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NYCW - Passing the torch

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Donnie J © vs Honest Frank - NYCW Empire Championship

I'll be pulling for Frank, but see Donnie J retaining.

Steve Flash vs Whistler - Steel Cage match + Mystery Stipulation

Agree with loser leaves as the stip. I hope I'm wrong about this one too.

The Young Moguls © (Cornell & Doll) vs Southern Comfort (Diamond & Kentucky Bill) - NYCW Tag Team Championship

I'm going with my favorites in this one.

Rayne Man vs Roderick Remus

No way he loses.

Roger Cage © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship.

Agree that Cage is out of there.

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Donnie J © vs Honest Frank - NYCW Empire Championship


Steve Flash vs Whistler - Steel Cage match + Mystery Stipulation


The Young Moguls © (Cornell & Doll) vs Southern Comfort (Diamond & Kentucky Bill) - NYCW Tag Team Championship


Rayne Man vs Roderick Remus


Roger Cage © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship.

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Donnie J © vs Honest Frank - NYCW Empire Championship


Steve Flash vs Whistler - Steel Cage match + Mystery Stipulation


The Young Moguls © (Cornell & Doll) vs Southern Comfort (Diamond & Kentucky Bill) - NYCW Tag Team Championship


Rayne Man vs Roderick Remus


Roger Cage © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship.

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Donnie J © vs Honest Frank - NYCW Empire Championship


Steve Flash vs Whistler - Steel Cage match + Mystery Stipulation


The Young Moguls © (Cornell & Doll) vs Southern Comfort (Diamond & Kentucky Bill) - NYCW Tag Team Championship


Rayne Man vs Roderick Remus


Roger Cage © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship.

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NYCW – Bash on Broadway – Week 2 November 2010






Lee Wright vs Animal Harker vs Jared Johnson vs Richie Riggins

Our pre-card special event is a four corners match this week and Lee Wright and Richie Riggins work together to overpower Johnson and Harker early. Johnson rallies and cleans house with a drop kick on Wright and a nice hurricanrana on Riggins, but the advantage is short lived as Wright pulls him out of the ring and slams him into the ring steps. As Riggins continues to assault Johnson on the floor, Wright climbs back into the ring and puts Harker away with a Wright Stuff to win the match.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Lee Wright defeated Animal Harker, Jared Johnson and Richie Riggins in 9:18 when Lee Wright defeated Animal Harker by pinfall with a Wright Stuff.

Rating: D


Honest Frank, Donnie J, Roger Cage, Handsome Stranger, Edward Cornell, Kentucky Bill, Dazzling Dave Diamond and The New York Doll then come out and do a meet and greet with those attending the pre-show and make a big splash with all in attendance.

Rating: C-



Main Show



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RogerCage.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HandsomeStranger.jpg

Roger Cage © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship

Returning from his 30 day suspension, Handsome Stranger is edgier than ever, slapping the Champion before the match and insulting his ring attire as tasteless. Cage is incensed and takes the action to Stranger, making a particularly big impression with a spear that nearly cuts Stranger in half. Stranger gets back into the match with a slingshot suplex and covers for a two count, but Cage shows resiliency, chopping Stranger down with leg kicks and working over the ankle and knee of his challenger. Sammy the Shark then appears and walks halfway down the ramp as Cage motions him to come into the ring. Referee Michael Bull has the opposite on his mind and steps between the ropes to order Shark to the back. Cage turns away from Shark and walks into a side Russian leg sweep from The New York Doll, who snuck into the ring from behind and now quickly rolls to the outside after planting Cage. Handsome Stranger then picks the Champion up and hits a La Gota to lift the Tri-State belt.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Handsome Stranger defeated Roger Cage in 13:43 by pinfall with a La Gota following interference from The New York Doll. Handsome Stranger wins the NYCW Tri-State Regional title.

Rating: D




I make my way to the ring and call Steve Flash and Whistler out. “You know, I have been watching you two old warhorses take up space on my cards, fighting over truth, justice and each other’s social security checks for about six months now. To put it bluntly, I need more space for the young guys and less space for those of you who should be playing shuffle board at Shady Acres retirement villa. So…….to make a little more room in the company, whichever one of you loses tonight has wrestled his last match for New York Championship Wrestling!”


A mixed reaction from the crowd, but Flash gets a big smile on his face after this announcement, which goes away fairly quickly when I resume speaking.


Me: “But wait, there is more…..much, much more. Now, I know that with so much at stake, neither of you would even think of anything underhanded. But, just to make sure, if anybody and I mean ANYBODY…..interferes in tonight’s match between you two, they will never wrestle in NYCW again either!”


Flash is now livid… ”You can’t do that…..I’ll go over your head, you just can’t make up any rule you want, you’ll see!!”


