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Pro Wrestling Zero: None of a Kind (0/0/0)

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Pro Wrestling Zero Live! - Saturday, Week 4, March 2010

Held at the Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario, Canada.

Attendance: 11

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Mr Lucha def. Marv Statler in 10:05 (D-)


Mr Lucha started this bout off with a flurry of lucha moves - a trio of armdrags, a rana, and a brutal-looking tilt-a-whirl backbreaker that had Statler writhing on the canvas. Lucha continued to dominate the first half, with a number of highlight reel worthy spots, including a beatiful running Topé con Giro over the top rope to the outside. The finish came when Statler countered a clothesline into a painful looking standing arm-trap triangle choke. Just as it looked like Mr. Lucha was about to tap, he swung his legs behind Statler and managed to get a surprise crucifix pin for the win.

<hr align="center">


Jamie Atherton makes his way out to the ring.


Pro Wrestling Zero, huh? That's an apt name for this company that draws fans who have zero IQ. My first thought on walking out here, was "Wow, I can do better than this." And that smell! Good god, I should call O Canada Soapworks and get them to ship some of their stuff down here express! The only reason I'm here is for the money - not any of you. The thing you all have to realise is that it is a paid privilege for you to be in the same room as me, let alone see me do what I do best-


He is interrupted by Mimic's theme music.



And what is that, Atherton? Annoy the living crap out of everyone? I am SO glad I get to wrestle you tonight, because in front of everyone here, I get to tear your ears off your head and use em as a suppository. That way you can hear just how hard I'm gonna kick your ass! (E+)

<hr align="center">


Mimic def. Jamie Atherton in 9:48 (E+)


The action started hard and fast, with each wrestler dodging the other's offense. Late in the match, Mimic attempted a Tornado DDT from the second rope but was dumped unceremoniously to the outside, giving an opening for Atherton to hit his signature springboard parallel moonsault to the floor. Back in the ring, Atherton slowed down the match with a grounded headscissors. Mimic managed to escape and hit a seated dropkick on Atherton, setting him up for a springboard 450 from the apron for the three count.

<hr align="center">


Davis Wayne Newton Defeated Jayson van Pelt in 28:11 to retain the PWZ Canadian Championship (C-)!


Prior to the match, Newton revealed his new darker persona with altered theme music and dyed hair.


In what was easily a match of the year candidate, Newton and Pelt pulled out all the stops in this history making bout. Newton used his technical mastery to gain an early lead, counterwrestling anything Pelt tried and keeping him under control, ultimately working his left knee to try and keep him grounded and limit his offence.


Pelt managed to hit a beatiful enzuigiri out of a kneelock, sending Newton to his hands and knees. Seeing an opportunity, Pelt leapt onto Newton's shoulders, pushed off and hit a cringeworthy shooting star press onto his raised lower back, nearly snapping him in half - much to the shocked delight of the crowd. Even though he was highly favouring his knee and in obvious pain, Pelt maintained his advantage. He continued to work the back of Newton, whipped him chest first into the corner, delivered a solid double knee to the back, held on and fell backwards into a double knee backbreaker.


Both men were down for a standing ten count, Pelt clutching his knee and Newton trying to contort his spine back the way God intended. Pelt reached his feet first, but wasn't upright for long, falling victim to a stiff strike to his injured knee, then a stiff shining wizard to the chest that created an audible thud that echoed off the walls. Pelt managed to get on offence again after blocking a Newton Kick and hitting a superkick that sent Newton sprawling backwards into the corner.


Pelt attemped a second double knee in the corner but was caught and countered into a fisherman suplex by Newton into the turnbuckle. With Pelt down for the count, Newton hit a corkscrew moonsault that allowed him to retain his title.


Overall: (D)


Announced for next show:

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Mystery Opponent for the PWZ Canadian Championship

Raphael vs. Jayson van Pelt

A-Game vs. Stretch

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Davis Wayne Newton vs. Mystery Opponent for the PWZ Canadian Championship

DWN holds the belt for some time


Raphael vs. Jayson van Pelt

Jayson was part on a C- match so I guess that you want to keep him strong


A-Game vs. Stretch

Chicken boys never win :p

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Pro Wrestling Zero Live! - Saturday, Week 4, April 2010

Held at the Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario, Canada.

