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WWE: Where Legends Are Born

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The year 2010 is bound to be a big year for the biggest powerhouse professional wrestling has ever seen, World Wrestling Entertainment. Vince McMahon is leading his band of superstars into yet another decade, ready to make memories that will stay in the minds of the fans for a lifetime. While the roster is full of potential hall of famers, and names that are recognized the world around. The WWE has a unique challenge of revisiting the glory of the past, while keeping an eye on the future. If the balance of this is off, it could result in disaster for the company.


Also, for the first time in nearly a decade, the WWE has a potential competitor. It is a very exciting time for the WWE. How will the biggest name in the history of the business bring in the new decade? 2010 is now underway, and it could be something very big for the WWE, the place where legends are born.


Current Champions (As of Week 1, January 2010)



WWE Championship


Week 2, December, 2009



World Heavyweight Championship

The Undertaker

Week 1, October 2009





ECW Championship


Week 4, July 2009



United States Championship

The Miz

Week 1, October 2009



Intercontinental Championship

Drew McIntyre

Week 2, December 2009





World Tag Team Championship

D-Generation X

Week 2, December 2009





Women's Championship

Michelle McCool

Week 4, June 2009



Diva's Championship


Week 1, January 2010

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Monday Night Raw comes into Dayton, Ohio to ring in the new year with style. The word among the superstars is that Mr. McMahon has been stomping around backstage for weeks, grumbling things under his breath. The boss is in Dayton for Raw this week, and with rumors saying he's very unhappy, heads could roll on Raw.


Also look for the man who has taken the WWE by storm, the WWE Champion Sheamus. John Cena has been chasing down Sheamus for weeks, claiming he will not lose until he takes the title back from the Celtic Warrior. Will John Cena come into Louisville guns blazing tonight? The road to the Royal Rumble also gets underway tonight, and all three Legacy members will be in qualifying matches on Raw. Be sure to tune into Monday Night Raw to see all these things and much, much, more. And be careful, Mr. McMahon does not sound like he's happy.

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Monday Night Raw

Monday, Week 1, January 2010

Hara Arena – Dayton, Ohio

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out!)


http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/JohnCena.jpg vs. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/JackSwagger.jpg


John Cena vs Jack Swagger


Cena’s Backstory: John Cena lost his WWE Championship a few weeks back in a table match against Sheamus. He immediately let it be known that he was embarrassed by that loss, and won’t lose again until he recaptures the title he’s become so used to wearing. It is also fitting that Cena performs in the first WWE match of the new decade as he was one of the last decade’s biggest stars.


Swagger’s Backstory: Jack Swagger gets a huge opportunity in this match. He’s a former ECW and United States Champion, but it seems like he’s failed to cash in on his mammoth potential lately. With a strong showing against Cena he could turn that around.


Finish: After a strong back and forth match in which Swagger controlled Cena for a bit with his technical prowess, Cena broke into his series of signature moves, capped off with an Attitude Adjustment for the win.


Result: John Cena d. Jack Swagger @ 8:19 via Pinfall (B-)




After a short commercial break, John Cena is still standing in the ring, celebrating his victory as the fans in Hara Arena cheer wildly for a victory from the fan favorite. Cena then takes a microphone to address these fans.


John Cena

It’s 2010 baby! 2010 is gonna be a good year for yours truly. Last month you all saw me embarrassed by the WWE Champion Sheamus. He threw me through a table and took the belt that I hold so dear. Well I’m not going to stand for it anymore. Come hell or high water, I will reclaim my WWE Championship. Sheamus! I’m coming for……




Before Cena can finish his sentence, the brash chairman of the WWE, Mr. McMahon comes out and struts his way to the ring, looking none to happy, confirming the reports from backstage. He steps into the ring and grabs a microphone.


Mr. McMahon

John Cena everybody! John Cena…you make me sick! Have every one of you forgotten just who I am? I am the most powerful man in sports entertainment. I’m the reason you all aren’t sitting on your butts watching Hee Haw or whatever you hillbilly’s watch nowadays. You say 2010 is going to be the year of John Cena? I beg to differ. I think 2010 is going to be the year of Mr. McMahon. You want to talk about embarrassment John? Let’s talk about me giving my show over to a series of celebrities to run. I’m sick and tired of letting them run my baby into the ground. I’m taking back Monday Night Raw!


John Cena

Well that’s just fantastic.


Mr. McMahon

You watch your mouth John Cena. This is my show again. And I don’t like your attitude. You shut your mouth right now. I don’t really like you or what you stand for Cena. If you didn’t make me lots and lots of money, I’d throw you out of here so fast your head would spin. Now get out of my ring. I hope everybody enjoyed 2009, because the McMahon Era is back in effect!




When Raw comes back on the air, the camera is on Jerry Lawler, who’s talking to the crowd at home.


Jerry Lawler

As some of you may have heard, our Diva’s Champion Melina was injured at a house show earlier this week. Therefore her Diva’s Title will be vacated. We wish her a speedy recovery. But the show must go on, so that’s why tonight we will be starting up an eight divas tournament to take her vacant crown!




The camera goes backstage, where Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase are warming up for a match, and Randy Orton is standing beside them, ready to let them know just what he thinks.


Randy Orton

Gentlemen, tonight is a big night for Legacy. You two are in a tag match next, and if you win you are in the Royal Rumble. Later I’m in a singles match, if I win I make it into the Rumble. So needless to say, tonight is must win for all of us. I know I’ve got mine under control, so you better have your heads on straight. We know from last year there is strength in numbers, so what do you say we go out there and turn the Royal Rumble on it’s heads again? Lets go men, it’s put up or shut up time! You better not let me down!




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Royal Rumble Qualifying Match

Chris Masters and Evan Bourne vs Legacy


Masters and Bourne’s Backstory: These two team together for the first time, and are an interesting mix of speed and power. If they are able to get past Legacy could it be the beginning of a new team? They will be fighting with heart to get into the Royal Rumble though.


Legacy’s Backstory: These two have the advantage in experience together. They are also motivated by the ever demanding leader of their group, Randy Orton. Last year both of these men were in the final four of the Royal Rumble, a place they look to get back to with this match.


Finish: Evan Bourne got the crowd at a fever pitch, then went for Air Bourne on Ted DiBiase, but he rolled out of the way, then tagged in Cody Rhodes. Rhodes took out Masters, then Bourne wandered into the Cross Rhodes, and it was a quick 1-2-3 from there.


Result: Legacy d. Masters and Bourne @ 6:48 via Pinfall (C-)




The camera goes backstage, where Mr. McMahon is on the phone in his office. He is then interrupted by D-X, who come into his office.


Mr. McMahon

What do you two want?


Triple H

Just wanted to say welcome back. I know it must have been tough to have the likes of Dennis Miller running your baby. I know what this show means to you. But with that said, what’s up grandpa? What do you have in store for good ole D-X now that you are back in power?


Mr. McMahon

Grandpa? I’m still as young and potent as ever thank you very much! And since you two are so eager to get into action tonight, I’ll let you do just that. You will be in a tag team match tonight. Against who you ask? You will be facing the WWE Champion, Sheamus. And Sheamus gets to pick anybody he wants to be his partner. Have fun gentlemen.


Just as Mr. McMahon gets back on the phone, John Cena comes storming into his office.


John Cena

Vince, Vince, Vince. What am I gonna do with you? I really didn’t appreciate you cutting me off out there. I know it’s your ring and all, but when I’m out there doing my thing, that’s my yard. You don’t come barking into my yard like that. Now getting down to business, when am I getting my hands on Sheamus again? I want my title back!


