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NYCW - Passing the torch

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Me: “Well, I have been getting inundated by fan mail to put you on one of the shows….Amazingly the letters all look the same, even though they are signed by different people. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you.”


Johnson: (Staring sheepishly at the floor) “Wow, I’m sorry, I think that’s my cousin Crit, he is the guy that always has the where’s double J sign in the audience. I didn’t know he was doing all that.”


Me: “Well, I guess it's ok to mark out for your cousin, so Crit's efforts paid off, that’s kind of an unusual name by the way.”


Johnson: (Chuckles) “Oh, that’s not his real name sir, he thinks everything is always critical times 23, has to get done now, including me getting on the main card I guess. So….we call him Crit for short.”


Me: “Interesting, well good job again, you really ran with it tonight.”


This s really interestin since I am black and he's white but I'll go with it since i actually have a caucasian aunt, lol. Good show all around, BYU 14!

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This s really interestin since I am black and he's white but I'll go with it since i actually have a caucasian aunt, lol. Good show all around, BYU 14!


LOL, we can make it work, my wife is black and I am white, so her cousin is technically my cousin too, so we can just go with the cousin through marriage angle :)

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End of Year 2010


TEW.Com – 2010 Summary


Promotion Rankings



1 – SWF (USA)

2 – TCW (USA)

3 – USPW (USA)

4 – BHOTWG (Japan)

5 – PGHW (Japan)

6 – GCG (Japan)

7 – NOTBPW (Canada)

8 – WLW (Mexico)

9 – CGC (Canada)

10 – SOTBPW (Mexico)


United States

1 – SWF (Global)

2 – TCW (Global)

3 – USPW (Cult)

4 – CZCW (Regional)

5 – AAA (Regional)

6 – PSW (Regional)

7 – NYCW (Regional)

8 – BSC (Small)

9 – FCW (Small)

10 – MAW (Small)

11 – RIPW (Small)

12 – PCCW (Local)


(NYCW is also ranked #5 in the US in terms of influence)


Top 10 Wrestlers for 2010

1 – Dan Stone Jr.

2 – Steve DeColt

3 – Johnny Bloodstone

4 – Jeremy Stone

5 – PRIDE Koiso

6 – Christian Faith

7 – Duane Stone

8 – Emerald Angel

9 – Eisaku Kunomasu

10 – Tommy Cornell


(No NYCW wrestler made the top 100, though one time employee Samoan Machine was ranked 50th)


2010 Awards


Wrestler of the Year – Dan Stone Jr. (For the second time)


Young Wrestler of the Year – Emerald Angel


Veteran Wrestler of the Year – Jeremy Stone


Female Wrestler of the Year – Fuyuko Higa


Promotion of the Year – SWF (The evil empire strikes again)


Most improved promotion of the year – TCW (For their strong surge to Global)


Match of the Year – Johnny Bloodstone defeated Dan Stone Jr. (NOTBPW October 2010)


Card of the Year – NOTBPW (September 2010)


Best of NYCW 2010


Best Card – Thunder in the East (D) August 2010


Best Match – Donnie J drew with Handsome Stranger (C-) Thunder in the East


Best Attendance – Holiday Havoc (946) December 2010

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January 1st 2011 and it was almost noon as I dragged my ass into the office. I had been to a new year’s party the night before and many of the wrestlers were in attendance and as will often happen with wrestlers, everyone had too much to drink.


Triple D as expected was one of the highlights and in addition to the girl he brought, who looked like she had not changed her wardrobe since 1985…..Which was both 25 years and pounds ago, Diamond brought his cousin D Mack up from Texas and it was pretty much these two that stole the show. My personal favorite was Triple D kissing everyone at midnight, a list that included a statue of Venus De Milo, whom he made out with for 5 minutes and my Uncle Derek, who kneed Triple D in the groin so hard he ended up kissing the bottom of a trash can and puking for a several minutes after that on his hands and knees. D Mack then decided it would be fun to ride his cousin like a horse since he “looked like a big old stallion with a feedbag on” in the puking position and hopped on his back. The humor level here really kicked up when we all realized D Mack had actually come to the party in spurs and promptly sank them into Dave’s thighs……


I wanted to laugh thinking about it again, but my head hurt so badly when I did, I stopped at a smile………





Stomper: “Well good morning drunk ass! I was so tired of waiting for you pry the Champagne bottle out of mouth and join the world, that I finished the last few calculations myself. You were right, we finished the year up $31,213.00 from where we started it and made a profit of $17,964.00 last month. A new high in gate receipts and our third best month in merchandise sales too. I really think we will get a sell out this month if you advertise it right and you need to start thinking about TV before the year end.”