Attendance: 28

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Jayson van Pelt makes his entrance to the ring, where he is joined by Jordan James.




I called you out here tonight, James, to ask you something. As you know, last month, in this ring, in this building, I had one of the greatest untelevised matches in Canadian history. Even though I was unsuccessful in my attempt at winning the Canadian Championship, I'd like to ask for another shot at it, for one simple reason. Not for myself, but for the fans, and you. You know van Pelt vs Newton II would be an amazing moneymaker, all you have to do is sign it.




I couldn't agree with you more, Pelt, yourself and Newton had an absolutely incredible match and tore the house down. I'd be more than happy to sign a rematch for the Canadian Championship next month.


The fans cheer, but are quickly cut off by Raphael's music.




Hang on a minute. van Pelt, you can join the queue. There's a lot of people after that title, and last time I checked, you had your opportunity and you screwed it up. Let's go to the tape:


The DVD footage of last month's match between Pelt and Newton is projected on the wall. The finish is shown, where Newton hits a corckscrew moonsault for the three count.


Yep, I'm no expert on the subject of losing, but to me, it looked just like Gene's hand struck the mat three times, how about you? So James, you know what you should do. In the interest of fairness, you should give me my title shot - I havent had the luxury of one yet. Let's face it, I'm the most talented, best looking wrestler in the PWZ locker room, and It'd be a giant mistake to unfairly give Pelt another shot that he'll just waste. I mean, just look at him - is that really the face you want to represent this promotion? He's getting grey hair already! You really should dye that.


It's a birthmark!


I think it makes him look distinguish- A birthmark?


Yeah, I don't have any pigment- HEY!


Well, in any case, I've taken into account what both of you have said here today, and I think I know what to do. The simple fact is Raphael, you havent been booked for the title yet because you simply don't deserve it. Noone in this building wants to see you face, let alone potentially beat Newton. Am I right, PWZ fans?


The crowd responds with a chorus of cheers.


That's what I thought. But, I have an idea of who they'd like to see you face. This man right here, Jayson van Pelt. 20 minute time limit. Winner gets a shot at Newton's title. This is your chance, Raphael, to prove to me that you deserve a shot, and Jayson's opportunity to show me why he deserves another. (D+)


Ant Man def. A-Game via pinfall in 0:58 (F+)


Stretch no-showed this event, and the match had to be rearranged at the last moment. This was a one sided short bout in which Ant Man made A-Game look like a human punching bag, pinning him after three consecutive chokeslams.


Raphael and Jayson van Pelt battled to a time-limit draw in 20:00. (D-)


Davis Wayne Newton came out halfway through this match to join James at the commentary table. Pelt and Raphael paced themselves early on, exchanging some cautious chain wrestling in an attempt by both men to better use the full time allotted, and to not get blown up too quickly. At 6:00, a snapmare/back kick from van Pelt gets Raphael fired up, and he unloads on Pelt with a barrage of elbows and a butterfly suplex, before continuing to work the neck and shoulders of Pelt on the canvas. Pelt finally took advantage at 12:00 after a series of traded nearfalls ended with a solid boot to Raphael's face, bloodying his nose. As the last minute ticked away, both men duked it out on the top rope. Van Pelt managed to hit a Death Valley Driver from the top with 6 seconds to go, but was unable to capitalize and get the pin in time.

<hr align="center">

After the match both men, exhausted, climb back to their feet and shake hands. Jordan James grabs the house microhpone and addresses them.





As this match is a draw, I'm going to have to intervene. Now, normally, I'd just extend the match - but both of you impressed me enough here that I'm going to do one better. Both of you will get a shot at Newton's title. Now, for the matter of when... how about, both at the same time! Next month, we'll have a triple threat match!




Newton slides into the ring and extened a hand towards van Pelt. Jayson accepts and both men shake. Newton then shakes Raphael's hand, then delivers a hard superkick to van Pelt, and then a second to Raphael, laying both exhausted men out on the canvas. Newton raises his belt high above his head. The ring is cleared and Newton continues to celebrate. Suddenly, the lights turn off, and when they come back on, a hooded figure stands in the ring facing Newton.




He reveals a microphone from under one of his long sleeves and speaks, in a gravelly voice;


Your actions have not gone unseen, Davis. You will suffer for your transgressions, and tonight you will pay - mind, body and title.