Me: “OK, go over my head, in fact let’s see how that will work right now…..’Hello this is Terry, oh hi Steve….What, you want to talk to my boss? Sure, just a minute I’ll get him………Hi this is Terry’s boss, what? Oh my name is Terry too……Oh now you want my boss, sure, can you hold? Hello, this is Terry…Yes I am the boss of Terry and Terry, anymore questions?' You see Flash, you can go over my head all you want, because there is nobody there, so you either wrestle tonight under the rules I have just laid out, or turn in your tights.”


Now it is Whistlers turn to smile as Flash throws a mini tantrum in the ring after I leave.

Rating: E+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RayneMan.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RoderickRemus.jpg

Rayne Man vs Roderick Remus

Remus comes out surprisingly aggressive, suspiciously employing some of the same tactics we have seen from Steven Parker before to take an early advantage. Rayne Man finally stymies the plucky Remus with a fast paced aerial assault and some nice transition moves that brings the crowd to their feet. Remus makes one final attempt to rally, but an attempted head scissors is expertly countered and turned into a Rayne Drop to end the match in dramatic fashion.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Rayne Man defeated Roderick Remus in 10:48 by pinfall with a Rayne Drop.

Rating: D




Dazzling Dave Diamond is shown on the video screen sitting backstage with a crossword puzzle and a perplexed look on his face. Steven Parker walks by on his way out for his match when Diamond stops him. “Hey Steven, y’all know what a seven letter word is that might describe Jeff Foxworthy?”


Parker seems annoyed, but pauses for a second. “REDNECK!”


Triple D: “Yes I am and mighty proud of it, now how about that word partner?”


Parker just shakes his head continues to the ring, while Diamond shrugs and goes back to the crossword puzzle… ”I got it! C-O-M-E-D-I-A-N, oh dang it that’s eight letters, man these crosswords are tough!”

Rating: E



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/StevenParker.jpg with http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Persephone.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RogerMonteiro.jpg

Steven Parker vs Roger Monteiro

Parker seems obsessed with looking even more dominating than Rayne Man was and tears into Monteiro with unabashed fury, battering his inexperienced foe and stifling every attempt Monteiro makes to sustain any offense effectively. Once he has definitive control of the situation, Parker toys with Monteiro for a couple of minutes, then turns out the lights with his Future Shock finisher. After the three count, Parker grabs a microphone and lets it be known what his plans are…. ”I think it is clear after what you just witnessed, that the only thing left for me, is a title shot next month at Holiday Havoc….People, you might as well go home now, because you have just witnessed the best thing you are going to see tonight.”

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Steven Parker defeated Roger Monteiro in 10:02 by pinfall with a Future Shock.

Rating: D-




Rayne Man comes out while Parker is still in the ring grabbing his own microphone. “Mr. Show stealer, the great savior from Canada, noted cheap shot artist and his own biggest fan. What qualifies you for a title shot next month? I had you pinned at Carnival of Pain and if the bell hadn’t saved you with 1 second left, you would be licking your wounds and crying in your Molson.” Rayne Man climbs into the ring and stands nose to nose with Parker and the jawing starts, with Parker boasting that he beat his ‘stiff’ quicker than Rayne Man tonight, which proves he is better. The men exchange shoves and Parker then slaps the taste out of Rayne Man's mouth and all hell breaks loose. Parker and Rayne go toe to toe and Roger Monteiro, who is still in the ring, tries to intervene, which brings Roderick Remus from the back. Within moments there is a full scale brawl going on between all four men, who fight their way to the back.

Rating: E



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/EdwardCornell.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Spike.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/KentuckyBill.jpg

The Young Moguls © vs Southern Comfort – NYCW Tag Team Championship

‘Simple man’ by Lynyrd Skynyrd is the song of the month, as Southern Comfort makes their way to the ring. Before they can climb through the ropes however, The Young Moguls attack from behind and we are underway as all four men trade blows, before Triple D and Cornell eventually end up in the ring together. As usual, Diamond starts fast, whipping Cornell into the corner mounting the second rope and pounding away as the crowd counts to 10. Cornell staggers out of the corner and falls flat on his face. Kentucky Bill then enters the fray, but is soon trapped in the Moguls corner and as Streetz distracts the referee, Cornell and Doll double team him. Triple D gets the hot tag and fires Cornell into the corner, where he flips upside down over the turnbuckle and ends up on the floor. New York Doll, who is the legal man, motions to Streetz who produces a set of Brass knuckles from his pocket. But as he goes to toss them to Doll, Roger Cage grabs his arm from behind and delivers a Cage Rage to the Moguls manager on the floor, leaving him out cold. Diamond charges and drives a knee into Dolls back and as he rebounds off the ropes hits a belly to back suplex, and then holds onto the bridge for the win as we crown new Tag Team Champions!!!

