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NYCW - Kicking and screaming into the 21st Century

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NYCW – Monday Night Mayhem - February 2010


Dark Match – Samoan Machine vs Nigel Svenson

Samoan Machine hammers Nigel Svensson into submission in 3:39, scoring the pin after a horrific Powerslam.

Rating: D


Main Show



Whistler is in the ring as the lights go up with a chip on his shoulder. “Terry Twist, I have begged, pleaded and bled for a shot at Black Hat and the Title. Well the title doesn’t even matter anymore, but what Bailey and his thugs have done to me not even a three legged stray Dog deserves. I’m appealing to you, in the name of truth, justice and the American way, let me get my hands on somebody, anybody, heck everybody that has wronged me these last two months!” I make my way to the way to the edge of the ring. “I tell you what, wah wah wah Whistler. I could care less about you or any of the starry eyed, Uncle Sam loving Baby kissers that worship you. But I do like a good scrap, so I am going to grant you your wish. You can have them all and you can start tonight with Land Mass.”

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/BradyPrince.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LarryVessey.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/MatthewKeith.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/GregGauge.jpg

Brady Prince and Larry Vessey vs The Sultans of Swagger

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, the ****y youngsters were schooled early as the experience of Vessey and Prince frustrated them time and again. Finally Streetz interjected himself into the match, clocking Vessey with his walking stick allowing Keith to seize the advantage.

Sultans of Swagger defeated Brady Prince and Larry Vessey in 8:54 when Matthew Keith defeated Brady Prince by submission with a Proton Lock after interference from Streetz.

Rating: D-




Streetz Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge stay in the ring, antagonizing the crowd, as Streetz grabs the Mic. “Take a good look you filthy Brooklyn Pigs, Armani suits, Paul Mitchell hair products and food from exotic places you can’t even pronounce. I hustle, they flow and Ring Generals, you two just blow. You know you got lucky 2 weeks ago, but we are the folk with stroke and at Ides of March we’re taking your straps, cause we’re rolling 7’s and you’re rolling craps!”

Rating: E



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/TheMaskedMauler.jpg

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs The Masked Mauler

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action Triple D was able to fend off the underhanded tactics of The Masked Mauler, who spent way too much time playing to the crowd when he did have the advantage, allowing Triple D to recover no fewer than three times when he could have been pinned. As The Mauler went for a back drop, Diamond countered with a Sunset flip.

Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated The Masked Mauler in 11:35 by pinfall with a fast roll up.

Rating: D-




Rock Downpour attempts to interview Lee Wright, who is sitting I a trance like state in the back. “Mr. Wright, what do you think about your chances tonight against Steve Flash?' Wright slowly shifts his gaze to Downpour. “Better than yours…” Wright then attacks Rock Downpour, landing several stiff shots, then suplexing him onto the catering table.

Rating: E



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Whistler.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LandMass.jpg

Whistler vs Land Mass

In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Land Mass singlehandedly ruined what could have been a hot match and was blown up after only 5 minutes. Whistler took out his frustrations in a savage, calculated manner and when he needed them most, Land Mass’ pals were nowhere to be found.

Whistler defeated Land Mass in 7:13 by pinfall with a Rebel Yell

Rating: E+




After their associate has lost Honest Frank and The Masked Mauler finally hit the ring and drop Whistler with his own Flagpole, before working him over with a leather massage, courtesy of their size 12 shoes.

Rating: E+




Yours truly interrupts the start of the match between Art Reed and Honest Frank and informs both participants that the winner will be given a Title shot on an upcoming event. “Since neither of you are suave enough to have a girlfriend, consider a shot at the winner of tonight’s main event as your Valentines Day present.” The Handsome stranger interrupts and asks why he doesn’t have the chance to earn a title shot. “Because you have a Girlfriend.” With that I leave the ring as I hear the Stranger ranting behind me. He is not a happy camper, but then again, maybe I want it that way.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/ArtReed.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg

Art Reed vs Honest Frank – Title elimination bout

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Art Reed shows why I consider him to be a big part of our future as he perks up a cold crowd and he and Frank execute an excellent match that has the fans on the edge of their seat with several false finishes. The hotter the crowd gets, the hotter Handsome Stranger gets, until he is finally overcome with envy and sprints to the ring. Pulling Reed’s feet out from under him as he has Frank elevated for a slam stuns him, allowing the Honest one to catch him in his patented finisher to steal the win.

Honest Frank defeated Art Reed in 17:34 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter following interference from Handsome Stranger.

Rating: C-




Reed is in bad shape and as he is being helped back down the aisle by a team of officials and medics, Handsome Stranger grabs the microphone, “You are not so pretty now eh? Once again I, The Handsome Stranger has made the world a beautiful place by making sure the Empire Title Belt will never be soiled from being around your filthy waist!” Reed tries to turn and go back and fight, but the officials heavily outnumber him and drag him backstage.

Rating: C-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SteveFlash.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LeeWright.jpg

Steve Flash © vs Lee Wright – NYCW Empire Championship

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, the new Champion had his hands full with the angry challenger, who went after Flash with a vengeance, taking short cuts at every turn. Black Hat Bailey started towards ringside, but was intercepted by Whistler, who chased him into the back. Left to his own devices, Wright attempted to throw powder into the Champions eyes, but Flash ducked and Referee Michael Bull took the full brunt of the burning substance, calling for the bell between screams of agony.

Steve Flash defeated Lee Wright in 9:50 by disqualification. Steve Flash makes defense number 1 of his NYCW Empire title.

Rating: D



Attendance: 459 – Gate $3213.00 – Show Rating: D



Back Stage:

Stomper: “You might be getting the hang of this thing Terry, except you do realize a 46 yr old overweight smoker should really be in matches over 3 minutes for Gods sake. And you do realize our announcer threw his shoulder out because of that bump you had him take.”


