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ROF Entombed We Collide

Sunday, Week 2, February 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center - 24 in attendance


Lance Martin vs. Martin Heath


Once again I find myself lucky that I put a match in the ‘pre show’ position, as it lowers expectations. Lance Martin was going to be a project, but he needs to pick it up soon if he wants to get anywhere in RoF. As for the match, it went move for move in an almost unrealistic fashion as Heath would hit a move, then Martin would. Martin began to roll, which is where the lack of chemistry became bloody apparent. The crowd actually booed near falls and cheered when Martin hit the Body Rocker for the 3 count.


In an extremely poor match, Lance Martin defeated Martin Heath in 8:02 by pinfall with a Body Rocker.


Martin Heath and Lance Martin just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.




Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin


Billy Robinson forgot his Velocity title at home, leaving this title match rather title-less. That didn’t stop Kelly from flying out of the gates early, striking Robinson quickly and solidly. Martin went for a quick Perfect Driver, but Robinson had the energy to squirm out. When Martin turned to locate Robinson he caught a kick strait to the jaw, and was leveled. Robinson mounted and began raining punches on Martin, which the referee allowed up to a five count, and then pulled Robinson off for a restart. With both men in the middle of the ring the referee gave the signal and Robinson’s foot connected with Martin’s face again. With Martin reeling, Robinson slinked in and locked in the Capitol City Crucifix. Martin tapped immediately.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Billy Robinson defeated Kelly Martin in 7:39 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


Kelly Martin and Billy Robinson have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display. The match suffered from a lack of psychology, it could have really used somebody with the knowledge of how to construct a proper flow. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Kelly Martin is improving in Performance skills.




Jon Michael Sharp vs. Nigel Svensson


Nigel starts this match on fire, absolutely beating on the arm of Jon Micheal Sharp with holds and strikes. To his credit, JMS sold like a champ, moving his arms gingerly whenever he tried to counter. Nigel went for a huge clothesline, but Sharp ducked and hit a backflip crescent kick that wowed the crowd. JMS took it to Svensson, with kicks to the downed warrior, but eventually Nigel was able to regain his senses and grab one of Sharp’s incoming kicks. With relative ease Nigel transitioned a leg drag take down into an ankle lock. Sharp countered by rolling Nigel into the ropes. Nigel countered by bouncing off the ropes and hitting Sharp full force with a HUGE clothesline. Svensson positions himself and locks in the H.E.A.L. and Sharp taps.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Jon Michael Sharp in 5:47 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Nigel Svensson and Jon Michael Sharp have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. Jon Michael Sharp is improving in Technical skills. Jon Michael Sharp is improving in Performance skills.




Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


Charles Avatar is definitely fast, that much is for sure. As soon as the bell rings he closes the distance between himself and Barnes (who is no slowpoke himself) and hits a slick Belly-to-belly suplex. He gets behind Barnes and hits a German suplex, while keeping his grip locked in. He hoists Barnes up again, but Petey moves his weight and counters with a bulldog! Petey gets back mount and reigns punches until the referee pulls them apart. On the reset Petey hits the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Avatar ducks … roundhouse kick! Petey Barnes nailed Charles Avatar with a roundhouse kick. Petey takes mount and reigns punches, a possible mistake as Avatar probably was down for the 3 count. The referee pulls them apart, and makes them reset. On the reset, both men hit the ropes, and go for a clothesline. Both hit, and both go down. The referee’s count gets up to seven when Barnes rises and goes for the top rope. He points to the crowd, who are cheering “Pete! E!” and … the bell rings.


Charles Avatar drew with Petey Barnes in 5:00 when the time limit expired.


The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Charles Avatar is improving in Performance skills. Petey Barnes is improving in Technical skills.




British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


If the crowd was upset over the lack of a finish in the last fight (and they were) they would soon get over it, seeing two of the best in the Ring of Fire battle in the sub-main event. Walter Morgan began by focusing on the right should of British Samurai, using a variety of crazy holds to move the shoulder in ways it wasn’t meant to be pulled. If this were an SWF crowd there would be boring chants, but the ROF fans eat it up, realizing that Morgan was targeting and waiting to see how it would effect the match.


Samurai storms out of a hold and hits a shoulder block, knocking Morgan down. Morgan responds quickly, scissoring Samurai’s legs with his own and dragging him down. Morgan locks in a modified STF, where instead of grabbing Samurai’s head he pulls the arm up towards the lights. Just when British Samurai slips his feet out of the hold, Morgan repositions into an arm bar on the right arm. However British Samurai is on his stomach, meaning he can use his left arm to push up and back, resting his foot on the bottom rope.


As they set up for the reset, Morgan looks noticeably more determined. On the reset he begins brawling with the owner, both men trading shots that send an “Oh,” throughout the crowd. After hitting a big left cross, Samurai pulled Morgan in with his left hand and hit a big DDT. As Morgan stirs on the ground, Samurai rubs his right shoulder before applying the kneeling rear chinlock. Samurai is working the move using his left shoulder, allowing his right to rest. After a minute or so the crowd begins to chant “Sec! Ret! STRETCH!” and Samurai begins to look more confident. He lowers himself into the Samurai Secret Stretch (Seated Underarm Chinlock) and begins wrenching at the neck of Morgan. Almost instantly Morgan shoots an elbow under the right arm of British Samurai. He lets go of the hold and Morgan moves to get to his stomach, perhaps for a triangle choke. It’s no good, as determinedly British Samurai is able to re-hook the arms and lock in the Secret Stretch again!


