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Total Championship Wrestling: Tuesday Night Wars

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The L.A. Connection (Aaron Andrews & Chance Fortune) vs Rick Law & Troy Tornado

I really have no reasoning behind my pick for this match other than that I think that Troy and Rick are the better team.


Bali So' vs Scout


Harry Allen vs Acid

TCW All Action Championship Match

Acid will retain


Mikey James vs Sam Keith

Big fan of Sam Keith so that is why I chose him to win this match


Wolf Hawkins vs Joshua Taylor

Wolf needs the momentum if he wants to get a championship oppertunity down the line.


Koshiro Ino vs John Anderson

Koshiro is one of my favoriote guys in TCW and there is no way he will lose to a tag team wrestler.


??? vs Rocky Golden

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Rocky will win the match regardless of who the mystery guy is as I don't see the title changing hands on a non pay per view.

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The L.A. Connection (Aaron Andrews & Chance Fortune) vs Rick Law & Troy Tornado


Aaron and Chance are prospects for the future, but right now there's no way that a pair of powerhouses like Law and Tornado are going to lose to the LAC.


Bali So' vs Scout


The SVC need to make an impact on the New Wave, and the best way to do that is to take down one of their members.


Harry Allen vs Acid

There is no way Acid is going to lose on his first title defense.


Mikey James vs Sam Keith


*stifled laugh*


Wolf Hawkins vs Joshua Taylor


Wolf is on a roll, no way he's losing this one.


Koshiro Ino vs John Anderson


Ino probably didn't take too much of a blow from his loss to the SVC, but just to be safe let's stabilize his momentum with a win here.


??? vs Rocky Golden

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match


Whoever is going to make an impact might be amazing, but a title change isn't going to achieve anything besides derailing any stories involving Rocky.

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This is where we will have to disagree. Soon or later (more likely sooner), Golden will run out of opponents better than him. He will most likely (but not definitively) unable to hold anyone else up.


Two, a B main event that Rocky Golden is hardly acceptable, especially at PPV's. Sammy Bach vs. Joshua Taylor pulled that grade. A match between Joey Minnesota and Wolf Hawkins pulled an A.


I'm not chastising Bigpapa42 what's he's doing... it's just that, how Golden is doing is anything but acceptable as a main eventer.


Personally I don't think it's that massive an issue. You have to put it into context of not only the matches, but the entertainment segments, or as many old-skool pros would put it, how many you know whats they can put on seats. He could also in the meantime come across someone that he has great chemistry with, and booyaa, he gets the match gradings as well as the popularity and momentum.


Besides.. I'm just digging everything BigPapa is doing. The storylines are just tremendous. Love the subtleties like the "Don't call us a stable... we're un-stable." Brill..

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The L.A. Connection (Aaron Andrews & Chance Fortune) vs Rick Law & Troy Tornado


Bali So' vs Scout


Harry Allen vs Acid

TCW All Action Championship Match


Mikey James vs Sam Keith


Wolf Hawkins vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino vs John Anderson


??? vs Rocky Golden

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

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The L.A. Connection (Aaron Andrews & Chance Fortune) vs Rick Law & Troy Tornado


Bali So' vs Scout


Harry Allen vs Acid

TCW All Action Championship Match


Mikey James vs Sam Keith


Wolf Hawkins vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino vs John Anderson


??? vs Rocky Golden - by DQ

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

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Personally I don't think it's that massive an issue. You have to put it into context of not only the matches, but the entertainment segments, or as many old-skool pros would put it, how many you know whats they can put on seats. He could also in the meantime come across someone that he has great chemistry with, and booyaa, he gets the match gradings as well as the popularity and momentum.


Besides.. I'm just digging everything BigPapa is doing. The storylines are just tremendous. Love the subtleties like the "Don't call us a stable... we're un-stable." Brill..


The point I take from amp - and I do actually agree with it - is that with Golden as champion, the growth of TCW is limited. Those B main events don't kill or sink the promotion, but they don't increase things the way that B+ or A main events could. Without something changing - Golden improving very rapidly, repetition of feuds, or not using the world title in main events regularly - then its going to be that much harder for TCW catch the SWF with Golden as the champion.


