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TNA's New Beginnings II

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Aye, he's from Swansea boyo.


I'll be in Wales in late July, albeit in the North. I'm playing in a golf competition at Conwy. I've never played it before but I've only heard excellent things said about the course. It's also hosted final qualifying for The Open Championship before so I'm really looking for to it.

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In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Ken Anderson defeated Harry Smith in 5:45 by pinfall with a Kenton Bomb. The two didn't click. D-



Saturday, week 3, March 2003

Yanitelli Center, Jersey City, NJ.

Live on Sci Fi.


Backstreet Boyz are backstage, on the search for Latin American Exchange. They come across Homicide alone and Hernandez doesn't look to be anywhere in sight. Homicide, having been very cocky of late tries to insincerely charm Kashmere and Acid, who are having none of it. They remind him that despite Homicide's brash comments, it was Backstreet Boyz who defeated Latin American Exchange on Impact's Sci Fi debut by a disqualification. Homicide gets irritated and starts insulting Johnny and Trent. Bad move. Backstreet Boyz attack Homicide and appear to injure him when they double suplex him through the catering table. Oh no! The pasta is ruined! C


Air Paris v Paul London

An entertaining opening match as Impact kicks off with two from the X Division, apt with Destination X tomorrow night. Both men are looking for a victory to build from with Paris facing Styles and London in Ultimate X. It was a quick, aerial based encounter and one where Paris emerged victorious, but not for London not having the opportunity to. Paris had his arm raised in 8:05 by pinfall with a Moonsault Press. C


Triple X, minus Rocky Romero are interviewed backstage by Joel Gertner. They detail their problems with America's Most Wanted, and how they are looking to take them out of TNA. D


Tenay and Don West Hype Impact's main event between AJ Styles and Mike Quackenbush. C+


Elix Skipper (with Francine) v Low Ki v Super Crazy (with Midajah) v Ultimo Dragon

A small preview of Ultimate X with the high flying action but with the criss crossing wires above the ring hanging a prize. First fall wins here and there was action aplenty, so much it was hard to keep up with at times. All four men put in a determined effort but Skipper used all of his, ahem, resources to emerge on top in 9:06 when Elix Skipper defeated Super Crazy by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. C-


Desmond Wolfe is in the ring, and he starts cutting a promo about how "bloody annoyed" he is with Abyss constantly physically abusing him and referring to him as a "big fat wanker" which went down well with the fans. This prompts Abyss' music to hit and although Wolfe stood up to the big man, Abyss simply overpowered him. He was prevented from causing Wolfe some serious damage when Doug Williams rushed to the ring wielding a steel chair to save Wolfe. D


Eric Bischoff has Davey Boy Smith and Rick Steiner in his office. He tells them both not to do any funny business in here or they will be suspended without pay. He tells them that he has been considering Steiner's challenge from last week and he feels that having a 'Top Dog Match' in TNA would bring in a lot of interest and cash, so he agrees to Rick Steiner's challenge and makes the match a Dog Collar Match, whether Smith likes it or not. C+


Ernest Miller v Vader

Miller took it to Vader and gave everything he had, but when you're up against a mastodon like Vader with his years of experience, it's not an easy task. Miller stuck to the task well and was on the verge of overcoming his adversary a couple of times, but it was Vader who prevailed in 9:14 by pinfall with a Vader Bomb and will both men now move on to different things? D+


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell and Roger wed in a lavish in ring ceremony. No expense has been spared with the decals and nibbles and drinks for 2000 guests. The ceremony passes without a hitch and the priest declares Buff and Roger "Man and Husband" before telling Buff he may kiss the groom. Buff kisses Roger and then tells him it's time to consumate their relationship. Roger is all too eager and unzips and drops Buff's pants, leaving him in a pink thong as most members of the crowd don't quite know what to make of it having found what happened before it rather amusing... D-