Me: “I was thinking first quarter…”


Stomper: “Don’t be stupid, you know how much it takes to produce a TV show? You can expect to lose $100,000.00 the first year until you get some bargaining power and I am not cutting things that close! You get us to $200,000.00 in the bank and we talk, otherwise, I talk and you listen!”


Me: “Yes sir…”


Stomper: “I also want you to think about some custom merchandise, I think Force would be the guy to start with. He is as nutty as a Christmas fruit cake, but the fans seem to love him.”


Me: ”Yes sir…”


Stomper: “And stop with the yes sir BS, I know damn well the only reason you are not coming back with any smart ass remarks is that your head hurts and you don’t want to hear me yell. Now what’s on tap for Rush Hour?”


I sighed, there was a reason Uncle Derek has survived in this business for so long…He was usually right and it made my head hurt just to admit that, “Well, here’s what I have in mind.” I handed Uncle Derek the poster and went over my booking plans.




Quick Picks

Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker


Dazzling David Diamond vs Honest Frank


Edward Cornell vs Regular Joe


Cage and Johnson vs Sammy the Shark and New York Doll


A new year and we start over from 0 on the prediction contest. So if anybody who has been following would like to jump in on the predictions now is the time and I would love to have more join in.

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Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship


I still think Donnie will retain, I really do not see HS as championship material.


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker


I just like SP better


Dazzling David Diamond vs Honest Frank


Edward Cornell vs Regular Joe


Cage and Johnson vs Sammy the Shark and New York Doll

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Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship

Donnie is just to good for Stranger


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker

I think Rayne may just lose out


Dazzling David Diamond vs Honest Frank

Triple D will still have to wait to make it big

Edward Cornell vs Regular Joe



Cage and Johnson vs Sammy the Shark and New York Doll

Sammy and Doll may not connect to well

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Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship

Stranger has another title, he doesn't win here ever


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker

Parker wins this one


Dazzling David Diamond vs Honest Frank

Going to go with Frank here, but it's tough. If it was Frank vs Bill it would've been an easier pick


Edward Cornell vs Regular Joe



Cage and Johnson vs Sammy the Shark and New York Doll

Love for Young Moguls. EDIT - going to change this up, I completely forgot about the tension between the two, and I remember reading it too. Switching this back to Cage and Johnson

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Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship

Stranger hasn't gotten the job done before, don't see him doing it now


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker

Parker just seems to have more ability to break out big


Dazzling David Diamond vs Honest Frank

Triple D still needs work and Frank is main event caliber now


Edward Cornell vs Regular Joe

Genes should tell here


Cage and Johnson vs Sammy the Shark and New York Doll

Sammy and Doll is a team I had before and they never really broke out of lower and midcard . Cage and Johnson can and will

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Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker


Dazzling David Diamond vs Honest Frank

not a clean win though


Edward Cornell vs Regular Joe


Cage and Johnson vs Sammy the Shark and New York Doll

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Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship

Donnie wins the fued. Handsome Stranger will continue on with the midcard title.

Rayne Man vs Steven Parker

Parker becomes number one contender. I could see Donnie and Parker having some good matches.

Dazzling David Diamond vs Honest Frank

I'm pulling for Triple D...this is less a prediction than me marking out. Love the running gag with the crossword puzzle, hilarious!

Edward Cornell vs Regular Joe

If only he were Super Joe, this prediction would be harder. Even if he were Slightly Above Average Joe, I would give it some thought.

Cage and Johnson vs Sammy the Shark and New York Doll

Tension between Sammy and Doll causes the loss. I'm interested to see where this goes.

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Meant to add this with my picks, but forgot. The last show was awesome. I'm invested in every storyline...can't wait to see how things play out. Had I been drinking water while reading the Jim Force promo and Herb Stately's reaction, I would have ruined my laptop...I laughed for a good five minutes.


