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TNA's New Beginnings II

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Vader (champion) v Ken Shamrock (C heat)



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Monsters Inc (D-)



CM Punk (champion) v Homicide (E)


Jeff Jarrett v Samoa Joe (D+)


If Buff Bagwell loses, he becomes a puff for a month

Buff Bagwell v Tatanka (C-)


AJ Styles v Air Paris (D)


Shane Douglas v Super Crazy (E)


Ernest Miller v Glenn Gilberti (E+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Steve Corino (E+)


Backstreet Boyz v Triple X (E+)


Bryan Danielson v Hernandez (E-)


Rocky Romero v Sheik Abdul Bashir (F+)


Spanish Announce Team v Order of the Phoenix (E+)


X Division Battle Royal

Jody Fleisch, Doug Williams, Mike Quackenbush, Desmond Wolfe, Paul London, Joe E. Legend, Ken Anderson, Robert Roode, Jimmy Rave & ? (E)


Turning Point Main Event: Ken Shamrock vs Samoa Joe.

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<p><strong>Bound for Glory</strong></p><p>

Sunday, week 3, October 2002</p><p>

Beard Eaves Stadium, Auburn, AL.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i887.photobucket.com/albums/ac78/Nobby_McDonald/TNABoundForGlory.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Pyrotechnics go off before Mike Tenay and Don West welcome everybody to TNA's biggest show. They are both dressed in tuxedos.</p><p>

We then go to the back. Ken Shamrock is with Rick Steiner in a locker room. Shamrock thanks Steiner for saving him from yet another Jarrett and Vader sneak attack. Steiner tells him it is no problem, Jarrett has always been an as<em>s</em>hole, before saying that he has his back tonight if Jarrett tries to interfere in any way. Shamrock appreciates this and expresses he is happy it will be a one on one contest, he knows he is the better man. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rocky Romero v Sheik Abdul Bashir</strong></p><p>

Bound for Glory's opening contest features two young wrestlers who have a promising future but have yet to find their niche yet in TNA. Romero came flying out of the block and took the match to Bashir from the outset, scoring two two counts within the first minute. Bashir rallied by fighting dirty and took over control of the match. A disappointingly low crowd began to get behind Rocky with, you've guessed, chants of "Rocky, Rocky Rocky". No points for originality. Rocky mounts a comeback and obtains a victory in 8:04 by pinfall with a High Speed. A solid enough opening bout. <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryan Danielson v Hernandez</strong></p><p>

A complete mismatch in terms of size, but there are times when brains beat brawn and this was one of them. Hernandez's power moves are devastating for a man of Danielson's size, but Danielson used all of his wits and speed to prevent Hernandez from being able to utilise them very often. Hernandez is still green enough to not be able to cope with Danielson's vast wrestling skill and this led to victory for Bryan in 6:54 by submission with an Arms Across America. Another sold match and one which saw the crowd getting more into the show already. <strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Rave is walking backstage and he approaches the locker room of the mystery tenth participant in the X Division Battle Royal. He slowly opens the door ajar and peeks inside. He has a look of shock and horror, looks round the nearby area and rushes off camera. Moments later he is back again, as he uses a forklift truck to move a large and presumably very heavy container in front of the door, barricading whomever is in there inside. <strong>E+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>X Division Battle Royal</strong></p><p><strong>

Desmond Wolfe, Doug Williams, Jimmy Rave, Jody Fleisch, Joe E. Legend, Ken Anderson, Mike Quackenbush, Paul London, Robert Roode & ?</strong></p><p>

The nine announced wrestlers make their entrances and are in the ring waiting the mystery tenth participant. The ring announcer announces "And the mystery tenth wrestler is..." before looking a fool when nobody appears. He repeats his announcement but again nobody comes out. Jimmy Rave has a very smug look on his face in the corner before leaping forward and attacking Jody Fleisch and throwing a shocked Fleisch out of the ring as the bell rings. Fleisch argues, but Rudy Charles insists that the bell was ringing as he was being lifted over the ropes and so he is eliminated.</p><p>

Four more eliminations happen between four and six minutes into the match. The Ring Wizards (Anderson & Quackenbush) combine to eliminate Pride of Britain (Wolfe & Williams) before Roode and Rave appear behind them and eliminate them while they are celebrating. This leaves Jimmy Rave, Joe E. Legend, Paul London and Robert Roode.</p><p>

