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Path to Glory: ROF We Are Pure Wrestling

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ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling is now of Above Average importance. Awesome!


ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, July 2010.

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


Pierre DuPont vs. Zack Macomber

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Zack Macomber defeated Pierre DuPont in 8:14 by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


Not much to say here. We can wrestle well.



Leigh Burton vs. Nigel Svensson

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nigel Svensson defeated Leigh Burton in 7:59 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Hey, these guys have pretty good chemistry, that's great news. A lack of psychology couldn't even hurt this one.



Don Henderson vs. Martin Heath

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Don Henderson defeated Martin Heath in 7:05 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


And now we bring the crowd back down with this one. Don dominates Martin to move to the main event.



Billy Robinson vs. Robert Brown

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Billy Robinson defeated Robert Brown in 13:36 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


Hey Billy, you have some worth in ROF for sure now, you just pulled a good match out of Bobby!



Billy Robinson vs. Don Henderson vs. Nigel Svensson vs. Zack Macomber

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Zack Macomber defeated Don Henderson, Nigel Svensson and Billy Robinson in 11:44 when Zack Macomber defeated Billy Robinson by submission with a Prawn Armlock.

Whoops, I guess I booked a four way and not the tag match. My bad, the result would have been the same though... Yeah, so I put myself over, you got a problem with that? Merle is going to have to face off against someone who wants that belt. Me.



Overall: C-

Attendance: 63




ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, July 2010.

The Paddington Club (South, UK)


Martin Heath, for some reason, has become a negative influence in the locker room, he's probably feeling slighted from being so far down the card... Well, seems like he thought it would be a good idea to start a fight with Donny Damage. The end result was the youngster face down on the floor. He was read the riot act and responded by saying he'd be more considerate. We'll see about that. I don't want another Rhys Vali on the roster.


Jonni Lowlife vs. Petey Barnes

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jonni Lowlife defeated Petey Barnes in 5:49 by pinfall with a Low Down.


I realized that Petey hasn't been on the shows in awhile and he's pretty irritated. So, he got a shot to impress me.



Billy Robinson vs. Wade Orson

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Billy Robinson defeated Wade Orson in 7:59 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


Sadly, these two don't seem to click. They could have had a great series of matches. Oh well.



Leigh Burton vs. UK Dragon

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, UK Dragon defeated Leigh Burton in 10:30 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop.


Leigh has a tremendous upside, however it's not right now. Dragon wants to earn a shot at the Burning Title, just like the others.



Jonni Lowlife vs. Billy Robinson vs. UK Dragon

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Billy Robinson defeated Jonni Lowlife and UK Dragon in 9:42 when Billy Robinson defeated Jonni Lowlife by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


It's good to know that I can have matches like this and UK not complain if he's not involved in the fall. Great change from the past.



Merle O'Curle © vs. Zack Macomber (Ring of Fire Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle defeated Zack Macomber in 15:54 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 5 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Did you really think I was going to put myself over? I mean, I know I'm awesome, but I don't hold a candle to Merle.



Overall: C-

Attendance: 33

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Starting at Better Than the Best of British Wrestling, Ring of Fire will be starting a four block, round robin tournament. Each block will consist of four wrestlers. The winners of each block will move onto the Championship block. The winner of the Championship block will earn a shot at Merle O'Curle. The runner-ups in each block will face off to earn a shot at Walter Morgan's ROF Burning Championship.


Block A:

Don Henderson

Jon Michael Sharp

Pierre DuPont

Zack Macomber


Block B:

Jacques DuPont

Leigh Burton

Nigel Svensson

Wade Orson


Block C:

Jonni Lowlife

Lance Martin

Petey Barnes

UK Dragon


Block D:

Billy Robinson

Eric Future

Kelly Martin

Robert Brown


And, because I forgot them last time...


Next month in Ring of Fire.

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Eric Future vs. Petey Barnes

Billy Robinson vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

Merle O'Curle © vs. Nigel Svensson (Ring of Fire Championship)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Punisher Paul Hughes vs. Rhys Vali

Block C: Jonni Lowlife vs. Petey Barnes

Block A: Jon Michael Sharp vs. Zack Macomber

Block D: Kelly Martin vs. Robert Brown

Block B: Nigel Svensson vs. Wade Orson

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Next month in Ring of Fire.

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Eric Future vs. Petey Barnes

Billy Robinson vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

Merle O'Curle © vs. Nigel Svensson (Ring of Fire Championship)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Punisher Paul Hughes vs. Rhys Vali

Block C: Jonni Lowlife vs. Petey Barnes

Block A: Jon Michael Sharp vs. Zack Macomber

Block D: Kelly Martin vs. Robert Brown

Block B: Nigel Svensson vs. Wade Orson

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ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, August 2010.

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


Pierre DuPont shows that he is a valuable asset to the locker room by keeping morale high with his silly French road stories.


Eric Future vs. Petey Barnes

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Petey Barnes defeated Eric Future in 8:09 by pinfall with a X-Press.


I know these guys don't wrestle the way the fans want, but they can't go to waste.



Billy Robinson vs. Walter Morgan ©

(ROF Burning Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Walter Morgan defeated Billy Robinson in 10:29 by submission with a Wigan Wrench. Walter Morgan makes defense number 2 of his Ring Of Fire Burning Championship title.


Billy couldn't quite win the rematch, but he showed heart.



Merle O'Curle © vs. Nigel Svensson

(Ring of Fire Championship)

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Merle O'Curle defeated Nigel Svensson in 36:02 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 6 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Two championship matches, two championship defenses. Merle and Nigel did not let me down.



Overall: C-

Attendance: 64




ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, August 2010.

The Paddington Club (South, UK)


Punisher Paul Hughes vs. Rhys Vali

Punisher Paul Hughes defeated Rhys Vali in 4:52 by pinfall with a Sweet Left Hook.


With the Championship blocks under way, Merle and Walter are going to need opponents. Paul just won a shot at one of them at Pure Pro Wrestling.



Block C: Jonni Lowlife vs. Petey Barnes

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Petey Barnes defeated Jonni Lowlife in 9:25 by pinfall with a X-Press.


