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Tuesday, Week 2, January 2013

ROF Better Than the Best

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


The Foreign Legion vs. Robert Brown and Zack Macomber

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Robert Brown and Zack Macomber defeated The Foreign Legion in 9:58 when Zack Macomber defeated Jacques DuPont by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


Nothing to write home about, we should be doing better than this to be perfectly honest.



Block A: Alton Vicious (0) vs. Martyn Staddon (0)

In an extremely poor match, Alton Vicious defeated Martyn Staddon in 6:12 by pinfall with a Vicious Snap.


I got a bonus for this match being a well executed squash. Never seen that before. Nice.



Block D: Henry Rohde (0) vs. Yuri Iliakov (0)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Yuri Iliakov defeated Henry Rohde in 8:13 by pinfall with a Kiev Krush.


Wah, wah, I was hoping that Yuri's high popularity would carry this match, but they don't click at all.



Block C: Frank Burton (0) vs. Kelly Martin (0)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Frank Burton defeated Kelly Martin in 20:47 by pinfall with a Brainbuster.


Frank dominated this match for 21 whole minutes and looked great doing it. I love it.



Block B: Lenny Mochin (0) vs. Merle O'Curle (0)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Merle O'Curle defeated Lenny Mochin in 6:49 by submission with a Celtic Wreath.


I think this is the worst match Merle has been involved in... ever. They didn't seem to click in there. I hope Lenny can pick up the pace later on.



Josh Jones vs. Wade Orson © (ROF Burning Championship)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Wade Orson defeated Josh Jones in 26:03 by pinfall with a Bounce Back. Wade Orson makes defense number 2 of his Ring Of Fire Burning Championship title.


We put all our eggs into the main event basket and damned if it didn't deliver. I have to thank Josh and Wade for going out there and putting it all on the line.



Overall Rating: C-

Attendance: 300


John Lions is the undisputed winner this week going 100%. How about next time?


Next time on ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Block D: Henry Rohde (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

Block C: Robert Brown (0) vs. Terrence Bedlam (0)

Block B: Lance Martin (0) vs. Zack Macomber (0)

Block A: Barry Griffin (0) vs. Jacques DuPont (0)

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Block D: Henry Rohde (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

Rohde couldn't beat Yuri, but if you're willing to team him with Zack, then I think he could be going places

Block C: Robert Brown (0) vs. Terrence Bedlam (0)

Bedlam couldn't beat Jamie Anderson

Block B: Lance Martin (0) vs. Zack Macomber (0)

Poor, once-promising Lance

Block A: Barry Griffin (0) vs. Jacques DuPont (0)

Even a washed-up Barry can do better than a DuPont

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Friday, Week 2, January 2013

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Phoenix Nights (North, UK)


Block D: Henry Rohde (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Henry Rohde defeated Jacques DuPont in 5:37 by pinfall with a Second Floor Legdrop.


Rohde dominates the smaller DuPont and is able to pick up the win. He is a humungous man.



Block C: Robert Brown (0) vs. Terrence Bedlam (0)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Robert Brown defeated Terrence Bedlam in 9:42 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.


Bedlam is still rusty, he should have been working on the independent shows. Bob was supposed to have him look strong, but it wasn't so.



Block B: Lance Martin (0) vs. Zack Macomber (0)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Zack Macomber defeated Lance Martin in 24:17 by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


The match was too long, apparently the fans didn't want to see us.



Block A: Barry Griffin (0) vs. Jacques DuPont (0)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Barry Griffin defeated Jacques DuPont in 12:25 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock.


At least these two have great chemistry and it hopefully boosted the show up.



Overall Rating: D

Attendance: 138


Everyone made different picks and the winner, going 100% for the second time in a row... John Lions! Will he grab the three-peat? Or will he be dethroned? Stay tuned...


