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TCW: Picking Up The Pieces

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(Yeah, yet another TCW Diary.)



I was asleep, dreaming that I had somehow inherited a lot of money from a stripper and financed my own wrestling promotion with my family, when the phone began to ring.


“Hey kid, how’s Europe treating you?”


It took me a moment before I recognized the voice on the other end.


“Sam Keith, you son of gun, how have you been?”


“Been alright, knee’s acting up again, but that’s the price I pay to be the greatest wrestler of all time.”


We both chuckled at his old joke. Sam had fed me that line for years now, since I first met him in the SWF. He was the booker then, and I was just a snot nosed kid trying out in dark matches. I never got signed, but back then Sam was always a big help to me. I’ve considered him a friend ever since.


“Actually, the reason I’m calling you at this ungodly hour is about business. Been a rough patch here recently in Cornell Land, and Tommy wants to make a change. He’s offered me a shot at the head booker job but I turned it down. I can still go in the ring, and, well…”


I waited for him to continue.


“Truth is I’d like to get my boys on with the company. But right now it might look bad if I had the book and my kids come in. And if they got any kind of push after that, it might set the locker room off. But I was thinking maybe if I put your name in, you‘d get a chance to make your bones stateside and my boys would too.”


I mulled over what he had told me, and what it meant. In a profession full of carnies and liars, Sam was a stand up guy, but even then, being a friend, there are things he couldn’t say. I had to read between the lines.


That Cornell wanted a new booker meant that TCW was losing money. That Sam wanted to bring his boys in meant that there were spots on the roster for guys to move up. What he mentioned about the locker room meant that morale was low amongst the boys. Immediately I felt apprehensive about the whole thing.


“Don’t you think Tommy would want someone older, more established to run things? Sounds like he’d have to take a big gamble on someone like me.”


“That’s true, no B.S. there. Worst thing can happen is he tells you no, and you go back to where you are now. Just so happens though that there is room for you on the roster, as an in ring talent. I know Tommy’s seen tapes of you and he likes your work. And when it comes to the booking end of things, I can give you a hand with that, just to get you started. All you’d have to do is call him at this number and set up a meeting, let things go from there.”


I thought it over. In truth I missed the States, a man can only eat so much goulash. And I never really had a run with a major promotion. No doubt Sam knew all that before he called.


“Okay, I’ll do it.”


I could hear the sound of approval in his voice. “That’s great. You got a new email now? I want to send you some copies of booking ideas so you can really impress Cornell…”

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He placed the folder down on his desk and looked at me, disapprovingly.


“These are Sam Keith’s booking ideas, aren’t they?”


I suddenly wanted to stare at my shoes. “Yes, Mister Cornell, Sam gave those to me to use in the interview. What gave it away?”


Tommy Cornell laughed. “The wardrobe malfunctions. He’s always talking about Janet Jackson at the Superbowl and Emma Chase at Awesome Impact last year. I think the man has a fetish or something. Though that incident with Emma was a sight to see.”


I figured I might try to score some points, so I pounced, “yes sir, it was.”


“Don’t ever let Sammy Bach hear you talk about that. He’s dating her you know.”


“Uh, yes sir.” Oh well, guess I was done.


“Anyway, aside from that, you two forgot to delete his name from the top of each page. That’s was the dead giveaway right there.”


I began to feel my stomach churning.


“Look, I understand, Sam doesn’t want to book, but he wants his boys in the company. And you’re his buddy so he’ll help you and you’ll help him. But I’m not running a charity here. Last few years have been really rough on my company. My back is against the wall now and I have to hire someone with a track record. Surely you understand that?”


“Yes sir,” I replied.


Perhaps it was the embarrassment at getting caught trying to scam someone I respected, but I decided to open up then. If nothing else I didn’t want Tommy Cornell thinking of me as some kind of moron.


“Truth is, that I don’t have any experience with booking a promotion, and in fact I’ve never signed with a major company before as a wrestler, so there is a lot I probably don’t know. But, as you’ve said, your company is in a bad spot right now. In addition to everything else, you have a locker room that is unhappy, and filled with more than a few people who are bad influences. With my background, none of those folks will intimidate me. And I am sure Sam had already told you, I am also notoriously cheap.”


“Yeah, I’ve heard about you re-using toilet paper…”


I laughed. “Well, there is that. Finally, after Sam went over his ideas and talked about everyone on the roster I started having ideas of my own. I made some notes as well. I’d like for you to look them over and even though I’m sure you won’t hire me now. Can you at least tell me if these plans are any good?”


He agreed and I handed over my own notes. He gave them a cursory glance at first, then began to look at more closely. Then he started mumbling to himself.


“No, that won’t, oh wait, I see. But for Total Mayhem we need… ah okay, yeah that would work great. Yeah, might as well pull the trigger on that, it’s time.”


He finished reading and handed back my notes. I sat holding them, waiting for him to speak.


“Had a little bit of everything there. I liked it, in fact.” “He paused to think it over. “Only problem is you’ve included some people not signed with the company. Some of them, I’m sure they’ll sign, but three in particular, I have my doubts.”


I knew that this was my chance, so I tried to convince him that I could get the people he was referring to.


“Won’t be that easy. One’s retired, one’s gone inactive, and the other one has a written deal with Dan Stone. Trust me, I know what a trip it is trying to deal with him. That said, if you can get them to agree, then the job is yours.”


“Really, not just as a wrestler here, but as the head booker too?” I couldn’t hide my excitement.


“Yep. Just get it done before 2010 starts. I want this all up and running in time for Malice in Wonderland. Good luck.”


He shook my hand and I waltzed out the door. The truth was one of those prospective wrestlers was someone I knew. I had trained in his dojo way back in the day. As soon as I was outside the TCW headquarters I was calling him on my cell phone.


“Hey there old buddy, its Jack Avatar. How have you been?”

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I knocked on the door, and was pleasantly surprised when Victoria Stone answered.


“Hello, my name is Jack Avatar. I had a meeting scheduled with your father.”


“Oh yes, please come in. Pappie’s eating right now, but if you don’t mind waiting he should be able to see you soon.”


I was all smiles until I walked into the house, whereupon I was assaulted by the stench of human feces and wet cat hair.


“Umm, maybe I can wait outside?”


Before Victoria could answer, however, I heard an elderly man shouting from the next room. “No you damn cat, those are Pappie’s green beans!”


Next thing I knew, a furry blur went flying through the air, but before it crashed into the wall, Victoria calmly stuck out a hand and caught it. She held the creature by the scruff of the neck and began to lecture it.


“Only bad kitties eat Pappie’s green beans! Now you go outside and learn to behave.” Then she opened up the front door and tossed the cat out of the house.


She then made her way into the next room where I overheard her talking to her father. “Pappie, that Jack Avatar from TCW is here.”


“Good, send him in. I want to talk to him about how I beat his father up in a shoot, and why I hate TCW!”


“Pappie, you need to put your pants on first before-”


Next thing I heard was screaming and growling. I began to look for a place to hide when Victoria came back and asked that I see her father.


I entered the room and quickly spotted a shirtless Dan Stone sitting on the couch. He was wearing a forty year old pair of bell bottoms which were unbuttoned, exposing his yellow tinted Depends underneath. In his hair were specs of green beans and what I can only describe as chunks of solidified animal fat. He looked as though he had just taken part in some kind of ritualistic sacrifice to the wrestling gods.


He looked me over dismissively. Under his breath he mumbled, “I could take him.” I finally found a chair that didn’t have blood stains on it as he continued to talk. “So your Jack Avatar huh? I kicked your dad’s ass in Toronto once right in the middle of the ring.”


Didn’t know what to say that really. “You must be mistaken, my father never wrestled. He has that weird skin condition that refracts light in such a way that causes him to appear in permanent shadow. Maybe you are thinking of-”


“No no, it was him, The Grand Avatar. Wore a mask so as to not to scare the children with his screwy looking face. He had me in a full nelson that I knew looked weak, so I reached down and grabbed his balls and squeezed until he gave up. Only, it was my own balls by mistake. Just I felt it was so painful your dad would have given up instead had I tried it on him. Anyway that was one of my last matches before the doctors tried to put me in that home.”


Victoria Stone walked over and began cleaning the chunks of debris out of Dan Stone’s hair. “But you stayed with your family, didn’t you Pappie?”


“That’s right Vicky. I stayed here. Wasn’t long after that match in Toronto that I came back and sired that ungrateful bastard son Edd with my dearly departed Mildred. Maybe that’s where Edd went wrong, he came from damaged stock! AHAHAHA!”


Dan Stone laughed until he began to cough. Victoria Stone laughed along with him.


“That’s why you aren’t going to put Edd into the Will, right Pappie?”


“Stop bugging me about that Will!”


“Uh sir, if we can talk about business-”


“You shut your damn mouth, Avatar! I don’t want to do business with you and your slimy boss, Tommy Cornell. Back in the day, a promoter wanted someone to starve, they starved. I fire Edd and Cornell scoops him right up. That kid should of come crawling back, begging. But that won’t happen so long as he works for TCW!”


“Sir I really don’t want to discuss issues regarding yourself and your family, I just want-”


“Screw what you want, sissy-boy. Back in my day a man wanted something he took it with the strength of his own hands. Back then I was the most feared wrestler alive. Even now grown men weep when they talk about what goes on in my basement. I am a hooker, and I don’t mean the kind that has sex for money! Though there was that one time the promoter bailed on us in Thailand and I-”


It was my turn to cut him off.


