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Pretty In Yellow

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Sara: I'm starting it off this time. Hello again everybody and welcome to Pretty in Yellow. I'm Sara Silver being joined again by Mr. Funny man himself, Davis Ditterich.


Davis: Well thank you Sara for that warm introduction.

Sara: You see? I think I do a lot better job at opening up the show.



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Dharma makes her way to the ring. She looks a bit more serious then she did last week after Ultra Girl revealed herself to be J-Ro.


Ok, like, I'm out here for more SERIOUS business, if you all don't mind. Last week was the WORST NIGHT OF MY LIFE! First of all, who does J-Ro think she is? What, does she think she's cleaver by hiding under a mask until the right time? No, if anything, she's a stupid bitch and I hate her! It's not fair!


The crowd boos


SHUT UP! This is my time right now! She shouldn't have any right waltzing into BSC and challenging me for the championship. The title is supposed to be for the best in our company! Not some random bitch who got lucky at Lethal Lottery. You know, if Mr. Emigh was here right now, he'd set things straight!



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J-Ro stops on the ramp


Do you ever stop to listen to yourself? Do you ever realize how much bull**** is coming out of that mouth of yours? Personally, I don't see how you can live with yourself. You have built yourself up on this pedestal and you actually have yourself believing that you ARE the goddess of wrestling!


You don't know what your talking about! I am the best on the west coast!


See? There you go again. I'm SURE that if Anne Stardust were to sign you to AAA, you wouldn't last 5 minutes up there. Then again, I'm sure your first match there they'd sick Gorgon on you and squash that pretty little ass of yours, punto.


The crowd starts chanting 'J-Ro' which irritates Dharma even more.


I tell you what, mama, if you and Kat beat Nadia and I tonight in our tag match, I'll give up my #1 contender spot and leave you alone. If I win though, I get to pick the stipulation for our match!


Dharma thinks for a moment.


I think we got ourselves a deal. I'll see you later tonight!


She says with an evil smile as the camera cuts back to Sara and Davis.




Davis: It looked like Dharma had some evil intentions after the challenge from J-Ro.


Sara: If she wants that shot at the title she's gonna have to watch her back throughout the night.



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Ladies and Gentlemen this is our first match of the evening and it is a semi finals match for the Glitz and Glam Championship. Introducing first, representing The Mob, Alison Capone!



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Entering second, she is a former Sin City Champion, Tamera McFly!


As Tamera enters the ring, Alison launches an assault as the bell rings.


Both Babes put up a great fight, but towards the end of the match, Tamera overtook Alison and put her away with the McFly roll.


Your winner and advancing to the finals later tonight, Tamera McFly!




The camera cuts to backstage where Honey is standing by with Amber Allen.



Your semi finals match with Jaime Quine is up next and the BSCaction.com forum is filled with predictions that you are going to take the belt tonight. What are you thoughts?


The fans are right, once again! Tamera and I have both been on a roll as of late and we are going to continue to dominate until the finals. Given, since we ARE gonna face each other, one of us has to go down. I'm sorry to say Tammy, but we talked about this. If you get in my way of winning the championship, I'll go right through you.


She blows a kiss to the camera and heads out towards the ring where the cameras cut back to.


Our second match of the evening is scheduled for one fall and is a semi finals match up for the Glitz and Glam Championship!



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Introducing first, she is one half of The A-Team with Nadia Snow, Jaime Quine!



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Up next, she is one half of TAM-BER, Amber Allen!


As Amber gets into the ring, Jaime goes toe to toe with her, throwing insults her way waiting for the bell. As it sounds, both Babes begin to trade punches.


Half way through the match, Jaime finally gains the upper hand and goes onto the offensive, where eventually she delivers the K.O. kick and drops Amber like a ton of bricks, then scoring the 3 count.




The winner of the match and moving onto the finals to face Tamera McFly, Jaime Quine!


The camera cuts backstage where a camera man follows Kat Neptune.



She turns around.


