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Total Championship Wrestling: Tuesday Night Wars

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado

Much as I'd hate to see the tag champs get jobbed out, Law and Tornado are on big pushes right now.


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

Taylor winning sets up an assault by the Total Violence Connection to pull Taylor into the feud.


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

The Specialists are at the point in their careers where they should be putting younger men over.


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

I think Vessey should be in the title match; this also gives Cornell a point of contention with Wolf.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

Could go either way, but Sammy's the better talent.

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado - Going against the grain here, the best team in the world should be able to overcome them with a big win; Troy and Rick can easily regain overness.


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor - That belt belongs nowhere near Rahn.

TCW International Championship Match


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists - Total guess


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey - Agree that Hawkins can hold off and Vessey should move up first

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith - Just for the possibility of him vs. Minnesota

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith - Big time Sam Keith fan, I know it's probably more logical that RDJ goes over, but my man lub for Keith is massive

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado


It's non title, so the two guys getting huge pushes right now, pick up the win in this one.


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match


As someone else pointed out Rahn is in the role of 'gatekeeper' now and I with Taylor already in the postion of being International Champion I don't see him losing the belt to someone who has seen better days.


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists


The Tag Team Geriatrics are there to point the rising talent over these days.


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3


I'll go for Vessey to win here, Hawkins time in the sun will come but for now keeping him just out of the main event will help to keep his ego in check.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4


Honestly I like Keith more, and even in his advancing years he is still a special talent.

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado

Law is the next title challenger and needs to be kept strong

Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

It seems set in stone that Taylor will defend against Bach

The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

Young up and coming tag team pick up the win

Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

We all know Vessey and Keith will meet sooner rather than later, but not with anyone else involved.

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

Same as above

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists


Wolf Hawkinsvs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado

Law and Tornado need to remain strong


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match

Rahn not at Title holding caliber anymore


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

This could be either way, I see a possible draw, but think the connection


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

Vessey is ready for PT now, Wolf is close


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

Keith more talent at this point in time.

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4

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The suspense is killing me!!! That's it! I'm making predictions!!!


The New Wave vs Law & Tornado


The New Wave doesn't seem to have all that much going right now (at least compared to Law & Tornado) and since it's non-title, I say this one goes against them.


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor


We all know you don't like hot-shoting titles, so it'd be far to early for a change...plus it's a TV match...


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists


I have no idea who either team is and I'm too lazy to check - total guess.


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey


Just because I like your characterization of Vessey


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith


I'd like to see Sam Keith win this one, but I have a feeling RDJ will take it.

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado



Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

You're pushing these guys


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3

Tough one for sure.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4

I think Tommy's gonna get kicked out of the match and we're going to see the tag teams go at it again.

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Sorry for taking longer than I expected with this one, folks. Thought I would get more done over the weekend than I managed to. Have to admit that I am a bit more relaxed with getting things written than I was with Generation Supreme, which is hopefully a good thing. Hoping to have it finished and up tonight or early tomorrow.
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Guest cmdrsam
Sorry for taking longer than I expected with this one, folks. Thought I would get more done over the weekend than I managed to. Have to admit that I am a bit more relaxed with getting things written than I was with Generation Supreme, which is hopefully a good thing. Hoping to have it finished and up tonight or early tomorrow.


We aint interested in your belly aching. Post the show. O crap whos at my door. O great its Larry again. :p

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, March 2010

The Theatre of Dreams (North West)



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Chapter Three




Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes




The Theatre of Dreams isn't particularly dreamy on this night, as its decked out in the dark color of Total Championship Wrestling. The fans are rabid, eager for the action to kick off.


Jason Azaria: Bringing you the very best in professional wrestling, this is... Total Championship Wrestling! I am Jason Azaria, and with me is my broadcast partner, Kyle Rhodes.

Kyle Rhodes: Good evening to one and all. Looks like a big show tonight. Welcome to Total Wrestling! Let's get things started!



Law & Tornado vs The New Wave

542 pounds total combined weight vs 470 pounds total combined weight


Its clear from the reception that Rick Law and Troy Tornado receive that the fans do not love this pair. The hatred is palpable. Rick Law sneers and ignores it, while Tornado preens and plays to the fans like he's being cheered. The TCW World Tag Team champions get shown a lot of love from the fans, especially as they arrive through the crowd with their trademark “Stealth Wave” entrance, though it is without the sneak attack that used to accompany it during their heel days in Danger and Violence Extreme. Referee Eugene Williams can barely keep the two teams apart before the bell rings. Before it even starts, this one has the feel of a wild affair.