Mr. McMahon

Your yard? That’s funny Cena. I think I remember paying for that “yard”. I think it’s time you learn your place Cena. You won’t be getting your hands on Sheamus anytime soon. You are going to have to earn it like everybody else. That’s why next week you will be in a Royal Rumble qualifying match. You win, you get into the Rumble, where you can earn the right to face Sheamus at WresleMania. And you get to face somebody already in the Rumble. And you will be facing…..Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase! You don’t beat them, no Rumble for you!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/SantinoMarella.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/RandyOrton.jpg


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match

Santino Marella vs. Randy Orton


Santino’s Backstory: Santino Marella holds a Royal Rumble record…for the shortest time in the Rumble. He’s looking to get back there and last a little longer this time. He has to go through the Viper to get it though, a tough task for anybody.


Orton’s Backstory: Randy Orton is the defending winner of the Royal Rumble. The Viper came into this match very focused, ready to strike on whoever tried to get in the way of him getting back to the Rumble. The WWE Championship means everything to Orton, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get another shot at it.


Finish: After a drop toe hold, the only offensive move of the match by Marella, he tried to pump up and strike Orton with the Cobra, but Orton ducked it then drilled Marella with an RKO, ending this very one sided match.


Result: Randy Orton d. Santino Marella @ 3:57 via Pinfall (B-)




The camera goes backstage after the match, where it catches Gail Kim stretching, which means only one thing, the Divas Tournament gets underway next!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/GailKim.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/KatieLea.jpg


First Round Match in the Diva’s Championship Tournament

Gail Kim vs. Katie Lea Burchill


Gail’s Backstory: Gail Kim was a Women’s Champion years ago. Since returning to the WWE she has been successful, but hasn’t captured any gold yet. This is her opportunity to find gold once again, but she has to get through the dangerous Katie Lea first.


Katie Lea’s Backstory: Katie Lea Burchill recently joined Raw after her and her brother Paul were evicted from the land of extreme. She is branching out on her own now, ready to show the WWE Universe that she’s capable inside the ring.


Finish: After a quick back and fourth between the two women, Gail ducked a clothesline, then hit Eat Defeat, sending her boot right into Katie’s face, and sending her into the second round.


Result: Gail Kim d. Katie Lea Burchill @ 3:37 via Pinfall (D+)




The camera goes backstage, where the WWE Champion Sheamus is walking around, presumably looking for a partner to face D-X in tonight’s main event. He is then approached by Carlito.



Sheamus. Big man. How you doing? You want to team with me tonight and take out D-X?



There’s no way I’d team with a bafoon like you. Just look at that hair. Now get out of my face.



What? Dat’s not cool.


Sheamus continues walking, until he sees something he likes and gets a big smile on his face. He then enters a room, where Big Show is standing. Show knows exactly what Sheamus wants and lets out a big smile.



They’ll never know what hit them!




The music of the very confident young United States Champion, The Miz hits, and he makes his way to the ring, ready for action with his title around his waist. But before his opponent can make their entrance, Miz grabs the microphone.


The Miz

So I’ve been the United States Champion for some time now. And as the United States Champion I’m permitted to get an automatic entry into the Royal Rumble. And after I get rid of this joker Kofi Kingston, I’ll be heading into the Rumble and becoming the #1 contender to any title I want. And trust me, it will happen. Why you ask? Because….I’M THE MIZ….AND I’M AWESOME!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/KofiKingston.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/TheMizUS.jpg


Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz


Kofi’s Backstory: Kofi is the man who held the title before The Miz, so he’s looking for a little revenge in this match. Kofi just got off a very intense feud with Randy Orton, and he may be looking to get back into the title hunt now. He’s more focused than he has been in his short career right now.


Miz’s Backstory: Miz’s promo says it all, he is carrying ultimate confidence right now. He’s had people gunning for his title for months, but he’s been able to turn them all back. He’s been having trouble with MVP lately, but needs to focus on Kofi Kingston here to avoid a momentum killing loss heading into the Rumble.


Finish: The Miz was about to hit his Skull Crushing Finale, but MVP came out of the crowd onto the apron, getting Miz’s full attention. Miz ran MVP off the apron, but when he turned around he was met with Trouble in Paradise, and Kofi picked up a huge win.


Result: Kofi Kingston d. The Miz @ 9:20 via pinfall ©




After the match MVP grabs a microphone from ringside.



You think you are gonna keep ducking me Miz? I don’t think so. I’ve earned shot after shot at that United States Championship. You’ve found excuse after excuse not to face me. One way or another Miz, I’m going to take that gold off of you. You may be awesome, but there’s one thing you aren’t. And that’s BALLIN!




The lights go down in the arena, and the music of D-Generation X hits, sending the sell-out crowd to their feet. Triple H and Shawn Michaels make their entrance into the arena, throwing glow sticks around the crowd as they get pumped up for this big main event tag team match. They enter the ring and send off their signature pyro, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Shawn Michaels then does a few laps, and hands Triple H the microphone.


Triple H

Are you ready? I said…ARE YOU READY?!?!? Then for the thousands in attendance, and for Sheamus. Poor guy, he must have missed out when they were handing out pigments. I mean, it’s brutal. I really hope all of you have your protective glasses, because if a light hits him wrong, it could come right at you, and your vision will never be the same. And we hear Sheamus has joined forces with the Big Show. Big Show, you never stop do you. You couldn’t get the job done with Chris Jericho, now you are coming at us with the WWE Champion. While you two are big, were are D-X, and we are badder than you’ll ever know. And after we whip you tonight, we’ll head into the Rumble and win that. Shawn take it from here.


Shawn Michaels

And if you’re not down with…..Forget it. There’s something I gotta say. Undertaker! I want you at WrestleMania. I’m not taking no as an answer. I know you want to face me and prove that you really are the best. I’m Mr. WrestleMania, and I have to solidify that by beating you! So you better accept, or I’ll make you accept!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/ShawnMichaels.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/TripleH.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/BigShow.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/SheamusWWE.jpg


D-Generation X vs. Big Show and Sheamus


DX’s Backstory: The tag team champions of the world have been running stronger than ever lately. With the Royal Rumble coming up they look to use their strength in numbers to hopefully propel one of them into the main event of WrestleMania XXVI. Triple H is always in the title picture, but Shawn Michaels has made it clear he doesn’t care about a championship, he just wants to face the Undertaker one more time.


Big Show and Sheamus’s Backstory: Big Show recently lost his tag team partner, Chris Jericho, who was forced to go back to Smackdown by DX. He’s looking for revenge here against his bitter rivals, as well as trying to build momentum to the Royal Rumble. Sheamus on the other hand is riding one of the hottest streaks in WWE history. He came out of nowhere to win the WWE Championship, and has looked strong every week since debuting on Raw.


Finish: Show and Sheamus dominated much of the match, but DX started to wear them down and looked like they were on the verge of capturing the win. Just as Triple H was getting going Shawn Michaels tagged himself in. He whipped Sheamus into the ropes, but didn’t realize Big Show tagged Sheamus’s back. HBK nailed Sweet Chin Music on Sheamus, but he walked into a knockout punch by Big Show, who then took out Triple H with a punch as well, then gave Michaels a Chokeslam to get a monster victory.


Result: Big Show and Sheamus d. D-Generation X @ 10:39 via Pinfall (B-)




After the match DX was left in a heap. Triple H was out cold outside the ring from the sucker punch from the Big Show. Big Show then walked out of the ring and headed to the back. Sheamus wasn’t quite done though. He shook off the cob webs from the shot from Michaels. He then forced him to his feet, slapped him in the face, then almost took his head off with a vicious kick to the head. Raw went off the air with Sheamus holding his hands up high over the downed body of Shawn Michaels.




Final Rating: B-


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ECW on SyFy

Tuesday, Week 1, January 2010

Louisville Gardens– Louisville, Kentucky

Attendance: 9,652






Goldust and Yoshi Tatsu vs. Caylen Croft and Trent Barreta


Goldust and Tatsu’s Backstory: This fun team recently started teaming together, leaving many fans wondering what they could possibly have in common. They bring a nice mix of veteran leadership and young enthusiasm to their matches, and are looking to make a name for themselves in the tag division.