Me: “I know, luckily he only needs to hold one Microphone at a time. I also assume you’re talking about Land Mass? I don’t know how much shorter I can book him, unless I book him in a Krispy Kreme death match with a dozen Doughnuts.”


Uncle Derek just stared at me…”You really think that bum needs another Doughnut?”


Me: “Uncle D, that was a joke….”


Stomper: “Right, ha, funny kid you are, look at me? I’m dying here. We have a meeting to go over business in two days, make sure you have everything together.” Uncle Derek walks off mumbling about he’s trying to run a business and I’m busy being a comedian, “friggin kid”


I make a note to save my jokes for Black Hat Bailey in the future.


Quick Pick Results to date – last Show (Total)


Dragonmack – 4 (8)

Timber – 3 (5)

NoNeck – 4 (4)

bgbuff – 4 (4)

BHK1978 – 0 (1)

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Bo “Black Hat” Bailey and Derek “The Stomper” Bradford sit in the barren, drafty offices above the newly christened NYCW Arena. Bailey reads a paper, while Stomper pours over statements and projections left by his nephew Terry, who has yet to arrive.


Stomper: “This is just beyond me Bo, what the hell was he thinking running a second show, we are taking a batch here, a big ring around the tub, filthy water bath.”


Black Hat: “I hope we aren’t all naked Derek.”


Stomper: “Dammit Bo, we are losing our Fannies and you think you’re Lenny Bruce dammit! This isn’t funny to me, it’s my damn business and I can’t even draw a salary right now. In fact, I talked to Richard Eisen and will be doing some back stage work for him here and there to compensate for not taking a pay check here.”


Black Hat: “What? SWF? Derek, how is that going to look to the boys……”


The door opens and the sudden silence tells Terry “Twist” Bradford that something is amiss.


Me: “How would what look to the boys?”


Stomper: “I’m doing a little part time work, but forget that, did you see our numbers?”


Me: “Uncle Derek, I put them together, of course I have seen them. We have $70,429.00 in the bank, we lost $18,711.00 in February and at this rate will be broke in 4 months.”


Stomper: “Well allow me to congratulate you Captain happy Ass, great to see you have a time table for running MY business into the ground, lifting it up, slamming it down again and then kicking the shattered broken pieces into the damn sewer. I didn’t give you the book to kill my company Terry, I gave you the book to move us forward and you do not impress me one damn bit so far. This second show turned a break even month, which I can live with, into financial suicide. Monday Mayhem stops now until I say we can support a second show.”


Me: “Uncle Derek, I know it is not doing our bank account any favors, but to set things up for Super Slam I in April I need two shows before then. Ides of March and then one more Monday Mayhem at the end of March, then we put it on hiatus.”


Stomper: “Your friggin brain is on hiatus, where the hell did you get your wrestling savvy? It certainly wasn’t around here, because I don’t think I have ever taken out a big pile of cash, lit it on fire in front of you, and then pissed on it to put the fire out. And right now Terry, I am looking at a big burning pile of cash and you’re about to pull your zipper down. You can stick your one more show where the sun don’t shine and do what you need to do to build Super Slam I at Ides of March this month.”


Black Hat: “Derek, I have to agree with Terry, we need two shows to build Super Slam correctly, and then we can shelve the second show. I think if we try and cram everything into Ides of March we kill ourselves.”


Stomper: (red face) “I don’t care what you sonsabitches think, I would rather kill myself quick with a few bucks in my pocket, than die a slow miserable death from starvation!”


Me: “Please, one more show between Ides of March and Super Slam, then I guarantee we don’t have another month in the red the rest of the year.”


Stomper: “And if we do…wait, let me; tell YOU what will happen if we do. You’ll be back on the damn ring crew and the book Bo will be helping you after I job him to Land Mass in a squash match!!”


Black Hat: “What the…..why do I get the business here?”


Stomper: “Because you talked me into letting him have one more show, so if he blows it, you get to join him on the ring crew…How’s that?”


Me: “Don’t worry Black Hat, Land Mass is due for negotiations and I’m not renewing his deal, so you’re golden.”


As we both enjoy a chuckle, Uncle Derek explodes, starts to leave, then stops and throws us out instead. The wrath was worth it though, I got one more Monday show and with a little luck, April will see us turn the corner……or see Black Hat and myself stretching ring ropes and screwing turnbuckles……Maybe jobbing to Land Mass is better.

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It's bitter cold as I walk to get some coffee on yet another cloudy New York afternoon, still smarting from the come to the maker talk with Uncle Stomper. My mood is buoyed however as I see two teenagers standing in front of one of our posters for Ides of March, one excitedly telling the other that his Dad is taking him to Queens for the show. His last exclamation echoes as I walk out of ear shot. "Dude, it's gonna be awesome, these guys really beat each other up!!" I smile as I glance back to see him pointing to the poster, presumably picking out who he thought would win a particular match. Maybe Kayfabe and Santa Claus still exist in some places.




Quick Picks

Steve Flash vs Honest Frank - Empire Title


Art Reed vs Handsome Stranger


The Ring Generals vs The Sultans of Swagger - NYCW Tag Titles


Whistler vs The Masked Mauler


Nigel Svensson vs The New York Doll

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Quick Picks

Steve Flash vs Honest Frank - Empire Title

Flash just got the belt. he will get a least a few months with it.


Art Reed vs Handsome Stranger

he becomes the next challenger


The Ring Generals vs The Sultans of Swagger - NYCW Tag Titles

Only because there is no way you are keeping the Gauges long term.


