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CGC: One Less DeColt!

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~Chamber of Horrors~




~Loser Leaves Town~

~Eddie Chandler vs. Steve DeColt~


http://i708.photobucket.com/albums/ww88/Motive09/CGC/Roster/EddieChandler21.jpg vs. http://i708.photobucket.com/albums/ww88/Motive09/CGC/Roster/SteveDecolt.jpg




MN: This crowd are on their feet watching two gladiators battle for their CGC survival.


SD: Both have come close, but Eddie Chandler seems to be in the driver’s seat right now.


Eddie picks Steve up by the hair, before grabbing an arm and Irish Whipped Steve towards the ropes. However Steve DeColt reverses it, causing Eddie to hit the ropes. On his way back he slides through Steve’s legs, gets up to his feet and charges Steve. However Steve is ready, kicking Eddie in the guy, and double underhooking his opponent.


MN: DeColt 73. Steve’s got him.






TG: No! Eddie’s kicked out. What drive and determination from the fabulous one. The Elite may have been shrunk, but Eddie is still one of the best on the planet.


Steve looks shocked as he sits up and looks at the referee. Not many men have got up from either one of Steve DeColt’s finishers. Steve stands up and stalks Eddie. Despite the fact that Eddie just kicked out, Steve DeColt can feel the victory close by. As Eddie slowly gets to his feet, Steve slings him over his shoulder for the DeColt Stampede. Running into the turnbuckle, it’s only when he moves back into the centre to slam Eddie, that Eddie slides behind his back, and slaps in the Fabulous Stretch.


TG: He’s got it, and it’s in deep. DeColt’s looking more and more like a pretzel.


SD: Eddie’s really cranking in his unique version of the Abdominal Stretch.


DeColt fights it, screaming more in an attempt to psych himself up and avoid the need to submit. The ref moves around the competitors, making sure DeColt doesn’t tap.


MN: Six Months of back and forth, and it comes down to this moment. Can DeColt find a way out of the Fabulous Stretch and keep his job here in CGC.


SD: All I know is one of these two top class wrestlers is going to go. These two cannot exist in the same promotion.


Steve DeColt keeps fighting, as he eventually hip tosses Eddie from his body. But Eddie rolls through the impact back to his feet, turns, and manages grab Steve’s arm as he goes for a clothesline, Cut Throating Steve before hitting the Elite Plex.


MN: My God, Steve DeColt’s been folded in half.


As Steve’s body untangle’s, Eddie slides over to Steve and makes a tired pin attempt.










TG: Yes, Eddie has done it.


MN: I don’t believe it. And the fans are silenced.


The whole arena went silent, for about five seconds, all though it felt longer. Then the arena, the newly built DeColt Dome, erupted in pure hatred.


MN: My God, it’s deafening.


SD: I can’t believe Eddie Chandler has done it. He has broken up the DeColt family.


TG: It’s a new day, a new era……………and the new era will be FABULOUS!


The fans started to through stuff into the ring as the referee helped Eddie to his feet and held his hand in the air. It took a few seconds for it to soak in, but then Eddie Chandler realized what he had achieved, and started mouthing off to the fans.


“The DeColt Era Is Over!”



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“I did what I thought was best for the company.”


Alex DeColt sits comfortably on an executive chair, behind a mahogany desk, a clear glass window wall behind him, showing off the area around the DeColt Dome. The executive office building attached to the DeColt Dome gave the Dome a very unique look.


“I was always groomed to be the man that took over this company. I knew it, Jack knew it, Ricky knew it and so did Steve. It was me who took the book from my father. It was I that helped my father start the DeColt Dome project. And when my father decided to retire, none of my brothers were surprised.”


Alex looks off to the side, as if remembering a troubled time.


“Steve came to me and said I want the book. And I was pleased. Steve had never really got involved in running the company. Ricky’s young, he’s got his development as a wrestler to worry about. But Jack, he’d helped on the booking team, did a great job as a road agent cover when we’ve needed it. But Steve, Steve focused on being a wrestler. And even I’ll admit, he’s the most rounded and probably the best DeColt to step into the squared circle. But he’s never shown me he had the mind for the business, or a desire before. I wasn’t going to go out on a whim and give him the book. And Steve didn’t like that.”


Alex stopped for a second and shook his head before continuing.


“Anyway, we had a difference of opinion and Steve decided to make his mark on wrestling history, and told me he would be leaving at the end of his contract. And that’s all I want to say about the subject. I talked to Jack about taking the book…”


He nodded with a satisfied grin on his face as he quickly looked at his phone that had started flashing with an incoming call.


“Jack however showed me how much he wanted this company to succeed. He told me he would have loved to have taken it, but he had someone better in mind for the job.”









“I didn’t get involved. All I know is Steve wanted the book, Alex didn’t want to give it to him and offered him something backstage that Steve obviously didn’t want.”