Croft and Barretta’s Backstory: These two young men have no shortage of confidence. Their matches are high tempo as they try to out duel their opponents. They have been fairly successful since debuting in the land of extreme, and have made it know that they will be the 2009 Tag Team of the Year.


Finish: With Goldust taken out by Croft, Yoshi was left reeling in the ring. Barretta went up top for an axe handle, but as he came down he was met by a huge kick to the head from Tatsu, and he was able to get the 1-2-3.


Result: Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust d. Croft and Barretta @ 7:20 via Pinfall ©




The camera goes backstage where Zack Ryder is walking, when a female assistant gets in his way, and he is none to pleased about it.


Zack Ryder

Can’t you see I’m walking here? Geez! I’m the biggest star in ECW history and you dare get in my way? Don’t you know who I am?


Just then a blur comes into focus on the screen, and it turns out to be The Hurricane who gets in Ryder’s face.


The Hurricane

Citizen Ryder! Why are you up in this young female’s face? She didn’t do anything to you.


Zack Ryder

Oh look! It’s The Hurricane here to save the day from big bad Zack Ryder. What I said to her stands for you too. I’m the biggest star around here, now get out of my way you cape wearing freak.


The Hurricane

If you want to find out up close, how about you meet me in this ring next week, same HurriPlace, same HurriTime.


Ryder gets up in The Hurricane’s face and talks very softly and slowly.


Zack Ryder

I guess I’ll see you then. Woo. Woo. Woo.




The camera goes to the locker room, where Ezekiel Jackson is sitting in a chair, getting ready for an ECW title match later in the evening with the current champion, Christian. William Regal is pacing around Big Zeke, pumping him up for his match.


William Regal

Zeke, you are the biggest, you are the meanest, you are the toughest. If you want to you could rip that ruffian’s arms off and beat him with them. And I want you to want to. You are going to go into that ring tonight and slam Christian right through the middle of it. Then you are going to pin him one-two-three. That’s right Ezekiel, you are going to be the next ECW Champion!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/VladimirKozlov.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/SheltonBenjamin.jpg


Vladimir Kozlov vs. Shelton Benjamin


Kozlov’s Backstory: Vladmir Kozlov was recently turned on by the Ruthless Roundtable. After being out a short time, Kozlov said that he was hanging with the wrong crowd, and wants to make the most of his time in our great country. He looks to be more focused in ever, ready to impress fans the world wide.


Benjamin’s Backstory: Shelton Benjamin has been humbled a number of times in the last couple of months, but it must not of have any effect because he’s still as arrogant as ever. He came out and got right in Kozlov’s face, letting him know that nobody can stop him, not even somebody as big and tough as Vladimir.


Finish: Kozlov was controlling Benjamin, and he hoisted him up for what looked like a spinebuster, but Benjamin rolled over Kozlov and got him in a pinning predicament, grabbed some tights and got the questionable victory.


Result: Shelton Benjamin d. Vladimir Kozlov @ 8:32 via Pinfall (C-)




When ECW comes back from commercial break, the music of the ECW Champion Christian plays around the arena, and the champion makes his way down to the ring for his title defense against the ever intimidating Ezekiel Jackson. Before Jackson comes to the ring though Christian grabs a microphone from ringside.



I see my Peeps are out in force tonight. So tonight I’m defending my championship against that overstuffed buffoon Ezekiel Jackson. Everybody knows that William Regal couldn’t beat me, so he went out and found the biggest, strongest guy he could to try to take me down. I won’t argue he’s big and strong, but Big Zeke is a fry or two short of a Happy Meal if you know what I mean. There’s a reason I’m the longest reigning champion in the WWE, and Zeke is about to find out why that is.






http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/ChristianECW.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/EzekielJackson.jpg


ECW Championship Match

Christian © vs. Ezekiel Jackson


Christian’s Backstory: Christian has been the ECW champion for several months. He’s faced many people along the way defending his title, but maybe none as imposing as Jackson. Christian usually talks a big game, but one reason his peeps love him so much is that he backs it up. Jackson could have a tough time dealing with his unique offense as well.


Jackson’s Backstory: Big Zeke is one of the strongest men ever to step foot in a WWE ring. If Christian tries to stand toe-to-toe with him there’s a good chance Jackson could walk out of Louisville the new ECW Champion. He also has a major x-factor in his corner as the ever dangerous William Regal is at ringside. Regal doesn’t get along with Christian well either, so there’s a good chance he’ll have a say in the outcome of the match.


Result: Like many thought would happen, Jackson used his strength to keep Christian grounded, until he charged him in the corner and got a boot to the face. Christian then opened his offense, and hit the Killswitch on Jackson. Regal immediately jumped onto the apron. Christian took a swing at Regal, who ducked it, then hit Christian in the face with a set of brass knuckles, knocking the champion out cold and earning a DQ.


Result: Christian def. Ezekiel Jackson @ 10:49 via DQ to retain ©




After the match William Regal looks very smug about his work, while Jackson looks confused. Christian is out cold in the ring, then all of a sudden.




All of a sudden Mr. McMahon walks out onto the stage with a microphone in hand, looking unhappy for the second straight night. He wastes no time and starts to speak.


Mr. McMahon

Well played Mr. Regal. But what I have to say concerns not only you, but the whole WWE. A few years back I brought back ECW, and like the original ECW, it has fallen below par. I don’t feel like you people here at ECW live up to your end of the bargain, so yet again, ECW….YOU’RE FIRED!!!


That’s right, after the Royal Rumble, ECW will be no more. Instead, this hell hole will be replaced with the return of WWE Heat to the Raw brand. Superstars will then be exclusive to the Smackdown brand. That gives each brand three hours a week to showcase all their talent, and will get back to the heart of head to head brand warfare. We are going to find out who the better brand is, Smackdown or Raw. They have equal time each week, and you can bet I’ll be watching closely and make any changes I deem necessary. Thank you very much.




Final Rating: C



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Thursday, Week 1, January 2010

Hara Arena– Dayton, Ohio

Attendance: 10,000 (SELL-OUT!)



http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/PrimoColon.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/ChavoGuerrero.jpg


Primo vs. Chavo Guerrero


Primo’s Backstory: The former tag team champion hasn’t been seen a whole lot since being unceremoniously dumped by his brother Carlito. He brings a faster pace than his brother to the table, but without some of the flair and attitude Carlito is famous for. He is still looking to find a role as a singles competitor.


Chavo’s Backstory: After months of battles with Hornswoggle, Chavo Guerrero has finally decided it’s time to move on from that and try to get his singles career back where it was a few years ago when he was Crusierweight Champion, and later the ECW Champion. The technical skill is still there, he just needs to catch a big break.


Finish: Chavo hit the Three Amigos, then went up top. Primo popped up to his feet and met Guerrero at the top, but Chavo gave him a kick off the turnbuckle, then nailed a Frog Splash to get the victory.


Result: Chavo Guerrero d. Primo @ 8:56 via Pinfall (C+)




A recap is shown of the main event from Raw Monday, where Big Show leveled Shawn Michaels and Triple H to get the victory. Then after the match a victorious Sheamus continued an assault on Shawn Michaels, then stood over his downed body.




When Superstars returns another recap package rolls showing the confrontations throughout the evening Monday between John Cena and Mr. McMahon. A graphic then shows that hypes the match for Monday night, a Royal Rumble qualifier, where he must defeat Legacy in a handicap match to get into the Rumble.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/TheHurricane.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/VanceArcher.jpg


The Hurricane vs. Vance Archer


Hurricane’s Backstory: The Hurricane had a minor altercation with Zack Ryder on ECW Tuesday, and he will be facing him next week. But tonight he has to get through a man that has been on an absolute terror since his debut, Vance Archer. If Hurricane overlooks Archer for Ryder it could be disastrous.


Archer’s Backstory: This very large man has been running through competition since his debut in ECW. He looks to take that to the stage of Superstars this evening as he faces the veteran, The Hurricane. Archer has a clear size and power advantage here, but he’ll have to work hard to overcome the speed and experience of The Hurricane.