Robert Roode works over Joe E. Legend before dispatching him over the top rope. London now faces Rave and Roode, the two heels likely to team up here. Sure enough they do and London looks in a bad way. Rave holds London and Roode charges, only for London to duck and both Roode and Rave go flying over the top rope. London celebrates his victory only for Rave to run back in the ring, grab London from behind and throw him over the top rope. Rudy Charles comes in and to the surprise of everybody raises Rave's hand to a chorus of boos. A replay then shows on the video screen and while Roode was clearly eliminated, only one of Rave's feet touched the floor, the other was on the ring steps. Rave then adjusted himself and reentered the ring, so Rudy Charles indeed made the right call. Jimmy Rave has made some impact on his TNA in ring debut. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shane Douglas v Super Crazy (with Midajah)</strong></p><p>

This was a disappointment, two well established and experienced wrestlers such as these should really put on a much better match at such a big show. The problem stemmed from both guys being inconsistent. They each missed calls and spots and it led to the match looking disjointed. In a way, this match was a reflection of both men's careers thus far in TNA. They're here but not doing a lot to get noticed. One to forget and one won by Shane Douglas in 11:33 by pinfall with a Franchiser. <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Homicide cuts a backstage promo prior to his X Division title challenge where he treats CM Punk with utter contempt, telling him he is a worthless champion and equally worthless wrestler. Homicide will take him to the streets tonight. <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP</strong></p><p><strong>

CM Punk (champion) v Homicide</strong></p><p>

Punk obviously heard what Homicide had said as he battered the challenger in the early going with a flurry of punches and kicks. Homicide then pulled the old trick of threatening to walk out on the match. Punk bought this and chased him, to be met by a thumb to the eyes halfway back up the entrance, before getting dropped crotch first on the guard rail. Chances of Little Punks in the future have now been lessened.</p><p>

Homicide had control of the match for a long period, with any Punk comeback soon cut off by some sort of chicanery. Homicide's failure to claim the championship started to frustrate him though and he started to argue with referee Robert Brisko. This gave Punk the opening he needed as he met Homicide with a couple of stiff knees and seized the initiative, ending the contest in 12:40 by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. CM Punk makes defence number 4 of his TNA X Division title. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

AJ Styles is walking backstage away from catering with a coffee in his hand. The camera pans round and Air Paris is seen standing about ten feet up on a ledge. He waits for AJ and as he passes leaps off and onto AJ, flattening him and spilling his hot coffee over him in the process. Paris then stomps on AJ a couple of times before leaving. <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Spanish Announce Team (with So Cal Val) v The Order of the Phoenix</strong></p><p>

Harry Smith is beginning to develop. He is starting to show signs of losing his greenness in the ring and the teenager may well soon start to progress. In fact, he was the better man on his team here as Potter appeared to struggle with a previous knee injury as he began to favour it as the match progressed, despite the Maximos not having targeted it during the match. Once they saw Potter having problems however, they changed tactics and rather than try and keep Smith in the ring and try and exploit his lack of experience, they instead started to focus on Potter's left knee. SAT's change of strategy did the job and they emerged triumphant in 7:20 when Joel Maximo defeated Potter by pinfall with a Maximo Explosion. Harry Smith was not happy and accused Potter of concealing his injury from him. <strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ernest Miller v Glenn Gilberti</strong></p><p>

Maybe these pair worked on their match in tandem with Crazy and Douglas earlier, as this was another match between two old hands that was a disappointment. Like earlier, both men here were inconsistent, failing to let the match flow much and part way through some sections of the crowd started to voice their displeasure. Miller won the drab contest in 13:06 by pinfall with a Thrust Kick. <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


I will post part two tomorrow afternoon (morning in US). It's beginning to get late here (it's turned midnight in the UK) and I have to be up fairly early tomorrow.</p>

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Elix Skipper is backstage with his partner Frankie Kazarian. He repeats his warning from Explosion that Backstreet Boyz need to prepare for a big surprise in their match... which is next... E


Backstreet Boyz v Triple X (with Francine)

Some good action and crowd interest helped the match, but a lack of psychology hindered it somewhat. Whatever Triple X's surprise was, it didn't appear to disturb the Backstreet Boyz as they took control of the match. Slick teamwork from the duo that have teamed together for a long time saw them in control as the relatively inexperienced pairing of Skipper and Kazarian struggled to compete. Kashmere and Acid have Skipper primed and ready to be put away when Francine and Kazarian distract the referee.

Then came the surprise, as in ran...