“Sir, I know this is your home, and I know you are a legend in our business. But I didn’t travel all this way to be insulted by you. You sit there in your dementia and your soiled Depends talking like you are some kind of tough guy. Well here it is, talk is cheap, and I am calling you out!”


Victoria Stone looked at me and then back at her father. When she turned again I could see her smile, and I swear for the first time I noticed she had fangs! She whispered, “Get him Pappie.”


Suddenly Dan Stone jumped up from the couch and in one smooth motion ripped the dry rotted bell bottoms from his body, revealing the yellow and brown mottled Depends underneath in their full glory. A Disco ball descended from the ceiling and Tommy London ran into the room holding a microphone backed by a camera crew.


“Where in the hell did they come from?!?”


“Tell you what,” the old man chuckled before his eyes glowed with a demonic red fury. “if you can last five minutes, I’ll sign whatever paperwork you got. If you don’t, then I’ll air footage of this on my TV show and everyone will know how superior an old man like me is to all you snot nosed punks down in the states!”


Past caring by that point, I blurted out, “it’s a deal! But I should warn you, I’ve trained in MMA. You could get hurt.”


He laughed. “I invented MMA, and you could die here today!”


Off in the corner, a solitary cherry blossom petal floated through the air. Once it touched the ground, Dan Stone lunged at me.






We were standing out on his front lawn. Myself, Victoria Stone, and her father Dan. He had since found some new pants somewhere. He shook my hand again and beamed at me.


“You’re a tough kid. You ever get tired of TCW give me a call.” With that he turned and walked off. Victoria accompanied him, only turning back once to blow me a kiss and give me a sly wink. I waited until both were back inside before I made the slow walk back to my cab.


I crawled into the backseat and the driver asked me where I wanted to go next.


I tried to answer him before I curled into the fetal position and began to cry. I don’t think I quite pulled it off.


“Please mister, just take me to the nearest hospital.”

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“Whatever it is, I’m not interested.”


He went to shut the door, but I managed to wedge my foot against it.


“Just hear me out sir. My name is Jack Avatar and I am here on behalf of Tommy Cornell. He’d like to make you an offer to come work for TCW.”


He opened the door again. “Why didn’t you say you were one of the boys? Come on in. Pardon the mess, had a pipe bust under the sink earlier.”


I saw what he meant, as on the table and countertops were strewn various and assorted tools and buckets, Aside from that, his place was very tidy, especially compared to the abode of Dan Stone.


“Make yourself at home.” He handed me a soda. “You’ll have to talk while I’m working, not trying to be rude or anything, but I got all the water cut off until I get this fixed.”


With that he crawled beneath the kitchen sink and began his repairs.


After listening to tools clatter around and the man curse repeatedly, I decided to speak. “I know my father is an acquaintance of yours, he’s mentioned traveling to house shows with you before.”


He replied, while not pausing in his work. “Yeah, your dad is a good guy. He’d always scare the kids real good with that skin condition of his. Dunno what all that has to do with TCW though.”


And there you have it. My attempt to break the ice was thwarted by the man’s direct nature.


“That’s true. Basically Tommy would like to bring you in as a mouthpiece. You’d be working his TV show and his PPV’s. All talking and promos. Nothing in ring, of course.”


He looked up from the sink. “Not interested. I already fought the good fight my own way and lost. Got no interest in helping Tommy fling himself off a cliff.”


“Even if I told you that you would be a part of the main program for the year?”


“Not interested. Oww, damnit!”


“What if I told you that you would be playing a major part in developing a potential superstar. Could be your way of giving back to the business.”


He sat up and rubbed his shoulder. “I’ve given plenty to the business already, kid. No offense, but there really is no convincing me, so maybe-”


I stood up and threw the empty soda can into the garbage. “What is it with you veterans? You either hang on too long, or become bitter about the past, or challenge a naïve kid to a deathmatch where you torture him for five minutes in front of Victoria Stone and a camera crew.” I began to sniffle at the memory.




“Nothing, its just you old timers are always; do this, do that, pay your dues. And then when the bill is paid, you all go off into your own little worlds. Its always politics and manipulation. But when a young guy needs a hand, its every man for himself.”


He was standing now, and I could tell, he was upset.


“Dunno what brought this on, but you can ask anyone that knows me or worked with me. I always looked out for the rookies. Its not my fault this business breeds backstabbing like some kind of disease. Yeah veterans use their tricks to keep you kids down, same as what happened to them, when they first started. And the promoters feed it all to keep the boys at each others throats, because if we ever really banded together they’d have to pay all of us our fair due. Its all a cycle and part of the sickness in the profession. Doesn‘t make it right, just makes it reality. And frankly-”


I held my hand up for him to wait. I had a pen and paper out and was making notes.


“What in the hell, are you trying to write this down for a promo?”


I laughed. “This is good stuff. You still got the gift for gab.”


He laughed as well. “Who said I ever lost it?” He walked over to the fridge. When he opened the door I noticed it was nearly empty.


“Did I mention that Cornell would pay you quite well for working for him?”


“Well, that is a given. But the first thing he’d have to do, to get me to sign, is have someone fix my damn sink.”


I sighed and began rolling up my sleeves. “Okay, where is the pipe wrench?”


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The two of them sat next to me, looking over the booking sheets.


“One thing I’ll say is that if you have a program going and want to build heat, a cheap finish is okay. But when it is at the point that it really matters, try to go with clean finishes.”


Sam Keith nodded in agreement before adding. “Also you need to tweak a couple of the segments here to explain why there is a camera backstage. This isn’t the SWF where the audience is never supposed to assume people are having super secret conversations broadcast on national television. If you want to add that stuff, give them something to let the marks suspend their disbelief, otherwise they’ll pick it all to hell.”


“What do you suggest,” I asked.


Sam wrote some notes in the margin. “Here, try this.”


I looked them over. “Nice. Thank you guys, I appreciate the help.”


The other man just nodded and walked off, while Sam lingered behind.


“I talked to Matt and Greg and they are both just waiting on the faxes, I don’t think you’ll have any trouble with negotiations. I know you’ve been busy with booking and all. I want to tell you to get ready. When you walk into that locker room, you better be prepared for the very worst.”


I gulped. “That bad huh? What do you think I should do?”


He thought it over. “Come in tough, in a no nonsense kind of way. Maybe have your buddy stand near you so no one will bother mouthing off. Lay down the rules Tommy wants, but also make some promises to sweeten the deal.”




“They're wrestlers Jack, they are used to being lied to.” He laughed. “Tell them you are going to have a chiropractor on hand for every televised show. Tell em the office will start paying for travel to and from the main shows. Stuff like that.”


“Wait, you mean none of that is in place now? Eisen has all that stuff.”


Sam just looked at me for a long time before speaking. “Well, Eisen has just about won the war. Tommy’s broke, kid, and the locker room is ready to mutiny. Well, good luck.”


And with that, I was left all alone.




Remember that scene in Event Horizon where they first board the ship and watch the video recording of the crew going insane? Well, that is what I thought of when I first walked into the locker room.


In one corner a bikini clad Karen Killer twirled around a brass pole as Aaron Andrews and Clark Alexander waved dollar bills at her. In the center of the room, Kyle Rhodes and Jason Azaria, both clad only in pink speedos, leather collars and matching ball gags took turns spanking each other with a paddle as they each shouted, “here’s a little fact you probably didn’t know!”


In another corner, Giant Tana had what appeared to be a dead goat straddled across his shoulders as Sammy Bach, wearing some kind of Satanic robes, fondled a ceremonial dagger. Behind him Arnold Westberry was trying to apply superglue to his own butt cheeks. And in another corner Texas Pete slumbered atop a three foot high pile of empty bottle of Jack Daniels.


I looked over at Sam, and he gave me a thumbs up. My buddy just shrugged. I cleared my throat.




“May I have your attention please?” I asked calmly. No one heard me, or if they did, they didn’t care.


I shouted. “May I have your attention please!” A few people turned to look, but the chaos in the room was too great. Only one thing now would save this locker room.


What I am about to reveal is an ancient trick once used by the Babylonians to defeat their foes in battle. It has been passed down in secret over the centuries, until a wizened blind man revealed the technique to my father, who made use of it more than once. Fortunately for me, my father also taught this devastating maneuver to me, though he made me swear to never use it. Today I would break that promise to help save the company I worked for.


I reached into my pocket, and dropped a single shiny copper penny on the floor. With the sound of money up for grabs, every single professional wrestler in the room froze in place. At last, absolute silence.


“Thank you. My name is Jack Avatar and Tommy Cornell has hired me to be the new booker for TCW. Here in my hands is an outline for the show tonight, to be televised live, as it is every week, on GNN.”


As I spoke my buddy pulled a cord on the wall, and a giant American flag unfurled behind me.


“While it is true that I am young, I grew up in this business. I have nothing but the highest respect for all of you. That said, it is obvious that this locker room is suffering from a lack of structure. As such, in addition to the ban drugs and cigarettes, alcohol is now completely prohibited on every show.”


Texas Pete promptly vomited.


“Furthermore, every employee, regardless of position on the card, is required to appear at the venue at least three hours prior to the start of the show. You will all use this time to go over your matches, work on your promos, and yes, even pitch ideas to me. This rule will also apply to referees, managers, and announcers.”


I could sense the mood turning. While some like Sam nodded their heads in approval, more than a few were glaring at me with a decidedly evil intent.


