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Total Championship Wrestling: Tuesday Night Wars

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Brent Hill vs Rocky Golden



Benny Benson vs Freddy Huggins


Total Violence Connection (Eddie Peak & Genghis Rahn) vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)


Joey Minnesota vs American Buffalo


Troy Tornado vs Guide


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Rick Law vs Bryan Vessey vs Tommy Cornell

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Brent Hill vs Rocky Golden



Benny Benson vs Freddy Huggins


Total Violence Connection (Eddie Peak & Genghis Rahn) vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)


Joey Minnesota vs American Buffalo


Troy Tornado vs Guide


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Rick Law vs Bryan Vessey vs Tommy Cornell

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 4, March 2010

Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England)



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Chapter Four

Golden Opportunities



Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes




The TCW logo flashes across the screen to reveal a capacity crowd that is loud and boisterous. They are ready for the go-home show heading into TCW's JustAnother Day pay per view on Sunday. This is a show which will determine the main event of that pay per view.


Jason Azaria: Bringing you the very best in professional wrestling, this is... Total Championship Wrestling! I am Jason Azaria, and with me is my broadcast partner, Kyle Rhodes.

Kyle Rhodes: Good evening to one and all. Tonight is a big night. So let's get things started.



Brent Hill vs Rocky Golden

6'2” + 239 lbs vs 6'7” + 330 lbs


The tag team special gets a solid crowd reaction. Its negative, of course, but the fans are from indifferent. The crowd explodes when the opening strains of “Numb / Encore” by Jay-Z and Linki Park hits. The TCW World Heavyweight champion takes some time getting down to the ring, as both he and his lovely girlfriend play to the fans on the way down. There is no doubting the popularity of the champion with the TCW fans.


The match does what its supposed to – open the show hot. Its a decent enough match, bur rather forgettable, perhaps since it follows what fans have already dubbed “The Golden Formula”. I starts out with the big man looking strong, using his power to overwhelm his opponent early. Given the hundred pound weight difference, its not difficult to buy Golden as overpowering. Then the momentum switches, this time due to a well-timed throat jab by Hill. The tag team specialist then uses his tight mat wrestling to try to work over the champion. Its effective, but Golden doesn't seem to wear down much – his toughness and resilience are well known and they were his greatest assets in his early TCW career. The very reason he was dubbed “The Tank”. Its not really good selling on the part of Golden so much as looking determined while taking a beating. The offense from Hill is constant and overwhelming, but its not really likely to put the champion down. After about five minutes of one-sided domination by “The Complete Package”, the comeback begins. Golden gets Irish whipped into the corner and Hill follows it up with a big knee to the chest. Golden crumples, but the confident smirk on Hill's face disappears as he watched Rock climb back to his feet. Hill hesitates, confused as to how his long barrage of offense seems to have done so little. The crowd erupts as Golden gives his “keep bringing it” wave, and he begins to counter the brawling attack of Hill. The crowd goes insane as the popular champion take over the match, hitting Hill with some big moves before locking him into The Rack and getting the submission.


The “Golden Formula” is basically the same sequencing that Sam Strong rode to being the biggest name in North American wrestling history and one of the true legends of the business. Although the TCW champion does not work it quite as well as Strong could as his prime, he is still only 26 years old.


Rocky Golden Wins at 13:01 via Submission

Grade: B



Rick Law, Rocky Golden & Miss Sara

Post-Match Promo

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To celebrate, the champion brings his girlfriend into the ring, allowing her to hold up the TCW World Heavyweight championship belt. The fans sound their approval. But the moment is interrupted by the familiar music of Guns n' Roses, announcing the arrival of Rick Law. The crowd throws hatred at him. He scowls, standing on stage with a microphone in hand.


Rick Law: Cut the damn music. I don't know why the hell you're celebrating, Rock. You didn't even put your belt on the line against a tag team specialist. Are you that cowardly, Rock? That scared of a real challenge?


In response, Golden gestures for Law to come down to the ring now. Miss Sara stands by his side, trying to keep the champion calm.


Rick Law: I'd love to come down and remind you what its like to face a real opponent, not an old man or a tag team guy. But I'm not that stupid. I'll wait until your belt is on the line, so its worth my time. I have some business to take care of tonight. But on Sunday, I'll be more than happy, Rock. More than happy.


“The Guardian Devil” know show to push Golden's buttons, and its clear he's getting the champion riled up. Miss Sara puts her hand on her boyfriends chest, to make sure he doesn't even make one step toward leaving the ring.


Rick Law: Yeah, you best listen to the little lady, Rock....


Law turns his left hand out to the crowd, so what he is holding can be seen. It is the extendable police baton he has been using very effectively as a weapon in recent months. The unstated threat is clear – come up here, take a beating.


Rick Law: Last week, Rock, you claimed that you are focused on being champion. That the only two things you truly care about are that belt and that woman. That is lack of focus, dammit. When I take that title from you, Rock, I'm going to show you and all these fans what “focus” really means. You best make your peace for Sunday night, cuz you're losing one of those two things you care about most, Rock....