Glad you are enjoying the ride, Tristam. I've tried to keep the storylines fairly simple and straight-ahead for the most part. Nothing too convoluted or SE. As for the "Un-stable" stable... I'm sure that's stolen from somewhere. I claim no originality on it.

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The point I take from amp - and I do actually agree with it - is that with Golden as champion, the growth of TCW is limited. Those B main events don't kill or sink the promotion, but they don't increase things the way that B+ or A main events could. Without something changing - Golden improving very rapidly, repetition of feuds, or not using the world title in main events regularly - then its going to be that much harder for TCW catch the SWF with Golden as the champion.


Glad you are enjoying the ride, Tristam. I've tried to keep the storylines fairly simple and straight-ahead for the most part. Nothing too convoluted or SE. As for the "Un-stable" stable... I'm sure that's stolen from somewhere. I claim no originality on it.


From CHIKARA's "Un-Stable" of Vin Gerard, STIGMA and Colin Delaney.

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I'm not so concerned about the B's, as much I'm concerned that Golden is going to run out of opponents that can carry him to a good match before he improves enough to carry the promotion.


I could always just have Golden feud with Cornell over the title for the next year or so....


From CHIKARA's "Un-Stable" of Vin Gerard, STIGMA and Colin Delaney.


Thanks. Was sure it came from somewhere. I try to avoid stealing names from real world stables and such for the most part, but this one just fit too well not to use.

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You could, but I don't know if that's smart booking. It would help improve Golden's skills, though.


Think it would be somewhere beyond "not smart" booking... Heading toward "terrible" booking territory. At least when there is other over talent in the company that can challenge for the title as well.


Golden's tag team with Vessey is doing a pretty good job of helping him improve. I could go further - doing something like finding a super-talented jobber for him to squash on dark match after dark match, show after show - but that feels way too cheap.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 2, May 2010

Louisiana Auditorium (South East)



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Chapter Ten

Gauntlets Thrown



Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes




The TCW logo fades into a shot of the crowd as the Total Wrestling theme song plays. Some of TCW's biggest and best moments are highlighted as part of the shows opening video montage. Notably, few of the highlights are of the HGC days of the promotion. It highlights the current crop of TCW talent.


Jason Azaria: Bringing you the very best in professional wrestling, this is... Total Championship Wrestling! I am Jason Azaria. My broadcast partner Kyle Rhodes will join us shortly.



Kyle Rhodes

Home Office Announcement


The show begins with Kyle Rhodes making his way out onto the stage to make some announcements. He has apparently been nominated as the Home Office spokesperson again. Rhodes look uncomfortable in the role.


Kyle Rhodes: Two legends... One last time.... That was the promotional title for Total Mayhem 10, where Sam Strong faced Rip Chord for the final time. The match took place in the Fina Reckoning cell, the final showdown in a legendary feud.


Rhodes pauses, allowing that information to sink in. He is rather stiff and formal in his delivery on the microphone, a contrast to the relaxed approach he normally has when doing commentary.


Kyle Rhodes: In just over two weeks, two more legends will step into that same cell to end a feud that has raged for the past decade. Tommy Cornell... Ricky Dale Johnson... They will end their epic feud inside the Final Reckoning cell at Total Mayhem 15. Only one of these two men will walk away.


The fans sound their approval.


Kyle Rhodes: The Final Reckoning match will be the first of two main events. The TCW World Heavyweight championship will also be defended. Although both Wolf Hawkins and Troy Tornado have petitioned to the Home Office for title shots, their recent conduct does not befit a TCW champion. If Rocky Golden is still champion, he will face Rick Law in a rematch of last month's exemplary main event. The stipulations of that title match have yet to be decided.


The fans sound their approval at this as well.