...the crowd are saved by the sound of Samoa Joe's music and he strides to the ring with purpose and stone faced. He attacks Buff Bagwell and lays him out with a Muscle Buster, pink thonged and all. Roger is crying in the corner, having had his big day ruined. Joe picks up the snivelling homosexual, kicks him in the face and nails him with a Muscle Buster too before destroying the wedding decor and leaving. C-


Jeff Jarrett cuts an interview backstage, laughing off Monty Brown's Pounce that opened Impact last week by saying it was a one off and he was caught off guard. He will make sure that will not happen again and he will teach Brown a lesson at Destination X. B-


Jeff Jarrett, CM Punk & Latin American Exchange v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown, American Dragon & Backstreet Boyz

Homicide was clearly hurt following the earlier attack by Backstreet Boyz while his tag team partner Hernandez performed poorly. This put Jarrett and Punk's backs to the wall, but fortunately for them this eight man tag was one big clusterf*ck from start to finish. Mickey Jay struggled to have any control throughout and ended up throwing the match out in 5:56 following a double disqualification when he'd had enough. Entertaining nonetheless. C-

Following the match, CM Punk attacks American Dragon in the ring with his title, leaving him with blood seeping through his mask. C


Meanwhile, backstage Ken Shamrock is attacking Steve Corino with repeated chair shots, he has snapped. Completely. He lets out a large roar as he puts Corino in the Ankle Lock and it's a while before security get to the scene and eventually break it up. Corino is clearly in serious pain here. C-


AJ Styles v Mike Quackenbush

Despite a lack of psychology evident here, this was an entertaining match with plenty of high quality action, and Quackenbush did not look out of place in the main event, which was very pleasing. Nobody seems capable of stopping the Styles Express right now though as it thunders onwards towards Lockdown. Will Lockdown be AJ's date with destiny? We shall see, but the victory here came in 12:14 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C+


Show rating: C-

Some of the angles were not the standard of the matches. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

TV rating: 0.41

Loss: $42,786

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Sunday, week 3, March 2003




Jeff Jarrett (champion) v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown (C heat)



Latin American Exchange (champions) v Backstreet Boyz (D-)



CM Punk (champion) v American Dragon (D+)



AJ Styles v Air Paris (D+)



Ultimo Dragon, Elix Skipper, Frankie Kazarian, Low Ki, Super Crazy, Paul London (D-)


Ken Shamrock v Steve Corino & Shane Douglas (D+)



Davey Boy Smith v Rick Steiner (D+)


Doug Williams v Jimmy Rave (E)


Abyss v Desmond Wolfe (D-)


America's Most Wanted v Spanish Announce Team (D-)


Samoa Joe v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (D+)




Choose somebody I can sign. There are owner restrictions in place...

Toughness, safety and resilience must be rated at least C-

If you first choice is unavailable, then I shall ask for another choice until you pick somebody I can negotiate with. If then signed, you can then also choose if they are a face or a heel, or if they compete under their real name, current gimmick or a new gimmick.

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Jeff Jarrett (champion) v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown (C heat)



Latin American Exchange (champions) v Backstreet Boyz (D-)



CM Punk (champion) v American Dragon (D+)



AJ Styles v Air Paris (D+)



Ultimo Dragon, Elix Skipper, Frankie Kazarian, Low Ki, Super Crazy, Paul London (D-)


Ken Shamrock v Steve Corino & Shane Douglas (D+)



Davey Boy Smith v Rick Steiner (D+)


Doug Williams v Jimmy Rave (E)


Abyss v Desmond Wolfe (D-)


America's Most Wanted v Spanish Announce Team (D-)


Samoa Joe v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (D+)

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Ernest Miller defeated Robert Roode in 7:01 by pinfall with a Feliner Kick. The two didn't click. D-


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Doug Williams defeated Jimmy Rave in 7:45 by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. This match was originally going to take place on the main show, but had to be downgraded to the pre show due to a lack of time. D+



Sunday, week 3, March 2003

Round Rock Athletic Complex, Round Rock, TX.