Law drops the microphone and stomps off the stage.


Grade: A

Jason Azaria: The war of words between Golden and Law continues.

Kyle Rhodes: Except Golden is doing most of the talking. And we have yet to see them actually battle.



Freddy Huggins vs Benny Benson

6'1” + 235 lbs vs 5'10" + 215 lbs


A forgettable match that features decent action. Its clear from near the start that Huggins' only chance of victory here is through plenty of cheating by his Canadian Animal stable mates at ringside, and they do make an honest effort of it. But Benson perseveres, ending things after a Shockwave from Next Year running Enzuigiri kick.


Benny Benson Wins at 9:02 via Pinfall

Grade: C-



Benny Benson

Post-Match Promo


There is some post-match tension. Huggins slides out of the ring after being pinned, but his merry band of Canadians (plus Thatcher) don't leave immediately. The fans hold their breath, waiting for an attack... either by the Animals or by Eddie Peak. Nothing happens, and the Animals crew clear out of the ringside area. Benson calls for a microphone.


Benny Benson: So Eddie Peak wants to play a game with me? He wants to pick on the new guy, just like a schoolyard bully. You know what, Peak? I didn't get named “Captain Excitement” because I live in fear. I got it because I am fearless. You cannot scare me or intimidate me. On Sunday, at Just Another Day... you won't even be able to catch me.


Benson gets a pretty good pop for that as he tosses the microphone back to the ringside official and slides out of the ring.


Grade: B

Kyle Rhodes: Interesting point there by Benson... but will his speed be enough to counter the aggression and power of Eddie Peak?



Guide, Scout & Jasmine Saunders



Jasmine Saunders has the TCW World Tag Team champions on the backstage interview set. The tandem are in their full gear, including their lovely belts.


Jasmine Saunders: I am joined by the current TCW World Tag Team champions, a team commonly described as “The Greatest Tag Team In the World”, The New Wave. Guide, Scout... You two face familiar opponents on Sunday when you put the belts up against The Machines.

Scout: Correct, Jasmine. We've had a long war with The Machines, and this is just another battle.

Guide: Ready for war!

Scout: We are about to launch a new offensive in this war... Operation Wrench in the Machine.

Jasmine Saunders: So you are confident of retaining your titles on Sunday?

Scout: More than confident. Victory is assured. We will not fail.

Guide: No failure!

Scout: The Machines will regret the decision to challenge us. These belts are ours.

Guide: Our belts!

Scout: Correct, Guide. Our belts.

Jasmine Saunders: Well, good luck on Sunday.

Scout: Luck is for the ill-prepared. We are prepared.


The champions turn on their heels and march off the set.


Grade: B-


Burning Pride vs Total Violence Connection

543 lbs total combined weight vs 600 lbs total combined weight


The match is a back-and-forth, entertaining battle between two talented but inexperienced tandems. Neither team holds the advantage for any extended period, and its the veteran Rahn taking the worst of the heavy hits being dished out. The centerpiece of the match is a sequence of heavy strikes between Peak and Ino, leading into the face-painted Japanese warrior delivering a huge back drop to Peak. The latter part of the match descends into near chaos, as Ino and Peak battle outside the ring while the two legal men, Rahn and Taylor, battle inside. Peak slows Ino by throwing the big man into the security barrier and then climbs back into the ring to run through Taylor from behind. He beats on the “American Samurai” before finally legally tagging in, delivering a Peak of Perfection crucifix powerbomb, then pins him for the three count.


Total Violence Connection Wins at 13:44 via Pinfall

Grade: B

Jason Azaria: That wasn't the prettiest win for the Total Violence Connection.

Kyle Rhodes: But it is still a victory.



Ricky Dale Johnson & Joey Minnesota



The Freedom Fighter pair are on the backstage interview set, without need for an interviewer.


Ricky Dale Johnson: Folks always ask me, 'Ricky, why do you bother with Cornell?' Well my daddy taught me that a good man who watches a bad thing happen and does nothing... isn't a good man. So while plenty of folks here in TCW are happy just to turn a blind eye and let Cornell do what he pleases, I can't. I won't. If the Home Office can't make Cornell adhere to the laws of the land, I will. You got a bad habit of getting involved where you don't need to, Tommy. Like last week, interfering in my match with Sam Keith. You're gonna get your comeuppance for that. If they even let you compete tonight, my only goal is to make sure you don't win.

Joey Minnesota: And I'll be making sure Hawkins doesn't try anything.

Ricky Dale Johnson: You want this, Cornell... You're going to have to earn it.

Joey Minnesota: I'm still waiting on you, Hawkins. You said you were gonna run me right of Total Championship Wrestling. But I'm still here.

Ricky Dale Johnson: We ain't going anywhere, Joey.

Joey Minnesota: Now I'm gonna go remind American Buffalo that I'm still here...