Transgression this!


You should watch who you insult, arrogant young'n...




The hooded figure lifts his hood and shrugs off his robes in one fluid motion, revealing former DAVE star Travis Century. The crowd responds with shocked cheers - and Newton with a look of fear.


...Because this match starts NOW! (D+)<hr>http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/DavisWayneNewton_alt.jpghttp://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/PWZ_Heavy.jpghttp://img97.imageshack.us/img97/3534/traviscentury.jpg

Davis Wayne Newton def. Travis Century in 22:11 to retain the PWZ Canadian Championship (C+)


This was a true classic Veteran vs. Young Lion bout, with the stipulation being that if Travis Century could beat Newton for the title, then he would stay in the company until he lost the belt. Newton was out to prove that he can step his game up to the next level and go toe-to-toe with someone far more weathered than him. Century's experience kept him in control for the majority of the match, easily reading Newton's moves and countering them with ease. (great chemistry :D) Around 15:00, Century began to tire, and Newton's youthful stamina allowed him to take over, toying with Century before finally finishing him off with an Avalanche Fisherman's suplex. The match itself received a standing ovation from the crowd, who chanted "Bring Back Century" at the conclusion of the show.


Overall: D+

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Pro Wrestling Zero Live! - Saturday, Week 4, May 2010

Held at the Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario, Canada.

Attendance: 24<hr align="center">http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/DavisWayneNewton_alt.jpg

Davis Newton is in the ring with a microphone, he goes to speak but is cut off by the lights turning off and a video playing on the PWZ projector screen.


A cryptic video plays to Eastern Style music.


...You won't see him...

...You won't hear him...

...OTA is coming!


It seems like every time I come out here I'm cut off by some stupid wannabe Little Red Riding Hood, or some crappy high-school film class ninja video. It doesn't seem to matter, because no matter who faces me for my title, I win. Last month I pinned the second biggest star to ever step inside the PWZ ring, and whoever else James wants to sign to come in here to get beat is fine by me, whether it's Travis Century or anyone else, I welcome the challenge. (D+)

<hr align="center"> http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/StretchTheChickenBoy.jpghttp://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/AlistairShufflebottom.jpg

Stretch the Chicken boy def. Alistair Shufflebottom by pinfall in 1:30 (E-)


In the match that was supposed to take place last month, Stretch took Shufflebottom to the ground from the opening bell and kept him there, submitting him with a boston crab before A-Game could mount any offence.<hr align="center"> http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/Ant-Man.jpghttp://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/DermottAyres.jpg

Ant-Man def. Dermott Ayres by pinfall in 10:08 (E-)


Ant-Man dominated this match outright from bell to bell. Dermott Ayres was simply too small for his offence to be of any use, and any high flying moves he'd attempt would be countered by his far more powerful opponent. Ant-man won this match with a chokeslam.<hr align="center">http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/DavisWayneNewton_alt.jpg


Davis Wayne Newton makes his entrance for his match, and grabs a house microphone on the way to the ring.


It's been a long road up to this point. Tonight I face not one, but two men after my title. Jayson van Pelt, we've met in the squared circle before and I proved to you just how much better than you I am. And as always I went away the victor. I'll wager you're still feeling it - tonight, I'm going to tear your injured knee in half. And to my other opponent; Raphael, you talk a big game but the simple fact is you are not on my level and never will be. I have nothing to worry about tonight. This title is steadfast around my waist and will be mine forever. For-ev-er. (D+)<hr align="center">



Davis Wayne Newton def. Raphael and Jayson Van Pelt in 34:54 to retain the PWZ Canadian Championship (C-)


This match was full of very creative spots by the three men. As soon as one man would get an advantage over the other, the third man would recover and equalize. The highlights were Raphael's springboard moonsault to the outside, wiping out Pelt and Newton, Newton hitting a Fisherman's Suplex on Raphael while seated on Pelt's shoulders, and Pelt hitting a top rope hurricanrana on Raphael, who flew headfirst directly -into- Newton, opening up a small cut under his right eye.


