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WWF 1995 Running on DIESEL POWER!!

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WWF Raw 1/9/1995




The Show Opens with Vince Mcmahon addressing the Superstars backstage:


VM: Alright, as you know yesterday Greg Gagne tryed to make a fool of me and the entire World Wrestling Federation and he challenged us to a 4 man team match. and I know alot of you are wondering who I would choose to be on the WWF team. Well My answer is simple. I knew right away who would be on the team and those men are the WWF champion Diesel, The Undertaker, Shawn Micheals and Sid Vicious. I know You all have issuses with each other BUT tonight You need to act like best friends and work together or because if you lose I will make your lives a living hell.


Diesel: You got it, Vince. We wont let you down.


VM: I would deffinatly hope so.


(Vince turns and leaves. The entire locker room look at the four men that will be on the team. the camera switches out to ringside Where Jim Ross and Jim Cornette are sitting at the announcers booth.


JR: Welcome to Monday Night Raw I'm Jim Ross and my broadcast partner for the night is Jim Cornette.


JC: I'm so excited JR. THe is so much on the line tonight. I mean We could have a new boss tonight.


JR: That could very well happen Jim. But now we know who will be on the WWF team I have a hard time thinking that This "NEW" AWA could match the power game we have.


JC: But we have no clue who "THEY" have on there team and there is alot of dessention in the wrestler's backstage alot of what Greg Gagne said alot of the locker room agrees with.


JR: Well I heard Mr. McMahon Will be dealing with the roster moral after tonight. But lets get to the first match.



123 kid defated Fatu via submission at 6:37

After the kid locked on a move he calls the buzzkiller.



JR: the kid is on an amazing winning streak.


JC: yeah but i don't see it lasting much Longer.


JR: Well i disagree this kids got more heart than many of the men backstage.


JC: all the more reason that they will all want to destroy his spirt JR.


JR: destroy his spirt? I hope not Jim. but up next we have tag team action as the Smoking gunns take on The Godwinns



The Godwinns defeated The Smoking Gunns via pin at 10:24

After The godwinns shoved Billy's head in a slop bucket and then billy left up the ramp complaining about his hair leaving Bart Gunn to be double teamed billy comes back down but is to late to break up the pin.


(The Gunns Argue after the match Bart says Billy is more worried about his looks than the team. Then backstage there is an uproar, the camera switches back there. We see Sid Vicious and Shawn Micheals both laid out Micheals a bloody mess. Marty Jannetty and Jeff Jarrett are the first on the scene they are yelling for help as Vince McMahon and the parmedics show up.)


VM: What Happened?


Jannetty: I'm not sure. i heard a comotion and next thing i see are these two laid out.


VM: Well what am I going to do they were on team WWF.


Jarrett: We can help you with this, Vince let Me and Jannetty take their places.


VM: You two. (he looks scepticalbut then agrees.) Well Jarrett you better not let me down.



(Vince Walks away while Jarrett has a smile on his face. we go back ringside, while Nelson Knight comes to the ring with a micro phone.)


Knight: HAHA So lets get this overwith Who backstage is willing to come out here and have me kick there ass?


(Doink the clowns music hits and he comes down to the ring.)


Knight: You got to be kiddin me....


(while knight is laughing, Doink attacks)




Nelson Knight Destroys Doink the Clown 0:45

after four Big splashes by Knight


(Knight picks up the microphone)


Knight: maybe yall do better next week (Knight leaves the ring laughing)



JC: That man scares me, Jr


JR: Me too, Jim.... But now its time for the Main Event!!!!!!



(Greg Gagne comes threw the crowd flanked by Jerry Lawler and three other men and grabs a microphone.)


Gagne: Hello EVERYONE!!!! Are you all ready for this? (The crowd roars) Well let me introduce you to the New AWA's team First this Big Man here is Mike AWESOME, The man to my left here is Tazz and to my far right is Lance storm.


(Vince Leads his team down to ringside.)

Vince: well thats all well and good but where is your fourth man?


Gagne: don't you worry, Vince. He'll make himself known tonight don't worry about it.


(Gagne and Vince both leave the ring on opposite sides. Vince looks furious.)




team WWF


The Undertaker

Marty Jannetty

Jeff Jarrett





Mike Awesome

Lance Storm





Team AWA Defeated Team WWF via No Contest at 14:56

The Match starts with Lance Storm and The undertaker. Lance Storm was eliminated 1st. then the Undertaker is attacked by a man wearing a brown outfit and a leather mask causing him to be counted out. Diesel then enters for the WWF and dominates the competition eliminating Mike Awesome and then is eliminated with Tazz via countout. and it seems the the WWF has won until Skip,Now calling himself Chris Candido attacks Jarrett and is announced to be the AWA's fourth man its not long before Jarrett gets the upper hand and locks on the Figure Four leg lock. Just Then Marty Janetty attacks Jeff Jarrett and Joins the AWA. Jannetty then allows Candido to pin Jarrett and himself giving the AWA the win.




1: Lance Storm

2: The Undertaker

3: Mike Awesome

4; Tazz

5: Diesel

6: Jeff Jarrett

7: Marty Jannetty




(The Show Goes off the air as Vince McMahon and everyone is speechless.)



see you at Superstars!!!

