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RAW: I Come From A Land Down Under

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Captain Wrestling II vs. Dumfrey “The Don” Pinn

Job, job, job, job...

The Kipper vs. Echo

Get Echo's momentum back after he took a fall for you last week.

Heath & Horton vs. The A-List

Coin flip.

Molokai Milk vs. Mortimer Pyle

I like milk.

Loxley Robbins vs. Montgomery Croft (#1 Contender)

He's face, your current champ's heel. Better challenger.

Frogue Element vs. Rahmel Goode

Boo, bad pun. Goode has more reason to win.

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Very good first show. :)


Captain Wrestling II vs. Dumfrey “The Don” Pinn

The Kipper vs. Echo

Heath & Horton vs. The A-List

Molokai Milk vs. Mortimer Pyle

Loxley Robbins vs. Montgomery Croft (#1 Contender)

Frogue Element vs. Rahmel Goode

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I'm glad to see the good diaries are opening up early this year! Good first show. I like that you've used RAW, as there a promotion I know nothing about, but I can get famiilar with them as you do this diary. On with the predicions...


Captain Wrestling II vs. Dumfrey “The Don” Pinn

The Kipper vs. Echo

Heath & Horton vs. The A-List

Molokai Milk vs. Mortimer Pyle

Loxley Robbins vs. Montgomery Croft (#1 Contender)

Frogue Element vs. Rahmel Goode

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RAW Attitude!


Friday, Week 2, January 2010

Fuster Hall,Eastern Australia

Attendance: 1,000







For the second show in a row the show begins with Montgomery Croft, mic in hand, swaggering out to the ring to a deafening chorus of boos.


“I told you all last week that I will be the #1 contender for the Television Title and you all doubted me. Well I proved every single one of you wrong by defeating Molokai Milk! I am, without a doubt the best talent in RAW and soon enough I will have the title to prove it!”




He is interrupted by the music of Loxley Robbins and he certainly doesn’t look happy about it. Loxley also has a mic with him.


“Don’t get too ahead of yourself now. Tonight I’m going to show you how a #1 contender operates by defeating you to earn the honour of a title shot!”


“Oh, here we go again. True, you may be talented, but you’re simply not on the same level as me and you’re going to learn that lesson the hard way!”


By now Loxley has climbed into the ring and is face to face with the man he will face later tonight. Loxley is wearing a casual smile but Croft is looking extremely intense as he stares him down. After about 30 seconds of posturing, Loxley brings the mic back up to his lips.


“Good luck tonight, you’re going to need it.”


With that he walks out of the ring, leaving a furious Montgomery Croft behind him.


Rating: C




Captain Wrestling II vs. Dumfrey “The Don” Pinn


An extremely close matchup with both men going toe-to-toe until The Don was able to change it up and make use of his superior technical ability to gain an advantage. Neither man really gained any kind of advantage throughout the entire bout and the end came when The Captain was able to escape from the Boss-A-Nova and hit his Australian Slam to pick up an extremely hard-fought victory.


Winner: Captain Wrestling II

Rating: D





Quiz Master and Quizzical Mark Question are in the ring which has, once again, been transformed into the set of...

Mind Masters


Quiz Master takes the mic in order to introduce tonight’s contestants.


“Tonight we feature two men who are believed to have a great future here in RAW. We’ll test them to see if they have the cranial capacity to make it to the very tonight. First, please welcome...Blaze Maximum!”




The RAW fan favourite receives a rapturous reaction from the fans as he comes down to the ring, wearing his patented stripy shades.


“His opponent for this duel of wits, one half of Mission Impossumble...Isaac Taylor!”




Isaac receives a very positive reaction from the fans but it’s clear that they’re slightly more behind Blaze, the insane fan favourite who’s impossible not to love.


“And last but not least, our losers from last week set the lowest ever score on Mind Masters so they have the distinctive honour of being our special guests! Please welcome, occupying Dunce’s corner, Heath Murdock and Horton Ravenwood...Heath & Horton!”




The crowd boo as Heath & Horton emerge, not because they dislike the presence of the former Tag Champs but because they are being forced to wear dunce’s hats. Heath & Horton don’t look particularly pleased with this development but The Master Minds apparently find it hilarious, pointing and laughing and they trudge down to ringside. Quiz Master takes over on the mic.


“Now that the fun is over, it’s time to start the game and see if either of these men are secret Mensa members! First question, if an electric train is going uphill and the wind is blowing downhill which way does the smoke go?”


The buzzer goes, Blaze Maximum being the guy to press it.


“There is no smoke, you gonna have to be smarter than that to trick The Blaze!”


“Correct. 1 point for Blaze Maximum there. Next question, what do you say to a woman with two black eyes?”


No buzzer noise so Quiz Master, chuckling to himself, just gives the answer.