Grade: A*

Jason Azaria: Strong words there from RDJ and Minnesota.



Joey Minnesota vs American Buffalo

6'2” + 245 lbs vs 6'9” + 330 lbs


American Buffalo tries to get things started early, as he is charging across the ring as the bell rings, trying to lay out his opponent with his Bull Rush spear. “The Philly Phenom” simply dives out of the way, allowing Buffalo to crash all 330 pounds into the turnbuckles hard. He goes down, but he's right back up. Buffalo has made a career out of his using his size, aggression, and power to overwhelm opponents, an approach that has served him quite well. Joey Minnesota, however, is well-versed in facing such an approach, given his history. The quickness of Minnesota makes Buffalo look clumsy. The 27-year old uses his quick-footed approach for a hit-and-run approach to offense and it works, chopping down “The Bull” slowly. After Buffalo kicks out after a nice leg lariat, Minnesota goes to the top turnbuckle for his Minnesota Salute flying forearm. “The Philly Phenom” goes for the pin and gets the three count.


Joey Minnesota Wins at 9:52 via Pinfall

Grade: B


Jason Azaria: A nice win by Minnesota after losing two in a row.

Kyle Rhodes: An important win, really.

Jason Azaria: Indeed.



Sam Keith, Greg Keith & Matthew Keith



The Keith clan are on the interview set. The twin sons stand behind their father, and this arrangement seems quite intentional. The "Living Legend" has the microphone.


Sam Keith: I am getting awfully sick and tired of putting up with this crap. I thought I left all the political bullsh*t behind when I moved West. Now I'm not only having to put up with indignity of people making fun of my age, but now I've got a man I used to consider my friend interfering in my match last week with Johnson? Why, Tommy? For some game you're playing? I'm not about to forget this. But you're lucky, Cornell... I've got other things to take care of at the moment.


Keith stops, looking first to his right, where Matthew Keith stands stoically. Then he looks to his left, where Greg Keith does the same.


Sam Keith: No, on my mind right now is Bryan Vessey. You saw fit to challenge me. Bad move. See, you can teach an old dog new tricks. Tommy taught me that no man is an army unto himself. And I learned out east that you can only trust family. So the Keith Clan is here as one. My boys here have my back, Vessey... Who has yours...?


The veteran legend lets that question hang, staring hard into the camera. Over each shoulder, his sons give identical hard looks to the camera lens.


Grade: B+

Jason Azaria: It would appear that Greg and Matthew Keith are here to stay.

Kyle Rhodes: That certainly makes things a bit more interesting!



Guide vs Troy Tornado

6'2” + 235 lbs vs 6'2” + 237 lbs


This match is all about Troy Tornado. Not in that he dominates the action. He actually spends notably less time in control than the tag team specialist, Guide. Rather, the entire match is basically a platform for “Hollywood” to make the fans hate him. He accomplishes it in spades. From walking down the ramp with an emphatic swagger and arguing with a young fan at ringside, strutting around the ring and taunting his opponent, to stalling as much as possible... it all works. He yells at the taunting fans at ringside when he slides out of the ring to stall. He complains to the referee ceaselessly. The actual action that takes place – there is actual wrestling that occurs – is solid, but the constant delays from Tornado leave the fans seething. As the match closes on the quarter hour mark, Guide strings together a nice sequence of offense. But its headed off by Tornado as he counters with a kick to the groin when referee Sam Sparrow isn't watching. A series of kicks sets up a running face smash, then an Enzuigiri, finally leading to his Star Maker high velocity forearm, which Guide sells hard. Needlessly, Tornado even uses the ropes for leverage.


Troy Tornado Wins at 14:22 via Pinfall

Grade: B



Ricky Dale Johnson vs Rick Law vs Bryan Vessey vs Tommy Cornell

6'4” + 295 lbs vs 6'7” + 305 lbs vs 6'5” + 252 lbs vs 6'4” + 260 lbs


After the rage-inducing semi main event, the fans are ready for the big four-way. They are nearly boiling over as Shawn Doakes takes to the ring to being announcing the participants. Ricky Dale Johnson emerges first, to a huge ovation. Then Rick Law's entrance music plays, and he comes out, looking gritty and determined. Vessey gets a pretty big pop from the fans, not too far off from what RDJ received. Finally, the familiar strains of “Breaking the Law” begin and the vocalized hate begins. Doakes announces Cornell... but no one emerges. The music stops and there is confusion at ringside. A TCW official whispers something furiously at both Eugene Williams and the ring announcer, Doakes. Looking confused, Doakes then announces that as Tommy Cornell has refuses to apologize or adhere to the demands of the Home Office, he is not being allowed to participate in the match. Therefore, the match is a threeway. The fans roar their approval. Rick Law takes the opportunity to attack, smashing into Vessey in the corner. Doakes clears out of the ring in fear as the bell rings.