The last 3 minutes were fast and furious - Raphael hit a flip neckbreaker on Newton, kipped up and enzuigiri'd Pelt in one fluid motion. Newton then hit a hard clothseline on Raphael in ring, and without missing a beat kept running and dove onto Pelt who was recoving at ringside. With all three back in the ring, Pelt kick Raphael hard in the thigh, sending him down onto one knee, superkicked Newton, hit a shining wizard on Raphael, then moonsaulted righ out of the wizard off of Raphaels knee onto Newton.


The finish came when a bloodied Newton hoisted Raphael up for a powerbomb, Pelt ascended the ropes facing Newton and leapt off to deliver a crushing powerbomb/backcracker combination on Raphael, who rolled limply to the floor. Pelt kipped up and landed a stiff mule kick to Newton, setting him up for a shining wizard. Newton sidestepped, grabbed Pelt's leg and dropped him facefirst into an STF for the win.

Overall: D+

<hr align="center">

Announced Matches for Next Show:


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fumihiro Ota

Ladder Match - A contract hangs above the ring. If Ota wins, he can sign a PWZ contract. If Newton wins, Ota leaves the company. In addition, Newton can sign his next title defence against anyone he chooses.

Bob Casey vs. Raphael

Mimic vs. Dagger

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Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fumihiro Ota

Ladder Match - A contract hangs above the ring. If Ota wins, he can sign a PWZ contract. If Newton wins, Ota leaves the company. In addition, Newton can sign his next title defence against anyone he chooses.

Bob Casey vs. Raphael

Mimic vs. Dagger

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Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fumihiro Ota

Ladder Match - A contract hangs above the ring. If Ota wins, he can sign a PWZ contract. If Newton wins, Ota leaves the company. In addition, Newton can sign his next title defence against anyone he chooses.

Bob Casey vs. Raphael

Mimic vs. Dagger

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Pro Wrestling Zero Live! - Saturday, Week 4, June 2010

Held at the Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario, Canada.

Attendance: 34

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Ota makes his way down to the ring to an excellent fanfare to open the show. He grabs a microphone to address the crowd.


I'm so excited to be here in front of the most appreciative crowd in the world. This response is just overwhelming. Tonight I have a ladder match against the PWZ Canadian Champion, Davis Wayne Newton. If I win tonight, I will earn myself a place on the PWZ roster, which means I can come back and wrestle in this ring again and again. And If I beat Newton once, I'll have no trouble doing it again. You see, PWZ deserves a better champion, not some good for nothing arrogant kid, trained by wrestling's greatest alcoholic, who can't wrestle his way out of a wet paper bag. PWZ deserves a better champion. Like-


He is cut off by Davis Wayne Newton's theme music.




A better champion? Like a certain wannabe washed up ninja who can't get up the ring steps without getting blown up? I am the future of this business, and you're jealous because you will never be as good as the 'Triple Threat'. You're excited to be here, huh, Ota? You know, I don't think I've ever seen anybody, human, ninja, or otherwise look forward to showing up, losing a match and getting kicked out of a company so much. Although, it isn't the first time you've been kicked out of a company, is it, Ota? Tonight is going to be TCW all over again, and hopefully you leave the business for good this time.


Oh, you arrogant little ****.


Ota unleashes a flurry of elbow strikes and karate chops that leaves Newton dazed on the ropes. Ota winds up and delivers a beautiful wheel kick lariat that sends Newton flying over the top rope and to the floor. Newton scurries away from the ring up onto his feet and yells "This isn't over Ota!" (D)

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Mimic def. Dagger by submission in 8:08 (E)


The crowd was still hot from the opening segment and started duelling Mimic/Dagger chants as both men started this contest. Dagger attempted several of his patented kickboxing strikes, only to be countered into leglocks each time by the much faster Mimic. Dagger managed to hit a huge back suplex out of nowhere to take control of the match at 4:00, and continues to work on Mimic's neck with repeated kneedrops to the back of Mimic's head and a particularly awesome-looking dragon sleeper. Mimic managed to reach to ropes and fought back, attacking Dagger's weakened knees with kicks of his own. The finish came when Mimic locked in a modified Texas Cloverleaf to make Dagger submit.

<hr align="center">


Raphael def. Bob Casey by pinfall in 12:02 (D)


Casey completely outclassed Raphael in the opening minutes, taking him down to the canvas again and again, and schooling Raphael in holds that haven't been seen since the late 70's. Every time Raphael would see an opening to escape, Casey would switch the hold up into something even less escapable. After getting the umpteenth ropebreak, Raphael mixed up his game, slapped Casey and hit a stiff springboard kick, dazing Casey and allowing Raphael to take over with flying move after flying move. After a pair of top rope moonsaults, Raphael got the threecount.