Thanks as always for the feedback Pink, I think Force will be a lot of fun, for me for more unusal characters are easier to write promos for and with Force I just need to string some general unintelligible ramblings together and he's set :)


I have one more Wrestler on the way that kind of fits this niche as well that I am looking forward to debuting, there will be a clue as to who it is in this show.

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Anyways. . .


Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship

THE best thing going for NYCW.


Rayne Man vs Steven Parker

IMO, Rayne Man's become the favorite of mine with the diaries on these forums.


Dazzling David Diamond vs Honest Frank

Frankie's awesomeness over rides the Southern factor of DDD.


Edward Cornell vs Regular Joe

A Cornell lose to a jobber?! Come on!


Cage and Johnson vs Sammy the Shark and New York Doll

Besides having Jared Johnson even grace the ring with his presence :rolleyes:, Sammy and Doll have tension and Cage and JJ will exploit it.

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NYCW – Rush Hour – Week 2 January 2011




Our monthly “Golden Ticket” event features a 4 on 4 elimination match that has the newly arrived force overcoming a 2 on 1 disadvantage with two of our top heels as he pulls Wright via Head scissors after being positioned on the turn buckle by Wright and Stranger. The Handsome one, thinking both men hot the floor turns to celebrate, but Force pulls himself back into the ring by arm strength alone, surprises Handsome Stranger and press slams him onto the floor.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jared Johnson, Jim Force, Remmy Honeyman and Thomas Morgan defeated Lee Wright, Richie Riggins, KC Glenn and Handsome Stranger in 10:09; Thomas Morgan was eliminated first, then KC Glenn, then Richie Riggins, then Jared Johnson, then Remmy Honeyman, then Lee Wright, then Handsome Stranger.

Rating: D-


After the bonus match, Honest Frank, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Steven Parker, Rayne Man, KC Glenn, Thomas Morgan, Terry Twist and Remmy Honeyman take the time to interact with the fans and sign autographs. Honeyman and Glenn will both have to pay some dues, but I love each of their potentials, especially Glenn and with him being a southerner I see him in a program with Southern Comfort down the road, as the anti-good ole boy

Rating: D+



Main Show



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RogerCage.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/JaredJohnson.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SammyTheShark.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Spike.jpg w/ http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Streetz.jpg

Roger Cage & Jared Johnson vs Sammy the Shark & the New York Doll W/Streetz

Streetz insists the Doll team with Sammy instead of his usual partner in The Young Moguls to get everyone in the Chronic Future stable back on the same page. It works well at first as Sammy gets the better of his former partner Cage and they are able to isolate Double J. Timing issues soon come into play as Doll goes for a tag, but Sammy is jawing with the crowd and not there, which causes Doll to take some serious damage from Cage. Streetz admonishes Sammy, and then takes matters into his own hands as Cage delivers a punishing facebuster and tags Johnson in to finish him off. Streetz jumps into the ring brandishing his pimp stick (walking cane) and sets to whack Johnson in the back of the head, while Bull fights to keep Cage on the outside. As this is going on Sammy now enters the ring and seeing this, Johnson lets Doll go and meets Sammy with a drop kick just as Streetz swings his cane missing Jared and cracking Doll in the head dropping him. Johnson then pounces on Doll and slaps on the Carolina Cross Face for the win.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Roger Cage and Jared Johnson defeated Sammy the Shark and The New York Doll in 12:21 when Jared Johnson defeated Sammy the Shark by submission with a Carolina Crossface after Streetz accidentally hit Doll with his Cane.

Rating: D-




As Sammy and Streetz try and explain to Doll what happened, Black Hat Bailey, Honest Frank, Lee Wright and Steve Flash come to the ring, with Black Hat picking up the House microphone on the way. “You know something, you bums remind me of a Keystone cops movie…..But before we talk about that….Edward Cornell, why don’t you join us out here.” Cornell makes his way to the ring, looking as puzzled as the rest of Chronic Future as Bailey continues. “You see, while I can appreciate your youthful enthusiasm, the bottom line is this…..The Gas House Gang runs NYCW and you guys are chasing. And just so you know, with embarrassing debacles like this…..the gap between you and us is about as wide as the empty space between Dazzling Dave Diamonds ears. That is why, I am about to give you an opportunity of a lifetime. You may not have noticed, but we (Bailey motions to the rest of the Gang) are not exactly spring chickens and we do need some new blood in the gang…..So, we are offering our experience, our wisdom and our protection to a couple of deserving pledges to insure that the legacy of the Gas House Gang will go on for many, many years to come.”