Next time on ROF Better Than the Best:

Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Donny Damage (3)

Block B: Leigh Burton (3) vs. Lenny Mochin (0)

Block C: Don Henderson (3) vs. Jaime Anderson (3)

Block D: Nigel Svensson (3) vs. Walter Morgan (3)

Josh Jones and Merle O'Curle vs. Hail Storm

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Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Donny Damage (3)

Poor Alton Vicious, squashed by a bitter, semi-retired road agent

Block B: Leigh Burton (3) vs. Lenny Mochin (0)

The real question here is if Leigh can pull off a better match with Mochin than Merle

Block C: Don Henderson (3) vs. Jaime Anderson (3)

You may be disappointed with Henderson often, but he usually can pull off something solid in a clinch. Anderson... not so much

Block D: Nigel Svensson (3) vs. Walter Morgan (3)

Tough call, but Nigel's got a lot ahead of him, while Walter seems to be facing the downswing of his ROH career

Josh Jones and Merle O'Curle vs. Hail Storm

Jones has a big future in ROH as well, and getting the rub here with Merle will do wonders. Simon Ice should never be beating Merle

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Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Donny Damage (3)


Alton is probably the better prospect though


Block B: Leigh Burton (3) vs. Lenny Mochin (0)


Leigh is awesome


Block C: Don Henderson (3) vs. Jaime Anderson (3)


I'd normally go against "Letdown" Don, but Anderson is even worse


Block D: Nigel Svensson (3) vs. Walter Morgan (3)


Walter Morgan. Euch.


Josh Jones and Merle O'Curle vs. Hail Storm

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Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Donny Damage (3)

Block B: Leigh Burton (3) vs. Lenny Mochin (0)

Block C: Don Henderson (3) vs. Jaime Anderson (3)

Block D: Nigel Svensson (3) vs. Walter Morgan (3)

Josh Jones and Merle O'Curle vs. Hail Storm

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Tuesday, Week 3, January 2013.

ROF Better Than the Best

Parliment Square (South, UK)


Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Donny Damage (3)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Donny Damage defeated Alton Vicious in 9:18 by pinfall.


Alton does a good job keeping up with Donny, not good enough though.



Block B: Leigh Burton (3) vs. Lenny Mochin (0)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Leigh Burton defeated Lenny Mochin in 5:32 by pinfall with a Back Suplex.


And we go to a not so good match. Leigh dominates in impressive fashion. Well, I can't expect them all to be great.



Block C: Don Henderson (3) vs. Jaime Anderson (3)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Don Henderson defeated Jamie Anderson in 13:36 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


Back on form, not great form, but form, nonetheless.



Block D: Nigel Svensson (3) vs. Walter Morgan (3)

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Walter Morgan in 17:54 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Not a lot of selling in this match. Not a lot of psychology, but still a fine showing from both men.



Josh Jones and Merle O'Curle vs. Hail Storm

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hail Storm defeated Josh Jones and Merle O'Curle in 32:49 when Frank Burton defeated Josh Jones by pinfall with a Brainbuster.


Josh and Simon were both off their game, but it's still a hell of a match. Frank is building some momentum for sure.



Overall Rating: C+

Attendance: 827


Everyone guesses the same and as such, misses the main. Three way draw this week. How about next time?


Next time on ROF Pure Pro Wrestling:

Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Robert Brown (3)

Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Wade Orson (3)

Block A: Jacques DuPont (0) vs. Viktor Beskov (3)

Don Henderson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Champion)

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Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Robert Brown (3)

Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Wade Orson (3)

Block A: Jacques DuPont (0) vs. Viktor Beskov (3)

Don Henderson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Champion)

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Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Robert Brown (3)

Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Wade Orson (3)

Block A: Jacques DuPont (0) vs. Viktor Beskov (3)

Don Henderson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Champion)

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Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Robert Brown (3)

Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Wade Orson (3)

Block A: Jacques DuPont (0) vs. Viktor Beskov (3)

Don Henderson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Champion)

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Friday, Week 3, January 2013

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Crescent Crown Pub (Ireland, UK)


Kelly Martin helped the backstage morale with some extra booze.


Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Robert Brown (3)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Robert Brown defeated Kelly Martin in 10:16 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.


Bobby gets a win, but it isn't a very good one.



Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Pierre DuPont defeated Gordon Leve in 8:29 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.


Pierre dominates, nice.



Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Wade Orson (3)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Wade Orson defeated JK Lee in 7:18 by pinfall with a Bounce Back.


