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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Title Bout Wrestling

Saturday Week 1, May 2011


Hello ladies and gentleman Adrian Garcia here to talk about what you can expect to see at the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling. This week’s show will take place live from the Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia and four matches have already been signed for the evening and all three titles in CGC are on the line.


In the first match of the night Jack DeColt takes on Steve Frehley as both men look to win the match for different reasons. Jack will be looking to win this match in order to get another shot at Joey Poison in the future and Steve Frehley will also be looking to win the match and earn himself another shot at Joey. Who will win tune in Sunday night to find out?


In the second match of the night and the first title match of the evening the CGC tag team titles are on the line as the new champions Alex and Ricky make their first defense of their titles since winning them. They will have a tough task at hand as they once again meet the team that they beat for the titles The Soldiers Of Fortune. Will Alex and Ricky defeat the Soldiers Of Fortune for the second time and as a result keep their tag team titles? Or will The Soldiers Of Fortune defeat Alex and Ricky and prove that Alex and Ricky’s tag team title win was just a fluke?


In the third match of the night and the second title match of the evening the CGC Canadian Championship is on the line as Larry Wood challenges Nate Johnson for the title. Will Nate be able to win the match and keep his title or will Larry win the match and the title ending Nate Johnson’s second reign as Canadian Champion in the Chris Kaladaro Era?


Finally in the main event of the evening and the third title match of the night, Eddie Chandler challenges Joey Poison in an effort to get the title and the power that goes with it back. Will Eddie Chandler succeed in winning the match and the title or will Joey Poison make an example out of Eddie Chandler as he looks to defeat him and defend his title?


All these questions and so many more will be answered live from the Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia this Sunday as CGC presents Title Bout Wrestling. Until then this has been Adrian Garcia saying so long for now and I will see you all ringside alongside Terry Smith as we call all of the evenings action.


Those matches again are…


Jack DeColt vs. Steve Frehley


The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


Larry Wood vs. Nate Johnson ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Eddie Chandler vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


OOC: Predictions as always are welcomed and will be accepted up until Sunday night when the results are posted. So like I always say get predicting!

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Jack DeColt vs. Steve Frehley


Normally I would not bet against a DeColt in their promotion but I just like Steve better.


The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


Larry Wood vs. Nate Johnson ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


I just don't know about this one, I could see it go either way.


Eddie Chandler vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


If it is not broke don't fix it. I think Joey is doing a great job as champion for you.

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Jack DeColt vs. Steve Frehley


The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


Larry Wood vs. Nate Johnson ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Eddie Chandler vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

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Just bumping this as a reminder that you now have less than 24 hours to make predictions for this show if you still would like to do so. The results will be posted tomorow (Sunday) around 11pm so you have from now until then to make predictions if you still would like to.
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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 1, May 2011

Abbotsford Recreation Complex (British Columbia) – 2,000

Shown Live on Maple Leaf Sports


[The show starts off live from the Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia with Eddie Chandler in the ring he has a microphone in hand. He waits for the boos to die down before bringing the microphone up to his lips to speak.]


Eddie Chandler: “You know it has been a real long time since I lost the CGC World Heavyweight Championship and tonight I want it back. Joey you are the champion and the man I want to meet in this ring here tonight and you are the only one that I will be having a match with tonight. If I don’t get a match with you for the title like I deserve then I refuse to wrestle in this ring tonight. So all of you fans who paid your hard earned money to see me wrestle better hope that Joey gets out here and accepts my challenge otherwise you won’t be seeing me in action here tonight.”


[With that said Joey makes his way out of the entrance ramp with a microphone in hand, he walks to the ring and begins to talk while still walking to the ring.]


Joey Poison: “You think you are the best thing going today don’t you Eddie I mean you must since you are refusing to wrestle unless you can have a match with me here tonight.”


[Joey continues walking towards the ring and eventually reaches the ring steps he walks up them and then gets into the ring though the top and middle ropes in order to get face to face with Eddie Chandler to confront him.]


Joey Poison: “That’s a little brash of you don’t you think, lets face it nobody in the history of this company has come out here and flat out refused to wrestle. Not Jack, not Alex, not Ricky, not Steve, or myself. Well that’s the difference between all of those men and you although I might not like Steve Frehley for what he has done to me over the past few weeks at least he isn’t stupid enough to come out here and say what you just said. If you wanted a match with me all you had to do is ask but you had to do what you did, however I am in a giving mood here tonight. Since I don’t have a match yet and since you won’t wrestle unless it is against me then I guess I have no other choice but to give you your match.”


[With that said Chris Kaladaro makes his way out of the entrance ramp and joins both Eddie and Joey in the ring. He pulls a microphone out of his coat pocket and begins to speak.]


Chris Kaladaro: “You know Joey I while I admire your fighting spirit and even though you have the World Title it doesn’t give you the right to make matches. No disrespect but that’s just not the way things work around here because if that were the case then I would have nothing to do in this company. However that seems like a good idea so later here tonight in the main event it will be Eddie Chandler vs. Joey Poison in the main event for the CGC World Title.”


Eddie Chandler: “Thanks Chris that’s all I wanted and tonight I will beat this moron and give your company a real champion that people can be proud of.”


Joey Poison: “We will see about that Eddie I will see you later on in this ring and after I beat you here tonight you will have no more excuses because you will have gotten your shot fair and square even though you will have come up short.”