Jonni was off his game, so I'm glad Petey picked up the win.



Block A: Jon Michael Sharp vs. Zack Macomber

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Zack Macomber defeated Jon Michael Sharp in 10:09 by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


Domination on my part. Jon isn't ready for a big push, are you silly?



Block D: Kelly Martin vs. Robert Brown

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Robert Brown defeated Kelly Martin in 12:26 by submission with a Samurai Secret Stretch.


I don't know what Bob's problem is, but he's always suffering a penalty from motivation. No matter where on the card he is. He's an upper midcarder now, as I was hoping he was just nervous to be in the main event, but I was wrong there.



Block B: Nigel Svensson vs. Wade Orson

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Wade Orson defeated Nigel Svensson in 14:07 by pinfall with a Bounce Back.


Wade pulls out the win in this hard fought fight. Is this going to seal Block B for him, or will Nigel, Leigh, or Jacques be able to get theu win?



Overall: D+

Attendance: 33


Next month in Ring of Fire...

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Block B: Jacques DuPont vs. Leigh Burton

Block A: Don Henderson vs. Pierre DuPont

Block D: Billy Robinson vs. Eric Future

Block C: Lance Martin vs. UK Dragon

Punisher Paul Hughes vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Block C: Lance Martin vs. Petey Barnes

Block A: Pierre DuPont vs. Zack Macomber

Block B: Jacques DuPont vs. Nigel Svensson

Block D: Billy Robinson vs. Robert Brown

Danny Patterson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

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ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Block B: Jacques DuPont vs. Leigh Burton

Block A: Don Henderson vs. Pierre DuPont

Block D: Billy Robinson vs. Eric Future

Block C: Lance Martin vs. UK Dragon

Punisher Paul Hughes vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Block C: Lance Martin vs. Petey Barnes

Block A: Pierre DuPont vs. Zack Macomber

Block B: Jacques DuPont vs. Nigel Svensson

Block D: Billy Robinson vs. Robert Brown

Danny Patterson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

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We've taken a look at the main event, the upper midcarders, and the midcarders. The rest of ROF is going to be our focus today.



Gob Narfi is a young cruiserweight who isn't going to go anywhere in ROF. He's only here until his contract runs out.



Jacques DuPont, along with his brother, are future main eventers in ROF. If he can continue to learn, improve, and become popular, he's going to go far.



Jon Michael Sharp is a kid I see potential in, but I don't know if he'll reach that potential here... only time will tell.



Kelly Martin is the not as good half of Absolutely Flawless. He's not bad, but Lance is the one with a future in ROF. Kelly will likely make himself out to be a good gatekeeper a few years down the road.



Martin Heath has put on a bad attitude for some reason. The thing is, he's decent. He doesn't need the bad attitude to keep him down. We'll see if we can put him back on the straight and narrow, or if we're going to have to dump him.



Pierre DuPont has greatness written all over him here in ROF. He's going to go to the top if he keeps his head in the game.




NYCW is about to be hurting. Black Hat Bailey and Lee Wright have both announced their retirement. Since going regional back in May, Bailey has been Empire Champion. Who will win the belt from him?


Tasuku Iesada has also officially lost control of BHOTWG. Now, I like what I'm doing here in ROF, but if I can get a job at Burning Hammer... I would be well on my way to immortality.


ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, September 2010.

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


Ali Bloxome, on loan from UEW, shared the remnants of his very spicy lunch, clearing the locker room out with some odoriffic gas. I took no action and he was glad. Hell, if Ali shows that he fits in here, I'll bring him back.


Block B: Jacques DuPont vs. Leigh Burton

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jacques DuPont defeated Leigh Burton in 8:28 by pinfall with a Flying Legdrop.


A DuPont picks up a win? Crazy...



Block A: Don Henderson vs. Pierre DuPont

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Don Henderson defeated Pierre DuPont in 10:31 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


Well, you didn't think they'd go two for two, did you? Well, these two don't click, darn.



Block D: Billy Robinson vs. Eric Future

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Billy Robinson defeated Eric Future in 8:34 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


These guys had great chemistry with each other... I don't want to know how this match would have been without the chemistry...



Block C: Lance Martin vs. UK Dragon

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Lance Martin drew with UK Dragon in 12:22 following a double count out.


What? Not a clean victory in a ROF match? I must be a blasphemer.



Punisher Paul Hughes vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Walter Morgan defeated Punisher Paul Hughes in 9:41 by submission with a Wigan Wrench. Walter Morgan makes defense number 3 of his Ring Of Fire Burning Championship title.


Thanks for coming in and putting my guy over Paul. You'll be remembered fondly.



Overall: D

Attendance: 62




TCW is now global sized after a string of great shows. On another note, BHOTWG went with Yoshifusa Maeda instead of me for head booker. Next time the job opens up, it'll be mine! And Seiji Jimbo is going to be taking over PGHW following the retirement of Sadaharu Jimbo. This is a very crazy couple of weeks.


MOSC put Thug and then Tony Wright over Merle O'Curle... Well, we got Danny Patterson...


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, September 2010.

The Paddington Club (South, UK)


Block C: Lance Martin (1 pt) vs. Petey Barnes (2 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Lance Martin defeated Petey Barnes in 8:54 by pinfall with a Body Rocker.


Lance Martin grabs 2 points toward a championship shot. Petey is still in a position to get the shot as well.



Block A: Pierre DuPont (0 pts) vs. Zack Macomber (2 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Zack Macomber defeated Pierre DuPont in 9:36 by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


Not bad at all. If all goes to plan, this show is going to continue to build.



Block B: Jacques DuPont (2 pts) vs. Nigel Svensson (0 pts)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Jacques DuPont in 7:25 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


This was a fun technical match. If the DuPonts can find some popularity, they'll be really good here in ROF.



Block D: Billy Robinson (2 pts) vs. Robert Brown (2 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Billy Robinson defeated Robert Brown in 13:44 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


Not as good of a match as I had hoped, but Robert is on a bit of a downswing as of late.



Danny Patterson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle defeated Danny Patterson in 9:48 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 7 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


So I'm being told that it may have been a mistake to have Merle dominate Danny like I did. Oh well.