Kyle Rhodes: The TCW World Tag Team championships will be defended as well. The New Wave will face Sara Silver's Samoan Violence Unlimited. Two more legends of professional wrestling will collide for the first time, as “The Living Legend” Sam Keith will be taking on “Shogun” Bryan Vessey in a one-on-one match for the very first time. Further matches will be announced in the coming weeks. Thank you.


Rather stiffly, Rhodes steps back off the stage.


Grade: B+

Jason Azaria: You don't seem to enjoy those announcements, Kyle.

Kyle Rhodes: I'd rather not discuss it.



The L.A. Connection vs Rick Law & Troy Tornado

469 lbs total combined weight vs 542 lbs total combined weight


Life just doesn't get easier for the L.A. Connection. The pair come out to a decent pop, then have to wait aorund as Rick Law and Troy Tornado come out individually. For a semi-regular team, they aren't very team-like yet. At least gets down to the ring in a hurry - "Hollywood" takes his sweet time. When the match does get underway, its more even that one would expect. After being fairly much dominated by Cornell and Hawkins the week prior, Andrews and Fortune put in a far better performance here. It could be that they learned from their mistakes the week prior, or simply have the advantage of better experience than the hated combo of Law and Tornado. The babyface pair don't really manage to get into the "they might actually win this" territory, but they manage a fair bit of offense. Troy Tornado manages to get himself in a bit of trouble when he decides that preening for the "adoring" fans is more important than actually wrestling, and he takes a springboard missile dropkick to the chest for his troubles. Luckily for "Hollywood", Law is a great deal more focused and the Connection duo have less success against him. He beigns to punish Andrews. Fortune is sent sprawling off the ring apron by a big boot from Law, then Andrews suffers a heavy Squad Car Slam then gets pinned by the number one contender. After the win, Tornado celebrates like he did all the work. Law doesn't seem to care.


Law & Tornado Win at 9:19 via Pinfall

Grade: B



Bryan Vessey, Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor

Backstage Promo


The trio are on the backstage interview set and cut a fairly quick promo. Vessey does most of the talking, mumbling his thick Missouri accent. He talks about being a TCW true blood and representing the true values of the promotion and its roots in HGC, and about how that makes him honor-bound to defeat Sam Keith. Its a rare promo from “Shogun” and his muddled approach makes it clear why he is not often handed a microphone. At least its short. Taylor then has his say, quickly stating that he is determined to get the TCW International Championship back from Sammy Bach, who needs to worry more about Taylor and less about his “children”. Ino is briefest of all, as he says nothing.


Grade: B+


Scout vs Bali So'

6'3” + 235 lbs vs 6'5” + 255 lbs


This one is a war from the very start. There is no slow start, as the two men attack each other with venom as soon as the bell rings. They assault each other viciously throughout, especially when the match moves outside the ring. The entire ringside area becomes part of the match, as the duo nearly get counted out several times. With Guide, Sara Silver, and Rav Umaga all at ringside, things almost get out of control. The hard-driving pace of the action slows as the match passes the dozen minute mark, as they trade finisher attempts and a couple of near falls. Things do fall apart when Sara Silver inserts her presence a bit too much, as she gets into Scout's face when the tag team specialist is thrown through the ropes. Guide doesn't take too kindly to his partner being verbally assaulted and lets the manager know. Which Umaga does not like so much. The two wrestlers who aren't in the match end up brawling. That doesn't result in disqualification, as it doesn't involve the wrestlers in the match.... yet... They end up back inside the ring, where Bali looks to take control with a savage fury of forearm smashes followed by a big headbutt. The brawl continues outside, and referee Ray Johnson climbs out onto the ring apron to order them away from ringside, but he ends up getting knocked to the floor by Scout, who is thrown into the ropes by his opponent. Johnson takes a pretty good bump to the floor, but rather than play dead, he quickly makes his way to his feet and calls for the disqualification for both wrestlers. It takes a bit of time for the TCW staffers to separate the two teams.


Scout + Bali So' Draw at 15:19 via Double Disqualification

Grade: B+


Kyle Rhodes: I have the feeling that could be a helluva match at Total Mayhem.

Jason Azaria: Indeed.



