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NYCW – Liberty Cup 2010 – Week 2 September 2010



Main Show



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LeeWright.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/KentuckyBill.jpg

Honest Frank and Lee Wright vs Southern Comfort

Dazzling Dave Diamond came out picking on Honest Frank to start things off, strutting around the Ring apron in his best big city dandy impression as the crowd howled in delight. Frank had finally seen enough and knocked Triple D off the apron as the bell rang. Wright blindsided Kentucky Bill and the brawl was in full effect, with the Gashouse Gang members mocking the fallen southerners, before putting the boots to them in a brutal assault. Triple D was able to rally and managed to get Wright up for a Dazzle Driver, before Frank took his Knee out from behind. Rolling from the ring, Diamond held his knee in pain as Kentucky Bill went after Wright, who was still woozy, to try and finish the match. As he whipped Wright into the corner, Honest Frank tagged himself in and as Bill came charging in caught him with the loaded Shoe, knocking him out cold and covering him for the win.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Honest Frank and Lee Wright defeated Southern Comfort in 12:14 when Honest Frank defeated Kentucky Bill by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.

Rating: D+



Frank and Wright then grab microphones and treat the crowd to a little improvisation.

Frank: “Hey there Lee, y’all know what ‘relative’ humidity is?”


Wright: “I sure don’t Frank.”


Frank: “It’s the perspiration that forms then two folks from Kentucky have sex.”


Wright: “Woooeeee, that’s a good ‘un Frank.”


Frank: “Golly yeah it is……….But not as good as seeing you two filthy Hillbillies lying on your backs after we just kicked your asses!!” Frank leans over Triple D, who is still holding his knee. “So I’m a guessing good buddy, that you learned something new today…….That once again, the TRUTH HURTS!” Frank spits on Diamond and walks to the back laughing with Wright.

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DeanWaldorf.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/MarvStatler.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RickSanders.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/TheMaskedMauler.jpg

The Ring Generals vs Old School Principals

Having been through many wars over the past year, these two teams know each other well and it shows as neither can get a leg up for any length of time. Things start to go downhill for OSP as the younger team starts to wear them down by pushing the pace and not allowing Sanders and Mauler to trap them in their corner, where the veterans can stay fresh making quick tags. Sanders gets desperate and begins to choke Waldorf relentlessly as Michael Bull tries to break the hold. Sanders loses his cool with Bull and hurls the referee from the ring in frustration, bring on an immediate disqualification.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Ring Generals defeated Old School Principals in 16:03 when Rick Sanders was disqualified while fighting Dean Waldorf.

Rating: D-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SammyTheShark.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RogerCage.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/EdwardCornell.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Spike.jpg

Shark Cage vs The Young Moguls

This one is slow to start as Sammy and Cage argue in the corner, each wanting to start things off. Cage finally allows Sammy to start, then slaps his back as soon as the bell rings and takes his place. There is more pushing and shoving between the members of Shark Cage than there is in ring action early on, as Cornell and Doll take advantage of the dissention to work Cage over. Sammy finally gets tagged in, but is slow to enter the ring and Cage pulls him in over the ropes. The two appear ready to go to blows as Doll and Cornell watch, when they suddenly turn and drop kick both members of the Young Moguls out of the ring. With crowd chanting Shark Cage, Sammy offers his hand to Roger……….Cage is reluctant, but finally extends his own hand and Sammy pokes him in the eye, delivers an Ace in the Hole, then summons Cornell into the ring. Edward adds insult to injury by hitting the Stock Ticker and getting the three count as the crowd sits in stunned silence.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Young Moguls defeated Shark Cage in 10:52 when Edward Cornell defeated Roger Cage by pinfall with The Stock Ticker. During the match we also had Sammy the Shark turn on Cage.

Rating: E+




Sammy the Shark, Edward Cornell and The New York Doll raise each other’s hands in victory as Sammy grabs the ring microphone. “What’s wrong Roger, you look like your 4 of a kind just got trumped by a royal flush! Well let me explain. You……were afraid to gamble on the future, thought you could go it alone and anyone else would drag you down. But me, I’m not afraid to roll the dice and when Streetz got sick of wasting his breath on you, he came to me………..And I went all in! So Roger, go cash in your chips, because your future is now nothing but craps!”

Rating: E+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Whistler.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RayneMan.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/BlackHatBailey.jpg

Whistler and Rayne Man vs Steve Flash and Black Hat Bailey

Whistler and Flash take center stage to start the match and Whistler has lost no hatred for his former friend, annihilating Flash with clubbing forearm shots and dynamic knee lift. Bailey as always has some tricks up his sleeve and retrieves a shank from the brim of his hat that he uses to jab Whistler in the throat to regain momentum. Rayne Man rallies for the good guys and sends Flash and Bailey sprawling with a double noggin knocker once he is able to enter the fray. Just as the tide appears to have turned, Lee Wright runs in and attacks Whistler, leaving Rayne Man to get double teamed in the ring. Bailey starts to pick a battered Rayne Man up by his hair, as Flash turns to the crowd and gives the signal for the ‘Flash Bang.’ Rayne Man lands a low blow and then rolls Bailey up in a small package, scoring the pin before Flash can intervene.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Whistler and Rayne Man defeated Steve Flash and Black Hat Bailey in 15:02 when Rayne Man defeated Black Hat Bailey by pinfall with a fast roll up. During the match we also had Lee Wright run in and attack Whistler.