Eddie Chandler: “I will see you in the ring tonight punk and tonight that belt is coming back home where it belongs.”


[With that said Joey leaves the ring and heads back towards the locker room area, after a while Eddie does the same leaving Chris in the ring by himself.]


Chris Kaladaro: “There you have it fans tonight in this very ring you will see Eddie Chandler vs. Joey Poison in a match for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship thank you all for your time and enjoy the show.”


[With that said Chris leaves the ring and heads up the ramp back to his office so that the first match of the night can get underway.]


Road Agent Notes

Adrian Garcia helped Chandler during this segment.

Segment Rating: B-


Match 1

Jack DeColt vs. Steve Frehley


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Steve Frehley defeated Jack DeColt in 17:46 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet.

Match Rating: C


Match 2

The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Alex & Ricky DeColt defeated The Soldiers Of Fortune in 7:57 when Alex DeColt defeated Fate by pinfall with a DeColt Driver. Alex & Ricky DeColt make defense number 1 of their CGC World Tag Team titles.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Destiny is improving in Technical skills. Destiny is improving in Performance skills. Fate is improving in Rumble skills. Fate is improving in Flying skills. Fate is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C-


Match 3

Larry Wood vs. Nate Johnson ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Larry Wood defeated Nate Johnson in 7:34 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot. Larry Wood wins the CGC Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: C-


Main Event - Match 4

Eddie Chandler vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Joey Poison defeated Eddie Chandler in 18:28 by pinfall with an Antidote Web. Joey Poison makes defense number 4 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

Eddie Chandler was visibly tiring toward the end. Joey Poison was visibly tiring toward the end. The Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler storyline has been moved forward one stage with this match. Eddie Chandler is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C+


[After the match an exhausted Joey Poison gets his hand raised and gets handed the title by the referee, he grabs it and lays on the mat as he can barely move after such a grueling match. Then Steve Frehley runs to the ring and slides under the bottom rope and gets on top of Joey and starts punching him in the head he then gets up and begins kicking him and gives him a leg drop which knocks Joey out. Steve then grabs the CGC World Heavyweight Belt and raises it high in the air before throwing it back down on Joey’s lifeless body as the show goes off of the air for the evening.]


Road Agent Notes

The Joey Poison vs. Steve Frehley storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B


Final Show Rating: C+

Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling Report


Canadian Golden Combat Held CGC Title Bout Wrestling last night in Abbotsford Recreation Complex, and drew 2,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling draws a 0.41 rating on Maple Leaf Sports.


Prediction Key

BHK1978: 3 of 4 predictions correct.

Emark: 3 of 4 predictions correct.


OOC: Thanks to both BHK1978 and Emark for making predictions for this show you both got 3 of 4 predictions correct and you both missed Larry Wood winning the CGC Canadian Championship from Nate Johnson. The next edition of the interview between Terry Smith and Chris Kaladaro will be posted sometime on Tuesday so until then feel free to read the results and comment if you would like to do so.

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Yeah, never would have guessed on Wood winning the title. That's why your diary keeps me coming back with these twists and turns. :)


Glad to hear that Emark!


Same here, it makes sense for someone like Wood to win. I just did not think it would happen.


Yeah I figured that Nate had it long enough and one of the reasons why Larry won was because he was one of the guys I signed that I wasn't really doing anything with so I wanted to change that. Hopefully as champion he will be able to have some good matches otherwise I will have to take it off of him earlier than I want to even though I have no idea at this point when I want him to lose it or to whom I want him to lose it to.

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Terry Smith sits down with Chris Kaladaro after the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling.


Terry Smith: “Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to the latest edition of the show where I talk with Chris Kaladaro about what went down at Title Bout Wrestling as we are now 48 hours removed from the last show. Chris what did you think of the last show as a whole?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was very good, of course it could always be better but I thought it was a good show and I am happy with how everything turned out on it.”


Terry Smith: “I would like to start off tonight’s show by talking about the opening segment between former CGC World Champion Eddie Chandler and current CGC World Champion Joey Poison as they went back and forth in a segment. What did you think of both of these guys performances in this segment?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought that both of them came across very well in this segment, Eddie Chandler came out in the beginning of the show and basically said that he wouldn’t be wrestling unless it was against the Champion Joey Poison. I felt my hands were tied which is why I made my presence felt to make that match for the main event of the evening. Joey did a great job in this segment as well he has been consistent in both his work rate and his microphone skills since becoming champion and hopefully it will only get better from here.”


Terry Smith: “Well we will talk about that match later but I want to talk about the first match of the evening between Jack DeColt and Steve Frehley. What did you think of this match and its outcome?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well to be quite honest I was expecting this match to be better, it was good it just wasn’t the match that I thought it should have been. However Steve defeated Joey Poison giving him further momentum in his feud with Joey Poison as he looks to take the World title off of Joey in the future.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the second match of the night which was a rematch from the week 2 April 2011 edition of Title Bout Wrestling where Alex and Ricky DeColt won the tag team titles from The Soldiers Of Fortune. What did you think of the rematch between these two teams?”


Chris Kaladaro: “It was okay at best, Destiny and Fate are beginning to show their age in the ring and that’s not necessarily a good thing. However they continue to be assets to the company despite their age but this match was just an average at best match where Ricky and Alex made their first defense of the tag team titles since beating them back on the Week 2 April edition of Title Bout Wrestling.”


