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TNA's New Beginnings II

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In a match that had some good action and average heat, Bryan Danielson defeated Air Paris in 9:14 by submission with an Arms Across America. C+




Wednesday, week 1, February 2006

Live on UrbanXtra and Request TV pay per view

Coors Events Center, Boulder, CO.



EZ Money v Vampiro

In a match hyped as the blow off match in the feud between Money and Vampiro, EZ finally got a win over his dark, cult like nemesis, getting the better of his opponent in 7:57 by pinfall with a Money Clip. The match was a decent opener, but not as good as their encounter on Explosion last month. C


Double R v Los Guerreros

Guerreros looked good prior to their title challenge scheduled for Against All Odds, although the victory came in a match that was a little tepid and non descript. Chavo & Ultimo’s arms were raised in 8:31 when Ultimo Guerrero defeated Roderick Strong by pinfall with a Reverse Superplex. C-


Backstage and Kevin Kelly congratulates ‘Cowboy’ James Storm on being the new TV champion. Cowboy says it is his first step on his path to the top. C-


Abyss (with Harley Race) v Mike Sanders

Abyss was too big and too strong for Sanders and was mostly dominant as he strolled to success in 11:04 by pinfall with The Black Hole. Sanders is looking a little stale in his current gimmick and needs a refresh. Stale or not, he was not going to beat Abyss today. C+


Backstage in the interview area, Christian Cage laughs off ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris’ reign as NWA TNA World Heavyweight Champion last year and will show him at Against All Odds that Cage is superior than Harris is. C




AK-47 (champions) v Jerry Lynn & The Miz

The champions were impressive in another successful title defence as Aries and Kash worked superbly together. The same could not be said about the former champions and challengers on this occasion, Lynn and Miz. Unlike in past matches they looked disjointed and this didn’t help their challenge one iota. The champs defended in 12:11 when Austin Aries defeated The Miz by pinfall with a 450° splash. AK-47 make defence number 5 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. After the match Lynn and Miz engaged in a heated argument, which led to the two shoving each other and leaving separately. C+


Rey Mysterio Jr is speaking backstage, excited about his chance to challenge Brother Ray for the TNA Heavyweight Championship at Against All Odds. Rey says he might lack size but he does not lack heart. And heart can wins titles. C+


Brock Lesnar (with Eric Bischoff) v Doug Williams

Lesnar was again dominant as he continues his dominant and winning start in TNA. He battered and out powered Williams for the majority of the match, and it was testament to Williams that he lasted as long as he did. Which was 11:40 before Brock took the match by pinfall with a F5. C+


Dusty Rhodes is in his office as TNA Director of Authority. There is a knock and in walks new TNA signing Mick Foley. Dusty tells Mick he has a problem and he needs Mick to help him out. Mick says he will and that he is delighted to be in Boulder, Colorado. Cheap pop from the fans. Dusty tells Mick that none of the referees are willing to referee the barbed wire match at Against All Odds between Abyss and Steve Corino, so as a hardcore legend and refereeing maestro can Mick help him and be the special guest referee. Foley says he will, and Rhodes is delighted. C




Caprice Coleman (champion) v Jamie Noble

Noble gets a deserved opportunity at the X Division Championship and this is a match that was hotly anticipated between the unbeaten Noble and the long standing and uber impressive champion Coleman. The match was open and exciting with numerous near falls from both men. It came to an unpopular conclusion though when Jerry Lynn made an appearance and attacked Caprice Coleman, causing the end of the contest in 19:59 when Jamie Noble was disqualified when Jerry Lynn ran in and attacked Caprice Coleman. Caprice Coleman makes defence number 13 of his TNA X Division title. B-