Jack sat back on a couch in his family home. He stretched out his arms and relaxed them on the back of the couch.


“Alex had me down as one of the potential head bookers for our company. And I was flattered. I’d love to have taken the job, but I personally didn’t think I was ready or that I would be the best choice for the company. But I did talk Alex into adding another candidate for the role, and obviously this candidate impressed. He’d been gone from the business for awhile, but it was obvious that he had a knack for running a company and creating storylines.”


Jack grinned.


“I’m just glad Alex agreed with me, because I had already called Phil, and booked him a plane on company expenses.”









“It was the first job I felt I could actually accept. There was no way I was working for Richard. And Tommy still felt like competition.”


Phil is in a very executive, fancy looking office, but there’s no clear indication of where this office is.


“I’d dabbled in TV, movies and all sorts for two years. But I’m a wrestling man, love the stupid business. I just needed the right outlet. And it wasn’t SWF or TCW. CGC on the other hand, well I’ve always been ambitious. And toppling NOTBPW as the Number One Company in Canada was a achievement I wanted to add to my CV!”


Phil paused.


“I’d have loved to have done something with Steve, possible heel turn for him always came to mind.”


Phil shrugged.


“C’est la vie! My first job was to figure a way to write Steve out of the company. I had till Chamber of Horrors. I knew how I was going to do it. A Heel goes for who he felt was the top DeColt, goads Steve into a Loser Leaves Town Match, and then have the heel win cleanly to cement him in the main event. I didn’t have anyone concrete in mind though. So I asked Steve who he wanted to give the rub too. He had no problem with the storyline, and was very quick in picking who he wanted to give the rub too.”










Eddie gave his devilish grin to the camera.


“Who else would he pick!”


Eddie followed it with a laugh.


“Just kidding! I was honoured to be picked though, especially by Steve himself. If your not a CGC fan, you don’t know how big a deal kicking a DeColt out of CGC is. The heat I got in that arena that night, was more than I had ever got before. Sure, the fans hated me as a key member of the Elite. But now I was the key member of the elite, who had sent Steve packing. And on top of all that, Steve is a great guy to work with in the ring. We had fun with out final feud. And the pay off was big. It was just a shame for Alex that NOTBPW a week later also had a really big pay off. Steve had told nobody, so seeing him turn up at NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, and him beating Dark Angel for the NOTBPW Canadian title, well in my opinion that was Steve getting one back on Alex.”

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“We had a year to figure out what to do for the Steve DeColt and Eddie Chandler Feud, and we also had six months were we had to figure out how to fill the inevitable hole that would be in our roster.”


Farrah Hesketh is shown at a round table, for those in the know, this is the CGC Booking Room.


“Alex, Phil, Jack and Myself sat round this very table. The problem we had was our roster was very heel heavy. Those that were potentially close enough to fill Steve’s spot, were all heels. Trent Shaffer, Eddie Chandler, Ryan Powell. All heels! We could turn them, but we didn’t want to just rush them into a face turn when they were all benefiting from being heels. So we looked outside the company.”


Farrah shrugged as she continued.


“We probably covered ourselves a bit too much. We brought in a few people hoping they could rise up the ranks and gain popularity. Nearly all of them did.”










“People don’t seem to give Farrah the credit she deserves.”


Phil shakes his head.


“It’s cause she has a pair of breasts, and all most wrestlers can do is think about banging her. They all look past the fact that she is a great manager, color commentator and a referee. She’s one of the best minds in the business. And a lot of where CGC was in 2010 was down to her.”








“I can’t believe what she accomplished. Three wrestlers, two almost unrecognisable from their characters before.”








“One month in Japan was all she needed. Who knew she could speak Japanese.”









“Well, everywhere else had one. American Elemental, Elemental 1, 2 and then 3. I had to make sure good old Canada beat any other country. I’ve heard rumblings that there might be an Italian Elemental soon. I just went to Japan and found the man I thought could best play the Canadian version of Elemental. I wasn’t looking for a high flier, a luchador or super junior. Canada has brought some of the best technicians in the business to the globe.”


Farrah grinned a devilishly seductive grin.


“I flashed him a smile, let him see how much I knew about the business and I wasn’t some diva trying to play the role, told him the story he’d be involved in. It took some convincing, but we were soon on the phone to Buttercup, asking for a Canadian Elemental Mask.”







“A year later, Canadian Elemental is just on the cusp of the main event, ready to be part of the main storyline in the company.”

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Well the elite decolt feud will hopefully be slightly different. And thanks for the comments. People are welcome to guess who Canadian elemental is too.


I've got it down to one out of two, not sure whether to be greedy and guess both... I'll say Bryan Holmes, for now. :)

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“You know, had it not been for CGC and had it not been for Farrah, I could sit on a DVD like this one, and everyone at home would be like “who’s that guy!”.”