“Nothing, she’s already been told twice!”


The crowd gasp, there are a few chuckles heard but the majority boo Quiz Master for his tasteless joke. Isaac Taylor doesn’t seem overly impressed.


“I thought this was a quiz, not the chuckle hut! What a waste of time!!”


He gets up and leaves, shooting Quiz Master a dirty look.


“Well, I guess that makes Blaze Maximum the winner by forfeit. Congratulations Blaze and thanks to our resident dunces! Join us next week for another thrilling edition of Mind Masters!”


Rating: D-




The Kipper vs. Echo


A very physical matchup with The Kipper laying in big punches as Echo used his martial arts strikes to damage the bigger, more powerful guy. This seemed to pay off as Echo was able to take away The Kipper’s base with vicious kicks to his knee. This allowed him to finish things off with a Figure Four Leg Lock for the submission victory.


Winner: Echo

Rating: D





Rebecca Richey is backstage with Kerry Wayne. Last week we saw Kerry Wayne assault Luke Steele, knocking him out cold with a pair of brass knuckles.


“Firstly, Kerry, I think we should address the situation from last week. We saw you attack Luke Steele and leave him laid out with a brass knuckles shot. Why?”


“Why? How can you even ask me that?! We all saw how Steele managed to win that title he wears around his waist; he did the exact same thing to me! He’s finding out his lesson, the hard way, that payback is a bitch!”


“So, people were right to assume that your attack last week was an announcement of your intention to have a shot at reclaiming your title?”


“Yes people were right to assume that I want my title back Rebecca, of course I want my title back! That cheating oaf doesn’t deserve to be a champion, I want to reclaim the belt and restore the prestige back to being a champion.”


Rating: D+





Brat Pack Films Incorporated presents...

The Pulp Fiction Dance


Thurston is dressed as Vincent with a smart suit on and Brittini, complete with black wig, is dressed to look like Mia with her long white shirt on. Artemis is stood on a dance floor wearing a brown suit and holding a microphone, he is the man announcing the dance competition.


“Who will be our first volunteers?!”


“Mya” puts her hand up.


“Right here! ...wanna dance?”


“Vincent” doesn’t look too convinced.


“No, no.”


“I do believe Marcelus, my husband...your boss, told you to take me out for a good time and I want to win that trophy so we’re dancing.”


“Vincent” doesn’t look sold on the idea but follows her up to the dance floor anyway. The music plays and both “Mya” and “Vincent” begin twisting. As they move closer together “Mya” begins twisting her hands quite rapidly and manages to clout “Vincent” in the face.




Blood begins to trickle from “Vincent’s” nose as he unleashes a stream of expletives. In the background Artemis sighs.




Rating: D




Heath & Horton vs. The A-Listers


This match started off incredibly even, with The A-Listers actually gaining an early advantage as Gregory Grace used an eye rake to gain an unfair advantage. As the match wore on, however, Heath & Horton really began showcasing their ability and showed everyone why they’re considered the #1 Contenders for the RAW Tag Team Titles. The match finished with Horton hitting the Horton bomb in Vincent Victory for the, well, victory.


Winners: Heath & Horton

Rating: E+





Montgomery Croft is seen backstage talking to Dumfrey Pinn. The two are talking with hushed tones and laughing about whatever they are saying to each other. After Croft hands over the pair shake hands and The Don’s words can finally be heard.


“Pleasure doing business with you.”


Rating: D+




The Milk Round


The ring has been transformed into the set of The Milk Round again with the brown leather armchair and sofa making their return. On the chair, like last week, is Molokai Milk. His guest, sat on the sofa, this week is Swoop McCarthy.


“Welcome, one and all, to The Milk Round! This week, on my sofa, I am joined by a RAW newcomer that people are truly buzzing about...Swoop McCarthy. Thank you for joining me Swoop.”


“Trust me Milk, it’s Swoop’s pleasure to be here!”


“The pleasure is all mine. So, the one thing on everyone’s mind was your impressive debut last week. You defeated Echo in a very impressive showing. Do you agree that this victory put the RAW roster on notice?”


“Putting people on notice is what Swoop is all about Milk. Swoop isn’t here to play, oh no. He’s here for a brand new challenge and to show the great RAW fans that he’s the best Australia has to offer.”


“Well you certainly have a claim to that if you continue what you started here. I think it’s safe that your goal will be the RAW Television Title?”


“You know it Milk, oh how you know it. Swoop is all about the bling and that title would look great around his fine waist! Swoop knows that to be classified as the best you have to have the biggest belt in the biggest promotion and that’s what he’s here to do!”


“Are you disappointed not to have another match this week? Surely, you want to get as many wins under your belt as quickly as possible if you want to be considered for title contention?”


