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CZW - The Era of Ultraviolence

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Drake Younger © Vs. Jon Moxley


H8 Club (Nick Gage & Nate Hatred) Vs. Eddie Kingston & Partner of Kingston's Choice


Thumbtack Jack © Vs. Brain Damage (/w Billy Gram & JC Bailey)


Necro Butcher Vs. Sami Callihan


Trent Acid's Open Challenge Outcome


TJ Cannon Vs. Ruckus Vs. Jay Briscoe


B-Boy Vs. Scotty Vortekz


Greg Excellent © Vs. Devon Moore (/w Drew Blood)


Egotistico Fantastico Vs. Drew Gulak


Tyler Veritas & Adam Cole Vs. Team Macktion (Kirby Mack & TJ Mack) Vs. Azrieal & Bandido Jr.

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Drake Younger © Vs. Jon Moxley


H8 Club (Nick Gage & Nate Hatred) Vs. Eddie Kingston & Partner of Kingston's Choice


Thumbtack Jack © Vs. Brain Damage (/w Billy Gram & JC Bailey)


Necro Butcher Vs. Sami Callihan


Trent Acid's Open Challenge Outcome


TJ Cannon Vs. Ruckus Vs. Jay Briscoe


B-Boy Vs. Scotty Vortekz


Greg Excellent © Vs. Devon Moore (/w Drew Blood)


Egotistico Fantastico Vs. Drew Gulak


Tyler Veritas & Adam Cole Vs. Team Macktion (Kirby Mack & TJ Mack) Vs. Azrieal & Bandido Jr.

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Drake Younger © Vs. Jon Moxley


H8 Club (Nick Gage & Nate Hatred) Vs. Eddie Kingston & Partner of Kingston's Choice


Thumbtack Jack © Vs. Brain Damage (/w Billy Gram & JC Bailey)


Necro Butcher Vs. Sami Callihan


Trent Acid vs ???


TJ Cannon Vs. Ruckus Vs. Jay Briscoe


B-Boy Vs. Scotty Vortekz


Greg Excellent © Vs. Devon Moore (/w Drew Blood)

Egotistico Fantastico Vs. Drew Gulak


Tyler Veritas & Adam Cole Vs. Team Macktion (Kirby Mack & TJ Mack) Vs. Azrieal & Bandido Jr.

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Drake Younger © Vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley ain't the one to end the reign.


H8 Club (Nick Gage & Nate Hatred) Vs. Eddie Kingston & Partner of Kingston's Choice

Gotta feeling it could be Joker. But a quick question: Do you have the H8 Club as members of the Switchblade conspiracy?


Thumbtack Jack © Vs. Brain Damage (/w Billy Gram & JC Bailey)

Looks like you are building up TJ vs JC later on down the road.


Necro Butcher Vs. Sami Callihan

I remember a heavy-set Callihan years ago and looking at him now, I can just see world champ written on him.


Trent Acid's Open Challenge Outcome


TJ Cannon Vs. Ruckus Vs. Jay Briscoe

Debut momentum win here.


B-Boy Vs. Scotty Vortekz

The ace of CZW gets a comfortable win.


Greg Excellent © Vs. Devon Moore (/w Drew Blood)

Close toss-up as Devon Moore rules but I am an Excellent mark so. . .


Egotistico Fantastico Vs. Drew Gulak



Tyler Veritas & Adam Cole Vs. Team Macktion (Kirby Mack & TJ Mack) Vs. Azrieal & Bandido Jr.

Big Azriel & Bandido Jr. mark but I mark out even more for Team Macktion.

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with Eddie Kingston


(Eddie Kingston is shown in the backstage area of The Arena wearing a white wifebeater and some black sweatpants. Kingston is leaning back against the wall in the middle of the hallway with his head tilted back looking up at the ceiling)


Kingston: I wasn't that difficult to find tonight was I Nickey? You talked all your bad ass lingo and spit in the camera and what not but look at the result. I told you almost dying in that helicopter last year at TOD 8 was nothing compared to what you were in for tonight. I delivered on my end of the bargain Gage, I rocked you with my forearm shots and my backfists and I even got a little ultraviolent with you out there tonight.


(Kingston slowly lowers his head looking at the wall in front of him now and still not at the camera. A smirk slowly spreads across his face)


Kingston: Next month at the anniversary show I get another piece of you and your makeup wearing bitch, but you see H8 Club I have a friend coming that all of these CZW fans know very well. This person is going to walk into the Combat Zone and we are going to beat the ever loving **** out of you two........ AGAIN....


(Eddie Kingston begins to chuckle as the camera fades to black)

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Message Delivered




(The news buzzing around Combat Zone Wrestling isn't the latest sick bump or who will be at Tournament of Death this year it is all about the mysterious character dressed in ninja attire who attacked Drake Younger at the conclusion of High Stakes 4. Some have speculated that it might have been Hardcore Ninja #2 who appeared in CZW for Tournament of Death 3, but we was in Canada at the time of the CZW taping)


(There is also high speculation that The Switchblade Conspiracy could be behind this whole thing, perhaps trying to soften up Drake before his match with Jon Moxley at 11 Years. Who ever it is he sent a huge message to the champ that he is gunning for that title. The same title that Drake has held for a year and a half now, the same title that Drake said he would die for)


(After last nights show, that may become a reality if he isn't careful, hopefully there will be questions answered at 11 Years because Drake has made it known that he wants to hear from this mysterious "White Ninja". Stay tuned to CZW to see how everything unfolds in the days to come!)