Rating: D




Handsome Stranger joins Downpour and Stately at the announcers table. “I fear I have been consumed, not with all that is beautiful in this world such as me, but with all that is ugly. Donnie J you mock the pristine and the elegant and turn the stomachs of the beautiful people. Tonight I shall no longer be burdened by your vile appearance, instead I shall focus on the only thing of beauty you possess……The Empire Title and this time it, when the lights go out and the rich and famous come out to play…….it will at last adorn the waist…….of the Handsome Stranger.”

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RichieRiggins.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/AnimalHarker_alt.jpg

Richie Riggins vs Animal Harker

Riggins has monster potential, but struggles with the veteran Harker initially, finally overpowering him the body bag, an extremely brutal version of a power slam.

In an extremely poor match, Richie Riggins defeated Animal Harker in 10:20 by pinfall with a Body Bag.

Rating: F+




Steven Parker is spotted in the audience as Whistler and Rayne Man make their way to the ring for their semi-final matchup. As Rayne Man goes by Parker sneers and gives him the look of death.

Rating: E



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Whistler.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RayneMan.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/EdwardCornell.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Spike.jpg

Whistler and Rayne Man vs The Young Moguls - Liberty Cup Semi-Final

The Young Moguls came out on fire riding their opening round win to an early advantage, using their speed and ferocity to control the match, along with an ample dose of interference from Streetz. Rayne Man put the team on his shoulders however, matching Cornell and Doll with a mixture of sound technical wrestling and some high impact moves that brought gasps from the crowd. Whistler wrestled smartly, using his size and experience advantage to keep the Champions grounded. The crowd came alive as it looked like Whistler and Rayne Man would take the match, but Streetz distracted referee Michael Bull long enough to allow the Moguls to regain control. As Whistler tried to tag, Streetz pulled Rayne Man off of the ring apron and paid the price taking a Rayne Drop on the hard floor. In the ring Cornell prepared to deliver the Stock Ticker on Whistler when Roger Cage came out of nowhere, decking Doll and then delivering a top rope drop kick to Cornell. Whistler crawled on top of Cornell and using the ropes to insure he stayed down secured the 3 count.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Whistler and Rayne Man defeated The Young Moguls in 15:36 when Whistler defeated Edward Cornell by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. During the match we also had Roger Cage run in and attack Doll and Cornell.

Rating: D-




After the match Sammy the Shark runs in and blind sides Cage and is soon joined by Edward Cornell and The New York Doll. Spurred on by Streetz, the trio is vicious in their assault, obliviously angered that cage cost them their Semi-Final match. Before security can intervene, cage is bloodied,all three men have hit their finishers on him and he lays motionless in the ring for several minutes while he is attended to.

Rating: F+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LeeWright.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DeanWaldorf.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/MarvStatler.jpg

Honest Frank and Lee Wright vs The Ring Generals – Liberty Cup Semi-Final

The Ring generals were faced with the ominous task of possibly having to deal with all four members of the Gas House Gang and they appeared distracted throughout the match. Surprisingly though, Flash and Bailey stayed clear as Frank and Lee took care of business by themselves. Statler was injured early on after being slammed into the Ring Post by Wright and wrestled the rest of the match without much use of his left arm. Waldorf fought gamely and at times had Frank and Wright on their heels, but in the end the sheer brutality of the wicked brawlers prevailed and Frank hit a devastating Frank N Hurter on Waldorf, who had no chance to kick out as the former Champs were eliminated.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Honest Frank and Lee Wright defeated The Ring Generals in 11:08 when Honest Frank defeated Dean Waldorf by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter.

Rating: D





A video plays over our make shift screen, recapping the Donnie J / Handsome Stranger feud as the crowd pops in anticipation of the rematch of last month’s draw.

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DonnieJ.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HandsomeStranger.jpg

Donnie J © vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship – No Disqualification

The culmination of a month’s long feud comes to a head as things pick up right where last month’s draw left off. Stranger seems intent on disfiguring Donnie J, grinding his head across the ropes and attempting to slam him face first into the ring steps, which Donnie J blocks and retaliates by planting Stranger on the steps, which draws blood and infuriates the handsome one. Back in the ring, Donnie works some nice mat wrestling, controlling Handsome Stranger and scoring a Northern Lights suplex that rattles the ring. Handsome Stranger comes back with an Ace cutter and as Donnie J lies on the mat goes under the ring to retrieve a bag containing a branding iron. Stranger lights it on fire and attempts to plant it square on Donnie’s forehead. Donnie J fights him off and rolls outside the ring grabbing a fire extinguisher and as the handsome one slides through the ropes, Donnie J covers him in white foam, putting the fire out and temporarily blinding Stranger. Donnie J then hits Death on Miami Beach on the floor, rolls Handsome Stranger back into the ring and covers him for the pin!

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Donnie J defeated Handsome Stranger in 23:25 by pinfall with a Death on Miami Beach. Donnie J makes defense number 3 of his NYCW Empire title.

Rating: D


Donnie J celebrates with the fans, when Handsome Stranger, realizing his opportunity to ever hold the belt may have slipped away goes berserk and grabs the fire extinguisher he was just sprayed with. As Donnie J turns to acknowledge the rest of the crowd, Stranger nails him in the face with the bottom of the heavy steel canister, leaving him knocked out and bleeding badly. In a final act of defiance the rest of the extinguishers contents in Donnie J’s face, before leaving through a shower of drinks from the crowd.