Steve Flash chuckled slightly. Many men would have been upset with having bags of talent but hardly every getting mainstream attention.


“I’ll be honest; I never pushed for the top spot. I knew I wasn’t the most charismatic or the best looking. I was content with being one of the best in the ring, whether the masses realized it or not wasn’t a concern to me. Let me go about my life hardly getting recognized.”


Steve Flash moved to the side slightly so the DeColt Powerhouse came into view. In the ring were some rookie trainee’s as well as Nate Johnson who was running them through some chain wrestling.


“I thought this would be my legacy. Training people up to become some of the best wrestlers on the planet! When I came up to CGC I thought all I’d do was help some of the talent progress, put some people over and then take up a roll backstage. I never thought I’d become Scorpio.”









“I felt he deserved one big run in the main event of a top promotion. I didn’t promise him the title. But I promised him a good run.”









“Phil and I worked extra hard on getting Steve over with the Scorpio gimmick. We both felt he deserved it, and were both happy to put in the extra time.”









“I’ll be honest, I never thought it would fly. Steve is an amazing wrestler, but a natural fit as a CGC Main Eventer? I thought all of Farrah and Phil’s work would result in at best, a solid midcarder.”









“I hated that first night. Wrestling with Paint on my face felt weird for one. Being a lot more theatrical than I’ve ever been! And I didn’t think standing in the shadows and being mysterious would really fly.”


Steve shrugged his shoulders.


“But I’ve never claimed to understand the entertainment side of wrestling. Even with Phil and Farrah’s help, I’m still lower than average when it comes to the microphone game. But I’m glad they gave me the shot."

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling


“Lets Bring in the New Year Right”


The show kicks off with a new CGC Title Bout Wrestling intro video with the music of Filthee “Burn It Down”. The video highlights the DeColts, Eddie Chandler, The Garcia Revolution, Scorpio, Canadian Elemental, Trent Shaffer and Nate Johnson as well as the rest of the CGC roster.




Once the video package is played out, the show kicks off with Jack DeColt’s Take Over Theme. Jack DeColt comes out to the ring with the natural swagger of a champion, the CGC World Title over his shoulder and Hotstuff Marie in toe. The DeColt Dome pays their usual respect to a member of the DeColt family.


JD: “15 years, and I never thought I’d be saying this. I’m going to get to everything else in a minute but first things first. It’s a new year, new opportunities and aspirations. 2009 is behind us so……………….Good Luck Steve!”


A mixed reaction follows Jack DeColt’s words as Jack continues.


JD: “Words were said, actions taken and none of that can be taken back. But Steve, you’re family. And I wish you the best and all the success in the world. Good Luck Steve…………or should I say Good Luck Champ!”


A small smug smirk curves Jack’s lips for a mere second before he continues.


JD: “Now last month at Chamber of Horrors, I’m going to admit that my match with Ryan Powell was slightly overshadowed. A Certain Loser Leaves Town Match kinda stole the show. So tonight I’ve been informed that Ryan Powell, The Shooting Star that often fizzles out, is being given another shot at my CGC World Title! It seems losing in the co-main event isn’t enough for Ryan, he wants to lose in the solo main event, so all eyes can be on him, and the disappointment that comes with unrealized potential. Well that’s fine with me Ryan. So tonight, you talk strategy with Adrian, perhaps even bring that big old lump Dan DaLay, and let me show you once again, just how a DeColt gets things done!”


Jack’s music hits as the cameras go backstage to show Phil Vibert with Blonde Bombshell having watched Jack DeColt’s promo in his office.






Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Scorpio


A Good opening match that got the crowd involved. If this was a pure wrestling promotion, these two could have main evented it with this match. And if anyone can teach Shooter a thing or two, it would be Scorpio.


The match was even until around the six minute mark when Scorpio started to light Shooter up with chops and punches. He finishes the match with a Flash Bang (Springboard Moonsault) for the win.







The cameras go backstage where Dan DaLay is shown arriving in a limousine. He gets out and the fans in the DeColt Dome boo. DeColt walks into the backstage area, through the door and bumps straight into Warren Technique. The two look at each other for a second, before Dan DaLay sends Warren Technique flying into a wall.


DD: “Out of my way punk!”


Dan DaLay doesn’t even give Warren Technique a second look as he carries on.







Fast And Furious vs. The Dirty White Boys


This was little more than a squash. The Dirty White Boys aren’t that over in Canada, and neither is Stevie Grayson. In fact Zeus is probably way to over to be involved with these guys, but he has seriously helped Stevie Grayson get over his ring rust.


The short match finished with Stevie hitting his Shades of Grayson finisher and retaining the Tag Team Titles for his team.






