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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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The long awaited alt for Will Quade



Great job on this one!



@ Paul: Yes what Hellshock just said in the previous post. For some reason the render that I had already claimed did not show up in my game. Therefore, I did not realize that I had claimed someone for Will.:o

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Create an empty database, make your FA's and then send it to whoever has the current data to be uploaded.


Same thing with future feds and even full feds but extras like title histories can't be transferred.


So anything extra like gimmicks, venues, title histories, etc. is something that needs the actual data.

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yep..... you missed it.


he had renders, but bhk asked for new ones when he forgot the previous ones. those have since been claimed by Prophet for an Australian FA.


ok thanks for the heads up this thread moves so fast if im not on for a few days i get way behind

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I guess since the new guys haven't made any claims either I'll grab these to show them how its done. :p


Okumanchouja No Binsu (original reassigned to Willian Hawk)



Ouga Bouga



for a future worker



Hellstrom (masked persona for Aaron Wright)



Korraga Ru Ishi



Robert Hawk


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With so much to sort out once I pass on the data, I'll be kicking off the Board Effort sequel mod thread probably within the week to sort out a team and start discussions on the expansion.


Hopefully, we'll see BHK do the same with the prequel when he wraps his stuff up. I pretty much expect both teams to work hand in hand and possibly crossover at times but both more so with this one.


This doesn't mean I'm leaving this one as the sequel team is of great benefit in the creation of future workers. I just feel the need to get a lot of preliminary discussions out of the way.

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Just let me know if these names are treading on toes.


- Future workers. Probably mostly Canadian.


Dennis Rose









Christopher Cain



The Revelation






Malachi Lamont


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Just let me know if these names are treading on toes.


- Future workers. Probably mostly Canadian.


Dennis Rose









Christopher Cain



The Revelation






Malachi Lamont



There is a Lady Oni that owns the Joshi fed and a big bruising monster named Malaki other than those I think you might have some unique ones. The Revelation might be in use as a nickname for someone though. Maybe Silverback too.

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I thought Oni might be a push, unfortunately I couldn't turn anything up by searching the thread because it's too short, lol.


How about...


Rockjaw/Silverback (I do prefer the latter, but in the interests of ensuring there's no overlap)






The Prophecy



Marshall Lamont


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I thought Oni might be a push, unfortunately I couldn't turn anything up by searching the thread because it's too short, lol.


How about...


Rockjaw/Silverback (I do prefer the latter, but in the interests of ensuring there's no overlap)






The Prophecy



Marshall Lamont



They look clear, even checked the tag-teams. Anything with a "the" in it runs a risk though since some nicknames only appear in bios.

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Last two tag teams for World Class


Tech Support

Ethan Webb & Terry Tronson



I believe I may have already claimed a render for Terry Tronson... then again maybe it was his daughter that I claimed a reder for... but do like this one.

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Since I haven't had the benefit of the full data, I figured I'd put these here to check they all cash out okay before I zip everything up.


Dennis Rose


Canadian Middleweight Technician

Debut Data: September 2011


"The Thorn" Dennis Rose is a gifted young technician from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He has a very old-school, legitimate looking style, knowing a seemingly endless array of holds with which to painfully stretch his opponents out. Rose's finisher, the Barbed Strangler - a rear chokehold complete with body scissors - is already beginning to gain notoriety on the independent circuit as a lethal submission hold.




Canadian Heavyweight Regular Wrestler

Debut Date: February 2013

(Slight Steroids Personal Issue: 10%)


Rockjaw (real name: Clint Tristan) is a former hockey player turned pro wrestler after his aggressive streak grew a little TOO prominent and he was barred from competition. Although very athletic for a man his size and with a pretty good technical acumen, Rockjaw's main issue is not his ability, but his attitude. Notoriously bad-tempered, Rockjaw is a volatile presence in any locker room, well known for being exceptionally difficult to get along with. Rockjaw has all the tools to be a big star, it just remains to be seen if any promoter will consider honing that potential with the drawback of his bad behaviour.




Japanese Big Heavyweight Entertainer

Debut Date: July 2015


The intimidating Hibagon is a hulking worker from Japan with a great natural 'aura' about him. This is mostly fuelled by his fantastic 'supernatural' gimmick, playing a restless spirit back to haunt the living. Unfortunately, this mystique is largely necessary to cover Hibagon's in-ring weaknesses, as he's really nothing special as an actual talent. As with most men his size, Hibagon is very slow and ponderous, and though some of his power moves are extremely impressive, much of the rest of the time he is limited to very basic striking.


Christopher Cain


Canadian Lightweight Cruiserweight

Debut Date: November 2013


Christopher Cain is a rookie wrestler with a reckless streak a mile wide, some of his daredevil stunts proving minor cult sensations on the internet. Wanting to turn professional, Cain has worked hard since his backyarding days, and has at least developed his fundamentals to the point where he's no longer at risk of hurting people with his moves. That said, though he's no longer such a spot monkey, Cain can rarely resist going for the big crowd-popping moments, meaning he's liable to injure himself before too long. Outside of the ring, Cain tends to run a very ****y gimmick, catchphrase: "I'm the most exciting thing you'll ever see."



The Prophecy


Canadian Middleweight Brawler

Debut Date: September 2018


The Prophecy is a scrappy young brawler with a lot of natural charisma, adept at getting under the skins of crowds with his often-controversial mic work. However, Prophecy isn't anywhere near as good in the ring as he is on the stick, and his matches often seem a huge letdown by comparison. Inconsistent, sloppy, and occasionally dangerous, Prophecy's skills are in dire need of some serious work to make him even watchable.




Japanese Middleweight Regular Wrestler

Debut Date: April 2014


Mokumokuren is an enigmatic and mysterious youngster hailing from Shikoku in Japan. His vampiric look is by far the most interesting thing about him though, as for the most part Mokumokuren is rather bland in the ring, with little flash or zest about his work. He does, though, have something of an affinity for weapons, and it's in a hardcore environment that Moku' really comes alive, showing a more sadistic side. Even so, if he wants to be more than another generic hardcore worker that hides behind the blood, Moku's overall game really needs improvement.



Marshall Lamont


Canadian Middleweight Regular Wrestler

Debut Date: February 2012


A no-nonsense, no-frills competitor from Windsor, Ontario, Marshall Lamont is a versatile youngster capable of working pretty much any style. Lamont's all-round skills are both his strength and his weakness, as whilst he can ably mesh with the abilities of any opponent, he fails to really stand out in any one area. However, given Lamont's youth and diligent, hard-working attitude, he seems certain to make strides in his ability. If he can sharpen his skills and stay injury free, Lamont could wind up being an excellent talent.

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Question on renders: Are the ones on the wrong background getting cut onto the mod background or getting left as-is?


That is actually a very good question and one I was thinking about myself. I mean I would assume that they would have to be cut to the right background or else this whole thing would look odd.

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That is actually a very good question and one I was thinking about myself. I mean I would assume that they would have to be cut to the right background or else this whole thing would look odd.


They're just placeholders until they get cut. This way we don't have multiple renders for someone. Which has happened several times.

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I want to be sure im not going overboard on the joshis. I was shooting for about 60 future workers. (+ maybe 7 or 8 men?)


Is this to many because if it is feel free to tell me and ill cut back a bit.

(BTW im shooting for Sunday to have them ready )


Should be good. Any overages may be drafted in earlier.

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