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view


Jeff Jarrett is cutting a promo to kick of Destination X about the main event tonight where he will defend the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship against 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown. Harley Race comes out and tells him that he has information on Brown that Jarrett will find very useful in the match tonight. Race tells Jarrett he gives him his full support as both of them know Jarrett as champion is far better for TNA. Jarrett is pleased and shakes Race's hand. C


America's Most Wanted v Spanish Announce Team (with Midajah)

A poor affair mainly due to the fact this is the fifth time the teams have met recently and this bout offered nothing new. The outcome was new though, and one that AMW won't take lying down. With Harris looking in place to secure the victory, Triple X came running down to ringside. Harris tossed out an out of it Jose Maximo and both Harris and Storm left the ring to brawl with Skipper, Kazarian and Romero. Robert Brisko commenced the count and with AMW still brawling and Jose Maximo still on the arena floor, counted both teams out in 8:46 E


Abyss v Desmond Wolfe

Ever since Eric Bischoff gave Abyss carté blance to maul Desmond Wolfe in any way he saw fit, Wolfe has had all sorts of trouble with Abyss. Wolfe had chance to gain some retribution here and gave his all in a solid contest. Wolfe showed some acute tactical acumen, repeatedly going after Abyss' right leg which slowed the big man down. Abyss was too much though and eventually overpowered Wolfe in 8:39 by pinfall with The Black Hole. Even so, Wolfe looked better here than at any time previous in TNA. C-


Roger had an interview hyping the upcoming singles match between his client Buff Bagwell and Samoa Joe. The interview didn't go down well with a crowd who want to see more action. E+




Latin American Exchange (champions) v Backstreet Boyz

Hernandez put in another poor performance and not only did this spoil what would have been a good championship match, it cost his team dearly, especially as Homicide was hampered having been hurt by Backstreet Boyz last night on Impact. Homicide was caught cheating on a couple of occasions by Mickey Jay, who threatened to disqualify him and maybe that was an indication of what was in store. Trent Acid made a hot tag when Hernandez had been tossing him around the ring, and Kashmere was like a house on fire. He took the big man down with a missile drop kick, dropped Homicide off the apron and as Hernandez got back up, he got the better of him in 11:43 when Johnny Kashmere defeated Hernandez by pinfall with a quick roll up. Backstreet Boyz win the NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. D+


Backstreet Boyz are just starting to celebrate winning the Tag Team Championship when they are interrupted by Vader's music. Out walks the mastodon and he is carrying the Feast or Fired briefcase. He stops on the apron, but Backstreet Boyz don't back down and invite him in the ring... but then Vader has no partner... until Abyss' music hits, he walks down and joins Vader on the apron. Backstreet Boyz now look terrified as Vader hands the briefcase to the referee. E




Backstreet Boyz (champions) v Vader & Abyss

Perhaps the most academic match ever? Having just had a tough match to win the championship, Kashmere and Acid looked very unlikely to survive this. And as sure as grass is green and the sky is blue, Vader and Abyss made light work of it, expectedly winning with ease in 1:55 when Vader defeated Trent Acid by pinfall with a Vader Bomb. Vader and Abyss win the NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. Backstreet Boyz held the titles for approximately four minutes! D+


Rick Steiner cuts a promo backstage where he says how he will prove he is TNA's top dog in the dog collar match tonight against Davey Boy Smith. C-



Winning becomes Number 1 Contender to the X Division Championship

Elix Skipper v Frankie Kazarian v Low Ki v Paul London v Super Crazy v Ultimo Dragon

High spots ahoy as Ultimate X returns with a significant prize on offer. The man who retrieves the X gets a shot at the X Division Championship. Triple X worked as a team through the entire match while Super Crazy put in a lacklustre performance and has been a disappointment in his TNA tenure. There were a few big bumps as competitors battle on before falling off the cables, but it was Ultimo Dragon who retrieved the prize in 14:53. It will be interesting if American Dragon beats CM Punk later in the night... C-


