big step from when I started out. Yes I had a few ideas but not enough to progress more than a month or two. Thankfully due to the quality of workers that I had at my disposal the storylines began to write themselves. Now don't get me wrong, I did create several angles and match-ups that helped with theses stories all of which were well received by the audience, but as a famous man once said, an artist is nothing without his canvas. With my bags packed I headed towards the exit.


"Jack, Jack!"


I looked around to see a member of the ring crew running after me.


"Whoa, what's the rush?"


"The boss wants to see you."


"Right now?" I asked knowing full well what the answer would be.


"Yes. He said it is very important."


Begrudgingly I made for the hallowed office.


(Knock, knock, knock)


"Come in."


"You wanted to see me?"


"Indeed I did." He took a long sip of his black label scotch before continuing. "Sit down Jack, we need to talk."


Uh Oh. Nobody ever says we need to talk in the world of wrestling without following it with bad news of one form or another. I sat down slowly trying to think of anything I had done that could cause me to be in trouble.......I couldn't think of anything.


"You have been in charge of this promotion for 6 months correct?"


"I believe so, yes." (my voice cracking slightly with nerves.)


"How do you feel that has being working out."


Not wanting to sound too arrogant I thought of an appropriate answer.


"I think things have been going just fine."


The look on his face told me that this is not the answer he had wanted to hear.


"Well, I don't know about that."


My heart sank


"I would say you have done a terrific job. You have booked well, shown creative flair and have held the respect of the boys in the back and you know as well as I do that that doesn't come easy. I am impressed and I am not the only one."


The overwhelming sense of relief nearly caused me to fall off my chair but I managed to hold it together.......wait a sec.


"You're not the only one?"


"No...... Jack, I would like you to meet somebody."


In the mental state I was in when I entered the room I hadn't noticed the third man standing by the door. There he was. In a nice tailored suit with his short black hair that made him instantly recognisable to me and any other wrestling fan. He is the reason that many newcomers are in this business today. Standing before me in all his glory was Tommy Cornell.


"......................." My jaw was practically scraping the floor.


"Nice to meet you Jack"


He had the firm handshake of a powerful man


".............Nice to meet you Mr Cornell" I eventually managed to comprise a coherent sentence.


"I have been watching you closely for a couple of months now and I am mighty impressed with what you have achieved here."


"Thank you sir"


"The booking has been of a very high standard. A standard that has unfortunately been lacking in TCW as of late"


It was true. TCW had slipped in the ratings and SWF were now reigning supreme. I tried to defend the TCW product but found it hard to come up with any good reasons.


"Well, there is......ummmmm"


"Don't waste your breath kid. There is no need for flattery with me. Now I have been speaking with this man right here (pointing to Boss who was well on his way through a second glass of scotch.) and we have come to an agreement."


"What kind of agreement?"


A wry smile spread accross Cornell's face.


"I would like you come to TCW and take over the position of head booker."


This had to be a joke.


"Don't look so surprised. You are a very talented individual with a great mind for the business. The truth of the matter is that I can't be the owner, wrestler AND booker, it is simply too much work for one man. I think you could do great things in TCW. So, what do you think?"


What did I think? What did I think? I thought all my Birthdays and Christmases had come at the same time.


"I would be honoured to work for you and your company Mr Cornell."


"That's great. I will get all the paperwork in order and have them sent to this office by next Monday."


As Cornell left he shook my hand one more time and said, "Glad to have you on board."


I looked at my old boss and couldn't help but feel that I had turned my back on the very company that had given me my first chance as booker. He looked up at me before saying. "Don't worry kid. It would be selfish of me to keep you here when you have the potential to acheive so much more. We'll be fine." I shook his hand for the last time as an employee and went to leave when I heard, "And hey......if the worst comes to pass....you will always have a job here."


And so I left the little arena where I had made my home for the past 3 and a half years with a touch of sentimentality. They had provided me with a platform to show what I could do and now it was my time to fly the nest and enter the world. One thing was for sure though, I had plans for TCW, big plans.

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In The Big Leagues


As I entered the office you could instantly feel the importance of where I was. Man, this place was like nothing I had ever seen in my wrestling career. For a start the smell was a hell of a lot better and the facilities were other worldly to me. I found myself just staring as the people in suits hustled and bustled past me paying no attention, and why should they? They didn't know who I was and honestly I started to feel a bit out of place.


"Mr Avatar. Mr Cornell will see you now."


I was ushered in to a grand office that overlooked the city below.


"Ah, Jack. Good to see you again. So, how does it feel to be a part of TCW."