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11 Years: And Still Kickin'

The Arena – South Philadelphia, PA

February 13th, 2010


(WARNING: The following diary entry contains adult language)

(Commentators for CZW are Jake Black & Salamander Jones)



::Show Open::


(Before anything even gets underway "Whatever" by Godsmack bellows out over the PA system and the crowd jump to their feet as the CZW World Heavyweight Champion Drake Younger comes walking out with the title around his waist. Drake makes his way to the ring to a create reaction, he steps through the ropes and calls for a microphone)


Younger: Now I don't know about all you people but I think it is pretty chicken **** to come out here and attack someone right after a match. I lost consciousness when I got put through that lighttube log cabin last month and do you see this cut?


(Young raises his chin pointing to a spot on his neck that looks to have been cut and is healing)


Younger: 17 stitches it took to sow this up, if this cut was half an inch to the left I would be dead right now. So I am going to spare everyone with the bull**** talk and I want to talk to that so called "white ninja" or whatever it is running around here.


(After a short pause "****list" by L7 picks up over the PA system)


Jones: Ahh what is this? Jon Moxley is coming out here followed by Sami Callihan and "Chainsaw" Joe Gacy.


(Booes fill the CZW arena as The Switchblade Conspiracy walk down to the ring, Jon Moxley has a microphone in his hand and he calls for the music to be cut as they stop just in front of the ring)


Moxley: Drake, the very last thing on your mind should be some kind of ninja. In December I defeated Ego, Kingston, and B-Boy to get my title shot at you tonight. The piss poor booking landed B-Boy a title match before me last week but that is besides the point. The point is...


Younger: I'm gonna cut you off right there Moxley... I didn't call any of you out, I want to know who is behind what happened last month.


(Sami snatches the microphone from Moxley and begins screaming at Younger)


Callihan: Shut your mouth Younger! This extends far beyond you and your fight with some mysterious figure! In case you didn't realize things are changing here in the Combat Zone, The Switchblades are taking over and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. We handled Havoc and Necro last month and tonight Moxley here is going to be walking out the new CZW World Champion!


Younger: Or really and how do you plan on doing that? No one has been able to beat me in over a year....


Callihan: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! Your ignorance cracks me up Younger, because if you knew anything about me you know that I take my switchblades with me everywhere...... EVERYWHERE!!!!


(Suddenly Nick Gage and Nate Hatred hit the ring from behind and jump Drake Younger. Gage hits a chokenbreaker on Younger leaving him defenseless as The Switchblade Conspiracy jump into the ring)


Jones: What in the hell!?! Last month it is a ninja this month it is the H8 Club!?!


(Callihan kneels down and picks up the World Championship, he sniffs it getting some sort of high off of it as the crowd boos until "Hungry Like The Wolf" erupts over the PA system and the calvary come running from the back. Danny Havoc is leading the way followed by Necro Butcher and Eddie Kingston!!! The H8 Club and The Switchblade Conspiracy bolt from the ring even though they have the numbers advantage. Eddie Kingston picks up the mic Callihan dropped)


Kingston: Listen up *****! Drake's our boy and I'll be damned if we are going to let you attack him like you did last month! Which one of you bitches was dressed as a ninja? Was it you Moxley? Because I swear to God I will put you under the ground son!!!)


(Sami Callihan starts laughing hysterically as Moxley shrugs saying he has no clue what happened)


Kingston: And H8 Club, don't think that by running now means you won't be in for a fight because I just got off the phone with my partner and they are about 10 minutes away from the arena so we are going to knock the smiles right off of your faces!


Gage: **** YOU *****!!! I'M DA MAN!!!


(They help Drake up to his feet as H8 Club and The Switchblade Conspiracy exit to the backstage area)


Black: Well that accomplished a lot!


Jones: So was one of the Switchblades the ninja?


Black: You know what I have no clue what is going on, the only thing I know are the lines have been drawin' here in Philadelphia!!!






http://jwp-es.com/CZW/tylerveritas.jpg & http://jwp-es.com/CZW/adamcole.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/kirbymack.jpg & http://jwp-es.com/CZW/tjmack.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/azrieal.jpg & http://jwp-es.com/CZW/bandidojr.jpg

Tyler Veritas & Adam Cole Vs. Team Macktion (Kirby Mack & TJ Mack) Vs. Azrieal & Bandido Jr.


- The crowd were really hard on Bandido Jr. and didn't seem to care for him too much. Team Macktion on the other hand worked the crowd rather well and TJ Mack looked good out there tonight. CZW Wired TV Champ Tyler Veritas and his partner Adam Cole didn't seem to get much reaction from the crowd.


- Team Macktion was like a house of fire at one point when Kirby Mack hit a moonsault from the top rope to the outside on top of his four opponents. TJ Mack hit his Sliced Bread #2 on Azrieal early in the match but the count was broken up by Adam Cole.


- Later in the match Veritas was in need of a tag but Adam Cole was arguing with the ref and didn't tag in! It resulted in a double suplex from Azrieal and Bandido Jr. As son as Veritas got the chance he walked over and shoved Cole telling him to get his head in the game! Team Macktion gave duel dropkicks to Azrieal and Bandido Jr. knocking them out of the ring when Adam Cole hauled off and delivered a forearm shot to his partner Tyler Veritas for shoving him! Kirby Mack rolled a rocked Veritas up for the 3-count! Adam Cole tried to jump into the ring and break up the count but TJ Mack intercepted him with a cross body block from the top rope.


Final Results: Team Macktion defeats Azrieal & Bandido Jr. and Tyler Veritas & Adam Cole via pinfall when Verias and Cole had a breakdown in communication.

Match Grade: E+





http://jwp-es.com/CZW/egotisticofantastico.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/drewgulak.jpg

Egotistico Fantastico Vs. Drew Gulak


- The always exciting Ego Fantastico came to the ring with a great reaction and his opponent Drew Gulak got a solid heel reaction as well. Gulak screamed at the fans and told them that it was his time and that 2010 will be his year.


- The in ring action was very solid and these two put on a good show, Drew locked in an ankle lock in the center of the ring. Ego crawled his way to the ropes and rolled through it slinging Drew out of the ring. Ego quickly sprung up to his feet and grabbed onto the ropes and leapt over hitting a plancha onto Gulak!