Overall: D+

Attendance: 40


Next month in Ring of Fire

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Block D: Eric Future vs. Kelly Martin

Block A: Don Henderson vs. Jon Michael Sharp

Block B: Leigh Burton vs. Wade Orson

Block C: Jonni Lowlife vs. UK Dragon

Danny Patterson vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Block A: Jon Michael Sharp vs. Pierre DuPont

Block B: Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin

Block D: Jacques DuPont vs. Wade Orson

Block C: Petey Barnes vs. UK Dragon

Ali Bloxome and Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Merle O'Curle and Walter Morgan

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ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, October 2010.

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


Rhys Vali has a wish for career suicide. He decided that picking a fight with Walter Morgan would endear him to me. Guess who got handed walking papers on the spot? That's right, Rhys Vali.


Block D: Eric Future (0 pts) vs. Kelly Martin (0 pts)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Kelly Martin defeated Eric Future in 7:29 by pinfall with a Perfect Driver.


Yikes, not going with these two ever again.



Block A: Don Henderson (2 pts) vs. Jon Michael Sharp (0 pts)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Don Henderson defeated Jon Michael Sharp in 8:24 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


Jon is obviously the jobber of Block A. Don needs a couple more victories to be back in the same form he was in 2009.



Block B: Leigh Burton (0 pts) vs. Wade Orson (2 pts)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Wade Orson defeated Leigh Burton in 9:02 by pinfall with a Bounce Back.


If Wade can win his final match, he's going to earn the chance for a shot at Merle O'Curle. He was off his game tonight, he better step up if he wants the belt.



Block C: Jonni Lowlife (0 pts) vs. UK Dragon (1 pt)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, UK Dragon defeated Jonni Lowlife in 13:55 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop.


UK is on the cusp of ending up as the runner up in his block. Lance Martin may very well have a shot at Merle if UK gets spoiled next month.



Danny Patterson vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Walter Morgan defeated Danny Patterson in 11:34 by submission with a Wigan Wrench. Walter Morgan makes defense number 4 of his Ring Of Fire Burning Championship title.


Walter dominated this match, but when your opponent refuses to sell, it doesn't look as good as it should.



Overall: D

Attendance: 111




ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, October 2010.

The Paddington Club (South, UK)


Block A: Jon Michael Sharp (0 pts) vs. Pierre DuPont (0 pts)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Pierre DuPont defeated Jon Michael Sharp in 5:43 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.


Jon pulls the zero win straw in this block. He and Pierre do not have styles that mesh well. I wish there were some more available technical wrestlers in the UK.



Block B: Billy Robinson (4 pts) vs. Kelly Martin (2 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Billy Robinson defeated Kelly Martin in 7:08 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


Billy clinches block B with this win and will move into the Championship Block for the right to earn a shot at Merle.



Block D: Jacques DuPont (2 pts) vs. Wade Orson (4 pts)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jacques DuPont drew with Wade Orson in 9:01 following a double count out.


The fans HATED the finish. I didn't expect a double count out to create such hatred, but now I know.



Block C: Petey Barnes (2 pts) vs. UK Dragon (3 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, UK Dragon defeated Petey Barnes in 10:56 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop.


UK Dragon is either going to finish as the winner or the runner up in his block. We won't know for sure until Pure Pro Wrestling.



Ali Bloxome and Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Merle O'Curle and Walter Morgan

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Ali Bloxsome and Geordie Jimmy Morris defeated Merle O'Curle and Walter Morgan in 17:13 when Geordie Jimmy Morris defeated Walter Morgan by pinfall with a Tyneside Neckbreaker.


Geordie Jimmy returns to ROF and picks up a pinfall victory over the Burning Champion! What does this mean for the future? Stay tuned to find out.



Overall: D+

Attendance: 72


Next time on Ring of Fire...

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Jacques DuPont vs. Leighton Buzzard

Block C: Jonni Lowlife vs. Lance Martin

Block B: Leigh Burton vs. Nigel Svensson

Block D: Eric Future vs. Robert Brown

Block A: Don Henderson vs. Zack Macomber

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

The Burning Block begins

as well as the Championship Block

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Leigh Burton

The Foreign Legion vs. Robert Brown and Zack Macomber

Ali Bloxome vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

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Block A:

Don Henderson 2 2

Jon Michael Sharp 0 0 0

Pierre DuPont 0 0 2

Zack Macomber 2 2


A spot in the Championship Block will be decided by the final match in Block A. Will it be Don or me?


Block B:

Jacques DuPont 2 0 1

Leigh Burton 0 0

Nigel Svensson 0 2

Wade Orson 2 2 1


Wade has snatched up his spot in the Championship Block. Now the question is, will Nigel take the victory on Leigh and earn his spot in the Burning Block, or will Leigh be the spoiler and send Jacques?


Block C:

Jonni Lowlife 0 0

Lance Martin 1 2

Petey Barnes 2 0 0

UK Dragon 1 2 2


UK Dragon is going to the Championship Block and Lance is guaranteed to go to the Burning Block.


Block D:

Billy Robinson 2 2 2

Eric Future 0 0

Kelly Martin 0 2 0

Robert Brown 2 0


Billy Robinson has locked up his spot in the Championship Block. Will Robert take his spot in the Burning Block? Or will we have to have a triple threat playoff?


All of these questions and more will be answered... NEXT TIME!

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In a move that will spell a big change for USPW, Sam Strong is leaving the business. Who will take over for him as owner of USPW? The next day, WLW has grown to Cult size. What does this mean for UK Dragon? Will he be seen in Japan more than the UK? We'll find out soon enough.


ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, November 2010.

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


Jacques DuPont vs. Leighton Buzzard

In an extremely poor match, Jacques DuPont defeated Leighton Buzzard in 5:46 by pinfall with a Flying Legdrop.


Despite being extremely poor, these guys have great chemistry. Years down the road, this may be a main event.



Block C: Jonni Lowlife (0 pts) vs. Lance Martin (3 pts)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jonni Lowlife defeated Lance Martin in 6:09 by pinfall with a Low Down.