He nails Trent Acid with a roundhouse kick before taking Johnny Kashmere out of the ring with a drop kick. Skipper gets back up and in 12:21 defeats Trent Acid by pinfall with a Sudden Impact. Rocky celebrates with Triple X in the ring after the match as the crowd voice their displeasure at the youngster's turn. C-


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown (with Elizabeth) v Steve Corino

Power versus experience and a good match which has been overlooked by some given what has been going on elsewhere in TNA. Monty put on a good showing and had Corino in trouble, none more so than after he hit a Pounce after twelve minutes, which fortunately for Corino was so ferocious he was propelled clean out of the ring and to the floor. This bought Corino some time to recover and he bought some more when he sent an advancing Brown face first into the steel steps via a drop toe hold, which cut open Brown's head. Seeing blood and sensing victory, Corino went for the juggular, specifically targeting Monty's open wound and beating on him so viciously the big man became woozy. Corino then took the pinfall in 14:42 following an Old School Bomb. C-


A video highlight package is shown, recapping Buff Bagwell's past couple of months and focusing on incidents where his sexuality became questioned. C-




America's Most Wanted (champions, with Dawn Marie) v Monsters Inc

The two brutes cut imposing figures in the ring as the champs make their way out to the ring, knowing that in the past couple of weeks their challengers have had the better of them. AMW indeed had a rough ride as Abyss and Bigelow took turns to batter Harris and Storm, Bigelow in particular being bully like. In fact, AMW struggled to get much offence in for the whole match. They hung in there though, refusing to be defeated and refusing to be bullied into losing their belts. The Monsters became frustrated. Abyss fetched a steel chair from ringside, and although Bigelow tried to talk him out of using it, Abyss let out a loud roar and smashed Harris in the top of the head with the chair, knocking him clean out. Robert Brisko immediately called for the bell as Abyss stood above a still Harris, tearing some of his own hair out and laughing. The crowd are silent in horror, Storm looks on with a mix of fear and shock while Dawn Marie is screaming at ringside. Medics come to the ring to check on Harris as Bigelow ushers a still laughing Abyss out of the ring. America's Most Wanted make defence number 7 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. D


Air Paris v AJ Styles

A lack of psychology again here but some great action and partly due to that the crowd were really into it and solidly behind AJ, who after the attack earlier by Paris was slow to get going here. The match lived up to Air's name as the best aerial action seen so far in TNA was showcased here. Paris looked to have the match won after a Moonsault, only for AJ to reach down and kick out with the referee's hand about to strike the mat for three. This riled Paris who was convinced it should have been a three count, and his offence then became more brawl based and inconsistant as his red mist lowered. AJ capitalised and defeated his short term partner from WCW in 12:50 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C


Jeff Jarrett is backstage by the entrance having last words for Samoa Joe. He tells Joe if he doesn't prove to him tonight that he has what it takes as a wrestler, Jarrett will ensure there is no tomorrow for Joe in TNA. It's time to show me what you are capable of Joe... C


Jeff Jarrett v Samoa Joe

The two worked superbly well together in the ring, and boy did Joe show Jeff what he was capable of. Jarrett seemed to be under the impression this was going to be an easy match, but Joe's offence was straight up, in your face and relentless. He mixed strikes with suplexes with submission wrestling and there were numerous spells where Jarrett, even with all of his experience, seemed unable to come up with any answers to Joe's arsenal.

Jarrett stuck at it though, the wily veteran didn't become such a success in the business by giving up. He absorbed Joe's punishment and eventually managed to chain together significant offence of his own. Joe proved resilient too, which increasingly frustrated Jarrett. However, Joe ultimately succumbed in 19:33 by pinfall to The Stroke. Jarrett didn't even celebrate after the match, he just left without a word. Presumably, that means Joe will see tomorrow in TNA, especially after a performance like that against such an established star. C


Vader cuts a promo from the backstage area and tells Shamrock that no dog is going to stop him. He can bring a pack of rottweilers to the ring for all he cares, Rick Steiner is not going to make any difference tonight. C+


If Buff Bagwell loses, he becomes a puff for a month

Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v Tatanka

Buff is incensed before the match even starts by the inevitable "puff" chants from the crowd. Tatanka starts off by chopping Buff, who retorts with a limp wristed slap, which prompts more chants of "puff". Tatanka then uses the crowd to his advantage and gets some laughs himself when he bends Buff over his knee and starts spanking him on his ass. Buff rolls out in embarrassment and starts to run to the back, suddenly remember the stipulation in the match and running back to the ring as the referee's count hits 9.

He then has a new found focus and starts taking the match to Tatanka. This focused gets disturbed when Buff is slumped in the corner and Tatanka, for probably the first time in his life, hits a bronco buster, crowd shouting "puff" with every thrust.