Rating: E+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LeeWright.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Whistler.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RayneMan.jpg

Honest Frank and Lee Wright vs Whistler and Rayne Man – Liberty Cup Finals

Both teams show the effects of two previous matches as the actions starts slowly with lots of rest holds highlighted by arm wringers, head locks and toe holds as each team attempts to wear the other down. Rayne Man is the youngest of the four and it is again this attribute that gives him and Whistler the edge. With Lee Wright on the floor, Rayne Man whips Frank into a big boot from Whistler, and then hits the Rayne drop, but amazingly Frank is somehow able to kick out just shy of the 3 count. Wright regains his senses and goes after Whistler and the two of them brawl outside the ring as Michael Bull yells at them to return to their corners. Rayne Man picks Frank up and positions himself for a second Rayne Drop when Steven Parker jumps the guard rail, kicks Rayne Man in the gut and delivers an evenflow DDT as Frank slides off Rayne Man’s back. Diving to the floor as Bull turns around, Parker rolls under the ring as Honest Frank hits the Frank N Hurter and 3 seconds later he and Lee Wright are the winners of the 2010 Liberty Cup Tag Team tournament.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Honest Frank and Lee Wright defeated Whistler and Rayne Man in 15:48 when Honest Frank defeated Rayne Man by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter following interference from Steven Parker. Honest Frank and Lee Wright win the NYCW Liberty Cup Champions titles.

Rating: D



Overall Rating: D- Attendance: 927 Gate: $6,489



I am ecstatic with the gate as we approach a sell out for the first time this year at the Ministry, but merchandise sales are down and I am afraid the overall rating of the show may hurt us next month, though all accounts indicate it was good enough to keep the popularity needle moving in the right direction. I look for Uncle Derek, but he is nowhere to be found and Black Hat tells me he is counting merchandise money……I decide to deal with his wrath later and call it a night.


Quick Picks (This Show / Overall)

Dragonmack – 8 / 39

Chriskid – 2 / 30

BgBuff – 2 / 28

BHK1978 – 0 / 22

Maxxhexx – 0 / 19

Smurhpy1014 – 2 / 11

Angeldelayette – 0 / 9

John Lions – 4 / 8

Wrestling Century – 0 / 8

TakerNGN74 – 0 / 6

Critical-23 – 0 / 6

Regis – 0 / 3

DiablomanConQueso – 0 / 1


congrats to Dragonmack for a perfect 8 for 8, that experience with NYCW paid off this time :)

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It was late and the dimly light office cast an eerie backdrop on what was obviously a very somber meeting as Terry Twist and Stomper sat across from each other exchanging ideas.




Stomper: "$3,126.00 in the hole for September Terry, our worst month yet and I know we still have $94,000 plus in the bank, but we need to do something to turn things around and get to the next level. I normally would be yelling, but I just don't feel like it anymore. You are my flesh and blood and I want you to succeed, to someday take this company over, but you just can't accept losing money like it is not a big deal.....If you do that $3,000 loss becomes 5, then 8, then next thing you know you are struggling to pay the boys. Hell, I am set and I am not going to be around for another 30-40 years anyway, but you should be and I want you to be succesful in the business."


This was a side of my Uncle that was rarely seen and to be honest I would rather have had him yelling at me.....I felt like I had just strangled a Kitten in front of him and now he was telling me how disappointed he was......then again, my Uncle was crafty and this could just be a ploy to make me feel like crap, when in reality being $6,000.00 on the red, when you were working to expand a company and were close to getting to the next level....Well, was that really that bad?


Me: "Uncle Derek, I believe in what I am doing and I think we have the guys in place to get it done. What I really think we need to do is continue to increase the focus on the younger guys, especially when we get popular enough to be considered a regional promotion."


Stomper: "Dammit Terry, it's no good to believe, you have to be sure!"


Now that was the Uncle Derek I knew and loved.....


Me: "I am sure Uncle Derek. Look, I know you are loyal to guys like Black Hat and Lee and Whistler. But it is time they started to elevate the younger guys more."


Stomper: "How much more, hell you already job Bailey everytime I turn around and he is the leader of what is supposedly the most dangerous stable in the company."


Me: "And the Gas House Gang can keep that persona, as a whole, but when you can divide and conquer you can get over on them. Their name says it all, they are a gang and when they are able to use numbers on people they are dangerous, but isolate them and they are like the Bully, they can be beaten. Look, the only one of the group who can really still work at a top level is Honest Frank. Hell he carried Triple D and a raw youngster to probably the best match of the show in the Liberty Cup. I can keep him strong as an individual, keep the stable strong as a group and pick my spots with the rest of them to elevate the younger guys."


Stomper: "OK, that sounds like you are thinking at least. So who do you think is ready to step up."


Me: "Well, Donnie J is solid as Champion for now and I think Rayne Man has a world of potential. Steven Parker will do well as the fans get more exposure to him and I think Kentucky Bill is a diamond in the rough and with Triple D as his partner he can get over. A couple of guys I hoped would do better are Cage and Sammy. It seems Sammy's turn went well, but that the fans don't seem to care much about what Cage is doing."


Stomper: "Well you have turned him twice now this year and half the damn fans probalby don't know if he is a face or a heel right now......"


Me: "You're right Uncle Derek, I should have done a better job with him, but I still think he can bring alot to the company."


Stomper: "Bullcrap, you heard how he talks...He could give a rats ass about NYCW and it shows. We would have been better off if he had gone to TCW. He's a little egotistical prick."


Me: "I think you are too hard on him Uncle Derek, give me a few more months, I have some ideas for him. Also, I think New York Doll is ready for bigger things and Roderick Remus and Jared Johnson have potential too."


Stomper: "I agree on Remus and Johnson, but New York Doll? Are you using drugs son? Nobody has been able to do anything with him and you think he is the future?"


Me: "Not THE future, but a piece of it.....I think his gimmick is starting to get a little momentum and the fans are starting to hate him."


Stomper: "Because he sucks dumbass!"