Ed Monton vs. Jace Machado


Another short match which is fortunate as these two didn’t click at all. Jace Machado has risen quickly up the CGC roster since he graduated from the DeColt Powerhouse, and picks up the win against the aging Ed Monton with an Angel Wings finisher.






The cameras go backstage where Phil Vibert is shown talking to a backstage worker.


PV: “Every week it’s DeColt this, DeColt that. Every week for the last however many god damn years! Steve’s gone but I’m still hearing his name. Jack DeColt is still the champion. I’m sick and tired of it. If this promotion is going anywhere, we need to see some sort of change. Things need to be shaken up. Instead Jack is eating up precious minutes of my show, which could have been given to someone else. I got rid of George by buying him out and taking his son’s out of power. I booked the match that sent Steve DeColt running to NOTBPW. And I’ll be the one that takes that title off of Jack DeColt.”


The backstage worker simply nods, knowing that disagreeing would be unwise.






A Promotional video shows next of Harmony and Canadian Elemental. The video shows the moment Harmony came out and lead Canadian Elemental from the ring, since which he hasn’t been seen for two months and then shows plenty of photo shoots of Harmony and Canadian Elemental highlights in the ring.






Destiny vs. Ricky DeColt


Let’s face it, Destiny put up a good fight, but nobody in the arena thought he was going to win. Ricky DeColt was to fast for him, and avoided the bigger man’s grasp for most of the match before hitting the DeColt 450 (450 Splash).






The crowd then go absolutely nuts as the DeColt-tron comes alive and shows them the doors to the backstage area opening, and “The Calgary Assassin” Mike Watson walking through the door.






Joey Poison vs. Gargantuan


In a match were both participants didn’t seem up for the fight, Joey Poison scored an upset quick win when he managed to roll up Gargantuan.






Alex DeColt vs. Philippe LaGrenier


Philippe LaGrenier put up a better fight than most would have perhaps expected, and the result was a very good match, which got a decent amount of heat from the crowd. Alex DeColt clearly respected the fight that Philippe was putting up, and seemed happy with his victory when he hit his Collapse Suplex (Backdrop Suplex) to pick up the win.






Backstage Joey Poison goes into his locker room with his title around his waist, clearly looking forward to a rest. However after opening the door he jumps back.




In his locker room, Thrill Seeker, Whippy The Clown and Faith are there, plenty of weirdly shaped balloon animals around the room and a table full of food with a cake in the middle. Faith runs over and hugs Joey.


F: “Happy Birthday Joey!”


Joey’s face cringed.


JP: “It’s not my birthday Faith.”


Thrill Seeker stepped forward.


TS: “But Whippy said it was.”


WC: “April Fools!”


JP: “It’s not April!”


WC: “January Jokes!”


F: “That doesn’t even exist.”


WC: “It does now. Anyway, come in, have a drink, some food, some cake. We went to a lot of trouble didn’t we Faith.”


Faith shook her head as they went into the room.


F: “I know we did, all for January Jokes.”


TS: “Hey, if we need a reason to pary, we can party just because Joey’s the champ.”


Thrill Seeker picks up some glasses and hands them out. They then make a toast to Joey as champion and go to drink.


JP: “What the hell!”


The three pour their glasses upside down, but nothing comes out.


F: “Whippy, are any of these drinks real, and not fake joke glasses.”


WC: “Well my drinks real! Bottoms up!”


Whippy quickly downs his drink before anyone can take it.


WC: “Mhmmm, Refreshing!”


The other three let out a sigh, before a slight noise brings to their attention that Jace Machado is at the door, watching them all. He shakes his head.


JM: “This is the talent here in CGC? And people wonder why I think I’m better than this rinky dink promotion.”






Eddie Chandler vs. Whippy The Clown


Whippy was in action next against the hot and on form Eddie Chandler. Having come off a victory against Steve DeColt, Eddie was clearly confident. Whippy almost made Eddie pay for that on several occasions in his own unique, over the top, comedic way. However in the end the Fabulous Stretch (Stretch Muffler) was locked on and Eddie picked up the victory.






HM: “I’m backstage waiting on Alex DeColt who has tonight beaten Philippe LaGrenier. And here he comes. ALEX, can I have a quick interview.”


Alex, who looks as if he’s heading out of the building stops for his brothers girlfriend, readjusts his bad and smiles at Marie.


AD: “Sure you can Marie.”


HM: “Well, the fans I’m sure are interested to know what you’re feelings are after Chamber of Horrors where Eddie Chandler defeated Steve DeColt and sent him packing from CGC.”


Alex paused and looked at Marie for awhile longer than Hotstuff Marie felt comfortable with.


AD: “The past is the past Marie, we have to move on with the times. I’d rather talk about my opponent tonight. Sure, he has attitude problems, but Philippe put up a great fight tonight. And if he keeps it up, he’ll be a big name for CGC. We have to move with the times and keep new stars rising up the ranks.”