Buff is now pissed. He clocks Tatanka with a flurry of punches and gets on top again... er, of the match... only for the tables to turn again when Tatanka mock kisses him. Buff explodes... in anger... and is unrelentant in his assault. It looks like he is going to ignore the ref's five count, but clicks in at the last moment and backs off. While arguing the toss with the referee, he back kicks Tatanka in the groin, who falls down like a sack of spuds. Buff makes the cover, puts his feet on the second rope for leverage and earns a three count in 18:09. He then runs out of the ring and out of the arena, his sexuality still questioned but intact. D+


As we wait for the main event between Ken Shamrock and Vader to commence, Tenay and Don West run us through the Tale Of The Tape. C




Vader (champion) v Ken Shamrock

Vader and Shamrock start slowly, each man wary of the other as both possess a dangerous attack arsenal. Shamrock is the first to gain an initial, but Vader uses his size to overcome that and take control of the match, especially when he squashes Shamrock in a corner.

The match then flows back and forth, both men taking turns to mount offence (although there was a lack of selling) and gain near falls. Vader nearly keeping his title, Shamrock nearly winning it. Both men then run the ropes and hit a double clothesline. The referee starts a count.

As the ref counts, Jeff Jarrett runs to ringside. Vader and Shamrock start getting to their feet, Vader is standing first and backs an intimidated referee into the corner. His bulk completely blocks the ref's view, who misses Jarrett attacking Shamrock from behind and nailing him with The Stroke. Vader turns round, covers but Shamrock kicks out! Jarrett is beside himself at ringside. The referee spots him and starts arguing with Jarrett and threatens to eject him from ringside. Jarrett tells him if he does that, it will be the last TNA match he will ever referee. While this is happening, Rick Steiner has come to ringside and has distracted Vader. While Vader gives Steiner the verbals from the ring ropes, Shamrock takes him down with a chop block, slaps on the Ankle Lock and drags him away from the ropes. Steiner runs round the ring and throws Jarrett into the guard rail. The referee turns back round and sees Vader tapping out in 23:43. Ken Shamrock wins the NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C


Shamrock celebrates with his newly won championship belt and Rick Steiner enters the ring. However, instead of celebrating with Shamrock, he attacks him from behind. He then picks up the dropped belt, and hits Shamrock in the head with it. With Shamrock downed, he walks off with his championship belt. Ken Shamrock is finally the NWA Champion, but has no belt to show for it. Bound for Glory ends with fans throwing rubbish at Rick Steiner. C


Show rating: C-

A number of angles didn’t reach the standard set by in-ring action. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA’s popularity.

Attendance: 5766

Buy rate: 0.03

Loss: $22,359

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'Cowboy' James Storm, Glenn Gilberti and Homicide all returned clean drugs tests following Bound for Glory.


Frankie Kazarian has suffered broken ribs, but he will work through the injury.


WWE No Mercy was held in Kobe Football Stadium in Kinki, Japan on the same day as Bound for Glory. 24,333 attended with a 6.55 buy rate.

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Explosion preview




The fallout from Bound for Glory...

Rick Steiner shockingly turned on Ken Shamrock immediately after the latter won the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Steiner stole Shamrock's newly won belt after a sneak attack. It's certain Shamrock will be after Steiner, but what will happen?

Jimmy Rave won on his TNA debut and for winning the battle royal, he has an X Division Championship shot at CM Punk. But will the mystery tenth wrestler appear that Rave barricaded into a locker room at Bound for Glory?

Will we see 'Wildcat' Chris Harris following the horrific chair shot he suffered at Bound for Glory, courtesy of Abyss?


Tune in to Voom pay per view on Wednesday to see all this and more.



X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - CM Punk (champion) v Jimmy Rave

AJ Styles v Vader

Samoa Joe v Steve Corino

Rick Steiner v Super Crazy

Monsters Inc v Ring Wizards

Rocky Romero v Trent Acid

Latin American Exchange v Pride of Britain

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Robert Roode defeated Harry Smith in 5:44 by pinfall with a Northern Lariat. The crowd were turned off by a match between two jobbers. F+



Wednesday, week 4, October 2002

Tulsa Convention Center, Tulsa, OK.


Ken Shamrock is in the ring to start Explosion. He demands that Rick Steiner comes down to the ring and give him back his NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt that he won three days ago at Bound for Glory. Rick Steiner's music plays and he walks out barking while the crowd are booing. He enters the ring and stares at Shamrock silently. Shamrock repeats his demands and Steiner replies "Hell no" before spitting in Shamrock's face and then nailing him with the championship belt. He then leaves the ring, and as Shamrock gets back up, he tells Steiner that if he wants the belt, he can fight for it at Turning Point. Steiner of course accepts. C


Latin American Exchange v Pride of Britain

A solid enough match but it had little in the way of crowd interest. LAX were clearly better than the British duo and won the match with some ease in 6:37 when Hernandez defeated Desmond Wolfe by pinfall with a Dominator. D-


