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TNA's New Beginnings II

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Robert Roode had an interview hyping himself by telling everyone watching just... how.. good.. he... is... the crowd came to see wrestling. F


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Mike Sanders defeated Masato Tanaka in 8:25 by pinfall with a 3.0. The two showed great chemistry. C+



Sunday, week 3, January 2004

Arena at Harbour Yard, Bridgeport, CT.

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view


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The Genesis 2004 theme plays and Mike Tenay, Don West and Potter welcome fans to the first main pay per view of the year and we go straight into the first match.


Air Paris v Jerry Lynn

A high quality opening contest that many companies, probably including TNA, would like to have had as the main event. It was a great way to kick off the show and the debuting Lynn and TNA's first X Division champion displayed some great chemistry in the ring too. Lynn edged the contest in 12:22 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver and let's just hope the show continues in this vain... C+


A music video is shown to promote Pride of Britain and remind fans of their tagging capabilities as with Desmond Wolfe being the X Division champion until recently, they haven't teamed up much. The crowd want wrestling. E+


Backstreet Boyz v Double X (with Francine)

Maybe Double X should become Triple X now that Francine is with them. There's a thought... anyway this contest, while not quite reaching the quality of the opener was still a good match in it's on right, with Acid/Kashmere and Kazarian/Romero putting on a tag team display that many teams would be proud of and shows the fans that while there may be four teams challenging for the vacant Tag Team Championship later tonight, there are more than just those four teams who are capable of being champions, of course Backstreet Boyz have been twice. Like the first, it was a close match, with the former champions just about coming through in 7:51 when Trent Acid defeated Frankie Kazarian by pinfall with a Backstreets Back. C




Christopher Daniels (champion) v Devon Storm

After the entertainment of the first two matches, this was a huge disappointment. Daniels' boast about becoming the best ever X Division champion will not ring true if his future matches are like this one. His win was comfortable enough but the match made for uncomfortable viewing. With an influx of new talent such as Jerry Lynn and The Amazing Red recently, Daniels is going to have to improve significantly if he is to remain champion. He defended in 10:08 by pinfall with a Last Rites. Christopher Daniels makes defence number 2 of his TNA X Division title. D


Ultimate Warrior does another of his shouting and screaming promos from backstage where he vows to get revenge for all his little Warriors on American Dragon tonight and claim what should have been his in the first place, the Feast or Fired briefcase. C-


Paul London v Steve Corino

London has had many interested suitors in his public intent to get a manager and a match of this quality against an opponent of such standing will do him wonders on that front. It's just a shame he lost. The craftiness of Corino overcame the speed and aerial ability of London on this occasion in 10:46 by pinfall with an Old School Expulsion. C


Jeff Jarrett speaks from a plush locker room. He is angry at Monty Brown for interfering in his match against such an accomplished wrestler as The Brazilian Champion on Impact. Jarrett says he is the real world champion and he will prove it again when he takes apart Monty Brown later tonight. C


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (with Roger Bagwell) v Mr Wrestling IV

Buff once again wore a gimp mask in this match to get into IV's head, which worked in the opening exchanges. An average match and a little disappointing as IV shows much promise and Buff has been round the block a couple of times. There were times where IV's technical ability had Bagwell in serious trouble, but Buff used his experience and his homosexuality to come out on top in 10:05 by pinfall with a Buff Blockbuster. He literally was on top at one point near the end of the bout. D+


Ken Shamrock is warming up backstage. He pauses briefly to say one thing, that his sole focus is winning the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship and he doesn't care whether he makes Mike Quackenbush or Sid Vicious tap. C


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Jeff Jarrett

Another quality match where Jarrett got more than he bargained for in facing Monty Brown, but then the Alpha Male is a notch above the handpicked opponents Jarrett has had masquerading as champions of their country. Around eight minutes in and Brown had Jarrett set up for The Pounce and he hits it... but Jarrett is lucky in that the force of being hit with The Pounce sent him through the ropes and to the arena floor. Monty was left cursing his luck. He pursued Jarrett who low blowed him outside before hurling him into the steel steps. Brown never properly recovered after that and Jarrett sneaked a win in 11:41 by pinfall with The Stroke. C


Sid Vicious speaks backstage, telling Ken Shamrock there is no way he will ever tap out nor will he allow Quackenbush to tap either. Sid says he will Power Bomb them both to oblivion. C+



American Dragon (briefcase holder) v Ultimate Warrior

As Warrior came sprinting down the ramp, Dragon, who had come out first and hid behind the guard rail to one side blasted Warrior in the head with the briefcase before the opening bell. This led to Warrior struggling for much of the match, although he did mount three comebacks, Dragon simply outwrestled the muscle man, and in what some might term to be an upset, took the match and kept his briefcase in 13:06 by pinfall with a Dragon Suplex. D+