Jonni's goal was to play spoiler for Lance's ROF Championship aspirations, and he did. The fact that these guys don't click made for a disappointing match.



Block B: Leigh Burton (0 pts) vs. Nigel Svensson (2 pts)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Leigh Burton in 8:13 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


I believe that I knew these guys had pretty good chemistry and that's why they were in the same block. Leigh could have spoiled Nigel's Burning Championship shot, but wasn't able to.



Block D: Eric Future (0 pts) vs. Robert Brown (2 pts)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Robert Brown defeated Eric Future in 8:51 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.


Why did I put this match here? I knew it would be bad, but I didn't think it would be THIS bad.



Block A: Don Henderson (4 pts) vs. Zack Macomber (4 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Don Henderson defeated Zack Macomber in 12:41 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


Damn you Don! I let him decide mid match who should win. I should have known he'd pick himself. We have the Championship Block set.



Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Walter Morgan defeated Geordie Jimmy Morris in 6:02 by submission with a Wigan Wrench. Walter Morgan makes defense number 5 of his Ring Of Fire Burning Championship title.


Jimmy made Walt look good out there. A quick match, but Walt got over like he should have.



Overall: D

Attendance: 122




The final blocks are set. The winner of the respective blocks will go on to face the respective champion. This is going to be good.


Championship Block:

Billy Robinson

Don Henderson

UK Dragon

Wade Orson


Burning Block:

Lance Martin

Nigel Svensson

Robert Brown

Zack Macomber




ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, November 2010.

The Paddington Club (South, UK)


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Leigh Burton

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Geordie Jimmy Morris defeated Leigh Burton in 6:12 by pinfall with a Tyneside Neckbreaker.


I just wanted to give the kid a chance to learn some psychology. I don't see 21CW raising up to a higher level of popularity anytime soon.



Burning Block: Lance Martin vs. Nigel Svensson

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Lance Martin drew with Nigel Svensson in 6:20 following a double disqualification.


The first match in the Burning Block is a draw. Is this going to keep both men away from Walter Morgan?



The Foreign Legion vs. Robert Brown and Zack Macomber

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Robert Brown and Zack Macomber defeated The Foreign Legion in 8:27 when Zack Macomber defeated Pierre DuPont by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


Jacques has become a negative locker room influence. I'm guessing it's because he isn't on every show. That makes me sad, but I'm going to try to bring him back to the good side.



Championship Block: UK Dragon vs. Wade Orson

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, UK Dragon defeated Wade Orson in 10:58 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop.


Very nice match out of these two. I hope all of the Championship Block matches turn out like this, as that can only build momentum toward Merle... or Ali...



Ali Bloxome vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle defeated Ali Bloxsome in 18:46 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 8 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Justin Blackahm really needs to get better at calling matches... these guys did great, I appreciate their hard work.



Overall: C-

Attendance: 80


Next time on Ring of Fire...

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Burning Block: Robert Brown vs. Zack Macomber

Championship Block: Billy Robinson vs. Don Henderson

Ali Bloxsome vs. Barry Griffin

Danny Patterson vs. Harley Neill © (MOSC UK Championship)

Donny Damage vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Burning Block: Lance Martin vs. Robert Brown

Championship Block: Billy Robinson vs. Wade Orson

Donny Damage vs. Leigh Burton

Merle O'Curle © vs. Rolling Johnny Stone (Ring of Fire Championship)

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Well, I just may have made a decision that will kill ROF... MOSC was in dire straits. We were friends, so... I bought them for $18,000. Let's take a look at our new roster members!



Bernie Evans is a play-by-play man. He's better than Justin Blackham, but he does have a poor attitude. We're going to hope that he doesn't bring our locker room down. We're pretty harmonious at the moment.



Danny Patterson is the star of MOSC. He's mostly known for hardcore, but he's a great brawler as well. He can't wrestle, but I feel that he'll improve greatly in that area as he wrestles in ROF. He'll be the biggest man in the promotion.



Frank Burton, also known as Rolling Johnny Stones, can be considered our new number one wrestler. Yes, he has indeed dethroned Merle. He does have his 21CW commitment to deal with though. Hopefully, we'll be able to overcome that.



Geordie Jimmy Morris is being brought on full time. He isn't great technically, but he has the performance skills to teach to the young guys. I wouldn't be surprised if we see him wrestling the young guys exclusively.



Harley Neill is the MOSC UK Champion. He's solid. I can't say a bad thing about the guy, except for his attitude. We'll see if he fits well with the roster.



Highland Warrior will be our new color commentator/road agent. With his help, Donny Damage may be able to be coaxed back into the ring.




ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, December 2010.

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


The backstage atmosphere is at 100%. W00t! Now Justin Blackham, fearing for his job, is sharing some fun road stories. Good for him.


Burning Block: Robert Brown vs. Zack Macomber

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Zack Macomber defeated Robert Brown in 11:17 by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


Good way to start the show. Let's see if we can keep it up.



Championship Block: Billy Robinson vs. Don Henderson

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Billy Robinson defeated Don Henderson in 9:46 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


Billy was off his game, or else I bet this would have been better. Billy guts the win for the Championship though.



Ali Bloxsome vs. Barry Griffin

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Barry Griffin defeated Ali Bloxsome in 9:20 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock.


YIKES! These guys don't click at all. Neither do Bernie Evans and Justin Blackham, looks like Justin is outta here.



Danny Patterson vs. Harley Neill © (MOSC UK Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Harley Neill defeated Danny Patterson in 6:01 by pinfall with an East End Piledriver. Harley Neill makes defense number 12 of his MOSC UK Championship title.


A brawling war didn't go over as well here as it would have in MOSC. Well, if I can't pull good matches out of them, they're going to do what they were put on this planet for.



Donny Damage vs. Walter Morgan

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Donny Damage defeated Walter Morgan in 14:15 by pinfall.


Yeah, with Highland Warrior as our Road Agent now, and Donny being great in the ring and very popular, he's back in the ring. He's rusty, but that'll go away quickly.



Overall: C-

Attendance: 123




ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, December 2010.

The Paddington Club (South, UK)


Burning Block: Lance Martin (1 pt) vs. Robert Brown (0 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Lance Martin defeated Robert Brown in 9:52 by pinfall with a Body Rocker.