Rocky Romero v Trent Acid

A match stemming from events at Bound for Glory where Rocky turned his back on the fans and aligned with Skipper and Kazarian in Triple X. His new ways were evident here as he treated both the fans and his opponent with complete disdain. The match was solid despite the two not clicking, but crowd heat was limited and Rocky took the low road to victory in 8:46 by pinfall with a High Speed following interference from Frankie Kazarian. D-


Jeff Jarrett is in the back and says he is surprised by Samoa Joe, Joe showed him he has enough in his locker to make it in the company. Jarrett turns his attention to the next youngster on his "test list"... the X Division Champion, CM Punk. He tells Punk to get ready for Turning Point, which may turn out to be the turning point in his life. He either proves himself to the company or he leaves. He does give Punk one concession... he won't defend his X Division Championship as Jarrett "is not interested in it". C-


Monsters Inc v Ring Wizards

Quackenbush chose a bad night to have a stinker, against two monsters.


This would have been over quickly, had it not been for 'Wildcat' Chris Harris who surprisingly showed up given what happened this past Sunday and distracted Abyss, only Rudy Charles stopping him from getting physically involved. Even so, Monsters Inc dominated again, winning in 7:54 when Abyss defeated Ken Anderson by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Following the match, Bigelow demanded to Harris who was still at ringside that they have a rematch at Turning Point, in a no disqualification match. D-


TNA X Division Championship

CM Punk (champion) v Jimmy Rave

A good, entertaining match, helped by the two showing they have some great chemistry. Rave is riding the crest of a wave at the moment and came close to winning the championship, only for Punk to prove resilient and resourceful in the ring and kept his title in 16:03 by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. CM Punk makes defence number 5 of his TNA X Division title. After the match, Mike Tenay says on commentary that he has been told that Jimmy Rave will face the mystery tenth wrestler at Turning Point. C-


Vader comes to ringside and says that Shamrock was lucky at Bound for Glory. It's Vader Time for revenge, and he demands he has his rematch next week on Explosion. Shamrock appears on the video screen and accepts, saying he may as well get Vader's rematch out of the way so he can beat the holy crap out of Rick Steiner at Turning Point. C


Rick Steiner v Super Crazy (with Midajah)

Rick Steiner makes his TNA wrestling debut and puts in a solid enough performance, as indeed did Crazy who gave Steiner plenty to think about. Steiner always looked like he had a bit in reserve however, and played the crowd hate well. He took the spoils in his first TNA match in 11:53 by pinfall with a Top Rope Bulldog. D+


CM Punk is backstage and says he will be honoured to be able to face somebody of the calibre and stature of Jeff Jarrett and will show him he not only belongs in TNA now, but for many years to come. C-


Samoa Joe v Steve Corino

A solid enough match despite it's low rating which was surprising. In your face submission wrestling faced the old school here and it was Joe who emerged on top in 17:48 by pinfall with an Island Driver, much to Corino's disgust when he had recovered. He clearly feels he should have beaten Joe. D


Buff Bagwell is in the ring, where he holds a celebration, complete with streamers and red carpet, of himself. He proclaims himself as a "Total man" who is "The complete Stuff". The crowd start chanting "Puff" at which Buff throws a childish tantrum and stomps out of the ring. C


AJ Styles v Vader

The former NWA TNA Champion is not in a good mood tonight and it is evident from the get go that he is looking to end this quick and takes the match to AJ, looking to vent his frustrations on him. AJ however is too quick for the aging Vader and troubles the big man for long periods of the match. The two also show great chemistry in the match and the longer it wears on, the more if favours the much younger and smaller Styles. His gameplan was near flawless and he picks up the biggest win of his career so far in 22:15 by pinfall with a quick roll up. A really good match, one of TNA's best so far. C+


Show rating: C

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.00

Profit: $4833

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Turning Point

Sunday, week 3, November 2002

Current card





Ken Shamrock (champion) v Rick Steiner (C heat)




America's Most Wanted (champions) v Monsters Inc (E)


Samoa Joe v Vader (D+)


Jimmy Rave v 'Mystery tenth opponent' (E)


Triple X v Backstreet Boyz & partner of their choosing (E-)


Ring Wizards v Pride of Britain (E-)


Jeff Jarrett v CM Punk (D+)


Bryan Danielson v Steve Corino (E+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Shane Douglas (E)


Latin American Exchange v Tatanka & Ernest Miller (E)


One or two more matches may be added.




To be announced after next Explosion

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TNA's pay per view contract with Voom has expired and a new one has been signed with UrbanXtra for 6 months. UrbanXtra are owned by TVN Entertainment. Due to the negotiations involved, Explosion has been moved to Friday for one week only.