Much like the champions recent match against the Total Violence Connection, this one is all action. Not quite as all over and out-of-control with the action, it is continual fast-paced action where neither team really controls for too long until the late-going. Both teams make plenty of tags, but its the experienced duo of Guide and Scout who make them count most effectively as they time everything perfectly. Later in the match, they begin to work very effective double teams. As expected of the greatest tag team in the world, they time everything to perfection. The highlight in the early portion of the match is an exchange of strikes in middle of the ring between Law and Guide, but “The Guardian Devil” gets the better of it with his precision and power. Moments later, however, he is sent sprawling out of the ring by a tandem drop kick by both New Wavers. As the match moves on, the tag champions actually manage several near-pinfalls and build the momentum that looks like they will take the win. Its a surprise when the opposite happens – Rick Law leaves the ring apron and attacks Guide outside the ring, while Tornado uses the distraction to waylay Scout with a nasty-looking low blow. He then rolls up the The Waver with a schoolboy and uses the ropes to get the three count.


The fans let their displeasure to be known at the end. Tornado celebrates outside the ring, while Rick Law stands beside him, simply looking sour. The New Wave, who have a habit of communicating more through gestures than words into microphones, give a “bring it on” invitation, indicating they are willing to rematch the pair anytime.


Law & Tornado Win at 13:24 via Pinfall

Grade: B



Guide, Scout, Brent Hill & John Anderson

Post-Match Staredown


Right as the pair of Law and Tornado depart, they are replaced by a pair that the fans dislike almost as much – The Machines. The coldly-calculating pair stand outside the ring, staring up at the defeated but still proud New Wave duo. The TCW officials at ringside visibly become tense, as they expect things to explode between the two long time rival tag teams.


After a moment of standing outside the ring, Hill and Anderson climb in. The New Wave look ready for battle, but referee Williams is joined by a number of TCW officials – who are easily identified by the fact all of them are wearing dark gray polo shirts with the TCW logo on the breast. The officials keep the two teams apart and prevent things from escalating into an actual brawl. The point of the exchange is clear – the Machines want another shot at the TCW World Tag Team titles, and The New Wave seem more than willing to let them have that chance.


Grade: A

Kyle Rhodes: I think The Machines already had a strong argument to be considered number one contenders... but its pretty clear that The New Wave would be more than happy to face them.

Jason Azaria: TCW continues to feature some of the finest tag team action in the world!

Kyle Rhodes: Absolutely! I really thought Guide and Scout were going to take the win there over Law and Tornado...

Jason Azaria: Indeed. The cheap tricks of “Hollywood” coming through for him once again.




Jason Azaria: Next up, we have an International championship match between one of TCW's rising stars and a veteran.

Kyle Rhodes: A veteran who once held that International championship, a full decade ago now. Its interesting to see Rahn title a title shot here for a singles title, as most of his success in recent months has been in tag team action.




Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match

6'2” + 275 lbs vs 6'3” + 248 lbs


The crowd is less enthusiastic heading into this one. Taylor is well-liked but still not that popular, and Rahn is no longer the hated monster heel he once was. In his prime, the challenger would have overwhelmed the younger wrestler with his wild aggression. He attempts that here, but its none too successful. Taylor uses his athleticism to move quickly about the ring, much quicker than Rahn can, and his diverse skills to vary his offense. The commentators muse on whether Rahn's lackluster showing here is down to his own decline or an increase in the quality of opposition, eventually deciding its a combination of both. While Rhodes and Azaria discuss this, Taylor makes a mistake when he decides to try to brawl with the challenger, and the youngster quickly finds himself overwhelmed and overpowered. Rahn is wild with his offense – punches, clubbing shots, knees... but he starts to wear out, it seems. The challenger tries for his Rahn to the Hills spinning death valley driver finisher, but he hasn't worn the champion down nearly enough yet. Taylor squirms free and lands several quick shots, stunning the challenger. Then he destroys Rahn with a big series of suplexes, finishing the sequence with his Taylor Made finisher, a dragon suplex that gets him the three count from the referee.