“These rules are implemented to reflect the fact that you are all professionals, and will behave as such. Of course, just as in the real world, professionals are properly compensated for good behavior. So long as you all give your best effort, we will also be adding a chiropractor and a masseuse at every televised show. As well as paying for transportation to and from those shows.”


They all began to cheer and yell. Even the goat on Giant Tana’s shoulders sounded happy.


“Now, I want you guys and gals to start getting ready to put on the best show you can. If you’ll excuse me, I have to speak with Mr. Cornell now.”


Damn straight I had to talk to Tommy. I could feel his eyes boring a hole into my back. As soon as we were out of the locker room, he launched a full salvo.


“I knew I shouldn’t have hired some green horn kid! What did you just do? There is no way I am paying for that crap.”


I held my hands up to placate him. “Mr. Cornell, the rules you wanted in place would only cause resentment if there weren’t a little something to sweeten the deal.”


“There’s no way I am paying for that!”


“Its okay, really. I had someone in the office crunch the numbers, one extra house show a month will cover the chiropractor and masseuse. And changing the drug testing policy into a random test will pay for the transportation each month. Just implement those measures until you’ve built your war chest back up and it actually won’t cost you anything.”


“Won’t cost me anything huh? Well, maybe. But the problem is right now its Tuesday. No way to squeeze in another house show to pay for what you promised next week. I am making you financially responsible for all that, understand me?”


And with that, he stormed off.


Damn, I had forgotten about the shows already scheduled this week. Well, I’d worry about the problem next week. Right now I had a show to run.


I looked at the booking sheet again and crossed my fingers. I really needed a winning show tonight with this lineup.



Edd Stone vs. Flying Jimmy Fox for the All Action Title

Clark Alexander vs. Genghis Rahn

Texas Pete vs. Danny Fonzarelli

The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists for the World tag titles

Jack Avatar vs. Sam Keith

Joshua Taylor vs. Sammy Bach for the International Title

Rocky Golden vs. Troy Tornado for the World Heavyweight Title

Wolf Hawkins vs. Joey Minnesota




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Live From the Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes Region)

Week One, January, 2010

Attendance 10,000


TCW Presents Total Wrestling





Angle One: Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes, and Shawn Doakes welcome the viewers as The Syndicate’s Entrance music hits.



After some banter and bragging, Tommy Cornell points out that despite the entire company being against them, the Syndicate is still in TCW. With that, Ricky Dale Johnson’s entrance music plays.




Accompanying him is his partner, Joey Minnesota. Both groups quickly begin trading insults finally Ricky asks Tommy for a match tonight. Tommy begs off, saying he has an important business meeting to attend.


Ricky states if he can’t have a match, then he might as well just jump him now, and the two teams begin to brawl until the referees run down and break it up.


A livid Cornell grabs a microphone and tells Ricky that while he won’t be here, Joey can wrestle Wolf Hawkins tonight, provided they get final approval from TCW’s new commissioner. Wolf Hawkins looks concerned but Cornell pays him no heed.


Tommy tells Ricky that he’ll find the commissioner in the backstage area and concludes the segment with a cryptic, “you’ll know him as soon as you see him.”


Rating: B





Edd Stone


Flying Jimmy Fox

Title: All Action Championship


A fast paced battle that saw Edd Stone get in the lion’s share of offense. The two really clicked in the ring. Unfortunately, due to my inexperience, I did not realize the crowd would turn on a match consisting of an Opener and an Enhancement talent, which completely destroyed the match rating and jeopardized the rest of the card.


Winner: Edd Stone

Match length: 5:11

Rating: E-




Angle Two: Jason Azaria informs viewers that we are about to go backstage for a live interview.


The camera shows Jasmine Saunders as she introduces the Hellfire Club and Floyd Goldworthy.


She immediately begins to question Eddie Peak about his feud with Bryan Vessey. Eddie states that he was never jealous, that he didn’t care if people forgot who he was. “Just so long as they don’t forget what I am.”


Jasmine makes the mistake of asking exactly what Eddie Peak is, and he reminds her, “I’m the monster.” before salivating on her. Floyd Goldworthy also speaks briefly, mainly to hype his charge, American Buffalo.


Suddenly Genghis Rahn’s music begins to play and he tells Jasmine that the interview is over. Eddie Peak wanders off with him as Floyd Goldworthy calls American Buffalo back, unaware that the camera is still running.


Floyd informs Buffalo that he needs to distance himself from Eddie Peak.


“The man is crazy, and his war with Vessey will just drag you down as well.”


Buffalo says he’ll consider it as Goldworthy notices the red light shining on the camera.


“What the, are we still on the air,” he screeches before rushing the camera and the screen goes black.


Rating: C+




Genghis Rahn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPkz7bZoq18


Clark Alexander


Pretty much a squash match. I know Clark is a TCW mainstay, and deserves better, but I need Genghis to appear strong for what is about to happen with the Peak vs. Vessey feud.


Winner: Genghis Rahn

Time: 6:22

Rating: D+




Texas Pete http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnjqg7G1vz8&feature=related


Danny Fonzarelli http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM30iNH8TqA


An evenly fought contest, Texas Pete somehow managed to rouse himself out of his drunken stupor long enough to throw one of the most viscous clothelines I’ve ever seen. Or maybe he did it on accident…


Winner: Danny Fonzarelli

Time: 9:57

Rating: C-



Angle Three: Once again Jason Azaria sends us backstage to see an interview.


This time Jasmine Saunders is speaking with Rick Law. Jasmine asks Rick if he was happy with his decision to turn his back on his former partner, Koshiro Ino, given that the Syndicate now only consists of Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins.


Rick smiles and says he thinks it is great, because he got to bust Koshiro in the head with his nightstick.


“Jasmine, I’ll admit it, I watched his head explode like a ripe melon, and I thought to myself, that’s for every low down scumbag who thought they could get away with it. That’s pretty much everyone here, including the apes in the audience. Well, sooner or later they all have to answer to the Law, Koshiro was just the first, but he won’t be the last.”



Rating: C




The New Wave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXpUcRVzV1s


The Tag Team Specialists

Title: World Tag Team Championship


Another match where I am not trying to build to anything. Not every match has to mean something. And while I do have plans for Bryant and Oxford, the timing precludes putting any focus on them at the moment.


Winners: The New Wave

Time: 13:34

Rating: B-




Jack Avatar


Sam Keith



Pretty simple, my job here was to put Sam over and make him look like a million bucks. Should be apparent by now, but no way could I come in to the company and start ditching all the established programs, which meant that Sam had a date with Rocky Golden. I was there to make him look even more credible. Sam wanted me to get more offense in, but I begged off, so he pretty much kicked the crap out of me for ten minutes. I thought it went well.


Winner: Sam keith

Time: 9:01

Rating: C+



Angle Four: Jason Azaria informs the viewers that a situation has developed backstage.


Next we see Jasmine Saunders following behind the Freedom Fighters as they open doors backstage. Eventually they corner someone from the production crew and he tells them where the new Commissioner’s office is located.


As they travel there, Jasmine tries to ask the pair some questions, but they blow her off. Once they find the office they barge right in, and the crowd pops to see Nemesis sitting behind a desk.


“What the hell,” is all Ricky can exclaim, the shock quite apparent on his face. Nemesis sarcastically thanks Ricky for knocking and tells the team that he knows why they are there, and that unfortunately it is true, Tommy Cornell had to leave, so there would be no tag match tonight.


Joey Minnesota mutters something angrily and begins to advance towards Nemesis, but the Commissioner warns him, “I wouldn’t do that.” As his bodyguard walks into the camera frame.


There with his arms folded is my ‘buddy’, Buddy Garner.


While Joey sizes him up, Ricky begins a tirade about the Syndicate, but Nemesis cuts him off.


“Tell ya what, tonight the main event will be Joey Minnesota versus Wolf Hawkins. I’ll put the Rocky Golden Troy Tornado match before that. So, not only will you get main billing, you at least get your hands on Wolf Hawkins.”


Ricky thinks it over and then accepts. The Freedom Fighters make to leave but Nemesis gives them a final warning.


“No funny business you two, or my associate here will have to come down to ringside and straighten things out.”


Ricky audibly snorts in discontent before charging out.


Rating: C+




Joshua Taylor


Sammy Bach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b26BD5KjH0&feature=related

Title: International Championship


This match was intended to kick off a program between the two, which will eventually culminate with a retelling of an angle that was made famous in a southern wrestling promotion back in the day. Maybe I am saying too much.




Anyway, the match itself was evenly contested, and the two were able to tell a good story in the ring, but as in everything related to wrestling, both guys knew enough to always leave the fans wanting more.


Winner: Joshua Taylor

Time: 14:17

Rating: C+



Angle Five: Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes are discussing the upcoming match between Rocky Golden and Troy Tornado when Tornado’s music starts early.


Troy walks down to the ring with a microphone in hand. As soon as his music stops, he immediately launches into a tirade concerning Rocky Golden.


“Fee fi fo fum, I smell the blood of someone really dumb. Or maybe its Rocky Golden’s spray on tan.”


He continued speaking running down Golden and promised to take the title this very night. Then he turned his attention to Benny Benson.


“Benson, you sorry waste of human flesh, you walking sock puppet; I am gonna hit you so hard it will bruise your mother’s womb. Speaking of your mother…” Troy then spent several minutes describing acts he performed with Benny Benson’s mother that are anatomically impossible.