Finish: Archer controlled The Hurricane with a smothering offense keeping the high flying superhero on the ground, but the Hurricane busted out and got in some serious offense. He came off the top, but was met with a huge boot from the huge Texan that sent him to the back with a loss.


Result: Vance Archer d. The Hurricane @ 9:04 (D+)




A video plays showing all the destruction that The Undertaker has caused, and all the challengers he’s turned back since winning the World Heavyweight Championship a few months back. The announcers then talk about what’s next for The Undertaker and his championship, and that you should tune in Friday night to find out.




The camera then goes backstage, where the ECW Champion Christian is standing by with some comments to make about what happened on ECW this week.



Where do I start? First, William Regal. You have stuck your big English nose in my business for the very last time. I’m getting sick and tired of being in the ring and having to look over my shoulder for you every single match. It’s about time that I shut you up for good. You can stand behind Big Zeke, but as I showed you Tuesday, he’s no match for me. I’ll just run through him, then I’ll just be madder when I take you out.


And second. Mr. McMahon has announced that after the Royal Rumble, ECW will be no more. I’m no math-a-magician, but I’m pretty sure that means that there is going to be three more episodes of ECW left. And Mr. McMahon has informed me that the ECW Championship will be retired, so it looks like we need to have a little match to see who gets to be the last champion. What do you say Regal, do you want to have a little match on the last ECW ever? One-on-one, the winner walks out the last ever ECW Champion!




A recap video is playing showing the two matches the three members of Legacy were in on Monday Night. Rhodes and DiBiase’s match against Bourne and Masters was shown, and Legacy walked out of that tag match with spots in the Royal Rumble. Then Randy Orton’s RKO of Santino Marella was shown over and over that sealed Orton’s spot in the Rumble. Then the graphic hyping Legacy vs. Cena was shown one more time.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/R-Truth.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/MikeKnox.jpg


R-Truth vs. Mike Knox


R-Truth’s Backstory: Since joining the WWE last year, R-Truth has been fairly successful, but has yet to take the huge step into stardom. Truth has made 2010 the year that he makes it big in the WWE, and he has a large first hurdle in Mike Knox. If R-Truth can connect on the majority of his high risk and frantic moveset, there’s not many men who can slow him down.


Knox’s Backstory: Aside from having the best beard in the WWE, Mike Knox has been terrorizing opponents on Smackdown for months. Knox’s power is matched by few men, and also few men have the mean streak that the bruiser from the desert has. If Knox can get focused more on winning matches and less on just plain hurting people, he could be a force to be reckoned with on Smackdown.


Finish: R-Truth kept a very frantic pace through the match, and Mike Knox could only slow him down a few times. R-Truth nailed his deadly Corkscrew Axe Kick to give him the victory in the main event of Superstars.


Result: R-Truth d. Mike Knox @ 10:27 via Pinfall (C+)




Final Rating: C+


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I'm enjoying the read so far. It is sticking to the real WWE pretty good right now. I actually enjoy these dynasties better than the crazy off the wall signings in WWE dynasties.


Thanks, that's something I really enjoy too. I'm not a big fan of dynasties that have a completely different roster in a matter of weeks. I love realism in my game.

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Friday Night Smackdown!

Friday, Week 1, January 2010

Louisville Gardens – Louisville, Kentucky

Attendance: 9,652



Smackdown gets underway with the music of the multiple time former World Champion, Batista. He walks down the entrance ramp with a grin on his face as the crowd who used to love him showers him with boos. He just shakes them off as he grabs a microphone and enters the ring.



I’ve been coming out to this ring week after week, dominating opponents like only The Animal can do. But here I stand, no gold around my waist. I think it’s about time that changed. That’s why…




Chris Jericho

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy there Dave. Where there’s no doubt you have been dominating the competition here on Smackdown, the competition has been thin because Smackdown’s brightest star, yours truly, has been over on Raw carrying a five hundred pound weight on my back defending the tag team titles. I’ve proven myself time after time in the WWE. I should get the next shot at the World Heavyweight Championship.


Right when Jericho gets those words out the music of former World Champion CM Punk plays, and he makes his way down the ramp alongside fellow members of the Straight Edge Society, Luke Gallows and Serena.


CM Punk

I don’t want to hear it. Neither one of you should get the next shot at The Undertaker. It’s clear as day that I should get the next shot. I’ve been leading a straight edge revolution the world wide. I’ve been saving one soul after another, and it’s time I save my World Heavyweight Championship from the cold grasp of The Undertaker.


The three men then get in each other’s faces, and the silence is broken by the music of Rey Mysterio, who enters the arena to a great pop from the crowd.


Rey Mysterio

I get sick and tired of hearing you three bickering. You get title shots all the time, Undertaker just beats you one at a time. It’s time for someone new to get a shot, like me! What do you all think? You want to see me get another title shot?


This four way argument was quickly broken up by Theodore Long, who came out in a hurry to straighten this out.


Teddy Long

I’ve been thinking about this all day long. Here’s what I’ve decided. You all deserve a shot at The Undertaker’s World Heavyweight Championship. So you will all be in one-on-one matches tonight, with the winners going into a four man elimination match on Smackdown next week. The winner of that will face Undertaker at the Royal Rumble. Holla Holla Holla!




When Smackdown comes back from it’s first commercial break, CM Punk and Rey Mysterio are seen heading to their respective locker rooms.


Rey Mysterio

Good luck out there tonight. I’ll be watching your match.


CM Punk

Luck? Luck is for losers Rey. I thought you would know that. I don’t need luck. I have fate on my side. I’m doing work here on Smackdown, saving one life at a time. It’s only right I get the title shot. Speaking of saving lives, when are you going to quit hiding behind that ever famous mask of lies?


Rey Mysterio

Mask of lies? Whatever man, I’m not getting involved in this tonight. My mask is a symbol of who I am, I don’t hide behind it, it represents me. Now I’m going to get ready for my match, again, good luck.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/Finlay.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/ChrisJericho.jpg


Number One Contender Elimination Match Qualifier

Finlay vs. Chris Jericho


Finlay’s Backstory: Finlay has been consistent through his WWE career, but has never broken out to the huge stage he could be on if he wins this match and the big elimination match next week. He is known for his unique offense and dishing out punishment in a wide variety of ways.


Jericho’s Backstory: Jericho has been on Raw as one half of the Tag Champs in previous months, but he and Big Show lost the titles, and Jericho is back to full time singles duty. He comes back to his home show, Smackdown, and is already looking for a World Title match. He looks to use his great technical skill and athleticism to get past Finlay here.


Finish: After a great match full of reversals and great technical holds, Jericho doubled Finlay over with a back kick to the gut, then nailed the Codebreaker to get the victory.


Result: Chris Jericho d. Finlay @ 8:48 via Pinfall (A)




The cameras go backstage, where the announcers inform us a limo pulled up during the match, and an unidentified person hurried into the limo, and it has been sitting for several minutes. They promised to give us more after the break.




When the cameras come back, the mysterious figure got out of the limo, but again the cameras couldn’t get a good look at who it was. Then a familiar voice was heard coming out of the lowered back window of the limo.


Mr. McMahon

You won’t regret this! Remember, I get what I want, you get what you want!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/JTG.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/Batista.jpg


Number One Contender Elimination Match Qualifier

JTG vs. Batista


JTG’s Backstory: JTG is a very exciting young superstar, but he is more used to wrestling with his Cryme Tyme tag partner, Shad. His innovative offense and personality could take him far, but he is up against a very angry animal in Batista. He has to wrestle a perfect match to have a chance.


Batista’s Backstory: Batista wants the World Heavyweight Championship. And usually what Batista wants he gets. And if he doesn’t get it, he hurts people trying. JTG just happens to be the person standing in his way tonight. If Batista can focus, he should be able to use his great power and experience to send him to the elimination match next week fairly easily.


Finish: Batista completely dominated this match. He could have finished it with a nasty spinebuster, but he nailed it home with the Batista Bomb to get the easy win.