Morgan drags himself towards the ropes!




British Samurai tries wrench back further, but is obviously in pain himself!




Morgan pulls himself further!




Samurai can’t stop Morgan from reaching the ropes! He releases the hold and uses the reset to rest his arm. Tired, British Samurai wipes sweat from his forehead with his right arm.


Before the reset the crowd can be heard. The Fire Squad is heard chanting “Bu! Shi! Do!” while the opposite side of the ring, liking to call themselves the Grey Dogs start chanting “Morgan’s gonna kill you~!” Morgan, Samurai and referee Humphrey Woolsey take a second to let it all sink in before restarting the match.






British Samurai reels back for the third katana chop, but graps his shoulder in pain. Each katana chop was an impact on the shoulder. Morgan senses this and leaps! He’s going for the leaping arm-drag armbar combination! He grasps Samurai’s arm … and slides down onto his back! It was slippery from the sweat! Samurai sees the opportunity … leg drop! One of Samurai’s legs lands on Morgan’s bright red chest, the other on Morgan’s throat! Samurai turns Morgan over … Secret Stretch! Morgan taps!



In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, British Samurai defeated Walter Morgan in 12:31 by submission with a Samurai Secret Stretch.


There are no specific comments to be made about this match.




Don Henderson vs. ©Merle O’Curle

ROF Championship


Don Henderson looks the part of someone who only gets one shot at glory. Even though he knows he will be in the Main Event of Triple Threat in a month he knows that going in as champion will be a huge momentum boost. He is in constant movement, bouncing off the ropes and dropping Merle with some clotheslines, shoulder blocks and running elbows. Merle kept popping up, even after taking four or five strong shots from the challenger.Merle seems to be avoiding the worst of Don’s shots as he continues to try to out brawl Merle. After a series of big punches, Merle looks a bit dazed. Don looks to go for a quick cutter, and the crowd is behind him! Merle blocks it with a kick to the back of the knee. Don shuffles away a bit and Merle and Don stare each other down.


Don goes on the offensive again, hitting a few mild punches. However when he gets too greedy and tries to hit a jumping shoulder block. Merle gets underneath and catches Don in mid-air, snapping him back in a modified Belly-to belly that’ll look great on the highlight reel. Merle hooks the leg.









Kickout! Henderson’s still in it!


Both men get up slowly, that last suplex seemingly putting strain on Merle’s back. Henderson sees this and hoists Merle up for a backbreaker. Don pops up and surveys over the crowd. SCOTTISH ELBOW DROP! The crowd is going crazy, this may do it!












No! The champion kicks out!


Unfortunately, Merle does not seem recovered; he is still favoring his back. Don is able to slip punch after punch in on Merle, as it looks less and less like he is attempting to cover up. One jab rocks Merle’s enter head back, and Don quickly grabs the head and drops it with a neckbreaker!










NO! Merle kicks out again!


Don wastes no time now. Scottish Deathlock… but Merle is too close to the ropes, and grabs one, causing a restart. Before the restart, Merle stretches his back and grins. It seems he’s good to go.


On the restart Don looks to hit the shock cutter again, but Merle had it scouted. Henderson is shoved away, but takes the momentum into the ropes and bounces back … shoulder block … NO! Another modified suplex! This time Don crashes into the turnbuckles, giving Merle plenty of time to recover. Don rises, slowly, gingerly.


CUTTER! Merle O’Curle just hit the cutter on Don Henderson! He locks in the Celtic Wreath and taps!


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle defeated Don Henderson in 18:26 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defence number 2 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Don Henderson was really off his game tonight.





This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity

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ROF Newsletter

February 2010


The BritSam Blog


Konnichiwa everybody, and as Charles would say "Pop some of that Bubbly!” Although Entombed was not as good of a show as One Ring, it still made us money and won us fans. We are once again moving in the right direction.


Speaking of direction, one of the most talked about stories for Ring of Fire was the retiring of the tag team titles. I must say that even I was surprised when Avatar suggested it. However, as a method to cut costs it has worked brilliantly. Unfortunately some of our tag-centric workers are appearing less, but rest assured when the money is in a bit better place we’ll reinstate the Tag Titles.


Now as for the story all of wrestling is talking about, I can’t say I’m shocked. SWF has risen to Global. However, with Tommy Cornell closing in on the chase, I doubt they’ll be Global for long. While I wouldn’t say me and Cornell are ‘friends’, we do exchange e-mails from time to time, as he is always interested in wrestlers with a strong basis and great technical skills. Look out for a Merle O’Curle or Don Henderson on your American TV Tuesday or Thursday nights.


Looking to the future I’m excited at another shot at Merle’s title. I’m going to give it my all, as my last title win was waaaay back in 2002, and I have never won one in RoF.