Streetz: “Yo, yo, yo…..you be tripping fool, look we give da Gas House much respect, but we be doing our own thing here you feel me…..And besides all dat, I got a dis!!”


Streetz pulls a contract out and hands it to Black Hat…


Black Hat: “Look at this, it is a contract, fancy language and signatures and everything. You know something punk, back in the old days of Five Points…A contract was made in blood, two men cut their thumbs and shook hands, they didn’t need all this crap….In fact, they used paper for one thing only……….”


Bailey takes the contract, crumples it and rubs it up and down on his ass, then tears it into a dozen or so pieces and throws it up into the air…. ”Contract voided!! Now, do you guys want to waste your time with a two bit street hustler who isn’t smart enough to pass a urine test, or do you want to have a real future with the kings of New York?”

Rating: E+




Cornell and Doll look at each other……………Then without saying a word step over and stand next to Bailey and Honest Frank. Sammy the Shark looks at Streetz, then steps toward the Gas House Gang as well……


Honest Frank steps forward. ”Whoa, stop right there Sammy, you see our offer was for Cornell and Doll only. The Gas House Gang is only interested talent, not some card shuffling jobber who thinks life is an analogy of gambling terms and parlor tricks. Truth is, you would be nothing but an anchor on this ship. You two have done nothing but screw things up for Cornell and Doll, so get the hell out of our ring and go hustle some tourists at three card Monty out in the alley there.”


Streetz and Sammy look at each other and Streetz raises the microphone again, but Frank cuts him off as the rest of the Gas House Gang surrounds him and Sammy… ”Streetz, the deal is done and you and that dark match Phil Helmuth standing next to you there are cordially invited to leave our ring…..Unless of course, you would like to find out just how much………….The truth hurts!!!”


Steetz and Sammy the Shark meekly turn and leave the ring as the new and improved Gas House Gang mocks their retreat.

Rating: D-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/EdwardCornell.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RegularJoe.jpg

Edward Cornell vs Regular Joe

Surrounded by his new Stable mates Cornell gives his best effort yet, taking the fight to Joe early and sustaining a consistent advantage throughout the match. Regular Joe stops the momentum temporarily with running shoulder block and a series of knee drops to Cornell’s arm, but Fast Eddie takes control again with an up kick and an atomic drop on the top rope. With Joe in a world of hurt, Cornell finishes in style with a wicked black lightning bomb that shakes the ring.

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Edward Cornell defeated Regular Joe in 10:29 by pinfall with a Black Lightning Bomb.

Rating: D-




Jim Force is shown backstage power lifting obscene amounts of weight as he warms up for his match with Richie Riggins. Other wrestlers steer clear as Force slams the weights to the ground, closes his eyes and screams. ”Now I am infused with the strength of the this iron…its power has become mine and now I become…..unstoppable!”


As Force walks by Dazzling Dave Diamond whispers to Kentucky Bill. “You know partner, if I ever get to needing a five letter word for plum loco on this Crossword puzzle, remind me to try Force. He does look like a fun guy to party with though, hey, reckon we should invite him over for a couple of fire brewed Stroh's after the show.”

Rating: C-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/JimForce.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RichieRiggins.jpg

Jim Force vs Richie Riggins

Force hits the ring and explodes on Riggins as NYCW audiences are treated to his high impact style for the first time. Force basically just overpowers Riggins, who fights back but can’t seem to faze his maniacal opponent and ultimately just seems to make him angry. Force nails a brutal clothesline, press slams Riggins, then finishes the squash with a Full Force.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jim Force defeated Richie Riggins in 6:43 by pinfall with a Full Force.