Terry Smith: “Now onto the third match of the night and the co-main event of the evening where Larry Wood challenged Nate Johnson for the CGC Canadian Championship and to everyone’s shock Larry Wood won the title. What did you think of the match and how do you think that Larry will deal with the pressure he will have during matches now that he is the Canadian Champion?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well like the previous tag match on the show I thought this match was again okay at best. I think that Larry will do fine with that added pressure because lets face it he is a veteran of this business and he has probably felt it before with his other title reigns he has had in his career. He has been a three-time tag team champion in a promotion that I refuse to mention. He also held to titles in WEXXV the Blood Brothers championship once and the King Of Death Matches championship on two separate occasions plus he is the current King Of Death Matches Champion in WEXXV. So he knows what it is like to be a champion so I think he will fair well as a champion in CGC.”


Terry Smith: “Finally in the main event of the evening Eddie Chandler got his shot at the CGC World Championship and the champion Joey Poison as they met in a one on one match what did you think of their match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was done very well Eddie did all he could but Joey wasn’t going to not leave the building with his CGC World Title in tact and as a result he defeated Eddie and made his fourth defense of the World Title. Joey has a long way to go if he wants to double the amount of defenses he made as Canadian Champion. If anyone can do it then it’s Joey and it will be interesting to see if it happens or if someone beats him on the way and who that will be will be very interesting to see as well.”


Terry Smith: “Well after Joey won the match he was clearly exhausted and had nothing left and it showed as Steve Frehley ran to the ring and beat up the fallen Champion and Joey couldn’t even defend himself. Eddie then gave Joey a leg drop, which knocked a groggy Joey out, Eddie proceeded to take the belt and pose with it as the show was going off of the air for the night. What did you think of Eddie’s actions?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well I can’t say that I condone them but Eddie wants to make sure that Joey thinks of him as a legitimate threat to his championship reign. By doing what he did I think that Eddie has made his point and it will be hard for Joey to have a match from now on without having to look over his should for another attack from Eddie.”


Terry Smith: “Well ladies and gentleman that’s all the time we have for this edition of the show Chris I would like to thank you for being here. I would also like to remind everyone to join Adrian Garcia in the studio this Thursday as he talks about some of the matches that you can expect to see at the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling. Until Sunday this has been Terry Smith saying so long for now and I will see you all ringside alongside Adrian Garcia on Sunday as we call all the action on the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling."


OOC: Some of the matches that will be taking place on the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling will be posted on Thursday. Until then feel free to read this column and comment if you would like to do so.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Title Bout Wrestling

Saturday Week 2, May 2011


Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to the latest edition of the show where I Adrian Garcia talk about the matches that you can expect to see on the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling. This week’s show will take place live from the Moose Jaw Centre in the Prairies of Canada and six great matches have already been signed for the evening.


In the first match of the night Chris Kaladaro takes on two of the four members of the Elite as he meets Fate and Eddie Chandler in a handicap match. Will Chris be able to beat the odds and win the match or will Eddie and Fate prove that luck and odds are on their side with a win in this match?


In the second match of the night the new CGC Canadian Champion Larry Wood takes on his first challenger in another former champion Whippy The Clown. Will Larry defeat Whippy and get his first defense out of the way? Or Will Whippy The Clown win the match and reclaim the Canadian Title?


In the third match of the night, Steve Frehley takes on Zeus Maxmillion, if Steve wins this match it will give him further momentum towards another match with CGC World Champion Joey Poison. However if Zeus were to win some would think that he would earn a World Title match of his own. Who will come out the victor find out this Sunday night.


In the fourth match of the night, The Dirty White Boys take on Alex and Ricky DeColt with the tag team titles at risk. The champions Alex and Ricky look to make their second defense of the tag team titles since defeating the Soldiers Of Fortune. While the Dirty White Boys look to defeat Alex and Ricky and get noticed in the tag team ranks as they would become the tag team champions with a win in this match. Who will win the match tune into Title Bout Wrestling this Sunday night?


In the co-main event Destiny takes on Jack DeColt in a one on one match, Will Destiny get a win over the former CGC World Heavyweight Champion? Or will Jack DeColt win the match and keep rolling along as he looks to re-establish himself as a top star in the company and in the wrestling industry.


Finally in the main event two men who are no strangers to one another will meet in the ring for a one on one match. Nate Johnson challenges Joey Poison for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship Joey has to be a bit nervous going into this match because Nate is the one who ended his Canadian Championship reign last November. Will lighting strike twice and will Nate be successful in ending Joey’s reign as World Champion? Or will Joey win the match retaining his title and avenge his loss to Nate Johnson in the process? Find out this Sunday in the main event of Title Bout Wrestling.


All these questions and many more will be answered live this Sunday night from the Moose Jaw Centre in the Praries of Canada. Until then this has been Adrian Garcia saying so long until Sunday when I see you at ringside alongside my broadcast colleague Terry Smith as we call all of the night’s action.


Those matches again are…


Chris Kaladaro vs. Eddie Chandler and Fate


Whippy The Clown vs. Larry Wood ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Steve Frehley vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Destiny vs. Jack DeColt


Nate Johnson vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


OOC: Predictions as always are welcomed, the results will be posted on Sunday around 11pm after I write them out. So you have from now until Sunday to get your predictions in!

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Chris Kaladaro vs. Eddie Chandler and Fate


Poor Chris...