The action in the three-way is constant and flowing. Each man tries to dictate the action to his style. Law launches his trademark strikes, while Ricky Dale Johnson tries to make it more of an outright brawl. Vessey attempts to use his technical wrestling advantage, but ends up brawling as well. As the match wears on and the war continues, it becomes apparent that Johnson lacks his normal focus. As if the exclusion of his rival Cornell threw of his intended approach for the match. Both Law and Vessey are more focused, with Law particularly intent with his aggression. As the battle gradually wears all three men down, “The Guardian Devil” seems to wear down less than his two opponents. As match moves past the quarter hour mark, Law begins to take over a bit as he presses the action against both Vessey and Johnson. The fan favorite pair work together to slow Law down, smashing him to the mat with a big double suplex. Their cooperation soon ends as the chance to challenge for the TCW World Heavyweight championship is too much and they are soon attacking each other again. That gives Law a chance to recover and he surprises both men with a big double clothesline. He nails Vessey with a big Justice Jam uppercut that puts “Shogun” on his back for a time, then he takes RDJ outside the ring and physically punishes him using the ringside area – the security barrier, ring posts, even the ring steps. Vessey is just finding his feet inside the ring, when Law switches his focus, climbing back into the ring and hammering “Shogun” back down to the mat with a big shoulder block. Determined, Vessey makes it back to his feet and tries to battle back, but Law is vicious and relentlessly. The crowd goes nuts as the pair exchange strikes in the center of the ring, but the big officer clearly gets the better of it. Each punch and elbow he throws is precise, finding the target with force. A Squad Car Slam looks like its setting up a Long Arm of the Law finisher... but everything stops and the crowd goes quiet. The camera swings to the stage to reveal why – Tommy Cornell. “Rough Justice” makes his way down to the ring, wearing street clothes and looking angry. He wears his typical sneer. Once Cornell is at ringside, he stops and stares at those in the ring. Then at RDJ, who is still prone outside the ring. Law goes back to the task at hand – finishing off Bryan Vessey. He doesn't get the chance. Cornell climbs onto the ring apron, then launches a springboard forearm at Law, crashing into the big man and sending him sprawling through the ring ropes and onto RDJ, who is just finding his feet. The fans are booing voraciously as Cornell delivers his Rough Justice to Vessey and then pins him. Referee Williams does nothing, but being screamed at by Cornell is enough to have the referee count out a slow three. Vessey doesn't kick out. The bell rings and confusion ensues.


Cornell stands in the corner, leaning casually and grinning. Law is back in the ring in a hurry, right in Eugene Williams' face, demanding that the match be restarted. Vessey is soon up, joining the argument. Then RDJ. TCW officials are huddled at ringside, discussing furiously. Shawn Doakes heads into the ring, but he's stopped. He then starts to go in again, but is stopped by the ringside officials. Finally, after someone spends a moment talking to someone through a headset, Doakes is given instructions and sent into the ring. He announces what everyone knows is coming – that because Cornell was officially introduces as a competitor in the match, his victory must stand. Therefore the winner and new number one contender to the TCW World Heavyweight championship is Tommy Cornell.


Tommy Cornell Wins at 26:54 via Pinfall

Grade: A




Tommy Cornell

Post-Match Promo


The broadcast is into overrun now, but there is still chaos. Rick Law is livid, screaming at Cornell and Eugene Williams and everyone else. He even has some choice words for Shawn Doakes. Vessey and RDJ both look pretty annoyed, but they are more professional about things. Vessey heads away from ringside, shaking his head. While the ringside officials try to clear Law out, RDJ engages Cornell in a long stare down across the ringside area, then he takes his leave as well. Finally, Cornell is alone in the ring. He calls for a microphone. He sneers at the fans before he speaks.


Tommy Cornell: What now, Home Office? What now?


The fans boo as he grins, then sneers.


Tommy Cornell: I just won your stupid number one contender match. Which means I'm taking my belt back from Golden on Sunday. Suspend me now, then.


Cornell grins. The fans boo on cue.


Tommy Cornell: Johnson, you want to know why I involved myself last week? Its simple, then. I have no interest in beating on an old man like Keith. But I will never get tired of beating you, Johnson. Never...


Cornell sneers again, and the show fades out on his face.


Grade: A*


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Total Championship Wrestling Newswire

From TCW.com

Thursday, Week 4 March 2010


The past two days has been chaos at Total Championship Wrestling Headquarters. The Home Office has finally issued an edict on the Tommy Cornell situation. Given Cornell's continued lack of respect towards the Home Office, the decision should be of no surprise.


The decision from the Home Office is that the main event of the Just Another Day pay per view on Sunday will be Tommy Cornell challenging for Rocky Golden's TCW World Heavyweight championship. The result of the main event of this weeks Total Wrestling cannot be expunged or ignored, despite Cornell's willful and intentional manipulation of the situation. Regardless of the outcome of that world title match, Cornell will be suspended without pay from Total Championship Wrestling until the following pay per view, Where Angels Fear to Tread. Cornell also faces a ten thousand dollar fine for his actions and disregard for Home Office decisions.