Davey Boy Smith responds to Rick Steiner's comments, saying that while Steiner's bark is worse than his bite, he is the other way round, he bites worse than he barks. E



Dog Collar Match

Davey Boy Smith v Rick Steiner

A fairly good match, though Steiner didn't have the best performance he could and he was tiring towards the end. Even so, he made Davey Boy eat his words as he stayed a step ahead of the Brit for the majority of the contest and utitlise the collar and chain as a weapon a number of times. He sealed victory in 10:47 by pinfall with a Top Rope Bulldog. D+


Eric Bischoff is backstage in his office with Ken Shamrock. He tells Shamrock he should suspend him for what he did to Steve Corino last night on Impact. Corino is barely able to make the match tonight as a result. However, if he suspends Shamrock, he has no match against Corino and Shane Douglas, and that means less money coming in. Due to this, he fines Shamrock's a months salary and if Shamrock doesn't like it, he knows where the exit is. Shamrock is fuming. I wouldn't want to be Corino or Douglas. C


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (with Roger) v Samoa Joe

Buff wheels Roger out to ringside in a wheelchair. Following Joe's attack after the wedding on Impact, Buff is holding his neck and Roger has a neck brace on and for some reason, a cast on his right arm. Joe immediately targets Buff's neck and Buff is forced to wrestle defensively for the vast majority of the match and Joe largely has his way. The end came courtesy of a Muscle Buster that Joe nailed, but Buff managed to roll out of the ring and fall in a heap on the floor. While Mickey Jay went to check on Buff's well being, Roger 'miraclously' rose from the wheelchair, took off his arm cast and nailed Joe in the back of the head with it. Joe drops straight to the canvas, seemingly unconscious. Buff crawls back into the ring and to Joe, drapes on arm over Joe's prone body and gets the three count in 10:30. Roger then climbs in the ring, hands Buff a pink thong who puts it on Joe, stretching the thong to breaking point. C


Ken Shamrock v Shane Douglas & Steve Corino

Corino struggled here thanks to Shamrock's attack last night so most of the match was one on one. With Shamrock in an awful mood, he took his frustrations out primarily on Douglas, who had little answer to Shamrock's vicious onslaught, other than for Corino to intervene on a few occasions. Despite the one on two odds, it became clear early on that Shamrock was going to be the likely victor and sure enough was so in 11:54 when Ken Shamrock defeated Shane Douglas by submission with an Ankle Lock. D+


A video is shown highlighting AJ Styles' rise in TNA. C


AJ Styles' Number 1 Contendership On The Line

AJ Styles v Air Paris

A good match which sadly drifted in places due to a lack of psychology. A pity as some of the action was very exciting and the crowd were in to it. Paris proved to be Styles' toughest opponent in recent weeks and threatened to halt his roll he has been on. Styles dug deep and kept his Lockdown title match in 14:33 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C




CM Punk (champion) v American Dragon

As good as the preceeding match and had a much better flow to it. It was also a close contest, very close. Dragon was a hair's breath from winning the title a few times. Punk managed to pull it out of the bag in 18:53 by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. CM Punk makes defence number 15 of his TNA X Division title and I bet he will be the most relieved man in the building tonight. C


As we wait for the match between Jeff Jarrett and 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown to commence, Don West and Tenay run us through the Tale Of The Tape. C+




Jeff Jarrett (champion) v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown

Oh dear. The main event bombed. Badly. The match looked bad, dragged on and turned the crowd off. TNA's most disappointing moment, a terrible way to end a pay per view. Jarrett won in 19:46 by pinfall with The Stroke. Jeff Jarrett makes defence number 2 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. E


Following the match, Harley Race and Eric Bischoff join Jeff Jarrett in the ring to celebrate his victory. C+


Show rating: D-

Some angles lifted the show. The show may have hurt TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 7441

Buy rate: 0.29 (new TNA record)

Profit: $69,477

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That sucks that the Main Event rated out so low.