Here’s hopin’

World Wide Wrestling News

via TotalExtremeWrestling.com


  • SWF rose to global size. They then went on a hiring spree, but the notable ones were Sam Keith’s son Matthew and Eddie Peak.
  • TCW showed how to lead into a pay-per-view, with Tommy Cornell defeating Rocky Golden in an A match.
  • TCW will be bringing back TCW Saturday Night Showcase, renaming it TCW Showcase, and putting it on Thursday
  • SWF got a PPV deal in Mexico
  • NOTBPW showed what a wrestling Pay Per View should be, netting an ‘A’ with Dan Stone Jr. defeating the Natural (B+), Bloodestone defeating Jeremy Stone (A) and Steve DeColt defeating Sean McFly (A). Unfortunately it only got a .44, one third of TCW’s buy rate.

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Hey, Astil - just to say I love your write-up style, with the shorter undercard matches and the excellent main events (and semi main in this case as well) Great stuff, speaking as someone who normally struggles to get into 'pure wrestling' dynasties. :)
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Tried to give it a 'big event' feel. Think I just proved how much I fail at photoshop...


ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. Don Henderson vs. ©Merle O'Curle


Johnny Highspot vs. Jonni Lowlife vs. Walter Morgan


Kelly Martin vs. Lance Martin vs. Nigel Svensson


ROF Velocity

©Billy Robinson vs. Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes

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ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle

Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan

ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes

ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin


These seemed to be the most popular picks. A lot of people pulling for Mr. Morgan.


ROF Entombed We Collide

Sunday, Week 2, February 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle

Even if I love Don's alt. If Merle can beat Samurai. He'll have a easy time with Don.


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin


Don's alt is pretty cool, and really the only reason why he uses a cutter.


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin


Pretty much 100% correct, minus the draw swerve.


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle Keep him strong until he has a reason to drop the belt.


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan Build some momentum.


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes I never liked user characters getting an active push in diaries


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin You got to be kidding me, Kelly does not stand a chance.


I like the reasoning, and hopefully a draw doesn't count as pushing the user character. And Kelly had a chance. Sorta...


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin


Glad to see the Velocity championship in use, Reaper did that one for me for my ROF game on 08 :)


Ah, so you're the Velocity originator! ReapeR does do some great work, yes?


ROF Entombed We Collide

Sunday, Week 2, February 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin


Think Champs will retain as their is no reason to drop the belts. Doubt you would push the boss or your avatar


Or would I push the Boss and my Avatar? Hmmm...





ROF Entombed We Collide

Sunday, Week 2, February 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin


Lots of Morgan love.


ROF Entombed We Collide

Sunday, Week 2, February 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin


Thanks for predicting all! Wow, that's a whole bunch-a ya.


Hey, Astil - just to say I love your write-up style, with the shorter undercard matches and the excellent main events (and semi main in this case as well) Great stuff, speaking as someone who normally struggles to get into 'pure wrestling' dynasties. :)


Thanks! It writes itself really, which makes the whole process easier. Hopefully my quality wont suffer due to overworking. Eh, I don't think so!

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ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. Don Henderson vs. ©Merle O'Curle


Im cheer5ing for Don, but dont think it'll happen


Johnny Highspot vs. Jonni Lowlife vs. Walter Morgan


Kelly Martin vs. Lance Martin vs. Nigel Svensson


ROF Velocity

©Billy Robinson vs. Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes

Peteys a good worker, he should really work the lower belt

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ROF Triple Threat

Sunday, Week 2, March 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center - 56 in attendance


Jon Michael Sharp vs. Martin Heath


In what was a terrible match, we decided to give two youngsters a shot. I guarantee we will be bringing in some others on a short term contract to see if we can’t replace these two. As for the match, they basically stunk it up until JMS hit a somewhat ok Cross Body and landed on Heath for the three count


In an extremely poor match, Jon Michael Sharp defeated Martin Heath in 8:01 by pinfall with a Flying Cross Body.



Eric Future vs. Rhys Vali


I expect a lot better out of Eric Future, but now whatever push he might have warranted has gone right out the window. Future and Vali did more circling around each other, completely destroying the flow of the match. The psychology was suspect as well, with no limb targeting and a random out of nowhere Time Slice to end the match.


In an extremely poor match, Eric Future defeated Rhys Vali in 7:51 by pinfall with a Time Slice.


The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.




Billy Robinson© vs. Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes

ROF Velocity Championship


This match may go down as Charles Avatar’s ‘arrival’ in Ring of Fire. He started by attacking the champion, focusing on what he assumed was the biggest threat. Petey Barnes wisely stayed away and Avatar and Robinson tee’d off on each other. The two brawled in a way that is rarely seen in RoF, taking it outside of the ring. As referee Humphrey Woolsley tried to corral the two into the ring, it became apparent that Robinson was starting to get the upper hand. That is he was until Barnes charged from one side of the ring to the other and suicide dived … X-Press! Robinson’s head bounced off the steel barricade, and he slumped down.


With a head full of steam Barnes grabbed Avatar and pulled him back into the ring. After a few shots to the head, Avatar regained his bearings and began fighting back. Barnes made a small mistake going for a discuss punch and Avatar countered into a DDT!