- Drew performed some good heel tactics by pressing Ego's face into the mat with his foot and driving it to the ground while screaming at the fans. After hitting 2 german suplexes on Ego Drew was distracted by a fan comparing him to Chris Benoit! Drew slid out of the ring arguing with the fan telling him how much better he was than Benoit!


- Drew continued to get distracted by the fans which cost hi to get scooped up by Ego by surprise and Ego connected with the Taco Bender! Gulak had zero chance to kick out as the ref counted to 3 and Ego was awarded the winner!


Final Results: Egotistico Fantastico defeats Drew Gulak via pinfall.

Match Grade: D+







Greg Excellent (/w Kylie Pierce) is interviewed byChrissy Rivera


Rivera: CZW fans I am standing here with the current CZW Junior Heavyweight Champion Greg Excellent! Now Greg we understand it has taken you a long time to get to where you are today, how exactly did you get to your peak?


Excellent: Well Chrissy I have to say I attribute everything to a little show known as Law & Order! Without that show I would not have found out about Maven Bentley screwing Drew Blood out in that white worker van with tinted windows in the parking lot before CZW events! After video taping them for several hours I simply confronted Bentley and did my best at blackmailing him!


Rivera: You blackmailed Bentley!?!


Excellent: And I have to attribute my blackmailing skills to another show that you may have seen, Saved by the Bell!!!


Rivera: Saved by the Bell???


Excellent: That Zack sure was sneaking Chrissy.... but I told Bentley that since I have won countless matches and rarely losing in the entire year of 2009 I told him I wanted to fight for the Jr. Heavyweight Title at Cage of Death or I would release my evidence!


Rivera: Looks like it worked!


Excellent: Damn right it did! And wouldn't you know it a cake and a fat guy later and you have me standing here the full figured Junior Heavyweight Champ.


(Kylie is smiling in the background as she rubs the shoulders of Greg Excellent)


Rivera: So last month you were brutally attacked by Devon Moore and won your match by DQ, but tonight you fight Devon Moore with Drew Blood being at ringside! And I just heard that there was no DQ tonight!


Excellent: You heard what!?! Jesus Christ! I have not had nearly enough Dew tonight to go through with this... and we all know I don't mean Donovan! Well excuse me Chrissy, Kylie and I need to come up with a gameplan before our match tonight....


Rivera: Well Greg, your next!


Excellent: WHAT!?!


("Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley is heard playing over the PA system in the arena as Greg looks around the hallway. He grabs Kylie's hand and takes off running down the hallway)






CZW Junior Heavyweight Championship

http://jwp-es.com/CZW/gregexcellent.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/devonmoore.jpg

Greg Excellent © Vs. Devon Moore (/w Drew Blood)


- Greg Excellent put on a good show working the crowd well. Devon Moore was trying to avoid all of the comedy acts Excellent was throwing at him but at one point he did get tricked into yelling "I LIKE BALLS!!!"


- Greg hit a running cannonball into the corner on Moore and it looked like he was going to be setting up the Tiger Driver 98 when Blood slide into the ring distracting the ref! Kylie Pierce runs around the ring and pulls Drew Blood off the ring apron. In the ring Greg Excellent hit his Tiger Driver 98 and covered Moore but the ref was paying attention to Drew Blood who had Kylie grabbed by her hair!


- Excellent slid out of the ring and started exchanging blows with Blood. Blood then grabbed Excellent spinning behind him and giving him a back drop on the concrete! Blood slid Excellent into the ring and crawled in to put Moore's arm across Excellent's chest as the ref was coming down for the 3 count Greg threw his shoulder up!


- Drew Blood started going nuts on the outside of the ring. Greg and Devon slowly started getting up both of them barely able to stand. Devon grabbed ahold of Greg and as Drew Blood jumped up on the ring apron Greg ran towards Blood! Blood reached back and went to punch Excellent but at the last second Greg ducked and Blood drilled Devon Moore directly in the face!!! Kylie Pierce then came from behind and grabbed Drew Blood pulling him down sort of giving him a powerbomb on the floor!


- Greg Excellent then rolled up a delirious Devon Moore to get the 3-count victory!!!



Final Results: Greg Excellent © defeats Devon Moore via pinfall after Drew Blood accidently cost Moore the match.

Match Grade: D-





http://jwp-es.com/CZW/bboy.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/scottyvortekz.jpg

B-Boy Vs. Scotty Vortekz


- B-Boy and Scotty Vortekz put on one hell of a show in this contest. There was a very high pace that had the crowd eating from the palm of their hands. A lot of the crowd was surprised that Vortekz could keep up with B-Boy the way he did.


- Vortekz tried to bring a chair into the match but B-Boy dropkicked it into his face. Scotty fell back into the turnbuckle then fell to the mat sitting back in the corner!


Jones: Anyone else feel a face wash coming up!?!


- B-Boy grabs the chair and places it over Vortekz face, B-Boy then runs to the opposite side of the ring and comes sprinting back and leaps into the air driving his feet into the chair with a brutal face wash!


- B-Boy locked in a sleeper hold on Vortekz while sitting on the top rope and Vortekz standing. B-Boy then spun around bringing Vortekz to the mat with him holding onto the sleeper which he then locked in as a rear naked choke! Vortekz tried fighting out of it at first but went limp after a few seconds. The ref grabbed his arm and raised it once, it fell. He raised to twice, it fell. He raised it a third time, it fell again. B-Boy wins after choking out Scotty Vortekz!


Final Results: B-Boy defeats Scotty Vortekz via Submission.