"I am still in shock to be honest with you sir."


"Please, call me Tommy and don't worry, you will get used to it."


Cornell made himself comfortable in his king sized chair before continuing.


"Well first thing is first. Welcome to TCW. I have compiled all these notes for you to go over. Consider this your TCW encyclopaedia. In there we have the current roster, storylines and schedule. Any questions feel free to ask. But remember I am your boss as well as one of the wrestlers, so don't be afraid to speak your mind. After all, I am entrusting you with my company."


"Of course. I look forward to getting started."


"That is what I like to hear." he proclaimed with a beaming smile.


"Now unfortunately I have quite a busy schedule today and have to cut this meeting shorter than I planned. Now get cracking on that book and I will see you at work tomorrow, boss, haha"


I left the room and suddenly felt very strange. Everything had happened so quickly I didn't quite know if I was dreaming.


And so, here I am today. Head booker of the second biggest professional wrestling company in the world. It has been a whirlwind few months for me but I would have to wait to look back, meanwhile I had better get started on these notes. I have a long night ahead of me...

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TCW's Encyclopaedia


Thought you would find this useful.


- Tommy Cornell



What I Expect


- TCW must not fall any lower than #2 in the promotional rankings


- TCW must not fall below national size at any point


- Wolf Hawkins must remain a high priority in your booking plans


- You cannot hire any worker over the age of 35


- Create new stars


- Take TCW back to the top



Hmmmm, seems reasonable enough. The last point may cause the most stress. SWF are really doing well at present.





Blue= Face

Red= Heel


Main Eventers

Wolf Hawkins

Rocky Golden

Bryan Vessey

Tommy Cornell

Troy Tornado

Ricky Dale Johnson

Joey Minnesota


Upper Midcarders

Genghis Rahn

Eddie Peak

Rick Law

Danny Fonzarelli

Sam Keith

Koshiro Ino

Benny Benson





American Buffalo

John Anderson

Brent Hill

Aaron Andrews

Sammy Bach

Joshua Taylor

Texas Pete

Joel Bryant


Lower Midcarders

Charlier Thatcher

Giant Tana

Freddy Huggins

Chance Fortune

Robert Oxford



Clark Alexander

Edd Stone

Harry Allen


Enhancement Talent

Flying Jimmy Fox



Floyd Goldworthy

Karen Killer

Laura Huggins



Ongoing Storylines


Benson vs Tornado (Benson made his TCW debut by answering the open challenge of Tornado. Having been defeated, Tornado looks to seek revenge on the TCW newcomer)


Eradicating The Syndicate (Being two of the biggest reasons of the continuing demise of The Syndicate, Johnson and Minnesota look to finish them (Cornell and Hawkins) off)


Golden vs Keith (The first big challenge of the recently crowned TCW World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden)


Law vs Ino (Wanting payback for the betrayel of Law joining The Syndicate. Ino has not forgotten what happened during that tag team match)


Peak vs Vessey (Disrupting the TCW homecoming of Vessey, the jealous Eddie Peak has started a war with the veteran grappler)

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Current TCW Champions


TCW World Heavyweight Champion: Rocky Golden

TCW World Tag Team Champions: The New Wave (2) (Guide and Scout)

TCW International Champion: Joshua Taylor

TCW All Action Champion: Benny Benson



TCW Tag Teams


Freedom Fighters: Ricky Dale Johnson and Joey Minnesota

Texas Buffalo: Texas Pete and American Buffalo

The Canadian Animals: Freddy Huggins and Edd Stone

The L.A. Connection: Chance Fortune and Aaron Andrews

The Machines: John Anderson and Brent Hill

The New Wave: Guide and Scout

The Syndicate: Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins

The Tag Team Specialists: Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant

The Latino Wrecking Crew: Mario Heroic and Frankie Perez



Current Roster

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOorzEstCjw - Texan Pete

– Danny Fonzarelli

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42TecZrMiLg – Tommy Cornell

– Wolf Hawkins

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt_ro2aerQg – Joey Minnesota

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrML6s1wNHk – Sam Keith

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUBwjyhRweQ – Benny Benson

– Koshiro Ino

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI6r6APUwK0 – Ricky Dale Johnson

– Freddy Huggins

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI2COawqMJQ&feature=PlayList&p=450695C9BB0BFD85&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=1 – Troy Tornado

– Rocky Golden

– Eddie Peak

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23Ivt-ikYIk – Joshua Taylor

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C86oH5RwyJg – Harry Allen

– Scout & Guide

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MLp7YNTznE – Edd Stone

– Flying Jimmy Fox

– Genghis Rahn

– L.A. Connection

– The Machines

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBeT4ptY9sY – Rick Law

- Sammy Bach

– The Tag Team Specialists

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bph2gEpT2bQ – American Buffalo

– Charlie Thatcher

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqz1ojIQTBk- Giant Tana

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7VAZ2SCPEE – Bryan Vessey

- Mario Heroic

- Frankie Perez
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TCW are pleased to welcome in a brand new year with another quality edition of TCW Presents Total Wrestling. Eminating from the V. Thompson Arena. TCW has scheduled one hell of a card for the loyal fans.