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Backstage News:



Vince McMahon is Furious at the men who were Team WWF this past week on Raw and has announced that he will get an official PUBLIC APOLOGY from each of the men except Marty Jannetty who showed his "True Colors" on Monday and defected to The NEW AWA. And that all Three men will be in action on RAW.


Mr. McMahon also had a meeting with Greg Gagne after Raw this past week and they have come to the agreement that:


The WWF maintains control over Raw while The NEW AWA gets total control over Superstars.


The WWF will Keep all their Championships while The NEW AWA will have their own championships.


and The AWA will bring in Wrestlers they deem "fit" their style of wrestling.





Show Previews:




Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio jr. vs. Taka Michinoku vs. Ultimo Dragon



Justin Credible vs. Perry Saturn


Mike Awesome & Lance Storm vs. Rob Van Dam & Al Snow




A 15 man Battle Royal for the AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE


1.) Al Snow

2.) Marty Jannetty

3.) Ron Simmons

4.) Rob Van Dam

5.) Mike Awesome

6.) Tazz

7.) Chris Candido

8.) Chris Benoit

9.) Savio Vega

10.) Justin Credible

11.) Perry Saturn

12.) Lance Storm

13.) Ken Shamrock

14.) D'Lo Brown

15.) Bob Holly


Who will be THE AWA CHAMPIONS find out on SUPERSTARS






Kama & King Kong Bundy vs. Owen Hart and the British Bulldog (Tag Title Semi Finals Tournament Match)


The Bushwhackers vs. Shawn Micheals and Sid Vicious (Tag Title Semi Finals Tournament Match)


The Undertaker vs. Yokozuna


Jeff Jarrett vs. Nelson Knight


Diesel vs. Bam Bam Bigelow



WWF Royal Rumble preliminary preview:


Diesel Vs. Razor Ramon WWF Title Vs. The intercontinental Title



WWF Tag Team Title Match



Royal Rumble Match

1 Shawn Micheals

2 Adam Bomb

3 Sid Vicious

4 Bam Bam Bigelow

5 Fatu

6 The 123 Kid

7 Henry Godwinn

8 Billy Gunn

9 Bart Gunn

10 Nelson Knight

11 Lex Luger

12 Bob Backlund

13 Yokozuna

14 King Kong Bundy

15 Bret Hart

16 I.R.S.

17 Phineas I. Godwinn

18 Luke

19 Kama

20 Butch

21 Hunter Hearst Helmsley

22 British Bulldog

23 The Undertaker

24 Owen Hart

25 Doink the Clown

26 Eli Blu

27 Jacob Blu

28 ??????

29 ??????

30 ??????





Take your picks!!!

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any predictions for Superstars?





Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio jr. vs. Taka Michinoku vs. Ultimo Dragon



Justin Credible vs. Perry Saturn


Mike Awesome & Lance Storm vs. Rob Van Dam & Al Snow




A 15 man Battle Royal for the AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE


1.) Al Snow

2.) Marty Jannetty

3.) Ron Simmons

4.) Rob Van Dam

5.) Mike Awesome

6.) Tazz

7.) Chris Candido

8.) Chris Benoit

9.) Savio Vega

10.) Justin Credible

11.) Perry Saturn

12.) Lance Storm

13.) Ken Shamrock

14.) D'Lo Brown

15.) Bob Holly


Who will be THE AWA CHAMPIONS find out on SUPERSTARS

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any predictions for Superstars?





Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio jr. vs. Taka Michinoku vs. Ultimo Dragon



Justin Credible vs. Perry Saturn


Mike Awesome & Lance Storm vs. Rob Van Dam & Al Snow




A 15 man Battle Royal for the AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE


1.) Al Snow

2.) Marty Jannetty

3.) Ron Simmons

4.) Rob Van Dam

5.) Mike Awesome

6.) Tazz

7.) Chris Candido

8.) Chris Benoit

9.) Savio Vega

10.) Justin Credible

11.) Perry Saturn

12.) Lance Storm

13.) Ken Shamrock

14.) D'Lo Brown

15.) Bob Holly


Who will be THE AWA CHAMPIONS find out on SUPERSTARS


Seems like Candido is going to be the big man on campus, so I'll go with him.

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Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio jr. vs. Taka Michinoku vs. Ultimo Dragon



Justin Credible vs. Perry Saturn


Mike Awesome & Lance Storm vs. Rob Van Dam & Al Snow




A 15 man Battle Royal for the AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE


1.) Al Snow

2.) Marty Jannetty

3.) Ron Simmons

4.) Rob Van Dam

5.) Mike Awesome

6.) Tazz

7.) Chris Candido

8.) Chris Benoit

9.) Savio Vega

10.) Justin Credible

11.) Perry Saturn

12.) Lance Storm

13.) Ken Shamrock

14.) D'Lo Brown

15.) Bob Holly

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Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio jr. vs. Taka Michinoku vs. Ultimo Dragon



Justin Credible vs. Perry Saturn

Thought about this one for a while but Credible is generally better.


Mike Awesome & Lance Storm vs. Rob Van Dam & Al Snow




A 15 man Battle Royal for the AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE


1.) Al Snow

2.) Marty Jannetty

3.) Ron Simmons

4.) Rob Van Dam

5.) Mike Awesome

6.) Tazz

7.) Chris Candido

8.) Chris Benoit

9.) Savio Vega

10.) Justin Credible

11.) Perry Saturn

12.) Lance Storm

13.) Ken Shamrock

14.) D'Lo Brown

15.) Bob Holly

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