I loved the tag title switch. Poor Backstreet Boyz, but hey I would much rather see Abyss and Vader hold the titles.




Is Roger an actual character in the data or are you just writing him in for effect?

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That sucks that the Main Event rated out so low.


I loved the tag title switch. Poor Backstreet Boyz, but hey I would much rather see Abyss and Vader hold the titles.




Is Roger an actual character in the data or are you just writing him in for effect?


Main event - I was very disappointed, it would have been a decent show otherwise.


Tag Titles - Yeah, I threw a curveball in there didn't I. Made the prediction competition out of 12 instead of 11 as well. :D


Roger - He is an actual character in the database that I have added in myself as there was nobody suitable I could use to assign as Buff's partner in the storyline. I gave him good entertainment stats but poor stats in pretty much everything else. I gave him an average popularity to start with too.

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Samoa Joe will join WWE on a developmental deal in one week and will be sent to HWA. This is a big blow for TNA who saw Joe as a future star.


TNA have announced that 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown, Joel Maximo and Ultimo Dragon returned clean drug tests following Lockdown.

Relating to drug testing, they have announced expanding the tests in the future to three tests following each Explosion show and five following all main pay per views, with immediate effect.

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Paul London defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir in 7:29 by pinfall with a London Calling. D



Saturday, week 4, March 2003

Springfield Coliseum, Springfield, IL.

Live on Sci Fi


Eric Bischoff is in the ring with AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett sign the contract for their World Championship match at Lockdown. AJ Styles signs the agreement only Jarrett to blindside Styles and unleashing a bloody attack. Jarrett then signs the contract with the blood of AJ. C+


Triple X attack 'Cowboy' James Storm and 'Wildcat' Chris Harris backstage, and leave them down and out. D-


Backstreet Boyz v Ring Wizards

A good opening contest between the briefest Tag Team Champions in TNA history and the up and coming upstarts, who cause a big surprise in 7:31 when Ken Anderson defeated Johnny Kashmere by a roll up with a handful of tights. Backstreet Boyz's moment of glory sure hasn't lasted long at all! C-


Joel Gertner is backstage conducting an interview with 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown, who is talking of his disappointment of his performance and losing to Jeff Jarrett at Destination X. BG James appears and bumps into 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown. James says something that Alpha Male doesn't like, and they start arguing. After some heated words, Alpha Male challenges James to meet him in the ring for a match tonight on Impact, which James accepts. C-


Backstage and the new Tag Team champions, Abyss and Vader are arguing with Desmond Wolfe and Doug Williams regarding Lethal Lockdown, and in the argument it is revealed that Vader will be on Abyss' team while Williams will team with Wolfe. D


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v BG James

Brown was an improvement on what he showed at Destination X, but then, that wasn't too difficult. During the match, Mike Tenay announces that America's Most Wanted will meet Triple X at Lockdown. Meanwhile, James finally showed TNA he can actually win matches, as he prevailed here in 9:09 by pinfall with a Dogg Pound. D+


Buff Bagwell is in the ring alone, reading a love letter he wrote for his new husband, Roger. The letter is beautiful and romantic... somebody must have wrote it for Buff.


Anyway, Roger comes out and thanks Buff with a kiss and a loving embrace. D+


Latin American Exchange and Backstreet Boyz are arguing backstage over events at Destination X. LAX call Kashmere and Acid a joke as they only held the Tag Team Championship for around four minutes. Kashmere retorts that they beat LAX for the championship. Security arrives and seperates the teams before it gets physical. E+


Jimmy Rave v Samoa Joe

A lack of psychology slightly hampered a match that featured some good action. Rave picked up a huge victory scoring the second upset of the night in 9:46 by pinfall with a Rave Clash. Let's see if Rave can capitalise on this. C-