Lance is looking good in the ring. Is he going to be the one to face off against Walter Morgan for the Burning Championship?



Championship Block: Billy Robinson (2 pts) vs. Wade Orson (0 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Billy Robinson defeated Wade Orson in 6:27 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


I know these two don't click, but that's ok. They still put on a good match, despite Wade being off his game.



Donny Damage vs. Leigh Burton

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Donny Damage defeated Leigh Burton in 9:22 by pinfall.


Donny is still shaking off the ring rust, but this match was designed to get Leigh some more experience.



Merle O'Curle © vs. Frank Burton (Ring of Fire Championship)

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Merle O'Curle defeated Frank Burton in 26:49 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 9 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


I love it, the last match of the year is the best. Merle works hard and is able to knock off Frank. It's just too bad we were in London in front of 69 fans...



Overall: C

Attendance: 69


Next time in ROF...

ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris and Robert Brown

Barry Griffin vs. Jacques DuPont

Danny Patterson vs. Jonni Lowlife

Burning Block: Nigel Svensson vs. Zack Macomber

Championship Block: Don Henderson vs. UK Dragon


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Burning Block: Nigel Svensson vs. Robert Brown

Championship Block: Don Henderson vs. Wade Orson

Frank Burton vs. Simon Ice

Petey Barnes vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

Barry Griffin vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

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ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris and Robert Brown

Barry Griffin vs. Jacques DuPont

Danny Patterson vs. Jonni Lowlife

Burning Block: Nigel Svensson vs. Zack Macomber

Championship Block: Don Henderson vs. UK Dragon


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Burning Block: Nigel Svensson vs. Robert Brown

Championship Block: Don Henderson vs. Wade Orson

Frank Burton vs. Simon Ice

Petey Barnes vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

Barry Griffin vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)


Why not see if Samurai will let you change the product slightly to allow the MOSC style to at least work in a watered down kind of way?

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“Hey Bobby, so. How about that year? Pretty good, huh?”


“Well, we've increased in popularity, that's good. We've increased attendances, that's good. But there's this little thing... WE'RE IN DEBT OVER 3500 POUNDS (7000 dollars)!”


“Oh... damn.”


“So, what are you going to do about that? What's your big plan?”


“Ummm.... uhhh... how about we take the month of January off!”


“That sounds like a... Wait, what?”


“Yeah, we just use the time to advertise Better Than the Best of British Wrestling as a big blow off show. I mean, both Merle and Walt will be defending their belts. It should be made to be special.”


“What about the money?”


“The sponsors still pay us each month. We'll snag more than we owe. It's a perfect plan.”


“It had better be.”

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We've hired a few new guys since last we spoke, so here they are.



Alton Vicious is a good, young brawler. He also has excellent intangible skills. If we weren't in dire straits right now, he'd be on the fast track. Teams with Riddick Jordan as the Northern Lights.



Leighton Buzzard is a cruiserweight. He's athletic, but not much of anything else. We'll see if he learns how to wrestle. If he doesn't, we won't keep him.



Riddick Jordan is more of an all around wrestler than his partner Alton. He's a natural athlete, but doesn't have quite as impressive intangibles. Don't get me wrong, the kid is excellent in his own right. He and his partner will have a chance to show their skills some day.



Simon Ice is a flashy technical wrestler. His downside is a total lack of performance skills. He will become a very good wrestler with time.

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North of the Border has reached International status. They're nipping on the heels of TCW and the mighty SWF. Will the Stone's be able to do what no one in the history of wrestling has been able to?


ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, February 2011

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris and Robert Brown

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Geordie Jimmy Morris and Robert Brown defeated Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan in 6:29 when Robert Brown defeated Riddick Jordan by submission with a Samurai Secret Stretch.


I think I know a tag team I'll be using when I open up those ranks again. Jimmy and Robert doesn't sound too bad. And the new graduates of the Turnbuckle Dojo aren't too bad either.



Barry Griffin vs. Jacques DuPont

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Barry Griffin defeated Jacques DuPont in 8:02 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock.


These guys have great chemistry together, and that's always great news in any pairing. It sure brought the level of this show up, that's for sure.



Danny Patterson vs. Jonni Lowlife

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Danny Patterson defeated Jonni Lowlife in 5:35 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.


Danny dominated this one without much problem. Moving along...



Burning Block: Nigel Svensson (1 pt) vs. Zack Macomber (2 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Zack Macomber defeated Nigel Svensson in 13:39 by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


I don't think the main event will be able to top this one. Nigel and I are tight. Are Don and Dragon tighter?



Championship Block: Don Henderson (0 pts)vs. UK Dragon (2 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, UK Dragon defeated Don Henderson in 16:17 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop.


Ouch. Not the way I wanted to end the show... Oh well, we'll make up for it soon enough.



Overall: D+

Attendance: 115




So, CWWF has come into existence, a women's wrestling promotion in Canada. The owner? Oscar Ozymandias... really? Joanne Rodriguez is the head booker. I see lots of main event matches between her and Alicia Strong.


Frank Burton has been seen palling around with new wrestler, Leighton Buzzard, apparently they like surfing... where, I have no idea. That's always a good thing to see, at least.


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, February 2011

The Paddington Club (South, UK)


Burning Block: Nigel Svensson (1 pt) vs. Robert Brown (0 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nigel Svensson defeated Robert Brown in 14:31 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Damn! I didn't expect this! An excellent match, as Nigel is becoming better and better, and Bobby just need the right opponent.



Championship Block: Don Henderson (0 pts) vs. Wade Orson (0 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Don Henderson drew with Wade Orson in 11:12 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.


And I expected more out of these two. I guess this low morale (why, I don't know, the backstage environment is 100%) that is affecting some guys is more of a problem than I thought.



Frank Burton vs. Simon Ice

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Frank Burton defeated Simon Ice in 6:51 by pinfall with a Brainbuster.


Simon is a new signing and he has a lot of potential. Yeah, he's wrestling Frank Burton, so I expect more, but I'm not too disappointed.