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Southern Comfort defeated The Young Moguls in 12:15 when Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated The New York Doll by pinfall after a distraction from Roger Cage. Southern Comfort wins the NYCW Tag Team titles.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Whistler.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg

Whistler vs Steve Flash – Steel Cage – Loser never wrestles for NYCW again

As the cage is lowered, Flash goes straight to work and less than two minutes in Whistler is bleeding from having his face ground into the steek mesh. The old veteran is tough as nails however and he storms back delivering a body slam, followed by a brutal Brain Buster that gets him a 2 count. Flash is on dream Street and tries to climb through the ropes and onto the floor, before he realizes he is trapped and has nowhere to go. Now it is Whistlers turn to play dirty and he slams Flash’s head into the unforgiving cage until he too wears the crimson mask. Whistler gets set for the Rebel Yell, but Flash picks him up and counters with an atomic drop to buy some time. With both men bleeding and running out of gas, Flash locks Whistler up for the Flash Bang, but Whistler blocks it, tries to counter with a suplex which Flash blocks, knee to Whistler's groin and its the Flash Bang…1…2…Whistler kicks out!! Flash pounds the mat, picks Whistler up again and hits another Flash Bang…1...2….3…..It’s over, Whistler has been defeated and is finished in NYCW!!!

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Steve Flash defeated Whistler in a Cage Classic match in 14:09 by pinfall with a Flash Bang.

Rating: E+




After the match Flash stares down at his beaten opponent as Lee Wright comes out ready to add insult to injury. Flash stops him and leaves the ring motioning Wright to follow, in a token show of respect. Whistler eventually regains his feet and leads the crowd one last time in a chant of “USA, USA, USA!!” Many in the crowd have tears in their eyes as Whistler leaves the ring for the last time and as their hero makes his way to the back a chant of “Thank you Whistler……Thank you Whistler!” breaks out. As he reaches the curtain, tears now flowing down his face as well, Whistler turns and gives a final salute to his fans.

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DonnieJ.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg

Donnie J © vs Honest Frank – NYCW Empire Championship

Big Frank shows what his game plan is early as he attacks the Champions back, hoping to limit his mobility and set him up for the Frank n Hurter. Donnie J is as tough as they come though and as Frank picks him up off the mat he delivers several elbows to the mid-section, followed by a Shoulder block off the ropes, which drops Frank hard. An inverted DDT puts Frank on the ropes and finds him scrambling for a way to regain control as Donnie delivers a rapid fire elbow drop and works an Arm bar trying to get Frank to submit. Honest Frank is in trouble and Lee Wright again appears and starts towards the ring, but in a last great act of defiance, Whistler shatters his flag pole over Wright’s head and then chases off Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash with a piece of the pole in each hand. Left to his own devices, Frank goes for the trusty loaded shoe, propelling himself off the ropes and taking a wild swing at the Champion, who ducks as Frank flies into referee Michael Bull, knocking him down. Donnie J then Power slams Frank as he staggers back toward him, and nails a Death on Miami Beach before covering the challenger. 1…2…3….4…5….6, but it is only the crowd counting as Bull is still out. Donnie tries to revive the referee, who finally gets to his hands and knees, but Frank has recovered too and this time his aim is true as he nails Donnie J with the loaded Shoe. He hits the Frank N Hurter, covers and it looks like we will have a new Champion, but Bull grabs the Show, finds a steel plate in the heel and calls for the bell. Honest Frank is disqualified!!

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Donnie J defeated Honest Frank in 21:45 by disqualification. Donnie J makes defense number 5 of his NYCW Empire title.

Rating: D+




As the crowd begins to leave, Rock Downpour makes an announcement over the PA system. "Ladies and Gentlemen, in the wake of Donnie J’s successful title defense tonight, I have been handed a note from management. Following their head to head draw last month, coupled with their individual victories tonight…….. Rayne Man and Steven Parker have been named co-number 1 contenders for the Empire Title. Because of this development, the Main Event for Holiday Havoc will be a triangle match between Donnie J, Steven Parker and Rayne Man for the NYCW Empire Championship!!”

Rating: D-



Overall Rating: D Attendance: 782 Gate: $5,474 – Increased popularity



It seems like this might finally be the show that gets us to the next level, but the mood backstage is subdued as everyone says goodbye to Gerard “Whistler” Lee, who had informed me a week before the show that he was retiring. I kept this from everybody but Uncle Derek up until show time, so it would not leak out. I have asked him to stay around in a non-wrestling capacity and he promised he may do one or two shots, but his mind is still set on walking away.