Whistler vs The Masked Mauler


Nigel Svensson vs The New York Doll


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NYCW – Ides of March – Week 2 March 2010




Black Hat Bailey saunters to the ring, threatening to backhand several fans along the way and takes the microphone. “I see a lot of changes going on here in New York City Wrestling.” Bailey points to the crowd “The women are uglier and from the looks of the men here tonight, the city’s department of Waste Management must be on strike. Because I have never seen so many, pot bellied sporting, filthy coverall wearing, three teeth missing, no shower taking gutter scum in my life!! Now, it also seems that there are a lot more young punks trying to make a name for themselves in my town. So, being the sophisticated dandy that I am, I am going to give one of you snot nosed little brats a free lesson in the art of wrestling tonight. Roger Monteiro, a legend is about to touch your life, please, come join me in the ring young man."

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/BlackHatBailey.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RogerMonteiro.jpg

Black Hat Bailey vs Roger Monteiro

Monteiro has the energy, but Bailey has the experience, which brings with it a bottomless bag of tricks, which Black Hat uses in generous portions to humble and humiliate the youngster. Eventually Monteiro loses his cool, getting in some minor offense, but Black Hat soon turns the tables with a low blow and then makes a snapping gesture to the crowd, before applying his dreaded finisher.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Black Hat Bailey defeated Roger Monteiro in 5:49 by submission with a Bailey Breaker.

Rating: E+




Sammy the Shark is minding his own business, playing solitaire in the back, when a grumbling Lee Wright bumps his table, knocking several cards to the floor “Excuse you!” As Sammy bends over to pick up the cards, Wright responds with a Fire Extinguisher to his head, leaving him unconscious and bleeding on the cement.

Rating: E+




Dazzling Dave Diamond happens upon the scene as Sammy is being loaded into an Ambulance and has had enough of the ill-tempered Wright. Grabbing Rock Downpours (A victim of Wright himself) microphone, Diamond is livid. “Y’all think you can just go on about here doin as you please don’t ya? Well I got some news for you Lee Wright, y’all got this Southern Boy all riled up and I’m aiming to put an end to your bullying once and for all, cause to me any man who hits another from behind, slaps women and beats up announcers is a plain ole yellow bellied coward and I’m fixing to teach you a lesson in country justice!”

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/NigelSvensson.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Spike.jpg

Nigel Svensson vs The New York Doll

The brash New York Doll has been on a bit of a roll, but finds himself dominated early by the larger Svensson, who manhandles him on the mat. Gaining space the Doll utilizing speed and aerial tactics fights his way back into the match and when the opportunity arises resorts to unsavory tactics to steal the win.

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The New York Doll defeated Nigel Svensson in 7:22 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: D-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Whistler.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/TheMaskedMauler.jpg

Whistler vs The Masked Mauler

Whistler couldn’t wait to get his hands on the second of Black Hat Baileys cohorts and dominated the match early; sending the Mauler scurrying for higher ground after a wicked clothesline nearly decapitated him. Playing to the crowd allowed the Mauler to mount a brief run, gouging Whistlers eyes and then working his arm over attempting to coerce a submission from the veteran, but Whistler, spurred on by chants of “USA, USA,” rallied, rocking the Mauler with lefts and rights, before landing the Rebel Yell to score the win.

In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Whistler defeated The Masked Mauler in 11:32 by pinfall with a Rebel Yell.

Rating: E




Whistler then grabs the Microphone to address Bailey. “USA brothers!! Bailey, you send goon after goon to take me out and they get carried out!! It’s only a matter of time, before you look around and see nobody between us, nobody to help you, nobody to save you from the power of Red, White and Blue!!!” Whistler then leads the crowd in another series of chants, before marching to the back, proudly waving Old Glory.

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DeanWaldorf.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/MarvStatler.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/MatthewKeith.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/GregGauge.jpg

The Ring Generals © vs The Sultans of Swagger – NYCW Tag Team Championship

The Generals seize the advantage early, with Waldorf taking the measure of Gauge, who seems more concerned with preening for the crowd than he does wrestling. The Sultans get some nice double teaming in on Waldorf and are soon beating him down relentlessly as Statler stomps the apron, trying to rally his partner. Waldorf grabs the ropes to avoid a double dropkick attempt, then scores a desperation double clothesline and dives towards his corner, making the hot tag to Statler who proceeds to clear the ring. With Statler out wrestling Keith, Streetz distracts Waldorf and from out of the crowd……

Rock Downpour “That’s Edward Cornell!!!”

Herb Stately “Hey, I don’t know what a Cornell is doing in New York City Wrestling, but I like it!! Looks like he has a gift for the Champions!”

Cornell jumps up on the ring apron and absolutely levels Statler with the Ring bell, allowing Keith to clamp on the dreaded Proton lock.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Sultans of Swagger defeated The Ring Generals in 14:30 when Matthew Keith defeated Marv Statler by submission with a Proton Lock after interference from Edward Cornell. The Sultans of Swagger win the NYCW Tag Team titles.

Rating: D-





With the Ring Generals dethroned Streetz addresses the crowd. “Yo, yo yo!! It looks like we have a situation here. I told you fools that the future was near and now with Fast Eddie, the future is here!! I am Streetz, this is my crew. They’re called Chronic Future and that’s bad news for you!! Cause yo, chronic means we be here to stay!!” The shower of cups, beer and insults seem to indicate the crowd is not happy at that announcement.