Rating: D-




Jim Force stands shaking the ropes as his music plays following the win, when Flash and Bailey hit the ring. They take Force down with a punishing array of punches and kicks, though the more they beat on him the more he seems to like it. They pick Force up and propel him into the ropes and attempt a double clothesline, which he ducks, then nails both of then on the rebound with his massive arms. The Gas House Gangsters roll from the ring and head for the safety of the locker room as Force stands seething in the ring.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Honest Frank

Diamond tears himself away from his crossword puzzle and runs into a buzz saw in Frank, who is still angry about last month’s loss to Southern Comfort. He catches Triple D coming through the ropes and commences to beat him down as the bell rings. Diamond weathers the storm and shows he can fight dirty as well, distracting Frank by playing air guitar in front of him, then scoring with a kick to the groin. Diamond then hits a bulldog and hoists Frank up for the dazzle driver, when Lee Wright appears and spits on Diamond, who promptly drops Frank and goes after Wright, who beats a hasty retreat to the back. Frank plays possum in the ring, remaining on his hands and knees as Triple D reenters. As Diamond goes to pick Frank up, he takes a shoulder to the mid-section, followed by a gourd buster. Frank runs his thumb across his throat, and then buries Diamond with the Frank N Hurter to take the win and earn another shot at the Tag belts for himself and Lee Wright.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Honest Frank defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 12:11 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter after a distraction from Lee Wright.

Rating: D




Whistler comes through the crowd to massive cheers and calls for the Gas House Gang, who show themselves at the entrance to the back. “Let it never be said that I do not stand for justice and will stop at nothing to see it realized. Last month I brought you Jim Force, so what do you do? You go recruit a couple and snot nosed, disrespectful punks to join your might gang. I have news for you all, your gang will never be more powerful than the things that true patriotic Americans fight and die for. So tip the scales all you want, because next month I am going to balance them up again….You see I have another surprise in store for all of you next month and I can promise you these……….When he gets here, there will be nowhere you can escape……the madness!”


Herb Stately: “Yawn…..Shouldn’t he be home waxing his flagpole?”

Rating: D+




Black Hat Bailey steps forward to address Whistler. “You know the reason you are ‘retired’ from wrestling Whistler? Because you are stupid, you were outsmarted time and again in the ring by us. We burned your flag, cracked your head open and ended your career as a wrestler. So now you go on this almighty quest to dig freaks and geeks up from around the country like that walking Picasso Jim Force to teach us a lesson….Well here is a lesson for you!! Some muscle bound freak who finger paints his face, and probably ate his share of paint chips as a child, is not going to take us down with his magical star wars powers! Now you talk about how we won’t be able to escape from the madness you have in store for us next month…..Well guess what ya bum, we eat, breath and sleep madness and welcome it…..We run this City and we will run you and every one of your pledge of allegiance spouting pals right the hell out of here! So keep ‘em coming and we’ll keep knocking ‘em down!”

Rating: D-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RayneMan.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/StevenParker.jpg

Rayne Man vs Steven Parker – Number one contenders match – Last Man Standing

The stakes are high in this match and it shows in the effort of both men as the action is fast and furious to start off, as the wrestlers exhilarate the crowd with brilliant transitions and some breath taking high spots. Rayne Man finally gets control with rolling senton and a 360 leg drop off the top rope. The action then slowed as Rayne Man worked a rear Chin lock that had Parker in agony. The Show Stealer finally broke the hold with a poke to the eyes and went on the offensive with a series of suplexes and a big splash in the corner, before choking Rayne Man with the tag rope. Referee Bull pulled Parker back and Rayne Man exploded out of the corner, dropping Parker with a wicked right hand and then hitting a Piledriver, to set up the Rayne Drop. As Parker struggled to squirm free, he caught Bull in the chops with his leg, dropping him. Just then Roderick Remus hits the ring and takes Rayne Man’s knee out. Both Wrestlers double team Rayne Man and as Bull begins to regain his senses, Remus rools out of the ring and slides a steel chair under the ropes. Parker hits a Future Shock on top of the chair and Rayne Man is unable to regain his feet by the count of 10, giving Parker the win and a February shot at the winner of tonight’s main event for the Empire Belt.