Troy was finally cut off when Rocky Golden’s music began to play.


Rating: C+




Rocky Golden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1ejbv0WEJo


Troy Tornado

Title: World Heavyweight Championship


I took the advice of Sam Keith and Nemesis here. While both Rocky and Troy are Main Eventers, neither could afford to lose cleanly at this stage. Rocky had the strap and was feuding with Sam, and Troy had his program with Benny Benson. So, I combined all the elements into the match.


It began evenly, but eventually Rocky gained control, that is when there was the spot for the ref bump. Soon after Sam Keith ran down to the ring and attacked Rocky from behind. Rocky looked to be in trouble until Benny Benson ran down and helped him out.


Each wrestler then paired off with their programmed rival, but Troy hit Benny with a low blow, and grabbed a chair to attack Rocky with. Sam keith had just been thrown from the ring when the ref stood back up and saw Troy hit Rocky with the chair. He immediately signaled for the DQ.


Winner: Rocky Golden

Time: 15:13

Rating: B



Main Event:

Wolf Hawkins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8


Joey Minnesota http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etjED7J1B-E



I had high hopes for this match, unfortunately, I believe I gave the wrestlers the wrong instructions. Being young and in shape, I requested that they both go all out. However, after twelve minutes Minnesota began to slow down, and after fifteen minutes he really began to struggle to keep up, which dragged the match down.


I recalled what Nemesis had told me about using clean finishes when it mattered, and in the bigger picture, this match would matter, so the pin fall went down clean with no hijinks.



Winner: Joey Minnesota

Time: 18:28

Rating: B


TCW Presents Total Wrestling Final Rating: B-


The show was a disappointment from the standpoint that it actually hurt the company’s popularity.

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Thanks for the feedback. I will say that you shouldn't worry about Freddy Huggins, he's fixing to get plenty of air time. :p


As for predictions, well I still haven't written a segment showing the lower card guys that I'm going to sign, but I'll go ahead and list the matches for the next show so people can get their predictions in.



Jack Avatar vs Edd Stone

Flying Jimmy Fox and Tempest Appleby vs The Machines

Bob Casey vs Buddy Garner

Rick Law vs K-Squared

Charlie Thatcher vs Giant Tana

Fumihiro ota vs Aaron Andrews

Bryan Vessey vs American Buffalo

Rocky Golden and Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado and Sam Keith

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell

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Jack Avatar vs Edd Stone


Your clearly lieing down to make edd look good.


Flying Jimmy Fox and Tempest Appleby vs [/b]The Machines[/b]


Bob Casey vs Buddy Garner


Win for Garner to gethim some momentum


Rick Law vs K-Squared


Law picks up a win maybe an angle with Ino after

Charlie Thatcher vs Giant Tana


Tana is the better worker


Fumihiro ota vs Aaron Andrews


Andrews picks up a win to get some momentum as he is the natural challenge to Edd Stone


Bryan Vessey vs American Buffalo


Vessey beats peak stablemate to build to Pay per View


Rocky Golden and Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado and Sam Keith


Benson takes the loss as heels look strong


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell


Double DQ I'd say.

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I disliked the fact that I had to conduct business here before the show, but with Tommy ramping up the house show schedule to generate more money for the company, this was the only time and place I could meet with the prospective employees.


My ‘office’ (if you could call it that) consisted of a desk inside a janitor’s closet right next to the building’s boiler room. On the desk were a stack of standardized contracts and an ink pen that didn’t work half the time.


Of course, I wasn’t signing absolutely all the new talent today. Sam’s kids, Fumihiro Ota, and a team that had wrestled mainly in Japan, they had already been faxed contracts with Tommy’s approval and had signed with the company.


This was more for the lower card guys. Tempest Appleby, Kenny Kuntz (K-Squared) and Bob Casey had signed earlier today. And now Biff The Bruiser was putting his name on a contract.


Tommy initially had reservations about the guy, but I sold him as being a positive influence in the locker room. I had known the guy since I started working over in Europe, and he won me over with his good attitude, friendly nature, and positive outlook.


Also didn’t hurt that Biff was as strong as an ox, and could break up anything short of a knife fight.


Biff left my ‘office’ after shaking my hand and Arnold Westberry came in. There are plenty of bad seeds in the TCW locker room, but none so negative and hateful as Arnold Westberry.


I didn’t understand it myself. The guy had an easy enough job. Pass on the booker’s wishes to the talent, help construct match finishes, occasionally grade talent on their performances, and share his knowledge of the business.


Archie Judge, our other road agent, he did the job perfectly, and was well liked because he could always come up with some story about ‘back in the day’ that left you with a smile and feeling motivated.


Arnold Westberry, however, was the complete opposite. He could only focus on the negatives. Whether it be about how promoters have screwed him over, or how none of the wrestlers today could hold a candle to him in his prime, so on and so forth.


But just having a bad attitude isn’t reason enough to fire the guy. Since I was hired on I had heard from multiple sources that Arnold was trying to sabotage things on the house show. Apparently he felt that I hadn’t earned my spot (or he wanted the job himself, I don’t know). Either way he screwed with the finishes to several matches.


I knew it was a test, he wanted to see what my response would be. If I did nothing then he’d eventually would start messing with my plans on televised shows. And once that happened, there would be chaos in the company. But that would all stop today.


“You wanted to see me?”


I looked up and Westberry was standing in front of my desk.


“Yeah, I was just thinking about you. I’d offer you a seat, but as you can see, I don’t have one.”


Arnold just shrugged and continued to look bored. I handed him his termination notice.


“Here are your walking papers, as of today you are no longer an employee with TCW.”


He laughed. “Is this some kind of rib? You can’t fire me, Tommy would have to give the okay first. And Tommy isn’t about to let me go, he can’t afford to hire a new road agent. Besides all the good agents are tied up with other companies.” He smirked. “So even if you wanted it, you couldn’t get rid of me.”


I leaned back in my chair. “See, that’s where you are wrong. You know my dad worked in this business his whole life. Made friends with plenty of people. All I had to do was make a phone call and one of those friends agreed to sign up with TCW. Once I had him, I just went to Tommy and tossed out his name and Tommy went for it. Who knew that Tommy Cornell was such a big Crippler Ray Kingman fan?”


I think Arnold really looked at me for the first time then. I knew what he was thinking. ‘I misjudged, he isn’t just some punk kid. He knows people, or knows people who know people.’


I gave him a minute to think it over before I spoke. “Your first clue should have been when Nemesis walked into the locker room. My dad never became famous, never worked the big time shows. But he was well liked, enough that even today his no named son can talk to his old fiends. And he had plenty of friends, he got them all by being nothing like you. Good luck Arnold, and take care.”


And with that, I saw him out of my ‘office’.


After he was gone I made my way back to the locker room, and immediately I noticed the difference. In one corner, Eddie Peak was tending to a plot of dandelions. In another corner, Laura Huggins, adorned in flowing white robes, strummed an ivory harp as Harry Allen recited poetry. And in the middle of the room, Texas Pete laughed whilst sipping plain old water as he watched a gaggle of fluffy kittens and puppies play at his feet.


That’s when reality (in the form of Sam Keith) tapped me on the shoulder.


“Kid, I brought the stuff you asked for. And that other thing, its at the exit.”


I looked through the bag and nodded. I checked myself out to make sure that the fake mustache looked alright. I turned back to Sam.


“Give me five minutes, then start sending them in.”


Ah, the things I would do to keep the locker room happy.

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Jack Avatar vs Edd Stone

Flying Jimmy Fox and Tempest Appleby vs The Machines

Bob Casey vs Buddy Garner

Rick Law vs K-Squared

Charlie Thatcher vs Giant Tana

Fumihiro ota vs Aaron Andrews

Bryan Vessey vs American Buffalo

Rocky Golden and Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado and Sam Keith

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell

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I affixed the fake name plate above the door and double checked the moustache.


“You look like Tom Selleck, after he’d been beaten up in a bar and peed on by a cat.”


Sam was just full of jokes today.


“So long as no one recognizes me, I don’t care. Now, go outside and tell the crew that the chiropractor slash masseuse is here.”


I waited a few minutes until finally there was a knock at the door. I am… too ashamed to describe what happened next, so I’ll let Sam tell the next part.




It was all pretty simple, really. I went and told the boys that the chiropractor was here and several of them followed me to his ‘office’.


First one to walk in was Bryan Vessey. He kept complaining about a sore shoulder, so I figured Jack would just ask a few questions and send him on his way. All I know is about three minutes after Bryan walked in I hear a crash, and the sound of screaming. Bryan runs out the door, all red faced, yelling at the top of his lungs that the chiropractor is some kind of pervert.


Of course the boys hear all this and they want no part of it so they quickly disperse. Myself, I don’t know what in the hell has happened, so I run in the room and see Jack sprawled out with his pants around his ankles and a nasty shiner around his left eye. I ask him what just went down and all he can do is moan and say, “I touched it, I really touched it.”







Let me just stop Sam right there. What really happened was that Bryan walked in and complained about his shoulder. From what he described, it sounded exactly like a problem I had once with my knee.


Not being an actual chiropractor all I know to do was to show Bryan what I was talking about, so I rolled down my pants then I realized just how bad that might look.


Bryan immediately started freaking out, so I tried pulling my pants up, but he was getting off the exam table and I reached out to stop him and my hands must have somehow grazed.. “it”!