Listen, you need to stop following me. **** off!


She pushes the camera man down. After it hits the ground, the camera captures Kat walking into The Mob's dressing room.


Davis: Whatever is going on there, I don't like it.


Sara: What? She can't have friends? Maybe she was going in for a little visit.


We cut to Honey standing by with Tamera McFly.




In just moments, you will be taking on Jaime Quine for the Glitz and Glam Championship, and might I add, she's still standing out in that ring waiting. Thoughts?


Well, it is unfortunate that Amber lost that match. I'm sure we could have tore the house down facing each other. No matter though. I'll still win the title for us. I just have to take down Jaime Quine and I'll be home free with that title. Now I'm not saying that it will be an easy task, but it won't be as hard with her tired like this.

Tamera walks off.




Let's head back to the ring!




Tamera begins walking down to the ring without her music. Jaime is seen rubbing her hands together in the ring, waiting for the match to start.


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the finals for the Glitz and Glam Championship!




Introducing first, She is already in the ring and ready for more action, Jaime Quine!


Finally, Tamera steps through the ropes. Before Davis and start announcing, Jaime spears Tamera which makes Heather call for the bell.

Sara: Better watch yourself out there, Ditter. These girls will hurt ya if you're in there way!


The match is extremely back and forth, with both Babes scoring a lot of close falls. At the end, Tamera hits the ropes and goes for a clothesline which Jaime ducks under. She hits the ropes again but this time is met with a K.O. kick from Jaime.


You're winner and NEW Glitz and Glam Champion, Jaime Quine!



The crowd stands up and applauds the great match both Tamera and Jaime put on for the belt.




The camera, once again, cuts back to Honey standing by with J-Ro, Nadia, and Jen Neptune.




Tonight has got to be a big night for you J-Ro. After the challenge you put up earlier for Dharma to consider, what is your plan? You know Dharma is gonna try and cheat herself a win in this match.


You're right about that. I've watched Dharma ever since Mr. Emigh took over and she's done NOTHING but cheat to win. I have no idea what she's up to, but we're ready for anything.




I'm with J-Ro. Dharma is cooking something up. What? I have no idea. I've worked with her long enough to know she's gonna screw us somehow, but that's why I asked Jen to come along with us, to be our eyes and ears outside of the ring. If **** hits the fan, Jen will let us know.


With your sister's actions these past few weeks, what's going through your mind with this upcoming match?


To be honest, this whole situation hurts me. I don't like fighting with my sister but she does truly believe that I ****ed her over for the shot at the Sin City title. I didn't do such a thing. I would never do that to my own twin sister. Everything I do and say, she just ends up ignoring. So what it comes down to, if I have to beat some sense into my sister, then that's what I'll do!


All three leave and head towards the ring.




Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our main event of the evening!



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Introducing first, the team of Kat Neptune and the Sin City Champion, Dharma!



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Entering next, accompanied by Jen Neptune, J-Ro and Nadia Snow!


Nadia and Kat start off the match, circling each other. Finally both go for a lockup but Nadia's quickness quickly gains her the upper hand by applying a side headlock to Kat. She pushes Nadia off the ropes and connects with a drop toe hold. Kat quickly sits on Nadia's back and grabs her hair. She pulls back as hard as she can. Nadia lets out a scream as Jen starts to hit the mat. Heather breaks the hold and Kat gets up, waiting for Nadia. As she starts to push herself up, she hits a swinging neck breaker, which lays her out.


Sara: You know Ditter, is it me or does has Kat's wrestling ability improved since the last time she was in the ring?


Davis: It really does seem like it.

Kat goes for the cover.








Kat begins to pull Nadia up to her feet, where she grabs her head and performs a suplex, landing her closer to Dharma's corner. Kat tags Dharma in and holds both of Nadia's feet. Dharma gets on the second rope and lands an elbow drop, then going for the cover.