Jody Fleisch has signed for a further 9 months.


Terry Taylor and Velvet McIntyre have retired from competitive action.

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A question... I've tried to search the characters but there is no filter for looking for only homosexual wrestlers. I only know of Chris Kanyon who is homosexual, are there any others? (Genadi's 2002 database is being used).


Besides Pat Patterson, I can not think of one. And I always thought the whole Chris Kanyon thing was fake and he was just using it to get work.

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Guest cmdrsam
Hello Noob. Been a long time lurker. Thought I would tell you I have been following what you are doing and I do enjoy it. Keep up the great work.
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Explosion preview




Explosion moves to UrbanXtra and for one week only, a Friday. With TNA's increased exposure on a bigger pay per view network, which wrestlers will pull out all the stops to impress?

Vader has his contractual rematch with Ken Shamrock. Will we finally see a one on one contest between the two without outside factors?

Will Backstreet Boyz respond to Triple X's recent dominance over them?


Tune in to UrbanXtra on Friday to find out.




AJ Styles v Elix Skipper

Air Paris v Samoa Joe

Latin American Exchange v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Bryan Danielson

Abyss v 'Wildcat' Chris Harris

Johnny Kashmere v Rocky Romero

Ring Wizards v The Order of the Phoenix

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No reason for him to lose this title so soon.


AJ Styles v Elix Skipper


Air Paris v Samoa Joe



Latin American Exchange v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Bryan Danielson


All though Brown and Danielson is a great team they are a makeshift team while LAX is a fixed team.


Abyss v 'Wildcat' Chris Harris



Johnny Kashmere v Rocky Romero



Ring Wizards v The Order of the Phoenix

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Frankie Kazarian defeated Jody Fleisch in 7:54 by pinfall with a Wave Of The Future. Kazarian was slowed by an injury. D+



Friday, week 1, November 2002

UCF Arena, Orlando, FL.


Buff Bagwell starts of Explosion to the now usual chants of "Buff's a puff". He tells the crowd to shut the hell up and that he is all man and he will prove this again at Turning Point. He issues his third open challenge and if he loses, he will become a puff.

Immediately after, the music of AJ Styles hits and he walks to the ring, carrying a bag. As he walks down he tells Buff that he is going to see what a man he is. He enters the ring, opens the bag and hands Buff a little puppy. Buff says how cute and adorable the puppy is and starts to stroke it, much to the crowd's amusement and the puff chants start again. Buff becomes embarrassed, covers his face and runs to the back. As he runs, AJ tells him he accepts his open challenge for Turning Point. D-


Ring Wizards v The Order of the Phoenix

A solid opener with little interest. The once favoured Ring Wizards turned heel here as they resorted to every dirty trick they could muster and the crowd voiced their displeasure. This also helped them to win in 5:45 when Ken Anderson defeated Potter by pinfall with a Kenton Bomb. D


Ken Shamrock turns a corner backstage and spots Rick Steiner, who also sees him. Shamrock yells "Give me my belt back you bearded bastard" and a chase begins, but Rick Steiner had obviously prepared for this, as he reaches a waiting car first, and is able to screech off into the night, leaving Ken Shamrock behind to defend his title tonight without his title. C


Johnny Kashmere v Rocky Romero

Mickey Jay sent other Triple X and Backstreet Boyz members to the back before the match started. The match was not the best, mostly due to a poor performance from Rocky Romero. The end came in 7:48 by pinfall with a Cradle Breaker following interference from Paul London. London and Kashmere shook hands after, who announced London would partner he and Trent Acid at Turning Point. D-


Air Paris is shown preparing for his match tonight against Samoa Joe. E


Abyss v 'Wildcat' Chris Harris (with Dawn Marie)

With some good action and crowd interest, this was the best of a fairly drab bunch so far tonight. Abyss had the monster's share of the match, but Harris is no slouch and did not lie down for the big man. Nine minutes in and James Storm ran in and attacked Abyss from behind with a beer bottle while Rudy Charles was tending to Chris Harris. The resulting pin did not end the match though, as a bleeding Abyss kicked out. It's great what a new pay per view network can do. The end did come soon after when Harris eventually succumbed in 11:39 by pinfall with The Black Hole. D+


Jimmy Rave cuts a promo saying he doesn't care that he has to face the 'mystery tenth opponent' at Turning Point as he knows who he is. Did TNA bigwigs not see that at Bound for Glory? What's more, he knows how to beat him. Most of the angles have been lacklustre so far... E+


Latin American Exchange v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown (with Elizabeth) & Bryan Danielson