<hr align="center">Disclaimer: I'm trying something a little different here - it's a bit TL;DR, but if you want to read the entire Ota/Newton match it's there (in alternating black/red paragraphs for ease of reading), written 'live' rather than as a recap. I might do this more often depending on the response, but only for big matches. :DIf you just want the results, go to the last paragraph. :D

<hr align="center">


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fumihiro Ota


Ladder Match - A contract hangs above the ring. If Ota wins, he can sign a PWZ contract. If Newton wins, Ota leaves the company. In addition, Newton can sign his next title defence against anyone he chooses.


Ota wants a collar and elbow lockup to start this bout off the traditional way, but Newton sidesteps and takes Ota's left arm, wrenching him forward and down onto one knee. Ota fights back up to his feet, But Newton easily bends him backwards, transitioning into a keylock. Ota rolls backward into a beautiful headstand to counter the move and free his arm, before rolling through and unleashing a huge armdrag to Newton, who rolls up to his feet only to be floored by a hard dropkick by Ota which sends Newton over the second rope and to the outside. Ota strikes a ninja pose in the ring, pleased with his efforts.


Newton rolls back in again, and locks up with Ota. Newton takes a hammerlock, Ota bends down and grabs Newton's left leg with his free arm, tripping him. Ota, still holding Newton's leg, rolls Newton over into an ankle lock. Newton scurries to the ropes for a break. Ota allows Newton back up to his feet, and they lock up again. Newton takes a full nelson, but Ota elbows Newton in the head to break the hold and hits a hiptoss. Newton kips up into and Ota armdrag, rolls up to his feet again, only to be taken off his feet by a flying headscissors by Ota, which sends Newton to the outside a second time. Ota lands on his knees and gives Newton a mock round of applause, mocking him.


Newton, frustrated at being technically outclassed this early on in the match, unleashes his temper by kicking the ringside barrier. The crowd fire up and taunt Newton, who flips them all the 'single threat' and rolls back into the ring. Ota stomps Newton as he slides under the bottom rope and quickly pulls Newton up to his feet by his hair. He forces Newton back to the near corner and unleashes a near-endless torrent of hard chops to Newton's chest, which visibly reddens with each blow. Newton screams in pain, temporarily unable to move from the corner, but is silenced with a rolling wheel kick which hits him square in the lower jaw.


Ota rolls to the outside and grabs a ladder, sliding it into the ring, and then grabs a second and takes it in with him. Newton stirs and lunges at ota, who hits him with the ladder, sending him back to the corner. In the corner opposite Newton, Ota sets up a ladder in the corner, then makes his way back across the ring to Newton. Ota attempts and Irish whip, but is reversed by Newton and sent back-first hard into the ladder. Newton follows up quickly with a sommersault body splash, bouncing off Ota back-first and landing backward onto his feet, then superkicks Ota into the ladder a second time.


Newton, with an innovative idea, grabs the second ladder and leans it top-first on Ota's chest, making a ramp that leads right to Ota's face. Newton takes a runup and sprints up the ladder-ramp, but Ota coutners by lifting the ladder up into the air with Newton still on it, and dumps Newton to the outside. Ota throws the ladder aside and runs to the far ropes, hitting a beautiful handspring moonsault onto Newton on the outside.


Both men work their way back up to their feet. They trade chops back and forth until Ota hits a devastatingly stiff strike that sends Newton into the railing. Ota rushes Newton, who stoops low and back bodydrops Ota over the railing and into the crowd, sending three fans and Ota toppling down to the floor. Naturally, the fans love it.


Newton grabs a third ladder from ringside and sets it up between the railing and the apron like a bridge. He reaches over the railing and pulls Ota back to ringside. Ota recovers and hits a hard knee to Newton's midsection, then his Ninja Strike finisher out of nowhere to send Newton out cold. Ota, exhausted, drags Newton up to his feet and lays him across the bridged ladder. Ota rolls back to the ring, and climbs to the top rope. The crowd roar, sensing a big move, and Ota poses and works them all up into a frenzy. Ota leaps off the top rope, gets massive hangtime and hits Newton square in the chest with a double stomp, snapping the ladder, and Newton, in half. Ota collides hard with the wooden floor and rolls into the ringside barrier. Both men are down on the floor for close to two minutes as the ring crew take out the broken ladder halves from ringside and dump them in the entranceway.