Result: Batista d. JTG @ 1:59 via Pinfall (C+)




The camera goes backstage, where Mickie James is seen signing autographs and talking with several young girls. Then all of a sudden Michelle McCool and Layla jump Mickie out of nowhere right in front of the children. The girls are left screaming as the duo stomped away on their idol. After Mickie was left motionless, McCool yelled at the girls.


Michelle McCool

You want to look up to somebody? Look up to me! I’m the Women’s Champion! I’m the beautiful one! What do you see in her? I know what I see, a pig! You shouldn’t look up to her, you should look up to me!




Next we go to the interview area, where Chris Jericho is standing by.


Chris Jericho

I wish I could say it was good to be back on Smackdown, but that would be a blatant and utter lie. You people are an inferior fan base. You wouldn’t know a great wrestler, and even more so a great human being if he was standing in front of you. And earlier tonight, you had both of those. I put on a great match out there, and you all booed me the entire time. Well you better stretch your vocal cords, because next week I’m going to walk out of that elimination match the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Then Undertaker, I’ll beat you at the Royal Rumble and once again be the champion of the world!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/ReyMysterio.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/DolphZiggler.jpg


Number One Contender Elimination Match Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler


Mysterio’s Backstory: It’s been quite some time since Rey Mysterio has had world championship gold around his waist. The world’s biggest underdog has a golden opportunity in front of him. He will look to use one of the most effective high flying offensive move sets in the history of the WWE to carry him to the elimination match next week, and possibly even into the title match at the Royal Rumble.


Ziggler’s Backstory: Dolph Ziggler has rubbed many people the wrong way, but there is no denying that this brash young man is extremely talented. There aren’t many people who will argue that if he applies himself and keeps improving, Ziggler could be World Champion material. He looks to use his great use of the ring, and outside of it to try and get a win by any means necessary.


Finish: It looked like Zigger would get the count out win, but Mysterio got back in at nine. He then opened a flurry on Ziggler, culminating in the 619, and then a body splash to give Rey the big victory in a hard fought match.


Result: Rey Mysterio d. Dolph Zigger @ 9:34 (B)








Matt Hardy and The Great Khali vs. The Hart Dynasty


Hardy and Khali’s Backstory: These two have been teaming together for a short time, and it has worked out great for them so far. They have an amazing mix of technical wrestling skill and power. Hardy is also one of the greatest tag team wrestlers ever, and with the addition of The Great Khali, the sky is the limit for this team.


The Hart Dynasty: These two have been teaming together since they were children. They also feature a great mix of speed and power, just not to the extremes of Hardy and Khali. What they lack in that though they make up for in their great teamwork. Like the Hart Foundation before them, the Hart Dynasty could take the wrestling world by storm with enough matches under their belts.


Finish: With David Hart Smith thrown out of the ring by Khali, Matt Hardy hit Tyson Kidd with the Twist of Fate, then tagged in Khali, who hit the Punjabi Plunge to get the victory.


Result: Matt Hardy and The Great Khali d. The Hart Dynasty @ 5:51 via Pinfall ©




Up next on Smackdown is a big Intercontinental Championship match between the champion Drew McIntyre, and the challenger John Morrison. As Morrison loosens up in the ring after his entrance a pre-recorded promo of him plays in the corner of the screen.


John Morrison

Tonight is the night that I take my Intercontinental Championship back from Drew McIntyre. He may be Mr. McMahon’s chosen superstar here on Smackdown, but that doesn’t mean a thing to me. I’m going to go out there tonight, do my thing like everybody knows I can, and I’ll be your new Intercontinental Champion.






http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/DrewMcIntyreIC.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/JohnMorrison.jpg


Intercontinental Championship Match

Drew McIntyre © vs. John Morrison


McIntyre’s Backstory: Young Scottish superstar Drew McIntyre won the Intercontinental Championship from John Morrison a short time ago. He uses questionable tactics in his matches, such as attacking his opponents before the bell rings. One thing that can’t be questioned is his great European style, and his ability to put tallies in the win column.


Morrison’s Backstory: Since coming to Smackdown, John Morrison has developed into one of the biggest fan favorites on the roster. He has dropped the arrogant attitude, but kept his amazing offensive artillery. He wants to gain his Intercontinental Champion back, and then use it to catapult him into a spot among Smackdown’s elites.


Finish: John Morrison had McIntyre set up for Starship Pain, but McIntyre slipped in a kick that was clearly below the belt. He then rolled Morrison up and grabbed the tights for good measure and retained his title in a very cheap fashion.


Result: Drew McIntyre d. John Morrison @ 7:11 via Pinfall to retain (C+)




After the match Drew McIntyre celebrated his win as John Morrison writhed in pain after the low blow from McIntyre. McIntyre then got a look on his face like he was going to take Morrison out. Before he could strike though R-Truth sprinted from backstage and threw McIntyre right out of the ring. Truth helped Morrison up and shouted threats at a back peddling Drew McIntyre.




The music of CM Punk hit, and the straight edge savior made his way out to the ring for the main event, the final qualifying match for the elimination match to determine a number one contender next week on Smackdown. He was accompanied by Luke Gallows and Serena. And of course, before his opponent was revealed CM Punk had something to say.


CM Punk

Tonight is the eve of a grand moment for the WWE. Tonight is the night I will fight my way into the elimination match for next weeks Smackdown. When there I will be the last man standing, and I will face and defeat the Undertaker at the Royal Rumble. But my job as straight edge savior is never done. Tonight I would like extend the offer to anybody who would like to be saved under the ideals of straight edge. Anybody at all. Have you been living under the weight of alcohol or substance abuse? Do you want us to lift that weight off your shoulders? How about…




A wall of fire erupts on stage, and the music of the Big Red Machine, Kane plays. Kane slowly walks down to the ring, and it seems we know who CM Punk must face to get to the elimination match next week.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/Kane.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/CMPunk.jpg


Number One Contender Elimination Match Qualifier

Kane vs. CM Punk


Kane’s Backstory: Kane showing up in this match throws a wrench into things. Kane’s power, experience, and love of pain is something that CM Punk could have never planned for. Kane hasn’t been a part of the World Title hunt in a very long time, and there’s nothing more he would love to do than give his brother all he can handle at the Royal Rumble.


Punk’s Backstory: CM Punk was supremely confident coming into this match. That confidence was shaken when he was cut off by the pyro of Kane. Don’t forget though, CM Punk is a multiple time former world champion. He is one of the best in-ring performers in recent WWE history. If he can wrestle his match he has a very good chance of walking out the winner. Plus, he has the Straight Edge Society in his corner.


Finish: Kane controlled much of the match, but Luke Gallows got a cheap shot in. As Kane reeled, Punk springboarded off the top rope for a clothesline, but Kane caught him around the neck. Gallows quickly got up on the apron, but as Kane had Punk around the neck still he gave Gallows a boot, then lifted Punk into the air and drilled the Chokeslam to end Punk’s bid for the World Title at the Royal Rumble and create his own bid for his brother’s gold.


Result: Kane d. CM Punk @ 11:07 via Pinfall (B-)




After the match Kane was set to fire off his victory pyro, then all of a sudden he was attacked from behind by Chris Jericho, who was followed quickly by Batista. Rey Mysterio joined the fray almost immediately, and before we knew it the ring was filled with the four men in next week’s big main event. It took only seconds before it broke down and there was brawling all over the ring. They were quickly interrupted though when the lights went out, and a familiar face shined onto the TitanTron.


The Undertaker

You can fight all you want, it doesn’t matter who wins next week, just know this. You will…..REST IN PEACE!!!




Final Rating: B-


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Fantastic stuff. I really like how you're doing the match write-ups now. It truly captures the Sports Entertainment style, in that it emphasizes the elements of the story, rather than getting bogged down in MOVEZ~!