Rating: D-



As the ring is cleared a video plays hyping the Art Reed vs. Handsome Stranger match, which is up next.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/ArtReed.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HandsomeStranger.jpg

Art Reed vs Handsome Stranger

The Stranger is vicious, resorting to choking, scratching and various other shady tactics early and often, as Reed is sent staggering around the ring and unable to get into the flow of the match. Countering an Irish whip, Reed scores a big backdrop and mounts a comeback, taking Stranger down with a flying head scissors that brings the crowd to its feet. A Bulldog attempt by Reed, results in Stranger throwing him off into Referee Michael Bull and the dirty tricks begin again, as Bull is knocked out of the ring. Reed storms back and lands a flying body press and covers, but Bull is not there to count. Reed goes to the ropes to check on Bull and Stranger drops him with a shot to the back of the head with a roll of quarters. Reed is down and as Stranger covers, Bull climbs back into the ring, raises his hand……..and calls for the Bell!! He saw the illegal object and Handsome Stranger is disqualified!!!

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Art Reed defeated Handsome Stranger in 20:35 by disqualification.

Rating: D+



Handsome Stranger has gone berserk and has Bull trapped in a corner, threatening him with bodily harm. Art Reed comes to and grabs a steel chair, as the Stranger ducks just in time to avoid having his head taken off. Handsome Stranger takes off, with Reed in hot pursuit, straight out of the building where he reaches his Car and speeds away, but not before Reed is able to shatter the drivers side window with the chair.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SteveFlash.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg

Steve Flash vs Honest Frank – Empire State Championship

A technical wrestling match, which featured several nice reversals and counters as both men fought on even terms for the first several minutes, before all hell broke loose! Black Hat Bailey was the first to appear, clubbing Flash on the knee, but before Frank could steal the Title, Whistler hit the ring for the save. Things then deteriorated into a full scale pier sixer as Whistler and Bailey battled at ring side, while Michael Bull tried frantically to restore order. Frank sent Flash to the floor, where Bailey applied the boots, but Whistler yanked Honest Frank out by his feet as the melee spilled into the crowd. With Whistler stunned, both Frank and Bailey worked over Flash and as Referee Bull's count approached it's conclusion, Frank sprinted back towards the ring to beat it in time to snare the victory. As he reached the apron, Whistler dove and grabbed his ankles, keeping him on the floor as Bull completed the count!

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Steve Flash drew with Honest Frank in 15:15 following a double count out. During the match we also saw Black Hat Bailey run in and attack Flash, while Whistler attacked Honest Frank.

Rating: C-




The brawl between all four men continues and they eventually fight their way to the back, destroying everything in their path along the way.

Rating: D



Attendance: 833 – Gate $5831.00 – Show Rating: D+



Back Stage:

There is a generally good mood backstage, as it seems we are gaining momentum and everyone seems happy. Everyone with the exception of Larry Vessey, who is just a miserable jerk much of the time, and the only cloud in an otherwise harmonious locker room. The mood is made even brighter by a visitor from Mid Atlantic Wrestling, who stopped by to say hi to some old friends and ended up organizing a video tournament. Uncle Derek left early in the show, as he had a flight to catch to meet with Eisen regarding his part time role assisting SWF.


I take the opportunity to talk to our special guest, to see if he might be interested in appearing for a few shows as part of a talent exchange, if Rip Chord is open to it. After I lay out a couple of ideas, he decides we can talk, once I get Chords approval of course.


I run up to the office before leaving and she Uncle Derek as left a note.




Be back Monday, we will talk then about the show, have some questions, hope you didn’t switch anything up.


Uncle Derek


Unfortunately, due to an unsettling development, I actually did switch something up and don’t know that he will be happy about it. Oh well, no sense worrying now, I might as well enjoy myself after what I think is a successful show…..At least until Monday when Uncle Derek will probably tell me otherwise.



Quick Pick Results to date – last Show (Total)

Dragonmack – 2 (10)

bgbuff – 2 (6)

Timber – 0 (5)

NoNeck – 0 (4)

Xlimey - 3 (3)

BHK1978 – 0 (1)


Hoping to get some more picks going, any feedback would be appreciated to pull some more folks in. I know being new it will take some time, but always looking for tips. :)

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I arrived at the office earlier than usual Monday morning, but Uncle Derek had gotten there even earlier and from the look on his face had not bothered to stop for Coffee and a Bagel.




Stomper: “Before we even get started, just so you are clear Monday Mayhem goes on hiatus after the next show until I tell you otherwise. In fact, the only way it comes back is if we get a TV deal and then it will be cut to an hour. I knew it was a bad idea and I kept a promise to myself to back off. Give the kid a shot I told myself. Let me tell you something Terry, if I could kick myself in the ass I’d be hopping on one leg now because the foot that did the kicking would be buried to the knee! If the only show we run this month is Ides of March, we’re in the black! Running Mayhem will put us $12,000 – $13,000 to the bad by months end, I guarantee it!”


Me: “I understand and I appreciate you letting me run this last Monday show, it sets us up for Super Slam 1 and gives our two high profile feuds a big stage. I think we will start to see a turnaround in April.”


Stomper: (Yelling) “And that’s your problem, you think!! What the hell did you set up Terry? I’ll tell you what…….nothing!!!! You put the straps on Gauge and Keith after we had booked The Ring Generals to go over, WHY?!?!?”


Me: “Well, ah, oh boy……RIPW offered..”


Stomper: “RIPW offered Matthew Keith a developmental deal, you tried to keep him here by putting the tag straps on the waists of the Sultans, because you thought you could renegotiate after you gave him the Title run you promised.”


Me: “Well, yes, that’s kind of what happened and I’m hoping to talk to him later today and..”


Stomper: “And get spit on! Let me tell you how that call will go. ‘Hi Matt, this is Terry, about that contract?’ And there will be a long pause and then he will say. ‘Yeah, well I’ve been thinking Terry, I know you gave us the belts, but Rhode Island is a highway to the big time, hey you understand.’ And you will sit there wondering how he could screw you over because you’re too stupid to realize we are nothing more than a feeder promotion for SWF and TCW and aren’t even close to being anything else!"