Wade squishes JK without a problem. Whoops, I already did this match.



Block A: Jacques DuPont (0) vs. Viktor Beskov (3)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Viktor Beskov defeated Jacques DuPont in 10:11 by submission with a Red Devil Lock.


Lack of psychology shown in the match, but pretty decent, nonetheless.



Don Henderson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Champion)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle defeated Don Henderson in 15:30 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 9 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Aaaaand, we bring it in the main event. That's just the way it has to be, I guess.



Overall Rating: C-

Attendance: 196


Bolt goes 100% this week for the win. Excellent job. Can you do the same thing this time?


Next time on ROF Better Than the Best:

Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Simon Ice (0)

Block A: Josh Jones (0) vs. Martyn Staddon (0)

Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Merle O'Curle (3)

Block B: Wade Orson (3) vs. Zack Macomber (3)

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Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

Haven't these 2 just fought!?

Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Simon Ice (0)

Block A: Josh Jones (0) vs. Martyn Staddon (0)

Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Merle O'Curle (3)

Block B: Wade Orson (3) vs. Zack Macomber (3)

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Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)


Leve is cannon fodder


Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Simon Ice (0)


You like Ice. Me? Not so much...


Block A: Josh Jones (0) vs. Martyn Staddon (0)


Josh has talent


Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)


Devils arent losing to a thrown together gang. Even if it is "Trailblazer" Burton


Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Merle O'Curle (3)


Merle is in great form


Block B: Wade Orson (3) vs. Zack Macomber (3)


Shock! Wade is really producing the grades these days

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Tuesday, Week 4, January 2013.

ROF Better Than the Best

Parliment Square (South, UK)


Frank Burton organized a TCW video game tournament and promptly won it. It was a good time for all involved.


Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Pierre DuPont (0)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Pierre DuPont defeated Gordon Leve in 5:44 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.


Here was a match between two lower guys that wasn't bad at all. The lower card really needs to beef up their psychology.



Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Simon Ice (0)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Simon Ice defeated Kelly Martin in 7:07 by pinfall with a Black Ice Driver.


Bummer, this should have been a bit better of a match, but Simon doesn't have the ability to carry a match yet.



Block A: Josh Jones (0) vs. Martyn Staddon (0)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Josh Jones defeated Martyn Staddon in 7:37 by pinfall with a Canadian Backdrop.


Having a jobber like Martyn in the match for this long looked to be a bad idea. Josh is awesome though and it was a good showing.



Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton defeated The Red Devils in 15:21 when Leigh Burton defeated Viktor Beskov by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex. Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton win the Ring Of Fire Tag Championship titles.


Yeah, so I hot shotted the belts... sue me. The Red Devils have greatness painted all over them. Maybe one of these Russian bears will have what it takes to take the belt off Merle.



Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Merle O'Curle (3)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Merle O'Curle defeated JK Lee in 12:22 by submission with a Celtic Wreath.


Merle rules. He just brought JK Lee up to a C- match. Nice.



Block B: Wade Orson (3) vs. Zack Macomber (3)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Wade Orson drew with Zack Macomber in 30:00 when the time limit expired.


The first draw of the tournament. We've got the thirty minute time limit in place to make draws possible. Wade and I had a good match, nothing I can complain about.



Overall Rating: C

Attendance: 870


Bolt goes 4/6 tonight to pick up the win, but will he do the same next week?


Next time on ROF Pure Pro Wrestling:

JK Lee vs. Lenny Mochin

Block D: Riddick Jordan (0) vs. Yuri Iliakov (3)

Block C: Frank Burton (3) vs. Robert Brown (3)

Don Henderson vs. Nigel Svensson

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The young luchador, Ultra Spark, Jr., has tragically passed away in a traffic accident. ROF management sends their condolences to both the family and colleagues of Ultra Spark, Jr.


Friday, Week 4, January 2013

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Crescent Crown Pub (Ireland, UK)


Donny Damage and Lance Martin have bonded backstage as of late and now enjoy a loyalty relationship. Lance is now very important backstage. He's the brother of Kelly, the protege of Walter, and has the loyalty of Donny. Guess who's sticking around for good?