I always loved the ECW brand, but I know from my own WWE games that it's just a pain to book. Two brands are enough, and this keeps everything a lot more streamlined, as well as giving you more focus on the B-shows.


All in all, I like where you're going with this, and will be reading.



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Monday Night Raw

Monday, Week 2, January 2010

Target Center – Minneapolis, Minnesota

Attendance: 7,998



Monday Night Raw gets underway with D-Generation X making their way to the ring. Instead of prancing around and throwing glow sticks, they look like they mean serious business as they head down to the ring to address the audience watching world wide.


Triple H

Last week….I really don’t know what happened or how it happened last week, but at the end of the night Shawn and I were left laying on our backs when the show went off the air. That’s something you better have tivo’d because it doesn’t happen everyday. It’s been a very long time since somebody has been able to do that to us. But Big Show, Sheamus, it will never happen again! You guys got lucky in beating the best tag team in the world today!


Shawn Michaels

Sheamus! It’s one thing to beat us in the middle of the ring. I can come to grips with that, everybody has an off night. But what you did by kicking my skull in after the match crossed the line. I had been focused solely on The Undertaker. But maybe a kick to the head is what I needed, because I see things clearly now. I want nothing more than to show you how a kick to the head should be delivered. And I want to do it at the Royal Rumble, and I want to do it for your WWE Championship!


At this challenge the music of Sheamus played and the WWE Champion walked out onto the stage, accompanied by the Big Show.



Shawn, it was my pleasure to deliver that little wake up call to you. I’ll do it night in and night out if I have the chance. And to your little challenge for a championship match at the Royal Rumble, you’re on. There’s nothing more I’ve ever wanted to do than defeat a so called legend like Shawn Michaels and show the world that I’m the only future hall of famer worth mentioning in the WWE right now. My career may be young, but it’s already brighter than both of yours combined.


Big Show

Well it looks like we have a little match at the Royal Rumble. Personally I’ll be heading into the Rumble match to eliminate 29 other men, including you Triple H. And tonight, what do you say we have a little preview in the main event. Both our schedules are free tonight, what do you say we give the fans a preview of the whipping you will take at the end of the month.


Triple H

Big Show, I’ve beaten you before, and it looks like I’ll do it again tonight. You’re on!




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First Round in the Diva’s Championship Tournament

Brie Bella vs. Maryse


Brie’s Backstory: Brie hasn’t really done much wrestling since joining the Raw roster. This is her chance to stand on her own and show the WWE Universe that she can really go. She will look to use a fast paced offense to keep Maryse off balance and hopefully upset the former Diva’s Champion.


Maryse's Backstory: Maryse comes into this tournament more confident that she has ever been, if that’s possible. She has been Divas Champion in the past, and she looking to show the world that she has just gotten better over the past year with all that experience as champion. She uses ruthless offense, and isn’t afraid to hurt her opponent.


Finish: After controlling much of the match, Maryse nailed the French Kiss on Brie, then rubbed her forearm in her face as she got the three count.


Result: Maryse d. Brie Bella @ 5:40 via pinfall (C-)




The camera goes backstage to a familiar scene, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase huddled up around the leader of Legacy, Randy Orton as he gives them his unique style of encouragement before their match with John Cena, which will decide if Cena gets in the Royal Rumble.


Randy Orton

Gentlemen, it goes without saying how big your match is tonight. I’m going to be facing Mark Henry, and I’ll cut him down and build momentum heading into the Rumble, don’t worry about that. I want you two focused on John Cena. If Cena makes it into the Rumble and gets rolling he’s not an easy man to stop. Things would be so much easier if he didn’t make it to the Rumble. That’s your job. No matter what you have to do, make sure John Cena never makes it to the Royal Rumble!




The camera goes backstage, where DX is standing in their locker room, and Triple H is beginning to suit up for his main event match against Big Show.


Shawn Michaels

Hunter, I know you can handle Big Show, and I know you want to prove to everybody out there that you can still go as a singles wrestler, but I’d feel much better if I was out there with you incase Sheamus and Big Show try pulling a stunt like they did last week.


Triple H

Shawn, you can come out if you want, I won’t stop you. But I need to prove that I can still win on my own, so just try to stay out of the match. And be careful, you took quite the shot to the head last week, I don’t want you getting hurt on my behalf before your title match at the Royal Rumble.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/MarkHenry.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/RandyOrton.jpg


Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton


Henry’s Backstory: Mark Henry has a spot in the 2010 Royal Rumble, and he’s always a threat to win. That type of match lends itself very well to the World’s Strongest Man. Tonight he has to focus because he is facing one of the most cold and calculating men to ever step inside a WWE ring. He has to focus his strength in this match though because beating Orton is no easy task.


Orton’s Backstory: Randy Orton has been rolling heading into the Royal Rumble. He is the defending champion, and once again he has Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase joining him inside the 30 man battle royal. Tonight Orton’s next challenge before the Rumble is the World’s Strongest Man. This would frighten most of the WWE roster, but not Randy Orton. His offense is so deadly and sudden that he knows he can beat any superstar if he puts his evil mind towards it.


Finish: Randy Orton worked on the neck of Mark Henry the entire match, bending it in very awkward positions. Then just as Henry started to get his fans into it the Viper uncoiled and stuck with a venomous RKO for the victory.


Result: Randy Orton d. Mark Henry @ 8:50 via Pinfall ©




After the match Mark Henry rolled out of the ring holding his head, and something snapped inside Randy Orton and he got the familiar glazed over and cold look in his eyes. He stalked Henry outside the ring where he was laying while he recovered. Orton then peeled back a section of the padding on the floor, exposing the concrete. He then waited for Henry to rise and tried to strike with the RKO. Henry was able to power out though, then lifted Orton up and gave him the World’s Strongest Slam onto the concrete floor, and as Raw went to commercial Orton was left in a heap on the cold floor.




When Raw comes back on the air, the announcers talk about the nasty slam Randy Orton just took from Mark Henry. Then the music of John Cena plays, and he comes down the ramp to the ring, ready for his big Royal Rumble qualifying match against Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. First though he has something to say to the WWE Universe.


John Cena

Last week somebody must have peed in Mr. McMahon’s Cheerio’s because he was in a mood I haven’t seen him in for a very long time. I get that he is part of the reason the WWE is the gigantic force that it has become. But man, us WWE superstars have had a lot to do with it to Vinny. Now because I dared question the all powerful Mr. McMahon last week I’ve got to beat both members of Legacy to go to the Royal Rumble. I’ve said it before, I will not lose until I gain my WWE Championship back, and I don’t intend on losing tonight.








Cena Must Win to Qualify for the Royal Rumble

John Cena vs. Legacy


Cena’s Backstory: John Cena had the first match of the decade for the WWE, which he won over Jack Swagger. He was abruptly interrupted by Mr. McMahon though, and the boss revealed he’s not really a fan of Cena. Cena has seemed to brush it off though, and is focused back on his goal of gaining the WWE Championship back, and to get a shot he needs to be able to fight in the Royal Rumble match.


Legacy’s Backstory: Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase already qualified for the Royal Rumble by winning their tag team match last week. Now they are fighting to keep one of the most dangerous men in Royal Rumble history out of the match all together. Their mind might be in other places though as the status of their downed leader Randy Orton is in question.


Finish: After Legacy had worn Cena down and tagged very frequently, they had one slip up that gave Cena an opening. He hit move after move on both men, finishing with an Attitude Adjustment on DiBiase over the top rope to the floor, then a drop toe hold on Cody Rhodes straight into the STF, and Rhodes quickly tapped.


Result: John Cena d. Legacy @ 12:44 via Submission (B)




After the match the crowd went absolutely crazy, as John Cena had qualified for the Royal Rumble. Cena went crazy in the ring, elated that he will get another chance to go to Royal Rumble and get a chance to main event WrestleMania once again. Cena went around the ring high fiving fans as Raw went to commercial.




As Raw comes back on the air, the music of Santino Marella hits, and the fans rise to their feet as their favorite Italian Superstar makes his way down to the ring. Before his match though he has something to say, much to the delight of the fans.