Avatar quickly pulled Barnes up and spiked him down with yet another DDT!











Avatar vents at Woolsley who simply shrugs. As Barnes slowly rises, Avatar kicks him in the gut… DDT! Avatar drops Barnes a third time and savagely looks around at the fans. He hooks the leg…








NO! Barnes kicks out again! Avatar is beyond bewildered … and here comes the champion Billy Robinson! Kick to Avatar’s thigh, kick to the ribs, kick to the thigh! Avatar is reeling as the Velocity champion has a full head of steam and is swiftly knocking away any momentum Avatar had.


That is, until Avatar hits a desperation clothesline. He climbs to the top rope … Avatar Rising(Swanton Bomb)! Robinson is on Dream Street!






NO! Petey Barnes pull Avatar off! Clothesline! Barnes is down again! Avatar climbs up to the top rope…and he flips off Petey Barnes! Never has so much disrespect been shown in RoF before! The crowd starts booing as Avatar leaps… and Barnes springs to his feet! Dropkick! Barnes dropkicked Avatar out of midair!


Barnes goes to the top … Frog Splash!





2…here comes Billy Robinson!




3! Petey Barnes is the new RoF Velocity Champion!


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Petey Barnes defeated Charles Avatar and Billy Robinson in 12:50 when Petey Barnes defeated Charles Avatar by pinfall with a Frog Splash. Petey Barnes wins the Ring Of Fire Velocity title.


Charles Avatar was really off his game tonight. Petey Barnes is improving in Performance skills. Billy Robinson is improving in Technical skills. Billy Robinson is improving in Flying skills. Billy Robinson is improving in Performance skills.




Kelly Martin vs. Lance Martin vs. Nigel Svensson

Elimination Match


Not much excitement in this cool down match. Yet another decent showing for young Nigel, cementing his place in the Velocity title hunt. The first elimination came when Kelly Martin turned on his brother and hit a Perfect Driver for the three count. Unfortunately for Martin he fell victim to the H.E.A.L. shortly thereafter.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Nigel Svensson defeated Lance Martin and Kelly Martin in 7:10; the order of elimination was Lance Martin first, and finally Kelly Martin.


The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.



Johnny Highspot vs. Jonni Lowlife vs. Walter Morgan

Elimination Match


This was a match all about Walter Morgan who persevered through constant double teams in order to eliminate both members of Your New Favorite Team. The crowd was all for Walter Morgan, going ballistic when he had the advantage, and booing whenever YNFTT took control.


Jon and John tried to work together, but it became clear that this was just not meant to be. They argued time and again throughout the match, over who got to hit which move or who got to get the pin. Eventually Highspot went up to the top rope, but was suplexed off by Lowlife. Lowlife hit his partner with the Low Down and pinned him for the three count.


Unfortunately for Lowlife, Morgan had recovered from the double team, and was ready for a fight. Jonni had a bit of a response for Morgan, but to the delight of the crowd Walter simply over powered Jonni. After a scoop slam, a huge boot to the back and another scoop slam, Walter was able to set up and lock in the Northern Crossface and getting Lowlife to tap.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Walter Morgan defeated Johnny Highspot and Jonni Lowlife in 11:48; the order of elimination was Johnny Highspot first, and finally Jonni Lowlife.


Walter Morgan came out of the match looking good. Johnny Highspot is improving in Performance skills.


British Samurai vs. Don Henderson vs. Merle O’Curle

RoF Championship


The fans seems to know that they are in for a treat, starting a “Hen der son!” vs. “Bu shi do!” dueling chant before the bell even rings. When it does ring, chaos ensues, as Merle ducks a British Samurai punch and release German suplexes the RoF owner across the ring! Henderson tries to sneak in, but eats a spear for his trouble. Merle hoists Henderson onto the top turnbuckle, and release belly-to-belly suplexes him off, right into the charging British Samurai!


Samurai shakes off the cobwebs quickly, but is met with a barrage of kicks. Merle does a fantastic job of keeping both men down with stomps. Eventually, satisfied that Henderson is staying down, he focuses on Samurai. He presses his knee hard into the owner’s back and pulls his head back. Samurai screams in pain as Merle mercilessly pulls and pulls, until Samurai is able to slip his head out of the hold.


As Samurai struggled to get to his hands and feet, Merle dropped a legdrop on Samurai, pressing him down again. Once again Merle locked in the vicious hold, pulling Samurai’s head back and back, until Samurai once again slipped out. Merle rose, and moved back slowly, sizing up British Samurai.




Don Henderson laid Merle out! He finally hit the champ with the cutter! Henderson hooks the leg!












Merle stayed down, but British Samurai desperately slipped his hand underneath the shoulder blade of O’Curle. The rules clearly state that both shoulders must be touching the mat…


Henderson losses it and begins stomping away at the Bushido Warrior, trying to stop him from getting up. The crowd can feel it though. They begin chanting “Bu Shi Do!” However, it is not Samurai who strikes first…




Merle O’Curle recovered and hit Henderson with a cutter for the second month in a row! Merle makes the cover…







British Samurai pulls Merle up off Don. He winds up and takes a swing at Merle. Katana chop! Merle is clutching his chest!