Whippy The Clown vs. Larry Wood ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Steve Frehley vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Destiny vs. Jack DeColt


Nate Johnson vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

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Chris Kaladaro vs. Eddie Chandler and Fate


Whippy The Clown vs. Larry Wood ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Steve Frehley vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Destiny vs. Jack DeColt


Nate Johnson vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 2, May 2011

Moose Jaw Centre (Praries) – 1,000

Shown Live on Maple Leaf Sports


[To start off the show live from the Moose Jaw Centre in front of 1,000 screaming fans the CGC World Heavyweight Champion Joey Poison makes his way out to the ring. He walks down to the ring and grabs a microphone from ringside, he then goes up the stairs and into the ring and walks to the center of it where he begins to speak.]


Joey Poison: “Well what is going to happen this week live on this show, last week I defeated Eddie Chandler in the middle of the ring after he made a bold declaration that the fans didn’t deserve to see him wrestle unless he got a match against me. Well he got that match and it looks like he lost. So tonight I think I am going to issue and open challenge to anyone in the back who thinks that they can beat me and I will even put the CGC World Title on the line.”


[With that said a man from Joey Poison’s past emerges from the entrance ramp it appears to be none other than Nate Johnson. Nate has a huge smile on his face, he takes a microphone out of his coat pocket and begins to speak.]


Nate Johnson: “Joey, Joey, Joey you must think you’re invincible because I think you have forgotten the fact that I defeated you and ended your CGC Canadian Championship reign after thirty-four defenses. Well tonight lightning will strike twice as I will defeat you for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship after only 4 defenses. I have your number Joey and I know that you don’t want to admit it but tonight when I defeat you in center of the ring then you will have no choice but to admit that I am the better man. Not only will I have ended your CGC Canadian Championship reign that people talk about still to this day and probably will a few years down the road. But I am also going to be the man to end your CGC World Heavyweight Championship reign and trust me after I do that nobody will even mention your name and the World Title in the same sentence. They will just remember who the man was who ended the World Title reign of Joey Poison.”


Joey Poison: “I will admit it you do have my number Nate but that will end here tonight, you may have been successful at taking the Canadian Championship away from me. However that was over six months ago and in that six months I have won the big one the CGC World Heavyweight Championship. Yeah capturing the CGC Canadian Championship was necessary because I had to do it in order to capture the World Title later but now the Canadian Title is below me now because I have gone on to bigger and better things in this business.”


Nate Johnson: “Wow Joey way to crap all over the CGC Canadian Championship you know there were plenty of guys who held that belt that never got to be the CGC World Champion. Take for instance the very first holder of that title Craig Prince although he held the Canadian Championship on two separate occasions he never was able to capture the big one and become CGC World Champion. “


Joey Poison: ”I am not crapping on the CGC Canadian Championship because like I said it was necessary to capture in order to hold the CGC World Title. I am not saying that the CGC Canadian Championship is worthless because the fact is a good percentage of people who held that belt went onto become the World Champion myself included. Now there are some people that didn’t get to do that but there has to be a reason why they never got there but that is a whole different story. The fact is just by saying that the Canadian Belt is below me doesn’t mean that I don’t respect anyone who has held the championship before me and after me.”


Nate Johnson: “Well good because I would have for Larry Wood who defeated me last week to become the champion to come after you because of something stupid that you said. Even though last week I lost the Canadian Championship I look at it as a positive because now I can defeat you one more time and this time win the CGC World Heavyweight Championship because of it. The Elite will be proud and then I go onto bigger and better things and main eventing pay per views while you will sit at home a forgotten memory.”


Joey Poison: “Tonight in this ring I will defeat you and if your buddies in the Elite want to come and enjoy the fun then I am all for it I don’t care who I have to beat or how many people I have to beat. Tonight I am going to keep this title at all costs there isn’t a damn thing that you or anyone else can do about it.”


Nate Johnson: “We will just see about that Joey, see you later tonight chump.”


Joey Poison: “See you tonight hope you are ready to loose.”


[With that said Joey drops the microphone in the center of the ring as the camera cuts to a shot of Nate in the entrance way who has a huge smile on his face. Nate turns around and makes his way back to the locker room as the camera cuts back to a shot of Joey as he leaves the ring to go to the back to get ready for his match tonight.]


Road Agent Notes

Adrian Garcia helped Johnson during this segment.

Segment Rating: C+


Match 1

Chris Kaladaro vs. Eddie Chandler and Fate


In a bout that had great heat and good action, Eddie Chandler and Fate defeated Chris Kaladaro in 8:24 when Eddie Chandler defeated Chris Kaladaro by submission with a Fabulous Stretch.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Performance skills. Eddie Chandler is improving in Technical skills. Eddie Chandler is improving in Performance skills. Fate is improving in Flying skills. Fate is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C


Match 2

Whippy The Clown vs. Larry Wood ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Larry Wood defeated Whippy The Clown in 7:43 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot. Larry Wood makes defense number 1 of his CGC Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: D+


Match 3

Steve Frehley vs. Zeus Maxmillion


In a bout that had great heat and good action, Steve Frehley defeated Zeus Maxmillion in 8:26 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet.


Road Agent Notes

Steve Frehley and Zeus Maxmillion have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. Steve Frehley looked good out there.

Match Rating: C+


Match 4

The Dirty White Boys vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Alex & Ricky DeColt defeated The Dirty White Boys in 8:12 when Alex DeColt defeated Grease Hogg by pinfall with a DeColt Driver. Alex & Ricky DeColt make defense number 2 of their CGC World Tag Team titles.