HM: “But what about you’re brother Steve. Jack’s wished him luck in NOTBPW…..”


JD: “Jack’s his own man, as you’ll well know. And so am I………..so as much as I’d love to talk to you, I’ve got some business I need to go sort out.”


HM: “You not going to watch Jack’s Match?”


But before she can finish her question Alex has moved on.







Ryan Powell vs. Jack DeColt


And this is what CGC needs every night. The fans were still into the feud that had just ended last month enough to carry the heat over into this match, and the two delivered some great action. This was much better than their Chamber of Horrors match too, why is anyone’s guess.


Adrian Garcia played his part in the match, tripping Jack DeColt up once to allow Ryan Powell to hit his Star Treatment about 30 seconds later. However Jack DeColt didn’t disappoint and kicked out at 2 and a half.


After having dealt with Adrian with a hard right next time he tried to get involved, a bit of chain wrestling was ended with a Colt 77 (Uranage).






Jack DeColt gets his hand raised in victory by the referee before his title is handed to him. But before Jack can celebrate much longer, Eddie Chandler has slide into the ring and hits Jack from behind. He beats on Jack awhile before hitting the Elitest Plex (Cut-throat Wrist Clutch Regal Plex). Eddie picks up the title that had been dropped in the melee and kneels down at the side of Jack DeColt. Despite not having a microphone, his words can be heard clearly.


“Time to Eliminate Another One!”







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“The truth is I wasn’t happy.”


“The talent in Japan is amazing, don’t get me wrong. I loved wrestling over there. But with the INSPIRE situation, and going back to BHOTWG. It all felt…………wrong.”


Mike Watson stands in front of a steel cage, which has Anthony LeToussier and Bruce Steven sparring inside, the Strike Force Logo all over the gym.


Let’s face it, I wasn’t exactly used as an integral part of the INSPIRE Invasion storyline. And it’s not exactly missed me. So it didn’t take much convincing. I was going to come home anyway. At the time I thought I’d give one more run with GAMMA ago. But things didn’t work that way.”










“We had heard that Mike Watson wasn’t happy. Jace Machado as most know, has extensive training in various forms of Martial Arts, and was at one point in his life set to become a Mixed Martial Artist. He’s trained in Strike Force and Animal House, two of the best American MMA Camps. Turns out he is quiet tight with Mike Watson, and the two would talk regularly.”


“So we lied a bit to Jace. We told him if he could get Mike Watson to sit down and talk with us, we’d call him up to the main roster and give him his shot on Canadian Television. The kids ambitious, so he bit our hands off!”


Phil smirked.


“We were going to call the kid up anyway, but might as well see if we could get Mike Watson at the same time.”











“I’ve heard that they were going to bring me up anyway. I was just a kid then so I fell for everything Phil said to me. I called up Mike Watson, told him CGC were interested. And I sold living in Canada, a low work schedule, and time to train for a potential return to MMA.”


“I was relieved when Mike told me he was getting a plane to Canada. I thought my first shot was relying on him turning up.”


“I’m not so naive anymore!”

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With last weeks show, Eddie Chandler has made his intentions clear as he took out the CGC World Champion, Jack DeColt after his rematch with Ryan Powell. Eddie could be heard at the end of the show shouting, “Time to Take Eliminate One!” Jack DeColt will not be present at this weeks CGC Title Bout wrestling as a result, but Eddie Chandler will.


Meanwhile Phil Vibert, the new owner of CGC has promised to address this situation and others, and set CGC on course to a great 2010. What will the man that bought CGC from George DeColt have to say to the world?


And in the main event, the ever mysterious Scorpio will face off against Trent Shaffer. With it being a new year, both could jockey themselves into title contention with an impressive performance.


All this and the debut of Larry Wood and Jacob Jett, we suggest you tune in.



Whippy The Clown vs. Larry Wood

Dan DaLay vs. Christian Price

Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Warren Technique

Jacob Jett vs. Ricky DeColt

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Ryan Powell

Trent Shaffer vs. Scorpio




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CGC Title Bout Wrestling




The show kicks off with a new CGC Title Bout Wrestling intro video with the music of Filthee “Burn It Down”. The video highlights the DeColts, Eddie Chandler, The Garcia Revolution, Scorpio, Canadian Elemental, Trent Shaffer and Nate Johnson as well as the rest of the CGC roster.




“Overseer” by Slayyed hits the speakers as Phil Vibert comes out to the ring with Blonde Bombshell in tow. He walks down to the CGC ring and takes a microphone.


PV: “Last year I took over CGC from George DeColt. And when I met the old man, I commended him on what he had achieved. After all, many have tried to build a promotion from the ground up, many have tried to achieve popularity across a nation, and most fail. So George had done a good job. That being said, what I didn’t tell him was he was now running his company into the ground. And I didn’t tell him what needed to be done to save it.”


