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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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I just took WWA out of the official data all together because every time I would try to run a game it would tell me I can't because WWA had an owner and announcers that were under contract yet they were set as a future fed.


When I looked in the data no such contracts were there so I am not sure why I kept on getting that message. Therefore, I made two copies of the data one with WWA still in it and one without. The official data is the one without it. I did this because Fullhouse said he was going to add WWA into the data after beta so I thought this was the best action to take.


So yes WWA will be in the data just not right now.


For some reason even if you delete all the contracts it doesn't always remove owners, bookers and announcers from the relevant lists. Just go into those specific sections of the promotion's page and set them to none.

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Well (as far as I'm concerned) we should be chucking whatever we have out as a beta by Friday at the latest (which was the general plan myself & BHK agreed on). Everyone gets that a beta isn't going to be the polished full article, but we could do with drumming up support for finishing the mod. This way the community can help with things like mis-matching data and maybe filling out some bios or adding free agents/future workers


Sounds good. :)


Can anyone send me the latest beta?

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I keep on adding to this post is it going to look like a short story. I think I will only add your gimmicks and then send you the data so you can add your movesets. Like I said, I have no idea what half of these moves are and I would hate to screw it up for you.


Fair enough. If you are in Rhode Island we're both on EST. If you send me the data either now, tomorrow (the 4th) or Tuesday morning (the 5th) I'll make changes and get it back to you. After that i'll be offline until Friday, so probably better to leave it until after the Beta.


One thing I have noticed when putting the tag team information in there, you have one team that is a six man tag team. The game does not allow that in the set-up I am talking about El Hombrés Estupendos, El Hombré Fantastico, and El Hombré Maravilloso.


It's only a duo. Fantastico and Maravilloso tag as El Hombres Estupendos.


Ciclónico already has his gimmicks set do you want me to change them to what you had in the readme file?


The .txt has the most current data, it should overwrite anything else.


In regards to Billy Zen Kid's gimmick of mystic, such a gimmick is not in this database so I did not add it.


The gimmick was in with the original data I sent, either to Kobe or Hellshock, I forget. You can leave it blank or if I get the data I'll add it in.


Aguila Dorado is in the data he has stats but has no bio. And it says he was born in 1999 and his debut date is also set in 1999.


This Aguila "DORADO" is not mine, all the data versions I've seen have him as a blank nothing with a birth/debut date of 1999. The worker I submitted was named Águila "DORADA," and had the following bio;


"The Golden Eagle is a pretty standard luchador worker - quick and athletic. At this point in his career,

his main selling points are his bright, distinctive mask, and the fast pace of his matches."


If you have the most recent pic pack I sent around, you can see the two different renders.


I have said before in this thread, if the names are a problem just rename my worker to something else (Thunderbird would be my suggestion). If he has been removed from the data entirely, no problem I'll add him back in at whatever later date.


Also, there are no links to the promotions that these teams will be in if they are not free agents. You have already added Cubalibre and Estrella Cubana into the database as Las Estrellas del Cubano do you want to keep that team name or do you Los Estrellas De Cubana as the name?


All of them are unemployed, I sent them in in response to a request for more free agents. My Spanish is severely lacking, but I believe Los Estrellas Del Cubana may be the correct version.


Neither Joanna Dangerously or Siobhan Rotten are in the data that I have so I was unable to add their team.


My bad, those are alter-egos (for Maya Moore and Lacey Addison) on an inactive tag.


After I finish adding in the moves I will send you the data so you can make any corrections to them that you think need to be made.


Again, I can do a quick add either Monday night or Tuesday morning, EST, and send the data right back. After that, It'll have to wait until next weekend.

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Where can I get the beta at?


Sorry for not replying to your previous post. Truth be told I am not sure when it is going to be ready. I guess the best advice would be to check out the thread and someone will say when it is. Other than that I cannot give you an answer that is set in stone because I do not know myself.

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Maybe someone can answer this, to avoid me searching through 330 plus pages, but is there just a file floating out there with the picture pack for this mod?


I love what you guys are doing.


Just would love to utilize some of these great pics you guys have with some of the wrestlers I've created in my head in a 0/0/0 fed I'm starting.


Any help would be appreciated. Keep up the good work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
So did the release of the "Beta" wrap everything up with this mod?


Right now it is on hold while MJ is away for the next couple of weeks. He is working on some of the minor things in the data like matching the contract pictures with the character's picture, stuff like that.


There has not been much feedback to go off of so I am not sure what steps we are going to make. We do need future workers so if anyone on the board would like to submit them, they will make the mod in the future.

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Yeah, I was hoping to get more feedback as well. Where else can we post the beta besides here?