Backstage, and CM Punk is seen lying on the cement floor, writhing in pain. The camera pans up and Abyss is standing over him, arms aloft. He roars and walks off. C





Sid Vicious (champion) v Ken Shamrock v Mike Quackenbush

Many people were left unsure what Eric Bischoff was thinking when he put Mike Quackenbush in as the third man in this match, especially as he had little in the way of offence at all in the match. He did utilise the no disqualification stipulation to his advantage when he blasted Sid and Shamrock with a steel chair. Sid powered out of the attempted pin though. The match boiled down to Sid and Shamrock having a fearce battle and one where Sid was able to throw Shamrock from the ring. With Shamrock dazed by the announce table, Sid took full advantage of Quackenbush trying to attack him by laying him out with a big boot, a power bomb before claiming the match in 13:43 when Sid Vicious defeated Mike Quackenbush by pinfall with a Chokeslam. Sid Vicious makes defence number 4 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C


To be continued...

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Having won the match, Sid Vicious celebrates with the title in the ring, while Ken Shamrock goes on a wrecking spree at the announce desk, causing Mike Tenay, Don West and Potter to flee to higher ground... well, behind the guard rail. C




America's Most Wanted (with Midajah) v Full Blooded Italians v Latin American Exchange v Pride of Britain

This match wasn't as good as the hype nor as it probably would ordinarily have been. Hernandez did not perform well, while Little Guido was suffering badly from his chronic migraines and really needs time off to recover rather than work through it. As a result, the match ended up being between America's Most Wanted and Pride of Britain, and when Doug Williams was at the mercy of a double team in 14:25, AMW claimed the gold when Storm pinned him after a Death Sentence. America's Most Wanted win the NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. D


Eric Bischoff, Shane Douglas and Jose Maximo are backstage, talking about how Operation Steiner comes to a close tonight when Rick Steiner is obliterated. C


Eric's Army (with Eric Bischoff & So Cal Val) v Rick Steiner & partner

With Eric's Army in the ring begging Rick Steiner to get in with them, Steiner stops at the entrance to the aisle and points back towards the stage and some music hits...

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The crowd go absolutely nuts as the Steiner Brothers are reunited. They both slide into the ring, go to town on their three opponents who bail out to Bischoff and Val as the Steiners do their familiar pose in the ring.

Eric's Army look shocked at ringside as they regroup and Bischoff huddles his men. Robert Brisko gets some order as Eric's Army returns to the ring and Scott Steiner faces off against Ernest Miller.

Eric's Army do end up controlling a fair portion of the match, thanks to dirty tactics and the one man advantage. Despite Scott Steiner's ring rust, the Steiner's years of experience and vast talent as a team pulls them back into the match. They assume control, and with Jose Maximo and Ernest Miller disposed of on the arena floor, Shane Douglas is lifted on Scott's shoulders and Rick hits a top rope bulldog. Rick then stands guard as the match is finished off in 13:55 when Scott Steiner defeated Shane Douglas by submission with a Steiner Recliner. The crowd cheer loudly as the Steiners hug in the ring and Eric's Army bid a hasty retreat. C


Prior to the main event, an angry CM Punk tells Abyss that the new dawn is here and he is going to pay for what he did earlier. Then once he has dealt with Abyss, it's time to clean up TNA. C-



Abyss v CM Punk

This was a physical match as both men brawled through the building, using whatever they could lay their hands on. Abyss was gradually wearing down Punk and after around 12 minutes hit a modified version of The Black Hole Slam in a backstage corridor. However, Abyss didn't get the win...


Instead he was attacked by AJ Styles, Caprice Coleman, Evan Karagias, Jimmy Rave and The Amazing Red. The five on one beatdown put the big man on his knees and allowed CM Punk time to recover. The six then took the monster back to the ring, where they assisted each other to hit Coleman's Thermal Shock, Rave's The Move That Rocks The World, Karagias' Corkscrew Splash, Red's Infrared, Styles Clash and finally Punk hit a Pepsi Plunge to win the match by pinfall in 16:12 C


The Genesis theme plays...

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After the match, CM Punk gets a microphone as he and his men stand over Abyss who is totally out of it. He says that the new dawn is here in TNA and what they have done to Abyss is an example of what they are going to do to clean up TNA. He puts on notice anybody who has a history of drug taking, anybody who has a history of alcohol abuse, anybody who are in TNA because they are living off past glories but not current ability and Jeff Jarrett himself for overseeing the mess that has become TNA. Fans chant Punk's name as Genesis goes off air. C


Show rating: C-

A number of angles didn't reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 8485

Buy rate: 0.54 (new TNA record)

Profit: $115,161


Genesis drew the fourth biggest crowd in TNA history.