Having picked up the surprise victory, Jimmy Rave celebrates in the ring. C-

Samoa Joe recovers, attacks Rave and lays him out with a Muscle Buster. Joe thanks the fans for all their support over the past few months and the crowd chant "Thank you Joe" in response. C-


Rick Steiner has an interview in which he taunts Davey Boy Smith, telling him that at Destination he showed he is Top Dog in TNA by beating him in the Dog Collar match and that he has nothing more to prove to him. C+


Air Paris v Ultimo Dragon

A good contest between two of the premier X Division athletes. Paris, coming off a strong but fruitless outing at Destination X against AJ Styles gave Dragon much to think about here, but the Ultimate X winner came up trumps to build on that victory going in to Explosion in a couple of weeks time where he will face CM Punk for the X Division Championship. Dragon got the win in 12:50 by submission with a Dragon Sleeper. C


Following the match, Harley Race is backstage with CM Punk, American Dragon and Samoa Joe. Race tells them he is in a quandry. He had planned on making a four way for the X Division Championship at Lockdown between CM Punk, American Dragon, Ultimo Dragon and Samoa Joe. He tells Joe that his decision to leave for HWA is step backwards for him, but Joe's doing it and now he has a spot open for the fourway at Lockdown. Race speaks to Punk and Dragon, and tells him the fourth spot will be going to Air Paris, TNA's first X Division champion. C


Ken Shamrock is in the ring, thankful that the chapter his TNA career with Steve Corino and Shane Douglas is over... seemingly not, as Steve Corino walks down carrying a steel pipe and is after revenge for Shamrock's previous attack. Corino sneaks in the ring and cracks Shamrock first in the back and then in the head with the pipe, leaving him bleeding and motionless in the ring. D+


AJ Styles v Rick Steiner

A very good match featuring a fantastic crowd and some great action even though Steiner was tiring towards the end. AJ looked as stylish as ever, but for once, didn't manage to overcome his opponent, as the wily veteran that is Steiner managed to frustrate AJ by retreating at key moments in the match. Ultimately, this strategy worked, thanks also to some wrestling debauchery which saw Steiner sneakily use some brass knuckles. This knockout show gave Steiner a tainted win in 15:10 by pinfall which ends Styles' long winning streak in TNA. B-


Show rating: C

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the ring action. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

TV rating: 0.43

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

Loss: $52,270 (new Impact record)


Impact was the 2nd or 4th rated show in TNA's history (there are two Impacts in the top ten for March 2003).

AJ Styles v Rick Steiner is the 2nd best match in TNA's history.

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Sunday, week 3, April 2003

Current card



Jeff Jarrett (champion) v AJ Styles (C heat)



CM Punk (champion) v Air Paris v American Dragon v Ultimo Dragon (D)



Team Abyss (Abyss, Vader, ???, ???) v Team Wolfe (Desmond Wolfe, Doug Williams, ???, ???) (D+)


Ken Shamrock v Steve Corino (D+)


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Ernest Miller (D-)


America's Most Wanted v Triple X (D-)


More matches to be announced.




To be announced.

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Guest KingOfKings
Just caught up with this and I must say I love the Bagwell storyline. Also jealous that you were able to snag CM Punk before WWE got him in a developmental deal.
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WWE held WrestleMania XIX at Makomanai Ice Arena, Hokkaido, Japan. It drew a 15,000 sellout crowd and a buy rate of 8.02

Shawn Stasiak beat The Prototype (E+)

Mike Awesome beat Doug Basham (D)

Jazz beat Cheerleader Melissa, retaining the Women's Championship (E+)

Trish Stratus beat Ivory (E+)

Scotty 2 Hotty beat Christian (D)

Diamond Dallas Page beat Jamie Noble ©

X-Pac beat Eddie Guerrero (C-)

William Regal beat Stevie Richards, retaining the European Championship (D+)

Maven beat Chavo Guerrero Jr (D-)

Big Show beat Al Snow (B-)

Kurt Angle beat The Undertaker (B+)

Triple H beat Rob Van Dam, retaining the Undisputed Championship (B+)

Overall show rating was a B.



