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Canadian Golden Combat: Reforming its legacy

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Eddie Chandler vs. Steve Frehley


Nate Johnson vs. Whippy The Clown ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Joey Poison and Chris Kaladaro


Destiny vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


I thought Destiny only played mafia on these here boards.:D

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Eddie Chandler vs. Steve Frehley


Nate Johnson vs. Whippy The Clown ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Joey Poison and Chris Kaladaro - Going out on a limb here and saying Ricky D. takes the loss


Destiny vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

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Just posting this as a reminder that you now have less than 24 hours left to make predictions for this show if you still want to. The results will go up tomorow (Sunday) around 11pm central time so you have a little less than 24 hours to get them in if you still want to predict.
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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 4, January 2011

Abbotsford Recreation Complex (British Columbia) – 2,000

Shown Live on Maple Leaf Sports


Match 1

Eddie Chandler vs. Steve Frehley


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Steve Frehley defeated Eddie Chandler in 18:22 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet.

Match Rating: B-


Match 2

Nate Johnson vs. Whippy The Clown ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Nate Johnson defeated Whippy The Clown in 7:55 by pinfall with a Natural Order. Nate Johnson wins the CGC Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This wasn't as good as the usual recent matches between these competitors and that made it seem even worse. As the fourth time this match-up has been done recently, it needed to be much better. This match brought the crowd's mood down.

Match Rating: D-


Match 3

Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Joey Poison and Chris Kaladaro


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Joey Poison and Chris Kaladaro defeated Alex & Ricky DeColt in 12:51 when Joey Poison defeated Ricky DeColt by pinfall with an Antidote Web.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Ricky DeColt is improving in Performance skills. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C


Jack DeColt is in the ring, about to compete. Before the match starts, Joey Poison comes down to the ringside area, apparently scouting his future opponent. Jack DeColt does not look happy about it, and appears somewhat distracted too.


Road Agent Notes

The Jack DeColt vs. Joey Poison storyline has continued with this segment.

Segment Rating: B-


Main Event – Match 4

Destiny vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Jack DeColt defeated Destiny in 13:05 by submission with an End Of Days.


Road Agent Notes

Destiny and Jack DeColt have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Destiny is improving in Technical skills. Destiny is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C-


Final Show Rating: C


CGC Title Bout Wrestling Report


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC Title Bout Wrestling last night in Abbotsford Recreation Complex, and drew 2,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been that the show was good, although some found it underwhelming.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling draws a 0.40 rating on Maple Leaf Sports.


A request has been sent to Maple Leaf Sports to extend the contract of Title Bout Wrestling.


Prediction Key:

BHK1978: 3 of 4 predictions correct.

Emark: 3 of 4 predictions correct.

Dragonmack: 1 of 4 predictions correct.


OOC: Thanks to the above three for predicting this week, the next meeting between the DeColts and Chris Kaladaro will be posted sometime tomorow after I write it up. If you have anything to say about this show feel free to do so otherwise the next update will be posted on Monday.

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Chris Kaladaro gets back to back wins! Cool, FTW Chris!


I wonder if the Chandler/Frehley match would have been better served as the main event. I have this happen to me a lot, mostly with TCW. I want to put the world title match on last but Rocky just doesn't cut it ratings wise to do that. I think that is probably what got you this time, what I mean is putting Destiny in the Main Event.


Granted sometimes it is hard to find a new challenger week after week and that is one of the perils with playing as a television fed. Okay I have rambled a little too much and I am not sure if any of it made any sense.

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Chris Kaladaro gets back to back wins! Cool, FTW Chris!


I wonder if the Chandler/Frehley match would have been better served as the main event. I have this happen to me a lot, mostly with TCW. I want to put the world title match on last but Rocky just doesn't cut it ratings wise to do that. I think that is probably what got you this time, what I mean is putting Destiny in the Main Event.


Granted sometimes it is hard to find a new challenger week after week and that is one of the perils with playing as a television fed. Okay I have rambled a little too much and I am not sure if any of it made any sense.


The Chandler/Frehley match probably would have been better as the main event for this show. However I like to have my title match on last because I feel if I don't then it makes the title seem less meaningful and I don't want to do that.

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The Chandler/Frehley match probably would have been better as the main event for this show. However I like to have my title match on last because I feel if I don't then it makes the title seem less meaningful and I don't want to do that.