Joshua Taylor Wins at 10:12 via Pinfall

Grade: C-

Kyle Rhodes: Solid win by Taylor.

Jason Azaria: Here's a little fact you may not know... Joshua Taylor's finance is also a professional wrestler.

Kyle Rhodes: And a lovely one at that!



Sammy Bach & Karen Killer



Sammy Bach stands as far back away from the camera as the interview set will allow him to. Karen Killer is by his side in all her Gothic glory. Nothing is said. The silence grows awkward, with Bach staring intensely into the camera from behind his makeup. He finally begins to speak, in a low monotone.


Sammy Bach: Just Another Day... Joshua Taylor... Sammy Bach... The TCW International Championship... An opportunity given... We should be grateful, thankful, they say... Yet how can one be grateful for an opportunity was earned, and earned, and earned... Yet denied, and denied, and denied.... So no, we are not grateful.


Another silence, long enough to grow awkward.


Sammy Bach: The only emotion I feel is sympathy for Joshua Taylor. Because I know what I am going to do to him. I am going to do much more than just take his championship away. I am going to wreck his perfect little life. I am going to leave him in the kind of ruin that only a few can truly appreciate. Its time for your decent to begin, Joshua Taylor. Time to understand what I understand. Time to... fall. The end of the month won't be just another day, Taylor... because we all... fall... down...


The promo ends in silence, with Karen Killer nodding her agreement.


Grade: B+


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

469 pounds total combined weight vs 469 pounds total combined weight


The younger duo come our flying, showing a quickness and aggression that threatens to overwhelm the veterans in the early going. The crafty Robert Oxford uses the aggression of Chance Fortune against him, simply getting out of the way of a flying body splash into the corner. Bryant and Oxford then spend several minutes working over “Lucky”. Fortune fortunately finally makes the tag to “Ace” Andrews who launches some offense at the veterans. That doesn't last long before the vets fight back. They use double-teaming and effective referee distractions. Andrews scores a win when he surprises Bryant with a roll-up, but Oxford makes the save in time. Then the pair stomp on Andrews while the referee deals with Fortune trying to get involved. Bryant then hits “Ace” with his One Shot Drop overhead flip slam to get the win.


The Tag Team Specialists Wins at 8:31 via Pinfall

Grade: C+

Kyle Rhodes: It looked like the Connection had what it takes there, but the veterans come through.

Jason Azaria: Indeed. Here's a little fact you may not know... Aaron Andrews is a product of the TCW School of Pro Wrestling. The very first graduate, in fact.

Kyle Rhodes: A home-grown talent.



Troy Tornado, Rick Law & Jasmine Saunders



Rick Law and Troy Tornado stomp their way onto the interview set, where Jasmine Saunders waits. She tries to say something to Law, but the "Guardian Devil" brushes past her and walks off the set. She looks taken back. Tornado, however, cannot say no to a camera. He stops, grinning into the camera.


Jasmine Saunders: Troy, Troy, if you don't mind. I just have a question or two.

Troy Tornado: I actually do mind, darling. I mind a lot. Because I have a lot of mind to mind. But I'll answer your inane questions, because these fans will benefit from the knowledge I'm going to drop on them. It might just alter their very existence.

Jasmine Saunders: Uh, okay. Well, you and Rick Law just scored a big tag team win over the TCW World Tag Team champions. Does that mean you and Law have a future together?

Troy Tornado: As what, a couple? Look, Jazzy, Hollywood don't swing that way. Well, some of Hollywood does and that's their business. This part of Hollywood don't. This Hollywood loves the ladies. And the ladies love Hollywood. Sometimes twice, if they're lucky. But that's a different story. See, Jasmine, Law and I just beat the TCW World Tag Team champions. That's a big win! Which means we could dominate TCW as a team... if we chose to. But we have bigger things to take care of.

Jasmine Saunders: Like Koshiro Ino?

Troy Tornado: Yeah, like Ino.

Jasmine Saunders: You are set to face him at Just Another Day.

Troy Tornado: That's a statement, Jazzy. Aren't you supposed to ask questions? But its an accurate statement. I will face Ino at the pay per view. And I will beat Ino at the pay per view. I won't just beat him. I'm going to Pearl Harbor that face paint right off him and send him running back home!

Jasmine Saunders: Did you just use “Pearl Harbor” as a verb? That's really offensive, Troy.