Petey Barnes vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Walter Morgan defeated Petey Barnes in 6:45 by submission with a Northern Crossface. Walter Morgan makes defense number 6 of his Ring Of Fire Burning Championship title.


Walter is taking his belt into April's Championship Scramble show. I can't wait.



Barry Griffin vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle defeated Barry Griffin in 10:11 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 10 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Holy cheesecake Batman! What a hell of a match! Great chemistry rears its beautiful head. I brought in Barry for this match, and I am happy I did.



Overall: C

Attendance: 96

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Well, the banks are giving us warnings about our financial health, so we're going to take March off so everyone can be ready for the Championship Scramble in the second week of April. This is going to be our biggest show yet. I can't wait.


ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, April 2011

The Paddington Club (South, UK)


Burning Block: Lance Martin (3 pts) vs. Zack Macomber (4 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Lance Martin defeated Zack Macomber in 15:09 by pinfall with a Body Rocker.


Lance has done it! He's going onto the Championship Scramble to take on Walter Morgan. Will he be able to win the Burning Championship?



Championship Block: Billy Robinson (4 pts) vs. UK Dragon (4 pts)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Billy Robinson defeated UK Dragon in 18:15 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix.


And Billy has the victory himself. Will he be the man that takes the belt off of Merle O'Curle? We'll find out soon enough.



Barry Griffen and Frank Burton vs. Merle O'Curle and Walter Morgan

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle and Walter Morgan defeated Barry Griffin and Frank Burton in 21:23 when Merle O'Curle defeated Barry Griffin by submission with a Celtic Wreath.


Better than I thought it would be, honestly. I guess you put in four great wrestlers and you can't go wrong. Now, if I could only get JD Morgan to come back to the UK.



Overall: C-

Attendance: 115

Next time on ROF Championship Scramble

The Northern Lights vs. The Foreign Legion

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Harley Neill © vs. Zack Macomber (Man of Steel Championship)

Lance Martin vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

Danny Patterson vs. Frank Burton vs. UK Dragon

Billy Robinson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

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The Northern Lights vs. The Foreign Legion

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Harley Neill © vs. Zack Macomber (Man of Steel Championship)

Lance Martin vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

Danny Patterson vs. Frank Burton vs. UK Dragon

Billy Robinson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

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We acquired the MOSC UK Championship when we bought up MOSC. Harley Neill is the current champion. However, we are changing the name of the title to the Man of Steel Championship. It's also no longer going to be known as a Main Event title, but more like a floating title.


ROF Championship Scramble

Monday, Week 3, April 2011

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


Pre-Show: Robert Brown def. Simon Ice in 7 min (D-)

Pre-Show: Robert Brown def. Leighton Buzzard in 7 min (E+)


The Northern Lights vs. The Foreign Legion

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Foreign Legion defeated The Northern Lights in 6:10 when Jacques DuPont defeated Alton Vicious by pinfall with a Flying Legdrop.


The tag team scene may be brought back to ROF soon, as long as we can make a profit... The Foreign Legion would be the standard bearers in that division though.



Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Harley Neill © vs. Zack Macomber (Man of Steel Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Zack Macomber defeated Geordie Jimmy Morris and Harley Neill in 9:40 when Zack Macomber defeated Geordie Jimmy Morris by submission with a Prawn Armlock. Zack Macomber wins the Man of Steel Championship title.


I only have Harley guaranteed for another month. After that, if he wants too much money, I'm not going to bother wasting a roster spot on him. He has a bad attitude anyway.



Lance Martin vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Lance Martin defeated Walter Morgan in 11:42 by pinfall with a Body Rocker. Lance Martin wins the Ring Of Fire Burning Championship title.


Lance Martin has done the unthinkable! He's dethroned Walter Morgan! Will this mean Walt is moving toward the ROF Championship, or something else?



Danny Patterson vs. Frank Burton vs. UK Dragon

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, UK Dragon defeated Frank Burton and Danny Patterson in 16:58; the order of elimination was Danny Patterson first, and finally Frank Burton.


UK Dragon has picked up a shot at the Ring of Fire Champion next month. Will Dragon finally realize his destiny and become the Champ? Stay tuned...



Billy Robinson vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

In a match that had some good action and a good crowd, Merle O'Curle defeated Billy Robinson in 33:46 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 11 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Merle has defeated the man who won the Championship Block. Is there anyone who can take the title off of the champion? Will it take someone from outside the promotion to do it?


Overall: C-

Attendance: 228

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Starting in May, Ring of Fire will institute a brand new ladder ranking system. Each wrestler in ROF will be given an initial ranking. Wrestlers below the top ten can challenge anyone within five spots of them, up until the Burning Champion. Within the top ten, a wrestler may only challenge within three spots. A victory over a wrestler with a higher ranking will cause a switch in positioning in the ladder. A loss to a wrestler with a higher ranking will cause a loss of one rank for the loser and a gain of one rank for the winner. If you are in the top ten, you can't be kicked out unless you lose to someone below you. Yeah, I know, it's pretty convoluted. I'll keep you updated on the rankings each month.


Without further ado, let's take a look at the initial rankings. All 25 wrestlers in ROF have been ranked.


1. Merle O'Curle (Ring of Fire Champion)

2. Frank Burton

3. Walter Morgan

4. UK Dragon

5. Danny Patterson

6. Harley Neill

7. Billy Robinson

8. Don Henderson

9. Zack Macomber (Man of Steel Champion)

10. Nigel Svensson

11. Lance Martin (ROF Burning Championship)

12. Barry Griffen

13. Wade Orson

14. Robert Brown

15. Geordie Jimmy Morris

16. Leigh Burton

17. Jacques DuPont

18. Kelly Martin

19. Petey Barnes

20. Pierre DuPont

21. Jon Michael Sharp

22. Simon Ice

23. Alton Vicious

24. Riddick Jordon

25. Leighton Buzzard


Next time, on ROF Pure Pro Wrestling,

Petey Barnes (19) vs. Simon Ice (22)

Kelly Martin (18) vs. Leigh Burton (16)

Jacques DuPont (17) vs. Robert Brown (14)

Danny Patterson (5) vs. UK Dragon (4)