Match Grade: D







The Switchblade Conspiracy (Sami Callihan, Jon Moxley, & Joe Gacy) & H8 Club (Nick Gage & Nate Hatred)


(The Switchblade Conspiracy & H8 Club are seen backstage in a locker room. Moxley and Gacy are seated on a bench while Sami is quickly pacing back and fourth. Gage and Hatred are standing behind the bench with their arms crossed looking like statues almost)


Callihan: Everything is going to plan guys don't forget about the plan, no matter what we have to follow it through! We are going to be leaving tonight with the title and even more momentum, we just have to just follow the plan.


(Moxley stands up shaking his head as he puts his hand on Callihan's shoulder)


Moxley: We got it man, the plan is full proof.


Callihan: All but one thing is full proof! Who the hell is Kingston bringing in tonight?


Gage: Hey, don't worry about it whoever that ***** is we are going to beat him from post to post just like that bitch Kingston until they beg to quit the match!


Callihan: But it could be anyone! They beat you down in the past who have you had run ins with? Please god don't tell me he is bring in Mondo!


Gage: Don't even ****in say that name near me. That ***** isn't stepping foot back in this company! Besides he never had a chance against me back in the day why would you think I would sweat his ass now?


Callihan: Eitherway you're right, you guys have things under control we can't fail tonight. I can't wait to get my hands on the Necro Butcher tonight, I just want to inflict pain on the one man who people says can't feel any pain! I will show the world that Sami Callihan is the new face of CZW! And that The Switchblades and H8 Club are going to be calling all the shots.


Moxley: No one gives us credit but I don't think we are that bad...


Callihan: We aren't that bad Moxley! Tonight any of the nay says will be proven wrong, we have three high profiles wins awaiting us and I for one cannot wait to get some more gold floating around back here what do you say?


Gacy: I'm in...


Callihan: Tonight is going to be a night that none of us are never going to forget.....


(Callihan turns to face the camera and moves in closer)


Callihan: Neither are you CZW!


(Callihan spits then grabs the camera and shoves it away as it cuts to black)






http://jwp-es.com/CZW/tjcannon.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/ruckus.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/jaybriscoe.jpg

TJ Cannon Vs. Ruckus Vs. Jay Briscoe


- Jay Briscoe got a huge ovation for returning to the ring for the first time in several years. These three shined when it came to technical and speed, they had the crowd wowed from start to finish.


- TJ Cannon almost finished off Ruckus with The Markout Moment but Jay was there in time to break up the count. He picked TJ up and hit a earth shattering tiger driver that caused a sickening thud! Jay tried to finish the match but Ruckus somehow broke up the count keeping the match alive.


- Later in the match TJ singled toward the back and Bruce Maxwell came running out to help his partner. Bruce pulled Jay Briscoe's legs out from under him from outside of the ring and TJ hit a senton bomb on the Briscoe Brother. Not long after that the crowd went into an uproar as Mark Briscoe came charging out and tackled Bruce Maxwell and both men started brawling on the outside of the ring.


- Jay Briscoe jumped to the outside to help his partner out when Sabian leapt over the guardrail catching Jay with a hurricanrana on the floor!


Jones: Nice! Now all hell is breaking loose!


- Ruckus stepped out onto the ring apron and hit his running moonsault onto Jay Briscoe on the floor! In the ring TJ Cannon stepped onto the ring apron and jumped up onto the ropes and hit a spring board moonsault onto Mark Briscoe! Sabian and Ruckus then jumped TJ Cannon tossing him into the crowd.


- As a big war broke out between all 6 men Jay Briscoe, Ruckus, and Bruce Maxwell

climbed back into the ring. Ruckus hit the razzle dazzle on Maxwell then took Jay out with a enzigueri then and a standing shooting star press! Ruckus tries to cover Jay but Bruce Maxwell pulls him off.


- As TJ Cannon is being held out of the ring by Mark Briscoe and Sabian the battle continues in the ring. Jay hits a hammerlock DDT on Bruce and blocks Ruckus's attempt at the pele! Jay jerks Ruckus up to his feet, puts his head between his legs hooking his arms and connects with another brutal Tiger Driver! Jay makes the cover and this time picks up the 3-count pinfall victory!


- Jay celebrates and Mark makes his way back to the ring to celebrate with his brother.


Jones: The Briscoe Brothers have made a big statement here with this victory. You would have to think they would be on the top of the title contention list right?


Black: Oh without a doubt, as soon as they stepped into this building again you knew they would find their way into the title picture soon.



Final Results: Jay Briscoe defeats Ruckus & TJ Cannon via pinfall after all kinds of interference.

Match Grade: C






Trent Acid Issues an Open Challenge


- Trent Acid comes down to the ring talking about how he is being put down and overlooked in a company that HE BUILT. He throws out the open challenge to anyone on the CZW roster to come out and fight.


- Without much hesitation "Fight Like This" by Decyfer Down echoed throughout the arena as CZW youngster Rich Swan ran down to the ring! Acid laughed and told Swan to get his ass back to the locker room and get him someone serious to fight.


- Swan laid Acid out with a spinning heel kick and that brought Acid back to reality! Acid snapped and quickly disposed of the young kid with a Yakuza Kick and getting an almost squash victory over him. Acid then got back on the mic.


Acid: Now thinking about it I really should have extended this beatdown because now my face time is up! Word of advice kid, you aren't in my league, NO ONE IN THIS COMPANY IS IN MY LEAGUE!!!


("I'm A Hustla" by Cassidy blasts out over the PA system right after Acid made the comment)


Jones: What the.... Ruckus? Why would Ruckus be coming back out he just lost!




(JOKER comes running down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring catching Acid by surprise! Acid doesn't even have time to defend himself and doesn't get off any offense as Joker completely takes it too him!


- At one point Joker grabs Acid by the hair and delivers 6 or 7 headbutts to Acid's skull almost giving him a concussion!


- Shortly after Joker hit his devastating Joker Driver and made a quick and easy pinfall victory over Trent Acid!!!


Jones: I thought he was overseas!