JK Lee vs. Lenny Mochin

In an extremely poor match, JK Lee defeated Lenny Mochin in 5:41 by submission with a Crossface.


Not the best match we could put on, but still better than what the fans expect, so I can't complain.



Block D: Riddick Jordan (0) vs. Yuri Iliakov (3)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Yuri Iliakov defeated Riddick Jordan in 8:26 by pinfall with a Kiev Krush.


Riddick is rusty and Yuri was off his game. This should have been a lot better than it was.



Block C: Frank Burton (3) vs. Robert Brown (3)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Frank Burton defeated Robert Brown in 24:41 by pinfall with a Brainbuster.


We make up for the last two matches with this one. Excellent showing out of these two and I expect no less.



Don Henderson vs. Nigel Svensson

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Don Henderson defeated Nigel Svensson in 12:44 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


Hey, look at that, a good match out of Don. It's about time.



Overall Rating: C-

Attendance: 194


Next time on ROF Better Than the Best:

Block B: Lance Martin (0) vs. Lenny Mochin (0)

Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Terrence Bedlam (0)

Block D: Henry Rohde (3) vs. Riddick Jordan (0)

Block A: Donny Damage (6) vs. Jacques DuPont (0)

Barry Griffin vs. Walter Morgan

Frank Burton © vs. Nigel Svensson (Man of Steel Championship)

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Block B: Lance Martin (0) vs. Lenny Mochin (0)

Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Terrence Bedlam (0)

Block D: Henry Rohde (3) vs. Riddick Jordan (0)

Block A: Donny Damage (6) vs. Jacques DuPont (0)

Barry Griffin vs. Walter Morgan

Frank Burton © vs. Nigel Svensson (Man of Steel Championship)

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Block B: Lance Martin (0) vs. Lenny Mochin (0)


blue eyed boy gets some love


Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Terrence Bedlam (0)


Bedlam is a real dark horse


Block D: Henry Rohde (3) vs. Riddick Jordan (0)


Monster push for the big fella


Block A: Donny Damage (6) vs. Jacques DuPont (0)


I'd prefer Jacques, but I dont think it will happen


Barry Griffin vs. Walter Morgan


weird-looking Walter goes down hard


Frank Burton © vs. Nigel Svensson (Man of Steel Championship)


Nigel is turning into a very valuable jobber

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For a change of pace, I wanted to try playing with numbers instead of grades. If I like it, I'm going to keep it, if not, then back to grades.


Tuesday, Week 1, February 2013.

ROF Better Than the Best

Parliment Square (South, UK)


Block B: Lance Martin (0) vs. Lenny Mochin (0)

In an extremely poor match, Lance Martin defeated Lenny Mochin in 6:19 by pinfall with a Body Rocker.


Woof, not a match I am proud of putting on, but it had to happen to complete the block. Lance gets a well executed squash as well.

(E+, 34)


Block C: Kelly Martin (0) vs. Terrence Bedlam (0)

In an extremely poor match, Terrence Bedlam defeated Kelly Martin in 6:58 by submission with a Mind Strangler.


Double woof! This was worse than the previous match and it makes me sad. Terrence is all rusty in there. He may need some dark matches.

(E, 27)


Block D: Henry Rohde (3) vs. Riddick Jordan (0)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Henry Rohde defeated Riddick Jordan in 6:21 by pinfall with a Second Floor Legdrop.


Sigh... triple woof. Rohde got a good squash in. This show is not going my way for the undercard, but I have a hope that everything else will be moving up.

(E+, 34)


Block A: Donny Damage (6) vs. Jacques DuPont (0)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Donny Damage defeated Jacques DuPont in 12:01 by pinfall.


Donny snags a good win in a match that should bring the crowd right up.

(C-, 56)


Barry Griffin vs. Walter Morgan

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Walter Morgan defeated Barry Griffin in 14:06 by submission with a Wigan Wrench.


Yeah, so I went to my never fail match. I knew this card was going to need a good couple main events to do us any good.

(C+, 67)


Frank Burton © vs. Nigel Svensson (Man of Steel Championship)

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Frank Burton defeated Nigel Svensson in 32:41 by pinfall with a Brainbuster. Frank Burton makes defense number 1 of his Man of Steel Championship title.