My only regret with our attendance being down this month is that more folks weren’t around to say goodbye to one of NYCW’s legends. I know my goal was to get “younger” but it is still hard to see Whistler go. He was one of my favorites as a kid and though he had a quick temper and was known to be manipulative on occasion, when you got him away from the business he was a kind, humble man. On his way out he gave me his Flag…… ”Terry, I want you to have this and every time you look at it……..Think of me and pop a couple of cold ones…..Just don’t let Triple D hear you or he’ll drink ‘em all.”


We laughed and embraced. “Good luck Gerard and remember you promised a couple of appearances down the road!”


Whistler: “The Red, White and Blue is always true!” He patted my back and was gone….



Quick Picks (This Show / Overall)

Dragonmack – 5 / 39

Chriskid – 3 / 35

BgBuff – 3 / 33

BHK1978 – 3 / 29

Maxxhexx – 0 / 19

Smurhpy1014 – 5 / 17

John Lions – 4 / 12

Critical-23 – 0 / 10

TakerNGN74 – 0 / 9

Angeldelayette – 0 / 9

Wrestling Century – 0 / 8

Pink Stranger – 4 / 8

Jingo – 4 / 4

Regis – 0 / 3

DiablomanConQueso – 0 / 1


Congratualtions to Dragonmack and Smurhpy who both hit 5 for 5. Most guessed the loser leave town Stip as well, but Flash is still working for us. Whistlers retirement actually comes at a good time, as it was time to end his feud with Flash and this seemed fitting. I know need a face or 2 at the top of the card and there is no doubt you will see at least a new arrival at the December show who will be looking to paint the town.

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Claps for Whistler, great show


Thanks Chris, hated to see him go and was actually surprised he retired before Bailey. He leaves a big void at the top of the card. He was willing to stick around as a personality though, so he may make in appearance or two down the road.


Great show. Glad I was wrong about Flash leaving. Happy as a pig in mud that Southern Comfort are the champs! I've really enjoyed your transition to a younger roster, well done.


The votes on who would be gone were split pretty evenly, but I still have plans for Flash, in fact next month things are going to get pretty interesting for him :) Thanks for the feedback, glad you are enjoying the direction of things. I am trying to make the transition gradual, especially with such a gap between some of the veterans and young guys in momentum. Kentucky Bill has been a pleasant surprise so far and he makes the perfect partner for Triple D. The Tag straps have failed to generate any excitement thus far and I am hoping Southern Comfort can change that.

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“Uncle Derek, wake up……..I just got our sponsorship money!!!


Stomper: “What…the….sonofabitch…..you’re a stiff Strong….can’t wrestle your damn way out of a…”


Me: “Uncle Derek, wake up, it’s me Terry!”


Stomper: “What the hell, I was having this dream and I was in the middle of….oh never mind, what the hell do you want?”


Me: “Well, how about a bottle of Champagne to celebrate our rise to regional, or maybe the fact that our sponsorship money has more than doubled….or……The fact we made a profit of $19,278.00 in November!!”


Stomper: “Now that you can wake me up for, fantastic, how much in the bank now?”


Me: “$113,249.00, we are going to end the year with probably 30 thousand more than we started it with, and I have got some plans!”


Stomper: “So do I and they consist of rolling you into a ball and kicking your ass out into traffic if you start spending my money like you’re married to me!”


Me: “No worries Uncle Derek, but with Whistler retiring, we do need a top Face and I have something in mind that is going to knock your socks off.”


Stomper: “Or get your head knocked off!”


Me: “Don’t worry Uncle Derek, I will keep it under control, but I have to get on the phone, if possible I want to spring this at Holiday Havoc.”


Grumbling, Uncle Derek climbs off the couch and heads downstairs as I leave some messages, then pick up to the latest edition of Scoop Slam.


Scoop Slam – Inside Pro Wrestling December 2010


Pact with the Devil??

CZCW and PSW announced a working agreement, which will now enable talent to be shared in a move that should benefit both promotions.


Welcome to company – New signings in November


SOTBPW signs El Bandido and La Estrella


GCG has signed Stone Yoshigawa


NOTBPW inks a deal with Bryan Holmes


PCCW, who have yet to run a show, has signed Primal Rage


SAISHO has brought in Henry Bennett


NYCW has signed promising newcomer KC Glenn

RIPW signs Joey Poison


CZCW in a peculiar move brings in Whippy the Clown


WLW adds Jin Miyamoto to their roster


Into the sunset

The following wrestlers have announced their retirement from active competition.


Namiyo Muro

Jean-Pierre Baptiste


Nene Ebina


Dis-Chord in MAW

In a recent online interview, Lisa Bowen took some shots at Jay Chord, which surely raised no eyebrows.


Now the World

SWF, looking to hold off TCW in their quest for continued global dominance has announced a deal with All Japan TV to begin showing Supreme TV in the upcoming season.