“Swoop knows how important wins are Milk, you don’t need to point out the obvious to him! Yes Swoop is disappointed but Swoop is confident that next week he’ll be back in action and next week he’s going to turn his win last week into a streak!”


Rating: D+




Molokai Milk vs. Mortimer Pyle


Milk waited in the ring as his set was cleared out, psyching himself and the crowd up for his match. He faced a man who is more generally seen in a tag team environment in Mortimer Pyle, a man who knew how important this match could be for his career. Both men gave their all as Pyle looked to improve his stock and Milk strove to bounce back from his loss last week. In the end it was bouncebackability (it’s a word now) that won out as Milk picked up the pinfall victory after the Hawaiian Hammer.


Winner: Molokai Milk

Rating: D-





“Here with me tonight, ladies and gentleman, is Frogue Element who later on this evening takes on Rahmel Goode. This is sure to be a hugely important match Frogue, how confident are you of picking up the victory?”


“Rahmel Goode is a huge guy Rebecca but just as sure as I have the sweetest rock star hair ever seen is how sure I am that tonight I’ll come through for the all the Frogueites.”


“So you’re saying you’re confident of picking up the win...right?”


“You’re damn right I am, what is it that’s confusing you? I have sweeeet rock star hair and tonight I’ll pick up a sweeeeet rock star victory. It’s elemental!”


On that note Frogue walks off, psyching himself up for the challenge that lies ahead.


Rating: D





Loxley Robbins is backstage, walking to the ring for his #1 Contender match. That comes next!




Out of nowhere The RAW Giants attack Loxley Robbins. He attempts to fight back but the combination of the two huge men is simply overwhelming as they begin to brutally beat him down to the floor, finishing up with a vicious Chokeslam/Powerbomb combination. All of a sudden it’s crystal clear just what Montgomery Croft and Dumfrey Pinn were discussing earlier.


Rating: C-





Montgomery Croft is in the ring with a referee, ready for his match. The music of Loxley Robbins hits and the crowd cheer loudly, expecting him to come out. Soon, though, it becomes apparent that Loxley isn’t going to show up and Croft leans against the ropes, ****ily checking a fake watch on his wrist. Eventually he gets bored of waiting and demands to be handed a microphone.


“Well everyone it seems that your hero, Loxley Robbins, is scared of me. He is unprepared to face me tonight because he knows I’d beat him with ease! Therefore...your winner, by way of forfeit, and #1 contender for the RAW Television Title...me, Montgomery Croft!”


Smirking, Croft waves a wad of cash and taps himself on the temple as if he’s outsmarted both Loxley Robbins and every single person in attendance.


Rating: D+




Frogue Element vs. Rahmel Goode


A huge match that saw both men really going at it in truly back-and-forth action. Rahmel took an early lead as his huge size and power advantage showed, coming very close to putting away Frogue early on. Yet, as the match wore on Frogue was able to take advantage of a tiring Rahmel by mixing things up with his athletic style. The match came to an abrupt finish as Frogue climbed to the top tope but was caught and hit with a Goode Bye as he dived off with a Flying Crossbody.


Winner: Rahmel Goode

Rating: D-



After the bell had rung, and as Frogue was scraping himself up off the canvas, Frogue was nailed with a huge big boot courtesy of Rahmel Goode. Looking to rub salt into the wound, Rahmel repeatedly stomped Frogue into the mat before lifting him up once more and setting him up for a second Goode Bye.




Before Rahmel had a chance to hit Frogue with the manoeuvre for second time in one evening he was interrupted by Captain Wrestling who dives straight into the ring and confronted Rahmel with his fists. Rahmel, not wanting any of The Captain, dove straight out of the ring and left him to tend to the fallen Frogue Element.


Rating: D+



Overall Rating: D










Show #2


Midnightnick: 5/5

Huntman: 5/5

QFresh: 5/5

Jingo: 5/5

TheKenwyne: 4/5

drmacbeth: 4/5

BHK1978: 2/5

Jaded: 2/5

theaddicane: 2/5





Midnightnick: 10

BHK1978: 10

Jingo: 9

QFresh: 8

drmachbeth: 7

TheKenwyne: 7

Huntman: 7

Jaded: 6

benjacko: 6

Bolton: 5

Waghlon: 5

Rathen4: 2

theaddicane: 2

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Relatively happy with tonight’s show, I walked into the backstage area with a smile on my face. The smile was instantly wiped off as I was approached by the dedicated RAW doctor, a grave look on his face. I blurted out the first thing that sprang into my mind as he approached.


“Oh no, who’s injured?!”


“No, it’s nothing like that?”


“No? Thank god for that! Why so serious then?”


As I chuckled at my own terrible joke the doctor shot me a disapproving look before dropping a bomb on me.


“We’ve had a failed drug test.”