Black: You know Joker! He can be here one minute and gone the next! I hope he is here for a while this time though....


Jones: I'm sure Trent Acid doesn't!



Final Results: Trent Acid defeats Rich Swan via pinfall.

Match Grade: D-


Final Results: Joker defeats Trent Acid via pinfall.

Match Grade: C-





http://jwp-es.com/CZW/necrobutcher.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/samicallihan.jpg

(No DQ Match)

Necro Butcher Vs. Sami Callihan


- Right from the start people should have known Sami Callihan had a tricky up his sleeve because he came into the match with a sick grin on his face and no one in their right mind would come into a No DQ Match against the Butcher grinning.


- Several times in the match Necro would go for weapons but Callihan would do a good job disarming the beast that is the Necro Butcher. Callihan out wrestled Necro which really isn't that hard to do but he knew it wasn't Necro's forte.


- After several minutes of avoiding too much damage Necro finally had enough and went under the ring pulling out a bundle of lighttubes!!! Callihan freaked out and jumped out of the ring refusing to fight. Then from behind we knew it wouldn't be long before The Switchblade Conspiracy's weasel Joe Gacy would poke his head into the match! Gacy hit the ring with some type of power tool!


Black: Is that a SABRESAW!?!


(Necro spins around catching Gacy in time and smashes the bundle of around 8 lighttubes over his head!!! Blood starts flowing from Joe Gacy who is freaking out now that the Necro Butcher has picked up the sabresaw!)


Black: Do it Necro!!!


(Necro grabs Joe Gacy and pulls him close as he holds the saw right above Gacy's forehand and revs the motor on the saw! Gacy screams for his life as Necro looks out to the crowd for approval. The crowd is cheering him on! Just as Necro goes to drive the blade into Gacy's forehead Sami Callihan attacks Necro from behind and quickly hits the Headlock Driver on him! Callihan made the cover and disappointed the fans again with another victory over the Necro Butcher!)


Jones: I can't believe this! Joe Gacy is a snake and I'm getting tired of seeing him follow Callihan's every move and help him win month after month!



Final Results: Sami Callihan defeats Necro Butcher via pinfall when Joe Gacy again assisted Callihan.

Match Grade: D-



::Aftermath of Necro & Callihan Match::


(Danny Havoc hits the ring just as Sami Callihan has a KO'ed Necro Butcher in the camel clutch about to slit his throat with one of his switchblades! Sami Callihan and a very bloody Joe Gacy quickly exit the ringside area. Havoc grabs a microphone)


Havoc: God dammit Callihan!!! You continue to bitch and moan about your stupid plans and some stupid images being stamped in your head! Well I'm sick of it and I'm sure all these fans are too!


(The crowd starts chanting "HAVOC")


Havoc: You all kidnapped me, tortured me, you cut my wrists, and yes you defeated me at Cage of Death 11..... but now you want to jump Younger, and cheat Butcher here? This **** is done! When I get ahold of you I am going to end all your life and all of your little emos friends lives as well! That is a ****ing promise!!!!






CZW Ultraviolent Underground Championship

http://jwp-es.com/CZW/thumbtackjack.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/braindamage.jpg

(1 Million Thumbtacks Match)

Thumbtack Jack © Vs. Brain Damage (/w Billy Gram & JC Bailey)


- This was the first time Brain Damage and Thumbtack Jack have hooked up in CZW and the fans knew it was going to be a bloody mess. Thumbtack Jack came out to an epic reaction as he sported the UVU Championship Belt. Brain Damage came out to the ring followed by JC Bailey and Billy Gram. On the outsides of the ring there are 5 full 5 gallon buckets of thumbtacks!


- In all four corners on the ring there were big panes of glass. At the start of the match both men locked up in a test of strength, TJ delivered a swift kick to the knee trying to get the advantage but Brain Damage just overpowers TJ and drives him back towards the corner and the glass. Just before the glass TJ tries to deliver a headbutt to Brain Damage but it doesn't faze him at all. Brain Damage then headbutts TJ with such force it knocks him back into the glass breaking it and sending it flying everywhere. Damage places his boot into TJ's chest choking him out while he calls for a bucket. JC brings it into the ring.


- JC has his back turned taunting the crowd when TJ gives Damage a low blow. JC Bailey pours all the tacks out and the crowd is cheering, he smiles to the crowd thinking they are cheering at the tacks but Thumbtack Jack is standing right behind him! As he turns around TJ kicks him in the gut and hits a brain buster on him right in the middle of all of the thumbtacks!!!


- Later in the match Brain Damage hits a powerbomb on TJ through one of panes of glass that is set up on 4 chairs like a table! Billy Gram and a bloody JC Bailey brought all of the buckets into the ring and pours them out leaving a full coat of tacks all over the canvas!!! Every move would result in landing on a million of tacks.


- Thumbtack Jack did a running baseball slide kicking hundreds of thumbtacks into the face of JC Bailey and Billy Gram who were standing on the outside at one point. Then after a while TJ set up the pane of glass on the ring apron and guard rail. TJ and Brain Damage battle out onto the ring apron and Thumbtack Jack hits a vertical suplex onto Brain Damage through the glass and both men crash onto the concrete floor! The crowd loves it and TJ throws his arm over Brain Damage and gets the 3-count victory!



Final Results: Thumbtack Jack © defeats Brain Damage via pinfall.

Match Grade: C-


::Aftermath of Ultraviolent Underground Title Match::


(JC Bailey grabs a very bloody and beaten Thumbtack Jack and rolls him into the ring full of tacks! Bailey goes for a piledriver onto the tacks but Thumbtack Jack reverses it with a back body drop! TJ then goes over to his vest and pulls out two syringes!!! Billy Gram climbs into the ring giving TJ the middle finger and telling him to go **** himself! TJ laughs and takes Gram out with a yakuza kick!)