I've always felt that way as well but have now started using the title match as the next to last match on my shows if I feel I can get a better rating with a main event that eclipses the heat of the title match. It doesn't happen very often but just depends on the participants. But I will always have the title match main event if I'm having the current champ drop the belt no matter what my heat rating might be.


Good show and darn that Whippy for not defending that title better.

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A Meeting between Alex DeColt and Chris Kaladaro


Alex DeColt: “So what are we looking at this month how much money did we lose this month?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well we didn’t lose as much as we have in previous month’s but we still lost money $124,101 to be exact but that’s not as bad as what we have been losing. I think in a few month’s we could actually turn this ship around and start making money again.”


Alex DeColt: “That’s good because otherwise our wrestlers morale will suffer because of it.”


[With that said Jack DeColt strolls into Alex’s office and takes a seat in between Chris and Alex.]


Jack DeColt: “You wanted to see me guys?”


Chris: “Yeah before this meeting we were talking privately about who we want you to drop the title too and we want to make sure that you are okay with it. We don’t know when this will happen but we do know who we want to have win the title.”


Jack DeColt: “Don’t hesitate guys tell me.”


[Chris reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out a sheet of paper and writes a name on it and passes it off to Alex who gives it to his brother Jack. Jack looks at it and smirks.]


Jack DeColt: “That’s cool I kind of figured it was him anyway as long as he doesn’t do what he said he was going to do with it if he were to beat me in the last match we had.”


Chris: “No Alex and I both talked with him and he said he didn’t really mean that he only said it to fire you up for the match and to get heat from the crowd. He said he would never do something like that because then he should just leave the business because he would be blackballed by every promoter out there.”


Jack DeColt: “Alright cool then yeah that’s fine do what you got to do because you both know that I am here for the long run.”


Alex DeColt: “That’s what we like to hear Jack, Well I am sure Chris likes to hear it more than I do so he has that reassurance I don’t need it though because you’re my brother.”


[Chris looks at Alex wondering why he would say something like that but then he just shakes it off acting like it never happened.]


Jack: “What I am saying Chris is that I am not going to turn out like Steve, you can trust me.”


[Looking relieved.]


Chris Kaladaro: “Oh okay good.”


Alex: “Also we have a situation with the tag team titles because someone who is a current champion wants a midcard title run so what are we going to do about that one?”


Chris: “I will talk to you about that in private Alex because I have an idea.”


Alex: “Alright in that case this meeting is adjourned Chris stay here so we can talk.”


[With that said Jack leaves the office as Chris and Alex begin to talk.]




OOC: The next interview between Terry Smith and Chris Kaladaro will be posted sometime on Tuesday. Until then feel free to comment on this article if you would like to.

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Terry Smith sits down with Chris Kaladaro after the latest edition of Title Bout Wresting.


Terry Smith: “Hello and welcome to another exciting edition of the show where I get to sit down and talk to Chris Kaladaro the head booker of CGC. Chris it’s good to have you hear as usual what were your initial thoughts on this show?”


Chris Kaladaro: “It was average nothing to good or too bad just average to be honest I would rather have the show suck then be average because to me an average score means your going nowhere as a promotion.”


Terry Smith: “This weeks show took place from Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia Canada and the first match of the night was between Eddie Chandler and Steve Frehley what do you have to say about this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well this match was obviously the best match on the card and after the show had happened a lot of people said that the match that was first on the show should have actually main evented this show. I agree somewhat but disagree for the most part because I feel that the World Title should always be the main event and when it isn’t it demoralizes the title and makes it meaningless.”


Terry Smith: “What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was done very well I don’t think a lot of people weren’t expecting Steve to beat Eddie but it happened.”


Terry Smith: “In the second match of the night Nate Johnson got his rematch against Whippy The Clown for the CGC Canadian Title which Whippy defeated Nate for on the previous weeks show. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “It wasn’t as good as their match that they had in the previous week but Nate Johnson was able to recapture the CGC Canadian Title. That’s all I really have to say about this match.”


Terry Smith: “In the third match of the night, Alex and Ricky DeColt took on Joey Poison and yourself what did you think of the DeColt’s and your partners performance in this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well The DeColt’s always bring their best when your up against them and Joey does the same whether your teaming with him or your facing him in a match. As far as the match though I thought it was good all four of us did a great job with it so I am happy.”