At that point Bryan screams holy hell, hits me with a left hook, and I guess leaves the room. I don’t really remember much after that.

At that point Sam walks in, wakes me up, and reminds me I still have that thing outside the arena to take care of. So, my head in a fog, I get up and walk outside.


Once there I see the man I had contacted over the internet. He wears glasses, an old Painful Procedure shirt with grease stains on it, and is carrying a replica TCW HardCore belt around.


More importantly, he’s also sitting in the front seat of a 1979 Ford Pinto.


“Nathan right?”


“Yesh, my name ish Nathan. You are Jack Avatar? I liked your match lasht week with Sham Keith. Danny Weltzer gave it two and a half shtarsh. But I felt it wash a three shtar match-”


“That’s nice Nathan. Look, go here and pick up Jasmine Saunders and bring her to the arena.” I gave him a piece of paper with Jasmine’s hotel location on it. “Just do that and you’ll get your two free tickets to the show.”


“Okay, I’ll go pick up Jashmine Shaundersh. But I really think you should hire Shara Shilver. She hash a much shtronger microphone-”


“Just go Nathan, and remember, never tell anyone that I hired you as a driver after looking for marks on the internet.”


Nathan scrunched up his face. “I object to the term ‘mark’. I know ash much about the bushiness ash anyone elshe. I’d prefer it if you called me a fan…”


I shut the door to the car and walked off. Two hoursh (look he has me doing it now too) I had to reprimand Jasmine for showing up late.





“But it isn’t my fault, Jack.”


She tried to pout but I wasn’t having any of it.


(Especially after what happened with Bryan Vessey, eh?)


((Leave my private journal alone Sam!!!!))


Anyway, Jasmine had to catch a later flight than the rest of the crew so she had different arrangements. Since I had promised to pay for transportation to the show (a promise I couldn’t afford to pay)) I instead posted a an offer of employment on a message board for smart marks.


Eventually I found someone (Nathan) who would agree to pick up Jasmine for free tickets to the show. What I didn’t know then was the truly horrifying nature of smart marks, and what he would subject Jasmine to.


“It was horrible,” she told me. "He kept wheezing and his breath smelled like oreos dipped in pickle juice. And he kept staring at my chest the entire time. I thought we might crash more than once."


“Instead of bringing me here, he went to his friends house, and made me sign his twenty copies of Pro Wrestling Weekly. The issue detailing Emma Chase and the incident at Awesome Impact last year. Hell, I wasn’t even in the magazine.”


“Then he took me to his house and introduced me to his mother before dragging me off the basement where he lived. There he forced me to-”


She started crying, and I began to worry that I might have to call the police.



"He forced me to watch tapes of some woman called Shara Shilver, while he constantly pointed out how she was a better commentator than me. Then he pulled out his collection of TCW wrestling figures and made me play as the Nation of Filth as he pinned me over and over again with his New Wave figures.”


She broke down then, and I admit, I was moved. I gave her a hug and told her, in my best fatherly voice, that I didn’t blame her for being late, but to try to not let it happen again.


Jasmine just nodded and wandered off. I looked at my watch, thirty minutes before the show was to start. I was in the opening match and hadn’t even gotten ready yet.But, I couldn't help smiling. I had dodged a bullet today, and the locker room was now perfectly harmonious.


And with that, I went to go grab my gear.


((Better than grabbing Bryan Vessey's 'gear' huh?))


(((Shut up Sam!)))

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Live From the Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic Region)

Week Two, January 2010

Attendance: 9,039


TCW Presents Total Wrestling



Match: Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes, and Shawn Doakes welcome the viewers to the show and begin discussing the upcoming match.

Edd Stone


Jack Avatar

Title: All Action Championship


In the few minutes I had to talk the match over with Edd Stone, my perception of him as a lazy, unappreciative kid changed. Partly due to having met his father, and partly from his own responses, I could tell that he was serious about this wrestling match.


Which turned out to be good. We kept the match short because I was still shy about our combined popularity, but Edd and I were determined to make up for last week’s mishap. A series of dueling high spots followed quick pin attempts got the crowd going, and served as, what I hoped to be, a sign of things to come.


Winner: Edd Stone

Time: 7:19

Rating: B-


Angle One: Jason Azaria informs the viewers that there are reports of an argument backstage.


Jasmine Saunders appears standing next to a closed door. Shouting can be heard inside. She tells the camera that Rocky Golden and Benny Benson were seen entering Nemesis’ office a few minutes earlier and that voices quickly became raised to the point that security was on its way.


Just then the door opens and Rocky Golden and Benny Benson walk out, both are smiling. Jasmine asks Rocky what happened, and he tells her, “Unfortunately Nemesis wouldn’t agree to a cage match between us and Sam Keith and Troy Tornado. But he did say we could have a normal tag match. And at this point, we’ll take what we can get.”


Benny Benson nods in approval and speaks. “You two bozo’s get ready, tonight my partner and I are gonna send you two to the hospital.”


They walk off, leaving a stunned looking Jasmine Saunders staring blankly at the camera.


Rating: B



Match: After the commercial break, Kyle Rhodes puts the machines over as a devastating tag team. Azaria says he agrees, but points out that despite that, the New Wave had the tag team gold.

The Machines


Flying Jimmy Foxx and Tempest Applebly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQkActP-isE


No mystery here as to who is going over. Aside from a few dropkicks by Foxx, the Machines got all the offense and finished off the other team in short order.


Winner: The machines

Time: 3:33

Rating: D[/Quote]



Angle Two: Azaria says that Jasmine is again backstage, this time to talk to the ‘Canadian Sensation’ Freddy Huggins.

We see Freddy, wearing a T shirt with the Canadian flag on it, standing next to his sister, Laura. On his other side stands Jasmine.


The first question is quickly ignored as Freddy excitedly recounts the match Edd Stone had earlier. He puts his partner over as a fellow Canadian and says that it is time to celebrate in style. He then bids Jasmine to follow him as he and Laura make their way over to the Commissioner’s office.


Once their, the pair let themselves in. Nemesis seems angry at first, but quickly calms down after Laura leans over his desk and smiles at him. Freddy, meanwhile, is bouncing around the room talking about what an honor and privilege it is the meet a legend like Nemesis.


“Mr. Nemesis, sir. I’d like to make you an honorary Canadian, in return for all that you’ve done for the national sport of Canada… Professional Wrestling. Also I’d like that as TCW Commissioner, you publicly declare it Canada Day, to honor all of us Canadian wrestlers, yourself included of course. Or, you could declare it Animal day, in honor of the animals. Or you could even combine the two and declare it Canadian Animal day. What do you say?”


Before Nemesis can answer, Ricky Dale Johnson walks in to the office. He pushes past Freddy Huggins and gets right in the Commissioner’s face.


“Word is Cornell is here tonight. I want him in a match. Now!”


Nemesis calmly thanks Ricky for knocking first, yet again, and says that RDJ must wait his turn, that he’s talking business with Laura and Freddy right now.


Hearing his name, Freddy immediately gets involved shoving RDJ out of the way.


“That’s right, old man. We are here to talk about the future of wrestling, not dried up no names that could nev-”


RDJ slaps Freddy and grabs him by the throat and pins him against the wall. As Laura Huggins screams, Buddy Garner begins to walk forward, but Nemesis waves him off.


“Ricky, I can tell you’ve got a lot of pent up aggression. Next time you come in here like this, my suggestion will be to take a rather lengthy vacation and work off some of that anger. But tonight, since I see how much it means to you, you can have your match against Cornell. It will be the main event. Just you and him. What do you say?”



RDJ lets go of Freddy’s throat and without looking at Nemesis he agrees with the match. As Freddy slumps down to the floor Ricky tells the youngster to stay out of his way, and to never disrespect him again.


“Or your Canadian *** will live to regret it.”


Once RDJ is gone, Nemesis turns to Buddy.


“I think maybe a little display is in order, stop this sort of thing from happening again.”


Buddy simply nods and leaves the room as well.


Rating: B



Match: After returning from commercial, Shawn Doakes tells the audience that the Commissioner has mandated a match featuring his bodyguard, Buddy Garner.

Bob Casey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h59mDlBSt7o


Buddy Garner


I’ve never met Bob Casey before today, but I had heard of his selfless attitude when it came to putting others over. Here it was on full display. As soon as the bell rang, Garner swept Bob with a double leg take down, he then quickly scooped him up and hit a series of rolling German suplexes, and followed that with several nasty shoulder breakers. Once Bob was down, Buddy applied the Garner Lock (kimura). Bob wasted no time in tapping out.


Winner: Buddy Garner

Time: 2:56

Rating: D+



Angle Three: After Buddy leaves and Bob is helped to the back, Sammy Bach’s music hits and he and Karen Killer walk down to the ring.



Once the music stops Sammy takes his time staring at the crowd as Karen drapes herself all over him.


“That’s right, once again the dark poet returns.”


He then goes on to admit that he lost to Joshua Taylor last week, but that Sammy was here and healthy, while Josh was no where to be seen. He says that he knows he can beat Joshua and win the International title, he just needs one more chance. And he'd like to get it next week. He then holds the microphone near Karen who, in her best sex phone operator voice, asks:


“Are you man enough, Josh Taylor?”


Sammy smirks, then allows his expression to darken before snatching himself out of Karen’s grasp and walking out of the ring. Karen looks stunned, momentarily, but quickly follows after her man.