Goldust and The Truth are in the parking lot. Truth has a bulge in his pocket. Goldust is screaming at him, demanding he gives Gordon, his golden dildo, back. Truth bends down and tells Goldust that Little Jimmy doesn’t think he should do it. Goldust takes a wild swing with a punch at thin air at Truth’s waist height. Truth laughs and says that Little Jimmy moved behind Truth as he knew Goldust would be angry. Truth then says Little Jimmy says that Goldust is about to become more angry. Truth approaches a gold Chevrolet, which clearly by the nature of it belongs to Goldust. He takes the bulge out of his pocket, which turns out to be Gordon, and smashes it point first into the windscreen, causing a big crack to appear. Truth shouts “Run” to Little Jimmy as they run away from a fuming Goldust. C-




Brother Ray (champion) v Ken Shamrock

An excellent main event helped by some great chemistry demonstrated between the two. Shamrock finally got the one on one match he has been craving for some months for the Heavyweight Championship and was fully intent on making the most of it. He caused Ray a lot of trouble, but it was his new found nemesis who turned out to be the difference maker. With Ray in prime position in the Ankle Lock, John Layfield made his way to the ring and stood on the apron, distracting Ken Shamrock. He released the hold, threw a missed punch at Layfield who dropped off the apron. Shamrock then started shouting at Layfield from the ring to the floor, which allowed Ray to capitalise in 22:32 by pinfall with a Bubba Bomb after a distraction from John Layfield. Brother Ray makes defence number 3 of his TNA Heavyweight title. Great end to the show. B


Show rating: C+

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA’s popularity.

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the matches.

Attendance: 9293

Buy rate: 1.07 (new Explosion record)

Profit: $275,630


Explosion drew the second highest buy rate in TNA history.

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Saturday, week 2, February 2006

Live on UrbanXtra and Request TV pay per view

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hY-vXcmpZIw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Current card



Brother Ray (champion) v Rey Mysterio Jr (C heat)



AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash, champions) v Los Guerreros (Chavo Guerrero Jr & Ultimo Guerrero) (C-)



Caprice Coleman (champion) v Jerry Lynn ©




Abyss v Steve Corino ©


Brock Lesnar v Doug Williams (C+)


Jamie Noble v Johnny Kashmere (D+)


Christian Cage v ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris (C-)


John Layfield v Ken Shamrock ©


Al Snow & Maven v Double R (Rocky Romero & Roderick Strong) (D+)


Goldust v The Truth ©



Freedom of Choice 3 – Pick from one of the following…

Sign a wrestler

Choose a feud

There will be a tiebreaker for this prize.

Also, a monthly prize for the winner(s), is to pick a wrestler for me to profile in the thread. They do not have to be on my TNA roster, but the person must be in my game world (active or inactive). There will be no tie breaker for this prize.

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Next show: Wild and Wicked, Monday, week 4, February 2006



Next show: Powerplay, Friday, week 2, February 2006



One on One (TV)

Saturday, week 1, February 2006

Coventry Skydome Arena, Midlands, UK

Attendance: 1620

April Hunter beat Amazing Kong (D-)

Evening Express beat Wild & Wicked (D-)

Paul Burchill beat Lazz (D+)

Gary Steele beat Glenn Gilberti (D+)

Show rating: D+

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TNA has agreed with Spike a contract extension to broadcast Impact for a further four seasons.


Chavo Guerrero Jr picked up a minor injury at Against All Odds, suffering a gashed leg.


Brother Ray, Mike Sanders and Vampiro all returned clean drug tests at Explosion.


EZ Money has signed a contract extension for six months.

Abbadon has left TNA when his contract expired.


CMLL have announced they have agreed a pay per view deal with the DISH Network.

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In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Paul London defeated Little Guido in 8:19 by pinfall with a London Calling. C



Sunday, week 1, February 2006

Broadcast on Spike on Monday, week 2, February 2006

Knapp Center, Des Moines, IA.