Tag experience turned out to be the determining factor here, as was probably expected. As individuals, Brown and Danielson would probably have beaten whichever of the other they would face. In a tag match though, LAX were far more fluid. That said, they had to resort to devious measures as in 11:29 when Homicide defeated Bryan Danielson by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. D+


Paul London is shown backstage, where officials have just found him bloody and unconscious, the apparent victim of a sneak attack. Paramedics appear to stretcher him out. Triple X are the obvious suspects. E


Air Paris v Samoa Joe

A good match, a good crowd... the match just sadly lacked a little something or it could have been near TNA's best. Paris gave his all, nearly won on a couple of occasions but Joe was just a little bigger, a little stronger and a little better. He won in 13:45 by pinfall with an Island Driver. D+


Vader talks up his return match tonight, saying Shamrock's fifthteen minutes of fame are up, we're back on Vader Time now. C


AJ Styles v Elix Skipper (with Francine)

Some great action before a good crowd, but the match suffered due to it drifting for significant periods, which was a shame as better psychology would have really lifted it higher. AJ's momentum builds further and surely it's a matter of time before he is given a title opportunity. He is victorious in 17:39 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. D+


Jeff Jarrett cuts a promo where he states he is mildly impressed with CM Punk's performances. He comments that he is winning, but he needs to do it with more style. He tasks him to prove him otherwise at Turning Point. C



Ken Shamrock v Vader

A somewhat disappointing night is rounded off, a shame for the first show on UrbanXtra. A lack of selling here as well as an off night from Vader put a dampener on some great heat and otherwise good action. Jeff Jarrett? No, he didn't appear. Rick Steiner? Nope, him neither. Finally Shamrock and Vader was purely one on one, and Shamrock took advantage of a Vader who as good as he was, is finding that age is catching up with him now. Shamrock wins in 21:52 by submission with an Ankle Lock. Ken Shamrock makes defence number 1 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. D+

Having picked up the victory, Ken Shamrock celebrates in the ring. C+


Show rating: D

A number of angles did not reach the standard of in ring action. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.01 (Explosion record)

Profit: $8369

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Turning Point

Sunday, week 3, November 2002

Current card





Ken Shamrock (champion) v Rick Steiner (C heat)




America's Most Wanted (champions) v Monsters Inc (E)


Samoa Joe v Vader (D+)



Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v AJ Styles (D-)


Jimmy Rave v 'Mystery tenth opponent' (E)


Triple X v Backstreet Boyz & partner of their choosing (E-)


Ring Wizards v Pride of Britain (E-)


Jeff Jarrett v CM Punk (D+)


Bryan Danielson v Steve Corino (E+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Shane Douglas (E)


Latin American Exchange v Tatanka & Ernest Miller (E+)





Feast or Fired will be at Christmas Feast. Ten will compete, you can nominate five wrestlers. If they are in TNA, they will compete. If not and I can sign them, they will compete. The only ones you can't pick will be reigning TNA champions.

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Explosion preview


Explosion returns to Wednesday and Gary Steele returns to TNA. He's in for one tough night.

Rick Steiner ran from Ken Shamrock last week and escaped into a waiting car. Will the World Champion catch up with his challenger this week?

AJ Styles embarrassed Buff Bagwell with a puppy last week. This week the two meet in tag team action.


Wednesday evening. UrbanXtra pay per view. Watch it.



NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - America's Most Wanted (champions) v Glenn Gilberti & Steve Corino

AJ Styles & Samoa Joe v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell & Vader

'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & CM Punk v Jeff Jarrett & Shane Douglas

Homicide v Ernest Miller

Bam Bam Bigelow v Gary Steele

Doug Williams v Mike Quackenbush

Triple X (Kazarian & Rocky) v Paul London & Trent Acid

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Ken Shamrock (champion) v Rick Steiner (C heat)


Ken should hold the title for a while.




America's Most Wanted (champions) v Monsters Inc (E)


Samoa Joe v Vader (D+)


This is a tough one, but I do think that Vader might need the victory.



Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v AJ Styles (D-)


Well we all know he is bound to lose one of these matches. However, will it be sooner or later?


Jimmy Rave v 'Mystery tenth opponent' (E)


Triple X v Backstreet Boyz & partner of their choosing (E-)


Ring Wizards v Pride of Britain (E-)


Jeff Jarrett v CM Punk (D+)


Bryan Danielson v Steve Corino (E+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Shane Douglas (E)

Latin American Exchange v Tatanka & Ernest Miller (E+)


There is no way Tatanka and The Cat walk away with the win in this match.

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Desmond Wolfe defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir in 6:25 by pinfall with a Guvnor's Crumpet. D



Friday, week 2, November 2002

Autry Court, Houston, TX.