Nadia kicks out yet again, causing Dharma to snap and start slamming Nadia's head into the mat with her hair. Heather tries to break it up, but Dharma pushes her away. J-Ro comes in, grabs Dharma by her hair and pulls her off of Nadia. As Heather pushes J out of the ring, Kat gets up on the top and lands a leg drop then rolling out of the ring before Heather turns around. Dharma see's her laid out and drops to her knees and covers her.








Davis: Nadia isn't gonna give up that easily!


Dharma grabs Nadia by her hair and holds her up. With a free hand, she tags in Kat who again, goes to the top rope. She jumps for a double ax handle but Nadia ducks out of the way and Kat hit's her partner instead. J-Ro is almost leaning over the top rope with her hand extended to make the tag. Nadia pulls herself over to her corner as Kat tries to help Dharma up. Just as she was about to make a tag, Kat lands a small elbow drop on the back of Nadia's head, then flipping J-Ro off before pulling Nadia back to the center of the ring.


Davis: What a sign of disrespect!


Sara: Um Ditter....I think that's what she was going for...


As Kat stands over Nadia, Nadia quickly grabs Kat's neck and leg and goes for the small package pin.








As Kat kicks out, she makes a quick lunge to her corner and finally tags in J-Ro, causing the crowd to pop. She quickly gets in and lands a clothesline on Kat. She mounts her and begins laying in the punches, before turning her attention to Dharma. She grabs her hair and brings her in the hard way. Dharma begins to scream as J-Ro puts the boots to her, with Heather trying to push her away. Finally J-Ro backs off, but not before seeing Kat pushing herself up off the mat. Just as she turns around, J-Ro connects with a stiff super kick to the jaw, and goes for the pin.








Nadia and Jen get into the ring and hug.


Your winners, Nadia Snow and J-Ro!







The Mob runs out and begins attacking all three. Nadia, J, and Jen put up a good fight until Dharma sneaks up behind and attacks them with a chair. Kat finally gets up and all 5 are putting the boots to the winners. After the beating, all 5 grab raise each others hands as the show goes off the air.


Overall: 43


Copyright 2010 Babes of Sin City

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Source: TEW.com



Babes of Sin City Sign 5 new Babes


Pictured: Golden Delicious, Kinuye, Principessa, Tsuki, Nina Bella


Today around 1:00 P.M., BSC owner Dennis Emigh finished signing 5 new girls to his promotion. As indicated on BSCaction.com, there will be a roster overhaul of sorts.


"I am looking to better this company and expand beyond Las Vegas." Dennis Emigh said today during a phone interview. "BSC is evolving, and we need to keep up with it. The fans are starting to demand some action in the form of wrestling. I am looking for girls who can work and still look smoking hot at the same time."


When asked if anybody on the roster would be replaced, he replied with a simple 'No comment.'


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Nice show & nice signings.


Not that anyone asked: As long as you keep the Twins, I'm pretty okay with most of the BSC roster being transitioned out. It fits with BSC signing Tamara and with how you've approached the diary, in general.

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New Babes vs. Originals




Golden Delicious, Kinuye, Principessa, Tsuki, Nina Bella vs. Lora Washington, Sweet as Candy, Connie Morris, Alexis Lee




TAM-BER vs. The Mob




Nadia Snow vs. Lauren Easter




Glitz and Glam Championship Match


Jaime Quine© vs. Kat Neptune




First Ever Waterfall Cage Match!


J-Ro vs. Dharma©


Tickets are going fast! Be sure and get yours today!

Quick Picks:

New Babes vs. The Originals


TAM-BER vs. The Mob


Nadia Snow vs. Lauren Easter


Jaime Quine vs. Kat Neptune


J-Ro vs. Dharma

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Davis: Hello ladies and Gentlemen I am Davis Ditterich and I'm joined by the ever so beautiful Sara Silver. Let's get to the ring to start this night off as The New Babes are set to take on The Originals right now...


The camera cuts to the ring where Alexis Lee and Golden are starting off the match.