Uncle Derek sat there staring at me, that cold piercing stare that could bore through you and make you look for a small hole to crawl into. But he wasn’t done yet.


“Where do you think I was last night Terry? Remember, I was meeting with Eisen! Keith’s contract was signed before he even got in the ring for us at the show, I know because Eisen told me so we didn’t make any big plans for Keith. Of course I said ‘It’s ok Rich, we aren’t having them go over our Champs, and my nephew has it under control.’ But instead, you turn a date with Jeanie Shrimpton into a wet dream about Ethel Merman!!!!”


I nearly piped in about how a date with Jeanie Shrimpton in 2010, would likely be worse than a wet dream about Ethel Merman, but decided it would be wise to let my Uncles outdated analogy about a sex symbol from the 60’s pass without mention.


Me: “Oh boy, I guess I really screwed up, I thought that since we were giving him a push..”


Stomper: “That he would be loyal? Are you that STUPID Terry? There is a reason our big stars are over 40, they have nowhere else to go!! Did you see the movie ‘The Wrestler’ last year?"


Me: (puzzled, was my Uncle having short term memory loss?) “We went together, don't you remember? It was a great movie.”


Stomper: “I KNOW we went together and that’s my point! New York City Wrestling is full of Mickey Rourkes! These guys’ glory days have come and gone and what we do is give a generation of fans who grew up watching Black Hat Bailey run wild in SWF and Whistler in Philly Power Pro and SCCW a chance to go back to that time! A chance to remember what it was like when they were 20 years younger and 20 pound lighter and didn’t have receding hairlines and alimony payments!! We are a two hour time machine for those fans and that’s why I have kept things the way I have Terry! We do need to change, but it won’t……CAN’T be done in 3 or 4 months!”


I sat there speechless, Uncle Derek’s words were heavy, but the look in his eyes right now. The passion for what he believed in and had fought so hard to preserve over the years, could have knocked me over.”


Me: “I don’t know what to say Uncle Terry, I really screwed up that situation with the Tag belts, I’m sorry. And I promise, I will get it fixed and listen to you about the young talent in the future. Uncle Derek, I am really, really sorry. I will make some changes at Mayhem”


Stomper: (Finally calming down) “Terry, if that was all you had to fix it would be easy, but it’s not that simple. You see Eisen told me that TCW is making a big push for the top spot and will be expanding their roster. He has it on good authority that they have already offered Art Reed and Mikey James too. How do you think that will turn out?”


That was the final punch and I felt nauseous. Mikey James had not yet debuted, but I had planned to interject him into the Handsome Stranger / Art Reed storyline at Super Slam 1. A storyline that was neck and neck with the Whistler / Black Hat feud for our top draw. A storyline that now would just disappear without a trace if Reed signed with TCW. What was I thinking if, when he signed with TCW. James was not a loss since nobody even knew he was here, but Reed, that would kill us. It wasn’t even eight AM and I needed a drink!


Me: (barely able to speak) “It looks like I have some work to do.”


Stomper: “No, you have some magic to do and I love you like a son Terry, but I need to see a turnaround by May or I might have to change things up…..Sorry kid, this business is as much a part of my life as family and I don’t want to choose between the two, but I will.”


Me: “I understand, I will come up with something and we’ll get it through it. I won’t let you down Uncle Terry.”


Stomper: “You work hard Terry and you haven’t let me down, I just don’t want to see you flush your career down the toilet, because if I have to cut you loose, how many promotions do you think will give you a shot?


And two more things before I go, I told you Whistler and The Masked Mauler needed to be scripted and you let them talk you into calling it in the ring, and their match stunk up the joint. You tell them to go to hell and listen to what I tell you to do. They could give a Rat’s ass about you and if you let the Wrestlers get in your ear they will walk right over you! I’ll also be doing some consulting for PSW Terry, I need to make some money back that I am losing here or I won’t eat….So get this damn thing fixed!!!”


Uncle Derek left and I wanted to leave too…..through the window head first. I already had a good idea on how to fix the Keith situation, but Art Reed…..That was going to leave a mark!

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That is the biggest thing you will have to get used to while doing NYCW, a loss of your main event stars. Whether they retire, get offers from other companies, or just outgrow you in popularity, there will be a constant revolving door of talent that leaves. Those that stay the long term are good enough to be the backbone of a roster, but are rarely the ones who can carry your promotion.


That was one advantage I had in that my user character , although unitended when I first used him in '07, is one of those main event caliber wrestlers who can carry the promotion. I was able to use him to headline when I was building or acquiring other stars.


BUt the key is you always need to be building good lower and midcarders up to take the place of the stars you lose, and you need to jump on anyone who is a good fit ( and Stomper will actually let you pay ) to prop up your midcard and main event following those losses so you can keep your growth steady or at least holding ground.

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That is the biggest thing you will have to get used to while doing NYCW, a loss of your main event stars. Whether they retire, get offers from other companies, or just outgrow you in popularity, there will be a constant revolving door of talent that leaves. Those that stay the long term are good enough to be the backbone of a roster, but are rarely the ones who can carry your promotion.


That was one advantage I had in that my user character , although unitended when I first used him in '07, is one of those main event caliber wrestlers who can carry the promotion. I was able to use him to headline when I was building or acquiring other stars.


BUt the key is you always need to be building good lower and midcarders up to take the place of the stars you lose, and you need to jump on anyone who is a good fit ( and Stomper will actually let you pay ) to prop up your midcard and main event following those losses so you can keep your growth steady or at least holding ground.


You saw this coming and nailed it dead on, I am definitely going to rely on your experience from running NYCW before. I have a couple of wrestlers I have yet to unvail that are decent prospects and can hopefully be elevated in the coming months. I am learning quick that you definitely have to book on the fly here.