Terry Smith: “Now after the match Joey Poison decided not to go to the back but to join the crowd for the final match of the evening which was for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship. The Match featured one half of The Soldiers Of Fortune Destiny and the CGC World Heavyweight Champion Jack DeColt what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well like I said earlier the match I thought that this match should have main evented this show. Jack DeColt is the CGC World Champion so he deserves to be in the last match of the night no matter who he is against and how good or bad the match might be. I thought the match was okay Jack tried all he could to make the match work but in the end you just have to realize that no matter what you do the match won’t work. I credit Jack for being a great champion and trying to put on a great match with everybody but sometimes you can’t do that.”


Terry Smith: “Well Chris I would just like to take the time to thank you because we are out of time for the week.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Thank you Terry its always fun to be here.”


Terry Smith: “Some of the matches for the next show will be talked about on Thursday by my broadcast colleague Adrian Garcia so be sure to join him in the studio for that. Also I will see you on Sunday as Adrian Garcia and myself call the action from ringside so until then this has been Terry Smith saying so long and I will see you all at the matches.”


OOC: Thursdays Column will be posted on Thursday around 11pm as ususal if you have anything to say about this column feel free to do so.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Title Bout Wrestling

Saturday Week 1, February 2011


Hello ladies and gentleman Adrian Garcia here to talk about some of the matches that you can expect to see live this Sunday night as part of CGC’s latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling.


This weeks show comes to you live from the Varsity Arena in Ontario Canada and a handful of matches have already been signed.


In the first match of the night the tag team titles are on the line as Alex and Ricky DeColt challenge the Soldiers Of Fortune for the tag team straps. Will Alex and Ricky be able to win the match and claim gold like their brother Jack? Or will Destiny and Fate prevent the DeColt’s from reaching their goal of all three of them being champions at the same time?


In the second match of the night, the CGC Canadian Championship is on the line as Thrill Seeker looks to challenge Nate Johnson for the belt. Will Thrill Seeker use this opportunity to make a name for himself by defeating Nate? Or will Nate make short work of Thrill Seeker in this match?


In the third match of the night, Joey Poison takes on Zeus Maxmillion, will Zeus be able to adjust to having a singles match being that he is primarily a tag team wrestler? Or will Joey Poison prove that it doesn’t matter who it is that he can defeat anybody?


In the co-main event of the evening the match from last week gets another member added to it, last week’s match was between Steve Frehley and Eddie Chandler. This weeks match will be a triple threat match featuring Steve, Eddie, and Chris Kaladaro. How will Steve and Eddie react to having Chris in the match and who will come out the victor?


In the main event of the evening, Larry Wood gets another shot at the CGC World Heavyweight Championship as he looks to challenge CGC World Champion Jack DeColt. Will Larry be able to get the win and the belt in his second attempt against Jack or will Jack prove to Larry that much like his first attempt this one will have the same outcome?


All this and so much more will be answered live this Sunday night from the Varsity Arena in Ontario Canada as CGC presents Title Bout Wrestling. Select seats are still available so if you want to go to the matches then be sure to get your tickets as soon as you can. Otherwise join us live on Maple Leaf Sports, until then this has been Adrian Garcia saying so long and I will see you at the matches.


Those matches again are…


Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


Thrill Seeker vs. Nate Johnson ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Joey Poison vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Chris Kaladaro vs. Eddie Chandler vs. Steve Frehley


Larry Wood vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


OOC: Predictions are welcomed and will be taken all the way up until the results have been posted on Sunday. The Results will be posted sometime around 11pm on Sunday night so until then get predicting.

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Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


Thrill Seeker vs. Nate Johnson ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


He just won the title back so I highly doubt that you are going to hotshot it off of him.


Joey Poison vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Chris Kaladaro vs. Eddie Chandler vs. Steve Frehley


Chris is not going to go all Goldberg on this diary. His win streak shall end here!


Larry Wood vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

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Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


Thrill Seeker vs. Nate Johnson ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Joey Poison vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Chris Kaladaro vs. Eddie Chandler vs. Steve Frehley


Larry Wood vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

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Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


Thrill Seeker vs. Nate Johnson ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Joey Poison vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Chris Kaladaro vs. Eddie Chandler vs. Steve Frehley


Larry Wood vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 1, February 2011

Varsity Arena (Ontario) – 2,000

Shown Live on Maple Leaf Sports


[To start off the show live form the Varsity Arena in Ontario Canada Eddie Chandler makes his way down to the ring. He gets into the ring and goes and grabs a microphone and goes back to the center of the ring before beginning to speak.]