Mick Foley starts Impact in the ring and gets the cheap pop by saying he is delighted he is in Des Moines, Iowa. Harley Race interrupts, accompanied by Abyss who is holding a coil of barbed wire. Race says he isn’t delighted Foley is here, he wished he wasn’t and wished he wasn’t in TNA. Abyss stands in front of Foley who goes on a passion filled promo saying he is delighted to be in TNA and he is not afraid of a big man in a mask, nor the barbed wire he is holding. Foley says he is used to it and won’t be afraid to use it if he has to when he referees the barbed wire match between Abyss and Steve Corino at Against All Odds. Race tells Foley he better get used to it quick, and with that Abyss attacks Foley with the barbed wire, hitting him with the face with it. Foley starts bleeding as Steve Corino rushes the ring and lays into Abyss. Abyss absorbs Corino’s shots and then hits him with the barbed wire too. Corino lies bleeding along with Foley as the crowd boo, Race laps it up and Abyss stands over his fallen foes, before the show goes to a commercial for being a blood donor. C+


Evan Karagias v The Miz

A disappointing opening contest between two wrestlers who are certainly capable of putting on a decent match. Miz got the better of Karagias in 7:54 by pinfall with a Mizard of Oz. D+


Following the match, Doug Williams comes out to the ring. Williams says he wasn’t happy with his performance on Explosion when he faced Brock Lesnar and challenges Lesnar to a rematch at Against All Odds. C-


Backstage and Kevin Kelly has Jamie Noble with him. Kelly asks Noble about his Against All Odds match against Johnny Kashmere and his thoughts on the X Division Championship. He says will will dispose of Kashmere on the pay per view and although Jerry Lynn’s interference stopped him from winning the X Division Championship on Explosion, Noble knows it is only a matter of time before the belt is his. C


Kid Kash (Tag Team Champion) v Ultimo Guerrero

A much better match between one half of the Tag Team Champions and one half of their challengers at Against All Odds, Los Guerreros. Both men gave as good as they got and it was the champion who had his arm raised, with Kash victorious in 9:07 by pinfall with a Money Maker. C


Al Snow & Maven speak backstage about their Against All Odds tag team match against Double R. Snow and Maven both say, that as former champions against a pair of nobodies, that the match is a foregone conclusion. C-


Ken Shamrock was speaking backstage, telling all that he will snap John Layfield’s ankle at Against All Odds. Layfield appears from behind Shamrock and looks like he is about to attack Shamrock from behind, only for Shamrock to turn round, see Layfield and throw a haymaker at Layfield. Layfield just dodges and bails out of the interview area. Shamrock shouts after Layfield, telling him he needs a good doctor. C




‘Cowboy’ James Storm (champion) v EZ Money

A good title match and both men put in a good stint in the ring. Money, fresh off his blow off win against Vampiro on Explosion had nearly as much as the recently crowned TV Champion Storm. Money’s momentum was dented when Storm made his second successful defence in 11:17 by pinfall with a 8-Second Ride. 'Cowboy' James Storm makes defence number 2 of his TNA TV title. C+


Christian Cage speaks from the locker room, saying he will show ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris up for what he is at Against All Odds… Lucky. C+


Eric Bischoff is seen with Brock Lesnar, who is doing one arm push ups. Bischoff says Doug Williams is stupid if he thinks he can beat a man like Brock Lesnar and Bischoff says he and Lesnar are only to happy to hurt Williams again. B-


Austin Aries (Tag Team Champion) v Chavo Guerrero Jr

The mirror match so to speak from Kash v Ultimo earlier and a tremendous affair. It was exciting, the action was electric and fast and the crowd were very much into it all. Chavo gained an important win as had Aries won, both the Tag Team Champions would have beaten both the challengers and the championship match at Against All Odds may have become one sides. Chavo’s triumph came in 12:36 by pinfall with a Gory Bomb. B


More backstage weirdness between Goldust and The Truth. This time, The Truth is accusing Goldust of kidnapping Little Jimmy. Truth says he hasn’t seen him since Explosion and he knows Goldust knows something about it. Goldust says Truth is being strange, as it is not possible to kidnap somebody imaginary. Truth says Little Jimmy is not imaginary and tells Goldust if he doesn’t return Little Jimmy unharmed before Against All Odds, then he is “gonna get got”. C


Dudleys (Brother Ray is World Champion) v Caprice Coleman (X Division Champion) & Rey Mysterio Jr