Jones: Thumbtack Jack is going over to Bailey with those syringes!


(TJ sits JC up and holds one syringe up into the air getting the crowd to cheer! Thumbtack Jack then reaches into Bailey's mouth pulling out his tongue!!!)


Black: NO!!! HE WOULDN'T!!!


(Thumbtack Jack then proceeds to drive the needle on the syringe up through JC Bailey's tongue and he starts flopping around freaking out!!! Thumbtack Jack then pushes the end squirting water out of the needle!!! THe crowd starts chanting "YOU SICK ****!!!)


Black: Look out!


(Brain Damage smashes Thumbtack Jack in the back with a fluorescent lighttube! Brain Damage picks THumbtack Jack up and hits his package piledriver on him into all the thumbtacks!!! You can see dozens stuck into TJ's head. JC rips the syringe out of his tongue and runs to the back as blood begins flowing out of his mouth!!! Brain Damage continues to stomp on TJ for a while until Billy Gram gets on the microphone)


Gram: TJ you son of a bitch! I don't know what you did to JC Bailey but you better believe next month your ass is going to die! CultFiction will be taking over this ************ and that UVU title is coming back with us next month!


(Billy Gram tosses the mic away as Brain Damage exits the ring and heads up the ramp leaving Thumbtack Jack laying in the middle of all the tacks with hundreds stuck all over his body)






http://jwp-es.com/CZW/nickgage.jpg & http://jwp-es.com/CZW/natehatred.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/eddiekingston.jpg & ???

(Ultraviolent Tables Elmination Match)

H8 Club (Nick Gage & Nate Hatred) Vs. Eddie Kingston & Partner of Kingston's Choice


- H8 Club come to the ring and "Bluepring 2" by A Sonic Mix picks up over the PA system as Eddie Kingston comes walking to the ring with a smile on his face and a microphone in his hand.


Jones: Who is it going to be?


Kingston: You know I have been getting phone calls for the past 2 weeks asking who is it going to be Eddie? Who are you picking for your partner February 13th? Well I thought long and hard about it and figured I would give someone a call who has taken you to the limits Gage. And not just anyone, someone who has taken you to the limits IN the Cage of Death! So without further ado......


<object width="325" height="244"><param name="movie" value="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DS1RXkrZnw&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DS1RXkrZnw&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="325" height="244"></embed></object>


Jones: OH MY GOD!




(The crowd goes nuts as the former CZW Iron-Man Champion LuFisto comes running out from the back in a school girl outfit! Kingston and LuFisto charge the ring and begin battling the H8 Club as the crowd continues to go nuts and chant "WELCOME BACK")


- The match goes over well and saw a lot of action take place in and out of the ring, LuFisto held her own against Nate Hatred in the ring while Kingston and Gage battled around the arena.


- At one point Gage and Kingston fought up into the bleachers in the Combat Zone and Kingston proceeded to give Gage a hip toss down the bleachers! Meanwhile Hatred gained the advantage on LuFisto and began slinging her all around the ring. Hatred hits a couple snap suplexs then started taunting her by slapping her head around.


- Later as Gage and Kingston got back to the ring the H8 Club really go the upper hand by laying Kingston out and focusing mainly on LuFisto. As the whipped her into the ropes and were going to double clothesline her as she came back, LuFisto rolled under the clothesline and leapt onto the rope springing back and taking Gage and Hatred out with elbows to the face!


- Kingston and LuFisto got control in the match and landed spinning backfists on the H8 Club at the exact same time. LuFisto then set Gage up in the corner of the ring and hit a brutal rolling senton right into Gage's chest!


- Directly after that Kingston hit a double spinning backfist on Hate Hatred nearly taking his head off!!! Kingston covered Hatred and picked up the victory with the 3!!!


Black: Those backfists have just about the same impact as Hatred's decapitator!!!


Jones: What a win for Kingston and the returning LuFisto!!!


Black: I'm just glad the Super Hardcore Anime is back in the dub!



Final Results: Eddie Kingston & LuFisto defeat H8 Club (Nick Gage & Nate Hatred) via pinfall.

Match Grade: C+






CZW World Heavyweight Championship

http://jwp-es.com/CZW/drakeyounger.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/jonmoxley.jpg

Drake Younger © Vs. Jon Moxley


- Surprisingly Jon Moxley came to the ring without Callihan and Gacy. Younger and Moxley kicked the match off with some strong style wrestling. Younger hit a devastating release german suplex that planted Moxley right on the back of his neck.


- Younger went under the ring and pulled out a 2x4 wrapped in barbwire which the fans loved. Younger cracked Moxley in the stomach with the 2x4 then began to grind the barbwire into Moxley's forehead! It wasn't long before Moxley started bleeding.


- Moxley got the advantage and set a table up on the outside of the ring. He set it up where one side of the table was resting on the ring apron while the other was on the guardrail. Moxley and Younger fought out onto the ring apron where the table was and Moxley tried for a suplex but Drake blocked it and scooped Moxley up into the Drake's Landing!!! The crowd went nuts and Drake leapt off the ring apron crashing through the table almost killing Moxley with the Drake's Landing!!!


- Instead of going for the pin Drake decided to continue the assault by just throwing a lifeless Jon Moxley into the ring. As soon as Drake crawls back into the ring the lights in the arena go out for a minute and the crowd starts cheering but they come back on shortly after and Drake is just standing in the ring looking around.


Jones: What the hell was that?


Black: I don't know, I think someone is trying to get into Drake's head!


- Drake now without wasting anytime picked Moxley up hitting a underhook piledriver! That wasn't enough though Moxley somehow kicked out of the count. Drake then scooped a bloody Moxley up hitting yet another Drake's Landing on him in the center of the ring! Drake made the cover picking up the 3-count and another win in the combat zone!


Jones: Did we just watch a match without any of the Switchblades interfering!?!