Troy Tornado: I don't care about your tender sensibilities. I care about putting Hollywood in a position to challenge for the TCW World Heavyweight championship. That's the only thing that matters. Ino is my way to do that. Which means he must be destroyed. I am like a laser-guided cruise missile... and I am aimed at Koshiro Ino's forehead! BOOM!


With that, Tornado stomps off. Poor Jasmine is left shaking her head.


Grade: B+


Kyle Rhodes: You have to hand it to Mr. Tornado, he certainly talks a big game.

Jason Azaria: Indeed. Speaking of a big game, we now head to our semi main event... between Bryan Vessey and Wolf Hawkins.

Kyle Rhodes: A lot on the line in this one.



Bryan Vessey

Pre-Match Segment


As lead-in hype to the match, “Shogun” Bryan Vessey is shown in the backstage waiting area, ready to make his entrance. The muscular, athletic veteran looks focused. He's rolling his shoulders and neck then bouncing from foot to foot. The he checks his trademark black tape that goes not only around his fist, but up his forearm, nearly to the black elbow pads, so there is almost no skin showing from the elbow down to the fingertips.


The preparations of “Shogun” suddenly stop, as he stares at something – or someone – directly ahead of him. The camera spins...



Sam Keith, Greg Keith & Matthew Keith


The clan Keith stand before Vessey. Father Sam is in his ring gear, but the twin sons are dressed to impress. The resemblance is striking when all three of them are together – its like the pair are younger clones of the legendary Sam Keith.


The stare down lasts a long, tense moment. No words are exchange, just hard and unflinching looks.


After the long moment, Keith nods at his sons and leads them away. The twins Greg and Matthew share a laugh as they head off down the hallway behind Vessey. For his part, Vessey's expression has not changed at all throughout.


The whole sequence seemed to be one of Sam Keith's typical mind game attempts, though “Shogun” seems unphased.


Grade: A*

Kyle Rhodes: I, for one, cannot wait to see those two face off in the ring.



Bryan Vessey vs Wolf Hawkins

6'5” + 252 lbs vs 6'3” + 235 lbs


The TCW fans are clearly excited for this one, as they are loud and boisterous. They explode with verbalized support when the serious-looking Bryan Vessey emerges to the opening strains of “Smoke on the Water”. He is ready and determined. The reception for Wolf Hawkins is just as loud, but hardly positive. It gets worse when Tommy Cornell emerges just a few steps behind his protege. “Rough Justice” is clearly not respecting the orders of the Home Office to cease his association with Hawkins.


There is no slow start to this one. No feeling out process. Its a sprint from the bell. Both wrestlers understand the magnitude here, and unload with bombs. They throw big offense at each other and both go for some early pins, trying to get the quick win. Neither comes that close, until just past the ten minute mark when Vessey delivers two big back drops. Before he can try for the pin after the second, Cornell makes his presence count as he begins to shout at referee Sam Sparrow, grabbing the attention of both the referee and Vessey. Its a short distraction, but its enough give Hawkins a chance to recover so he can manage to kick out of the pin. The pace slows as the match nears the quarter hour mark and both men show the effects of the big shots they've thrown and taken through the early minutes of the match. They slow right down into a nice sequence of match wresting, holds, and counters. Vessey again gets the better of the action, up until Hawkins catches him with a quick eye gouge. “The Prodigy” immediately tries to take advantage as he works away at Vessey. He goes for a Full Moon Rising running Enzuigiri kick, but Vessey moves so it connects, but not as it should. He is able to kick out of the pin, fighting back desperately with a headbutt and a series of forearm blows. “Shogun” then hammers his young opponent with a Vessey Line leaping forearm smash. He picks up the 235-pound Hawkins and seats him on the top turnbuckle. The fans are chanting “Ves-sey” as they know what's coming... a Super Vessey Plex. Hawkins smashes to the mat with painful force. Vessey grabs both legs for the pin and the ref counts out one, two, and three.


The ultra-serious competitor Vessey cracks a grin as he celebrates and the fans chant his name. Tommy Cornell paces the floor outside the ring, looking unimpressed at his protege.


Bryan Vessey Wins at 19:19 via Pinfall

Grade: B

Jason Azaria: Big, big win for Bryan Vessey.

Kyle Rhodes: He told me recently that he wants a shot at the TCW World title, even if it means facing his friend Rocky Golden.

Jason Azaria: You have to take these chances you get in this business.