These guys have great chemistry together, but strangely received a lack of psychology penalty. Maybe Frank doesn't have what it takes to lead a 30 minute match.

(C+, 66)


Overall Rating: C, 64

Attendance: 852


Bolt goes 5/6 tonight. I'm way ahead of this point in game, so I'm starting to do two shows per post for awhile.


Next time on ROF Pure Pro Wrestling:

Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton © vs. Absolutely Flawless (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Block C: Jamie Anderson (3) vs. Robert Brown (3)

Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Viktor Beskov (6)

Gordon Leve (0) vs. Walter Morgan (3)

Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Zack Macomber (4)

Josh Jones vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)


Next time on ROF Better Than the Best:

Block A: Barry Griffin (3) vs. Martyn Staddon (0)

Block D: Nigel Svensson (6) vs. Pierre DuPont (3)

Block B: Leigh Burton (6) vs. Wade Orson (4)

Block C: Frank Burton (6) vs. Simon Ice (3)

Block D: Walter Morgan (3) vs. Yuri Iliakov (6)

Don Henderson and Robert Brown vs. Merle O'Curle and Zack Macomber

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Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton © vs. Absolutely Flawless (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Block C: Jamie Anderson (3) vs. Robert Brown (3)

Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Viktor Beskov (6)

Gordon Leve (0) vs. Walter Morgan (3)

Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Zack Macomber (4)

Josh Jones vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)



Next time on ROF Better Than the Best:

Block A: Barry Griffin (3) vs. Martyn Staddon (0)

Block D: Nigel Svensson (6) vs. Pierre DuPont (3)

Block B: Leigh Burton (6) vs. Wade Orson (4)

Block C: Frank Burton (6) vs. Simon Ice (3)

Block D: Walter Morgan (3) vs. Yuri Iliakov (6)

Don Henderson and Robert Brown vs. Merle O'Curle and Zack Macomber

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Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton © vs. Absolutely Flawless (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Block C: Jamie Anderson (3) vs. Robert Brown (3)

Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Viktor Beskov (6)

Gordon Leve (0) vs. Walter Morgan (3)

Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Zack Macomber (4)

Josh Jones vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)


Next time on ROF Better Than the Best:

Block A: Barry Griffin (3) vs. Martyn Staddon (0)

Block D: Nigel Svensson (6) vs. Pierre DuPont (3)

Block B: Leigh Burton (6) vs. Wade Orson (4)

Block C: Frank Burton (6) vs. Simon Ice (3)

Block D: Walter Morgan (3) vs. Yuri Iliakov (6)

Don Henderson and Robert Brown vs. Merle O'Curle and Zack Macomber

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Friday, Week 1, February 2013

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Crescent Crown Pub (Ireland, UK)


Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton © vs. Absolutely Flawless (ROF Tag Team Championships)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton defeated Absolutely Flawless in 6:44 when Henry Rohde defeated Lance Martin by pinfall with a Second Floor Legdrop. Henry Rohde and Leigh Burton make defense number 1 of their Ring Of Fire Tag Championship titles.


The first defense for Henry and Leigh goes as planned. It's not a horrible match it should lead into something better for them soon.

(D-, 38)


Block C: Jamie Anderson (3) vs. Robert Brown (3)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Robert Brown defeated Jamie Anderson in 6:55 by submission with a Samurai Secret Stretch.


I wasn't expecting anything good out of these two. Luckily, I wasn't disappointed.

(D-, 41)


Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Viktor Beskov (6)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Viktor Beskov defeated Alton Vicious in 7:45 by submission with a Red Devil Lock.


There was a lack of psychology, of course. Vik and Yuri both need to learn the skill.

(D, 45)


Gordon Leve (0) vs. Walter Morgan (3)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Walter Morgan defeated Gordon Leve in 6:41 by submission with a Wigan Wrench.


Hey look, a lack of psychology. No way. At least these guys can work.

(D, 47)


Block B: JK Lee (0) vs. Zack Macomber (4)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Zack Macomber defeated JK Lee in 8:32 by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


We keep getting better, and the main event is sure not to disappoint.