Me: "You may be surprised.....There will be a subtle shift in direction after the 'Carnival of Pain' show this month and I would not be suprised if started to see some more sponsorship money by November."


Stomper: "I could give you a subtle shove out the damn window too and see some Insurance money........."


Uncle Derek got up and left and I only had one lingering question....


Me: "Do you really have an insurance policy on me?"

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Carnival of Pain is looming and it will hopefully start a big 4th quarter off with a bang. The next two shows will serve as a buildup to our December end of year show Holiday Havoc, which will hopefully put NYCW in position to get a TV deal in early 2011.




Quick Picks

Donnie J vs Steve Flash - NYCW Empire Championship


Honest Frank vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Winner gets an Empire Title shot


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker w/Persephone


Sammy the Shark vs Regular Joe


Whistler vs Black Hat Bailey

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Bah, should have figured you would have kept the tag match the main event - should have stuck with my head over my gut.


Donnie J vs Steve Flash - NYCW Empire Championship

Donnie's not dropping it yet because that would transition Rayne Man/Whistler into ME feud with Flash


Honest Frank vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Winner gets an Empire Title shot

Gas House Gang begins to bring Donnie J into the fray, setting up for a Whistler and co. vs Gas House Gang stable feud


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker w/Persphone

Parker gets a debut win


Sammy the Shark vs Regular Joe

Regular Joe is a good jobber - don't see him pulling out a victory here to form an alliance with Cage or something ridiculous


Whistler vs Black Hat Bailey

How can Whistler be expected to take on Flash, who's a title contender, if he can't take on Bailey? Could see interference giving this to Bailey but I think you need to keep the figure head of the anti-GHGers semi-strong

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Donnie J vs Steve Flash - NYCW Empire Championship

I have a hunch contract time is due for Donnie, and it wasn't favorable


Honest Frank vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Winner gets an Empire Title shot

I am assuming it isnt next month, unless you plan to turn Steve Face again, I think its been 6 months so it should be safe.


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker w/Persphone

Parker can be huge for you but Rayne Man has the overness you need now


Sammy the Shark vs Regular Joe

Because with a lot of work and time, Sammy can be decent


Whistler vs Black Hat Bailey

If Bailey hasnt retired yet, he will soon

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Donnie J vs Steve Flash - NYCW Empire Championship


Honest Frank vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Winner gets an Empire Title shot


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker w/Persphone


Sammy the Shark vs Regular Joe


Whistler vs Black Hat Bailey


I ran this match like seven straight times in my NYCW diary (it was lazy booking) anyway Whistler only won once. Well I think you will be kinder to Whistler.

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<p><strong>Donnie J</strong> vs Steve Flash - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p>

<em>Hopefully the contract isn't up anytime soon. DJ is pretty good as the ace of NYCW.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Honest Frank</strong> vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Winner gets an Empire Title shot</p><p>

<em>Frank is on a roll (see what I did there, tee-hee!).</em></p><p> </p><p>

Rayne Man vs <strong>Steven Parker w/Persephone</strong></p><p>

<em>I see Parker with more of an upside in my opinion but this is one of those matches where BOTH men have upsides. I gotta thing for Parker as in my WS2 game we have wrestled over 30 times and probably are responsible for MAW going as big as they have.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy the Shark</strong> vs Regular Joe</p><p>

<em>Sammy is like a mini Rich Money just a little IMO.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Whistler </strong>vs Black Hat Bailey </p><p>

<em>I agree with Dragonmack, Bailey's almost at the end of his career.</em></p>

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<p>Donnie J vs <strong>Steve Flash</strong> - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Honest Frank</strong> vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Winner gets an Empire Title shot</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man</strong> vs Steven Parker w/Persphone</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy the Shark</strong> vs Regular Joe</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Whistler</strong> vs Black Hat Bailey</p>

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<p><strong>Donnie J</strong> vs Steve Flash - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p>

This should be a good match between two great wrestlers in the NYCW but I believe that Donnie J will retain.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Honest Frank</strong> vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Winner gets an Empire Title shot</p><p>

Honest Frank all the way on this one</p><p> </p><p>

Rayne Man vs <strong>Steven Parker</strong> w/Persephone</p><p>

Steven Parker is the better of the two in my opinion even though Rayne Man is pretty good himself</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy the Shark</strong> vs Regular Joe</p><p>

Anyone with the name Regular Joe doesnt get my vote</p><p> </p><p>

Whistler vs <strong>Black Hat Bailey </strong></p><p>

I am actually a huge fan of Bailey so I will have to go with him.</p>

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<p><strong>Donnie J</strong> vs Steve Flash - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Honest Frank</strong> vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Winner gets an Empire Title shot</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man</strong> vs Steven Parker w/Persephone</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy the Shark</strong> vs Regular Joe</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Whistler</strong> vs Black Hat Bailey</p>

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<p><strong>Donnie J</strong> vs Steve Flash - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Honest Frank</strong> vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Winner gets an Empire Title shot</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man</strong> vs Steven Parker w/Persephone</p><p>


Sammy the Shark</strong> vs Regular Joe</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Whistler</strong> vs Black Hat Bailey</p>

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Donnie J vs Steve Flash - NYCW Empire Championship

It seems Donnie J is the man at the moment. If it weren't for the number one contenders match on the card I would say this would be a draw to set up a rematch.


Honest Frankvs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Winner gets an Empire Title shot

I like the way you write for Triple D, but I don't think he's getting in the title picture yet.


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker w/Persephone

I see Parker winning with questionable tactics to keep this going.