TNA made a loss of $205,807 in March.


CMLL have made big cuts to their roster. TNA has risen above them and AAA to 5th in the rankings.


Doug Williams has signed for a further 3 months.


Juventud Guerrera suffered a spinal disalignment in a match and will be out of action for 6 months.


Nigel McGuinness has become the HWA Heavyweight Champion, defeating Scott Vick.

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Just caught up with this and I must say I love the Bagwell storyline. Also jealous that you were able to snag CM Punk before WWE got him in a developmental deal.


Thanks. :)


Sadly, the way I got Punk doesn't always work to my advantage... Joe has just left me to sign a developmental deal with WWE and has been assigned to HWA.

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That picture you put up of Roger is distributing.:D


I really like what you are doing with the Backstreet Boyz, having them have a brief taste of glory and then going back to sucking!


And I forgot to mention that I am liking the Davey Boy Smith/Rick Steiner feud and I hope we have not heard the last of it.

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That picture of 'Roger' is actually one of The Village People. :D


Food for thought with Bulldog and Steiner then...


Has anybody in real life held a Tag Team Championship for a shorter time than Backstreet Boyz did in here?


I thought it was from Spinal Tap.:D


As far as tag team championships being held that short, that is a good question. I can't think of any off the top on my head maybe Olympia could. I know there have been singles champions that have held it for a short time the most recent one would be Jillian Hall.

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Impact preview


Jeff Jarrett left the number one contender bloody and battered on Impact last week, going as far as signing the Lockdown match contract with AJ Styles' own blood. How will The Phenomenal One react?

Abyss and Desmond Wolfe are the team captains for the first Lethal Lockdown, where one men starts from each side and are joined at set intervals by their team mates. Once all eight men are in the ring, a cage roof lowers with weapons attached and the first decision from then decides the match. Will the two captains go on a recruitment drive, or concentrate on harming each other? Both are also in singles action.

Ken Shamrock was laid out by Steve Corino last week courtesy of a steel pipe. Shamrock has not travelled to Baltimore for Impact but Mike Tenay will interview Shamrock via satellite. No doubt Shamrock will have plenty to say.


Tune in live to Sci Fi on Saturday evening.



Desmond Wolfe v Rick Steiner

American Dragon v Low Ki

BG James v Doug Williams

America's Most Wanted v Latin American Exchange

Abyss v Johnny Kashmere

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Desmond Wolfe v Rick Steiner



American Dragon v Low Ki



BG James v Doug Williams


I have never been a fan of BG and he will probably win this match but Doug Willams is awsome so that is why he is getting the nod here.


America's Most Wanted v Latin American Exchange


Abyss v Johnny Kashmere

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In a match that had some good action and average heat, Frankie Kazarian defeated Paul London in 7:41 by pinfall with a Wave Of The Future. The two showed good chemistry. C



Saturday, week 1, April 2003

Reitz Arena, Baltimore, MD.

Live on Sci Fi


Harley Race comes out to the ring to address the X Division wrestlers. He says he wants to add a new twist to the match tonight between American Dragon and Low Ki... and he assigns CM Punk to be the special guest referee. This draws some decent heat from the crowd who boo the idea. B-


Homicide and Trent Acid are having a heated discussion about who should have a Tag Team Championship rematch. Both teams have a case that they lost their championship and are due the usual rematch clause and they argue about who should have it. Eric Bischoff walks by and tells them there is one way to settle this and books both Latin American Exchange and Backstreet Boyz to challenge Abyss and Vader on Explosion tomorrow night. D+


Abyss v Johnny Kashmere

In a preview of sorts for Explosion's triangle tag team match, Abyss dominated Kashmere in a mediocre match in 4:44 by pinfall with The Black Hole. D