Kyle Rhodes: Absolutely. As for Wolf Hawkins, he did well. But he doesn't seem to quite be at the level of the very top wrestlers here in TCW just yet.



Rocky Golden & Miss Sara

In-Ring Promo


The fan reaction for TCW World Heavyweight champion Rocky Golden is massive. The big man takes his time getting down to the ring, as he connects as much as possible with his vocal fans in the crowd. Miss Sara is by his side. The pair finally climb into the ring, with the gentlemanly Golden holing the ropes open for her. With his championship belt over his shoulder and his lady by his side, the big man takes a microphones.


Rocky Golden: I wasn't here last week because I... I should say “we” - had something to take care of. See, you fans seem to respect that. The Home Office respects that. Most of the guys in the back respect that. But there are a few nosy people who don't respect that. Who want to talk about things that are none of their business. Talk about how maybe I'm not that focused on being TCW World Heavyweight champion.


Golden allows that to hang for a moment. He does not look happy.


Rocky Golden: I want this to be crystal clear... I don't want any misunderstanding at all here... There are two things that I care about above all else in my life. And both are with me in this ring. This belt and this woman.


The crowd sounds their approval.


Rocky Golden: I will defend this belt against anyone the Home Office sees fit to put in front of me. I've done that for seven months now. People called me a fluke champion when I pinned Tommy Cornell. But I've defended this against Cornell. Again Sam Keith. Against Eddie Peak. Against Troy Tornado. Against anyone they've put in front of me, I've won. And I'm going to continue to win. Whether its Rick Law or Tommy Cornell or even Sam Keith again. Whether its men I consider friends like Ricky Dale Johnson or Bryan Vessey. See, I understand that being champion makes me a target. I have something everyone wants. I get that. But I want this to be perfectly clear – no one is taking this from me. Because you can't stop the Rock.


The fans react positively, cheering the beloved champion as he poses with his belt and his love.


Grade: A


Kyle Rhodes: Sounds like Golden is very aware of that target he has. And will have, as long as he remains champion.



Sam Keith vs Ricky Dale Johnson

6'1” + 235 lbs vs 6'4” + 295 lbs


Sam Keith emerges first, the legend forging his way down to the ring to his familiar music - “Kasmir” by Lez Zeppelin. His two sons trail behind him, looking just as intent and serious as their father. The pair don't climb into the ring, but rather take up spots around the outside. Then Ricky Dale Johnson emerges as the fans roar their approval. Its notable that the reception RDJ receives is not quite as loud as that given to Rocky Golden, proving perhaps that the long-time fan favorite of TCW is no longer the absolute fan favorite. Johnson ignores that and ignores the Keith twins as he is fully focused on the task at hand – defeating Sam Keith.


The match starts slowly, with a feeling out process that takes several minutes. The pair have faced each other numerous times and typically been very evenly matched. This night is no different, as the match goes back and forth between the two. RDJ wants to keep the fight standing, where he can launch his brawling offense most effectively, while Keith is determined to take the match to the mat. He does so a number of times, but his opponent finds a way back to his feet each time, before Keith can inflict too much damage with his efficient mat wrestling techniques. Keith also goes for repeated pinfall attempts, forcing RDJ to kick out time and again. The overall tactical approach appears to pay dividends, as the big street fighter is gradually wearing down. At 40 years old, Johnson doesn't have the stamina he once did... though its odd to say when his opponent is 48 years old. Keith gradually takes full control of the match and continues to chip away at RDJ's defenses. It's the approach that Cornell has used an endless number of times against his eternal rival, and Keith seems to be following the script. But as Cornell has seen so many times, Ricky Dale Johnson is not so easy to keep down. The big cowboy reverses an Irish whip, then throws all of his 295 pounds into Keith in the corner. He follows it up with a big lariat, then a big boot. RDJ doesn't seem to have a ton left in the gas tank, but he's not going down without a fight. And his fightback takes an obvious toll on Keith. Its suddenly anyone's match again. Then everything changes...