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Sunday, week 3, January 2004

Kobe Football Stadium, Kinki, Japan

Attendance: 26,730

Buy rate: 7.11


Steven Richards beat Charlie Haas (E+)

Spike Dudley beat Justin Credible (E-)

Shawn Stasiak beat The Prototype (D-)

Trish Stratus beat Lita (D)

Rhyno beat Jamie Noble (D+)

Kurt Angle beat Billy Kidman (B-)

Matt Hardy beat Eddie Guerrero ©

Scotty 2 Hotty beat Scott Hall ©

Kane beat Big Show to retain the Undisputed Title (B)

Steve Austin won the Royal Rumble (B)


Show rating: B

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Impact Preview


CM Punk has been promising to clean up TNA for some time, but nobody expected him to start by having five hungry, promising and clean wrestlers take out the monster Abyss and then for Punk to say that this is the new dawn in TNA. He has promised to take out drug takers, alcohol abusers, "those who living off past glories" and Jeff Jarrett himself. That might be a long list, so where will he and his 'new dawn' start?

Another surprise was the arrival of Scott Steiner. His reunion with brother Rick shocked Eric's Army and may well have saved Rick's career, as he was facing a potential hefty beating. Will Eric's Army make another move or will they try to head off a potentially bigger threat from Punk's new dawn?

Sticking with Bischoff, he has promised on the TNA website "a different way" to decide Sid Vicious' next challenger at Against All Odds.


Watch Impact on Spike TV on Saturday night.




TNA TV TITLE - Jose Maximo (champion) v AJ Styles

Jeff Jarrett v The Canadian Champion

'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Vampiro

Kid Kash v Masato Tanaka

Arashi Assassins v Middle Eastern Nightmare

Austin Aries v Ultimo Guerrero

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TNA TV TITLE - Jose Maximo (champion) v AJ Styles

Jeff Jarrett v The Canadian Champion (Jim Neidhart please. xP)

'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Vampiro

Kid Kash v Masato Tanaka

Arashi Assassins v Middle Eastern Nightmare

Austin Aries v Ultimo Guerrero

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Great show! Also, I don't care how you do it but there needs to be a Buff the Puff feud with Scott Steiner.


TNA TV TITLE - Jose Maximo (champion) v AJ Styles

Jeff Jarrett v The Canadian Champion

'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Vampiro

Kid Kash v Masato Tanaka

Arashi Assassins v Middle Eastern Nightmare

Austin Aries v Ultimo Guerrero

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Double X are interviewed backstage by Joel Gertner, they use this time to hype themselves up to the moon. D-


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Evan Karagias defeated Roderick Strong in 6:45 by pinfall with a Tidal Wave. D+



Saturday, week 4, January 2004

Lone Star Expo Center, Conroe, TX.

Live on Spike TV


Music hits, it's the song that was the theme for Genesis...

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Out walks CM Punk flanked by his allies AJ Styles, Caprice Coleman, Evan Karagias, Jimmy Rave and The Amazing Red. He gets on the mic and says that these men here are the New Dawn. It is these five men that he is going to lead as he cleans up TNA of all drug takers, alcohol abusers, men living off past glories and the man responsible for it all, Jeff Jarrett. Punk continues by saying he recognises that he is not going to accomplish this overnight and he is going to have to pick off his targets. He says that Abyss was not a target but somebody put Abyss in his way to try and derail Punk from achieving his aims and he suspects Jeff Jarrett. However, Punk is not going after Jarrett first, but rather a man who has failed a number of drug tests while being active in TNA and for some reason is still in TNA. That man is... Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell. Punk tells Buff that he will see him at Against All Odds, but that he has a feeling that some of his comrades will see him sooner. C+


Austin Aries v Ultimo Guerrero

The opening contest was hindered by a substandard performance from Guerrero and also that the crowd did not like two heels squaring off against each other. Aries did make the most of Guerrero's poorness in this contest and came away with a needed win in 5:37 by pinfall with a Brainbuster. D


Mike Tenay puts over that Abyss has suffered some minor injuries during the beating he took at the hands of CM Punk's New Dawn at Genesis last Sunday and that he is taking a week off to recover. C-


Harley Race then appears on the stage, interrupting Mike Tenay and starts arguing with him. He tells Tenay and everyone else that he has signed a wrestler to be his client and he will reveal all soon. C


Eric Bischoff is in the ring and calls out the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Sid Vicious. Out walks Sid to a great reception.