While the Home Office does not have a habit of making public disciplinary actions. However, it was deemed necessary in the case of Mr. Cornell, who's standing within TCW makes his childish lack of professionalism particularly troubling.


It seems this decision by the Home Office is not satisfactory to all within Total Championship Wrestling. There have already been grumblings from those who feel the situation could work out to Cornell's favor - he could win back the title he so covets and get a month vacation afterward.

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Even though i picked Law to win, Tommy going over makes sense. I said he wasn't going to cave in to the home office that easily. ;)


Well, it does and it doesn't. Its Cornell - the ace, the face of the promotion, and the owner. So a title shot is never far away. But it does run counter to the current world title feud that's been brewing for the past month. Which is entirely intentional. For once, its not a booking decision I made based on "what match will get the best grade?" Instead, its based on just on the storylines and characters, plus how I think "real" Tee-Cee-Dub fans would react to it.


Rick Law will get his chance somewhere down the road. One of the reasons for this is to bulid anticipation towards that.


Also, I know its bad book etiquette to not have the main event settled until the week of the PPV, but I figured I would make an exception in this case so I could play this out.


Edit - also, 15 predictions and just one person got them 100% correct. Good work Sydo Nym.

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Guest cmdrsam

You know I hate you, hate you, hate you. I dont care if you do send Larry the Leg to me. :p


Another fine write up. I'm kinda digging the new Rick Law. You seem to enjoy yourself when your writing him out. Great work again. I mean I hate you.:p

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You know I hate you, hate you, hate you. I dont care if you do send Larry the Leg to me. :p


Another fine write up. I'm kinda digging the new Rick Law. You seem to enjoy yourself when your writing him out. Great work again. I mean I hate you.:p


Don't worry, I hate me, too. Just wait until Cornell beats Golden to embark on a 27-month long title reign.... Then the hate will really flow...


And Larry the Leg Breaker is on vacation right now. So you're safe... for the moment.


Glad Mr. Law is getting over the with the readers to an extent. You're absolutely correct - he is quite easy and fun to write. Troy Tornado is pretty much the same. Whether its a promo, a non-talking angle, or even in matches, the writing for them just flows easier right now. It was the same thing with Rich Money in my Generation Supreme diary.


Its the babyfaces I'm a bit more concerned about, in writing terms. They feel much more... bland. In some cases, thats intentional. Such as Bryan Vessey, who is just really meant to be a tough, serious, intense competitor. That's it. But for someone like Rocky Golden, essentially the super babyface who happens to have a hot girlfriend by his side... I don't feel he's too much different from the way I presented Christian Faith in Gen-S (except, you know swapping old and immensely talented for mediocre talent and a hot girlfriend), but I'm just concerned about whether I'm giving the readers face characters they want to get behind. For more reason than "hey, I'm supposed to cheer for those guys", at least.

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Guest cmdrsam
For me Vessey I would agree with the assessment. Then you got stupid Joey, jury is still out on that. Maybe tune up RDJ. Rocky kinda came off alittle weak this week. I really was wetting my lips waiting for something from him. But then it didnt happen so I'm thinking he is just gonna let his action take over on the PPV. Again I trust your judgment and how you do your shows. You have proven yourself time in and time out if something is making me wonder why you did something I only have to wait and it will flesh itself out. Tristam would do this to me as well, curses you two.
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TCW Uprising TV

Friday, Week 4, March 2010

Grissom Auditorium (South West)



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Sara Silver Promo

The stylish manager restates her plans to bring into TCW some of the greatest young wrestling talent from around the globe.

Grade: C+



Sky King vs Benny Benson

The fans are pretty indifferent towards the expected win by Benson over the unknown veteran high-flier.

Benny Benson Wins at 7:11

Grade: D+



Sammy Bach Promo

A promo from Sammy Bach and Karen Killer, where again Bach waxed poetic about the joy of "The Fall" and then promises to take the International championship from Joshua Taylor.

Grade: B



Burning Pride vs High Plains

A back and forth match that has the stoic babyfaces in some peril before they seal the win.

Burning Pride Win at 12:14 via Pinfall

Grade: C





The Canadian Animals Promo

The foursome - Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins, Laura Huggins, and Charlie Thatcher - talk about being the future of the TCW tag team division.

Grade: B-



The New Wave vs The Keith Clan

Even with the trademark cheating of Sam Keith, his two sons can't take down the tag champions.

The New Wave Wins at 10:52

Grade: B




L.A. Connection & Giant Tana vs Sam Keith, Rick Law & Troy Tornado

The heels control much of the action and take the expected win.