Eddie Chandler: “Last Week I had an outstanding match with Steve Frehley a guy that many are saying is going to be the next World Heavyweight Champion. Well to tell you the truth that will not happen as long as I am in this company because I simply will not let it happen. You see Steve I want a chance to redeem myself from last week so I am out here to challenge you to a rematch here tonight.”


[With that said Steve Frehley appears on the entrance ramp and begins to speak.]


Steve Frehley: “Eddie you want another chance at me and you want another opportunity to create the magic we had in the ring last week?"


[While he continues to talk Steve starts making his way to the ring and gets into it to go face to face with Eddie Chandler.]


Steve Frehley: “Normally I would say no but the fact that we had such an outstanding match last week I will accept your challenge. However don’t get too excited because I plan on defeating you once again but as far as the match is concerned it has “match of the night” written all over it” but the result will be the same.”


[With that said Chris Kaladaro makes his way down to the ring to the shock of all the fans in the arena as well as to Eddie’s and Steve’s. He grabs a microphone and the arena goes silent as everyone is wondering what Chris has to say.]


Chris Kaladaro: “Tonight’s match won’t be a one on one singles match because I took it upon myself to add another participant to this match.”


[both Eddie and Steve look at each other with an angry look on their faces.]


Eddie Chandler: “So who is it?”


Steve Frehley: “Yeah if we have to contend with another wrestler then who is it?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Hold on, Hold on, its simple the man who will be the third wrestler in the ring tonight is the man you are staring at. That’s right Steve and Eddie the third wrestler in your match tonight is me The Headliner Chris Kaladaro.”


[Eddie Smirks.]


Eddie Chandler: “Oh okay I am supposed to be scared by that you are like 2 and about 100 in this company aren’t you.”


Steve Frehley: “Yeah really who is the real third guy in the match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I already told you guys it was me so you can make fun all you want but come match time I plan on winning the match and that’s really all there is too it, and there is nothing that you can do about it.”


Eddie Chandler: “That’s stupid does Alex know about this?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Yeah he does but even if he didn’t he wouldn’t overturn my decision because back when I took over as head booker he gave me full control of what I did so he has no say in this matter. See you in the ring tonight chumps.”


[Chris throws his microphone back to the ring announcer and leaves the ring and goes up the entrance ramp and goes back to the locker room area as Steve and Eddie stare each other down still in disbelief of what they both just witnessed.]


Road Agent Notes

Adrian Garcia helped Chandler during this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B-


Match 1

Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune (Destiny and Fate) ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


In a bout that had great heat and good action, Alex & Ricky DeColt defeated The Soldiers Of Fortune in 7:59 when Alex DeColt defeated Destiny by pinfall with a DeColt Driver. Alex & Ricky DeColt win the CGC World Tag Team titles.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Destiny is improving in Performance skills. Fate is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C-


Match 2

Thrill Seeker vs. Nate Johnson ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Nate Johnson defeated Thrill Seeker in 7:51 by pinfall with a Natural Order. Nate Johnson makes defense number 1 of his CGC Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: D+


Match 3

Joey Poison vs. Zeus Maxmillion


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Joey Poison defeated Zeus Maxmillion in 7:36 by pinfall with an Antidote Web.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: C+


Match 4

Chris Kaladaro vs. Eddie Chandler vs. Steve Frehley


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Steve Frehley defeated Chris Kaladaro and Eddie Chandler in 7:44 when Steve Frehley defeated Eddie Chandler by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Performance skills. Eddie Chandler is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: B


Main Event - Match 5

Larry Wood vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


In a bout that had great heat and good action, Jack DeColt defeated Larry Wood in 18:19 by submission with an End Of Days. Jack DeColt makes defense number 5 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

Jack DeColt was visibly tiring toward the end. Hotstuff Marie did some good work at ringside. Larry Wood was exhausted by the end. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: C


Joey Poison attacks Jack DeColt backstage, and leaves him down and out as the copyright information rolls across the screen and the show goes off of the air for the evening.