Rick Law, Troy Tornado & Jasmine Saunders

Backstage Promo


Jasmine Saunders has Rick Law and Troy Tornado on the interview set. The two wrestlers still wear their wrestling gear from their match earlier.


Jasmine Saunders: I have Rick Law and Troy Tornado with me. I assume Law has nothing to say, so Troy...

Rick Law: Don't assume anything, woman. I got something to say, and I'm damned well going to say it. See, I'm taking the TCW World Heavyweight championship from Rocky Golden at Total Mayhem. He knows it and I know it. The only question is how it happens. I'd be perfectly fine with taking Rock's belt in a regular rematch. But the Home Office feels this should be a stipulation match. To make “bigger” or something stupid like that. The only thing I can think of that might be more satisfying than taking that belt away from Rock is taking it away from him by making him quit. So that's what I've asked for... an “I Quit” match. And if Rocky Golden is any kind of man at all, he's accept.


Law pauses, staring hard into the camera.


Rick Law: You a man, Rock?


Before the interviewer can ask any follow up questions, Law stalks off the set as he typically does.


Jasmine Saunders: Alright then, that's typical. I do have a few questions for you, Troy.

Troy Tornado: Hell no! I'm not answering your stupid questions... just kidding... but not really... Your questions are stupid and I guess you can't help it because you all can't be as awesome as “Hollywood” or even just smart but I will answer them.


Saunders looks confused. Then insulted. Then confused again. Finally she gets on with her questions.


Jasmine Saunders: Last week, on the set here, you ended up in a brawl with Joey Minnesota...

Troy Tornado: It was time for "Hollywood" to teach Minnesota a lesson. The fact that it cost Hollywood money is not only disappointing but unfair. Really, Hollywood should get paid to teach such lessons. Hollywood should get paid for whatever he does. Because he is that damned good. I am... that damned good....

Jasmine Saunders: Aright. Sure. So there's no hard feelings between you and Minnesota?

Troy Tornado: No hard feelings? What the living hell are you talking about, woman? Of course there are "hard feelings"... whatever that means. Hollywood harbors a grudge. Simple as that. No one appreciates money being stolen from their pocket, and Hollywood hates it more than most. So no, this isn't over. The lesson that started last week is only the beginning. The...


Tornado trails off...and it becomes apparent why...



Joey Minnesota & Ricky Dale Johnson


Joey Minnesota, not looking happy at all, walks onto the interview set, with Ricky Dale Johnson trailing behind. Minnesota looks ready for another fight. RDJ looks more worried about keeping the peace. Minnesota square up to Tornado.


Joey Minnesota: You want to teach me a lesson? Go ahead, "Hollywood"... See what you can teach Minnesota...


Tornado looks about ready to throw a punch, but he hesitates. He looks around, realizing that Rick Law is nowhere to be seen and he's outnumbered. So instead, Tornado smiles.


Troy Tornado: I'm not stupid enough to fall for it, Minnesota. You can bait me all you want. I'm starter than that. I'm smarter than you. We can step into the ring and I'll prove it.


With that, Tornado takes a step back. He smirks some more. Joey Minnesota still does not look impressed.


Joey Minnesota: Anytime, Tornado. In the ring, in the parking lot... wherever....


Minnesota stares hard as Tornado smirks and back off the interview set.


Grade: A



Harry Allen vs Acid

TCW All Action Championship Match

5'10” + 215 lbs vs 5'6” + 225 lbs


The match is a solid, if not really spectacular, display of the All Action approach. Its 8 minutes of solid action between the two lightweights. The former tag specialist Allen, who has rarely been seen on Total Wrestling in recent months, acquits himself well enough against the champion. But Acid never really looks to be in any danger. His un-stable stable-mates at ringside stayed uninvolved for once. Despite a nice effort by the challenger, Acid defended his title by locking in his Acidity Test finisher and getting the tap out.