Rick Steiner speaks from backstage where he taunts AJ Styles about defeating him last week and he has shown him up for being the young punk that he is. B-


Spanish Announce Team are shown prior to the next match sitting in the front row watching the show. They don't look too impressed at their lack of action. D+


America's Most Wanted (with Dawn Marie) v Latin American Exchange

A reasonable match where AMW continued their recent fine form while the two teams who are challenging the champions tomorrow night are looking rather jittery. AMW looked slick together and this helped them to achieve the win in 9:33 when 'Wildcat' Chris Harris defeated Hernandez by pinfall with a Death Sentence. Homicide did not look happy after the match. D+


Davey Boy Smith approaches Desmond Wolfe and tells him he wants in on his team for Lethal Lockdown. Wolfe looks delighted and tells Smith it would be an honour to team with him and he is sure Doug Williams will feel the same. E+


BG James speaks from the backstage, telling everybody in TNA that he is a mercenary for hire... anybody who wants him to do their dirty work then he will do so. D+


BG James v Doug Williams

On this evidence, he won't have many takers. He was poor against Williams, who admittedly wasn't a lot better but he did get a valuable win over a wrestler as established as James. The win came in 7:31 by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. D-


Buff Bagwell presents a song for his true love, Roger. The lyrics are so soppy that you want to throw up and the quality of Buff's voice would certainly give Simon Cowell plenty to criticise. Roger appears and absolutely loves it. He climbs in the ring and kisses Bagwell on the lips, proudly showing off his expensive wedding ring that Buff had given him. The two leave the ring hand in hand. D+


Rick Steiner meets Vader and Abyss backstage. He tells them about Davey Boy Smith joining Desmond Wolfe's team and says that he has the perfect counter for them... him. Steiner tells them that he is Top Dog in TNA and will negate any threat that Smith might possess. Abyss grunts, Vader tells Steiner he is in as he knows what he is capable of. C


American Dragon v Low Ki

Special Guess Referee: CM Punk

Surprisingly, Punk had little impact on the match, other than to be overly fussy whenever Dragon made any slight indiscretion in the ring and overlooking anything Ki did. He did however count pinfalls at a regular cadance. The crowd were very much into the match and the action was decent enough. All this added to a decent affair, and one that Dragon was the victor despite the identity of the referee as he triumphed in 14:58 by submission with an Arms Across America. Punk simply left the ring when he called for the bell, not stopping to raise Dragon's arm in victory or go the other way and attack him. C



Mike Tenay is interviewing Ken Shamrock from his home. Ken Shamrock discusses the situation with Steve Corino and warns Corino that he is going to disect him piece by piece for what he did to him last week with the steel pipe. D+


Jeff Jarrett's promo against AJ Styles was interrupted by Styles himself, and the two engaged in a war of words. Jarrett telling him that Rick Steiner was right earlier, Styles is a young punk. Styles retorts that the punk will become the champ at Lockdown. C+


Desmond Wolfe v Rick Steiner

A reasonable main event, a huge upset and the biggest victory of Wolfe's career so far. With Steiner added to Team Abyss for Lethal Lockdown, this was a massive win for Team Wolfe who with Williams winning earlier are building some serious momentum heading into the inaugural Lethal Lockdown. Wolfe's unlikely win came in 15:11 by pinfall with a Tiger Bomb. C-


Show rating: C-

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

TV rating: 0.45

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

Loss: $42,189

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Sunday, week 3, April 2003

Current card



Jeff Jarrett (champion) v AJ Styles (C heat)



CM Punk (champion) v Air Paris v American Dragon v Ultimo Dragon (D+)



Team Abyss (Abyss, Vader, Rick Steiner, ???) v Team Wolfe (Desmond Wolfe, Doug Williams, Davey Boy Smith, ???) (D+)


Ken Shamrock v Steve Corino (D+)


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Ernest Miller (D-)


America's Most Wanted v Triple X (D-)


More matches to be announced.




To be announced.

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