Keith, Law & Tornado Win at 13:22 via Pinfall

Grade: C+


Overall Grade: B-

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For me Vessey I would agree with the assessment. Then you got stupid Joey, jury is still out on that. Maybe tune up RDJ. Rocky kinda came off alittle weak this week. I really was wetting my lips waiting for something from him. But then it didnt happen so I'm thinking he is just gonna let his action take over on the PPV. Again I trust your judgment and how you do your shows. You have proven yourself time in and time out if something is making me wonder why you did something I only have to wait and it will flesh itself out. Tristam would do this to me as well, curses you two.


I appreciate that you have faith in me...


I think part of the issue I have with TCW babyfaces is that few babyfaces have strong Entertainment skills, as opposed to the heels. I've talked about this before, but I hesitate to write solid (at least in my opinion) promos for guys who don't have the in-game abilities to cut very good promos. So I try to keep things simple - whether its Vessey mostly using body language in angles, or The New Wave keeping things direct.


I am working to have more personality come forward for the likes of RDJ, Rocky, and Minnesota. The fact that Rocky didn't get to do anything but grimace and gesture at Law was intentional - emphasizing the idea that he's the target and he can only do so much when he's the target. "Stupid" Joey Minnesota is just a backstage thing. He's been eclipsed, personality-wise, by RDJ so far, but that's also intentional (dun-dun-dun). I'll try to bring more out in that regard. As always, if anyone has thoughts or suggestions on anything, I'm open.

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reading and enjoying.


Especially the fact your keeping in-game realism at the forefront of your booking and character development. good stuff.


Glad to have you on board. I do try to keep things having a strong basis in the game. Which is not to say I will never take a bit of creative license to go somewhere beyond that, but it won't be something I do frequently.

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Mark 9.0

Total Traditions


“This business is nothing without respect for tradition.”


Those words were passed my way recently by Tommy Cornell.


Over the past year, I've heard almost the exact same thing said by Joel Bryant. And Ricky Dale Johnson. And Sam Keith. And even some of the younger guys, like Wolf Hawkins and Rocky Golden.


Its a common idea within this business. It is especially true within Total Championship Wrestling, where so much of what is done today is based on what was established by promotions like Championship Wrestling from Boston, the American Pro Wrestling Federation, and even my beloved Canadian Wrestling Federation. Without those promotions and what they did, TCW simply could not be what it is today.


The same statement is also a bit of a dig against the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Because Richard Eisen didn't respect those traditions when he worked to wipe out those territorial promotions. Its hard to argue against the success of Eisen's Sports Entertainment vision, but a lot of traditional fans dislike what it did.


Within TCW, that statement is also internal. Meaning to respect the traditions of Total Championship Wrestling itself. Which creates an essential contradiction. One has to consider that for half of its existence, TCW was not TCW. It was Hollyweird Grappling Company. A promotion based more on the traditions of the SWF than the territories that TCW is, and that's where a lot of HGC's traditions came from. A different place, basically.


Its not like every tradition established during the HGC is still honored. Many aren't, and that's a good thing. I simply have issue with some of the ones which are.


The one which is bothering me at the moment is the use of gimmick matches. It comes up now, because the semi main event of the Just Another Day pay per view is a 6-man Total Elimination tag match. Its going to be used to determine the new number one contender in TCW, the man who will challenge the winner of Rocky Golden and Tommy Cornell, which is the main event.


The Total Elimination tag match goes back to the very beginning of HGC. The concept is simple - the match starts with teams in a tag format, with participants eliminated by pinfall or submission until there are just two remaining. There is a single winner, rather than a victorious team. It can be a standard four-man tag, six-man, eight-man, or even ten-man, though three-versus-three six-man is the most common variation used by TCW. There have been some very entertaining Total Elimination tag matches through the history of HGC and TCW. Its an effective storyline match - whether its further existing feuds, creating new feuds, or even just starting some simmering tensions between friends or partners. Therein lies my primary issue with using a Total Elimination tag match as the semi main event - its mostly about the storylines. There have been plenty of good Total Elimination matches through the years, but I can't recall a single great one. When you consider the talent that is taking part in this one, it's a shame.


There are so may different options they could have gone with instead. We could have Keith and Vessey face off or the first time - instead we're going to get a tease of that. We could have Keith and RDJ again. We could see Hawkins trying to take down RDJ to score a big win. Maybe another great Hawkins-Minnesota war to further the next great feud of TCW. Endless options and many of them would almost certainly result in very good to great singles matches. The reason a Total Elimination tag match is being used is simply tradition.


I find that reasoning ironic, because I doubt even most hardcore TCW fans could identify that TCW makes more frequent use of gimmick and stipulation matches on pay per view than the SWF or USPW. Not necessarily more of them, but more frequent. There is basically at least one for every TCW pay per view. They are typically justified in some way, but they are there. Its not advertised as such, but their use is a nod to the traditions established during the HGC era. Do most fans recognize that? I have my doubts, and therein is the problem. You need a fairly strong understanding of the history of Total Championship Wrestling to really understand where it comes from. Its original source is Sam Strong, the first head booker and the first world champion in Hollyweird Grappling history. Sam's run as booker is fairly well respected by those inside the industry and by fans. In truth, his booking was a bit hit or miss, but it was helped by a strong mind for the business. The same business mind that is helping him grow USPW today. Sam understood that taking on the SWF at its own game meant changing that game just a bit.