Black: And you saw who won!



Final Results: Drake Younger © defeats Jon Moxley via pinfall.

Match Grade: C-



::Aftermath of World Title Match::


(Drake Younger is handed his world title again after another great defense when now The Switchblade Conspiracy music picks up over the PA system with Callihan and Gacy coming to the ring. Drake begins fighting them off well until Moxley hits a low blow from behind taking Younger down to his knees)




(Havoc tackles Sami Callihan and both men start wailing away at each other as Necro grabs Joe Gacy by the back of the next and starts pounding away at his skull!)


Jones: Necro is killing Gacy!


(Suddenly the H8 Club's music hits and Nick Gage and Nate Hatred start to make their way to the ring! Gage and Hatred collide with Havoc and Necro the crowd is hot going nuts for all these guys brawling. Callihan catches Havoc from behind and the numbers are too great for Younger, Havoc, and Butcher)


Jones: It's 5 on 3 in there Jake!


(Callihan hits his Headlock Driver on Danny Havoc just as Jon Moxley locks in a crossface chickwing on Drake Younger! Suddenly "Blueprint 2" by A Sonic Mix picks up over the PA system and the crowd pop again as Eddie Kingston now is running to the ring to help his friends out. Joe Gacy jumps out of the ring to try and stop Kingston before he gets to the ring but Kingston just lays Gacy with a brutal forearm!)


Black: Kingston laid Gacy out in mid-run Salamander!!!


(Kingston slides into the ring with the numbers 4 on 4 now only problem is Drake, Necro, and Havoc are laid out. Before Kingston can attack anyone the lights go out again!)


Jones: What the!?!


(After a few seconds the lights comeback on and standing in the middle of the ring is the white ninja!!! All eight men are now looking at the ninja who is in the center of them all. Callihan starts laughing and clapping as the lights suddenly go out once more!)


Jones: This is getting ridiculous!


(As the lights come back on there is another ninja standing at the czw entrance ramp welding two samurai swords!!!!! All of a sudden the ninja in the round dropkicks Eddie Kingston out of the ring and the Switchblades all jump Drake Younger and Danny Havoc! The white ninja handles Necro Butcher as the ninja with the swords starts making his way to the ring. Necro gets clotheslined over the rope leaving Drake and Danny in the ring)


Black: It looks like The Switchblade Conspiracy was behind this the whole time.... I should have known!


(Moxley holds Drake Younger up while Nate Hatred holds Havoc up with his arms behind his back. Sami Callihan faces off with the first white ninja and extends his hand. The ninja looks down at the hand and grabs it but jerks Callihan up and hits a burning hammer on him!!!)


Jones: What the hell!?!


(Nick Gage charges at the ninja but it met with a superkick knocking him through the ropes and to the floor! Hatred tosses Havoc out of the ring and clotheslines the ninja! Almost instantly the ninja holding the two swords dives in and hits a swinging neck breaker on Hatred! Moxley goes for a right hook but it is blocked and gets snapped suplexed)


Jones: All hell is breaking loose!


Black: I'm lost! They aren't with the Switchblades!?!


Jones: Obviously not!


(White Ninja 2 shoves Havoc out of the ring and grabs Drake hanging him up in the tree of woe. White Ninja 1 scoops Sami Callihan up and hangs him up in the opposite corner in the tree of woe! Each ninja now grabs a sword and hold them high into the air as the crowd goes nuts)


Black: What is going to happen next?


(White Ninja 1 places the blade on Callihan's chest and quickly slides it across cutting a big line in his chest!!! White Ninja 2 then does the same to Drake! The crowd is chanting "HOLY ****". The white ninjas then slice another line across Drake and Sami's chest making a huge X!!!)


Jones: I can't believe what we are witnessing!


(Drake and Sami fall out of the tree of woe as the ninjas both stand side by side into the middle of the ring with everyone laid out around them. As the cameras begin to fade they pan up above the ring catching a glimpse of what appears to be two more white ninjas standing in the rafters!)


Jones: The Combat Zone has officially been overrun!


Black: We got zero answers this month besides now we have more ninjas!


Jones: I can't wait for next month, we have so much to figure out still!!!

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Shocking Development




(The Arena in South Philadelphia was in utter disbelief when they saw a second white ninja appear at the entrance ramp welding two samurai swords. Everyone thought the ninjas were here in the Combat Zone on orders from Sami Callihan and his Switchblades but the other shocker came when they attacked everyone in sight showing no signs of an alliance with anyone!)


(These masked white ninjas then proceeded to cut a large X on both the chests of Drake Younger and Sami Callihan. The reason behind these attacks are currently unknown. We also thought we caught a glimpse of even more ninjas up in the rafters as the show drew to a close but it couldn't be seen clearly)


(Drake Younger swears to get to the bottom of this whole ordeal next month at Truth or Consequences 2. The weird thing, not only is Drake looking for answers so is Sami Callihan who clearly left the Combat Zone just as baffled as everyone else)


(The only thing that is certain next month..... is you can expect the unexpected!)

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with Drake Younger, Danny Havoc, Eddie Kingston, and Necro Butcher


(The camera fades in to show Drake Younger being attended to by the CZW medical staff backstage right after the 11 Year Anniversary show. They are trying to stop the bleeding while Eddie Kingston grabs the camera and directs it to him)


Kingston: Callihan you stupid ****! You go out there and almost got Drake killed because of some stupid ninjas! This **** got serious tonight..... You listen to me you ninja ****s! What you did to my boy over here is unforgivable...


Havoc: Callihan I already told you that I was going to kill you the next time I saw you! Then some stupid **** like this happens.... You are going to wish that ninja cut you in half tonight when I get ahold of you.


Kingston: You want to surround yourself with guys like Nicky and Hatred who got their asses handed to them tonight by me and LuFisto! So everyone is talking about it, the battle lines have been drawn.... the war seems inevitable. You have your troops.....