Road Agent Notes

The Jack DeColt vs. Joey Poison storyline has continued with this segment.

Segment Rating: B-


Final Show Rating: C+

Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Last Night’s CGC Title Bout Wrestling


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC Title Bout Wrestling last night in Varsity Arena, and drew 2,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling draws a 0.42 rating on Maple Leaf Sports.


Prediction Key:

Dragonmack: 5 of 5 correct for a perfect score this week.

BHK1978: 4 of 5 correct.

Emark: 4 of 5 correct.


OOC: Thanks to the above three predictors for making predictions for this show and a special congratulations goes out to Dragonmack for getting 5/5 correct on this show as he was the only one to correctly predict that Alex and Ricky DeColt were going to win the tag team titles from the Soldiers Of Fortune. Thanks to BHK1978 and Emark as well for predicting each and every week you both did well this week getting 4/5 correct. The next edition of Terry Smith sits down with Chris Kaladaro will be posted on Tuesday until then feel free to comment if you have anything to say about this show or the dynasty in general.

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Terry Smith sits down with Chris Kaladaro after the latest edition of Title Bout Wresting.


Terry Smith: “Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to another edition of the show where I have a sit down interview with the head booker of Canadian Golden Combat Chris Kaladaro. Chris how are you doing today?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I can’t complain we just came off of one of our better shows so I am perfectly happy right now.”


Terry Smith: “I would like to talk about that show and first I would like to talk about the opening segment between Eddie Chandler and Steve Frehley as well as yourself. What did you think of this segment overall?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought that Eddie Chandler and Steve Frehley’s mic skills were really on during the segment including making some rips into me which I actually found funny. Yeah its true I haven’t won a lot of matches since being with CGC but its not my job to win matches, my job is to run the promotion and book the shows and that is what I take pride in doing.”


Terry Smith: “So you weren’t mad at Eddie Chandler for what he said were you?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Absolutely not, he was right so why would I be mad about something that is an absolute fact like I said earlier there is a reason why I haven’t won many matches and I stated it above and I will leave it at that. If people want to take shots at me for my poor record then that is their decision and I have no problem with it. I had my day in this business and now its time for the stars of CGC to have theirs.”


Terry Smith: “Well said Chris. Onto the first match of the night involving Alex and Ricky DeColt as they took on the then current tag team champions the Soldiers of Fortune. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was a good match and I think a lot of people were surprised at the fact that Alex and Ricky won the match. Although if they were they shouldn’t have been because these are two guys who are the reasons that the company is where it is.”


Terry Smith: “Alright onto the second match of the night which involved Thrill Seeker who we don’t see much of taking on the CGC Canadian Champion Nate Johnson for the title. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well there is a reason why you haven’t seen Thrill Seeker much and that is because of matches like this. This match didn’t deliver like it should have and I feel that Thrill Seeker was the reason behind it Nate Johnson can have good matches if given the right opponent. Well on this night he wasn’t given the right opponent and it showed in the match, the only thing this match achieved was giving Nate his first title defense since winning back the CGC Canadian Championship from Whippy The Clown.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the third match up which was between Joey Poison and Zeus Maxmillion, what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well honestly I thought I would find myself saying the same thing twice in a row as I thought that having Zeus Maxmillion in a match would be as bad as having Thrill Seeker in the previous match. However Zeus really proved me wrong and had a really good match with Joey Poison, the match wasn’t great but considering that it was Zeus’s first match in quite some time I thought it went very well. My guess is that Zeus will step up his game as a result of this match and you will see more of him in the future.”


Terry Smith: “In the co-main event it was a triple threat match between Eddie Chandler, Steve Frehley and yourself. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well Eddie and Steve stole the show in a match last week and adding me to the match improved on it a bit. Eddie and Steve are great wrestlers who can pretty much get a good match out of anybody on any roster. That is why they have both been World Champions in the past of course Eddie in CGC and Steve in SWF but they can pretty much get a good match out of anyone including me. I don’t like to gloat much but I feel that having me in this match helped the match out a bit because it was better rated then their one on one contest the previous week although that match was pretty good as well."