Samurai hits the ropes, and slams into Merle with a running Katana Chop!




Looks like Samurai’s going for the super Katana Chops! He climbs to the top rope and leaps!




CUTTER! Don Henderson caught British Samurai with the cutter in mid air. Henderson pops up to a huge crowd reaction, but is grabbed by the back of the neck by Merle! Merle drags Henderson across the ring, over the top rope and onto the floor below! Then, sprinting, he races back to Samurai and applies the Celtic Wreath! With the amount of damage done by Henderson’s cutter, Samurai taps almost instantly, a split second before Henderson breaks the hold and levels Merle with a cutter!


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle defeated British Samurai and Don Henderson in 17:57 when Merle O'Curle defeated British Samurai by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defence number 3 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match.






This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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So there's our first big show, with two months build towards it. Any sort of feedback on how I'm doing, the direction I'm taking RoF, my writeups would be cool at this point.


I must say I'm amazed at how easy it is for me to sit and write up these matches. Maybe I'm just engrossed with the arcs that I'm telling right now, but it has never been easier to write up matchs before.


For those who are curious, one of my owner goals was to have 25,000 as a balance in 28 months. After 3 I've improved the balance from 10,000 to 16,027. Almost halfway to the goal in only 3 months, who says RoF is dying?


The next 3 month arc (Sow the Seeds, Cry Havoc and Dueling Grounds) will feature a small tournament, a new challenger and possibly some new signings.


As always, thanks for reading, and hope your having as much fun following along as I am writing.

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ROF Newsletter

March 2010


The BritSam Blog


Konnichiwa and ow! My neck is still ringing from that ‘super-cutter’, bushido buddies! Let someone come up and try to tell me wrestling isn’t real now, I’ll show them my oh-so-real hospital bill!


Don’t know what’s up with Avatar. Hope it was a heat of the moment thing, but it seems Billy Robinson took offense to such distastefulness in the RoF ring. In a rare move, he demanded a match with Avatar, and Avatar scheduled it. Should be a big one there.


This month starts the Havoc Tournament to declare the number one contender at Dueling Grounds. Johnny Highspot, Jonni Lowlife, Walter Morgan and myself will be in the tournament this year, as I try to win it for the second year in a row!


Also, we did sign someone recently to help our undercard out. I’ve heard he is scheduled to face Petey Barnes for the Velocity title, which should be an exciting match up.


As for myself, happy to see Tommy keeping up with the Eisens. It’s no secret I root for TCW, so I hope they overtake the ‘Entertainment’ juggernaut soon.


Here’s hopin’


World Wide Wrestling News

via TotalExtremeWrestling.com

  • 21CW revealed it’s new batch of graduates from the National School of Wrestling.
  • The bizarre Torch Nakazawa saga: called up then realesed by PGHW in a week.
  • The Stone Siblings win there third Ed Henson Cup!
  • TCW rises to international size, bringing in a rash of young talent.
  • DIW rises to small size over in Australia.
  • Match of the month for SWF: Brandon James over Angry Gilmore for the North American title at Awesome Impact(B+). For TCW: Freedom Fighters over The Syndicate on the Week 3 Total Wrestling (A)

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Loving this so far. Keep up the good work!


Also, a thing to consider: while you'll bleed money all over the place for a while, ROF can run two shows a month for a surprisingly long time before it begins to bankrupt you. In the meantime, your workers increase their skills twice as fast, your overness goes up twice as fast, and you reach Regional that much faster. And once you hit regional... mmm, sweet, sweet prestige, momentum and sponsorship money.


Oh, just one more thing. The Tribe have no business in Ring Of Fire - wrong style, not good enough at it. The Foreign Legion, on the other hand, are cheaper, more skilled, and both technicians to boot. Related as well, so that's another positive relationship backstage. Just a thought.

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Loving this so far. Keep up the good work!


Also, a thing to consider: while you'll bleed money all over the place for a while, ROF can run two shows a month for a surprisingly long time before it begins to bankrupt you. In the meantime, your workers increase their skills twice as fast, your overness goes up twice as fast, and you reach Regional that much faster. And once you hit regional... mmm, sweet, sweet prestige, momentum and sponsorship money.


Oh, just one more thing. The Tribe have no business in Ring Of Fire - wrong style, not good enough at it. The Foreign Legion, on the other hand, are cheaper, more skilled, and both technicians to boot. Related as well, so that's another positive relationship backstage. Just a thought.


It is a good thought, however I abolished the tag division early on, so I'm only brining in singles workers. Of course the positive relationship backstage may be enough to outweigh that... hmmm...


As for two shows a month, maybe in the future, but right now I feel life the story advances well with the 2 month lead in towards the big show. Maybe in 2011?