Acid Wins at 10:22 via Submission

Grade: C




Mikey James vs Sam Keith

5'11” + 215 lbs vs 6'1” + 235 lbs


This one goes pretty much as expected... which basically means it doesn't go well for Mikey James. "The Dragon" takes a bit of a battering in this one. He does manage to get a bit of offense in, but its mostly Sam Keith putting on a show. He seems to be doing it more for his two sons at ringside than the fans, as he even calls out his next transition and hold to them at times. He shows his trademark focused aggression throughout. James gets a few good licks in when the pair exchange chops, which leads into Keith's signature corner chop sequence. After a Neutron Plex sets up his Proton Lock, Keith holds onto the painful submission hold even after James has tapped out, just to prove a point.


Sam Keith Wins at 8:54 via Submission

Grade: B-


Kyle Rhodes: Sam Keith teaching his sons all about “sportsmanship” after the tap there.

Jason Azaria: Sam Keith's version of “sportsmanship”...



Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins & Jasmine Saunders

Backstage Promo


Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins are on the interview with Jasmine Saunders. Its not too often that "Hard Justice" is interviewed instead of simply cutting a promo. It's a rare treat.


Jasmine Saunders: I'm here with two men who need no introduction at all... Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins. Now Tommy, your match against Ricky Dale Johnson at Total Mayhem 15 has been confirmed...

Tommy Cornell: First off, its Mr. Cornell to you. And please, don't call it a match. Its not gonna be that, then. Its going to be a funeral. The Final Reckoning cell will be the end for Ricky Dale Johnson. I ain't a sadist, but I am going to enjoy tearing Johnson apart piece by piece. The only thing scarier than the Final Reckoning cell in this business is Tommy Cornell inside the Final Reckoning cell. Johnson shoulda known better than to throw out this challenge... but I'll make sure he regrets it.... A lot...

Jasmine Saunders: So you will be looking to hurt RDJ...

Tommy Cornell: I'm always looking to hurt 'im, then. He made this call. He needs to understand what he's walking into.

Jasmine Saunders: So we can expect a brutal match?

Tommy Cornell: Brutal? Aye, brutal. Rip Chord told me being inside that cell was like being inside hell. So yeah... brutal...


Jasmine seems a bit taken aback by Cornell's sadist affirmations. So she turns to "The Prodigy" Wolf Hawkins.


Jasmine Saunders: Now, Wolf, you asked the Home Office for a chance at Rocky Golden's World Heavyweight championship...

Wolf Hawkins: Of course I did. I beat Golden last month. I pinned the world champion. That alone should make the number one contender. I am the number contender. I beat Minnesota, too. Its not fair, its...


Cornell does not look impressed at his protege's rant. He cuts Hawkins off cold.


Tommy Cornell: Shut it. I told you to drop the world title crap, didn't I, then?

Wolf Hawkins: Yeah, but Tommy....


Whatever Hawkins was about to say never leaves his mouth. With startling quickness, Cornell shoves Hawkins backwards, pushing him against the back wall of the interview space. The 5-time TCW World Heavyweight champion has his forearm across Hawkins' throat, right up in his face. He speaks lowly, so the microphone barely picks it up.


Tommy Cornell: You're ready for a title shot when I tell you are ready. Not before, right. Get it straight. Now get in line or get out.


Cornell releases his young friend and stalks off the set. Hawkins looks shocked, then angry. He follows Cornell off the set.


Jasmine Saunders is still standing with her mouth hanging open, shocked at what she just saw. The can't manage to say anything before the camera cuts away.


Grade: A*

Jason Azaria: I can't believe we just saw what we did.



Joshua Taylor vs Wolf Hawkins

6'3” + 248 lbs vs 6'3” + 235 lbs


Taylor looks ready for this match when he comes out, but Hawkins looks downright intense. He is clearly focused after the disagreement with his mentor on live television. He attacks Taylor before the bell even rings and the battle between two former TCW International champions is underway. Its almost all Hawkins in the early, going as he uses a relentless series of strikes and kicks, combined with some cheap shots, to control the action. He begins to work over the “American Samurai” and it looks as though it might be fairly short match. Taylor kicks out of several pin attempts just past the five minute mark, after which Hawkins switch into stalking mode. He looks to have worn down Taylor enough and goes for the Full Moon Rising running Enzuigiri kick... but Taylor ducks under and responds with a rolling kick, setting up a nice if desperate series of offense, culminating in a Taylor Made dragon suplex. He bridges it into a pin but Hawkins kicks out. Hawkins reverses an Irish whip and hits a big knee to the chest of Taylor, following it up with a nasty-looking knee to the back of Taylor's head. A few more shots and Hawkins goes for the Full Moon Rising again, hitting it square this time and putting Taylor down for the three.


