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TEW 2010 ReapeRs Title Belt RendeRs

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Appreciate the compliments.


I know I said that requests would start in two weeks (about 4 weeks ago), and they will, eventually.


I believe I have all the back logs completed, to include private requests and the "contest" winners. I've gone back and tried to find anyone I might have missed and I think I'm good.


So, I'm going to take some time off. No set time schedule, since it seems like everytime I say this, inspiration hits and I'm off to the races again.


I don't see my "hiatus" lasting any longer than 2 weeks and will most likely only last a few days. But, when I do return, requests will return with me.


Ok, that is all, for now. :rolleyes:



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Overall, I'd say your designs are fine. We all have our own styles and that is what makes it great. The only advice I can give is to keep practicing and don't be afraid to try something new. (Gradients/bevels/layers etc.)


As for clip art... Exactly what you are doing now. I've spent countless hours searching for pics either as vectors or just ste... umm, copying pics off the internet.


Most times I'll have an idea for what I'm looking for and end up finding other pics that I'll save for future use. Then it's just cutting and tweaking the pics for what I want.


Other than that, keep at it. Look forward to what else you come out with.




Love your work, was wondering where you get the clip art for the belts. I have searched many vector based sites and have amassed a huge collection already. Just wondering if you have any suggestions. I too have ventured into the art of belt making.



My Version of the Million Dollar Belt



WXW Championship (All Female Promotion)



CPW United States Title (I know the logo resembles the WWE's, but hey it worked.)



CPW Heavyweight Championship (I love the spinner belt's design so much I went out and tried to make one of my own.)



CPW X-Division Championship


Well that is just some of my work, still learning Photoshop, This is actually a fun hobby now, and I enjoy trying to come up with different stuff or improve on an existing design. Well any way keep of the phenomenal work, you're still and always will be the best.

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Thanks for the advice, thanks for posting the larger Million Dollar Title, it lets me see how you did the diamonds in the dollar symbols better, that's a cool way of doing it, my texture was way off. Thanks again.

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Thanks for the advice, thanks for posting the larger Million Dollar Title, it lets me see how you did the diamonds in the dollar symbols better, that's a cool way of doing it, my texture was way off. Thanks again.


Yeah, I just went with that texture due to the fact that once it's smaller, it's hard to tell. Plus, add the gradients and it makes really hard to tell.


Normally, I would have put individual diamonds in there, but this came out fine. (At least I think so).



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What I dislike about this belt however is that the texts are a bit hard to read. Make them clearer and boom, you'll have a sweet belt.


Oh it's clear, it's damn clear. Just when you have that much BLING!!! it's hard to see through the glare. :D


Seriously, I see what your saying though. I may or may not go back and try to make it a little easier to read.



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Ok, see how everyone likes these...



Million Dollar Championship

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%202010/MillionDollar.jpg based on http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%202010/MillonDollar_real.jpg



And a more "modern" one...




Ahhhh. Your awesomeness and the glare of these title belts are blinding me! :D


I love how you got the middle three $$$ signs to have the same looking texture as the real one. That modern version is amazing. The only thing I would change on the modern title is changing the blue to green. Not sure how it would look with a money-green That's just me being a nitpicker though. :p


I can already see myself using this in my MAW game... Jay Chord (10x MAW Champ) loses his belt and goes berserk. He decides to debut a Million Dollar championship to show everyone in MAW and around the world that not only is he title worthy, but he's made MAW into a multi-million dollar company. Jay "Easy Money" Chord - new character to debut soon? ;)

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What I dislike about this belt however is that the texts are a bit hard to read. Make them clearer and boom, you'll have a sweet belt.


Did't look too bad. maybe the side plates? i can read the main plate just fine?


But then again it's not every day a man nearing 40 still has better then 20/20 vision LOL


not saying you have bad eyes LOL


hearing is going but eyesight a month ago was 20/15 - left eye, 20/10 - right eye


just checked, i can still read million and dollar at 800% without the picture blurring but champion on the side plates is another story

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Man, just can't please you people anymore. :rolleyes:


Try this one. I was in a do over mood.


Million Dollar Championship



PHENOMENAL! I freakin' love the way this looks. You're just too much of a people pleaseR, ReapeR. :D

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PHENOMENAL! I freakin' love the way this looks. You're just too much of a people pleaseR, ReapeR. :D


True. Plus, when you know what the belt says, it's easier to look at it and read it.


After doing it this way, I think the green came out very good on it.



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True. Plus, when you know what the belt says, it's easier to look at it and read it.


After doing it this way, I think the green came out very good on it.




I agree. The way you re-worked the words and made it clearer looks excellent. Green is my favorite color and it just works great with $$$. :D


I'm overly anxious to debut the title at the Rip Chord Invitational XIV, but it's still September so I have a few months to go. I think I'm planning to have the winner of the tournament be crowned the Million Dollar Champion. The winner is usually someone I'm currently pushing to the moon or an already established worker. If I go with the 'push to the moon' route it'll have to give it to a charismatic heel who can let the crowd know he has this title because he's worth that damn much. :p

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See, I didn't even make it a day with my self imposed hiatus...



4C Championship



4C Tag Team Championship



4C Hardcore Championship


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Man, just can't please you people anymore. :rolleyes:


Try this one. I was in a do over mood.


Million Dollar Championship




This is amazing, saving that one for sure. The 4C -belts look good to, especially the tag and hardcore titles look great.

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See, I didn't even make it a day with my self imposed hiatus...



4C Championship



4C Tag Team Championship



4C Hardcore Championship


awesome belts

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And a more "modern" one...




See? MUCH better than the "dollar signs on a chain of dollar signs" classic belt. This one looks like it would hold up to close scrutiny for at the very least as long as a TRB-made belt would. ;)

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Don't worry, you got what you could out of the tutorials (if you used them, that is).

Now, what you do is to develop your own method of shining (ReapeR uses Gradient Overlays, I use Alien Skin:Chrome AND Gradient Overlays, Payne uses "natural" shining like in the tutes, Linsolv uses gradients in Inkscape, etc.) and bringing out natural texture in your leather and the details in your plates. Soon your belts will come out looking as awesome as ours! ;):D


lol yepp.


Edit: A little better lol. I'll get there, don't worry.




How is everyone awesome at belts except me? lol


Here's mine:



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Man, just can't please you people anymore. :rolleyes:


Try this one. I was in a do over mood.


Million Dollar Championship



Terrific work ReapeR. I've just thrown a bunch of booking plans out of the window in order to use this belt in one of my current games. :p

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Ok, see how everyone likes these...

Million Dollar Championship



ReapeR, this is amazing and is giving me ideas.


However, when you're in a do over mood again, would there be any chance of increasing the side $s to the same/similar height as the flanking diamond ones? I know it's less accurate to the real thing, but I think it'd look a bit more sturdy (which could be appropriate to someone I have in mind...)


No rush, and if it's a lot of work please don't put yourself out.

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ReapeR, this is amazing and is giving me ideas.


However, when you're in a do over mood again, would there be any chance of increasing the side $s to the same/similar height as the flanking diamond ones? I know it's less accurate to the real thing, but I think it'd look a bit more sturdy (which could be appropriate to someone I have in mind...)


No rush, and if it's a lot of work please don't put yourself out.




You lucked out. I just happened to have an alternate title I did for my "private" stock. Figured I'd probably never use it in a diary anyways.


See if this works for what you had in mind.


Million Dollar Championship_alt


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