Barry Griffen (12) vs. Nigel Svensson (10)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Jacques DuPont (17) and Pierre DuPont (20) vs. Alton Vicious (23) and Riddick Jordan (24)

Don Henderson (8) vs. Harley Neill (6)

Geordie Jimmy Morris (15) vs. Wade Orson (13)

Billy Robinson (7) vs. Zack Macomber (9)

Merle O'Curle © vs. Frank Burton (2) (Ring of Fire Championship)

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Next time, on ROF Pure Pro Wrestling,

Petey Barnes (19) vs. Simon Ice (22)

Kelly Martin (18) vs. Leigh Burton (16)

Jacques DuPont (17) vs. Robert Brown (14)

Danny Patterson (5) vs. UK Dragon (4)

Barry Griffen (12) vs. Nigel Svensson (10)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Jacques DuPont (17) and Pierre DuPont (20) vs. Alton Vicious (23) and Riddick Jordan (24)

Don Henderson (8) vs. Harley Neill (6)

Geordie Jimmy Morris (15) vs. Wade Orson (13)

Billy Robinson (7) vs. Zack Macomber (9)

Merle O'Curle © vs. Frank Burton (2) (Ring of Fire Championship)

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ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, May 2011

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


Petey Barnes (19) vs. Simon Ice (22)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Petey Barnes defeated Simon Ice in 8:17 by pinfall with a X-Press.


Petey was a little off his game tonight, but he was able to pick up the win AND teach Simon a thing or two in the technical skill area.



Kelly Martin (18) vs. Leigh Burton (16)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Leigh Burton defeated Kelly Martin in 7:08 by submission with a Sleeper Hold.


Ruh-Roh, Kelly is rusty out there, I guess it has been over 6 months since his last match. Man, I haven't been keeping the guys rotated well enough with the two breaks.



Jacques DuPont (17) vs. Robert Brown (14)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Robert Brown defeated Jacques DuPont in 12:17 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.


Jacques had a good showing, but it wasn't good enough to pick up the victory.



Danny Patterson (5) vs. UK Dragon (4)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, UK Dragon defeated Danny Patterson in 10:01 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop.


Danny doesn't really fit in with our roster. I was hoping that having a brawler would mix things up, but he just doesn't work well with anyone.



Barry Griffen (12) vs. Nigel Svensson (10)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Barry Griffin defeated Nigel Svensson in 13:18 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock.


Great match to close the show from these two excellent wrestlers. And with his win, Barry has moved into the top ten.



Overall: C-

Attendance: 127




On the same day as BHOTWG rises to National size, the New Liberals have seized power in the UK, leading to a huge boost in the UK economy. This should be good news for us as the economy is A and rising, and the wrestling industry is C+ and rising.


Crap, Billy Robinson's contract is up and Bobby is blocking me from talking to him because he has problems with the law. So, we've shuffled matches and I'll be wrestling Walter instead.


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, May 2011

The Paddington Club (South, UK)


Jacques DuPont (17) and Pierre DuPont (20) vs. Alton Vicious (23) and Riddick Jordan (24)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Foreign Legion defeated The Northern Lights in 6:26 when Pierre DuPont defeated Riddick Jordan by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.


This was a much better match than I had thought it would be. Both the Northern Lights and the Foreign Legion could be something someday.



Don Henderson (8) vs. Harley Neill (6)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Don Henderson defeated Harley Neill in 8:37 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


Harley wasn't happy with picking up the loss, nor was he on his game. Oh well, you're going to put over guys that are better than you. Don is one of those guys.



Geordie Jimmy Morris (15) vs. Wade Orson (13)

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Wade Orson defeated Geordie Jimmy Morris in 8:15 by pinfall with a Bounce Back.


Jimmy wanted to move up the ladder, but Wade was able to block him from doing so. It was a good match, but perhaps too long for Jimmy.



Walter Morgan (3) vs. Zack Macomber (9)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Walter Morgan defeated Zack Macomber in 9:29 by submission with a Wigan Wrench.


As I expected, Walt and I put on a good match, but it doesn't count toward the rankings, as we weren't within the rules.



Merle O'Curle (1) © vs. Frank Burton (2) (Ring of Fire Championship)

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Merle O'Curle defeated Frank Burton in 18:25 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 12 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


I thought Frank was going to be able to pick up the win a couple times during the match, but then I remembered that I booked Merle to go over and he did.



Overall: C

Attendance: 219

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Rankings for the month of June 2011.


1. Merle O'Curle (Ring of Fire Champion)

2. Walter Morgan

3. UK Dragon

4. Frank Burton

5. Don Henderson

6. Danny Patterson

7. Harley Neill

8. Zack Macomber (Man of Steel Champion)

9. Barry Griffen

10. Wade Orson

11. Lance Martin (ROF Burning Champion)

12. Robert Brown

13. Nigel Svensson

14. Leigh Burton

15. Petey Barnes

16. Geordie Jimmy Morris

17. Jacques DuPont

18. Pierre DuPont

19. Kelly Martin

20. Jon Michael Sharp

21. Leighton Buzzard

22. Simon Ice

23. Alton Vicious

24. Riddick Jordon

25. Keith Adams


ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Keith Adams (25) vs. Leighton Buzzard (21)

Jon Michael Sharp (20) and Kelly Martin (19) vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris (16) and Petey Barnes (15)

Lance Martin (11) © vs. Leigh Burton (14) (ROF Burning Championship)

Barry Griffen (9) vs. Harley Neill (7)

Wade Orson (10) vs. Zack Macomber (8) © (Man of Steel Championship)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Geordie Jimmy Morris (16) vs. Jon Michael Sharp (20) vs. Pierre DuPont (18)

Nigel Svensson (13) vs. Petey Barnes (15)

Danny Patterson (6) vs. Don Henderson (5)

Robert Brown (12) vs. Wade Orson (10)

Frank Burton (4) vs. UK Dragon (3) vs. Walter Morgan (2)

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ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Keith Adams (25) vs. Leighton Buzzard (21)

Jon Michael Sharp (20) and Kelly Martin (19) vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris (16) and Petey Barnes (15)

Lance Martin (11) © vs. Leigh Burton (14) (ROF Burning Championship)

Barry Griffen (9) vs. Harley Neill (7)

Wade Orson (10) vs. Zack Macomber (8) © (Man of Steel Championship)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Geordie Jimmy Morris (16) vs. Jon Michael Sharp (20) vs. Pierre DuPont (18)

Nigel Svensson (13) vs. Petey Barnes (15)

Danny Patterson (6) vs. Don Henderson (5)

Robert Brown (12) vs. Wade Orson (10)

Frank Burton (4) vs. UK Dragon (3) vs. Walter Morgan (2)

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ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, June 2011

Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK)


Keith Adams (25) vs. Leighton Buzzard (21)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Keith Adams defeated Leighton Buzzard in 8:12 by pinfall.