Sid remains calm as Bischoff tells him his opinion hasn't changed and that he still doesn't want him as champion. Sid just asks Bischoff what he will do about it as he towers over him. Bischoff is somewhat intimidated, but announces that the next edition of Explosion this coming Wednesday night will feature a Lethal Lottery. There will be five tag team matches featuring twenty of the top wrestling stars in the world with the teams and match ups randomly drawn. The ten winners will progress to a battle royal later in the night where the winner will face Sid for the title at Against All Odds. Sid laughs at Bischoff, asking if that is all he has. C+


Arashi Assassins v Middle Eastern Nightmare

A disappointing contest between two teams in the lower echelons of the TNA tag team division. The Arabs edged it in 6:14 when Shawn Daivari defeated Keiji Sakoda by pinfall with an Arabian Night but many in the crowd took the opportunity to do other things such as get refreshments, go to the toilet or pick their nose. D-


Eric Bischoff walks into the locker room accompanied by American Dragon. They walk up to Mr Wrestling IV. Is he angry? Who knows, he's wearing a mask. Either way, Bischoff tells IV he likes his idea and that he signs off on a second mask match with no disqualification and adds that if Dragon loses this time, he must unmask. Is IV happy? Who knows, he's wearing a mask. C


Ultimate Warrior speaks and shouts from backstage where he says he will win Lethal Lottery and go on to defeat Sid Vicious and win the title. C


Kid Kash v Masato Tanaka

Another disappointment, the whole night of action has been below par so far especially when considering the wrestling at Genesis was very good. This was one wasn't helped by the two not clicking and it was Kash who picked up the win in 9:13 by pinfall with a Money Maker. D


Steve Corino talks from the backstage interview area, saying that he is going to seize the opportunity with both hands having been out for so long by winning Lethal Lottery and then taking down the psycho Sid Vicious at Against All Odds. C+


Desmond Wolfe and Doug Williams are backstage and both feel that being a tag team hasn't been working out for them, that they don't feel the chemistry of being a team. They amically split and agree to go their seperate ways. D


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Vampiro

A slight improvement featuring two more established TNA stars. Monty has been more prominent than Vampiro of late and this show in the bout which saw Brown have more of the offence and prevail in 9:33 by pinfall with The Pounce. D+


The Steiner Brothers are backstage with both of them expressing their delight at being reunited and that they gave Eric Bischoff and his Army some comeuppance at Genesis, though they have the feeling it's not over yet. C+


On the same subject, Eric Bischoff comes striding to the ring, with solemn looking soldiers in tow. Bischoff is carrying a singapore cane and he berates his soldiers in the ring, saying that not only did they embarrass themselves at Genesis but worse, they embarrassed him. He then punishes them with singapore cane shots to their backsides and the three walk sheepishly and painfully to the back... and Maximo still has to face AJ Styles tonight! C-


Jeff Jarrett v The Canadian Champion

Jeff Jarrett again says that he is the real world champion and goes as far as saying that Sid is a fake champion. He says he will prove it by facing another worthy opponent tonight, the Canadian Champion.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc0GAx0AbNU?fs=1&hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc0GAx0AbNU?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Jarrett proceeds to dominate with Young getting a little bit of offence in on the odd occasion. Jarrett picks up an easy victory in 4:42 by submission with a Figure Four Leg Lock. C-


After the match, Ken Shamrock interrupts Jarrett's victory celebration by telling him to prove that he is the real deal by agreeing to face him at Against All Odds for number one contendership to Sid's World Championship. Jarrett accepts. C+




Jose Maximo (champion, with So Cal Val) v AJ Styles

The best match of the night but it didn't have a lot to beat and the show ended up being disappointing as a whole. This contest suffered somewhat due to a lack of psychology in ring. In an even affair, AJ took the title on his return to a TNA return and in a flash will have angered Eric Bischoff even further with his soldiers and may well have caused conflict between Eric's Army and CM Punk's New Dawn. We shall see... Styles' win came in 14:41 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles wins the TNA TV title. C-



Show rating: C-

Some of the angles helped to lift the show as a whole.

Attendance: 3837

Rating: 0.70

Loss: $62,287

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Kenny (Ken Doane) - Not in under either of those names.

Johnny (Johnny Jeter) - On a developmental deal in OVW.

Nicky (Nick Nemeth) - Not in under either of those names.

Miket (Mike Mondo) - There is a Nick Mondo on a pay per appearance deal with IWA Mid South and CZW but there is no Mike.

Mitch (Nick Mitchell) - Not in under either of those names.

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Kenny (Ken Doane) - Not in under either of those names.

Johnny (Johnny Jeter) - On a developmental deal in OVW.

Nicky (Nick Nemeth) - Not in under either of those names.

Miket (Mike Mondo) - There is a Nick Mondo on a pay per appearance deal with IWA Mid South and CZW but there is no Mike.

Mitch (Nick Mitchell) - Not in under either of those names.


My heart is broken at the fact Dolph Ziggle (Nick Nemeth) will never show up in TNA!

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