A rather slow month overall and as I get back to finalizing the December show, I get a text message……Got ur message. U think the big apple is ready 2 b shaken 2 the core? I am in if the numbers and stars align. Call u later.


This is good news!!!

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Our final show of the year is approaching and I can’t believe an entire year has gone by, we have seen a rise to regional, the arrival of some promising new stars and the departure of some NYCE staples. Larry Vessey and his attitude have not been missed and since Land Mass has retired there is always plenty of food left at the after show buffet, but it is still a little sad to see these regulars go and none more so than Whistler. Though he is retired as a wrestler, he still has time left on his contract and I have decided to use him on Holiday Havoc to introduce a ‘friend’ to Steve Flash before he rides off into the sunset.




Quick Picks

Donnie J vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Title


Southern Comfort vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Titles


Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals


Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson


Roger Cage vs New York Doll


Bonus points – 2 points if you guess our newest signing

Hint – This warrior will add some color to NYCW

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Donnie J vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Title


I really don't see the need to take the title away from Donnie yet.


Southern Comfort vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Titles


I don't think that you will hot shot the tag titles. And given who SC are fighting I don't think it would make much sense. Lee Wright is way to old to hold a title.


Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals


Bailey and Flash are higher up on the card so I do not see them losing here.


Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson


This is for critical, a diary finally has Jared Johnson in it. Do I think he is going to win? No but I thought I would pick JJ for the victory just once.


Roger Cage vs New York Doll


I am not sure how you have managed to keep Roger Dodger around for so long but until he leaves I am going to pick him to win.


Bonus points – 2 points if you guess our newest signing

Hint – This warrior will add some color to NYCW


Jim Force?

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Donnie J vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Title


Southern Comfort vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Titles


Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals


Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson


Roger Cage vs New York Doll


Bonus points – 2 points if you guess our newest signing

Highland Warrior?

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Donnie J vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Title

Rayne man hasnt had a build to a feud yet, but that could start here, Parker isnt over enough yet to be at the top, especially if NYCW hit regional


Southern Comfort vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Titles

but not the titles. this will start a feud that can elevate Southern Comfort, but it isint beleivable they are gonna triumph over two upper carders right away


Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals

training squash


Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson

this is all in who you see having the most potential. Johnson seems to be farther along than Sammy from the beginning


Roger Cage vs New York Doll

Cage wins, unless he has taken the SWF offer


Bonus points – 2 points if you guess our newest signing

Hint – This warrior will add some color to NYCW

Jim Force just seems too obvious, but I can't think of others who use color as a motif , except maybe Hell Monkey

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Donnie J vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Title


Southern Comfort vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Titles

I agree with Dragon on this one....



Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals


Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson


Roger Cage vs New York Doll


Bonus points – 2 points if you guess our newest signing

Hint – This warrior will add some color to NYCW

Jim Force

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Donnie J vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Title

Donnie's not being beat by either of these men yet


Southern Comfort vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Titles

Going to go with the flow and agree with D-mack here


Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals

Can't job the leaders of the Gas House Gang to the Ring Generals


Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson

JJ is getting jobbed here


Roger Cage vs New York Doll

As is NYD. Can't have him face off with Shark at the head of the Young Moguls if he can't beat the lowest guy on their totem pole


Bonus points – 2 points if you guess our newest signing

Hint – This warrior will add some color to NYCW

Remmy Skye?

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Donnie J vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Title

Parker and Rayne Man will continue to fued. Donnie J retains, he just helped get NYCW to regional.

Southern Comfort vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Titles

Most likely I'm wrong about the win, but shucks, I do see Southern Comfort hanging onto the straps, yessiree.

Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals

Steve Flash is being introduced to Whisler's friend, maybe he causes the loss, but I see Bailey getting pinned. Bailey is a job machine now.

Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson

Sammy stays strong.

Roger Cage vs New York Doll

A Young Moguls fan was told he would like what you have planned for them, so I think he would like this. Cage finally gone?

Bonus points – 2 points if you guess our newest signing

Hint – This warrior will add some color to NYCW

Jim ForceI liked someone's pick of Remmy Skye, but I think Stomper would kill Terry.

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Donnie J vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Title


Southern Comfort vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Titles


Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals

Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson


Roger Cage vs New York Doll


Bonus points – 2 points if you guess our newest signing

Hint – This warrior will add some color to NYCW = Jim Force

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Donnie J vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Title

Southern Comfort vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Titles

Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals

Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson

Roger Cage vs New York Doll

Bonus points – 2 points if you guess our newest signing

Hint – This warrior will add some color to NYCW ... Has to be Jim Force doesnt it?

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Donnie J vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Title

Like most 3 way matches the champ will use 2 & 3's fued to get the win.


Southern Comfort vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Titles

I like southerners, we root for our own, yo!


Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals

I totally agree that this is a squash training match.


Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson

*sniff sniff* Never has a fictional character brought me so much happiness since Lara Croft when i hit puberty and found why my pants got so tight--err, Johnson for the win cuz I don't care who he faces, lol.



Roger Cage vs New York Doll

Cage is better but I could see NYD with the win if Cage has decided to leave.


Bonus points – 2 points if you guess our newest signing

Hint – I'll go with Force

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NYCW – Holiday Havoc – Week 2 December 2010




Our pre show meet and greet includes Honest Frank, Rayne Man, Steven Parker, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Jared Johnson, Kentucky Bill, The New York Doll and Streetz this month and things go swimmingly until Parker and Rayne Man get a little too close.

Rating: D+


Steven Parker and Rayne Man soon begin to argue about why the other should not be part of the Triple Threat match tonight and it gets ugly real quick. Soon Honest Frank, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Jared Johnson, Kentucky Bill, Streetz and The New York Doll are all involved and a wild brawl ensues, with the chaos spreading all over the building as security rushes out to intervene.

Rating: E+



Main Show



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RogerCage.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Spike.jpg

Roger Cage vs The New York Doll

Cage is leery of Streetz’ Chronic Future Stable, who has made a habit of interjecting themselves into each other’s matches and it costs him early as New York Doll is aggressive and gets the upperhand with some solid early takedowns and effective brawling. Once Cage gets focused he begins to mop the ring with the Doll, prompting Streetz to grab his foot as he rebounds off of the ropes, tripping him. Cage is furious and tracks Streetz down, grabs him and positions him for the Cage Rage outside of the ring, before Doll comes to the rescue. Cage beats Doll down and slides him back into the ring, before mounting the top turnbuckle. As he prepares to Frog Splash Doll, Sammy the Shark runs in and crotches Cage on the ropes, then delivers a non too subtle kick to the face in front of referee Michael Bull, bringing the quick DQ, much to the chagrin of The New York Doll, who argues with Sammy all the way to the back.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Roger Cage defeated The New York Doll in 11:58 when The New York Doll was disqualified when Sammy The Shark ran in and attacked Roger Cage.

Rating: D-




Southern Comfort are relaxing backstage, with Triple D still working on the same crossword puzzle he had last month. “I tell ya what Bill, these dang things make catching a greased Pig seem easy. How bout a hand partner, five letters and the clue is blank or consequences….”


“Truth!” Diamond turns towards the voice just in time to take a boot to the head from Honest Frank, while Lee Wright nails Kentucky Bill with a chair. With the Tag Champs down the Gas House Gang lay in the boots and end the onslaught by slamming a table on top of a prone Triple D.


Honest Frank: “Mr. Wright, I think if there is one thing we have learned here today it is…….”


Wright: (scowling) “The truth hurts!!!”


Frank: “Indeed it does.”

Rating: E+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SammyTheShark.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/JaredJohnson.jpg

Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson

Shark and Streetz come to the ring, with Sammy still looking upset after the earlier incident with his stable mate. This allows Johnson to take advantage outworking his more experienced opponent and frustrating Sammy with a solid array of mat wrestling. Streetz gets involved and it allows Sammy to regain control, landing a brutal flying elbow in the corner that leaves Johnson stretched out face down on the canvas. Sammy goes for the Ace in the Hole, but Johnson pulls Sammy’s feet out from under him and flips over into a bridge position on top of Sammy, nearly getting the pin. As Streetz jumps on the ring apron to distract referee Bull, Sammy rakes Johnson’s eyes as New York Doll runs to ringside with a Chair. With Johnson trying to regain his vision, Doll gets behind him, raises the chair and then stops…….Sammy motions for him to finish Double J, but instead Doll whistles, prompting Michael Bull to turn around. As soon as he does Doll nails Johnson in the back of the head with the chair and Bull promptly calls for the bell, giving the match to Johnson as Sammy looks on in disbelief.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jared Johnson defeated Sammy the Shark in 13:35 when Sammy The Shark was disqualified when The New York Doll ran in and attacked Jared Johnson.

Rating: D




Back in the locker room Doll and Sammy are now in a heated argument as Cornell and Streetz try to intervene.


Sammy: "You aren’t playing with a full deck Doll!! We have Johnson down to his last chip and all you need to do is him and black jack, it’s over!!! What the hell did you wait for?”


Doll: “Well duh, the referee wasn’t looking, so I had to get his attention, what you got to say about that?”


Sammy: “Are you kidding me? You got me intentionally disqualified? You folded on me after I brought you Cage on platter? I went all in with you and this is how deal me?”


Doll: “Listen Captain gambler, you cost me my match, I paid your ass back, house odds……that’s how I roll……ah, excuse me, let me put it in a way you can understand….That’s how I roll the DICE bitch!! We got plans for the future in this crew and there ain’t any room to screw it up. So next time, get on the same page or get a new book……You feel me?”