I am hoping I get a TV show if our April event is good enough as I am right on the verge popularity wise of getting one network to possibly bite.


A couple of surprises so far are how much The New York Doll has gotten over (C- in momentum already) and how little Samoan Machine has. I was salivating over him when I started and despite a good push he is not going over at all right now.


Always enjoy your insight since your diary's are what influenced my to play NYCW, thanks for following along.

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you'll probably want to hold off on television for quite awhile. They are major money sinks at low regional popularity as you wont be able to draw nearly enough to cover the costs. My MHW diary is proof of that. As soon as I got TV I was losing 15K a month or more.


If you want to expand your popularity faster, just do weekly events rather than television. You will have to juggle your roster as you wont be able to have more than 1/3 to 1/2 on any show, but if you balance it right, it is sustainable. Although that may not be viable right now since you have already burned down to 15k or so from your initial 100k. You will probably want to build up your cash first as you WILL lose money at the start till you have built your popularity enough to have the gates and sponsership money cover the costs of the people used. The sponsorship money doesn't stretch as far for four shows as for one.

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Next Show Monday Night Mayhem


The Posters go up for our last card heading into Super Slam 1 and last Monday Night Mayhem for probably quite some time.




Quick Picks


Whistler vs Black Hat Bailey


Lee Wright vs Triple D


The Ring Generals vs The Sultans of Swagger


Samoan Machine vs Sammy the Shark


Roger Monteiro vs Jared Johnson

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Quick Picks


Whistler vs Black Hat Bailey

Bailey challenges again


Lee Wright vs Triple D

Wright is probably higher up, but Triple D is supposed to be the fast riser.


The Ring Generals vs The Sultans of Swagger

Need to move the titles back before Eisen trashes them on tv.


Samoan Machine vs Sammy the Shark

Machine is more talented, but will get taken by Japan, so Sammy benefits more.


Roger Monteiro vs Jared Johnson

Johnson is one who can be built to be a solid midcarder at minimum.

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NYCW – Monday Mayhem – Week 4 March 2010



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/BradyPrince.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LandMass.jpg

Brady Prince vs Land Mass

We bid goodbye to the rolling blunder, as Land Mass wrestles his final match for the company, as I have decided not to negotiate a new contract. He comes out early and bulls Prince around, but Brady’s martial arts skills are too much and quickly turn the tide.

In an extremely short match, Brady Prince defeated Land Mass in 5:06 by submission with a Maryland Crossface.

Rating: E




Whistler makes his way to the ring and calls out Steve Flash. “Steve, Steve, come on out here Champ. It seems you and I have a common problem in Black Hat Bailey and Honest Frank. You know, they seem to have a bad habit of sticking their noses where they don’t belong and I know you’re as sick of it as me, so this is what I did for you partner. I got the boss to give us a tag match against them tonight!!!”



Flash: “I appreciate you looking out for me Whistler, but that really wasn’t necessary.”

Whistler: “Of course it is, you and I, good against evil, apple pie and fireworks and it’s all going down tonight!!”

Whistler plays to the crowd as Flash stands in the middle of the ring looking puzzled.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/JaredJohnson.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RogerMonteiro.jpg

Jared Johnson vs Roger Monteiro

Johnson makes his NYCW debut and the two youngsters put on an entertaining match, showing athleticism and solid chain wrestling, despite the fact that the crowd did not get behind them a great deal. Both men displayed sportsmanship and kept it scientific, before Monteiro landed the Eagle chop for the win.

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Roger Monteiro defeated Jared Johnson in 8:14 by pinfall with an Eagle Chop.

Rating: E +




Black Hat Bailey comes to the ring, mocking the crowd the entire way. “Whistler, you talk a big game you bum, but you know damn well Honest Frank is not here tonight. So you and Mullet Boy aren’t gonna get your wish. But, once again showing true class, something completely foreign to the rabble in this building, I’ll make a deal with you. I will wrestle you tonight Whistler and if I can’t beat you……You and Flash will have the privilege of facing us at Super Slam………….In a steel cage!!! Now put that on your flag pole and stick where the sun don’t shine!!” The crowd erupts into chants of USA as Black Hat leans against the turnbuckle, a look of scorn on his face.

Rating: D+




Black Hat Bailey is just preparing to leave the ring when Whistler comes out. “With a rebel yell, I want more, more, more…Black Hat, you got it brother, because if there is anything I like more than kicking your tail…..It’s getting to do it on two shows in a row cause you know the only way you beat me….Is if they carry my cold, dead carcass from the ring!!"

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SammyTheShark.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SamoanMachine.jpg

Sammy the Shark© vs Samoan Machine – NYCW Tri-State regional Championship

Samoan Machine comes out on fire, battering the Shark from pillar to post, landing wicked forearms and ring shaking body slams. With the crowd in his corner, Sammy rallies and drills Machine with a textbook drop kick that ejects him from the ring. Sammy then tries a baseball slide, but Samoan Machine moves and Sammy hits the floor hard. Back in the ring, Samoan Machine sinks in the Sleeper and in trying to break it; Sammy drives Machine into Michael Bull, knocking the ref to the floor. Reaching the ropes Sammy flails away waiting for the break to be called, but Bull is slow to climb back into the ring and when he finally does Sammy is out!!

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Samoan Machine defeated Sammy the Shark in 11:34 by submission with an Unbreakable Sleeper. Samoan Machine wins the NYCW Tri-State Regional title.

Rating: D+




Streetz comes out and is looking nervous as he addresses the crowd. “I ain’t in the mood to be spitting no rhymes; because Matthew Keith hasn’t made it on time…..Damn I can’t help my bad self!! But here is the deal. I don’t know where Keith is and I know that pimping ain’t easy, but it’s bros before hoes and one half of the tag team Champions is not here. So here is how it is going down Ring Generals. Edward Cornell will take his place tonight, but it’s a non title match.” The crowd is not happy at this news, but Streetz seems unflapped. “Yo, don’t hate the player, hate the game!!”