For a 5vs5 Tag match, the match itself was pretty short, only clocking in at 9 minutes. Although the Originals held their own, the New Babes out wrestled them, with Golden picking up the win. Suddenly...



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Mr. Emigh limps out with mic in hand.

I want the 5 ladies who just lost this match to meet me in my office in ten minutes. DO NOT be late...


Davis: It's been a while since we've seen Mr. Emigh here.


Sara: He didn't look too pleased that the new girls won so easily.


Davis: Could this be the last time we see these 5 in the ring?



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J-Ro heads for the ring as she hive fives everybody walking down the aisle way.


You all seem to be glad to see me, am I right?


The crowd cheers. J-Ro waits until the crowd dies down.


I came out here to do one thing, and that is to let everybody know, ESPECIALLY Dharma, that she is no longer the top dog in BSC. I hope your enjoying the last hour you're going to have with that championship because after tonight, I'm taking it back to my hotel, and polishing it before going to bed. You see, personally, I like what Mr. Emigh wants to do with this company. He is trying to turn it into a respectful wrestling promotion. What I DON'T like is people like Dharma using the belt to get her own way, thus holding up the process. Well, that all changes toni...



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Davis: Look at Dharma! I guess the attack on J-Ro last show with The Mob wasn't just a one time thing.


Sara: I think it's safe to say that J-Ro is gonna have to expect trouble for now on.


Dharma enters the ring with a smug look on her face. Kat and Alison stand on opposite ends of the ring and J-Ro gets ready for a fight.


[Darling, don't worry about it. This is just for my protection in case you get...froggy. Haha...


Davis: She seems...different.

Anyways, I came out here to tell you that there's no chance that you're beating me tonight. I walked into this building tonight as champion, and I damn sure will walk out champion. This belt represents being the best. How are you the best? Did you work your way up through the rankings? No. Did you beat any of the other competitors? No. You got lucky in a battle royal. I can't believe Mr. Emigh approves of this...


Please, don't start with that crap. I can see right through you. You're a talentless hack who won the title by using underhand tactics like a bitch. So don't get up in my face telling me that I can't make it here. While you were still a nobody, oh wait, like you are NOW, I was wrestling around the world, making big bucks and winning championships. And do you know why?

Dharma doesn't move.


It's because I know how to actually wrestle and I look damn good doing it.


We'll just see how well you fare tonight.

Dharma snaps her fingers and all three leave the ring with J-Ro staring her down.


Davis: This could be an intense main event tonight.


Sara: You can't help but wonder what Dharma has planned for the match tonight.


Davis: There's only so much you could do in a cage match. Which reminds me, our main event. Tonight will be a special treat for everyone in the crowd and all of the fans watching from the internet. For the first time in BSC history, our main event will be a Waterfall Cage match for the Sin City Championship. This mixes the original BSC atmosphere created with good old fashion steel to keep any intruders out. You win by pinfall or submission. The unique feature of this are the four water falls on each side of the cage.


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Ladies and Gentlemen, our second match of the evening and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, the team of Amber Allen and Tamera McFly, TAM-BER!



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Next up is the team of Britney and Vampella, they are The Mob!


Amber and Vampella start the match off. Both Britney and Vampella put up a decent fight, but were on defense for the entire match. Tamera scored the win with the McFly roll.


You're winners, TAM-BER!

Suddenly, the camera's go off the air for a moment but you can still hear the announcers.




Davis: Uh...Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sorry but currently we are having some...


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Sara: Oh my god! Is that...!?


Davis: It is! It's Mr. Emigh and Honey! Uh...if the production crew can hear me in the back...




Sara can't stop laughing as the cameras cut back to them. Davis is trying to keep a straight face.



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This next match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, Nadia Snow!



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Next up, we have Lauren Easter!

As Heather rings the bell, both lockup to begin the match. Both showed off their great wrestling skills which almost had the fans on their feet. Nadia Snow wins by an old school roll up.


Your winner, Nadia Snow!


Davis: Sara, what are you doing?