Sammy the Shark vs Regular Joe

Sammy's first match after the heel turn..a loss to Joe would make it fizzle.

Whistler vs Black Hat Bailey

Feels like Bailey went from champ to jobber.

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Welcome Pink and welcome back Taker <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Thanks everyone who submitted predictions and as always to everyone following along. I am almost finished writing the show up, just ran out of gas this evening after a fun night out, so it will be up sometime in the morning.
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NYCW – Carnival of Pain – Week 2 October 2010




Old School Principals vs Monteiro and Johnson vs Young Moguls – Non Title Match

The veterans mix it up with two young teams, including our champs in a non-title affair, again for a select crowd of 100 people who were the first to buy event tickets. The Moguls dominate much of the match and Roger Monteiro was pinned by Cornell and Doll as OSP held Jared Johnson in the corner. As Cornell waved to the departing losers, Sanders pulled a bit of a swerve, going to high five New York Doll, then planting a knee to his gut and spiking him with a Piledriver to snatch the underhanded win for the veterans.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Old School Principals defeated The Young Moguls and Roger Monteiro and Jared Johnson in 10:52; the order of elimination was Roger Monteiro and Jared Johnson first, and finally The Young Moguls.

Rating: D-



Honest Frank and Steven Parker then join our three way tag participants, The Masked Mauler, Rick Sanders, Jared Johnson, The New York Doll, Edward Cornell and Roger Monteiro in our standard pre-show meet and greet, with Parker and Frank keeping most of the crowd mesmerized.

Rating: D-



Main Show



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Whistler.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/BlackHatBailey.jpg

Whistler vs Black Hat Bailey

The two old warhorse’s square up and Bailey starts to extend his hand, but decides to go with an eye poke instead to get things underway. In what has become the routine for Black Hat, he compensates for his fading skills by cheating every time things start to go against him and this match is no exception as he uses every trick in the book against Whistler. Unfortunately for Bailey, Whistler has been around the block too and he soon captures the momentum with a series of body slams and a ring shaking suplex that brings Steve Flash to the ring to help his stable mate. Flash grabs Whistlers flag pole and tries to throw it to Bailey, but Whistler intercepts, drives the shaft home into Bailey’s solar plexus and hits the Rebel Yell to defeat the leader of the Gas House Gang.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Whistler defeated Black Hat Bailey in 11:38 by pinfall with a Rebel Yell following botched interference by Steve Flash.

Rating: D




I walk to the ring with a special announcement to make and while many of the fans are indifferent, several remember my earlier arrogance and I hear scattered boos. “Oh shut up….do you people really think I am going to give credence to your catcalls when anything that comes out of my mouth is more important than all of your combined ramblings? Now, as much as it pains me to say this, since I do truly believe that Handsome Stranger is the ‘face’ of NYCW, I just can’t have loose cannons running around smashing people in the face with fire extinguishers…..After all, you people aren’t role models for your children, so we have to be. So, for his unfortunate misjudgment, Handsome Stranger is banned from the building for tonight’s show.”

Rating: E-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LeeWright.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/AnimalHarker_alt.jpg

Lee Wright vs Animal Harker

Wright gives Harker a shiny toy before the match, which totally pre-occupies the simple ones thoughts, even as the bell rings. Wright takes advantage and administers a savage beat down that sees Harker rendered senseless in a matter of minutes. Never one to show mercy, Wright hoists Harker into position and caps off the decisive victory with a Wright Stuff.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Lee Wright defeated Animal Harker in 5:56 by pinfall with a Wright Stuff.

Rating: E+




Roger Cage is walking to the ring for his match against Sammy the Shark when Edward Cornell and The New York Doll jump him near the arena entrance. As Streetz eggs them on they pummel the Tri-state Champ and deliver a tandem Stock Ticker leaving him laid out cold. They then grab Regular Joe, who happens to be walking by and push him out into the arena, still wearing his street clothes.

Rating: E-




http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SammyTheShark.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RegularJoe.jpg

Sammy the Shark vs Regular Joe

Sammy has a microphone and addresses the crowd as Joe stumbles into sight. “Well look at this…Roger Cage is too big of a coward to roll the dice against the Shark, so he sends some penny ante replacement.” Joe still looks lost, but hits the ring at the crowds urging and is promptly met by a flurry of kicks, punches and whiped into the corner, followed by a flying elbow from Sammy. On guts alone, Joe fights back nearly shocks Sammy by countering a back drop with a sunset flip for a two count. Both men go toe to toe and Joe comes off the ropes with a flying body press, but his momentum allows Sammy roll through and end up on top in a pinning position. As Michael Bulls drops to make the count, Sammy puts both feet on the ropes to insure his game opponent cannot kick out.

In an extremely poor match, Sammy the Shark defeated Regular Joe in 10:53 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: E+




Rayne Man sprints to the ring and slides under the ropes, calling for the house microphone. “Oh Canadaaaaaa, Steven Parker embarrasses thee…..I don’t know the rest of the words because to be honest, I don’t care and neither do any of these good people here. What I do care about is a little good old fashioned payback though. You talk about being the show stealer, prancing around here with your little Princess Persephone. Well in a few minutes you get a chance to really steal the show man to man in a match, not by delivering a cheap shot when I am not expecting it. And, you can bet your sweet ass I will be ready tonight and I promise you this…..If anything gets stolen in this match, it might just be your Girlfriend after I 'Rayne' all over you! So if you’re ready to get wet big guy, bring it on!”