Phil pauses for dramatic affect as Blonde Bombshell just watches.


PV: “After all, he’d have not sold me the company had I told him I’d be getting rid of the DeColts!”


The fans boo Phil as he revels in the hatred.


PV: “Go ahead and boo, but the reason this promotion is so stagnant, so boring, is because everything is focused on the DeColts. No new stars have been born, no new feuds have been allowed to flourish, and the title history is the least interesting to read in the world. And now one DeColt is gone, you can bet I’m going to look to get rid of another. Jack DeColt, you’re all over my show, and I want you gone. So enjoy what little time you have left as champion, because you’re reign will end, and then so will you’re career in CGC.”







Larry Wood vs. Whippy The Clown


Larry Wood is huge and some of the younger kids in the audience seemed generally scared by the hairy Mountain Man. The commentary team of Mitch Naess, The Guru and Sue Danes hyped up the big man and gave Whippy the Clown little chance. However while Whippy like to joke around, he is no joke in the ring as he used his speed to try and stay out of the big man’s clutches. However the big man eventually caught him and the match started to go Larry Wood’s way, until Whippy hit the Joke’s On You (Damage Reflex) out of nowhere and picks up the win.






FH: “I’m here with Bobby Thomas of the Garcia Revolution and one half of Canada’s Most Wanted. As perhaps two of the most experienced members of the CGC Roster that are in the tag team, do you see Tag Team Gold in Canada’s Most Wanted Future.”


BT: “If Shooter and I want those tag team titles, then you best believe we can get them. There aren’t two better suited men to carry gold in this company other than Dan DaLay and Ryan Powell.”


Farrah nods as she asks her next question.


FH: “What about you’re ex stable members, Eddie Chandler and Nate Johnson?”


BT: “They decided to strike it out on their own, and good luck to them. But if they get in Garcia Revolutions way, then they should know exactly what they are getting themselves ………….




Before Bobby Thomas can continue he is suddenly barged from behind as Grimm Quibble stumbles into the scene. He looks around at Farrah and Bobby and shakes his head.


GQ: “Man, I’m sorry. My Bad!”


Grimm Quibble then goes on his way as Bobby Thomas looks on in astonishment.







Simply Amazing vs. Henry Lee & Mikey


The Team of Philippe LaGrenier and Ozzie Golden have been tagging regularly for awhile now, and it was that team work that set them apart from their opponents. Frequent tags and cutting Frankie Perez from his more experienced partner paid in dividends as Simply Amazing pick up the win.







Christian Price vs. Dan DaLay


A year ago, this was a squash match in waiting, but in 2010 Christian Price put up a valiant fight.


Till he was squashed! But it was a good squash!






The cameras go backstage where Phil Vibert is shown in his office, going over some paperwork. Sitting nearby at another desk is Blonde Bombshell, in a very revealing and tight business outfit. The quite is interrupted by the door bursting open and in walks Eddie Chandler.


PV: “It’s polite to knock.”


EC: “Sorry, but I’m here to talk about the DeColts, specifically Jack. You must have seen what I did to him last week!”


Phil Vibert smiled as he recollected the end of last weeks show.


PV: “Oh, I remember. It was fun to watch.”


EC: “Well I just want to let you know I’m the man to take out Jack, just like I did Steve. I want a title shot!”


PV: “That would be a great idea, but Jack DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler is a Pay Per View Match! And the next Pay Per View is CGC Elimination. 3 vs. 3 Rules. But I’ll keep you in mind.”


EC: “Keep me in mind? I’m the fabulous one Phil!”


PV: “That you are, but I will be exploring all avenues open to me. Now if you wouldn’t mind, I have work to do.”


Eddie Chandler clearly looks disappointed in Phil’s responses as he leaves the office.







Warren Technique vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


This was a good match up, and had Warren Technique grabbed the fans imagination more as a character in CGC, then the heat behind this match might have been pretty big. These two technical wrestlers rolled through reversals and locked on submissions. But all though Warren Technique impressed, in a match of this kind there was to be but one winner. Shooter Sean got the win with a German Suplex.






“Hate Me Now” by Puff Daddy and Nas hits the arena as out from the back comes CGC’s MVP, Jace Machado. He swaggers down to the ring and takes a microphone.


JM: “It is my pleasure, to let you all bask in my presence. In the presence of a soon to be, true, world superstar. This little promotion, with all these little wrestlers is just a stepping stone to my inevitable greatness. And the very first stepping stone that I will crush under my weight, is a Canadian mainstay. Joey Poison.”


Jace Machado turns to look to the DeColt-Tron and towards the backstage area.