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Steven Parker defeated Rayne Man in 21:08 when Rayne Man could not beat a ten count following a Future Shock after interference from Roderick Remus.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DonnieJ.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HandsomeStranger.jpg

Donnie J © vs Handsome Stranger – Ladder match for the NYCW Empire Championship

Both men stare at the Empire belt above the 12 foot ladder as the bell rings. Circling, they come together in a collar and elbow tie up and Handsome Stranger hits a kick to the groin and goes straight for the ladder, slamming it on Donnie J’s head. Handsome Stranger then lays the boots and delivers a baseball slide to knock the Champion from the ring. Setting up the ladder, Stranger starts to climb and reaches the top rung before Donnie J dives into the ladder, propelling Stranger over the top rope. As Donnie J sets the ladder up, Handsome Stranger gets back into the ring and yanks him off as he starts to climb. The tide turns frequently as both men take turns using the ladder as a weapon, with Handsome Stranger body slamming Donnie on to it and the Champion coming back later to plant Handsome Stranger on the unforgiving steel with a suplex. With both men battered and bloody, Handsome Stranger rams the ladder into Donnie J’s face, leaving him down and out in the corner. Setting it up again, Handsome Stranger slowly starts his ascent as Donnie struggles to gain his feet. As Stranger reaches the top, Donnie grabs him by the leg and starts up behind him. At the top, both wrestlers grapple for position, when Donnie hits a Death on Miami Beach out of nowhere from the top of the ladder!!! Handsome Stranger lies motionless as Donnie makes it to the top to retrieve his Empire Title belt.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Donnie J defeated Handsome Stranger in a Ladder match in 18:33 when Donnie J retrieved the Empire Belt. Donnie J makes defense number 7 of his NYCW Empire title.

Rating: D



Overall Rating: D Attendance: 772 Gate: $6,948 – Increased popularity



Not really happy with our attendance drop, but I expect it to pick up next month at Rumble in the Bronx. The potential for Force is huge and as I ponder his future push, the man himself corners me.


Force: “It is definitely aligning Ace, tonight I felt like I was juxtaposed amongst the fans, my thoughts were their thoughts and the vibe was overwhelming and intense. They were alive and I felt as though we all shared the same aura, an energy that could not be denied, what a rush…..I am stoked about this Terry, thank you for signing me to your company…..Mr. Dave Diamond has been gracious enough to extend an invitation to partake of a cold Stroh’s or two, perhaps you can join in and engage in some deep and stimulating conversation with us.”


Me: “Wow, that sounds fun Jim, but I have to square up here, I am sure you and Dave will find plenty to talk about, hey if you are good at Crossword puzzles I am sure he could use your help on one he has been working on for about three months now.”


Force: “No time for such folly, as the sphere of the intellect cannot be contained by the boundaries of a book’s cover. Now that buffet table…..that is inspiring. Take it easy Terry.”


I was beginning to realize why Force played his gimmick so well…..It was really not much of a stretch and I think Herb Stately probably said it best when Force debuted, he really was Bat S**t crazy. As I sat there the thought of seeing Force and Triple D engaged in deep conversation did intrigue me for a moment as they definitely swam in opposite ends of the gene pool, but in the end I decided some curiosities were best left unexplored.



Quick Picks (This Show / Overall)

Dragonmack – 5/5

Chriskid – 5/5

BgBuff – 4/5

BHK1978 – 5/5

Smurhpy1014 – 4/5

Critical-23 – 4/5

John Lions – 5/5

Pink Stranger – 4/5

Jingo – 5/5

Krob626 – 5/5


Thanks to all who predicted, you guys owned me this month as evidenced by 6 perfect scores, congrats to all that nailed all 5 matches. The only real trip up match was the Triple D / Honest Frank match, with the others being fairly predictable due to issues between the wrestlers (Doll and Sammy) or the logical progression of the next Title challenger (Parker) – I had to shake up the Chronic future stable as Sammy and Streetz were dead weight and I feel Cornell and Doll will benefit more from the veteran presence in the Gas House Gang. I am curious how you guys thought the tension between Doll and Sammy would play out, and if anybody thought the stable would split up or maybe just boot Sammy?

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Good show. I thought Doll and Cornell might turn face. I liked the surprise of them joining The Gas House Gang instead. I enjoy tension between heels (or between faces) since it seems more realistic. The Moguls' alliance with the gang will probably benefit them.


Thanks, I am hoping the GHG affiliation helps elevate them, since I am really lacking on quality Tag teams right now......


I am really wondering what I am going to do with Sammy now, he may just become a stepping stone and I may use Rick Sanders as one of the main mid card Heels, since at least he can benefit the younger workers in terms of improvement.