In the mid 90s, the Supreme Wrestling Federation was still mainly using squash matches on TV. You might get competitive midcard matches, but you rarely saw a main event star face another main event star in a match that didn't end quickly with someone kind of shenanigans. The actual matches were reserved for pay per view events. So when HGC went head-to-head with Supreme on Tuesday's, they changed the formula by featuring main event stars facing off against each other regularly on TV. The very first Hollyweird TV featured Sam Strong facing Dread in the main event. Such an approach was quite simply necessary – with only so many known faces to draw mainstream fans away from Supreme, putting them on TV as much as possible was key. Putting them in strong matches on TV was a way to make people tune in for TV. The matches were not the 30-minute wars that TCW has become famous for, but rather shorter matches that rarely had real finishes. But they were still well-known workers facing off on free TV.


The obvious downside to this approach is that it makes selling the pay per view match-up tougher. If' you had already put Dread versus Liberty on TV twice in the past month, what is going to make people want to pay twenty-five or thirty dollars to see in the PPV? Make it a gimmick or stipulation match, of course! Thus was born a tradition. Which TCW carried forward to this day, at least to some extent.


Traditions are great. They are the soul of this business. But they can't be followed blindly. When a non-gimmick match or two would have made for a better pay per view, I have to think that should win out over honoring the tradition that Sam Strong established Of course, my opinion counts for nothing when it comes to these decisions.


Bryan Vessey. Sam Keith. Joey Minnesota. Wolf Hawkins. Rick Law. Ricky Dale Johnson.


Six immensely talented wrestlers. Those six could be put into any number of different combinations of matches, one or two of which would likely be capable of carrying the pay per view on its own. Combine those with the Golden-Cornell match which is certain to deliver, and you suddenly have a very deep pay per view. Put throw all six into a gimmick elimination match where there is only one winner and you have a situation would could sink the PPV. I don't understand why Cornell and Bryant would take that risk in the booking.


I have been accused many times of being a blind fanboy of Total Championship Wrestling. That isn't accurate. I am most certainly a fanboy, but I am not blind. When one reaches that level, they lose the ability to be critical of that which they are a fan of. They find a way to justify almost anything, even the worst decisions I do not believe I am at that level, and never have been. This pay per view is an example of that. I could find ways to talk myself into the 6-man Total Elimination match being a great idea for this PPV, but I won't. It is what it is.




The Total Mark

Saturday, Week 4, March 2010

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Hey, not to be that dude, but didn't Rip Chord face Ricky Dale Johnson on the first episode of Hollyweird TV? I think I read that in Ricky's Bio on the C-verse page.


Fun diary either way. That part just bugged me a little.


- Sonfaro

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Wow, this is why I have always liked your work. Its for these writeups like this. 3 thumbs up.


Glad you enjoyed. It was a fairly simple little segment, but its based around an aspect I wanted to get across. Namely, the narrator, "The Mark", isn't in control in any way and doesn't necessarily like everything that hapepns.


Hey, not to be that dude, but didn't Rip Chord face Ricky Dale Johnson on the first episode of Hollyweird TV? I think I read that in Ricky's Bio on the C-verse page.


Fun diary either way. That part just bugged me a little.


- Sonfaro


I'm more than happy you are "that guy" as you are absolutely correct. I completely forgot about that little tidbit and will edit to work around it. Good catch and thanks for pointing it out. I try to use such details to keep backstory build around the pieces of CV canon, while still be creative at the same time.




I hope to have the preview for the Just Another Day pay per view posted today or tomorrow. As I've mentioend, I'm actually going to be going away a "prize" to the winner of the predictions. There will be a few options - stuff like "pick a TV match" or "pick an interview segment".

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Total Championship Wrestling's Just Another Day pay per view has rarely been that. The 2010 edition looks to be a can't-miss event that every wrestling fan will want to see.


The night will start out with a championship match. Sammy Bach calls himself "The Fallen" and he is angry and bitter over many things. But he is particularly angry and bitter that he did not get a chance to face Joshua Taylor for the TCW International championship. He gets that chance at Just Another Day. .


Perhaps the greatest tag team rivalry in American pro wrestling history has been between The New Wave and the Machines. The two teams have put on a great series of classic tag matches over the years. Hill and Anderson are trying to become three-time TCW World Tag Team champions.


"Hollywood" Troy Tornado requested a match against "Kobra" Koshiro Ino. Tornado apparently believes a victory over the painted warrior will propel him towards a world title shot. Ino, however, has proven tough to defeat... It will take everything that "Hollywood" has to get a win here.