Rating: E-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/GregGauge.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/EdwardCornell.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DeanWaldorf.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/MarvStatler.jpg

Gauge and Cornell(Sultans of Swagger lite) vs The Ring Generals – Non Title match

The Ring Generals fight with a whole new level of intensity after being deprived of a chance to regain the titles and take control early as Gauge and Cornell struggle with chemistry in their first tag match together. Cornell shows his bloodlines, getting in a series of cheap shots while Michael Bull was shielded and the tide turns in favor of the makeshift Sultans of Swagger pairing, with Streetz doing his part to stir the pot. The chemistry issue rears its head again though, as Cornell misses a signal from Gauge to hold Waldorf up as he dives off the turnbuckle. The delay allows Statler to crotch Gauge on the turnbuckle and Waldorf reverses Cornell’s waist lock and hits the Salad Toss!

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Ring Generals defeated The Sultans of Swagger in 16:38 when Dean Waldorf defeated Edward Cornell by pinfall with a Waldorf Salad Toss.

Rating: D-


Streetz is livid after the match and screams at Gauge for not keeping better track of Keith’s whereabouts.




Lee Wright, sullen as always, catches Herb Stately backstage and commandeers his microphone. “Triple D, you have seen better days….You will see worse.” Handing the stick back to Stately, Wright threatens to gouge the announcers’ eyes out if he is still here next time he blinks. Stately hasn’t moved so fast in years.

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LeeWright.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg

Lee Wright vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

Diamond sets the tone early, mounting the turnbuckle after an Irish whip and pounding Wright’s noggin as the crowd counts each punch aloud. Wright responds with a low blow and the brawl is on as they land everything in their arsenal, as well as anything they find laying around. At 5 minutes both men have color and the crowd delights in the free flowing blood, which gets splattered on many as Diamond and Wright go at it outside the ring. Seeing the bout slip away, Wright produces what looks like a small steel bar and drives it into Diamonds throat, leaving him helpless and gasping for breath in the center of the ring.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Lee Wright defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 12:05 by pinfall after using a foreign object.

Rating: D-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Whistler.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/BlackHatBailey.jpg

Whistler vs Black Hat Bailey

They go at it before the bell even rings and Michael Bull has his hands full as they tear into each other. Bailey uses Whistlers own flag pole on him, breaking it and then pretending to wipe his behind with the American flag, which sends the arena into a rage. Whistler tackles Bailey upon seeing this act of debauchery and both wrestlers fly through the ropes, falling to the floor where they roll around trading punches. Bull tries to coax them back into the ring, but they simultaneously grab him, throw him over the crowd barrier and resume the wild melee. When Bull regains his sense he immediately calls for the bell and disqualifies both men, as the locker room empties to separate them Rock Downpour exclaims. "Looks like we will have our Tag match at Super Slam 1 as Black Hat failed to make good on his promise!!

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Whistler drew with Black Hat Bailey in 7:58 following a double disqualification.

Rating: D+


Attendance: 414 – Gate: $2898 – Show Rating: D



Uncle Derek gives me a backhanded compliment as the locker room empties. “You are still are in the middle of a wet dream with Ethel Mermen, but at least the sheets aren’t sticky yet. We’ll talk tomorrow about Super Slam 1 Terry.......As if your job depended on it.” After another unsettling wink he is gone.


From the feedback and the mood of the crowd I am thinking we gained some more popularity, which will hopefully enable us to hit the magic 1,000 fan mark at our marquee show next month.


Quick Pick Results to date – last Show (Total)

Dragonmack – 1 (11)

bgbuff – 3 (9)

Timber – 0 (5)

Xlimey - 2 (5)

NoNeck – 0 (4)

BHK1978 – 2 (3)

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On the Radio


Heading into April I am looking for anyway possible to get some interest generated for Super Slam 1, which I hope will become our marquee event. After exploring several free to cheap media options, I find a Radio wrestling show buried deeper on the AM dial than Jimmy Hoffa is at the Meadowlands, but I have to start somewhere. A couple of phone calls later and I was booked on "Rappin Rasslin" with Eddie and The Rooster, assuredly a high quality show.


I arrive at the radio station, situated in a dingy building in Queens and am greeted by their producer. He asks me how I want to "work it" and I let him know I would prefer a Kayfabe style interview, to both set up the show and explain some roster shifts. He agrees and returns 10 minutes later and ushers me into the studio.


I get situated and the producer counts us down in "3, 2, 1"


Eddie: "And welcome back wrestling fans, we have a special guest appearing on Rappin Rasslin for the first time, the new CEO of New York City Wrestling, Terry Twist."


Rooster: "Welcome Terry!"


Me: "Hi guys and that's some nice hair you got going on there Rooster, I was wondering where your name came from but it's pretty clear now."


Rooster: "Oh the Twister going right for the hair."


Rooster already annoys me, who the hell wears a red fauxhawk when they are on the Radio?


Eddie: "Well lets get right into it Terry, you assumed your spot as CEO of NYCW in January correct?"


Me: "You got it Eddie, I was brought in to bring New York City Wrestling into the 21st century and that's going to happen if I have to drag the whole company in kicking and screaming."


Rooster: "What exactly do you mean by that Terrance?"


Me: "Pretty much what I said Mr. Clairol, half the roster was on social security when I got there and I have already injected a veritable infusion of young blood into the company, guys like The Sultans of Swagger, Handsome Stranger, Edward Cornell, Samoan Machine and Rayne Man, who will be making his debut at Super Slam 1, which is going to be the hottest show on the eastern seaboard this spring."