Santino Marella

I’dda like to have just a minute of your time. I was backstage talking to Mr. McMahon today, he was on his cellular telephone with somebody sealing a deal, or something like that. For some reason I don’t think he wanted to talka to Santino. So I said, “Vincent! Whaddya say you give Santino another chance to make it to the Royal Rumble.” Of course he agreed, and here Santino stand in front of you, ready to be the wiener of the Rumble of the Royals!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/SantinoMarella.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/TheMizUS.jpg


Last Chance Qualifier for Santino Marella for the Royal Rumble

Santino Marella vs. The Miz


Santino’s Backstory: Last week Santino Marella had his first qualifying match against Randy Orton, and he was flattened. Apparently he annoyed Mr. McMahon during an important phone call, so here he is fighting to get into the Royal Rumble for the second time in two weeks.


Miz’s Backstory: The United States champion came out to face Santino Marella in this match. Miz lost last week to Kofi Kingston thanks to a distraction by MVP. Miz could really care less about if Santino made it to the Royal Rumble, he just wants to take out some frustrations from losing last week.


Finish: Miz was running train on Santino, plain and simple. He was looking for his Skull Crushing Finale, when the music of MVP hit. Again Miz instinctively looked around for MVP, but he never showed up. This allowed Santino to pump up the Cobra, and then strike Miz with it when he turned around, and then get a quick three count.


Result: Santino Marella d. The Miz @ 5:47 via Pinfall(C+)




As Santino plays his imaginary trombone back up the entrance ramp in celebration, MVP finally heads down to the ring, and he gets in while Miz is still gathering himself after that shocking loss. MVP has a few words for Miz.



Miz. You can keep ducking me all you want. I’ll keep making sure you lose. So next week, what do you say, you want to put up your United States Championship against me one-on-one. You give me my shot, I won’t bother you again.


The Miz

Fine. But once I beat you, I never want to see you again!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/MVP.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/JackSwagger.jpg


MVP vs. Jack Swagger


MVP’s Backstory: MVP has to be the happiest he’s been in quite some time. He’s made Miz lose twice in two weeks, and now he has a United States Championship match next week. First he has to get past Jack Swagger though, who like MVP, is a highly talented technical wrestler.


Swagger’s Backstory: Jack Swagger fought in the first match of the decade, too bad it was against John Cena. Swagger put up an admirable fight, and showed the WWE Universe why everybody considers him a great prospect, he’s just got a little more to go to break through.


Finish: This was a great technical battle. Swagger went for the Gut Wrench Powerbomb, but MVP slipped out of it, then hooked Swagger up with the Playmaker and delivered for the win.


Result: MVP d. Jack Swagger @ 8:30 via Pinfall ©




The camera goes backstage to DX one last time, where Triple H is talking to Shawn Michaels.


Triple H

Welp, it’s about that time. You’ve been acting really funny tonight Shawn. You sure you want to go out there? I can handle Big Show on my own.


Shawn Michaels

I’m sure Hunter. I’ve just had a headache I can’t shake all night. Probably from Sheamus putting his boot in my face last week. I’ll be fine, let’s go out there and take care of that overgrown oaf.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/TripleH.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/BigShow.jpg


Triple H vs. Big Show


Triple H’s Backstory: Last week something happened to Triple H and Shawn Michaels that barely ever happens, they put a match in the loss column. Tonight Triple H faces Big Show to try to avenge that loss. It’s been months since Triple H has worked as a singles wrestler, but don’t forget, he is one of the best in-ring performers in the history of the business.


Big Show’s Backstory: Last week Big Show got a major boost as he was able to finally beat DX, this time without Chris Jericho, but with Sheamus. Big Show single handedly gave knock out punches to Triple H and Michaels and led his team to victory. Tonight he looks to pick up steam heading into the Royal Rumble in less than three weeks.


Finish: This match was very back and forth. Triple H was getting the upper hand and he had Big Show set up for the Pedigree, then he caught something out of the corner of his eye, Sheamus ran down to ringside and axe handled Shawn Michaels from behind. Michaels then turned around and was booted again by Sheamus. Triple H jumped out of the ring and started brawling with Sheamus. Big Show came out and pushed Triple H away and pushed Sheamus towards the entrance ramp, telling him to save it for another day. The match finished without a clear winner or loser.


Result: Match ended in no contest @ 13:02 ©




After the match Shawn Michaels was out cold on the outside of the ring, and Triple H was calling for help for his fallen friend. Big Show continued to keep Sheamus from charging again, telling him he’s done enough damage for one night and he doesn’t want to mess with Triple H when he’s in this state. When they were clear of Triple H they raised their arms in triumph.




Final Rating: C+


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Breaking WWE News


Two WWE Superstars Suspended


In accordance with WWE's Substance Abuse Policy, WWE superstars Chris Mordetzky (Chris Masters) and Randy Orton have been suspended for one month. They were both found to have steroids in their systems. Both will be eligible to return in the second week of February.


WWE's new substance abuse policy is as follows:

  1. Offender Fined Month's Pay, Not Publicized
  2. Offender Suspended One Month
  3. Offender Suspended Three Months
  4. Offender Fired From WWE

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Kudos on more great WWE television. I really like that you're going with an injury angle for HBK. Should be interesting, especially if it leads to a Michaels heel turn. I've always liked him better as a heel.


Big blow, losing Orton for the Rumble. It's incredible that you're actually going through with the Wellness policy stuff. Keep in mind, that soft drugs (particularily marijuana) are only finable, under the actual Wellness policy, regardless of number of offences. Orton has reported been fined a whole bunch of times for it, but has never been suspended. Doing something similar would probably help you keep from getting derailed.



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Kudos on more great WWE television. I really like that you're going with an injury angle for HBK. Should be interesting, especially if it leads to a Michaels heel turn. I've always liked him better as a heel.


Big blow, losing Orton for the Rumble. It's incredible that you're actually going through with the Wellness policy stuff. Keep in mind, that soft drugs (particularily marijuana) are only finable, under the actual Wellness policy, regardless of number of offences. Orton has reported been fined a whole bunch of times for it, but has never been suspended. Doing something similar would probably help you keep from getting derailed.




Thanks. I forgot to mention it in the post, I'll edit it now. They were both busted for steroids for the 2nd time in 2 weeks.

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ECW on SyFy

Tuesday, Week 2, January 2010

Target Center – Minneapolis, Minnesota

Attendance: 7,988



http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/TheHurricane.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/ZackRyder.jpg


The Hurricane vs. Zack Ryder


Hurricane’s Backstory: Hurricane was just minding his business last week, when apparently he got in the way of Zack Ryder’s walking. Hurricane is looking for a rebound victory in this match after losing to Vance Archer on Superstars last week, and he looks to use his experience to his advantage against the young Ryder.


Ryder’s Backstory: There haven’t been many people more arrogant in the history of ECW than Zack Ryder. Ryder can back it up for the most part though. He is accompanied by his girlfriend, Rosa Mendes, and if things start going bad for Ryder she usually has something to turn it back around. Woo Woo Woo.


Finish: The Hurricane had Zack Ryder right where he wanted him, but Rosa Mendes jumped in the ring and got in the Hurricane’s face. The referee threw her out of the match, but it gave Ryder an opening and he hit the Zack Attack to get the win.


Result: Zack Ryder d. The Hurricane @ 10:23 via Pinfall (C+)




A graphic appears on the screen that announces what tonight’s main event will be. Christian will be teaming with Vladimir Kozlov to take on the Ruthless Roundtable, William Regal and Ezekiel Jackson.




When ECW comes back from commercial Zack Ryder and Rosa Mendes are standing backstage, and Ryder has something to say.