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/StevenParker.jpg with http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Persephone.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RayneMan.jpg

Steven Parker vs Rayne Man

Parker is not amused at Rayne Man’s pre-match rant and hits the ring with a fury hammering Rayne Man with some vicious chops and showing his athletic ability with a spinning back kick that nearly takes Rayne’s head off. As Persephone squeals with delight at her mans showing, Rayne Man bounces back with a Thesz press off the ropes, pounds Parker and then nails a Rolling Thunder to nearly get the pin. Persephone distracts referee Michael Bull and Parker hits a low blow and hurls Rayne through the ropes to buy some time. The ebb and flow continues as we approach the end of the scheduled time limit and Parker stages a furious last second rally nailing a Power slam, then as Persephone jumps onto the ring apron to cheer him on, he whips Rayne Man in her direction and she is knocked to the floor as he rebounds off the ropes. Parker misses a half hearted clothesline after seeing this and rushes to the ropes to check on his girl. Rayne Man clocks a distracted Parker with an elbow to the back of the head, picks him up and hits the Rayne Drop quickly covering…1…..2…..Ding, ding, ding……..The bell rings before Bull can hit 3 and we have a time limit draw!

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Rayne Man drew with Steven Parker in 20:00 when the time limit expired.

Rating: D




A montage of clips plays on our video screen and with Lynyrd Skynyrd blaring in the background; Dazzling Dave Diamond is shown training for his match with Honest Frank. The routine includes lifting logs, chasing Chickens and Thumb Wrestling with Kentucky Bill….After taking two of three from Bill, Triple D sticks his Thumb in ice and cracks open a Stroh’s beer, winking at the camera as the crowd cheers.

Rating: E




As the video stops playing the spotlight hits Honest Frank, who is now standing in the ring with a microphone. “Well looky there…….That’s how we do it down in the holler folks! Are you kidding me? You trained for your shot at glory by thumb wrestling your inbred cousin and drinking Beer??? Is there anything else your southern fried ass can do to disrespect this business, this company and me? Hell, seeing a day in your life disrespects the entire civilized world!! What you need Triple D is a good dose of the truth…………And as we all know.” Frank pauses as several in the crowd join him in completing his catch phrase. “THE TRUTH HURTS!!!”

Rating: C-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Honest Frank – For a shot at the Empire Title

Triple D changes it up, racing to the ring to the strains of ‘Jim Dandy’ by Black Oak Arkansas and goes straight to work on Frank, quickly overwhelming the rough and tumble veteran with his energy alone, hitting drop kicks, atomic drops and about every other drop in the book as Frank heads for the floor at first opportunity. Upon getting back in the ring, Frank slows things down to a more methodical; grind it out kind of pace, which is helped by Triple D’s lack of stamina and tendency to gas himself out early. Working on the legs, Frank has Triple D screaming in agony as he sinks a deep Boston Crab, which Diamond barely escapes in a desperation stretch for the ropes. Sensing it is time for the coup de gras, Frank starts to lock Triple D up for the Frank N Hurter, but in a final burst of energy, Diamond works an arm free and lifts Frank across his shoulders………Letting out a whoop he starts to deliver the Dazzle Driver, but Frank squirms free, slides down his back and rolls Triple D in a small package, grabbing tights as Bull completes the three count.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Honest Frank defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 15:45 by pinfall with a fast roll up.

Rating: D-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DonnieJ.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg

Donnie J © vs Steve Flash – NYCW Empire Championship

This one starts slowly as neither man wishes to make a mistake, instead they feel each other out with a test of strength and some basic arm wringers and head locks. Flash makes the first move of note, catapulting Donnie into a corner and following him in with an attempted avalanche, which the Champ avoids and then rewards Flash for his troubles with a series of hard chops, which bring oohs and awes from the ringsiders. Donnie J then takes control of the match until he notices Lee Wright standing at the backstage entrance. Pointing at Wright and making a slashing gesture across his throat, the Champion is suddenly blindside by a running shoulder block from Flash and driven to the mat. Flash then hits a DDT and goes to work on Donnie’s arm, as Wright looks on approvingly. With his free arm up in the air motioning to the crowd, Donnie regains his feet and punches his way out of the Arm bar, suddenly exploding on Flash with both hands, until the challenger rakes him across the eyes. Concerned Wright starts toward the ring, but is laid out from behind by Whistler and his trusty flag pole! Back in the ring, Flash has the Champion by the hair and is giving the signal for the Flash Bang, when Whistler plants the end of his flag pole in Flash’s ribs, doubling him over and allowing Donnie J to retain the title after delivering a Death on Miami Beach!

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Donnie J defeated Steve Flash in 18:52 by pinfall with a Death on Miami Beach following interference from Whistler. Donnie J makes defense number 4 of his NYCW Empire title.

Rating: D+




Overall Rating: D Attendance: 918 Gate: $6,426 - Popularity increased.




Stomper: “I told you to book Triple D in shorter matches, you saw the damn training video and sad thing is, that is probably closer to his true routine than it is a skit! Hell, Terry, the kid has potential but you can’t utilize it if he is always blown up at the end of his matches!”


Me: “I know, luckily Frank saved it a bit….I will stop putting him in matches over 12 minutes or so.”


Just then Triple D himself walks up, Stroh’s Beer in hand. “Yippee ki yay, pretty good show tonight feller’s! Man that Frank can work for an older guy….had me plumb tuckered out.”


Me: “Ah, replacing a couple of cans of that with some extra cardio would help.”


Triple D looks at the Beer and smiles. “Yessir, but these are just a lot tastier…Hey did I tell you they gave me a free case after the shoot, ya’ll know how hard it is to get Stroh’s up here in New York, I was in hog heaven, gave the distributor my address, he promised to send me some more in the mail.”


Me: “Send you Beer in the mail?”