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RoF Sow the Seeds

Sunday, Week 2, April 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


RoF Championship

Don Henderson vs. Merle O'Curle©


RoF Havoc Tournament Semi-Final

Johnny Highspot vs. Walter Morgan


RoF Havoc Tournament Semi-Final

British Samurai vs. Jonni Lowlife


Requested Match

Billy Robinson vs. Charles Avatar


RoF Velocity Championship

??? vs. Petey Barnes©

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RoF Sow the Seeds

Sunday, Week 2, April 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


RoF Championship

Don Henderson vs. Merle O'Curle©


RoF Havoc Tournament Semi-Final

Johnny Highspot vs. Walter Morgan


RoF Havoc Tournament Semi-Final

British Samurai vs. Jonni Lowlife


Requested Match

Billy Robinson vs. Charles Avatar


RoF Velocity Championship

??? vs. Petey Barnes©

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RoF Championship

Don Henderson vs. Merle O'Curle©


RoF Havoc Tournament Semi-Final

Johnny Highspot vs. Walter Morgan

RoF Havoc Tournament Semi-Final

British Samurai vs. Jonni Lowlife


Requested Match

Billy Robinson vs. Charles Avatar


RoF Velocity Championship

??? vs. Petey Barnes©

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Thanks to everyone who predicted, had a crazy weekend with the Super Bowl. Worked close to 30 hrs in 3 days. Show should be up tomorrow, but just wanted to pop in and say thanks for those who are following and rock on.



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ROF Sow the Seeds

Sunday Week 2 April 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center - 49 in attendance


Blackham: Welcome Fire Fans to Ring of Fire’s 2010 installment of Sow the Seeds!

McClean: HUGE match tonight as Don Henderson gets his last schedueled title shot in 2010.

Blackham: Now if he loses there are still one or two ways to get a title shot, but they are difficult, so you can imagine that he’ll want to take that belt tonight.

McClean: Not only that Justin, but we have a mystery amongst us tonight! I hope it’s Highland Warrior!

Blackham: That we do- wait what?

McClean: *whispering* I happen to be a huge MoSC fan too.

Blackham: *whispering* Perhaps now isn’t the best time…

McClean: *whispering* Perhaps…

Blackham: First match on slate is the masked Mr. Perfection taking on Lance Martin!


Lance Martin vs. Mr. Perfection


We start tonight with a bit of a grudge match, after Kelly Martin turned on Lance Martin at Triple Threat. The two didn’t really wrestle well, but the story was told of Kelly Martin (now dubbed Mr. Perfection) defeating his old partner. Too bad RoF fans dislike storys…and the Martin twins can’t really wrestle too well yet.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Mr. Perfection defeated Lance Martin in 8:05 by pinfall with a Perfect Driver.


The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable. Justin Blackham and Peaches McCream have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.



McClean: Perfection so far. 1-0.

Blackham: Are you saying Kelly Martin’s record doesn’t carry over?

McClean: Kelly who?

Blackham: Kelly Martin. Looks just like Lance.

McClean: That's ridiculous.

Blackham: Anyway, next we have the very game Martin Heath taking on the red hot Nigel Svensson!

Martin Heath vs. Nigel Svensson


It’s official; Nigel can drag a mop to a decent RoF match. Martin Heath didn’t get much in the way of offense here, but was still made to look better than he ever did just by hanging with the up and comer Svensson. Svensson cemented his claim for a Velocity title shot with a H.E.A.L. victory.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Martin Heath in 8:09 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


There are no specific comments to be made about this match.




McClean: Hot damn, Nigel is red hot!

Blackham: That he is, and he’s going to ride this winning streak right into a showdown with Petey Barnes, I’d wager.

McClean: Now here comes the rebel I actually enjoy, Charles Avatar.

Blackham: Last month in a match, Chucky flipped off Petey Barnes before attempting a move, which led to many saying he’s not ‘RoF material’.

McClean: I kind of like the flare.

Blackham: He should win a match before showing off Peaches. Tonight he gets a chance for that win against Billy Robinson.

McClean: A very pissed Robinson.

Blackham: Yes, a quite angry Robinson, who took offense to this gesture and plans to show the youngster the RoF Way.


Billy Robinson vs. Charles Avatar


A nice change of pace in this event, as most of our matches had prior stories leading into it. Nice bit of booking by Mr. Avatar. Robinson started this match on fire, hitting big kick after big kick to keep Avatar reeling. Avatar tried to get in close for a suplex a couple times but was literally shoved backwards by the irate Robinson.


Avatar caught a lucky break when he caught a kick a mere inches from his head. While Blackham went nuts overselling the potential of that “ending the match” Avatar flipped Robinson onto his back and hit a quick elbow drop. He went to the top to hit a Avatar Rising while Robinson was down, but Robinson shot up and followed Avatar. Belly to belly! Robinson suplexed Avatar off the top rope!


Robinson locks it in! Avatar taps to the Capitol City Crucifix! What a dominant showing by Billy Robinson!


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Billy Robinson defeated Charles Avatar in 7:46 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


Charles Avatar has now switched to a Man On A Mission gimmick. The change was much too soon after his last one. It has gotten an initial D- rating. The match was too long given who was involved.



Blackham: And Avatar get’s his comeuppance.

McClean: Comeuppance? Really Justin?

Blackham: Shut it.