Rating: C



Match: Azaria and Rhodes quickly discuss what might have set Sammy off before hyping the next match.

Rick Law


K Squared


Continuing in the grand tradition of squash matches, Rick Law basically runs over K Squared. That said, I could tell by watching that the kid had potential. Maybe not as a world champion, but I could see him working his way up to Mid Card level. Unfortunately for him, that wasn’t going to start any time soon.


Winner: Rick law

Time: 2:44

Rating: C-



Match: After K Squared is scraped off the mat, Azaria informs the viewers that Tana vs. Thatcher is next!

Giant Tana


Charlie Thatcher


Should of called this Master of the Belly Flop match! Regardless, the slow, plodding brawlers managed to not destroy the show. The high spot came with Charlie Thatcher whipped Tana into the ropes and connected with a spinning power slam. It wasn’t enough, however, as Tana kicked out and fought back.


In the interest of public safety, the match was kept relatively short.


Winner: Giant Tana

Time 7:02

Rating: D



Angle Four: Azaria says that Jasmine is backstage with another interview.


Jasmine thanks Jason and begins recapping Koshiro Ino’s feud with Rick Law. She then asks Koshiro what he intends to do about it.


Koshiro admits, in his passable English, that Rick law left him in a pool of his own blood, and since then, Koshiro has never quite been able to pay him back for that.


He then talks about Honor, and how he hasn’t been disgraced. That it was Rick law who disgraced himself with such a cowardly attack, and turning against all he once stood for.


“The only answer for that is blood for blood.”


Jasmine thanks him for the interview and sends it back to the announcers.


Rating: C



Match: Azaria comments that he doesn’t believe Koshiro Ino will stop until he’s had his revenge on Rick Law. He then begins talking about the next match.

Aaron Andrews http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtJLbiTttac&feature=related


Fumihiro Ito


Match begins with Fumihiro taking control after a series of chops. Aaron battles back and the two trade offense for about half the match, finally Aaron takes over though he misses a flying body block which allows Ota an opportunity to attempt a Moonsault. Aaron kicks out at two and a half and eventually pins Fumihiro after pulling off his finisher.


Winner: Aaron Andrews

Time: 8:28

Rating: C-



Match: Before the match starts the announcers briefly discuss the feud between Vessey and Eddie Peak.

Bryan Vessey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZnL10hGcWI


American Buffalo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT-f6HBny44


Floyd Goldworthy stands on the apron and tries to distract Vessey, but he turns and meets Buffalo with punches in bunches. Vessey follows that with a modified spinning neck breaker. he builds on that with a clinic in technical wrestling, and Buffalo never really manages to build any momentum. After Vessey has established his dominance, Genghis Rahn runs down to the ring.


Vessey grabs him in a front face lock as Rahn comes through the middle rope, and promptly drops the man on his face with a DDT. The ref signals for the bell as Buffalo jumps Vessey from behind, but Bryan fights him off. Now Rahn is back up and Vessey is holding his own against both men when Eddie Peak runs down to the ring.


Discretion being the better part of valor, Vessey slides out of the ring on the opposite side, and hops the guard rail and stands several rows back as he watches an angry Peak fume in the ring.


Winner: Bryan Vessey

Time: 8:16

Rating: C+



Angle Five: The announcer talk excitedly about the Hellfire Club’s failed sneak attack as Eddie Peak motions for a microphone.


Eddie watches as Byan Vessey mocks him with a salute and walks away through the crowd.


“Go ahead and run, you coward. That’s right, I’m calling you a coward. People looking here might say, ‘But Mister Eddie Peak, you handsome devil you, you had all your friends helping you.”


Eddie gives an evil look straight into the camera.


“Lies! The truth is that not everyone in this ring is my friend. One among us is a traitor, who wants to see the Hellfire Club fail and wants to help Bryan Vessey break us apart.”


Eddie then reaches over and grabs Floyd Goldworthy by his lapels.


“Last week you tried to turn American Buffalo against us. Don’t lie, we all saw it. I waited until tonight to address it. I want you out of my sight. And if I ever see you near Buffalo again, I’ll destroy you, you little two faced worm.”


Floyd tries to reason with Eddie but then notices the expression on his face. He turns to leave the ring but Genghis is blocking his way. Behind him, Eddie begins to laugh.


“You didn’t think I’d actually let you go, did you? That’s the great thing about false hope. It gives even the slimiest carcass a sweet aroma.”


Then Eddie pounced.


Floyd’s jacket and shirt were torn off during the beating. After ten unanswered punches, during which Floyd screamed for help, but American Buffalo looked on impassively, Eddie kicked Floyd in the groin and then hoisted him up and dropped him with a power bomb. He then did it again.


Finally he leaned over and asked Floyd if he had any last words. Meekly, Floyd whispered, “Buffalo, please…


Eddie looked over at American Buffalo. The man who had used Goldworthy as a manager for years just shrugged, walked over, and soccer kicked Floyd right in the gut. The Hellfire Club then left the ring as fans showered them with boos.


Rating: B



Match: Azaria and Rhodes both quickly recapped what happened and wished Goldworthy a speedy recovery, then they launched into describing the next match.

Rocky Golden and Benny Benson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1ejbv0WEJo


Sam Keith and Troy Tornado


This match turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I thought given the disparate elements involved it had a chance to be bad. But Benson had no problem doing most of the selling to allow the heels to build heat. They worked in several hope spots where Benson would have been saved by the tag if the heels hadn’t cheated and distracted the ref. Rocky did eventually get tagged, and worked clean up, then came the big spot where everyone jumps in, but they did it a little differently.


All four men fought outside, occasionally one would roll in to break the count, then went right back out, so they spent about five minutes outside, until finally even the announcers could reasonably forget who the legal men were.


Near the end, Benson stood on top of the guard rail, about to launch himself into Tornado when Sam Keith whipped Rocky into the rail near Benny, causing Benson to post himself.



Troy quickly grabbed him and rolled him in. The referee just threw up his hands (literally) and counted the three count as Sam held Rocky back from the ring.


Winner: Sam Keith and Troy Tornado

Time: 15:51

Rating: B


Angle Six: Another ref and security made sure that Sam and Troy left peacefully. As Rocky helped Benson walk to the back, Tommy Cornell’s music hit, and he smirked as he walked past the two on his way to the ring.


Tommy wasted little time before he gloated about the result of the last match. Then he shifted gears and began to speak about Ricky Dale Johnson.


“Look at you RDJ, consumed by jealousy at all that I’ve accomplished. You’ve snapped to the point you go and attack strangers and show nothing but disrespect for corporate authority. The truth is that I am not the bad guy here, you are.”


Tommy pointed out that both Johnson and Minnesota were obsessed with the Syndicate.


“Its as if Wolf and I are your reason for being. You need to find a hobby, maybe try reading a book, that is, if you can read. Since you were born in the South I’ll assume you can’t read, just like many of the yokels here. So I’ll spell it out for you. Every time we wrestle, you lose. Every time we face each other, I win. You aren’t the thorn in my side. Hell, you aren’t even the marshmallow in my Lucky Charms. But hey, I will give you a pink heart if you pull the purple horseshoe out of your blue moon, before I have to beat you with a Texas four leaf clover.”


“So walk away now, Ricky Dale Johnson, before you get eaten for breakfast.”


Tommy then dropped the microphone and intently watches the entranceway.


Rating: A



Main Event: Azaria pointed out that Tommy Cornell was the first man in history to make breakfast cereal sound violent. Rhodes then commented that he believed that Johnson and Cornell’s feud defined TCW. Azaria agreed but noted that tonight could mark the end of the feud.

Ricky Dale Johnson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C86oH5RwyJg


Tommy Cornell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8



The match suffered because I asked both men to go all out, and they started at such a frantic pace after seventeen minutes or so, they had to start repeating moves to keep the rest of the time filled.


They alternated between wrestling and brawling with Tommy controlling the wrestling portion and RDJ controlling the brawls. As it went on RDJ appeared to get stronger, and Tommy’s offense began to get dirtier and dirtier, until out desperation, he reversed an Irish whip and sent RDJ running into the referee.


Tommy began putting the boots to Ricky as he frantically signaled to the back. Wolf Hawkins appeared and began to run down the ramp, unaware that Joey Minnesota was right behind him.


Joey tackled Wolf right on the ramp, RDJ made his big comeback, flattening Tommy with a series of kicks and punches, until a figure burst out from the crowd behind RDJ and ran into the ring, a steel chair in hand.


Ricky turned just as Freddy Huggins reached the apex of his swing with the chair, the resulting *crack* reverberated throughout the building. Ricky fell down in a heap, and the ever opportunistic Cornell covered his opponent as Huggins then launched himself outside and began beating Minnesota with the chair.


The ref had recovered enough to count three. And as he raised Tommy’s hand, Freddy Huggins returned, and began screaming as he launched a number of chair shots against the prone RDJ, resulting in Johnson’s face exploding in a shower of blood and gore. A shocked silence descended upon the crowd, until all you could hear was Huggins’ maddened utterances.


Even Tommy was taken aback, and he reached out and snatched the chair from Huggins grasp. But it was far too late. Ricky Dale Johnson’s face appeared to be gone. Huggins stared at his hands and ran from the ring. Cornell knelt down by his fallen opponent and grabbed his hand. He seemed to be saying something to him, but it was too low to register on television.


A shocked Jason Azaria yelled for medical help as the show went off the air.