Triple D: “Heck yeah, UPS or something like that, anyway I told a young Philly out there in the parking lot I had a lot more of where these came from, as long as she could give me some gas money….Looks like I’m getting lucky fellers cause she didn’t say no…”


As he walks off Stomper just shakes his head… ”I love that kid, but my god, he just might be inbred”


Just then Donnie J walks by and merely grunts when I congratulate him on a good match, barely even acknowledging myself and Uncle Derek.


Stomper: “What the hell is his problem?”


Me: “Don’t know…..You would think with push we are giving him he’d be bringing us apples. I’ll talk to him before the next show.”


Quick Picks (This Show / Overall)

Dragonmack – 3 / 34

Chriskid – 4 / 32

BgBuff – 4 / 30

BHK1978 – 4 / 26

Maxxhexx – 0 / 19

Smurhpy1014 – 3 / 12

Critical-23 – 4 / 10

TakerNGN74 – 3 / 9

Angeldelayette – 0 / 9

Wrestling Century – 0 / 8

John Lions – 4 / 8

Pink Stranger – 4 / 4

Regis – 0 / 3

DiablomanConQueso – 0 / 1


Pretty close between the top three with two shows left in the year and the draw was the only thing that tripped most of you up this time, I went with the draw to build some heat for this feud as I think there is some potential between the two.

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Hmm.. I can't picture Donnie J doing the throat-slash when I always have Mercenary doing it :p


Nice show, good to see Whistler isn't done yet with Flash. Hopefully Donnie J can step up his game though, I'd expect better than a D+ working with Flash.

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Good show. Loved the Triple D stuff at the end. Honest Frank making fun of him has been funny too. Some fans saying Honest Frank's catchphrase for him felt realistic since I could see a New York crowd getting behind him instead of Triple D. Interested to read what Donnie J's problem is. Tell that ingrate the title can come off him anytime you want...hey, the truth hurts!
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Hmm.. I can't picture Donnie J doing the throat-slash when I always have Mercenary doing it :p


Nice show, good to see Whistler isn't done yet with Flash. Hopefully Donnie J can step up his game though, I'd expect better than a D+ working with Flash.


Thanks, yeah Donnie J has been disappointing since his C- match with Handsome Stranger a few shows back. He is also annoyed right now for some reason I can't understand. He has made 5 successful defenses of the Empire strap and is the #1 guy in the company, so I don't know what his issue is. Maybe he wants to a mid card Title run instead? :)


Whistler and Flash will probably feud through the end of the year, then I plan to shake things up a bit.


Good show. Loved the Triple D stuff at the end. Honest Frank making fun of him has been funny too. Some fans saying Honest Frank's catchphrase for him felt realistic since I could see a New York crowd getting behind him instead of Triple D. Interested to read what Donnie J's problem is. Tell that ingrate the title can come off him anytime you want...hey, the truth hurts!


Thanks, I am having fun writing Triple D, since he is quite different from the rest of the roster and you always need at least one goofball. :) As for Donnie J, see above. I am baffled, but he may just need to be knocked down a peg or two.

Thanks for following along and glad you are enjoying the diary.

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He has an egotistical personality I take it? Then he's pissed off because he had to draw with Handsome Stranger. Same thing happened with Nicky Gilbert, to the point where I had to turn off morale because it was unrealistic. I suggest giving him something good, because it's been nearly a year and he's STILL pissed about it.
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Going over the final October numbers it is great to see we are closing back in on break even as we only lose $268.00 and are right on the verge of going regional with a good showing at Bash on Broadway in November. I think we will finally get over the hump as I plan to spread my top guys out over the card, some in matches that will serve to both setup Holiday Havoc in December and also give a couple of the young guys some valuable learning opportunities. Uncle Derek is reading USA Today and I feel safe interrupting him to tell him we are back around break even, but a knock on the door cuts me off just as I begin to speak…………..




Donnie J: “Hi guys, you wanted to see me Terry?”


Me: “Yeah, have a seat. Really, I just want to know if everything is OK. You seemed a little upset after the last show.”


Donnie J: “I’m fine, well, actually…..Oh never mind, I have no reason to complain. I have been Champion almost 6 months now and you guys have been good. I just talked to James Prudence before the show and I guess I am just a little jealous of where he is and where I am, considering we were once partners and at the same level.”


Stomper: “Oh for hells sake, another one with his lips on the global ass of SWF!!”


Me: “Uncle Derek, he isn’t saying he is leaving. You’re not leaving right? I mean I don’t think you would have signed an extension if you weren’t planning to stay.”


Donnie J: “Hey, that’s why I didn’t want to say anything, look I would not have resigned if I was not happy, I just wish we put on more shows and had some more exposure. I also am kind of disappointed that you put the program with Stranger on the back burner after one bad month.”


Me: “Donnie, it’s not over, it just took a dip in popularity from our exit polls and I wanted to back off a bit so it didn’t go stale on us. You guys aren’t finished with each other, it just needed a break.”


Stomper: “I have an idea, why don’t you hang out with Diamond for a while Donnie, all he cares about are ring rats and cheap ass southern Beer that tastes like it was cold filtered through a urinal…..seems to work for him.”


Donnie J: (forcing a laugh) “Hey I’ll bounce back, just a little down and I’ll pass on Dave’s Beer and his women.”


Stomper: “Well now you are finally making sense, now get the hell out of here while I am still in a good mood.”


Donnie still appears a bit annoyed, mostly following everything Uncle Derek says, but he manages a half smile and leaves.