Benny Benson gets marks for courage. "Captain Excitement" grew tired of being stalked and attacked by Eddie Peak. His response was to challenge the man known as "The Predator". Benson may have chosen poorly.


The semi main event is a big one, a six-man Total Elimination tag team match. The two teams are Bryan Vessey, Ricky Dale Johnson, and Joey Minnesota against Sam Keith, Rick Law, and Wolf Hawkins. Although the match begins in a team format, there will be only one winner. That winner will be the new #1 contender for the TCW World Heavyweight championship.


Rocky Golden faces one of the toughest challenges of his championship reign. He will face the man he won the TCW World Heavyweight title from, Tommy Cornell. Golden has "cleanly" defeated the five-time champion twice. The first was when he won the title, and a month following, when he successfully defended it against "Rough Justice". There are still critics of Golden, and another victory over Cornell would go far towards silencing those critics. However, Cornell is a most dangerous opponent at the best of times, and with a pending suspension will see him out of TCW until next month's pay per view, he is likely to be especially dangerous. Will Cornell live up to the "Mr. TCW" moniker he won from RDJ? Or will "The Tank" prevail one more time?


The show is sold out. The pay per view is available throughout the United States only on USA Free Choice. Don't miss out!


Sammy Bach vs Joshua Taylor ©

TCW International championship match


The New Wave © vs The Machines

TCW World Tag Team Championships Match


Troy Tornado vs Koshiro Ino


Benny Benson vs Eddie Peak


Sam Keith, Rick Law & Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey, Ricky Dale Johnson & Joey Minnesota

Total Elimination Match to Determine #1 Contender for TCW World Heavyweight championship

Single Victor


Tommy Cornell vs Rocky Golden ©

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

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Sammy Bach vs Joshua Taylor ©

TCW International championship match


The New Wave © vs The Machines

TCW World Tag Team Championships Match


Troy Tornado vs Koshiro Ino


Benny Benson vs Eddie Peak


Sam Keith, Rick Law & Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey, Ricky Dale Johnson & Joey Minnesota

Total Elimination Match to Determine #1 Contender for TCW World Heavyweight championship

Single Victor


Tommy Cornell vs Rocky Golden ©

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

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As mentioned, the prediction contest for the pay per view comes with a prize for the winner. Or winners, if there are multiple. The prize is quite simply the right o request something. That something could be a specific match you want to see, or an interview by a given worker and even about a given worker. I'm pretty open to watch can be requested. If I have to veto the idea for some reason, you will be given another opportunity to request again. I'm not sure if this will encourge more readers to predicts, but I do think it makes for some fun.
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Sammy Bach vs Joshua Taylor ©

TCW International championship match

The New Wave © vs The Machines

TCW World Tag Team Championships Match


Troy Tornado vs Koshiro Ino


Benny Benson vs Eddie Peak


Sam Keith, Rick Law & Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey, Ricky Dale Johnson & Joey Minnesota

Total Elimination Match to Determine #1 Contender for TCW World Heavyweight championship

Single Victor


Tommy Cornell vs Rocky Golden ©

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

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Sammy Bach vs Joshua Taylor ©

TCW International championship match


Bach is getting his push but I think you might hold off on Bach winning the title until his plans or w/e are fully revealed as well, so going with the gut.


The New Wave © vs The Machines

TCW World Tag Team Championships Match


Troy Tornado vs Koshiro Ino


Benny Benson vs Eddie Peak


Sam Keith, Rick Law & Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey, Ricky Dale Johnson & Joey Minnesota

Total Elimination Match to Determine #1 Contender for TCW World Heavyweight championship

Single Victor


Going w/Vessey to be different.


Tommy Cornell vs Rocky Golden ©

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match


I think you would have Golden win since Cornell doesn't need the win, but for some reason I think Cornell will get a tainted win

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Sammy Bach vs Joshua Taylor ©

TCW International championship match


The New Wave © vs The Machines

TCW World Tag Team Championships Match


Troy Tornado vs Koshiro Ino

I do like Koshiro but I have to go with Troy on this one.


Benny Benson vs Eddie Peak


Sam Keith, Rick Law & Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey, Ricky Dale Johnson & Joey Minnesota

Total Elimination Match to Determine #1 Contender for TCW World Heavyweight championship

Single Victor

Seems like the best choice at this time.


Tommy Cornell vs Rocky Golden ©

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

I wil pick the champ to retain although with Cornell being in the match I could see it going either way.

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Sammy Bach vs Joshua Taylor ©

TCW International championship match


The New Wave © vs The Machines

TCW World Tag Team Championships Match


Troy Tornado vs Koshiro Ino


Benny Benson vs Eddie Peak


Sam Keith, Rick Law & Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey, Ricky Dale Johnson & Joey Minnesota

Total Elimination Match to Determine #1 Contender for TCW World Heavyweight championship

Single Victor


Tommy Cornell vs Rocky Golden ©; normally not a cornell fan. But the suspension angle would make for an interesting start to a title reign.

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

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