Match Rating: C-


Match 5

Destiny vs. Jack DeColt


In a bout that had great heat and good action, Jack DeColt defeated Destiny in 7:59 by submission with an End Of Days.


Road Agent Notes

Destiny and Jack DeColt have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. This match lifted the crowd. Destiny is improving in Technical skills. Destiny is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: B-


Joey Poison is in the ring, about to compete. Before the match starts, Steve Frehley comes down to the ringside area, apparently scouting his future opponent. Poison does not look happy about it, and appears somewhat distracted too.


Road Agent Notes

The Joey Poison vs. Steve Frehley storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B+


Main Event – Match 6

Nate Johnson vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


In a bout that had great heat and good action, Joey Poison defeated Nate Johnson in 13:06 by pinfall with an Antidote Web. Joey Poison makes defense number 5 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: C+


Final Show Rating: C+

Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Last Night’s CGC Title Bout Wrestling


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC Title Bout Wrestling last night in Moose Jaw Centre, and drew 1,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling draws a 0.39 rating on Maple Leaf Sports.


Prediction Key

BHK1978: 5 of 5 predictions correct!

Emark: 5 of 5 predictions correct!

Dragonmack: 5 of 5 predictions correct!


OOC: So this week's predictions were kind of easy as everyone got a perfect 5 out of 5 correct for this show. Thanks to BHK, Emark, and Dragonmack for being continuing supporters and predictors in this dynasty. The next edition of The Sitdown interview between Terry Smith and Chris Kaladaro will be posted on Tuesday until then feel free to read the results and comment if you would like to do so.

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Terry Smith sits down with Chris Kaladaro after the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling.


Terry Smith: “Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the show where I get a chance to sit down and talk to CGC’s head booker Chris Kaladaro and ask him his thoughts on the last show. Chris its great to have you here this week and what can you tell us about this show as a whole?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was a really good show everyone did a great job in their matches and while there was one match that wasn’t as good as the others it didn’t drag the show down by much.”


Terry Smith: “Now in the first segment of the evening, Nate Johnson and Joey Poison had a war of words many may not remember that Nate was the one who took Joeys CGC Canadian Title away from him. Nate looked to do the same this time taking the World Title away from Joey with a win in their upcoming match. What did you think of their opening segment?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought that it was done very well both guys really set up that match nicely.”


Terry Smith: “Speaking of matches lets get to talking about the first match of the evening between yourself Eddie Chandler and Fate. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was very good if anything Fate held the match back a bit but I thought that it was a good match overall. I may have had a better shot at facing two other guys but facing two of the Elite when you don’t have help is hard which is why I lost.”


Terry Smith: “In the second match of the night, Larry Wood defended his CGC Canadian Title against Whippy The Clown who many forget is a former CGC Canadian Champion in his own right. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was okay but could have been better I am waiting for Larry to really break out as a star but maybe its because he hasn’t been put with the right people in matches. As for Whippy he is good when he wants to be and when he doesn’t want to be then it’s hard to try and force it out of him.”


Terry Smith: “In the third match of the night, Steve Frehley took Zeus Maxmillion what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought that the match was very well done both guys did a great job in the match and even though Steve won Zeus came out of the match looking fantastic. There is no question that Zeus is a future star in this industry while Steve already is.”


Terry Smith: “In the fourth match of the night, The Dirty White Boys took on Alex and Ricky DeColt for the CGC Tag Team Championship Belts. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Again your average match, it could have been better and I expected more out of Alex and Ricky but it was what it was and you can only do so much with wrestlers like that.”


Terry Smith: “In the fourth match of the night and the co-main event of the evening, Destiny took on Jack DeColt what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “This was the best match of the night hands down it was only about eight minutes but in that eight minutes they had an outstanding match with everything in it that a fan could ask for. Both Destiny and Jack gave this match their all and after it was over they had nothing left and that really showed with how good the match was.”


Terry Smith: “Now just before the main event was scheduled to start between Nate Johnson and Joey Poison Steve Frehley make his way out to ringside to apparently get a closer look at Joey Poison. In the match itself Joey was able to defeat Nate Johnson and avenge his loss to him in the match where he lost the CGC Canadian Championship what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was a very well done match Nate really made everyone believe that he was going to defeat Joey for the second time. However at the end of the match Joey was able to use the Antidote Web in order to get the pinfall and the victory.”


Terry Smith: “Well Chris that’s all the time we have for this week be sure to join Adrian Garcia live in the studio this Thursday. He will go over some of the matches that you can expect to see this Friday night at Cage Rage as CGC Presents its latest pay per view event. Until then this has been Terry Smith saying so long and I will see you alongside Adrian Garcia on Friday as we call all of the action from ringside at CGC’s Chaos In the Cage.”


OOC: The matches that will take place at the CGC's Next PPV titled Chaos In the Cage will be posted on Thursday. In the mean time read up on this column and feel free to comment if you would like to do so.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Chaos In The Cage

Thursday Week 3, May 2011


Hello ladies and gentleman Adrian Garcia here to talk about some of the matches that you can expect to see at this Friday night’s Chaos In The Cage. This month’s pay per view will take place live from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia and eight great matches have been signed for the evening so lets get right into it.