Me: “You really could use a bit more in the way of people skills Uncle Derek; I mean not everybody has a good day every day. I know the sun always shines in your world, but this is a tough business and it wears on you…..Trust me, I would love it if everyone was a big jolly Dwarf like you.”


Stomper: “You can kiss my ass too, funny man…..Now when you’re done trying to be some dime store Dr. Phil can you tell me what our finances look like?”


Me: “Better than those polyester pants you have on…..Where did you get those, the Bee Gees thrift store?”


I am already two steps towards the door laughing as a coaster comes flying at me…….As I make it through the door I yell back…. ”Only down $268.00 for October.”


Heading down the stairs the last thing I hear is…… ”If you booked as well as the Bee Gees sing, we would be on TV already!”


As I head out onto the street below, I cannot be sure, but I swear I can year my Uncles gravelly voice coming from the window above………………………..”Then I get night fever, night fever….we know how to do it.”


As I walk down the street I now sure of one more thing…….That the Bee Gees could book a lot better than my Uncle can sing.



He has an egotistical personality I take it? Then he's pissed off because he had to draw with Handsome Stranger. Same thing happened with Nicky Gilbert, to the point where I had to turn off morale because it was unrealistic. I suggest giving him something good, because it's been nearly a year and he's STILL pissed about it.


His only real "bad" traits are ruthless and mercenary, so maybe he is pissed I signed him to an extension? :)

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<p>Kind of a somber day as I send out the poster for Bash on Broadway as TEW.com is reporting that 35 year old Luchador <strong>Hypnos</strong> was killed in an automobile accident two shows into the October WLW tour. I had hoped we would make it the whole year without losing a wrestler under the age of 40, but at least it was not a drug death. Uncle Derek has no love for the Luchador style, but the news even got a "<span style="color:#8B0000;">Gee, that's a shame, poor kid</span>" from him. </p><p> </p><p> The big news however as we head into November is that <strong>TCW</strong> has reached Global and is now nipping at the heels of <strong>SWF</strong>, a result that made Uncle Derek smile since it showed fans still liked 'real' wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> I have booked myself into an angle on the November show that will shake things up a bit and probably bring a good amount of hate from the NYCW fan base, we will see how it goes......</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/Posters/BashonBroadway2010.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26753" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Quick Picks</strong><p> Donnie J © vs Honest Frank - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p> Steve Flash vs Whistler - Steel Cage match + Mystery Stipulation</p><p> </p><p> The Young Moguls © (Cornell & Doll) vs Southern Comfort (Diamond & Kentucky Bill) - NYCW Tag Team Championship</p><p> </p><p> Rayne Man vs Roderick Remus</p><p> </p><p> Roger Cage © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship.</p></div></blockquote>
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<p>Quick Picks</p><p>

<strong>Donnie J ©</strong> vs Honest Frank - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p>

<em>If Flash didnt take it, Frank isnt either</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash</strong> vs Whistler - Steel Cage match + Mystery Stipulation</p><p>

<em>Although if Flash became NOTBPW booker again, he might be gone</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Young Moguls © (Cornell & Doll) vs <strong>Southern Comfort (Diamond & Kentucky Bill)</strong> - NYCW Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<em>Cornell and Doll really never seem to get over, at least Cornell doesnt in the states.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man </strong>vs Roderick Remus</p><p>

squash</p><p> </p><p>

Roger Cage © vs <strong>Handsome Stranger</strong> - NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship. </p><p>

<em>I think SWF finally came calling</em></p>

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<p><strong>Donnie J ©</strong> vs Honest Frank - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p>

<em>Amen to what Mack said</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash</strong> vs Whistler - Steel Cage match + Mystery Stipulation</p><p>

<em>Could see Mystery Stip be a 'Loser Leaves Town' sort of thing, and I don't think you've lost Flash just yet</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Young Moguls ©</strong> (Cornell & Doll) vs Southern Comfort (Diamond & Kentucky Bill) - NYCW Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<em>You've put Cornell and Doll on the backburner for your ME feud for a while but I don't think they are done doing their Young Moguly stuff just yet. Could have them get cost the titles by Roger Cage though</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man</strong> vs Roderick Remus</p><p>

<em>You've made me lose my hatred to Rayne Man</em></p><p> </p><p>

Roger Cage © vs <strong>Handsome Stranger</strong> - NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship. </p><p>

<em>Could see Sammy costing Cage the title here</em></p>

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<p><strong>Donnie J © </strong>vs Honest Frank - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p>

I see know reason for Donnie to lose this match.</p><p> </p><p>

Steve Flash vs <strong>Whistler</strong> - Steel Cage match + Mystery Stipulation</p><p> </p><p>

I am going with a losers leave town stip and seeing how Steve might get a fancy new job...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Young Moguls ©</strong> (Cornell & Doll) vs Southern Comfort (Diamond & Kentucky Bill) - NYCW Tag Team Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man</strong> vs Roderick Remus</p><p> </p><p>

Roger Cage © vs <strong>Handsome Stranger </strong>- NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship. </p><p> </p><p>

How has the SWF not signed him yet?</p>

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<p>Quick Picks</p><p>

<strong><strong>Donnie J (c</strong></strong><strong>)</strong> vs Honest Frank - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p>

Steve Flash vs <strong>Whistler</strong> - Steel Cage match + Mystery Stipulation</p><p>

Loser leaves town, NOTBPW or another company wants him as a booker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Young Moguls © (Cornell & Doll)</strong> vs Southern Comfort (Diamond & Kentucky Bill) - NYCW Tag Team Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man</strong> vs Roderick Remus</p><p> </p><p>

Roger Cage © vs <strong>Handsome Stranger</strong> - NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship.</p>

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