Keith Adams makes his ROF debut in a good victory over Leighton Buzzard.



Jon Michael Sharp (20) and Kelly Martin (19) vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris (16) and Petey Barnes (15)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Geordie Jimmy Morris and Petey Barnes defeated Jon Michael Sharp and Kelly Martin in 11:25 when Petey Barnes defeated Jon Michael Sharp by pinfall with a X-Press.


JMS was suffering from some ring rust, seeing that he hasn't been in the ring for over half a year. That rust cost his team the match.



Lance Martin (11) © vs. Leigh Burton (14) (ROF Burning Championship)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Lance Martin defeated Leigh Burton in 7:25 by pinfall with a Body Rocker. Lance Martin makes defense number 1 of his Ring Of Fire Burning Championship title.


Lance Martin certainly isn't a fluke. He was able to show Leigh Burton that “The Body” is here to stay.



Barry Griffin (9) vs. Harley Neill (7)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Barry Griffin defeated Harley Neill in 7:39 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock.


These two just don't click at all in the ring and it showed, big time. Harley was upset with doing the job and got dominated for it. I have a feeling he won't be resigning with us.



Wade Orson (10) vs. Zack Macomber (8) © (Man of Steel Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Zack Macomber defeated Wade Orson in 15:37 by submission with a Prawn Armlock. Zack Macomber makes defense number 1 of his Man of Steel Championship title.


While this wasn't the masterpiece I thought it would be, I can't complain at all with the turnout after the rest of the show. Wade won't drop out of the top 10 because of his loss tonight, but he won't move up at all either.



Overall: D+

Attendance: 127




NOTBPW Jeopardy in June has been the catalyst that has thrust the promotion to global size. They are firmly in the #3 spot in terms of importance, but if they continue to put on the shows that they do, they will quickly move up the ladder.


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, June 2011

The Paddington Club (South, UK)


Geordie Jimmy Morris (16) vs. Jon Michael Sharp (20) vs. Pierre DuPont (18)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Pierre DuPont defeated Geordie Jimmy Morris and Jon Michael Sharp in 6:07 when Pierre DuPont defeated Jon Michael Sharp by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.


Jimmy was off his game tonight, but what can you do. Pierre is starting to grow in that ring, which will only be good for him.



Nigel Svensson (13) vs. Petey Barnes (15)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nigel Svensson defeated Petey Barnes in 6:32 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


No problem for Nigel, despite the lack of psychology on display.



Danny Patterson (6) vs. Don Henderson (5)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Don Henderson defeated Danny Patterson in 8:12 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


And Danny puts Don over before taking his leave of the promotion.



Robert Brown (12) vs. Wade Orson (10)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Wade Orson defeated Robert Brown in 9:51 by pinfall with a Bounce Back.


Robert is looking to break into the top ten, but will need to find some great performances to do so.



Frank Burton (4) vs. UK Dragon (3) vs. Walter Morgan (2)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Walter Morgan defeated Frank Burton and UK Dragon in 18:48 when Walter Morgan defeated UK Dragon by submission with a Wigan Wrench.


I was expecting better, but this will do. We just need to grow a bit more in South UK to be seen as a regional promotion.



Overall: C-

Attendance: 165

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Rankings for the month of July 2011.


1. Merle O'Curle (Ring of Fire Champion)

2. Walter Morgan

3. Frank Burton

4. Don Henderson

5. UK Dragon

6. Zack Macomber (Man of Steel Champion)

7. Barry Griffin

8. Wade Orson

9. Nigel Svensson

10. Lance Martin (ROF Burning Champion)

11. Pierre DuPont

12. Robert Brown

13. Petey Barnes

14. Leigh Burton

15. Jacques DuPont

16. Geordie Jimmy Morris

17. Keith Adams

18. Kelly Martin

19. Simon Ice

20. Jon Michael Sharp

21. Alton Vicious

22. Riddick Jordon

23. Leighton Buzzard


We've seen the departure of both Danny Patterson and Harley Neill. We thank them for their contributions to Ring of Fire, but feel they don't fit in with the rest of the roster.


ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Kelly Martin (18) vs. Riddick Jordan (22)

Leigh Burton (14) vs. Simon Ice (19)

Jacques DuPont (15) vs. Keith Adams (17)

Barry Griffin (7) vs. Zack Macomber © (6) (Man of Steel Championship)

Merle O'Curle © (1) vs. Walter Morgan (2) (Ring of Fire Championship)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Alton Vicious (21) vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris (16)

Donny Damage (24) vs. Simon Ice (19)

Lance Martin © (10) vs. Pierre DuPont (11) (ROF Burning Championship)

Don Henderson (4) vs. UK Dragon (5)

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ROF Pure Pro Wrestling

Kelly Martin (18) vs. Riddick Jordan (22)

Leigh Burton (14) vs. Simon Ice (19)

Jacques DuPont (15) vs. Keith Adams (17)

Barry Griffin (7) vs. Zack Macomber © (6) (Man of Steel Championship)

Merle O'Curle © (1) vs. Walter Morgan (2) (Ring of Fire Championship)


ROF Better Than the Best of British Wrestling

Alton Vicious (21) vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris (16)

Donny Damage (24) vs. Simon Ice (19)

Lance Martin © (10) vs. Pierre DuPont (11) (ROF Burning Championship)

Don Henderson (4) vs. UK Dragon (5)

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