Zack Ryder

The Hurricane wants to keep running his mouth? I just showed him what a real man, not some superhero wannabe does when they are faced with a challenge. The Hurricane shouldn’t feel bad though, there’s not a man on the planet that could have beaten me on this night. I’m the greatest superstar in the WWE, the heart and soul of ECW, and once ECW is done in a few weeks, I’ll be the hottest free agent in the history of the WWE. Woo Woo Woo. You know it.




The music of Goldust hits, and the golden one makes his entrance, followed by his opponent for the evening, Shelton Benjamin. Before the match gets underway though, Shelton Benjamin has something to say to Goldust.


Shelton Benjamin

So I hear they call you the Golden One. You are just one big gold freak. You aren’t the golden one. That would be. You may not know, but I’m the Gold Standard. Once I get out of this dump known as ECW, I’m going to either Smackdown or Raw, then I’ll capture whatever gold I set my eyes on. I’m the Gold Standard, and there ain’t no stopping me now!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/Goldust.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/SheltonBenjamin.jpg


Goldust vs. Shelton Benjamin


Goldust’s Backstory: Goldust teamed with Yoshi Tatsu to defeat the young team of Croft and Baretta last week, but this week Goldust is going it alone. He has been wrestling for many years, and he has picked up a lot of tricks that could help him get back in the ranks of the top singles wrestlers in the WWE.


Benjamin’s Backstory: This young superstar has no limit to what he can do with his incredible athleticism. No only can Shelton fly around the ring, he is one of the most accomplished amateur wrestlers on the WWE roster. If Shelton can get things rolling like he has been known to do in the past there really might not be any stopping him.


Finish: Shelton showed what speed can do through the match, keeping Goldust off balance. He hit the Paydirt to get the victory over the ring veteran.


Result: Shelton Benjamin d. Goldust @ 9:34 via Pinfall (B-)




Before the big main event, Christian and Vladimir Kozlov are backstage ready to say something.



There are only a few weeks left in ECW. There are only two shows after tonight, so if there’s going to be an impact that fans of ECW remember forever, it has to be done soon. Tonight Vladimir and I plan on making that impact against Big Zeke and William Regal. There’s no love lost between Vlady and them anyways, so he’s told me that he can’t wait to rip them to shreds. And Regal, I’m looking forward to giving you a preview of what’s going to happen on the final edition of ECW when I beat you one-two-three to retire the ECW Championship in good hands.








Christian and Vladimir Kozlov vs. William Regal and Ezekiel Jackson


Christian and Kozlov’s Backstory: Christian is the ECW Champion, and he looks to hold onto his title when he faces William Regal in two weeks time. He walked out last week as champion against Ezekiel Jackson, and feels he can do the same against Regal. Kozlov was unceremoniously dumped by the Ruthless Roundtable, and now he’s looking for revenge.


Regal and Jackson’s Backstory: Last week Ezekiel Jackson was unable to win the ECW Championship, and William Regal wasn’t too happy about it as he just jumped in and took down Christian to end the match. Regal is looking forward to his championship match in two weeks, and he is looking for Ezekiel Jackson to get revenge on Christian and soften him up a bit for him.


Finish: Christian was looking for a Frog Splash onto Regal, but Kozlov made a blind tag in, showing their inexperience as a tag team. Kozlov charged in, and Regal took advantage and rolled him up and got the victory, looking very pleased as Christian was in dismay at what happened.


Result: William Regal and Ezekiel Jackson d. Christian and Vladimir Kozlov @ 12:26 via Pinfall (C+)




Final Rating: B-



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Breaking WWE News


Christian Signs Preliminary Deal with Smackdown!


WWE.com has learned that following ECW last night Christian inked a deal with Smackdown to join the brand following the closing of ECW in two weeks time. Smackdown general manager Theodore Long announced the preliminary deal to our reporters. He also added that Christian will be added to the Royal Rumble Match as a participant from Smackdown.


Christian has been ECW Champion for longer than any other current title holder has held their belt in the WWE. He has a match at the last ECW where he will face William Regal in a singles match to decide the last ever ECW Champion. Christian has a history on Smackdown, he was a member of that roster when he left the WWE several years ago. He returned last year to the ECW brand, and after dominating competition there for months he returns to Smackdown at the Royal Rumble. Expect more on this announcement on Smackdown in the coming weeks.


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Thursday, Week 2, January 2010

River Center Arena – Baton Rouge, LA

Attendance: 9,414


Superstars gets started up with a recap of Tuesday night’s main event on ECW of Christian and Vladimir Kozlov against William Regal and Ezekiel Jackson. It highlights Regal getting a pinfall victory over Kozlov as Christian looks on confused after Kozlov blind tagged himself in and was quickly beaten, giving the ECW Champion a loss and a dent in his momentum heading into his title match with William Regal in less than two weeks now.








Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J vs. Caylen Croft and Trent Barreta


Yang and J’s Backstory: This pair of superstars is one of the most exciting tag teams in WWE. They take risks like few people, even though it always doesn’t come across with a successful win-loss record. One thing is for sure though, they always have the crowd on their side.


Croft and Barreta’s Backstory: These two claim they are going to be the tag team of 2010. That got off to a bad start last week as they lost to Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust on ECW. They look to turn things around against the quick team of Yang and Slam Master J.


Finish: Slam Master J went for a high risk move, but he was kicked by a dropkick by Croft. Croft then picked up J and tagged in Barreta, and they hit an impressive move where Croft held J up, then Baretta went up top and dropped an elbow onto J, then pinned him for the three count.


Result: Croft and Barreta d. Yang and J @ 8:04 via Pinfall (E-)




A video plays, replaying the results of the four singles matches on Smackdown last week where wrestlers were qualifying for the elimination match for Smackdown tomorrow night, where the winner will face The Undertaker at the Royal Rumble for the title. A graphic then airs showing the four men in the big match this week: Kane, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio and Batista.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/Yoshi_Tatsu.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/DolphZiggler.jpg


Yoshi Tatsu vs. Dolph Ziggler


Tatsu’s Backstory: Yoshi Tatsu has been on a roll since entering the WWE several months ago, and he continued that last week in a tag team win on ECW. This week on Superstars though he faces Smackdown’s Dolph Ziggler in possibly his toughest match to date.


Ziggler’s Backstory: Dolph Ziggler was unable to qualify for Smackdown’s big elimination match, and he looks to get things back on the roll against Yoshi Tatsu this week. Ziggler has impressed more and more people each and every match he wrestles, and this week he looks to take it to the energetic Yoshi Tatsu.


Finish: Tatsu fought a tough match, but Dolph Ziggler showed his excellent match planning as he took control and hit the Zig Zag to get the victory.


Result: Dolph Zigger d. Yoshi Tatsu @ 7:55 via Pinfall ©




A Raw recap plays on the screen when Superstars comes back on the air. First it shows John Cena’s very tough match against Legacy, ultimately coming out on top and qualifying for the Royal Rumble match. Then it shows the main event between Triple H and Big Show, which ended when Sheamus came out and kicked Shawn Michaels in the head, and the match was stopped as Michaels looked to possibly be hurt on the outside of the ring as Sheamus and Big Show watched on as Triple H tended to his best friend.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/ChrisMasters.jpg vs http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TEW%20Pictures/TheMizUS.jpg


Chris Masters vs. The Miz


Masters’ Backstory: Chris Masters recently became a fan favorite and has a thing going with WWE Diva Eve. Success hasn’t followed this switch in philosophy, but Masters seems to be much happier and the crowd is always behind him. His Masterlock is as deadly as ever though.


Miz's Backstory: For the past two weeks The Miz has been haunted by the number one contender to the United States Championship, MVP. MVP said he would stop interfering in Miz’s matches once he granted him a title shot. Miz told MVP he gets a shot Monday night, so we’ll see if MVP is a man of his word.


Finish: For the third time in two weeks, Miz set up to finish a match with his Skull Crushing Finale, but he looked around for MVP first, and to his word, he was nowhere to be found. Miz then connected on his devastating finisher to get the win.


Result: The Miz d. Chris Masters @ 10:25 via Pinfall (D)




Final Rating: D+


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