Winner: Tommy Cornell

Time: 21:49

Rating: B-



TCW Presents Total Wrestling Final Rating: B


(All in all a good day, the show increased our popularity, and my imprint on TCW was now in full effect.)

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Prediction key for the next show:



The Gauge Brothers vs The Machines

Fumihiro Ota vs Benny Benson

The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo for the World Tag Team Titles

Joey Minnesota vs Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins

Joshua Taylor vs Sammy Bach for the International Title

Eddie Peak vs Danny Fonzarelli

Wolf Hawkins vs Jack Avatar

Rocky Golden vs Rick Law for the World Heavyweight Title

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The Gauge Brothers vs The Machines

Building a bit of momentum


Fumihiro Ota vs Benny Benson

Benson looks like he has more going for him right now


The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo for the World Tag Team Titles

Texas Buffalo aren't ready for the titles


Joey Minnesota vs Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins

Anybodies match really


Joshua Taylor vs Sammy Bach for the International Title

Too early to take it off Taylor


Eddie Peak vs Danny Fonzarelli

This is more in hope then anything else


Wolf Hawkins vs Jack Avatar

Can't put yourself over this early :p


Rocky Golden vs Rick Law for the World Heavyweight Title

Not Law's time yet

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The Gauge Brothers vs The Machines - Gauges are good, but can't go over the Machines yet.

Fumihiro Ota vs Benny Benson - Benson's blah.

The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo for the World Tag Team Titles - New Wave rock!

Joey Minnesota vs Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins - Go Canada!

Joshua Taylor vs Sammy Bach for the International Title - Bach and Karen are awesome.

Eddie Peak vs Danny Fonzarelli - The Shark!

Wolf Hawkins vs Jack Avatar - Keep on jobbin'.

Rocky Golden vs Rick Law for the World Heavyweight Title - Golden needs a run with the belt.

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The Gauge Brothers vs The Machines


Clearly the Keith boys aren't taking a win here


Fumihiro Ota vs Benny Benson


after eating a pin last week this keeps his mo up


The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo for the World Tag Team Titles


Obvious win here.


Joey Minnesota vs Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins


Give huggins some momentum, after announcing him last week


Joshua Taylor vs Sammy Bach for the International Title


DOuble DQ or count out draw


Eddie Peak vs Danny Fonzarelli


Keeps Peak'smomentum stron


Wolf Hawkins vs Jack Avatar


Obviously your jobber to the stars


Rocky Golden vs Rick Law for the World Heavyweight Title


With help from Ino

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I had to admit, the girl was beautiful. Eisen had been signing up several valets and managers lately, so I decided to get this lady a contract before he grabbed her too.


Things weren’t quite ready for her, but I could always just have her interact with the crowd during the pre show to keep her busy until the program she debuted in was fully developed.


And with that I had concluded what I hoped to be my final signing for quite some time. Of course I soon learned that, fate had other plans for me.


“Mr. Avatar, a Lonny Cochran is here to see you.”


Lonny Cochran? The name was familiar, but I had been over in Europe for a good number of years, so the alarm bells didn’t start going off.


When he introduced himself I noticed that he seemed rather agitated.


“How can I help you Mr. Cochran?”


“Please, please, call me Lonny. I am an attorney who represents a company doing business with TCW. An important issue regarding racial sensitivity has come to light, and I’d like to discuss it with you?”


Woah, this was not part of my responsibilities. I quickly tried to steer him away. “Sorry, uh, Lonny, but my job here is to handle creative decisions, along with hiring and firing. I think you want to speak with Tommy Cornell-”


He cut me off. “Actually I already spoke with Mr. Cornell, he directed me to you. From what you’ve just said I know that you are the man I need to speak too. The company I represent is Electronic Aesthetics. They are currently making a new version of the TCW video game. And, I hate to say this, but during the course of the design process, they noted a lack of wrestlers of a certain ethnicity on the TCW roster. They don’t feel comfortable associating themselves with such a, ahem, lily white product.”


Finally it all clicked in my head. I jumped up and pointed at him. “Your that lawyer from the AJ Smithson trial!”


“Uh yes, yes I am, though that has nothing to do with what I am here to discuss-”


It was my turn to cut him off. “So, what’s the kid’s name and how is he related to you?”


He looked stunned. “Excuse me? You seem to be misunderstanding something here, and this is a serious issue. To put it bluntly if none of your wrestlers are black, we will attack!” He then folded his arms and shot me a smug expression.


I waved it off. “Mr. Cochran, all due respect, I’ve been around this business my whole life. People visit the booker for only two reasons. Either they want a push, or they have a friend, cousin, aunt, uncle, etc. to get hired on. And since you didn’t ask me to make you World Champion, I figure you are here to get someone a job. So, lets cut the crap. Who is he?”


Lonny sighed and then grinned. “You should consider going to law school. His name is Eddie Howard, he’s my wife’s nephew. I don’t like the boy much myself, but my wife helped raise him, and she’d like to see him get a shot in the big leagues.”


“So, you came down here and tried to use your connection to Electronic Aesthetics to force TCW to sign your wife’s nephew? Isn’t that unethical? Aren’t there rules against that sort of thing?”


I could tell from his tone of voice that he was serious with his reply. “Sure it is, but it is no worse than arguably the number two promotion in the world not employing a single African American wrestler on its roster. Its 2010, Mr. Avatar, society is well aware of the capabilities of black athletes. Maybe TCW needs to experience that kind of awareness as well.”


I sighed. “Okay, fair enough, but I am not promising anything unless he can either talk people into the building or can hold his own in a match.”


“Wonderful. Thank you Mr. Avatar. I’ll contact Eddie and his partner later and give them the good news.”


We shook hands and I watched him leave. Then it hit me. ‘Wait, did he say partner?”

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I swear if you turn Eddie Howard into his Macho Madness alt I got for him towards the end of the 08 game then I will forever be reading this diary like you wouldn't believe.


Trust me Macho Madness is gonna be runnin wild in 2010 :)


To be honest I had something far more offensive planned. But a Macho Man gimmick could work. What do I do with DC Rayne though? Make him be Mr. Elizabeth?

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Live from The Ranch of San Antonio (Mid South Region)

Week Three, January 2010

Attendance: 9,012


TCW Presents Total Wrestling



Match: The show opens with a brief video replay of the attacks on Floyd Goldworthy and Ricky Dale Johnson. The announcers state that they hope to have medical updates on both men by the end of the night.

Matt and Greg Gauge


The Machines


I was surprised at how well Sam’s two kids handled themselves, especially considering their respective ages. Despite bringing them in, I didn’t have anything firm planned for them, but as I watched them sell the Machines offense, an idea creeped into my mind.


Winner: The Machines

Time: 7:14

Rating: C-


Angle One: Jason Azaria informs the audience that he has learned that the Syndicate is in the Commissioner’s office, and they’ve brought a camera crew with them.


Nemesis asks Cornell why he is there, with a camera crew no less. Tommy replies that after last week, he wants Nemesis to lay down the law, and he wants the meeting shown so everyone on the roster will know where Cornell and the Commissioner stand.


“I don’t see why you are making such a big deal about it, Tommy, it’s a rough business, sometimes careers get cut short. You know that.”


Nemesis’ response seem to perturb Cornell. But what really sets him off is when Wolf Hawkins adds in his two cents.


“Yeah Tommy, its not like Johnson didn’t have it coming, and no one cares about Goldworthy anyway. With Ricky out of the way we can own this company now.”


Tommy blows up at Hawkins and reminds him that Cornell already owns TCW.


“There has to be a line somewhere, and last week, that line was crossed.”


As the men argue, The Canadian Animals and Laura Huggins make their way into the office. Freddy Huggins immediately tries to apologize for what happened last week.

“I don’t know what happened. Everything just went blank and, I don’t... I must have snapped or something.”


As Huggins speaks, an irate Joey Minnesota runs into the room, headed straight for Huggins. Buddy Garner expertly cuts Minnesota off and holds him at bay. Now everyone in the room is screaming.


Tommy grabs a lamp from the Commissioner’s desk and throws it into a wall, shattering it into tiny pieces. Everyone quiets down as Cornell struggles to compose himself.


“Its simple, no more run ins. Anyone interferes in a match, they get fined Twenty Five Grand. As for them,” Tommy points towards the Animals and Minnesota, “Joey can wrestle them both tonight for all I care.”


Nemesis nods then smiles as he looks at Wolf Hawkins. “And your protégé?”


“Give him a match against someone who can actually wrestle. Maybe it will remind him at the end of the day this is a sport. We’re professionals, not gladiators fighting to the death. Now I’ve got a business meeting to attend. Take care of this for me Nemesis.”


Nemesis looks over the remaining wrestlers. “You heard the man. Now you kids go behave yourselves and get ready for your matches tonight.”


As they filter out Nemesis allows himself a slight smile as he stares straight into the camera.


Rating: B-



Match: The announcers discuss the last segment. Doakes and Azaria think that order has finally been restored, while Rhodes believes that Cornell may just have created an even bigger problem in the company.

Benny Benson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRGDqA6g6Zo&feature=related


Fumihiro Ota


Booking 101, Benson is in a program with a Main Eventer, it would only hurt Benson and Tornado if Benny lost the match here. While I am not a fan of such glaringly obvious booking decisions, after the last two weeks, Benny needed to come out looking strong and that is what he did.


Winner: Benny Benson

Time: 8:11

Rating: C-



Angle Two: After Benny is announced the winner, Jasmine Saunders enters the ring with a mic in her hand.