Terry Smith: “Now onto the final match of the night between Larry Wood and Jack DeColt for the CGC World Championship. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well I would like to start off by saying that if I had to redo this show I probably would have had Larry Wood vs. Jack DeColt be the co-main event and the triple threat match between Eddie, Steve and myself as the main event. Doing so probably would have got a slightly better show rating then it did. However I don’t regret the things I have done I just have to learn from it and move on. I thought the match between Jack and Larry was good. The match probably was a bit too long and that showed with Larry barely being able to move at the end of the match but other than that I thought it was a good match just not main event material.”


Terry Smith: “Finally as the show went off of the air for the evening, a camera cut backstage to see Joey Poison attack Jack DeColt in the backstage area. What did you think of this segment that ended the show?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Again I think it helped to lift the overall show rating because the angle was pretty strong, a lot of fans are probably wondering when a match between Jack and Joey will take place. Well it will happen at the next pay per view that CGC offers called Luck of The Draw and it will be for the CGC World Title so you all have that to look forward too.”


Terry Smith: “Well that’s great news as I am sure that these two will be able to put on one hell of a match. However we are out of time for this weeks show so I would like to thank Chris Kaladaro for being here and to remind you to join Adrian Garcia in the studio on Thursday night. He will talk about all of the matches that you can expect to see on the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling. For now this has been Terry Smith saying so long and I will see you all ringside at the matches.”


OOC: Some of the matches that will be taking place on the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling will be posted on Thursday. Until then read up on this column and feel free to comment if you would like to. Feedback is always appreciated and encouraged.

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How much money has CGC lost? And I agree that Larry Wood definitely does not need to be in long matches. His monster menace persona is probably best suited for 10-12 max matches. Plus I like the fact that you're placing your user character more into the storyline and improving his status to be a top flight performer.
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In a little over a year (game time) that I have been doing this dynasty CGC has lost a little over $1,000,000. I seem to be doing everything right running house shows etc. Thoughout the whole first year I forgot to increase my prices by $4 I thought that would help but so far it hasn't.


CGC Starts the game with $5,000,000 and right now I have a little more than that so I guess you could say that I am doing okay I just hate losing money.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Title Bout Wrestling

Saturday Week 2, February 2011


Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to another edition of the show where we talk about some of the matches that you can expect to see at the next edition of CGC’s Title Bout Wrestling. I am of course Adrian Garcia and Five matches have been signed for this week’s edition of the show so lets get right into it.


In the first match, three teams will vie for the right to call themselves the best tag team in Canadian Golden Combat as Alex and Ricky DeColt defend their newly won CGC Tag Team Titles against The Soldiers Of Fortune and The Dirty White Boys. Will The DeColt’s be able to keep their reign in tact or will either the Soldiers or the DWB’s become the new champions?


In the second match of the night Joey Poison takes on Larry Wood, will Joey be able to keep his momentum building towards his match with Jack DeColt at CGC’s Luck Of The Draw? Or will Larry Wood shock everyone by defeating the number one contender on his way to perhaps win the title?


In the third match of the night, Nate Johnson defends the CGC Canadian Championship against Zeus Maxmillion. Will Nate be able to defeat Zeus or will Zeus have a trick up his sleeve as he looks to win the match and make Nate’s second reign as the Canadian Champion even shorter than his first.


In the co-main event, Jack DeColt defends the CGC World Heavyweight Championship against Ed Monton. Ed has been at the top of the mountain before and this could be a huge match for him if he wins, will Ed be able to do so and recapture some of his fading glory? Or will Jack DeColt defeat Ed Monton on his collision course towards his match with Joey Poison?


Finally in the main event of the evening a rematch from two weeks ago takes place as Eddie Chandler meets Steve Frehley one on one Steve won both the first one on one match that they had as well as the triple threat match they had last week. Can Steve keep his win streak going against Eddie or does Eddie have what it takes to put it out of its misery.


All this and so much more will be answered live this Sunday night as Canadian Golden Combat presents Title Bout Wrestling live from the Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia Canada. Don’t miss your chance to see the action live and if you can’t be there in person check us out on Maple Leaf Sports. Until then this has been Adrian Garcia saying so long for now until I see you ringside at the matches.


Those matches again are…


The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. The Dirty White Boys vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


Joey Poison vs. Larry Wood


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Nate Johnson ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Ed Monton vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


Eddie Chandler vs. Steve Frehley


OOC: Predictions as always are welcomed and encouraged. The Results will be posted around 11pm on Sunday so you have from now until then to get your predictions in so Get predicting!

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