I guess the EWB website, I am a member on there but I think I only posted once on there. Other than that I am not sure where we should post it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bit of random graphical housekeeping;


New School British Wrestling (NSBW) logo







Imperial Dojo (KPKR Dojo) re-render





Australian Hardcore Combat (AHC) logo re-render







Señor del Anillo re-render



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Sorry, sorry, I know this is waiting on my update. I'm having trouble with my laptop (or more precicely with the ethernet port) and cant get it on to the net or my home network. Gonna hunt out my flash drive and transfer it that way, please bare with me <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Okay I hate to bump things just for the sake of bumping them but I want to say that I am still willing to work on this. I am not sure where anyone else stands.<p> </p><p> Aja great work on the Logos as always.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, BHK.</p><p> </p><p> I've been going through the mod lately, combing worker bios for mentions of things like alter-egos, gimmicks, finishers, tag teams, etc. that never got added into the actual data (its amazing how many masked workers are listed as 'no mask.' <img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />). I'm keeping notes as I go, and I'd be happy to add to an update.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The big problem that I see, though, is that Hellshock contributed an enormous amount of material to this mod, but so much of it is just blank 'placeholder' material. I don't see how this mod could ever move beyond the Beta stage without getting all of that filled in.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MJStark" data-cite="MJStark" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sorry, sorry, I know this is waiting on my update. I'm having trouble with my laptop (or more precicely with the ethernet port) and cant get it on to the net or my home network. Gonna hunt out my flash drive and transfer it that way, please bare with me <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Not your fault at all. Aja is right, Hellshock has a lot of placeholder stuff and sadly it looks like he might not be coming back on here. So in regards to that we are in this state of limbo. I would hate to do anything with his stuff, only to have him come back.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rayelek" data-cite="Rayelek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I haven't really been able to do anything with the actual TEW program since my laptop died, but if you there are bios that need to be filled in for EDC, BDW or SHH, I can take care of that since most of those were my workers.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Bio-less workers contracted to EDC:</strong></p><p> BRUTE</p><p> Chris Jesu</p><p> CJ Bruce</p><p> Cole Freeman</p><p> Haze</p><p> JC Bash</p><p> Jimmy Swiss</p><p> Mist</p><p> Nicky Taylor</p><p> Rayquan Minkato</p><p> Ricky French</p><p> Ronnie English</p><p> </p><p> <em>(note all EDC workers are missing gimmicks and movesets)</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bio-less workers contracted to BDW:</strong></p><p> None</p><p> </p><p> <em>(note all BDW workers have bios and movesets, but are missing gimmicks)</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bio-less workers contracted to SHH</strong></p><p> Dane O'Halloran</p><p> Illowren Saire</p><p> Justin Rave</p><p> Mickey O'Halloran</p><p> Robbie Rock</p><p> </p><p> <em>(note most SHH workers have movesets, but all of them are missing gimmicks)</em></p>
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I was able to download and install the data, and here's the adjustments I've got so far for my companies. I can't filter or test anything due to not being able to run the game as an administrator (family computer), so I may be missing a few things. Also, could I get the UKLucha data that needs adjusting as well? I forgot that I had worked on them too.


Enter the Dragon Combat Bio

Enter the Dragon Combat was formed in 1999 by Japanese wrestler "Worldwide" Kaz Hayate and American gaijin Casey "The Idol" Kaufman as a place for foreign workers to ply their trade. For many years, the "Japan vs America" feud between the two was the focal point on top of the card, leading to both men getting very over. These days, both Kaufman and Hayate are at the top of the card, but many young and talented foreigners are coming over to Japan and finding their place in Enter the Dragon Combat.


Titles to Add

BDW North American - Singles; Main Event; 85%

BDW Tandem - Tag Team; Midcard; 65%

BDW High Octane - Singles; High-Flying Function; Floating; 35%

BDW Submissions - Singles; Pure Wrestling Function; Floating; 35%


EDC Enter the Dragon Heavyweight - Singles; Floating; 67%; Min Weight: Light Heavyweight

EDC Dragon Cup - Tournament (November); Singles; Main Event; 87%

EDC Enter the Dragon Lightweight - Singles; Floating; 82%; Max Weight: Middleweight

EDC Gaijin Cup - Tournament (July); Singles; Main Event; 79%


Misc. Data Adjustments

Youth Gone Wild tag experience to Low, add to EDC

Haze/Mist relationship add Strong Friendship

Charles Kazuma/Mist relationship add Blood Relative

Kaz Hayate/Casey Kaufman relationship add Loyalty

Kaz Hayate/Rayquan Minkato relationship add Protoge

The Veil add to EDC

Derek Dillinger add to EDC (written contract, Black Dragon III alter-ego)

Michael Byron add to EDC (written contract, Giant Kong alter-ego)

El Demonio Jr add United Kingdom to available areas


Worker Bios/Gimmicks/Movesets

BRUTE is Aburame Kawanata, a muscular Japanese wrestler who has been working in Enter the Dragon Combat since early in its inception. A powerful wrestler with a muscular build, BRUTE is still young with time to develop, but early in his career, he has had to be carried through many of his matches. Fortunately, as long as he can perform his power moves without hurting anyone, he's likely to keep his job at EDC, or find one elsewhere.