“Crap! Who?”


“Spin Doctor. We found significant amounts of marijuana in his urine sample.”


“That idiot! Have him sent to my office please, I want to talk to him about this right now!”




Spin Doctor swaggered into the broom cupboard called my office all smiles and shades, either oblivious to his failed test or just unbothered by it.


“You wanted to see me?”


“Yes, please sit down.”


“Sure thing. What’s so important?”




I tossed him the file containing his failed drugs test for him to read over. A small smile cracked onto his face as he skimmed over it, he instantly suppressed it but not quickly enough for me not to notice.




“What do you mean so? You failed a drug test. There was, according to the doctor, significant amounts of marijuana in your urine!”


“What’re you getting at? I don’t really see the problem.”


“You don’t see the problem? So you don’t see how it could affect RAW if it became public knowledge that a member of our roster was caught taking drugs?”


“It’s only a bit of pot, it’s barely illegal.”


“You seem to be ignoring the key word in that statement...illegal. Sure, weed may have been de-criminalised but it’s still not a legal substance. A story about one of you guys being caught with drugs, of any sort, could be extremely detrimental. The network surely wouldn’t look on that too favourably and could even pull the plug on this entire project! I don’t care if you don’t see smoking it as a problem, I do and I’m the one who is running the show around here...not you!”


I caught Spin Doctor rolling his eyes as I lectured him, as if he’d heard it all before and simply didn’t care. He waited for me to finish before responding in extremely nonchalant fashion.


“Can I go now?”


“Yes, but stop smoking the weed. I don’t want to see you failing another drug test.”


His unbothered manner really bothered me and I made a mental note that I might just have to keep an eye on him in case he started causing any trouble. Stuff like this could easily spread around the locker room, especially if word got out I was going easy on people failing drugs tests. I saw Spin’s point of view though and under any normal circumstances I wouldn’t even bat an eyelid at someone smoking the occasional joint but the situation I’d found myself was far from normal and I had not only extending my dream to consider, but the good of the company as well.

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- Last week we saw Echo overcome one of RAW’s toughest cookie’s in the form of The Kipper. This week he faces an even sterner test as he takes on a former RAW Television Champion and front-running challenger, Kerry Wayne. Will Wayne be too big of a step up for Echo or will he be able to make the leap?


- Mission Impossumble, the team of Isaac Taylor and Pookie Possum, were unsuccessful in their debut as a team but tonight they get a chance to put that behind them and move forward as they take on The Brat Pack. Recently we’ve seen RAW’s resident rich kids attempting to break into the film industry but it’s time to find out if they can still go in the squared circle.


- Normally a man confined to the tag division, Mark Misery is attempting to try his hand in singles competition. Misery is certainly a guy with a lot of ability but as a man renowned for his technical ability he faces a tough matchup against the unorthodox technical wizardry of Boo Smithson. Two weeks ago we saw Boo lose to Luke Steele, will he be able to recover or will his RAW start continue disastrously with another loss.


- The man with the “sweet rock star hair” lost narrowly to Rahmel Goode last week in his first match of 2010. This week he faces another tough test as he squares off against Dumfrey “The Don” Pinn, a man who has racked up one win and one loss thus far in his career. Both men will be wanting to put a mark in the W column to prove they should be in consideration for a Television Title shot.


- Swoop McCarthy, viewed as many as the future of Australian wrestling, has said he has a point to prove and he certainly faces a tough test here as he faces off against one half of The RAW Giants in Manhunter. Manhunter is a huge guy and would be a tough test for anyone who was unlucky enough to find themselves in the ring with him and you also have to consider the possibility of Skyscraper getting involved. Will the deck be too heavily stacked against Swoop in this encounter or will he prove that he’s worthy of being a champion, like he claims.


- Montgomery Croft last week named himself the #1 Contender for the RAW Television Title after paying The Don to have Loxley Robbins assaulted. With Loxley on the shelf it wasn’t possible to bring that match to fruition but Croft has been handed an extremely tough test in Captain Wrestling. A win here would surely prove that he deserves to be in title contention.



- The man known as The Don, Dumfrey Pinn, appears on The Milk Round.

- Mind Masters makes a return, pitting Rahmel Goode and Frogue Element off against each other in what should be another thrilling battle of wits.

- Plus! The Brat Pack takes another shot at conquering Hollywood with another release from Brat Pack Films Inc.


Catch RAW Attitude! every week on The A.S.N Network at 10.30pm.



Quick Picks:

Kerry Wayne vs. Echo

Mission Impossumble vs. The Brat Pack

Boo Smithson vs. Mark Misery

Frogue Element vs. Dumfrey “The Don” Pinn

Swoop McCarthy vs. Manhunter

Captain Wrestling II vs. Montgomery Croft

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