Coleman and Mysterio proved to be an exciting team, with fast action and quick tags which troubled their far more established tag team opponents in a very good main event. With the much smaller pairing with the advantage, things were completely turned on their head when Jerry Lynn came to the ring and attacked Caprice Coleman, who was standing on the apron with Rey Mysterio being the legal man. Lynn and Coleman fought to the back, leaving Rey to face the Dudleys on his own. Rey put up a sterling effort and was resilient, but the handicap came too much and the World Champion got the fall in 17:10 when Brother Ray defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. by pinfall with a 3D. Ray stood over the downed Rey and held the World Championship belt aloft as Impact went off air. B-


Show rating: C+

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA’s popularity.

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the matches.

Attendance: 3819

Loss: $51,416

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Saturday, week 2, February 2006

Live on UrbanXtra and Request TV pay per view

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hY-vXcmpZIw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Brother Ray (champion) v Rey Mysterio Jr (C+ heat)



AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash, champions) v Los Guerreros (Chavo Guerrero Jr & Ultimo Guerrero) (C-)



Caprice Coleman (champion) v Jerry Lynn ©




Abyss v Steve Corino ©


Brock Lesnar v Doug Williams ©


Jamie Noble v Johnny Kashmere (C-)


Christian Cage v ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris ©


John Layfield v Ken Shamrock ©


Al Snow & Maven v Double R (Rocky Romero & Roderick Strong) (D+)


Goldust v The Truth ©



Freedom of Choice 3 – Pick from one of the following…

Sign a wrestler

Choose a feud

There will be a tiebreaker for this prize.

Also, a monthly prize for the winner(s), is to pick a wrestler for me to profile in the thread. They do not have to be on my TNA roster, but the person must be in my game world (active or inactive). There will be no tie breaker for this prize.

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Next show: Wild and Wicked, Monday, week 4, February 2006




Friday, week 2, February 2006

Flea Country, TN.

Attendance: 124

Balls Mahoney beat Vordell Walker (D-)

Nick Mondo beat Ray Gordy (D-)

Cheetah Master beat Elijah Burke (D)

Mike Awesome beat Scotty Riggs (D+)

Charles Wright beat Maven to retain the World Heavyweight Championship ©

Show rating: C-




Next show: One on One (TV), Saturday, week 1, February 2006

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Impact drew a 2.08 rating on Spike.


WWE star Booker T will miss three weeks of action with a twisted knee.


Monty Brown has won the APW Universal Heavyweight Championship for the third time, defeating Vampiro who didn’t manage a successful defence.

Michael Modest has won the Zero One Nationwide Championship, defeating Gun Talwar who managed twenty four successful defences.

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Brother Ray (champion) v Rey Mysterio Jr (C+ heat)



AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash, champions) v Los Guerreros (Chavo Guerrero Jr & Ultimo Guerrero) (C-)



Caprice Coleman (champion) v Jerry Lynn ©




Abyss v Steve Corino ©


Brock Lesnar v Doug Williams ©


Jamie Noble v Johnny Kashmere (C-)


Christian Cage v ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris ©


John Layfield v Ken Shamrock ©


Al Snow & Maven v Double R (Rocky Romero & Roderick Strong) (D+)


Goldust v The Truth ©

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Brother Ray (champion) v Rey Mysterio Jr (C+ heat)



AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash, champions) v Los Guerreros (Chavo Guerrero Jr & Ultimo Guerrero) (C-)



Caprice Coleman (champion) v Jerry Lynn ©




Abyss v Steve Corino ©


Brock Lesnar v Doug Williams ©


Jamie Noble v Johnny Kashmere (C-)


Christian Cage v ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris ©


John Layfield v Ken Shamrock ©


Al Snow & Maven v Double R (Rocky Romero & Roderick Strong) (D+)


Goldust v The Truth ©

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<p>PRE SHOW</p><p>

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, New Announce Team defeated Divine Storm in 5:49 when The Amazing Red defeated Chris Divine by pinfall with a Code Red. <strong>C</strong></p><p> </p><p>