Wolf Hawkins Wins at 14:11 via Pinfall

Grade: B-


Jason Azaria: A good win for Wolf Hawkins.

Kyle Rhodes: An no shenanigans required, this time.



Eddie Peak, Genghis Rahn & Jasmine Saunders

Backstage Promo


The busy interview is on the interview set with the Total Violence Connection pair, who both look slightly rabid. Saunders simply hands the microphone to Peak and then walks off the set, apparently have enough “interesting” interviews for one night.


Peak leers into the camera for a long, uncomfortable moment before he begins to speak in his low angry voice.


Eddie Peak: Ricky Dale Johnson, you call yourself “The Lone Star Hero”... What exactly is heroic about going after my injured ribs last week? You and your little sidekick are going to pay for that. You and me, next week, RDJ... I have a little game we can play....


He smirks in a completely unsettling manner.


Eddie Peak: Speaking of games, I'm not done yet with Little Mr. Benson. No, not at all. We still have to finish our game, “Captain Excitement”. I would most like to finish it at Total Mayhem. Because this game will be mayhem indeed. Pain and agony and joy and mayhem. Unless you are afraid, Benson...

Peak leers into the camera some more, with Rahn looking intense and slightly crazy behind him.


Grade: A


John Anderson vs Koshiro Ino

6'4” + 251 vs 6'2” + 295 lbs


A fun match that is open. Both men get in plenty of offense. They start by trading some solid mat wrestling holds, transitioning quickly so things don't drag. Things build up gradually in intensity, getting nasty after they trade pinfall around the ten minute mark. It builds toward a big exchange of elbow shots, which favors “The Kobra” and ends up putting Anderson on his back. Ino then goes into the ropes to deliver more damage, but actually falls through when Brent Hill reaches up and pulls the second rope down. Anderson distracts the referee while Hill attempts to deliver a high knee as the big Japanese warrior rumbles to his feet, but Ino dodges and levels the tag specialist with a short arm lariat. He climbs back into the ring, ducking under a clothesline and hitting a big shoulder block. One big suplex is followed by an Ino Plex vertical suplex drop to snap neckbreaker. Anderson gets one more backdrop before “The Burning Warrior” crushes him with his Kobra Bite roll inverted DDT. It puts “The Human Arsenal” down for three.


Koshiro Ino Wins at 15:22 via Pinfall

Grade: B-



Rocky Golden, Miss Sara & ????

Ring Entrance


In a rarity for TCW, the champion emerges first for the match. He gets his typical huge reception from the loving fans, making his way down to the ring his lovely girlfriend at his side. He finally gets to the ring, climbing in and posing with the TCW World Heavyweight championship for the fans. Then he hands over the belt to the referee and awaits his yet-unknown opponents.


The entrance music begins to play....


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A small segment of fans react immediately, recognizing the music. It takes longer for most, but once Metallica's “Damage Inc” cranks up, there is a decent roar through the crowd. Its not a reaction of joy but moreso a reaction of recognition. The music is a trademark of only one man... One of the true legends of contemporary professional wrestling around the globe... Perhaps the greatest “big man” ever... A HGC original and former HGC/TCW World champion....











The 6'10”, 370 pound monster walks out and gets a pretty good pop. He is wearing the same intimating yet odd “Darth Vader” helmet and shoulder pad getup that he wore some thirteen years ago when he walked out to surprise the fans and face Sam Strong in the main event of the very first episode of Hollyweird TV.