(D+, 48)


Josh Jones vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle defeated Josh Jones in 10:10 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 10 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Josh couldn't deal with going all out like Merle was able to. Despite that, we had a great main event. Something to leave Merle's fellow Irishmen wanting to come back for more.

(C+, 66)


Overall Rating: C, 60

Attendance: 193



Tuesday, Week 2, February 2013.

ROF Better Than the Best

Parliment Square (South, UK)


Block A: Barry Griffin (3) vs. Martyn Staddon (0)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Barry Griffin defeated Martyn Staddon in 7:20 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock.


Well, not much of a match to start things off. My poor friend Barry...

(D-, 37)


Block D: Nigel Svensson (6) vs. Pierre DuPont (3)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Pierre DuPont in 10:09 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Match 2 is much better. Much, much better.

(C-, 58)


Block B: Leigh Burton (6) vs. Wade Orson (4)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Wade Orson defeated Leigh Burton in 11:13 by pinfall with a Bounce Back.


Not quite as good as our last match, but these guys are the future of the UK, and possibly the world. Wade Orson could give Tommy Cornell a run for his money.

(C-, 54)


Block D: Walter Morgan (3) vs. Yuri Iliakov (6)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Yuri Iliakov defeated Walter Morgan in 11:50 by pinfall with a Kiev Krush.


No psychology makes this match much worse than it has any right to be.

(D, 44)


Block C: Frank Burton (6) vs. Simon Ice (3)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Frank Burton defeated Simon Ice in 20:53 by pinfall with a Brainbuster.


Frank leads his tag partner to a great singles match. It was a back and forth affair, but the veteran gets the win.

(C-, 59)


Don Henderson and Robert Brown vs. Merle O'Curle and Zack Macomber

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Merle O'Curle and Zack Macomber defeated Don Henderson and Robert Brown in 17:07 when Zack Macomber defeated Don Henderson by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


I needed to fill up some more time and I wanted to use some of the guys in the main event area. Not too shabby.

(C, 62)


Overall Rating: C, 60

Attendance: 867


Bolt snags it going 11/12. Can you keep that percentage up? Or will Jingo hit his stride?


Next time on ROF Pure Pro Wrestling:

Block C: Don Henderson (6) vs. Terrence Bedlam (3)

Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Yuri Iliakov (9)

Block A: Barry Griffin (6) vs. Josh Jones (3)

Block B: Lance Martin (3) vs. Merle O'Curle (6)


Next time on ROF Better Than the Best:

Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Jacques DuPont (0)

Block C: Jaime Anderson (3) vs. Simon Ice (3)

Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Nigel Svensson (9)

Donny Damage and Zack Macomber vs. The Red Devils

Block B: Merle O'Curle (9) vs. Wade Orson (7)

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Just went looking and found this on page 3, and i hadn't predicted .. Even though i'd read the shows ... :confused:


Block C: Don Henderson (6) vs. Terrence Bedlam (3)

Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Yuri Iliakov (9)

Block A: Barry Griffin (6) vs. Josh Jones (3)

Block B: Lance Martin (3) vs. Merle O'Curle (6)


Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Jacques DuPont (0)

Block C: Jaime Anderson (3) vs. Simon Ice (3)

Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Nigel Svensson (9)

Donny Damage and Zack Macomber vs. The Red Devils

Block B: Merle O'Curle (9) vs. Wade Orson (7)

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me too!


Next time on ROF Pure Pro Wrestling:

Block C: Don Henderson (6) vs. Terrence Bedlam (3)


Cut your losses. Bedlam has been SO good for me


Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Yuri Iliakov (9)

Block A: Barry Griffin (6) vs. Josh Jones (3)

Block B: Lance Martin (3) vs. Merle O'Curle (6)



Next time on ROF Better Than the Best:

Block A: Alton Vicious (3) vs. Jacques DuPont (0)

Block C: Jaime Anderson (3) vs. Simon Ice (3)

Block D: Gordon Leve (0) vs. Nigel Svensson (9)

Donny Damage and Zack Macomber vs. The Red Devils

Block B: Merle O'Curle (9) vs. Wade Orson (7)

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