Moves: BRUTE Driver (Pumphandle Driver)

Gimmicks: Monster (Face/Heel)


Chris Jesu is Rodelfo Rincon, a young high flier from South America who has become decently popular in Japan working for Enter the Dragon Combat. Taking his ring name from the name Jesus Christ in hopes of generating cheap heel heat, a lot of promoters refused to use him. It wasn't until he travelled to Japan that Jesu found success, where his finishing move, the Jesu Ex Machina, a shooting star double foot stomp, got him noticed by EDC, where he has worked since.

Moves: Jesu Ex Machina (Shooting Star Double Stomp)

Gimmicks: Lucha Technico (Face)/ Religious Zealot (Heel)


CJ Bruce is an athletic flier from the UK who got his first shot at stardom working for Enter the Dragon Combat in Japan. Signed alongside Youth Gone Wild tag team partner JC Bash, Bruce is the flash and the speed of the pairing. Both men are young and have a chance to become solid workers.

Moves: Greetings from Across the Pond (Moonsault)

Gimmicks: Rock Star (Face/Heel)


JC Bash is an athletic brawler from the UK who got his first shot at stardom working for Enter the Dragon Combat in Japan. Signed alongside Youth Gone Wild tag team partner CJ Bruce, Bash is the power and muscle of the group, but boasts enough athletic ability to perform the occasional breathtaking moves alongside Bruce. Both men are young and have a chance to become solid workers.

Moves: Bash N Bruise (Tilt-a-Whirl Piledriver)

Gimmicks: Rock Star (Face/Heel)


Cole Freeman is a striker from New Zealand who has made his name in the stiff, competitive world of Enter the Dragon Combat. Freeman didn't find that his style was fitting for the Australian wrestling scene and moved to Japan where his talents would be more useful. Finding a company specifically geared towards promoting foreigners, it was logical that Freeman would join Enter the Dragon Combat.

Moves: Wonder from Down Under (Famous-er)

Gimmicks: Clean Cut (Face)/ Arrogant Heel (Heel)


Haze is Sosuke Shinarui, a young Japanese tag team wrestler who has worked with his longtime friend Mist as The Veil for many years. With the help of Mist's father, then an accountant for Kokka No, the two made their national debut as jobbers on a tour but did not impress and were not brought back, and have found their niche in the tag team wrestling scene in Enter the Dragon Combat, where they are former Allies Champions.

Moves: Sit-Out Facebuster

Gimmicks: Teen Idol (Face/Heel)


Mist is Christopher Kazuma, son of Enter the Dragon Combat announcer Charles Kazuma. Growing up, he shared his father's love of professional wrestling and joined the business as a tag team wrestler alongside a longtime friend, working as Haze and Mist, The Veil. With his father's assistance, they got a try-out on a Kokka No tour, but were told they needed to improve their skills. When Charles Kazuma joined the fledgling Enter the Dragon Combat, The Veil joined as well and have been multi-time Allies Champions.

Moves: Superkick

Gimmicks: Teen Idol (Face/Heel)


Adam German is am meber of the Enter the Dragon Combat stable, The Foreign Powers, alongside Jimmy Swiss, Ronnie English and Ricky French. German is is big brawler with a menacing look and decent mic skills, which makes him the enforcer of the group. All four men in the stable are young with time to improve, but German may be the most polished right now.

Moves: Jagerbomb (Powerbomb)

Gimmicks: Foreigner (Face/Heel)


Jimmy Swiss is a member of the Enter the Dragon Combat stable, The Foreign Powers, alongside Adam German, Ronnie English and Ricky French. Swiss is the most over of the young group and is a decent brawler with average entertainment skills. All four men are young with time to improve but right now, Swiss is the leader due to his overness.

Moves: Neutrality Driver (Michinoku Driver)

Gimmicks: Foreigner (Face/Heel)


Ricky French is a member of the Enter the Dragon Combat stable, The Foreign Powers, alongside Adam German, Jimmy Swiss and Ronnie English. French is the flashiest and most charismatic of the group but is often used as a tag team worker due to his lack of basic skills. Only twenty years old, French is also the youngest of the group and may make the biggest impact in the long run.

Moves: Eiffel Tower (Rubix Cube)

Gimmicks: Foreigner (Face/Heel)


Ronnie English is a member of the Enter the Dragon Combat stable, The Foreign Powers, alongside Adam German, Jimmy Swiss and Ricky French. English is a skilled technical wrestler and well rounded in the other areas of wrestling. Currently, English and French tend to wrestle as a tag team due to French's lack of basic skills and English's all-around ability, but English's all-around ability may lead to him being the biggest star out of the group.

Moves: English Grace (Figure Four Leg Lock)

Gimmicks: Foreigner (Face/Heel)


Rayquan Minkato is an athletic veteran working in Enter the Dragon Combat in Japan. Signed when the promotion opened, with almost no experience, he was trained by Kaz Hayate as he developed and is now a very solid hand in the gaijin promotion and one of the most consistent workers on the roster.

Moves: Big Game Hunter (Spear)

Gimmicks: Bad Ass (Face/Heel)

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Derek Dillinger Black Dragon III alter-ego (or possible Black Dragon IV?)




DULL Worker Americana




DULL Worker China Syndrome




Tiger Stripe III (not currently in data)



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