Sara messes with her cell phone.


Sara: I'm trying to get a hold of Honey to get the scoop.


Davis: Oh Sara, leave her alone. That video may explain why Mr. Emigh hasn't been favoring Dharma so much.


Sara: Or why he was limping!?


Davis face palms for a moment before getting back into the ring to introduce the semi-main event.


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our semi main event of the evening. It is scheduled for one fall and is for the Glitz and Glam Championship!





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Introducing first, representing The Mob, Kat Neptune!



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Next up, she is the new Glitz and Glam Champion, Jaime Quine!

As Jaime enters the ring, Kat tries to take advantage by delivering a double ax handle to the back of Jaime. Heather calls for the bell and the match is underway.


For the first few minutes of the match, Kat keeps her upper hand on Jaime by keeping her on the ground. Eventually, Jaime begins to fight back and gets up to her feet and winning the match with a K.O. kick, making defense #1 on the Glitz and Glam championship.


Your winner and still champion, Jaime Quine!

Davis: Well, we are finally here, the main event. As they set up the cage, let's take you back stage with Honey, standing by with the Sin City Champion, Dharma.


The camera cuts to Honey.




In just moments you will be making your way down to the ring and defending against your toughest opponent yet. Your thoughts?


Ugh, you disgust me. You don't like the way things are going so you have to try and bang Mr. Emigh? And people called me the slut!


What are...


Shut up! I'm still talking. J-Ro has no chance in making it out of that cage the Champion. I guarantee it.


Dharma walks off as we cut back to Davis who is standing in the ring with the cage set up.


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our main event of the evening. Tonight, you will witness wrestling's first ever Waterfall Cage match!





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Introducing first, she is the #1 Contender for the Sin City Championship, J-Ro!



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Entering second, she is the 3 time Sin City Champion, Dharma Gregg!


Heather shuts the door behind Dharma. She then takes the title and explains the rules to both Babes. She hands the title out to Davis which ques the waterfalls to start.


Davis: This is gonna be quite a wet match.


The bell sounds and J-Ro charges and connects with a knee to the gut. She grabs Dharma by the hair and right away holds her face under the closest waterfall, which prompts her to flail around like a crazy woman. Finally, Heather pulls Dharma out of the water and warns J-Ro. She walks away for a moment as Dharma catches her breath, only to walk back over and pull her up again by the hair. She then whips her into the ropes. As Dharma rebounds, J-Ro side steps, but grabs her head and throws her into the cage wall, sending a large amount of water out to the crowd.

Sara: J-Ro is has this match under control. Dharma needs to figure something out soon before she loses!


J-Ro poses to the crowd before turning her attention back to Dharma. Just as she does, Dharma trips her up only to mount her and unleash a fury of punches. Somehow, J-Ro is able to grab Dharma's head again and deliver a hard headbutt, which almost knocks both Babes out. Heather begins her count.


Sara: Maybe that was Dharma's plan all along, to knock each other out and just call the match a draw.






Finally, J-Ro pushes herself up which stops Heather's count. As she props herself up on the ropes...



Davis: Look at this, it's Kat and Alison!


With J-Ro's wrist close to a wall, Kat is able to reach in and hold it as Alison handcuff's her wrist to the wall, under a waterfall. Dharma sees this and begins to laugh. She taunts J-Ro by shouting vulgar words and flipping her the bird.


Davis: This could spell trouble for J-Ro.

J-Ro throws a kick at Dharma, but misses. She hits the ropes and connects to J-Ro's jaw with a forearm shot. Dharma grabs her head and shoves it under the waterfall for a moment, then pulls it back out to yell at her more. Heather tries to pull Dharma away but is just pushed back. She then shoves her head under the water again, only to pull it back out. J-Ro is completely out of breath and still gasping for air under her wet hair. Heather tries once more to help but is met with a DDT, which causes the bell to ring and disqualify Dharma. Just then...




Mr. Emigh limps part way out to the ring with mic in hand.