Ota is the first to get back onto his feet, just barely, and stumbles into the ring, setting up a ladder in the center. He manages to get to the third run before Newton manages to get back into the ring and tug Ota off by his belt. Ota hits a pair of hard kicks to Newton's chest, sendigng him back to the canvas, and Ota heads up the ladder a second time. As Ota reaches to top of the ladder, Newton springs up to his feet and jumps halfway up the ladder, punching Ota's midsection through the ladder, slowing him down enough to meet him at the top. Both men trade elbows at the top. Ota gains the advantage, sending Newton reeling backwards, but he manages to hold on and swing a high kick to Ota's head, then grab him by the head and slam him face first into the ladder. Ota falls from the second highest rung and lands hard on his back near the center of the ring.


Newton is faced with a dilemma - either grab the contract now, or dish out more punishment on Ota. Torn, he look at the contract, and then at Ota, then back to the contract before deciding. He steps up onto the very top of the ladder, and springs off with a 450 splash, but eats nothing but canvas as Ota rolls out of the way.


Ota stumbles up to his feet, using the ropes for support. He grabs the ladder in the corner, turns it sideways and sets it up across the second rope in the corner like a platform, pulls Newton up to his feet and whips him into it. Ota heads out to the apron and onto the top rope, where he drags Newton up to a standing position on the ladder. Ota signals for a powerbomb, but Newton hits a low blow and steps up onto the top rope. Newton hits punch after punch to Ota, who steps off the top rope and back onto the ladder, switching their inital positions. Ota slaps Newton, and springs up off the trampoline-like ladder onto Newton's shoulders for a rana, but Newton counters, swinging Ota back down into a piledriver position. Newton hooks in the package piledriver, and leaps off the top rope and drives Ota headfirst into the ladder, which compacts, bends, and contorts upder the two men's combined weight.


Both men are down on the canvas, strewn across the twisted debris of the ladder. The audience is silent, and the PWZ medical staff rush to ringside to check on Ota, who could potentially have a broken neck. Newton rolls to his feet, and claws his way up the ladder in the center of the ring, and grabs the contract, before swiftly heading to the back to avoid the loud jeers of the fans.


Davis Wayne Newton defeated Fumihiro Ota by grabbing the contract in 20:09 ©


With the help of the PWZ staff and referee, Ota is helped to his feet, and is greeted with chants of "Thankyou Ota" *clap clap clapclapclap* to close the show.


Overall: (C-)

<hr align="center">

Coming up next: The Biannual PWZ report, delivered by the head booker of PWZ, Jordan James.

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PWZ Biannual Report


First off, I'd really like to thank everyone for reading, I'm having a blast writing and booking this diary, and it's nice to be able to break kayfabe for once. :D




As a local company, I'm having to be really frugal when it comes to booking, which makes shows quite difficult to make entertaining when I have a crappy undercard who cost $100 each (which is why you keep seeing Stretch, A-Game, Dermot etc.). My user character has a 7 in negotiation, but the wrestling industry and the economy in Canada are really bad at the moment, so I'm having to end up paying a lot more for people. Regardless, since my announcer, road agent(user) and referee(owner) are free, I'm saving a fair amount in costs.


Here's my finances for the first 6 months:



Ota and Century were expensive one-shot contracts (June/April) - roughly 2000 each, give or take some travel expenses. I think they were worth bringing in though, Century especially who had 'excellent' chemistry with Newton, I'm hoping to bring him back on more of a regular basis.


If I can keep afloat till small, I'll be rolling in the money. :D




Speaking of small, I'm tied for 37th place in the promotion rankings with ACPW, reaching 8% importance in Ontario (our home region) against their 8% in the Maritimes. At this rate, due to Ontario's much higher region importance, I'll beat them to small, hopefully get enough prestige to go to war successfully with them, and put them out of business, which was the whole point of this diary in the first place. :D


Giving Newton wins over Century and Ota has really boosted his popularity - Newton gained a massive 11% just for his win over Century, and is now at 48% popularity (D) in Ontario. He is worlds ahead of the rest of the PWZ roster, the next highest being Jayson van Pelt at 21 (E-).