Rick Steiner arrives at the arena in a silver pick up. He steps out of his car and is met by a charging Ken Shamrock. He beats on Steiner and lays him out with a belly to belly suplex onto the pick up's hood. He then searches Steiner's car and comes out angry, shouting "Where's my damn belt" as he storms off. C


Triple X (Kazarian & Romero, with Francine) v Paul London & Trent Acid

With the respective trios warming up for their six man match at Turning Point, this was going to be a good indicator as to who might come out on top at the big pay per view. Kazarian is still a little hampered by his injury, while London disappointed. The action was solid enough but the crowd haven't warmed up yet. Triple X emerged on top in 9:09 when Rocky Romero defeated Paul London by pinfall with a High Speed. D-


Doug Williams (with Desmond Wolfe) v Mike Quackenbush (with Ken Anderson)

A fairly decent match between two guys who face off at Turning Point in a tag team contest. Quackenbush displayed his new found dirty tricks to the full, but Williams, formerly employing these tactics himself was wise to them and being able to counter most of these helped him to prevail in 7:46 by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. D+


Don West and Mike Tenay speculate who Jimmy Rave's opponent will be at Turning Point. They ponder over the TNA roster but and can only think of one man, Gary Steele, as he did not compete at Bound for Glory. C+




America's Most Wanted (champions, with Dawn Marie) v Glenn Gilberti & Steve Corino

Not the best tag match in the world, but then again the champs were defending against a duo who aren't normally a team. It led to a reasonably comfortable defence for the champions in 11:36 when 'Cowboy' James Storm defeated Glenn Gilberti by pinfall with a Death Sentence. America's Most Wanted make defence number 8 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. D


Vader cuts a promo backstage where he asks Joe what time it is in Samoa. He tells him he doesn't care about international time, it's Vader Time. In Samoa and in America. D-


Bam Bam Bigelow v Gary Steele

Steele returns to TNA and probably wished he hadn't. A short, poor match which Bigelow dominated, even though he didn't perform well. It was mercifully over in 2:28 by pinfall with a Greeting From Asbury Park. E


CM Punk bursts in Jeff Jarrett's locker room and tells him how disgusted he is with Jarrett's attitude to the young talent in TNA. Jarrett just flips him off and tells him they will meet at Turning Point where he will be put in his place, and that he will get a taster later tonight. E+


Ernest Miller v Homicide

A reasonable match and one that was fought evenly. Some clues to Turning Point came about at the conclusion of the match in 15:10 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. D


Buff Bagwell is following AJ Styles before he attacks him behind. He throws him into a wall before slamming him on the concrete. He stands over a prone AJ and he yells at him, telling him never to embarrass him ever again. C-


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown (with Elizabeth) & CM Punk v Jeff Jarrett & Shane Douglas

Some good action, some average heat but lacked some spark. Jarrett and Douglas gain a small edge over their Turning Point opponents by winning, but Jarrett ended up pinning Douglas' opponent in 17:38 by pinfall with The Stroke. D




Ken Shamrock comes out and delivers a seething promo directed at Rick Steiner. After rehashing recent events between the two, Shamrock promises the world that he will get revenge against Steiner. C-


AJ Styles & Samoa Joe v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell & Vader

A match worthy of being tonight's main event... well, it was the best of the night. All four men got some good offence in and AJ and Joe worked well together. Vader's bulk and experience turned out to be the difference maker though when in 25:18 he defeated Samoa Joe by pinfall with a Vader Bomb. C-



Show rating: D+

A number of angles did not reach the standard of in ring action. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.01

Profit: $2443

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Turning Point

Sunday, week 3, November 2002

Current card





Ken Shamrock (champion) v Rick Steiner (C heat)




America's Most Wanted (champions) v Monsters Inc (E+)


Samoa Joe v Vader (D+)



Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v AJ Styles (D+)


Jimmy Rave v 'Mystery tenth opponent' (E)


Triple X v Backstreet Boyz & Paul London (E)


Ring Wizards v Pride of Britain (E)


Jeff Jarrett v CM Punk (D)


Bryan Danielson v Steve Corino (E+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Shane Douglas (E+)


Latin American Exchange v Tatanka & Ernest Miller (E+)





Feast or Fired will be at Christmas Feast. Ten will compete, you can nominate five wrestlers. If they are in TNA, they will compete. If not and I can sign them, they will compete. The only ones you can't pick will be reigning TNA champions.

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Poor Gary Steele, comes back only to lose in a two minute match.:eek:


I loved the Steiner/Shamrock attack at the start of the show.


Yeah, someway to make a comeback. :D

He'll be in action again next week. Let's see if he fares any better.


I'm glad you liked the Steiner/Shamrock opening.

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