Dread takes his time as he moves down to the ring. The huge man is 48 years old now and while he is still in good physical condition, he lacks the defined physique he once had. His size alone makes him massively imposing. Climbing up the ring steps, Dread steps over the ropes to climb inside the ring. He steps right up to the champion, with the helmet giving him several more inches of height so he fairly much towers over the champion.


Grade: B+



Rocky Golden vs Dread

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

6'7” + 330 lbs vs 6'10” + 370 lbs


Once he has the helmet off, Dread still has several inches on the TCW World Heavyweight champion. It will be the first title defense ever – and indeed, the first match in a long time – where Golden is not the bigger man. The bell rings and its war. There is no feeling out process, but simply two huge men throwing bombs at each other. They go toe-to-toe, blow-for-blow for a good minute. The challenger takes the advantage when he finally throws a downward elbow strike that catches the champion in the middle of the forehead. He tries to overwhelm Golden, but “The Tank” keeps battling. He gets hit with an Onrushing Terror high velocity Avalanche, but he comes back with a high velocity clothesline. Dread seems stumbled. Golden goes after him with several more big shots, finally taking him off his feet with a flying shoulder block that gets a huge pop from the fans. As the match moves past six minutes, it becomes clear that the challenger's greatest liability at this point is a complete lack of stamina. He is breathing hard. They exchange big shots again, but its clear the champion is getting the better of the exchange. Golden hits the huge challenger with a big spinebuster, nearly putting the monster through the mat. He covers and the crowd counts out the three with the referee.


Rock Golden Wins at 9:01 via Pinfall

Grade: B-



Rick Law, Rocky Golden & Miss Sara

Post Match

After the pin, Rocky Golden stands and offers his hand to Dread. The defeated challenger climbs to his feet on his own, staring at the champion with his legendary hard stare. Golden stares back, then offers his hand. Dread simply stares. The champion clearly says “you are a legend” to the challenger. It looks as though Dread is about to shake the offered hand... but the exchange is interrupted by music that means Rick Law is coming.


The fans boo lustily as the man appears on the stage and stomps down to the ring. He sneers as the booing fans. Dread climbs out of the ring while Law slides in on the opposite side. Golden is tense, ready for anything. Miss Sara stands outside the ring, holding Rock's world championship and looking worried.


Law doesn't attack. He yells at the champion, taunting him and telling to “be a man”. He's trying to goad Golden into accept the “I Quit” match. Referee Sam Sparrow is joined in the ring by a number of TCW staffers, ensuring the showdown does not escalate. Law continues to stomp back and forth on his side of the ring, yelling at the champion. When he yells at Golden to quit hiding behind the belt and the woman, Golden yells out that he accepts. The fans react, roaring their approval.


Golden and Law glare at each other, while Miss Sara holds the belt tight and looks worried.


Grade: A*


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Post Show Thoughts


-Dread...? Really? Disappointing, right? If you were expecting a big exciting debut, a 48-year old semi-active wrestler is probably not going to live up to that expectation. Why did TCW bother signing him? What's his role in TCW? Why did he get a title shot right out of the gates? All will be revealed in due time... which means fairly shortly.


-a B- main event and I was happy it managed to pull that. I kept it short and protected things as best I could. Suffice to say we aren't likely to see a rematch of that one...


-the show took a bit longer to put together than it should have. A couple of segments just didn't want to come together in writing terms. Which is actually why I ended up going with the descriptive approach for the Vessey-Ino-Taylor promo instead of a full scripted like I have been doing. Was trying to get the "muddled Missouri" accent of Vessey to come across. So I just described things instead. Might move to that approach for some segments... Not sure yet, but its an option.


Edit - thanks Taker!

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Good show...while I would not have predicted a mystery opponent win had I known it was Dread, I thought his arrival was well done and would have been exciting if done in the real world. Actually, it was exciting in your world too, I listened to the music for a bit before scrolling down to his picture. I had quite a feeling of anticipation. Might Dread be the new authority figure?
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It begins.




Yeah, but expected. This is probably the first match Golden has had where he hasn't been protected to some extent by his opponent.


