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Overcoming the Language Barrier

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So I'm trying to play as a popularity/performance hybrid company, and some of the better available young talents are Japanese. The problem is, they don't speak English, which puts a damper on their mic work. So how do you move a feud along, when one guy can't talk on camera? There's only so many times you can match them, and backstage attacks get tired after a while. So do you stick them with a manager, and have them talk for them, or wait for them to learn English, or just try to find ways to work around not knowing the language? And how long does it take for a worker newly imported to learn English?
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I use Burning Taka****a (EXILE) regularly, and at first he only spoke Japanese so I brought in another Japanese so that he wouldn't be lonely (Fumihiro Ota)


Eventually, Ota left. But Taka****a doesn't seem to mind. He seems to have aclimated well to QPW, he doesn't even request his travel expenses be paid when I renew his short term contract anymore.

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