Christopher Lister vs. Petey Barnes

RoF Velocity Championship


There is a slight buzz as Christopher Lister is announced. It seems some of our crowd know the former Jed High. Barnes seems disinterested in his “mystery opponent”.


When the match starts, Petey picks it up, taking it to the challanger. Lister is able to block a few hits and mount some fast action offense, which gets the crowd on there feet. A few of them at least.


Lister’s offense really seems to outshine Barnes here, hitting high speed shoulder blocks and a deadly looking drop kick that actually sends Barnes tumbling out of the ring. Lister hits the ropes, goes for the suicide dive… and misses!


From there it’s really a matter of Barnes regaining his bearings, and when he does Lister is really too far out of it to fight back. Barnes busts out the Frog Splash, much to the delight of the fans, and picks up the win in a very un-RoF style match.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Petey Barnes defeated Christopher Lister in 7:53 by pinfall with a Frog Splash. Petey Barnes makes defence number 1 of his Ring Of Fire Velocity title.


Petey Barnes has now switched to a Loner gimmick. It has gotten an initial C- rating. This match brought the crowd's mood down.



McClean: Holy **** Justin, what did we just see!

Blackham: Christopher Lister is in RoF! He’s here! I had doubts about a mystery man trying to get a title, but Christopher Lister almost pulled it off!

McClean: He’s serious Justin. He’s a powerful addition to this already talent stacked roster.

Blackham: The most talented in Britain. Now we have the Havoc tournament matches, starting with British Samurai vs. Jonni Lowlife.


British Samurai vs. Jonni Lowlife


This match was almost the perfect follow up to the last match. It featured a high flyer in Lowlife against a RoF faithful and Firing Squad favorite British Samurai. Almost a match that represents the fork RoF currently faces. Or, maybe, just the first round match of the Havoc tournament. Whichever.


Lowlife starts strong, almost sensing that he had no crowd support and using that as motivation. He misses a top rope clothesline attempt and this turns everything in the favor of the Samurai. Samurai went through his procedure: Katana Chops, a bit of playing to the fans then, finally the Samurai Secret Stretch for the win.


Somehow, I skipped this without copy pasting. Durr…




McClean: A decisive win for British Samurai.

Blackham: Vintage British Samurai right there.


Johnny Highspot vs. Walter Morgan


An absolutely huge match for the flying Johnny Highspot as he tries to get to the Havoc finals. He has the look of a man who realizes the spot he’s in, two wins away from a Dueling Grounds title match. However Walter Morgan is in the same boat, and Walter Morgan is always focused.


The match starts off a lot slower than most anticipated. Morgan tried to target the ankles of Highspot, hoping to slow him down, but Johnny seemingly countered all attempts at ankle holds. With swift kicks and timely big moves, Highspot actually controlled most of the match, wearing down Walter Morgan.


Morgan tried rallying late, even clasping in a tight looking arm submission hold. Highspot struggled and struggled, showing heart that many RoF fans didn’t think he had. After almost thirty seconds, Highspot reached the ropes.


On the reset, Highspot nailed Morgan with an amazing dropkick, leveling Morgan and getting the crowd on there feet. Highspot slowly, painfully made his way to the top rope… he leaps… and misses! Walter Moran moved!


Wigan Wrench! Right in the middle of the ring! Highspot, despite all his great wrestling and momentum, is forced to tap! Morgan moves on, but barely!


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Walter Morgan defeated Johnny Highspot in 12:49 by submission with a Wigan Wrench.


The match suffered due to its booking; there simply wasn't enough time for the workers to take a 'slow build' approach.




McClean: Highspot almost beat Walter Morgan!

Blackham: That might be the kick-start this career tag teamer needed to get his singles career going.

McClean: Morgan does move on, and now the finals will be British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan.

Blackham: That’ll be crazy, Peaches, crazy.


Don Henderson vs. Merle O’Curle


The match begins with a bang as both men bull rush in with punches. Henderson gets the early advantage, as he can do with fist fighting. O’Curle tries to counter Henderson’s punches, but Don is too fast, almost vicious. Henderson stuns O’Curle and whips him into the turnbuckle. Runs… shoulder block! O’Curle bounces off the turnbuckle and Henderson raises his hands up in victory.


O’Curle looks to be cutter fodder, but Henderson took a second too long celebrating, and Merle moves! Don turns to hit the cutter, but sees Merle is gone. A look of confusion strikes his face right before he is struck down by a chop block.


O’Curle takes this time to slow the match down. Locking in painful stretch after painful stretch he is able to get the match to a pace that he enjoys. He continues to use stretches that pull on the thighs and legs of Don. Eventually Don is able to power out and brawl past the defenses of Merle. Don hoists the Irish Machine up and nails a fireman’s slam. Henderson grabs the ropes and shakes them violently as the crowd rises up to cheer, well except for the Fire squad who are heavily in the corner of Merle O’Curle.


With all sorts of momentum Henderson drags Merle up and whips him into the ropes. High knee! Merle’s down and we are seeing some new offense by Henderson! He came ready today. Henderson tried getting the Scottish Death Lock, but is unable to due to Merle’s tenacity. A second attempt proved unwise as Merle countered, and locked in the Celtic Wreath.