I'm sorry Dharma but that just isn't gonna fly anymore. I hereby restart this match and I order you two to unlock J-Ro right now or be fined and fired.


Dharma screams at Mr. Emigh but he just holds his hand up.

No Dharma, no more. J-Ro spoke the truth earlier tonight. She gets a fair match or you lose the title. In fact, if you DQ yourself again, you lose the title anyways.


Kat and Alison finally unlock J-Ro and walk towards the back, soaking wet. Mr. Emigh follows them back as Dharma turns to a down J-Ro and attempts a DDT. As she does, J-Ro blocks it and reverses it into a northern lights suplex. Heather sees this and pushes herself up for a slow count.








Dharma breaks the pin a milisecond after the 3 count and begins screaming at the top of her lungs. Heather hands J-Ro the belt and raises her hand. Dharma starts to cry.


You're winner and NEW Sin City Champion, J-Ro!


With the waterfalls still on, J-Ro climbs to the top of the cage with the belt. She stands on top of the cage on the corner and holds her belt up high for everyone to see. With the crowd on their feet applauding, BSC goes off the air.


Overall: 63 (DAMN!)


Copyright 2010 Babes of Sin City

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TEW.com rates "Shakedown" higher then AAA's "Liberation"

By Davis Ditterich



If you are reading this, there is a chance that you are a fan of BSC. If you are a fan of BSC, by now you know that earlier today, TEW.com rated The Babe's show higher then AAA's recent show for the month.


This is huge news for the Babes! Rated a small company, BSC beat out it's closest competitor, AAA, who is rated as a Regional company. We recently caught up with Mr. Emigh to get his reaction.


"I think it's great that we are finally stepping up to the plate and showing the wrestling world what we're all about. I like and respect AAA, but they better watch themselves, because we're gunning for 'em!" Said Mr. Emigh over the phone. "This could be a wrong move but to celebrate, BSC is taking the rest of the month off to relax and get things in order."


Get what in order you might ask. For starters, next month (October) BSC will be trying out a weekly show starting on the first Friday or Saturday of the month. "It's a one shot experiment. We're going to see if we can be financially stable while showing 3 to 4 small shows a month." Mr. Emigh adds in. "It will be great ground work for me as the booker and our production staff if we end up landing a TV deal in the future. In the next few months, we are really gonna kick it into overdrive and try to push for bigger and better shows. People are finally starting to take us seriously and I want to capitalize on that."


I also asked about what's in store for the future of BSC.


"When I feel we're big enough, we will start shows in northern Mexico and possibly Canada. Although it's too early at the moment to be certain."


With all this excitement about Shakedown, one can't help but think about how J-Ro, our new Sin City Champion, is feeling. After speaking with Mr. Emigh, I was able to catch J-Ro on her cell.


"It feels great knowing that I'm helping turn this company around. Mr. Emigh has big ideas for this company and knows what direction to take it, but he can't do it if he has people like Dharma whispering in his ear. I mean, we have the talent, we have the looks, and we have the drive. As long as we have those things, there's no telling where BSC is heading."

If you have any questions for myself, Mr. Emigh, or anybody on the roster, please feel free to drop me a line.

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Out of Character Announcement by Mr. Emigh



First off I want to thank everyone who has been reading this dynasty thus far. It's been a really fun creative outlet for me and it's awesome to know that others are enjoying it.


Unfortunately at the moment, I will be going on hiatus from this dynasty. It doesn't mean I'm ending it, I just need to take a long break from it. I need to take care of some things in life and settle stuff back down. The back injury Mr. Emigh sustained was the real thing, except I haven't been to the doctors yet, lol.


During this down time, I will continue to play it and build the company up so by time I come back, it will be bigger a better. If you haven't checked it out yet, check out Memoirs of a Booker by Yuu Onuki or Pro Wrestling Zero by Belton.


Again, I want to thank my readers for your encouraging words. I promise though I'll be back, bigger and better :D.

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