The Main Event

The Syndicate vs The Freedom Fighters


Rest Of Card

Rocky Golden vs Genghis Rahn (Non Title)


The New Wave vs The L.A. Connection (Non Title)


Edd Stone vs Giant Tana


Flying Jimmy Fox vs Sammy Bach


Charlie Thatcher vs Benny Benson



Predictions are welcome!

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The Syndicate vs The Freedom Fighters


Rocky Golden vs Genghis Rahn (Non Title)


The New Wave vs The L.A. Connection (Non Title)


Edd Stone vs Giant Tana


Flying Jimmy Fox vs Sammy Bach


Charlie Thatcher vs Benny Benson



Good luck! I'll be reading.

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The Syndicate vs The Freedom Fighters


Rest Of Card

Rocky Golden vs Genghis Rahn (Non Title)


The New Wave vs The L.A. Connection (Non Title)


Edd Stone vs Giant Tana

Flying Jimmy Fox vs Sammy Bach


Charlie Thatcher vs Benny Benson

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The Syndicate vs The Freedom Fighters

No contest to build to PPV match.


Rocky Golden vs Genghis Rahn (Non Title)

Prrobable post match angle with Sam


The New Wave vs The L.A. Connection (Non Title)

The Connection aren't ready for a title shot yet.


Edd Stone vs Giant Tana

Edd needs to be built up.


Flying Jimmy Fox vs Sammy Bach

Sammy is a future World Champ, Foxx is not.


Charlie Thatcher vs Benny Benson

I see an interference angle here.

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The Syndicate vs The Freedom Fighters


Depends how you see this developing. Do you see the Syndicate growing larger again...or does this feud so the seeds for Hawkins vs Cornell? Still heels win by cheating or some kind sets up the feud.


Rocky Golden vs Genghis Rahn (Non Title)


Golden needs to be strong


The New Wave vs The L.A. Connection (Non Title)


LA Connection look like a good young tag team, but the champs win here


Edd Stone vs Giant Tana


Was tempted with Tana, but Stone holds a belt and could use a few wins.


Flying Jimmy Fox vs Sammy Bach




Charlie Thatcher vs Benny Benson


I like Thatcher, but only as Stone's muscle, in the ring not so good. Elmo picks this one up

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 1, January 2010

The V.Thompson Arena (South West)

Attendance: 10,000



Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new year in TCW. We have a stacked card for you tonight; I’m Jason Azaria alongside my broadcast partner Shawn Doakes.


And what a show it is going to be. The TCW World Heavyweight Champion will be in action later tonight in a non title match against Genghis Rahn. We also have The Syndicate squaring off with The Freedom Fighters and so much more.


Let’s not waste any more time and head to ringside to kick off with our first contest



Charlie Thatcher vs Benny Benson

A nice opening contest that saw a fair bit of heat. Thatcher often took advantage by bending the rules in his favour throughout, but Benson was relentless. A couple of clubbing back shots on the part of Thatcher led to a solid comeback by Benson culminating with the Shockwave From Next Year, allowing Benson to get the 1,2,3.


Rating: C



Following the match Troy Tornado came flying down the entrance ramp and entered the ring before laying Benson out with the Star Maker and finishing by cutting a quick promo.


Tornado: “You think that you can come into TCW and make a name for yourself by embarrassing me? Well I got some news for you boy. I am going to make you regret the day you signed that contract. I am gonna break you. Not just physically, but mentally. Until you realise that Troy Tornado is the true star in TCW. You want to prove that you are worth a damn in this business by standing up against me? Well son.....You are about to get blown away.”

Tornado leaves the beaten Benson lying in the ring.


Rating: C+



Well you know Tornado wasn’t going to take that defeat well, but this is just out of order. If he wanted revenge he should beat him in the centre of the ring in a rematch, not jumping him from behind.


Would you say that to Troy?


Are you kidding, the guy is clearly unstable!