The action stops and the crowd goes quiet. All eyes are on the top of the ramp, where Tommy Cornell has emerged and slowly saunters down the ramp to the ringside area. He stares up the two men - his eternal rival and a former associate who he hasn't been on the best of terms with since. The 5-time TCW world champion stands at ringside, with his arms folded as he stares at the two competitors. Sam Keith interrupts the break in action, taking advantage of the distraction. He drives a diving knee into the lower spine of RDJ, pulls him down to the mat by his hair, and begins to work over his knee. He is clearly setting up his Proton Lock. RDJ makes it to the ropes and clambers to his feet gingerly. Both men circle, clearly wary of the presence of Tommy Cornell at ringside. This continues for several minutes, with Cornell just standing like a statue. On the opposite side of the ring, the Keith twins have their ears all over "Rough Justice", their gazes loaded with distrust. When it finally happens, its small. Cornell simply calls out Keith's name, causing him to miss an attempt at his patented Headlock Switch to begin the sequence into his finisher, and Johnson comes back with a big lariat. With an impeccable sense of timing, "The Lone Star Hero" launches a quick-fire salvo of offense at his veteran opponent, putting Keith clearly on the defensive. Keith tries to reverse things by going for a take down, but he gets a series of elbows for his trouble. The excitement of the crowd builds, as they sense RDJ building toward the victory. Sam Keith desperately throws a big knee and tries for his Atomic Drop, only to get backdropped, and then lariated again. RDJ looks as exhausted as Keith does, but he delivers his Southern Justice Nadowa with authority, then throws himself down atop of Keith, grabbing a leg single leg. Referee Eugene Williams counts out the three as the fans count with him.


Ricky Dale Johnson Wins at 23:32 via Pinfall

Grade: B



Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Sam Keith, Greg Keith & Matthew Keith

Post-Match Showdown


As soon as referee Williams calls for the bell, RDJ flops off of his downed opponent and lays out on the mat, as exhausted as Keith. The TCW Attendants hit the ring to check on both men. The crowd are still sounding their approval at the Ricky Dale Johnson victory.


Tommy Cornell is still standing at ringside with his arms crossed, staring at the two men in the ring. Suddenly things are moving... Sam Keith's two sons are glaring Cornell as they slowly creep around toward his side of the ring. Keith shoves the TCW attendants away as he lurches to his feet, shouting down at the trio on the floor. Its unclear whether he's angry at Cornell or yelling at his two sons to keep away from the snake-like “Rough Justice”. Still unsteady, Keith stumbles backward into his victorious opponent. Johnson graciously holds the old man upright, but Keith is having none of it. He shoves RDJ away and slides out of the ring, to the side opposite Cornell. Keith hollers at his two boys, who move to their father's side in a hurry. The trio do not depart, but the focus of everyone shifts to Ricky Dale Johnson and Tommy Cornell.


Though clearly in tough shape after his hard-fought battle, RDJ motions for his nemesis to step into the ring. To face the “Lone Star Hero” like a man. Cornell doesn't accept, nor does he decline. He simply stands there, staring and unmoving. RDJ gets more emphatic with his invitations, and its clear that Cornell's lack of response gets under his skin. Climbing onto the second rope and leaning down towards Cornell, Johnson clearly says two words - “next week”. The crowd erupts with the thought of the big four-way match next week.


Finally, as the show fades out on Tommy Cornell's face, “Rough Justice” slowly breaks out into his trademark confident sneer.


Grade: A*



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Guest cmdrsam
Solid show as always. This one is more serious than you SWF work. Not to say there is anything wrong with it as you do present some humor. Two very different products so I would expect some difference. Anyway enough of my ramblings. Again solid show sir.
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Seventeen predictions, and it looks like only Kingtutt got them all right. Shockingly, no one figured on Genghis Rahn taking the International title from Joshua Taylor!


A few post-show thoughts...


-regarding the opening tag match, my thought process is that if you have an inexperienced, throw-together team go over your tag team champions clean, its going to devalue your tag division. Even if that throw-together team is two top stars. The original plan for the match was to have it be a title match and have the New Wave go over. Law and Tornado wouldn't take too big of a hit, and The New Wave are already quite over. I held off on that since it felt pretty random to throw a new team into a title shot, even two established stars. I ended up deciding to go with the heels winning through cheating as that added a bit more to their character, and it sets up a rematch and even a possible feud down the road.


-Rahn was never going to take the title away from Taylor, but I'm trying to avoid lopsided title matches, at least outside of the B show. So don't expect to see Rocky Golden defending the world title against midcarders, the way I often did in Generation Supreme.


-as for the second tag match, it honestly could have went either way. Simply put, I figured it was more interesting to build the youngsters to going over the vets rather than just throw it out there quite so easily.