Saturday, week 2, February 2006</p><p>

Portland Memorial Coliseum, Portland, OR.</p><p>


Live on UrbanXtra and Request TV pay per view</p><p>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hY-vXcmpZIw" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/embed/hY-vXcmpZIw"</a> frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Snow & Maven (with Jimmy Hart) v Double R</strong></p><p>

A solid if unspectacular opening match that did at least manage to get the crowd warmed up. For most of the match, Al Snow was assertively pushing Maven on, but Maven was at the wrong end of an upset in 7:55 when Rocky Romero defeated Maven by pinfall with a fast roll up. Following the match Snow and Maven argued in the ring which ended with them shoving each other, and Maven rolling out of the ring without his partner. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jamie Noble v Johnny Kashmere</strong></p><p>

A slightly better match on the opener, but not as good as the X Division can be and Jamie Noble’s previous matches have been. He was once again considerably better than his opponent and this was reflected in the outcome, when Noble took the bout in 12:30 by submission with a Guillotine Choke. <strong>C</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage and Eric Bischoff is seen with his client, the imposing Brock Lesnar. Bischoff questions Williams wisdom in wanting to face Lesnar again, when Brock destroyed him on Explosion a couple of weeks ago. Bischoff says Lesnar is only too happy to do it again though. <strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>NWA TNA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP</strong></p><p><strong>

AK-47 (champions) v Los Guerreros</strong></p><p>

A very good match which saw some great action between two quick and exciting tag teams. Both teams had their fair share in the match, showcasing some great individual and tag team moves. There were also numerous near falls from both teams as the fans were kept on the edge of their seats for much of the match, cheering and booing for their teams of choice. In the end though, it was Austin Aries and Kid Kash walking out with the straps in 15:32 when Kid Kash defeated Ultimo Guerrero by pinfall with a Money Maker. AK-47 make defence number 6 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. <strong>B-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Christian Cage speaks from the locker room, fully confident he will defeat ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris tonight. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Goldust v The Truth</strong></p><p>

A bizarre match on the hole, with Truth speaking to Little Jimmy at numerous times in the match, and also wrestling with Gordon in his pocket, Goldust’s golden dildo. Goldust also performed his usual queer antics in the ring. With all this going on, there were often times when the crowd were laughing, rather than applauding or cheering for good wrestling action. The match’s conclusion came when Goldust managed to retrieve Gordon from Truth’s ass pocket and promptly nailed Little Jimmy in the head with it, judging by Truth’s shocked reaction, staring wide eyed at Goldust and shouting at him why he did that. Goldust then hit Truth in the forehead with Gordon, ending the match as Mickey Jay called for the bell in 15:12 with Truth winning by disqualification. <strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brock Lesnar (with Eric Bischoff) v Doug Williams</strong></p><p>

Lesnar did not quite destroy Williams like Bischoff promised, but he certainly left him battered and bruised in a largely one sided contest with Lesnar man handling Williams for the majority of it. The win ended up being academic and came in 13:29 by pinfall with a Tornado Face Slam. <strong>C</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage and Kevin Kelly interviews Ken Shamrock about his match with John Layfield tonight. Shamrock is so intense that even though Kelly is not the subject of Shamrock’s intensity, he feels intimidated. <strong>C</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian Cage v ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris</strong></p><p>

Cage made good on his boasts that he would beat Harris, but the match was a lot closer than he was expecting it to be. Harris fought hard as he always does, and the former World Champion came closer to getting the better of Cage. Cage digged deep though and with the help of some trickery, pulled it out of the bag in 16:44 by pinfall with an Unprettier. <strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Layfield v Ken Shamrock</strong></p><p>

A match that should have been considerably better than it was, Shamrock won a mediocre contest when he forced Layfield to tap out to save having his ankle broken in 18:54 by submission with an Ankle Lock. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage and Kevin Kelly is speaking to ‘Cowboy’ James Storm, who talks himself up as the best TV champion in TNA history. <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>BARBED WIRE MATCH</strong></p><p><strong>

SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE: MICK FOLEY</strong></p><p><strong>

Abyss (with Harley Race) v Steve Corino</strong></p><p>

As expected, a brutal affair with both men bleeding profusely within minutes courtesy of having their flesh ripped apart by the barbed wire, despite both men being prepared and wearing full clothing. Race’s involvement in the match was non-existent, due to the barbed wire he was unwilling to get near it.</p><p>

Foley did get involved. For much of the match he called it straight down the middle. That is with Abyss unhappy at a perceived slow count, he attacked Foley, before shoving him back first into the barbed wire. Foley didn’t take this lying down, he fought back and with the help of Abyss’ opponent Steve Corino, floored the monster. They picked him up, and performed a double vertical suplex onto a barbed wire board which Corino had slid into the ring, which led to Foley counting to three for a Corino victory in 20:27. <strong>C</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Brother Ray cut a promo on the upcoming Heavyweight Championship match, saying he hates Mexicans and little people. <strong>C</strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP</strong></p><p><strong>

Caprice Coleman (champion) v Jerry Lynn</strong></p><p>

A good match but not great, Coleman didn’t perform as well as he has been in recent months but was still able to defeat his experienced opponent. Lynn gave him a lot of trouble, but just came up short in 23:20 by pinfall with a Thermal Shock. Caprice Coleman makes defence number 14 of his TNA X Division title. <strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Prior to the main event, Mike Tenay and Potter run through the tale of the tape. <strong>E+</strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>TNA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP</strong></p><p><strong>

Brother Ray (champion) v Rey Mysterio Jr</strong></p><p>

A main event of a decent quality, with Ray trying to bully Rey through the match. Rey is all heart and fights with it as well as his speed and despite the large size difference, he nearly captured the title of Ray on a few occasions. Crowd chants of Ray or Rey did not make it clear who they wanted to win, though smart marks know that Rey is more popular than Ray. Ray managed to eventually get the better of Rey to keep his title in 30:53 by pinfall with a Bubba Bomb. Brother Ray makes defence number 4 of his TNA Heavyweight title. Ray beat Rey. <strong>B-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show rating: C</strong></p><p>

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA’s popularity.</p><p>

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the matches.</p><p>

Attendance: 8374</p><p>

Buy rate: 1.01</p><p>

Profit: $238,081</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Against All Odds drew the fourth biggest buy rate in TNA history.</p>

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1. Jay 7</p><p>

1. Kijar 7</p><p> </p><p>

Well done to Jay and Kijar. As I won't be able to post another Impact for probably a week, then you can both win and choose to either sign a wrestler or choose a feud. Also, you can both select a wrestler for me to profile.</p>

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Next show: Wild and Wicked, Monday, week 4, February 2006</p><p> </p><p>


Next show: Blown Away, Saturday, week 1, May 2006</p><p> </p><p>


One on One</p><p>

Storm Arena, Midlands, UK</p><p>

Attendance: 1524</p><p>

Howard Hogan beat Anthony Carelli (E)</p><p>

Gail Kim beat Shantelle Taylor (D-)</p><p>

Vampiro beat Lazz (C-)</p><p>

Glenn Gilberti & Paul Burchill beat Gary Steele & Nigel McGuinness (D+)</p><p>

Show rating: D+</p>

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<p>I lol'ed at quite a few lines ("Ray beats Rey" and Gordon, of course) and it was a great show, of course, so I got to wondering... what are your plans for TEW13, Nobby?</p><p> </p><p>

Will you be getting the game or continuing with this long-running classic?</p>

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I lol'ed at quite a few lines ("Ray beats Rey" and Gordon, of course) and it was a great show, of course, so I got to wondering... what are your plans for TEW13, Nobby?


Will you be getting the game or continuing with this long-running classic?


Thanks Mich.


I want to continue with this game. I've made great strides since starting the save and as long as I keep getting the readers, I'm happy to keep going.