JM: “Let’s face it Joey, the only reason you’re still in Canada is because you’re not big enough to try and break the world wrestling scene and become an international superstar. Hell, you’re not good enough to be better than you’re cousin, who’s languishing in the tag ranks down south. So it is going to be easy for me to take that Canadian Title from you, which is the first step in my road to greatness. Enjoy the title for awhile, seeing as I can’t win it from you at Elimination. But trust me, you’re reign will be eliminated, because I’m CGC’s MVP and there ain’t nobody that can take that crown from me.”







Old School vs. Adrenaline


One team has Joey Poison, current CGC Canadian Champion and Thrill Seeker, half of one of CGC’s best tag teams ever! The other team has Vin Tanner and Nathan Black. There both solid veterans, but as far as star power or the future of this company, they’re not likely to go anywhere. But as a tag team they are solid and gave a good showing of themselves before losing.







Ricky DeColt vs. Jacob Jett


You know, it’s surprising that Jacob Jett has never been tested in a big promotion until now. He has the wow factor in the ring and decent entertainment skills. The crowd however didn’t really care for the former 4C star and as a result the crowd weren’t that into what was a great match. Of course Ricky picked up the win with a DeColt 45.






WC: “Congratulations Guys!”


The scene comes in on Adrenaline being rushed by Whippy the Clown who hugs them both.


WC: “Great Win against Old School!”


TS: “We should be saying the same to you. Larry Wood is huge!”


JP: “Thrill Seekers right, that was impressive. If you just got a bit more serious, stayed focused and put the work in, you could be one of the best in this company.”


Whippy smiled and flexed his muscles.


WC: “Whippy the Clown, the best in the world!”


Joey and Thrill Seeker just laugh.


JP: “Were going to go find faith, probably celebrate tonight.”


WC: “Cool, I’ll catch up with you guys later. Whippy the Clown plans on painting the town green.”


TS: “It’s red Whippy!”


WC: “No, it’s green. I specifically asked for Green paint. Later Guys!”


Whippy The Clown walked off as Adrenaline both shook their heads and turned to walk off, both sporting “Kick Me!” signs on their backs.







Zeus Maxmillion vs. Ryan Powell


Ryan Powell came down to the ring with Adrian Garcia in tow, clearly looking angry. He set out from the offset with an aggressive style, clearly trying to hurt Zeus Maxmillion. However Zeus gave as good as he got as he fought back. In the end it was only due to a trip by Adrian Garcia, that took Zeus’s attention of Ryan long enough for Ryan to take the advantage and then end the match with the Star Treatment.






QE: “Hello their ladies and gentleman, I am Queen Emily, now also to be known as the Queen of CGC. I have decided to grace you all with my presence, and for now I’ll be the best backstage interviewer that this company has got. A lot better than any bimbo they might put amongst stars with a microphone. And naturally, with my debut interview, I will be interviewing a big star. So Ladies and Gentleman, I give you “The Calgary Assassin” Mike Watson!”


Mike Watson walks into shot with a very slight smile on his face.


QE: “So Mike, let me be the first to welcome you back to Canada and into CGC.”


MW: “Thank You Emily.”


QE: “It’s Queen Emily thank you very much. Anyway, what the fans want to know, but more importantly, what I want to know is why have you left the land of the rising son, to return to the cold and bitter weather of Canada?”


MW: “A New Challenge. I’m all about challenging myself. Be it in GAMMA, BHOTWG, INSPIRE or here in CGC, I’m all about the challenge. And I wanted a challenge, and I could think of no better place to challenge myself than CGC.”


QE: “Well how do you think your style will match up here. This is professional wrestling after all, and you’re style is very MMA.”


HM: “That is true, but …………..”


AD: “What he’s about to say is that he adapted to Burning Hammer, and he’ll adapt to Golden Combat. Nice to meet you, I’m Adrian Garcia, leader of the Garcia Revolution!”


Adrian Garcia walks into the shot and extends his hand to Mike Watson.


AD: “I heard you were coming to CGC, and I know you’ll want to adapt to you’re new environment as quickly as possible. And I’m here to make that transition easy for you. With me guiding you, I’d say I’m looking at the next CGC World Champion. So I’d like to officially offer my services.”


MW: “Do I get to think about it?”


AD: “Of course, just don’t take to long, and choose wisely.”


Adrian Garcia’s tone is clear as he walks away, Mike Watson watching him, looking deep in thought.







Scorpio vs. Trent Shaffer


Phil Vibert should be backstage, extremely pleased with this match-up. Trent Shaffer went out there with Scorpio, and opponent that can carry anyone to a good match, and put on the best match of the year so far. Sure it’s only two weeks in, but this was better than Jack DeColt vs. Ryan Powell, and a lot of the fans new it.


Scorpio started out the stronger, controlling the opening pace, but soon the younger Trent Shaffer started to take over. However his youth that benefits him with more stamina, became a hindrance when Trent got many near pin falls, but couldn’t quite put Scorpio away. He got agitated and started to argue with the referee, which gave Scorpio time to recover.