-Troy Tornado might end up being almost as fun to write promos for as Rich Money was.

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Gee, you could have fooled me. ;)




What I meant was that it would have been a fairly dumb booking decision to make, all the way around. But at least Rahn is on fairly equal footing to Taylor in terms of push. Just trying to avoid that SE approach I used in SWF, where a virtual squash match would still have the title on the line.


Glad you're reading, amp.

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What I meant was that it would have been a fairly dumb booking decision to make, all the way around. But at least Rahn is on fairly equal footing to Taylor in terms of push. Just trying to avoid that SE approach I used in SWF, where a virtual squash match would still have the title on the line.


Glad you're reading, amp.


TCW does fit your style your more... but Rahn? Seriously? TCW has moved towards a more Performance-based approach in the game. It's not that I agree with, but the product settings are there.


Besides, Joshua Taylor fits TCW well. Rahn doesn't.

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Solid show as always. This one is more serious than you SWF work. Not to say there is anything wrong with it as you do present some humor. Two very different products so I would expect some difference. Anyway enough of my ramblings. Again solid show sir.


Oh yes, my TCW is very much different from my SWF. I'm trying to be careful with how I incorporate humor, as it should be a minor element. I underused humor in Gen-S, to be honest. In TCW, I could easily add more humor, as there are a few workers I could definitely present in a funnier manner. But it just doesn't really fit with my vision, so I'm holding back.


Glad you enjoyed.


WIsh I could have predicted on the last show but oh well I guess you can't predict em all, keep up the great work BP!




Thanks for reading, predictions or not.



TCW does fit your style your more... but Rahn? Seriously? TCW has moved towards a more Performance-based approach in the game. It's not that I agree with, but the product settings are there.


Besides, Joshua Taylor fits TCW well. Rahn doesn't.


Skill-wise, Rahn is pretty outclassed in TCW. If I didn't want to maintain some strong connections to the history of TCW, he would be a strong candidate to be future endevour'd. It just doens't feel right to dump a long time guy right out of the gate - same reason Kyle Rhodes has yet to be replaced. I do have to be careful who I put him in the ring against, as shown by the grade for the Taylor match. Pairing him with Peak was a good move, because it protects him in matches and I like the pairing - if Peak did have so much value as a singles worker, that would be a key tag team for me. Still might be... That said, I doubt Rahn gets a contract extension...


I am in a very similar boat with American Buffalo.


Alright I'm all caught up! I missed out on your SWF Diary but I'm on board for this one. As far as characters go, I'm really into Rick Law & Troy Tornado so far.


Glad you are reading, and happy to hear you like Law and TT.


Damn! And to think I wasn't going to bother doing predictions this time around! I kinda have to keep it up now. Thanks alot! :p


See what can happen when you take the plunge?


Regarding predictions, I keep being amazed by the number of people predicting for each show. I've given though to doing some tracker, such as how TigerKinney and J Silver, among others, do. Instead, I think I'm going to go back to an idea I used at the end of Generation Supreme and have an actual prize for predictions for the pay per views. I'll give the winner a chance to decide something - pick a match, etc.


Intrigued by RDJ vs Vessey :)


But don't forget - the number one contender decider is a four-way... RDJ, Vessey, Law, and Cornell.




One other thing that I was going to mention in the post-show post and forgot. Much like the Home Office, I've been kind of under the assumption that readers would automatically understand something without ever providing an explanation. That's my bad.


The "TCW Attendants" have been mentioned after a number of matches, primarily the main events. Its a small detail I added to play up the "athletic competition" aspect of TCW, compared to the likes of SWF. The Attendants are basically a small crew of ringside sports trainers (not EMTs). The idea being that workers put so much into the matches, particularly the main events, that they need to be checked on immediately afterward and treated like legit athletes. Its taken from both MMA and Japanese wrestling. Its essentially a way for the selling to continue beyond the end of the match - rather than winning a 30-minute war of a match and then celebrating like they didn't just get dropped on their head 19 times, they take a few minutes to get checked out continue to sell whatever injuries they have incurred. Plus, its another little way for heels to show their heelishness.

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Buffalo at least has a high menace stat that can be used to keep his overness. Just make him an enforcer for a top heel or stable, and limit his matches to dominating squashes. Have him do menace attack angles on the main stars to get the high segment ratings.
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