Jasmine congratulates Benny on his victory and asks him what he has planned for Troy Tornado.


“Ya mean aside from knocking his lights out? Its like I’m a kid again Jasmine. I’ve transferred to a new school, and while I haven’t asked for any special treatment, some lughead has gotta single me out. It starts with the snide remarks. Talking about me and my family, what are you Troy, ten years old? Then you want to start jumping me from behind. Well, I plan on going to the Commissioner and asking for a match at Malice in Wonderland. Consider that Three o’clock on the playground, Troy. It is then and there that the bully will get his attitude adjustment. And we’ll see if he wants to try to run his mouth after that.”


Rating: C+



Match: The announcers discuss American Buffalo’s betrayal of Floyd Goldworthy as the big man’s entrance music begins to play

The New Wave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXpUcRVzV1s


Texas Buffalo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT-f6HBny44

Title: World Tag Team Championship


In retrospect I wish I had given this match more time, I was impressed with the team work of Texas Buffalo, despite their relative inexperience teaming together. New Wave conducted themselves as they usually do, like the greatest tag team in the world. The finish comes when all four wrestlers are in the ring and the ref is busy trying to break up a brawl between Pete and Guide. Behind the ref, Buffalo has grabbed a chair and is about to plaster Scout when a large, masked man crawls out from beneath the ring, quickly slides in, grabs the chair and lays Buffalo out with it. A very surprised Scout makes the cover for an easy pin, Jason Azaria points out the problem Nemesis might have fining a wrestler whom no one knows the identity of.


Winner: The New Wave

Time: 8:37

Rating: C+



Angle Three: After commercial the show opens back up backstage where Jasmine Saunders stands next to a concerned looking Laura Huggins.


Jasmine asks about the situation between the Canadian Animals and the Freedom Fighters. Laura responds by saying that since RDJ attacked him last week, her brother changed. She says that she had no idea what Freddy had planned, but she had never seen him like that before. Laura then starts crying.


Jasmine asks Laura about Cornell’s reaction to the incident. Laura said that Freddy met with Tommy the day after and that Cornell had threatened to press charges but Freddy had to beg him to keep his job and to stay out of jail.


“He also told Freddy that he had talked briefly with Ricky Johnson, but wouldn’t say what they discussed.”


Jasmine then asked about the handicapped match scheduled for later tonight. Laura cleared her eyes then.


“I’m sure Joey Minnesota wants to get payback for his friend. But Edd and I aren’t going to let him hurt Freddy. Joey Minnesota isn’t the only wrestler in this business with friends. And he needs to know if he pursues this too far, then Joey will come to regret it as well.”


Rating: C



Match: The announce crew is abuzz with excitement as they discuss what Joey Minnesota might do to the Canadian Animals in response to the attack on RDJ.

Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins


Joey Minnesota http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etjED7J1B-E


Talking with Sam afterwards, he told me he thought that this was where the show began to fall apart. Was the match good? It was better than any expectation I had for it. The problem was that every match previous to this I wanted the wrestlers to work the crowd and build heat. Well, with the storyline going and all, the crowd ‘peaked’ on this match. Probably great for Edd and Fred’s careers, but it left the crowd flat for later matches.


I suppose I should describe the match. Basically most of it consisted of Edd sacrificing himself to keep Joey away from Freddy. Eventually though Joey did get his hands on Freddy, but before he could get any offense in, Edd tackled Fred and the two flew through the ropes. After that Edd helped Fred up and the two of them walked back to the dressing rooms. Joey won by count out.


Winner: Joey Minnesota

Time: 12:26

Rating: B



Angle Four: Kyle Rhodes sends us backstage for yet another interview.


Standing next to Jasmine is the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Rocky Golden.


Jasmine asks Rocky for his opinion on the RDJ incident and Rocky says that he considers Ricky to be a friend, and that he understands what Joey wants to do with Freddy Huggins, and that if Joey ever wants any help, to just ask Rocky.


Jasmine then begins asking about Sam Keith.


“Its simple Jasmine, years ago, when I was just a little Rocky, I used to watch Sam and marvel at his skill in the ring. Now, years later, I’m the man the kids look up to, and Sam Keith is just a bitter old man clinging to the refuge of his past glories. He can’t beat me, and at Malice in Wonderland, I’ll prove it.”


Jasmine points out that Rocky may be getting ahead of himself. He does have a title defense tonight against Rick Law.


Rocky says he already has the answer for Rick Law, and pulls out a spray bottle marked ‘Doughnut repellant’.


Rating: B-



Match: Rhodes segues from the Rocky Golden interview into hyping the second showdown between Joshua Taylor and Sammy Bach

Joshua Taylor


Sammy Bach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b26BD5KjH0&feature=related

Title: International Championship


And here my error in booking the matches begins to show. The match these two had was good, better than their first in fact. However, after the heat in the last match, the crowd just sat on their hands. Even Karen Killer bouncing around at ringside couldn’t provoke a response.


The finish came when Karen jumped up on the apron, purse in hand, as Sammy tried to swing Josh into her, however Joshua reversed him and sent Sammy crashing into Karen. After that it was an easy three count. Karen seemed to try to apologize, but Sammy shoved her away as they walked to the back.


Winner: Joshua Taylor

Time: 14:21

Rating: B-



Angle Five: The announcers tell the audience that Eddie Peak has requested a camera crew in the back and that they are cutting to him now.


Eddie starts out by warning whoever attacked American Buffalo that they soon would pay for it.


“And I don’t mean some twenty five thousand dollar fine, either.”


Eddie then begins ranting about Bryan Vessey, Floyd Goldworthy, and some conspiracy involving Roswell and Area 52. Suddenly a voice is heard off camera, and Eddie stops as Nemesis walks into the frame.


“Eddie, look at you. Its been a couple of years now, and you still haven’t changed.” Nemesis stares hard at Eddie. “Or have you? You do seem a little different now, what is it. Ah I know, you’re a little softer now.”


Nemesis walks around his old charge, looking him up and down. “Yep, I can see it clear as day. The old Eddie Peak wouldn’t waste his time mumbling about what he was going to do, he’d go out there and do it. And what have you promised, you’re going to show everyone the monster? Well, where is he Eddie, right now I don’t see him..”


Nemesis sighs and shakes his head. “Maybe what you need, is some incentive? How about this, tonight you face Danny Fonzarelli. Here is your chance to show me the monster. You do that, and next week you get Bryan Vessey all to yourself. What do you say?”


Eddie Peak just turns and walks away. Nemesis smiles. “That’s what I thought.”


Rating: B



Match: The announcers speculate about Nemesis possibly wanting to reform his partnership with Eddie Peak from the days of DAVE. Azaria reports that Goldworthy left the hospital a few days ago. No word yet on Ricky Dale Johnson.

Eddie Peak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUDEOdEcBgE


Danny Fonzarelli http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM30iNH8TqA


The match begins with both big men facing off. Danny holds out his hands and wriggles his fingers, sarcastically pretending to be afraid of Eddie.


Eddie simply kicks Danny in the testicles and bites out a chunk of flesh from Danny’s forehead.


The ref’s face turns white Eddie continues to chew. Eventually Danny fights back, and the rest of the match is spent with Danny, blood raining down his face, trying to hold off a demented Eddie Peak. The finish comes when Eddie ‘posts’ Danny on the top rope, runs to the opposite side, and kicks Danny in the face as he is still straddling the ropes. Danny tumbles outside. Peak ignores him and stares out at the crowd with blood dripping from his lips as the referee counts to ten.


Winner: Eddie Peak

Time: 11:48

Rating: C+



Match: Rhodes argues with Azaria about whether this match constitutes punishment for Wolf Hawkins. Kyle believes that Tommy is unhappy with Wolf, but Azaria points out that wrestling Jack Avatar is hardly dangerous to someone of Hawkins’ caliber.

Wolf Hawkins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8


Jack Avatar


(Note to self, fire Jason Azaria)


I booked this match at this point on the card not because I wanted to build myself up, but prior to this Wolf I had some matches at a couple of house shows. Turns out we have great chemistry. Since I didn’t have a match lined up for Cornell, Vessey or Troy, I thought this would earn a high rating through sheer match quality.


Unfortunately the crowd was still burnt out, and while I had one of the best matches of my career up to that point, the reaction was only so-so.


Winner: Wolf Hawkins

Time: 14:00

Rating: B



Match: The announcers put Rick law over as a credible challenger to Rocky.

Rocky Golden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1ejbv0WEJo


Rick law

Title: World Heavyweight Championship


I admit that I did a poor job building to this match, the finish being a repeat of much of what I’ve already done up to this point, perhaps I was phoning it in.


It went down with the basic formula. Babyface controls match early, Heel cheats to gain advantaged and beat down the face. Babyface battles back, almost turning the table but the heel cheats yet again. Face now in serious trouble, reaches deep inside himself, battles back.


Just add a ref bump and a run in by Koshiro Ino to tie in with his feud to Rick and you have your basic formula on display.


I promised myself that this would change after Malice in Wonderland.


Now I just had to figure out how I was going to keep that promise.


Winner: Rocky Golden

Time: 15:40

Rating: B


TCW Presents Total Wrestling Final Grade: B-


(This show hurt our popularity overall, and served as a wake up call for me. No more safe, by the numbers booking. If I am going to fail then I will at least be creative while doing it.)

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