Scorpio fought back and seemed to have the match in the bag until a roll up caught him off guard and Trent Shaffer used Scorpio’s tights to pick up the win.




Trent Shaffer quickly rolls out of the ring and away from Scorpio, who doesn’t complain to the referee but instead stares a whole through the younger superstar. Trent grabs a microphone and makes his way up the ramp.


TS: “Phil, you want a new star, you need to look no further. 2010 is my year! Jack DeColt, I’m coming for you!”








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Came home from work all set to post, and found my laptop wouldn't show any of the screen apart from my documents. Have had to format my computer but that doesn't mean the end of the diary. I've got three months worth planned week by week and the main event feud planned till September as far as ppv's are concerned. Shows are booked till mid feb so once my comp is started i'm going to post the shows just as I had before my computer problems. So hold on for a bit and this will be back.
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“CGC had one major issue by 2010, and it was partly my fault, as the head booker I should have done something about it sooner. But I’ll be honest; I was a victim of my own success. But in this business, if you’re major problem is dealing with the success you’re having, then you can’t be doing too badly.”


“When I came in, the DeColts were the big names, Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler were also up there. I knew I needed more star power, and I knew I couldn’t just hand pick stars from other companies. We weren’t big enough to steal even say a Squeeky McClean or Benny Benson. So I brought in Steve Flash and Mike Watson along with one smaller name, in Canada at least, and built him up as Canadian Elemental. Steve’s amazing in the ring, so fans will eventually care about him if he’s booked right. Mike Watson is one of Canada’s big MMA stars, and Canadian Elemental is one of the most talented Canadian’s outside the DeColts and Stones.”


“But when it came to building heel stars, I looked to our own. And a couple of them started to step up. Shooter Sean Deeley around this time started to put on some amazing performances in the ring. The only thing holding him back was his entertainment skills. And then there’s Nate Johnson and Trent Shaffer.”





“I’ve been on the cusp for years. I was just below the main event for what felt like eternity. And if you want my honest opinion, it’s because that’s where the DeColt’s wanted me. Sure, I know I’m no Eddie Chandler, but I’m a talented wrestler, and I’m good on the microphone. It wasn’t until Phil came along that I felt like I had a chance to break the glass ceiling.”


“When Phil told me I was going to be involved in the main storyline for the promotion for 2010, I was ecstatic. In one way or another, most of the major players were involved in this story. And it wasn’t really DeColt’s verses like usual. Sure, Jack was champion, but there was no DeColt’s verses the world feel to this story.”


“This was my opportunity, so yeah; I put everything I had into this story. I wanted to deliver, and show Phil I could perform at the top level.”





“Phil’s very good at getting the best out of people. Just look at the DAVE Alumni! He spoke to the locker room after his appointment, and said everyone was starting on a clean slate, and if you want TV time, work for it and you’ll get it. I’d just come out of being a tag team with Bobby, and I’ll be honest, I was nervous. I’d tagged with Bobby for years. But everyone who wrestles wants to be the number one guy, for however long you get to be up there. It means more money, more respect and a chance to go into the Hall of Immortals.”


“So I started to work hard on my wrestling, Steve Flash helped me a lot with that. And I started to try and become a more entertaining character as I now had to stand out on my own. And I started to get over. Over enough that when the main event storyline was being written in the end of 2009, I was put into it, which was fantastic!”


“A year ago I was fighting Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson for like the 100th time. And now I was going to be fighting the likes of Jack DeColt. Doesn’t get much better than that.”

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The Title Chase in CGC is hotting up as both Eddie Chandler and Trent Shaffer have made their intentions known and have their sights set on the CGC World Champion Jack DeColt. All three will be in attendance at CGC Title Bout Wrestling this week, so anything could happen.


Meanwhile the Main Event sees Ricky DeColt face off against a familiar foe as he faces “The Natural” Nate Johnson. Nate having broken away from The Elite last year has been impressive now he’s struck out on his own, and Ricky aspires to be CGC World Champion again. So the result should be a competitive match up.


Mike Watson makes his debut in the ring after he shocked the CGC World by turning up at Title Bout Wrestling. His opponent is Garcia Revolution Member Bobby Thomas.


And on top of that we have Alex DeColt vs. Warren Technique, Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Shane Nelson and appearances from the likes of Scorpio and Dan DaLay.


Nate Johnson vs. Ricky DeColt

Mike Watson vs. Bobby Thomas

Warren Technique vs. Alex DeColt

Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Shane Nelson.



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Nate Johnson vs. Ricky DeColt

Only because it seems that Vibert wants to phase out the DeColts( except for Alex, that power hungry bastard!)


Mike Watson vs. Bobby Thomas

Being billed as one of the big stars means you win over tag team jobbers


Warren Technique vs. Alex DeColt



Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Shane Nelson.

Deeley is a potential major star, Nelson is boring.

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