The first match of the night takes place between two guys who can’t stand the sight of each other as Alex DeColt takes on Eddie Chandler. Who will win this match and gain a one up on the other as their rivalry rages on find out this Friday night.


In the second match of the night, Larry Wood defends his CGC Canadian Championship against Fate who looks to bring the Canadian Title back to the Elite. Will Destiny be successful in doing so causing Larry a not so great title reign? Or will Larry overcome Fate winning the match and retaining the title?


In the third match of the night, Madman Boone takes on Thrill Seeker. Will Madman be able to continue on the wave of momentum he has been on since returning from injury? Or will Thrill Seeker create some momentum of his own with a win in this match?


In the fourth match of the night two guys who have been waiting to get their hands on each other will finally get that opportunity in a match as Nate Johnson takes on Shane Nelson. Will Shane win the match sending Nate into a downward spiral of losses? Or will Nate win the match and silence Shane for the time being as he looks to regain his CGC Canadian Championship for the third time.


In the fifth match of the night, Destiny takes on Ricky DeColt in a singles match. Will Destiny win the match and bring more success towards the way of the Elite? Or will Ricky DeColt win the latest match in the Elite vs. DeColt’s Feud?


In the sixth match of the night Ted Brady takes on Zeus Maxmillion will either of these men be able to win the match and get noticed as a result tune into the pay per view this Sunday to find out.


In the seventh match and the co-main event of the evening, Jack DeColt takes on Ed Monton. Jack looks to win this match and get another shot at the World Title down the line and Ed looks to win this match to regain some of his glory and work towards getting another shot at the World Title himself. Tune into Chaos in the Cage this Friday to find out who will win this match.


Finally in the main event the CGC World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line as Steve Frehley challenges the champion Joey Poison in a cage match. Will Steve be able to win the match and claim the title? Or will Joey Poison take advantage of the three ways to win the match (pinfall, submission, or escape the cage) in order to win the match.


All this and so much more will take place live from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia Canada as CGC presents Chaos In The Cage live on pay per view this Friday night. Until then this has been Adrian Garcia saying so long and I will see all of you at ringside alongside my broadcast partner Terry Smith as we call all of the night’s action.


Those matches again are…

Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler


Fate vs. Larry Wood ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Madman Boone vs. Thrill Seeker

Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson

Destiny vs. Ricky DeColt

Ted Brady vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Jack DeColt vs. Ed Monton


Steve Frehley vs. Joey Poison ©

Cage Match for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship


OOC: The results for this show will be posted on Sunday night around 11pm so you have from now until then to get your predictions in if you want to do so. So stop reading and start predicting!

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Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler


Fate vs. Larry Wood ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


This seems to be a lock.


Madman Boone vs. Thrill Seeker


Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson


Destiny vs. Ricky DeColt


Ted Brady vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Ted is too old to win might as well give it to Zeus who could use the victory.


Jack DeColt vs. Ed Monton


Steve Frehley vs. Joey Poison ©

Cage Match for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship

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Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler


Fate vs. Larry Wood ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Madman Boone vs. Thrill Seeker

Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson

Destiny vs. Ricky DeColt

Ted Brady vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Jack DeColt vs. Ed Monton


Steve Frehley vs. Joey Poison ©

Cage Match for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship


What, no Chris Kaladaro on the PPV?

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What, no Chris Kaladaro on the PPV?


I am going to start to use him less often and only when I really need to because whenever he has a match its pretty predictable who is going to win. Yeah Chris has won matches but he doesn't win very often because I don't like to push the crap out of my user characters when as a result I am giving him a push I could be giving someone else.

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Just posting this as a reminder to anyone who still has yet to predict and wishes to do so. The results for the PPV titled Chaos In The Cage will be posted tomorow around 11pm Central time so you have a little less than 24 hours to make predictions if you still want to do so.
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CGC Chaos In The Cage

Friday, Week 3, May 2011

King Edward Multiplex (British Columbia) – 5,000

Shown Live on Pay Per View


[The show starts off in the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia Canada with Steve Frehley making his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring and goes over to the corner of it to call for a microphone, he is handed a microphone and then he goes to the center of the ring and begins to speak.]


Steve Frehley: “Joey tonight your reign as the World Heavyweight Champion is over, when I came into this company I told everyone that I would win the CGC World Title and tonight is the night that I am going to do it. You may have been able to beat me a few times in the past but tonight when it really counts I am going to defeat you for your title. So I just want to congratulate you on your five title defenses that you have made so far but I am also here to tell you that you won’t be making anymore because I am going to win the title here tonight. Also since this show is titled Chaos In The Cage the show wouldn’t feel complete without a cage match on it so that is why I went to the office of Chris Kaladaro and asked him to make this match here tonight a cage match. He thought that it was a good idea and made it a cage match so tonight you can win or more importantly I can win three different ways by pinfall, submission, or escaping the cage. Trust me when I tell you this Joey I am not going to try to escape the cage because I want to take my time in this match to teach you a lesson. So you don’t have to worry about me trying to run out of the cage while you are down.”


[With that said the champion makes his way into the arena and joins Steve his opponent for tonight in the ring.]


Terry Smith: “Oh this doesn’t look good Adrian.”


Adrian Garcia: “Either one of them could loose their temper at any time and this could turn into a brawl.”