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I found the best thing to do with Sammy is treat him as a long term project. He isn't likely to be more than opening or lower midcard fodder for your first few years, but as long as you keep putting him in stuff where he can improve, even if its just pre show battleroyals with some skilled workers, he should become a solid midcarder for you by the time you are pushing cult and doing weekly shows or tv. In short, have him lose, and lose a lot, but try to keep him going against people he can improve off of.
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I found the best thing to do with Sammy is treat him as a long term project. He isn't likely to be more than opening or lower midcard fodder for your first few years, but as long as you keep putting him in stuff where he can improve, even if its just pre show battleroyals with some skilled workers, he should become a solid midcarder for you by the time you are pushing cult and doing weekly shows or tv. In short, have him lose, and lose a lot, but try to keep him going against people he can improve off of.


Good Idea and it fits with the current storyline involving the breakup of the Chronic Future Stable too, Sammy turned on his Partner, was betrayed by Cornell and Doll and now has no allies in NYCW, so he becomes fodder for the top guys. You are like my NYCW Yoda DM. "Job him you will" :)

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The sun peaks over the Brooklyn skyline and in a musty office a familiar scene was unfolding




Stomper: “What the hell happened to our attendance last show? 772 people are you kidding me, down almost 200 from December.”


Me: “But we made a profit of $16.195.00 in January and have almost 150K in the bank….”


Stomper: “And if Hell had a topless beach it would be a tourist attraction!”


Me: “What does that even mean?”


Stomper: “It means I want to start selling out the damn Ministry and maximizing our profits, hell can’t you put on a compelling enough show to bring people back? We were 54 Asses away from 1000 at Holiday Havoc and we drop to 772 for Rush Hour, what the hell?”


Me: “Well, it was right after the Holidays and maybe people didn’t have the money, I am sure we will be back up this month.”


Stomper: “That’s your problem Terry, you always have an excuse. In this business you need to be able to sell Ice Cream to Eskimos, just get it fixed. I need to lie down and take a nap, be quiet and leave me the lineup for Rumble in the Bronx on the table when you go.”


Me: “Uncle Derek, its 7:30 in the morning and you’re taking a nap?”


Stomper: “If you must know I didn’t get much sleep last night, ran into an old lady friend and well, none of your damn business, just make sure I am not disturbed!!”


I wanted to needle my Uncle, but knew if I continued to get him riled up he would only stay up and make my morning miserable, so I watched him settle in and put my cell phone on vibrate as I went back to work on my booking notes. No sooner had I done that than my cell began to vibrate….


Me: “Hello?.........Oh hi Jim how are you?…………..Oh you did, well I am just finishing up notes for the show right now……………….Can you come by and chat? Well sure I guess so, I mean who would I be to question any vibe you got…………………………..Well, I will actually be gone by then, but my Uncle Derek will be here and I know he has mentioned how interesting you are………Oh yeah, he loves talking to you, wait hold on Jim.”


I put my hand over the mouthpiece and tried to stifle the chuckle about to bust out as I thought about how funny what I was about to do would be………..If only I would be here to see it.


“Hi Jim, sorry, I was just letting my Uncle know you would be stopping by, he said that would be great…………….Yeah, he is excited too, listen he said he may be taking a nap around 9, but said you can just wake him up when you get here………………………Sounds good, see you later.”


With that, I finished the card up, left a copy on the table for Uncle Derek and headed out……. Oh if only we had security cameras in here. The look on Uncle Derek’s face when Jim Force wakes him up and starts going off on some inane tangent before he can even sit up would be well worth any punishment he would dole out to me later as a result of setting him up with the Force.




Quick Picks

Donnie J © vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Championship


Steve Flash vs Jim Force


Rayne Man vs Roderick Remus


Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson


Southern Comfort © vs Lee Wright and Honest Frank – NYCW Tag Team Championship

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Quick Picks

Donnie J © vs Steven Parker – NYCW Empire Championship

Donnie has had a long reign, I just don't think Parker is quite ready to be the figurehead yet.


Steve Flash vs Jim Force

So Flash can challenge next month


Rayne Man vs Roderick Remus

More over = win


Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson

Sammy's training begins


Southern Comfort © vs Lee Wright and Honest Frank – NYCW Tag Team Championship

I hate having Frank lose here, but Wright has got to be close to retiring

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