(Kingston points behind him)


Kingston: And we have ours....


Necro: I got one pulled over on me tonight but I promise you next month I am going to put that little runt Joe Gacy in his place next month. You are going to be mine and it is going to be inside of a steel cage so no one gets inside to save your sorry ass! Your life is going to be on the line next month and I don't like your chances!


(Drake shoves the doctor away)


Drake: Listen to me! NEXT MONTH!!! NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sami Callihan!!!! Jon Moxley!!!! Nick Gage!!!! Nate Hatred!!!! EVEN YOU JOE GACY!!!! You all are in for a rude awakening because we are coming for blood. And you god damn ninjas, you better man up because we are coming for you too!!!

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???? ????

with White Ninjas


(The scene takes place in a darkened room with a spotlight shining down in the middle, under that spot light stands the White Ninja responsible for all of the havoc that has been taking place in the Combat Zone over the past couple of months. The ninja is only seen as a shadow and speaks in a muffled voice that cannot be recognized)


Ninja: CZW.... the time has come. Fate has brought me here to Philadelphia to put an end to the disease that is Combat Zone Wrestling. Drake Younger, you dare call me out publicly? For years you have been putting the wrestling world to shame, something I have tried to preserve. Wrestling just isn't a job to me, it is my life and I have come here to rid you of your championship title.


(The ninja hasn't moved an inch and is as still as a statue)


Ninja: It will only be a matter of time before CZW never sees the likes of Drake Younger, Danny Havoc, Sami Callihan, Necro Butcher, Jon Moxley, Nick Gage, or Eddie Kingston ever again. You all align yourselves with poor talent and bad mistakes. I however have brought the perfect talent to assist me in this resurrection of CZW.


(Suddenly the second ninja who is once again welding two samurai swords steps in from the pitch darkness into the light and is visible)


Ninja: But you see, I am not a stupid individual I see the numbers on either of your sides. Callihan you have 5 in your camp, and Younger you have four backing you. So of course I have to level the playing field.


(On cue two more ninjas appear from the darkness and step into the light)


Ninja: CZW this is usually when someone would warn you to be ready for a change, but the fact is none of will be able to prepare for what is coming... none of you will be ready for what fate holds... none of you...


(The camera slowly fades to complete darkness)

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Truth or Consequences 2

The Arena – South Philadelphia, PA

March 27th, 2010




http://jwp-es.com/CZW/drakeyounger.jpghttp://jwp-es.com/CZW/dannyhavoc.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/samicallihan.jpghttp://jwp-es.com/CZW/jonmoxley.jpg

Drake Younger & Danny Havoc Vs. Sami Callihan & Jon Moxley



http://jwp-es.com/CZW/nickgage.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/lufisto.jpg

Nick Gage (/w Nate Hatred) Vs. LuFisto (/w Eddie Kingston)



CZW Ultraviolent Underground Championship

http://jwp-es.com/CZW/thumbtackjack.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/masada.jpg

(Ultraviolent Death Match)

Thumbtack Jack © Vs. MASADA



CZW Tag Team Championships

http://jwp-es.com/CZW/brucemaxwell.jpg & http://jwp-es.com/CZW/tjcannon.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/jaybriscoe.jpg & http://jwp-es.com/CZW/markbriscoe.jpg

The Best Around © (Bruce Maxwell & TJ Cannon) Vs. The Briscoe Brothers (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe)



http://jwp-es.com/CZW/trentacid.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/joker.jpg

Trent Acid Vs. Joker



http://jwp-es.com/CZW/necrobutcher.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/joegacy.jpg

(Ultraviolent Cage Match)

Necro Butcher Vs. Joe Gacy



http://jwp-es.com/CZW/braindamage.jpg & http://jwp-es.com/CZW/jcbailey.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/dustinlee.jpg & http://jwp-es.com/CZW/scottyvortekz.jpg

(Falls Count Anywhere in the Combat Zone)

CultFiction (Brain Damage & JC Bailey) Vs. Naptown Dragons (Dustin Lee & Scotty Vortekz)



CZW Junior Heavyweight Championship

http://jwp-es.com/CZW/gregexcellent.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/devonmoore.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/egotisticofantastico.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/drewblood.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/ryanmcbride.jpg

Greg Excellent © Vs. Devon Moore Vs. Egotistico Fantastico Vs. Drew Blood Vs. Ryan McBride



CZW Wired TV Championship

http://jwp-es.com/CZW/tylerveritas.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/drewgulak.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/adamcole.jpg

Tyler Veritas © Vs. Drew Gulak Vs. Adam Cole



http://jwp-es.com/CZW/kirbymack.jpg & http://jwp-es.com/CZW/tjmack.jpg Vs. http://jwp-es.com/CZW/ruckus.jpg & http://jwp-es.com/CZW/sabian.jpg

Team Macktion (Kirby Mack & TJ Mack) Vs. BLK-OUT (Ruckus & Sabian)





For any Predictions:


Drake Younger & Danny Havoc Vs. Sami Callihan & Jon Moxley


Nick Gage (/w Nate Hatred) Vs. LuFisto (/w Eddie Kingston)


Thumbtack Jack © Vs. MASADA


The Best Around © (Bruce Maxwell & TJ Cannon) Vs. The Briscoe Brothers (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe)


Trent Acid Vs. Joker


Necro Butcher Vs. Joe Gacy


CultFiction (Brain Damage & JC Bailey) Vs. Naptown Dragons (Dustin Lee & Scotty Vortekz)


Greg Excellent © Vs. Devon Moore Vs. Egotistico Fantastico Vs. Drew Blood Vs. Ryan McBride


Tyler Veritas © Vs. Drew Gulak Vs. Adam Cole


Team Macktion (Kirby Mack & TJ Mack) Vs. BLK-OUT (Ruckus & Sabian)


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