Joey Poison: “Steve you know I listened to what you had to say in the back and all I heard was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. “All of you say the same thing I am going to defeat you tonight in this ring” however I am going to make sure that you aren’t successful in winning here tonight. You see in order for you to win this match you not only have to incapacitate me long enough to win you also have to do something that you have yet to do. You have to beat me in the center of this ring yeah you may have beat me once in a tag team match but that doesn’t mean anything. Fact of the matter is that when it really counts you will fall apart and as a result of that I will beat you once again and retain my title. You know I bet you thought that by asking Chris to make this a cage match that I would be mad but I actually like that decision because then I have more that I can punish you with. Instead of just having to use my arsenal of moves that I have at my disposal I can choose to throw you into the cage or rake your face on the cage or whatever I choose to do to you. So tonight Steve this match is not going to be a cake walk because I plan on winning this match and I do plan on keeping the World Heavyweight Championship that is around my waist."


[With that said the two men get face to face in the middle of the ring and Joey says something to Steve and Steve responds by punching Joey in the face and knocking him to the mat. Steve then gets on top of Joey and reigns down a series of fists to his face.]


Terry Smith: “What did I tell you I knew this would happen.”


Adrian Garcia: “These two can’t stand the sight of each other anymore it’s only a matter of time before things are settled later tonight.”


[Then back in the ring Joey looks to have taken the advantage he grabs the Title Belt and hits Steve in the head with it knocking him out for the time being. Joey then uses the opportunity to leave the ring and go back to his locker room in order to get ready for the war he will have later on tonight inside a steel cage with Steve Frehley.]


Road Agent Notes

The Joey Poison vs. Steve Frehley storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B


Match 1

Eddie Chandler vs. Alex DeColt


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Eddie Chandler defeated Alex DeColt in 12:32 by submission with a Fabulous Stretch.


Road Agent Notes

Eddie Chandler is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C+


Match 2

Fate vs. Larry Wood ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Larry Wood defeated Fate in 8:20 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot. Larry Wood makes defense number 2 of his CGC Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Fate is improving in Rumble skills. Fate is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: D+


Match 3

Madman Boone vs. Thrill Seeker


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Madman Boone defeated Thrill Seeker in 7:46 by pinfall with a Boone And Bust.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: C-


Nate Johnson is in the ring, about to compete. Before the match starts, Larry Wood comes down to the ringside area, apparently scouting his future opponent. Johnson does not look happy about it, and appears somewhat distracted too.

Segment Rating: C-


Match 4

Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Nate Johnson defeated Shane Nelson in 7:58 by pinfall with a Natural Order.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson storyline has continued with this match.

Match Rating: C


Match 5

Destiny vs. Ricky DeColt


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Ricky DeColt defeated Destiny in 8:30 by pinfall with a DeColt 45.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Destiny is improving in Technical skills. Destiny is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C


Shane Nelson and Nate Johnson are backstage; an argument breaks out, and they start brawling with each other. A host of road agents and staff have to pull them apart.


Road Agent Notes

Nate Johnson really needs a change to his character desperately. The Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson storyline has continued with this segment.

Segment Rating: D


Match 6

Ted Brady vs. Zeus Maxmillion


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Zeus Maxmillion defeated Ted Brady in 7:41 by pinfall with a Thunder Bolt.


Road Agent Notes

Ted Brady was visibly tiring toward the end. Zeus Maxmillion really needs a change to his character desperately. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: C-


Match 7

Jack DeColt vs. Ed Monton


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Jack DeColt defeated Ed Monton in 8:28 by submission with an End Of Days.


Road Agent Notes

Jack DeColt looked good out there. Ed Monton is improving in Technical skills.

Match Rating: C+


Main Event – Match 8

Steve Frehley vs. Joey Poison ©

Cage Match for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Joey Poison defeated Steve Frehley in a Cage Modern match in 19:37 by pinfall with an Antidote Web. Joey Poison makes defense number 6 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

Joey Poison was visibly tiring toward the end. Steve Frehley was visibly tiring toward the end. Joey Poison and Steve Frehley have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. The Joey Poison vs. Steve Frehley storyline has continued with this match.

Match Rating: C+


Alex DeColt attacks Eddie Chandler backstage, and leaves him down and out.

Segment Rating: C-


Final Show Rating: C+

Notes: There was a feeling that some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


CGC Chaos In The Cage


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC Chaos In The Cage last night in King Edward Multiplex, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


Prediction Key

Emark: 8 of 8 predictions correct for a perfect score!

BHK1978: 6 of 8 predictions correct.


OOC: Thanks to both Emark and BHK1978 for making predictions for this show, if you have any feedback on the opening segment or the show as a whole I would be glad to hear it. Also the next edition of Terry Smith sits down with Chris Kaladaro will be posted on Tuesday so until then feel free to read the results and provide any feedback if you have any.

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Terry Smith sits down with Chris Kaladaro after CGC Chaos In The Cage


Terry Smith: “Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to another edition of the show where I sit down and talk to Chris Kaladaro CGC’s head booker about the latest show. Chris what can you tell us about Chaos In The Cage as a whole?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was a good show not everything was good on it but having said that the overall show was good.”


Terry Smith: “Well I would like to start by asking you about the opening segment between Joey Poison the CGC World Heavyweight Champion and current number one contender for that title Steve Frehley. What did you think of their opening segment?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was very well done both guys did a great job getting people wanting to watch their match later on in the evening.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the first match of the night between Eddie Chandler and Alex DeColt, what did you think of their latest match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was well done both guys brought their all in that match which is what I would expect from those two especially at a pay per view. It really set the tone for the night as far as what was to come.”