Dread is an awesome pick. And having him come out in Vader gear is even awesomer.


Thanks. I probably wouldn't have gone the AJPW debut headgear route if not for jhd1's awesome alt of Dread.


But did it have smoke billowing out of the shoulders? because I remember another 'Vader' whose mask had smoke blowing out from his elaborate headgear.


I left out the smoke. The headgear felt Sports Entertainment enough... Having it billow smoke would've taken things to a new level... and not necessarily in a good way.


Yeah, the headgear blew out smoke.


And that smoke caused a riot. Well, the whole sequence that night caused a riot, but its more fun to blame the headgear.


Good show...while I would not have predicted a mystery opponent win had I known it was Dread, I thought his arrival was well done and would have been exciting if done in the real world. Actually, it was exciting in your world too, I listened to the music for a bit before scrolling down to his picture. I had quite a feeling of anticipation. Might Dread be the new authority figure?


Dread would fit my ideal of an authority figure and it would explain why he got the immediate title shot. Then again, he really doesn't have the Entertainment skills I would want in a GM. Won't say its impossible... just have to wait...

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I tend to use Nemisis as an authority figure he only steps in when things get way out of hand though so more jack tunney then teddy long. Rest of the time he is a trainer in dev.


I used Nemesis as an authority figure every time I played as TCW in 2008. I mean literally, every time. Even started to go that route in Generation Supreme after a bit of editing. The addition of Nemesis usually resulted in some type of DaVE-related storyline developing. I wanted to avoid that, in addition to avoiding the use of a heavy-handed GM as I would typically do. Which resulted in the "Home Office" approach.


I have Nemesis asd a trainer in my developmental territory. He may end up being used either as a manager or authority-figure at some point.

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Dread as an Enforcer alongside a new authority figure would be awesome. I can see Dread and some other old veteran sitting around in the Commissioner's office, griping about these kids today who have no respect. And every so often one of them gets up in the old guys' faces and Dread KILLS THEM DEAD.
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I used Nemesis as an authority figure every time I played as TCW in 2008. I mean literally, every time. Even started to go that route in Generation Supreme after a bit of editing. The addition of Nemesis usually resulted in some type of DaVE-related storyline developing. I wanted to avoid that, in addition to avoiding the use of a heavy-handed GM as I would typically do. Which resulted in the "Home Office" approach.


I have Nemesis asd a trainer in my developmental territory. He may end up being used either as a manager or authority-figure at some point.


Hehe yeah he is the obvious choice, but I tended to stay away from the DAVE storyline, him wrestling or having him as a heavy handed authority figure. Tended to play without one and if I really really needed one I would bring him up from his trainer duties. So I kinda worked with a Home Office like you are now and then he was the appointed representative if they really needed it. Plus him ripping on the SWF and Eisen is always fun especially now that the war feature has been expanded.

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Dread as an Enforcer alongside a new authority figure would be awesome. I can see Dread and some other old veteran sitting around in the Commissioner's office, griping about these kids today who have no respect. And every so often one of them gets up in the old guys' faces and Dread KILLS THEM DEAD.


Might not be too far removed from what I have planned for the big man. I will say that he won't wrestle regularly.


Hehe yeah he is the obvious choice, but I tended to stay away from the DAVE storyline, him wrestling or having him as a heavy handed authority figure. Tended to play without one and if I really really needed one I would bring him up from his trainer duties. So I kinda worked with a Home Office like you are now and then he was the appointed representative if they really needed it. Plus him ripping on the SWF and Eisen is always fun especially now that the war feature has been expanded.


I just have a natural tendency toward using a more heavy-handed GM type for some reason. Its not my preference, but I think the WWE has just drilled the idea into me, sadly. Which is why I just went to the opposite extreme for the diary.


I am still toying with the idea of having the Home Office with a more regular on-screen representative, when it becomes required. Which is part of why Rhodes is made to seem uncomfortable with being asked to take the role of spokesperson. There are a few options of who could take that role - Rhodes, Dread, Nemesis, and a few others...

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