Rating: E+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RickSanders.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RegularJoe.jpg

Rick Sanders vs Regular Joe

The plucky youngster in energetic and gets in some early offense, but Sanders is as cagey as they come and soon chops the youngster down to size, where he goes to work on his legs, dropping knee after knee to the side of Joe’s thigh and then wrapping his knee around the steel ring post with cruel intent. Joe rallies briefly, but his injured leg slows him down and it is not long before Sanders has him on his back again. After a series of step over toe holds, Sanders applies the Figure Four and Joe has no choice but to tap.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Rick Sanders defeated Regular Joe in 10:03 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

Rating: D-




Our slightly upgraded video plays and shows highlights of the three participants in tonight’s main event, ending with a still image of the Empire Title Belt on the screen.

Rating: D-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/BlackHatBailey.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DeanWaldorf.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/MarvStatler.jpg

Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash vs The Ring Generals

The entire Gas House Gang comes to the ring, which immediately gets into the heads of the Ring Generals, but surprisingly Frank and Wright do not get involved, other than a couple of boots to the head when Statler is thrown through the ropes by Flash. Both teams do some solid mat work and it is not until late in the match that Flash and Bailey begin their rampant cheating, which includes choking across the ring ropes, thumbs to the eye and some other more demeaning tactics. A Bailey slap to the face, brings harsh retaliation from Waldorf in the form of a brutal two fisted assault that sends Black Hat diving to tag Flash back in. Waldorf briefly takes it to Flash as well, who blocks a Waldorf Salad Toss, then rolls Waldorf up, using a handful of hair to assist him. As Bull makes the count, Bailey grabs Flash’s feet and holds them on the ropes, insuring that Dean cannot kick out.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash defeated The Ring Generals in 12:18 when Steve Flash defeated Dean Waldorf by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: D




With Bailey and Flash still in the ring, Whistler comes out to a big pop as the crowd chants “Welcome Back” but Whistler motions for them to be quiet as he lifts the microphone to speak. “Thank you, I love you all, but unfortunately I am not back. A stipulation is just that and I honor my agreements. Now, while I am done wrestling in NYCW.” Whistler points to the ring “I am not done with you two…..You see, never in the history of this country have we left anything unfinished. In fact what makes this country great is that Americans persevere and see things through, especially………..when it comes to the justice being served. My vow was to drive those that disrespect these principals from NYCW and I have not completed that task yet, but I will. And…I am willing to use any ‘force’ necessary to do it!”


Bang your head by Quiet Riot fills the arena and maniacal figure sprints from the back to join Whistler….



Rock Downpour: “Holy crap………It’s Jim Force!!!!”

Rating: D+




Jim Force stares balefully at Steve Flash, before taking the microphone from Whistler. “Far away and deep in slumber the echoes of a thousand spirits awoke and spoke to me……wrapping their psychic tendrils through my mind, penetrating my thoughts, my actions and in the end the very soul of Force……..they carried me here. To a land of bright lights, tall buildings and a paradigm of evil known as the Gas House Gang….and it is now and only now that all has been made clear to the all-mighty Force and that clarity has now focused on you Steve Flash………..and so they whisper……………destiny awakes those who resist the Force.”



Herb Stately: “This guy is bat s**t crazy!”

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/KentuckyBill.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LeeWright.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg

Southern Comfort © vs Honest Frank and Lee Wright – NYCW Tag Team Championship

Diamond and Kentucky Bill are not at 100% after their earlier beat down at the hands of Wright and Frank and it shows as the two big brawler’s abuse the Tag Team Champions from the get go, taking considerable delight in beating the tar out of the youngster Bill. Throughout the match Frank mocks the southerners and finally arrogance begins to set in as they have the match won after a Frank N Hurter on Kentucky Bill, but Honest Frank pulls him up and throws him into the corner, motioning for an already battered Triple D to take his place. Diamond tags his partner, who lies slumped in the corner and summons the strength to block a hard right from Frank and land several return blows, staggering Frank, who quickly tags in Wright. Triple D charges Wright, but is met by a boot to the head. Wright then picks him up, hits a back breaker, then hoists Diamond onto the turnbuckle, where he lands a superplex from the second rope, still not content to end it here, Wright elevates Diamond and lands a German suplex, maintaining the hold as Michael Bull slides in to count…1…..2….Diamond lifts his shoulder…..3!!! Wright and Frank celebrate, but Bull grabs the belts from them and hands them to Southern Comfort, explaining that Diamond got his shoulder up at 2, while Wright had both shoulders on the mat for the entire count. Wright is livid and threatens to brutalize the referee before security intervenes.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Southern Comfort defeated Honest Frank and Lee Wright in 13:12 when Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Lee Wright by pinfall after Diamond lifts his shoulder at the last second avoiding a double pin. Southern Comfort makes defense number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DonnieJ.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RayneMan.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/StevenParker.jpg