Terry Smith: “Now onto the second match of the night between Fate and Larry Wood as Wood defended his CGC Canadian Championship what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was good although it could have been better Larry did his best to bring out a watchable match in Fate unfortunately it didn’t help much and the match suffered because of it.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the third match between Madman Boone and Thrill Seeker what did you think of this match from two guys we rarely see?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was good, it was definitely better than the second match of the night but not by much. “


Terry Smith: “Now before the next match happened Larry Wood came down to ringside to get a closer look at what could be his future opponent in the winner in the next match. What did you think about Larry doing this?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well he obviously was trying to get into the head of someone whether that be Nate or Shane nobody knows but it definitely caused a distraction at ringside.”


Terry Smith: “Now in the next match Shane Nelson took on Nate Johnson, what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “It was your average match nothing special to be honest but it served its purpose and with Nate being the winner he will probably be looking for a rematch with Larry down the line.”


Terry Smith: “In the fifth match of the evening Destiny took on Ricky DeColt, what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Again another average match, Ricky was able to win with the DeColt 45 but that’s really all I can say about it.”


Terry Smith: “Now before the next match took place a camera cut backstage to see Nate Johnson and Shane Nelson in a huge brawl that had to be broken up by everyone in the promotion. What did you think of this development?”


Chris Kaladaro: “It just goes to show you that these two can’t stand each other Shane had a hand in Nate losing the CGC Canadian Title to Larry Wood and its not something that Nate will forget anytime soon.”


Terry Smith: “In the sixth match of the night Ted Brady took on Zeus Maxmillion. What are your thoughts on this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Another below average match in my opinion Zeus is really showing something in his work but he hasn’t been put with the right people and that was the case in this match. As a result you get a bland match with Zeus taking the win.”


Terry Smith: “Now in the co-main event and the seventh match of the night, Jack DeColt took on Ed Monton. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was very well done, although some people might say that Ed is over the hill he still has the capability of putting on good matches and this is a prime example of that .”


Terry Smith: “Finally in the main event Joey Poison and Steve Frehley found themselves locked in a cage as they faced off for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was very well done, a real back and forth match where in the end Joey was able to get the upper hand just long enough to win the match and retain his title making his sixth defense of the World Title. There is no question that Steve will get a rematch and these two will have another opportunity to have a match like this if not better than this one which I hope is the case.”


Terry Smith: “Finally as the show came to a close Alex DeColt attacked Eddie Chandler backstage, what did you think of this segment?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Again it seems that this feud will continue when and where is yet to be determined but both guys will be looking to get revenge on the other for what has happened with these two in the past and in the present."


Terry Smith: “Well that does it for this week’s show, join us next week where we talk about the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling which will be the host of all the aftermath that took place at Chaos In The Cage. Until then this has been Terry Smith saying so long and I will see you ringside at the matches alongside Adrian Garcia at the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling as we call all of the action.”


OOC: Some of the matches that will be taking place at the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling will be posted on Thursday. Until then read this column and feel free to comment if you would like to do so.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Title Bout Wrestling

Saturday Week 3, May 2011


Hello ladies and gentleman Adrian Garcia here to talk about some of the matches that you can expect to see at the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling. This show will take place live from the Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia Canada and four matches have been signed for the evening.


In the first match of the night, Eddie Chandler takes on Ricky DeColt, Eddie is fresh off of a victory as he defeated Alex DeColt at Chaos In The Cage. Will Eddie be able to make it two DeColts in a row with a win over Ricky DeColt? Or will Ricky win the match and stop the momentum of both the Elite and Eddie Chandler?”


In the second match of the evening it’s another Elite vs. DeColt match when Fate takes on Jack DeColt. Will Fate be able to score the upset victory on Jack DeColt? Or Will Jack make short work out of Fate and win the match?


In the third match of the night and the co-main event of the evening, Alex DeColt takes on Steve Frehley. Will Steve be able to bounce back and get a win in this match after losing to Joey Poison at the pay per view? Or will Alex DeColt win the match and cause Steve to loose two matches in a row find out this Sunday night at Title Bout Wrestling.


Finally in the main event, Destiny takes on the CGC World Heavyweight Champion Joey Poison as Joey puts the World Title at risk in this match. Will Destiny win the match and reclaim the belt for the Elite? Or will Joey Poison win the match and add another name to the long list of victims he has had since becoming the World Heavyweight Champion?


All these questions and so much more will be answered live this Sunday as Canadian Golden Combat presents Title Bout Wrestling live from the Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia Canada. Be sure to be in the arena live and if you cant be there catch us on Maple Leaf Sports to follow all of the action. I am Adrian Garcia and for now saying so long and I will see you Sunday at the matches alongside Terry Smith as we call the nights action.


Those matches again are…


Eddie Chandler vs. Ricky DeColt

Fate vs. Jack DeColt


Alex DeColt vs. Steve Frehley


Destiny vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


OOC: As always the results will be posted on Sunday around 11pm Central Time so you have from now until then to get your predictions in. So Until Sunday get predicting!

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Eddie Chandler vs. Ricky DeColt


Fate vs. Jack DeColt



Alex DeColt vs. Steve Frehley


This is a tough one...despite Alex being well a DeColt, I have to go with Steve here.


Destiny vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


I hate to say this but I believe Chris Kaladaro would have a better shot at winning the gold here.:p

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