Don Henderson struggled and struggled, and actually was able to power out of the move. He shoved Merle away and got to his feet, looking like he had regained advantage. However Henderson attempted a huge clothesline, where he craned his shoulder and torso back then snapped it forward. Merle ducked, and as Henderson turned Merle dropped him with a cutter! He locked in the Celtic Wreath and this time Henderson had to tap.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle defeated Don Henderson in 12:38 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defence number 4 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Justin Blackham and Peaches McCream have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. The match suffered due to its booking; there simply wasn't enough time for the workers to take a 'slow build' approach.




Blackham: Merle does it again! Merle retains with a Celtic Wreath.

McClean: Can anyone defeat him?

Blackham: This is Justin Blackham with Peaches McClean and the rest of the RoF staff saying thanks for watching and tune in next month for RoF Cry Havoc.


Overall Show: C-

The show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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ROF Newsletter

April 2010



Welcome to the NEW LOOK Ring of Fire Newsletter. While all of you old segments are included, we’ve more than DOUBLED the monthly features you, the RoF fan get! Enoy!


- The RoF Newsletter Staff


The updated features list:


1. Looking Back with Justin Blackham

2. The BritSam Blog

3. Interviews with Peaches McClean

4. World Wide Wrestling News via TotalExtremeWrestling.com

5. Looking Ahead


Looking Back with Justin Blackham


Last month RoF held Sow the Seeds, an important event as it marks the beginning of Ignition season and the beginning of the Cry Havoc tournament. The show started when Billy Robinson defeated Charles Avatar to show the youngster what it means to be in Ring of Fire. Christopher Lister than debuted, and impressed everyone. Although he came short of Petey Barnes, he impressed enough that there is talk of a rematch. Next was the tournament, where British Samurai and Walter Morgan advanced over onni Lowlife and Johnny Highspot respectively. Not to be lost in the hype for Samurai vs. Morgan in the Havoc finals was the performance of Highspot. Yes, he lost, but I don’t think we’ve ever seen that good of a match out of Johnny. In the main event, Merle O’Curle defeated Don Henderson, and now Henderson will have to wait until 2011 to challenge for the RoF Championship. The match itself was great, leaving many wanting one more rematch…


BritSam Blog


Konichiwa! I want to take some time here to address a question that’s being asked a bit, and that is “What is RoF’s relationship with MOSC”. MOSC is a … different type of wrestling. However it’d be hypocritical of me to say it’s not a style I enjoy. Now don’t worry, I wont be facing Merle in a 10,000 thumptacks match at Dueling Grounds, but I do have ties to MOSC. Hell, I was a two time MOSC UK Champion, something I’m very proud of. So me and Highland Warrior have a very close relationship. We discuss trades from time to time, but nothing really materializes. Mainly we try not to step on each others toes while we gear up for a battle with Jeff Nova and 21CW.


Other than that we had some big news in Canada as Dan Stone Sr. retired. All the best to him. Don't even have to say that to NOTBPW, as they continued to stack the deck. Dan Stone Jr. is the new owner, and to shake things up a bit, they brought in Bryan Holmes to give Victoria a break. Holy ****! What I wouldn't do for some of the talent on that roster...


Interviews with Peaches McClean


April 2010 - Don Henderson


McClean: Must’ve been tough to lose to Merle at Sow the Seeds.


Henderson: Peaches, you have no idea. I’ve got to fight in RoF for … nine! Nine months! With no real motivation. No sense of purpose.


McClean: Are you going to take some time off?


Henderson: No. Not right away at least. Yeah, I’m pissed, I’m a wee bit pissed, but hey, I can keep piling up wins and beat Merle down in January 2011.

McClean: Do you think anyone will beat Merle O’Curle for the title in 2011?

Henderson: No.

McClean: Just no?

Henderson: Just no. He’s that damn good.


McClean: Last question, you’re not currently scheduled for Cry Havoc. Do you have anyone you’d like to face?

Henderson: Besides Merle. *chuckles* I suppose I’ll take whoever they throw at me, you know. Keep on winning until 2011.

World Wide Wrestling News via TotalExtremeWrestling.com


  • Frankie Perez, Brandon Smith, The Sensational Singh, Mikey James and Acid join TCW
  • Dan Stone Jr. inherits NOTBPW, installs Bryan Homes as head booker.
  • CZCW signs European Hugh de Aske
  • RoF releases Eric Future, Rhys Vali, and John Micheal Sharp.
  • TCW had a lackluster PPV, Where Angels Fear to Tread (B-), where the best match of the month for TCW (Vessey over Cornell, A) was buried FIVE MATCHES AWAY FROM THE MAIN EVENT!
  • SWF, however, held a fantastic The World is Watching (B+). The main event shown, where the blazing hot Eric Eisen defeated Brandon James and Rich Money to retain the title (B+).

A Look Ahead

RoF Cry Havoc

Friday Week 2, May, 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center


Billy Robinson vs. Merle O’Curle ©

RoF Championship


British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan

Havoc Finals


Nigel Svensson vs. Petey Barnes ©

RoF Velocity Championship


Charles Avatar vs. Christopher Lister

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