Donnie J © vs Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Championship

This one had some good back and forth between all three men early; highlighted by an exhilarating series of scientific moves featuring, arm drags, reversals and criss crossing off the ropes between Donnie J and Rayne Man. Before long however, Rayne Man and Parker were involved in a full on brawl, that saw Rayne Man get color after Parker monkey flipped him head first onto the top of the ring post. Donnie J took advantage of the situation to rest and seizing the opportunity when it was presented planted a sweet Death on Miami Beach on Parker, getting a near pinfall before Rayne dove on top of Donnie to make the save. Rayne Man then covered Parker, but Donnie J yanked him off and applied a Boston Crab that had Rayne Man ready to submit until Parker hit a desperation enziguiri to make the save. Parker and Rayne Man then double teamed the Champion, dropping him throat first across the top rope, then turned their attention to each other. Facing off, Parker and Rayne then went toe to toe and were soon brawling into the crowd after Parker threw Rayne Man over the guard rail. In the ring Donnie J regained his feet and gasping to catch his breath watched as both Parker and Rayne Man, so pre-occupied with their hatred for each other were counted out.

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Donnie J defeated Rayne Man and Steven Parker in 22:40 when both Rayne Man and Steven Parker were counted out. Donnie J makes defense number 6 of his NYCW Empire title.

Rating: D+



Overall Rating: D Attendance: 946 Gate: $8,514 – Increased popularity



There is a lot of excitement as we come close to you first sell out and put on some consistently decent matches from top to bottom. Jared Johnson walks by and I call him over. “Double J, you did well tonight in you first big shot, good job.”


Johnson: “Thank you Mr. Bradford, I was nervous as hell out there. I was just hoping I wouldn’t blow a spot or piss down my leg, I appreciate the chance.”


Me: “Well, I have been getting inundated by fan mail to put you on one of the shows….Amazingly the letters all look the same, even though they are signed by different people. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you.”


Johnson: (Staring sheepishly at the floor) “Wow, I’m sorry, I think that’s my cousin Crit, he is the guy that always has the where’s double J sign in the audience. I didn’t know he was doing all that.”


Me: “Well, I guess it's ok to mark out for your cousin, so Crit's efforts paid off, that’s kind of an unusual name by the way.”


Johnson: (Chuckles) “Oh, that’s not his real name sir, he thinks everything is always critical times 23, has to get done now, including me getting on the main card I guess. So….we call him Crit for short.”


Me: “Interesting, well good job again, you really ran with it tonight.”


Good kid that Double J, I hear Jim Force nearby and though it seemed like his debut was successful I didn’t feel like chatting tonight, since his real life conversations were almost as convoluted as his promos and I was mentally spent after our final show of the year.


Quick Picks (This Show / Overall) * = Bonus pick

Dragonmack – 6 / 45 *

Chriskid – 5 / 40 *

BgBuff – 6 / 39 *

BHK1978 – 7 / 36 *

Smurhpy1014 – 5 / 22

Maxxhexx – 0 / 19

Critical-23 – 7 / 17 *

John Lions – 3 / 15

Pink Stranger – 4 / 12 *

Jingo – 6 / 10 *

TakerNGN74 – 0 / 9

Angeldelayette – 0 / 9

Wrestling Century – 0 / 8


Maybe a little too easy on the bonus pick this time as 7 of 9 got it right as we welcome The Force to NYCW. Congratulations to BHK1979, Smurphy1014 and Critical – 23 who all went 5 for 5!


Dragonmack wins the 2010 pick ‘em contest and as such will get to select the next Wrestler I sign for NYCW and will also make a few guest appearances in the diary over the next year as Dazzling Dave Diamond’s cousin D Mack. We will start over with everyone at 0 for the January show, thanks to everyone who gave feedback and predictions throughout the year, it really helps motivate me to try and put on the best shows possible.

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Gee! Picking a wrestler to be hired? Almost feels like I book NYCW myself. :p


So many choices. Should I go with some big no talent bruiser? Some flashy lucha? Some over the hill veteran on his last hurrah? Or maybe some wet behind the ears rookie? Or perhaps one of Stomper's favorites, some guy with seriously overpriced demands?


Well, after careful consideration, I have gone against my better judgement and passed over choosing Nation of Filth for someone who may not be as cool, but needs some real love on the boards BINDUST, err, I mean the one and only



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Well, after careful consideration, I have gone against my better judgement and passed over choosing Nation of Filth for someone who may not be as cool, but needs some real love on the boards BINDUST, err, I mean the one and only




God help us if it was Bindust :eek:


Welcome Trademark Thomas Morgan to NYCW - The worlds only 36 year old enhancement talent :D

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