Surprisingly, noone on the roster has improved in skills at all, really, bar a point or two here or there in odd stats like safety. :p




Well, I am really impressed with Newton. I'm afraid I'm probably getting him too over, and I think he'll outgrow the company eventually. Those C and C+ matches are so hard to come by at local (and small and regional, heh) so if he does leave, I'll miss him. Jayson van Pelt has been a standout favourite for me as well, as has Raphael. (can you tell?) Jayson, while not really that talented, can't really put on a bad match with anyone (except for that draw with Raphael, he REALLY didn't like not winning that, and stunk up the match as a result). Raphael is practically DWN lite - talented, decent camera skills, and just needs more psychology/charisma to really round him out.


Final thoughts:


I'm really happy with this game so far, and I'm grateful that I'm able to start incorporating some more storyline segments to make this a little easier to read. The Raphael/JVP/DWN storyline is hot and has some mileage left, so I'll see where that leads over the coming weeks. I have a big plan for when I hit small, but the shows will remain low-key until then, where I can hopefully start earning some cash. (And put ACPW out of business)


PLEASE ask me any questions you like (Anything, including my similarities to my user character(many), how the hell I get those C matches as a local fed, etc. :p), and feel free to suggest things you want to see or think would be a good fit in this diary. (major suggestions would be better served by PM, so it doesn't spoil it for the rest of us :p) You can suggest storylines, angles, characterizations, fix crap I'm doing wrong, anything. :D I love creative input, cos I'm crappy at making ideas up myself. Also: Who should I sign!?


As a very final note, I'm going on a brief hiatus for a week or so. I'll still be here, and I'll still post news snippets/answers etc. to keep everyone interested - but no shows for a week, I'm a little burned out on writing, have work, and then holidays over the next weekend.


Oops, nearly forgot the predictions!










(for those matches that were draws, or if you picked a person in a match that was changed, you got a point anyway :))


So Zergon, as a reward, I'm going to either:

Make you a belt/promotion logo/banner whatever (they're good, just ask Terminator980 ;))


Pick DWN's contracted match (so long as I can afford him and he wants in the promotion ;))


Jingo, since it was so close, if you want a belt or banner or whatever, I can do you one too. ;)

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I won?:eek:


Didn´t even know there was a price but that one actually comes on right time since I could use another title belt in my current game. I will PM you about it tomorrow:).


As for succestions not sure how qualified I´m with giving hints considering that I can hardly pull a D- main events with my current game but one thing I´m wondering is whatever you coult use more guys in a one show? I have find out that wrestlers become annoyed if they are left out of show and you use about 6 to 8 guys in single show. So maybe try to fit extra match in shows or use more 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3 or battle royal type matches to keep your guys happy. Of course this would likely mean that you would need to have an off month in order to collect cash (you have done good job keeping yourself on black, I never though you could actually make a profit with local company:D).

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I only have a roster of 16 at the moment (I just signed 4 in game.) Everyone has been used at least once, and the only person who is unhappy with me is Jayson van Pelt because he wanted to win over Raphael.


I will do more 2v2, 3v3 and battle royal matches once I get to small and start making a lot more money (20,000-25,000 a month isntead of 4,500). At local, I'd rather be doing monthly shows and have them only use 6-8 wrestlers, than use all 12 and either go bankrupt or wait a month between shows (since I'm trying to catch up to ACPW).


Any other suggestions or questions from my other readers? Anything at all? Also, I'm interested to hear how you feel about the way I wrote the Ota/Newton match. :)


One last thing: Why are there so many TEW players in Finland?

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The problem is, I get writers block when I write the shorter recap style, because I have trouble thinking of highlights.. I used to wrestle IRL, so it's easier for me to write out a match organically as if I was in it, calling the spots on the fly and not planning anything beforehand (scripted matches are for bad wrestlers ;)). Obviously it's a lot more to write and read, but it takes me less time to write a 600 word match than a 60 word recap. :D
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Just a quick update, I'll begin writing again over the next couple of days.


And for a little extra motivation to get your predictions in this time round, I'll let you all see Zergon's prize. ;)



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