Flying Jimmy Fox vs Sammy Bach

A rather short one sided contest that saw Bach impose his will on the overmatched Fox, before finally putting him away with the Adrenaline Shot. The fans thought this match was OK, but due to the length didn’t really have time to get emotionally involved.


Rating: C-



An impressive performance by Sammy Bach. He really took it to Fox and never really let him out of the starting block.


Did you expect anything less from this guy? Sammy is a great ring technician. Fox didn’t stand a chance.



Edd Stone vs Giant Tana

A strong display by Tana had many in attendance believing that he was going to defeat Stone. Using size to his advantage, Tana cut Stone off at every turn with powerful and varying slams. However, Stone used his cunning to avoid an avalanche in the corner and roll Tana up for the quick 1,2,3.


Rating: C



Well I certainly didn’t see that one coming. Tana seemed to have that one in hand.


Stone was simply too smart for that big lumbering dummy, haha. What a display of intelligence.



The New Wave vs The L.A. Connection

In a rather fast paced tag team contest that sometimes lacked direction, there were several near falls that should have had the crowd on the edge of their seats. Unfortunately there was a lack of heat which severely handicapped this contest, which, truth be told was quite good. Due to miscommunication by The New Wave, Aaron Andrews was able to capitalise with a flying cross body that resulted in the 1,2,3. This should be considered quite an upset as The L.A. Connection are a new tag team. The shock was evident by both Scout and Guide’ expressions.


Rating: D-



What an upset. This has put the L.A Connection right in the mix for a tag team title shot.


Without a doubt partner. Great performance by Andrews and Fortune. They saw the opening and they took it.




We see The New Wave head off to the showers after their match leaving their bags by their respective lockers. Seeing an opportunity to get under the champs skin, the L.A. Connection come in and walk off with the Tag Team Titles unbeknownst to the rightful owners.


Rating: C-



Rocky Golden vs Genghis Rahn

A back and forth contest that allowed both men to get in a fair amount of offense. However, Genghis Rahn looked off his game and the match subsequently suffered as a result. After a near fall by Rahn, Golden countered a suplex attempt into a Rocky Road for the pinfall victory.


Rating: D+



I am almost surprised that Keith didn’t make an appearance during this contest. He has been stalking the champ for a few weeks now.


If I know Keith he is biding his time. He is a veteran. He knows what he is doing.



Main Event

The Syndicate vs The Freedom Fighters

This was by far the best match of the night that really had the crowd going. Momentum shifted one way and then the next for the duration of the contest showing just how even these two teams are. At around about the 30 minute mark, Cornell got agitated that they hadn’t finished Johnson and Minnesota off and so he picked up a ringside chair. Seeing what was happening, Joey Minnesota did the exact same thing and what followed can only be described as a chair dual. The referee having lost control of the match declared the contest a draw. Cornell and Hawkins withdrew up the ramp whilst the Freedom Fighters dared them to return to the ring.


Rating: B-




Benny Benson defeated Charlie Thatcher

Sammy Bach defeated Flying Jimmy Fox

Edd Stone defeated Giant Tana

The L.A. Connection defeated The New Wave

Rocky Golden defeated Genghis Rahn

The Syndicate drew with The Freedom Fighters


Overall Rating: C+

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Prediction Results


Woodsmeister: 4/6


jwt13: 4/6


The-619: 3/6


Kainlock: 4/6


Jaded: 3/6


Truth: 5/6


Davide83: 4/6


Liamo: 4/6



Round Winner


Truth. Congratulations (Did you see my booking sheet by any chance? A bit too accurate :p)


I will create a leaderboard after the next show. Also you can now vote for what you think will be match of the night. Hope you enjoyed the first show.

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I can definately see the logic behind the decision. If you are realy getting behind the Connection as a top team, then they realy needed a credible, clean win over the champs to establish themselves. Personally, I'm doing the exact same thing in my game with the Canadian Animals.


I didn't think you were going to pick the Connection as contenders because of the Face vs Face thing, but it looks like a heel turn is in the future of the LA Connection.


Enjoyable first show.:)

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TCW is proud to present another stacked Tuesday night card for TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Main Event

TCW World Heavyweight Championship: Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


We get to see Rocky Golden make his first TCW Heavyweight title defense against a legend of this business Sam Keith. Keith has stalked Golden since he first one the title. Now he has his opportunity to take it from him.


Rest Of Card


L.A Connection vs Texas Buffalo


TCW All Action Championship: Edd Stone © vs Benny Benson


Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins


Kishiro Ino & ? vs Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher


(Don't forget you can also predict on what match of the night will be)

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