I definately won't have enough time to do both this save and a new one on 13. I have played the demo and think the game seems very promising, but unless this save goes tits up or the readers go, I won't change yet.

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I've made a massive boo boo. I have written the next two Impact shows, but when saving the second one, I saved over the first and have no back up copy. Here is a brief write up.



Sunday, week 2, February 2006

Broadcast on Spike on Monday, week 3, February 2006

Detrick Gym, New Britain, CT.


Caprice Coleman gets TNA Director of Authority Dusty Rhodes to sign off on the X Division Champion having the choice to relinquish his title at Destination X each year and challenge the TNA Heavyweight Champion in return.


Al Snow blames Maven for their recent defeats and breaks up the tag team.


Paul London beat Shawn Daivari.


Goldust freaks out Kevin Kelly by rubbing Gordon in his face.


A video plays profiling the Tag Team Champions, AK-47.


Brother Ray says Rey Mysterio gave him a large amount of trouble for a little guy.


Latin American Exchange beat Happy Bummers.


Mick Foley meets Abyss backstage and Harley Race pulls Abyss away before he hurts Foley, telling him to wait until Lockdown.


Ken Shamrock makes John Layfield retreat when he says next time he will snap his ankle.


Chavo Guerrero Jr beat Mike Sanders.


Jamie Noble challenges Doug Williams to a match at Destination X.


Christian Cage is happy that he proved 'Wildcat' Chris Harris was a lucky champion.


'Cowboy' James Storm beat 'Wildcat' Chris Harris to retain the TV Title.


The Miz consoles an upset Maven.


Dusty Rhodes gives Steve Corino another chance at the TNA Heavyweight Championship on Explosion.


Brock Lesnar beat The Truth.


Show rating: C+

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA’s popularity.

Attendance: ???

Loss: $???



Normal service (including news) will resume after the next show! Apologies.

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Saturday, week 3, March 2006

Live on UrbanXtra and Request TV pay per view

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DeumyOzKqgI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Brother Ray (champion) v Caprice Coleman?





Doug Williams v Jamie Noble (C-)



Pick the team captains for Lethal Lockdown (tiebreaker if required).

Plus the monthly prize of picking anybody to profile (no tiebreaker).

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TNA TV TITLE - 'Cowboy' James Storm (champion) v 'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown

Brock Lesnar v Rey Mysterio Jr

Christian Cage v Ken Shamrock

Austin Aries (Tag Team Champion) v Maven

Los Guerreros (Chavo Guerrero Jr & Ultimo Guerrero) v Young Bucks (Matt Buck & Nick Buck)

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Thanks Mich.


I want to continue with this game. I've made great strides since starting the save and as long as I keep getting the readers, I'm happy to keep going.

I definately won't have enough time to do both this save and a new one on 13. I have played the demo and think the game seems very promising, but unless this save goes tits up or the readers go, I won't change yet.


Cool. I'm on the same boat, basically. TEW 2013 looks and feels spectacular, but I'm too emotionally invested in TEW 2010 :o


Anyway, I know I don't normally pick on TV shows, but here's a prediction:


Next show



TNA TV TITLE - 'Cowboy' James Storm (champion) v 'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown

Brock Lesnar v Rey Mysterio Jr


Christian Cage v Ken Shamrock

Austin Aries (Tag Team Champion) v Maven

Los Guerreros (Chavo Guerrero Jr & Ultimo Guerrero) v Young Bucks (Matt Buck & Nick Buck)

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Cool. I'm on the same boat, basically. TEW 2013 looks and feels spectacular, but I'm too emotionally invested in TEW 2010 :o

That makes three! (Except the save I'm emotionally invested in is from TEW 2008) :o



TNA TV TITLE - 'Cowboy' James Storm (champion) v 'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown

Brock Lesnar v Rey Mysterio Jr

Christian Cage v Ken Shamrock

Austin Aries (Tag Team Champion) v Maven

Los Guerreros (Chavo Guerrero Jr & Ultimo Guerrero) v Young Bucks (Matt Buck & Nick Buck)

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