Rooster: "Whoa, big plans there boss, but it says here the main event at Super Slam is a tag match between four of your veterans, Whistler and Flash vs Black Hat Bailey and Honest Frank, not a lot of toddlers in that group."


I see Rooster wants to work stiff.......


Me: "Well Foghorn Leghorn, one thing I believe in is making everyone earn their spots and it just so happens, that those four earned the top spot and they won't disappoint, unlike you on blind date."


Eddie: (Laughing) "Well, I may have to put on the striped shirt and ring the bell for you two in a minute, but before you kill each other let me ask you about a couple of developments since Ides of March and your last Monday night show. Now from what I have heard one of your Tag Team Champions missed the show, is that correct?"


Me: "Yes, Matthew Keith missed his match at our last Monday show, which in turn ended up costing The Ring Generals a chance to regain the Titles they lost at Ides of March. Edward Cornell, a close associate of Gauge and Keith stepped in and The Ring Generals won the match, but the Titles were not on the line due to Keith's absence."


Eddie: "So any update on Keith and what about The Ring Generals, will they get another shot?"


Me: "Well, what you may not know, that I will share here for the first time.."


Rooster: "Well that's a revelation, if you're sharing it for the first time, we wouldn't know would we?"


Me: "Isn't there a sunrise somewhere you can crow to? Like I was saying, Keith showed up as the show ended, apparently after a little over indulgence and there was a confrontation between him, Gauge and their Manager Streetz, so his status as part of the team is anyones guess right now. I will say this however, Terry Twist is a fair man and The Ring Generals will get a shot at the title at Super Slam 1, whether or not Keith is involved."


Eddie: "Well who would take his place, Cornell again?"


Me: "I would assume it would be Cornell, since Streetz also manages him, but I will allow Streetz to pick any partner for Gauge and as long as Statler and Waldorf approve there will be a match for the belts."


Rooster at this point was surfing the web and appeared to be legitimately upset, which was fine with me as I had no problem talking only to Eddie, who actually seemed to know something about NYCW.


Eddie: "Wow, so there could be a couple of twists to come on the tag team scene then."


Me: "Possibly."


Eddie: "Sounds good, now initially I heard that Art Reed and Handsome Stranger would be involved in a strap match to settle the bad blood between them, but I have been hearing rumors that Reed may be suspended."


Me: "Not maybe Eddie, IS, we have no place in NYCW for loose cannons and Reed's behaviour was beyond criminal after his match with Handsome Stranger at Ides of March. Stranger was disqualified and then Reed went after him with a Steel chair, chased him out of the building and smashed a window out in his Car. We tried to calm him down and he proceeded to kick over a catering table, cause damage to the locker room and threaten to kill Handsome Stranger in front of several witnesses."


Eddie: "Holy cow, seems very out of character for Reed, who we have had on the show before."


Me: "Still no excuse, so at this point in time Reed is suspended indefinitely from NYCW and he will have to undergo anger management classes before I will even consider reinstatement."


Rooster: "That's rich, you have Lee Wright, who is a certifiable nut running around still. I mean that guy makes Norman Bates look like Gandhi and you suspend Reed?"


Me: "That's rich? What year did your calendar say this morning Captain Happy Days 1957? Wright in my opinion does not present the threat that Reed does at this time, Lee Wright is just a no nonsense guy. Reed...Let me tell you, cuckoo!!!"


Eddie: "So how does this affect Super Slam in terms of Handsome Strangers match. Is that who Rayne Man could debut against?"


Me: "Actually no, I have arranged for a replacement, who will be unveiled at the show and I am not prepared to reveal who that is at this time."


Eddie: "Well it definitely sounds like there could be some big things in store at Super Slam 1 and I don't care what Rooster says, I'm looking forward to that big main event tag match between Whistler & Flash and Bailey & Frank. To me you can't be a fan of NYCW and not be excited for that one. It's been a pleasure having you Terry and we wish you luck at Super Slam 1 and folks, if you want to see some real down and dirty, head ringing action, get your tickets for NYCW Super Slam which will be one week from tomorrow, It's going to be one for the ages.


When we come back Rooster and I will be running down the big SWF show "The World is Watching", talk about recent TCW rumors and profile Jack Bruce, recently voted the most entertaining wrestler in the world in a TEW.com poll. Terry Thanks again and folks, don't forget to catch NYCW Super Slam 1 next Sunday!"


I shook hands with Eddie (The Rooster pretended to be busy) so I complimented his hair do again and left, hopeful that my appearance might sell another 50 tickets or so and would help close the loop on the defections of Reed and Keith. There was still a lot to do over the next week, but tonight was a start.

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Super Slam 1 approaches


I sit and stare at the poster for Super Slam 1 and can't help but feel the pressure. Four months into my tenure and I am already faced with a make or break event.




Quick Picks


Whistler & Flash vs Bailey & Frank


Handsome Stranger vs ?????


Samoan Machine vs Sammy the Shark – Tri-State Regional Title


The Sultans of Swagger vs The Ring Generals – NYCW Tag Titles


Rayne Man vs Rick Sanders

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Quick Picks


Whistler & Flash vs Bailey & Frank

to set up the challenge to the title


Handsome Stranger vs ?????

5?= win


Samoan Machine vs Sammy the Shark – Tri-State Regional Title

Machine is far more talented, and will probably win, but I still think its playing with fire as he is far more over in Japan and there is a lot of competition for workers there


The Sultans of Swagger vs The Ring Generals – NYCW Tag Titles

You need to move these before Greg follows Matt, which he will


Rayne Man vs Rick Sanders

Sanders isn't flashy, but he is a solid midcarder and needs to win these matches against lower carders to maintain his value

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